import Dom from '../dom'; import Event from '../event'; export class Help{ /** * Help UI component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf){ // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); //id of custom container element for instructions this.tgtId = f.help_instructions_target_id || null; //id of custom container element for instructions this.contTgtId = f.help_instructions_container_target_id || null; //defines help text this.instrText = f.help_instructions_text ? f.help_instructions_text : 'Use the filters above each column to filter and limit table ' + 'data. Avanced searches can be performed by using the following ' + 'operators:
<, <=, >, ' + '>=, =, *, !, {, }, ' + '||,&&, [empty], [nonempty], ' + 'rgx:
Learn more:
' + '' + 'koalyptus/TableFilter/wiki/4.-Filter-operators
'; //defines help innerHtml this.instrHtml = f.help_instructions_html || null; //defines reset button text this.btnText = f.help_instructions_btn_text || '?'; //defines reset button innerHtml this.btnHtml = f.help_instructions_btn_html || null; //defines css class for help button this.btnCssClass = f.help_instructions_btn_css_class || 'helpBtn'; //defines css class for help container this.contCssClass = f.help_instructions_container_css_class || 'helpCont'; //help button element this.btn = null; //help content div this.cont = null; this.defaultHtml = '

TableFilter ' + 'v. '+ tf.version +'

' + '' + '
©2015-'+ tf.year +' Max Guglielmi.' + '
' + 'Close
'; //id prefix for help elements this.prfxHelpSpan = 'helpSpan_'; //id prefix for help elements this.prfxHelpDiv = 'helpDiv_'; = tf; } init(){ if(this.btn){ return; } var tf =; var helpspan = Dom.create('span',['id',]); var helpdiv = Dom.create('div',['id',]); //help button is added to defined element if(!this.tgtId){ tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.tgtId ? tf.rDiv :; targetEl.appendChild(helpspan); var divContainer = !this.contTgtId ? helpspan :; if(!this.btnHtml){ divContainer.appendChild(helpdiv); var helplink = Dom.create('a', ['href', 'javascript:void(0);']); helplink.className = this.btnCssClass; helplink.appendChild(Dom.text(this.btnText)); helpspan.appendChild(helplink); Event.add(helplink, 'click', () => { this.toggle(); }); } else { helpspan.innerHTML = this.btnHtml; var helpEl = helpspan.firstChild; Event.add(helpEl, 'click', () => { this.toggle(); }); divContainer.appendChild(helpdiv); } if(!this.instrHtml){ helpdiv.innerHTML = this.instrText; helpdiv.className = this.contCssClass; Event.add(helpdiv, 'dblclick', () => { this.toggle(); }); } else { if(this.contTgtId){ divContainer.appendChild(helpdiv); } helpdiv.innerHTML = this.instrHtml; if(!this.contTgtId){ helpdiv.className = this.contCssClass; Event.add(helpdiv, 'dblclick', () => { this.toggle(); }); } } helpdiv.innerHTML += this.defaultHtml; Event.add(helpdiv, 'click', () => { this.toggle(); }); this.cont = helpdiv; this.btn = helpspan; } /** * Toggle help pop-up */ toggle(){ if(!this.cont){ return; } var divDisplay =; if(divDisplay==='' || divDisplay==='none'){ = 'inline'; // TODO: use CSS instead for element positioning // var btnLeft = Dom.position(this.btn).left; // if(!this.contTgtId){ // = // (btnLeft - this.cont.clientWidth + 25) + 'px'; // } } else { = 'none'; } } /** * Remove help UI */ destroy(){ if(!this.btn){ return; } this.btn.parentNode.removeChild(this.btn); this.btn = null; if(!this.cont){ return; } this.cont.parentNode.removeChild(this.cont); this.cont = null; } }