import {Feature} from '../feature'; import { addClass, createCheckItem, createText, createElm, elm, getText, removeClass, tag } from '../dom'; import {has} from '../array'; import {matchCase, trim, rgxEsc} from '../string'; import {ignoreCase, numSortAsc, numSortDesc} from '../sort'; import {addEvt, removeEvt, targetEvt} from '../event'; import {isEmpty} from '../types'; import {CHECKLIST, NONE} from '../const'; const SORT_ERROR = 'Filter options for column {0} cannot be sorted in ' + '{1} manner.'; /** * Checklist filter UI component */ export class CheckList extends Feature { /** * Creates an instance of CheckList * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf) { super(tf, 'checkList'); let f = this.config; /** * List of container DOM elements * @type {Array} */ this.containers = []; /** * Css class for the container of the checklist filter (div) * @type {String} */ this.containerCssClass = f.div_checklist_css_class || 'div_checklist'; /** * Css class for the checklist filter element (ul) * @type {String} */ this.filterCssClass = f.checklist_css_class || 'flt_checklist'; /** * Css class for the item of a checklist (li) * @type {String} */ this.itemCssClass = f.checklist_item_css_class || 'flt_checklist_item'; /** * Css class for a selected item of a checklist (li) * @type {String} */ this.selectedItemCssClass = f.checklist_selected_item_css_class || 'flt_checklist_slc_item'; /** * Text placed in the filter's container when load filter on demand * feature is enabled * @type {String} */ this.activateText = f.activate_checklist_text || 'Click to load filter data'; /** * Css class for a disabled item of a checklist (li) * @type {String} */ this.disabledItemCssClass = f.checklist_item_disabled_css_class || 'flt_checklist_item_disabled'; /** * Enable the reset filter option as first item * @type {Boolean} */ this.enableResetOption = f.enable_checklist_reset_filter === false ? false : true; /** * Prefix for container element ID * @type {String} * @private */ this.prfx = 'chkdiv_'; /** * Has custom options * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.isCustom = false; /** * List of options values * @type {Array} * @private */ this.opts = []; /** * List of options texts for custom values * @type {Array} * @private */ this.optsTxt = []; /** * List of options to be excluded from the checklist filter * @type {Array} * @private */ this.excludedOpts = []; } /** * Checklist option click event handler * @param {Event} evt */ optionClick(evt) { let elm = targetEvt(evt); let tf =; this.emitter.emit('filter-focus', tf, elm); this.setCheckListValues(elm); tf.filter(); } /** * Checklist container click event handler for load-on-demand feature * @param {Event} evt */ onCheckListClick(evt) { let elm = targetEvt(evt); if ( && elm.getAttribute('filled') === '0') { let ct = elm.getAttribute('ct'); let div = this.containers[ct];; removeEvt(div, 'click', (evt) => this.onCheckListClick(evt)); } } /** * Initialize checklist filter * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} isExternal External filter flag * @param {DOMElement} container Dom element containing the filter */ init(colIndex, isExternal, container) { let tf =; let externalFltTgtId = isExternal ? tf.externalFltTgtIds[colIndex] : null; let divCont = createElm('div', ['id', `${this.prfx}${colIndex}_${}`], ['ct', colIndex], ['filled', '0']); divCont.className = this.containerCssClass; //filter is appended in desired element if (externalFltTgtId) { elm(externalFltTgtId).appendChild(divCont); } else { container.appendChild(divCont); } this.containers[colIndex] = divCont; tf.fltIds.push(tf.buildFilterId(colIndex)); if (!tf.loadFltOnDemand) {; } else { addEvt(divCont, 'click', (evt) => this.onCheckListClick(evt)); divCont.appendChild(createText(this.activateText)); } this.emitter.on( ['build-checklist-filter'], (tf, colIndex) => ); this.emitter.on( ['select-checklist-options'], (tf, colIndex, values) => this.selectOptions(colIndex, values) ); /** * @inherited */ this.initialized = true; } /** * Build checklist UI * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ build(colIndex) { let tf =; colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10); this.emitter.emit('before-populating-filter', tf, colIndex); this.opts = []; this.optsTxt = []; let flt = this.containers[colIndex]; let ul = createElm('ul', ['id', tf.fltIds[colIndex]], ['colIndex', colIndex]); ul.className = this.filterCssClass; let rows = tf.tbl.rows; let nbRows = tf.getRowsNb(true); let caseSensitive = tf.caseSensitive; this.isCustom = tf.isCustomOptions(colIndex); let activeIdx; let activeFilterId = tf.getActiveFilterId(); if (tf.linkedFilters && activeFilterId) { activeIdx = tf.getColumnIndexFromFilterId(activeFilterId); } let filteredDataCol = []; if (tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { this.excludedOpts = []; } flt.innerHTML = ''; for (let k = tf.refRow; k < nbRows; k++) { // always visible rows don't need to appear on selects as always // valid if (tf.hasVisibleRows && tf.visibleRows.indexOf(k) !== -1) { continue; } let cells = rows[k].cells; let ncells = cells.length; // checks if row has exact cell # if (ncells !== tf.nbCells || this.isCustom) { continue; } // this loop retrieves cell data for (let j = 0; j < ncells; j++) { // WTF: cyclomatic complexity hell :) if ((colIndex === j && (!tf.linkedFilters || (tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions))) || (colIndex === j && tf.linkedFilters && ((rows[k].style.display === '' && !tf.paging) || (tf.paging && ((!activeIdx || activeIdx === colIndex) || (activeIdx !== colIndex && tf.validRowsIndex.indexOf(k) !== -1)))))) { let cellData = tf.getCellData(cells[j]); //Vary Peter's patch let cellString = matchCase(cellData, caseSensitive); // checks if celldata is already in array if (!has(this.opts, cellString, caseSensitive)) { this.opts.push(cellData); } let filteredCol = filteredDataCol[j]; if (tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { if (!filteredCol) { filteredCol = tf.getFilteredDataCol(j); } if (!has(filteredCol, cellString, caseSensitive) && !has(this.excludedOpts, cellString, caseSensitive)) { this.excludedOpts.push(cellData); } } } } } //Retrieves custom values if (this.isCustom) { let customValues = tf.getCustomOptions(colIndex); this.opts = customValues[0]; this.optsTxt = customValues[1]; } if (tf.sortSlc && !this.isCustom) { if (!caseSensitive) { this.opts.sort(ignoreCase); if (this.excludedOpts) { this.excludedOpts.sort(ignoreCase); } } else { this.opts.sort(); if (this.excludedOpts) { this.excludedOpts.sort(); } } } //asc sort if (tf.sortNumAsc.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortAsc); if (this.excludedOpts) { this.excludedOpts.sort(numSortAsc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortAsc); } } catch (e) { throw new Error(SORT_ERROR.replace('{0}', colIndex) .replace('{1}', 'ascending')); }//in case there are alphanumeric values } //desc sort if (tf.sortNumDesc.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortDesc); if (this.excludedOpts) { this.excludedOpts.sort(numSortDesc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortDesc); } } catch (e) { throw new Error(SORT_ERROR.replace('{0}', colIndex) .replace('{1}', 'descending')); }//in case there are alphanumeric values } this.addChecks(colIndex, ul); if (tf.loadFltOnDemand) { flt.innerHTML = ''; } flt.appendChild(ul); flt.setAttribute('filled', '1'); this.emitter.emit('after-populating-filter', tf, colIndex, flt); } /** * Add checklist options * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Object} ul Ul element * @private */ addChecks(colIndex, ul) { let tf =; let chkCt = this.addTChecks(colIndex, ul); for (let y = 0; y < this.opts.length; y++) { let val = this.opts[y]; //item value let lbl = this.isCustom ? this.optsTxt[y] : val; //item text let fltId = tf.fltIds[colIndex]; let li = createCheckItem(`${fltId}_${(y + chkCt)}`, /*tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_' + (y + chkCt),*/ val, lbl); li.className = this.itemCssClass; if (tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions && has(this.excludedOpts, matchCase(val, tf.caseSensitive), tf.caseSensitive)) { addClass(li, this.disabledItemCssClass); li.check.disabled = true; li.disabled = true; } else { addEvt(li.check, 'click', evt => this.optionClick(evt)); } ul.appendChild(li); if (val === '') { //item is hidden = NONE; } } } /** * Add checklist header option * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Object} ul Ul element * @private */ addTChecks(colIndex, ul) { let tf =; let chkCt = 1; let fltId = tf.fltIds[colIndex]; let li0 = createCheckItem(`${fltId}_0`, '', tf.displayAllText); li0.className = this.itemCssClass; ul.appendChild(li0); addEvt(li0.check, 'click', evt => this.optionClick(evt)); if (!this.enableResetOption) { = NONE; } if (tf.enableEmptyOption) { let li1 = createCheckItem(`${fltId}_1`, tf.emOperator, tf.emptyText); li1.className = this.itemCssClass; ul.appendChild(li1); addEvt(li1.check, 'click', evt => this.optionClick(evt)); chkCt++; } if (tf.enableNonEmptyOption) { let li2 = createCheckItem(`${fltId}_2`, tf.nmOperator, tf.nonEmptyText); li2.className = this.itemCssClass; ul.appendChild(li2); addEvt(li2.check, 'click', evt => this.optionClick(evt)); chkCt++; } return chkCt; } /** * Store checked options in DOM element attribute * @param {Object} o checklist option DOM element * @private */ setCheckListValues(o) { if (!o) { return; } let tf =; let chkValue = o.value; //checked item value // TODO: provide helper to extract column index, ugly! let chkIndex = parseInt('_')[2], 10); let colIdx = tf.getColumnIndexFromFilterId(; let itemTag = 'LI'; let n = tf.getFilterElement(parseInt(colIdx, 10)); let li = n.childNodes[chkIndex]; let colIndex = n.getAttribute('colIndex'); let fltValue = n.getAttribute('value'); //filter value (ul tag) let fltIndexes = n.getAttribute('indexes'); //selected items (ul tag) if (o.checked) { //show all item if (chkValue === '') { if ((fltIndexes && fltIndexes !== '')) { //items indexes let indSplit = fltIndexes.split(tf.separator); //checked items loop for (let u = 0; u < indSplit.length; u++) { //checked item let cChk = elm(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_' + indSplit[u]); if (cChk) { cChk.checked = false; removeClass(n.childNodes[indSplit[u]], this.selectedItemCssClass); } } } n.setAttribute('value', ''); n.setAttribute('indexes', ''); } else { fltValue = (fltValue) ? fltValue : ''; chkValue = trim(fltValue + ' ' + chkValue + ' ' + tf.orOperator); chkIndex = fltIndexes + chkIndex + tf.separator; n.setAttribute('value', chkValue); n.setAttribute('indexes', chkIndex); //1st option unchecked if (elm(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_0')) { elm(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_0').checked = false; } } if (li.nodeName === itemTag) { removeClass(n.childNodes[0], this.selectedItemCssClass); addClass(li, this.selectedItemCssClass); } } else { //removes values and indexes if (chkValue !== '') { let replaceValue = new RegExp( rgxEsc(chkValue + ' ' + tf.orOperator)); fltValue = fltValue.replace(replaceValue, ''); n.setAttribute('value', trim(fltValue)); let replaceIndex = new RegExp( rgxEsc(chkIndex + tf.separator)); fltIndexes = fltIndexes.replace(replaceIndex, ''); n.setAttribute('indexes', fltIndexes); } if (li.nodeName === itemTag) { removeClass(li, this.selectedItemCssClass); } } } /** * Select filter options programmatically * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Array} values Array of option values to select */ selectOptions(colIndex, values = []) { let tf =; let flt = tf.getFilterElement(colIndex); if (tf.getFilterType(colIndex) !== CHECKLIST || !flt) { return; } let lisNb = tag(flt, 'li').length; flt.setAttribute('value', ''); flt.setAttribute('indexes', ''); for (let k = 0; k < lisNb; k++) { let li = tag(flt, 'li')[k]; let lbl = tag(li, 'label')[0]; let chk = tag(li, 'input')[0]; let lblTxt = matchCase(getText(lbl), tf.caseSensitive); if (lblTxt !== '' && has(values, lblTxt, tf.caseSensitive)) { chk.checked = true; } else { // Check non-empty-text or empty-text option if (values.indexOf(tf.nmOperator) !== -1 && lblTxt === matchCase(tf.nonEmptyText, tf.caseSensitive)) { chk.checked = true; } else if (values.indexOf(tf.emOperator) !== -1 && lblTxt === matchCase(tf.emptyText, tf.caseSensitive)) { chk.checked = true; } else { chk.checked = false; } } this.setCheckListValues(chk); } } /** * Get filter values for a given column index * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @returns {Array} values Collection of selected values */ getValues(colIndex) { let tf =; let flt = tf.getFilterElement(colIndex); let fltAttr = flt.getAttribute('value'); let values = isEmpty(fltAttr) ? '' : fltAttr; //removes last operator || values = values.substr(0, values.length - 3); //turn || separated values into array values = values.split(' ' + tf.orOperator + ' '); return values; } /** * Destroy CheckList instance */ destroy() { ['build-checklist-filter'], (tf, colIndex, isExternal) =>, isExternal) ); ['select-checklist-options'], (tf, colIndex, values) => this.selectOptions(colIndex, values) ); } }