var id = function (id){ return document.getElementById(id); }; var tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_3: 'checklist', load_filters_on_demand: false }); tf.init(); var checkList = tf.feature('checkList'); module('Sanity checks'); test('CheckList component', function() { deepEqual(typeof checkList, 'object', 'CheckList instanciated'); deepEqual(checkList.containers instanceof Array, true, 'Type of containers property'); }); module('UI elements'); test('CheckList UI elements', function() { var flt = id(tf.fltIds[3]); notEqual(flt, null, 'CheckList UL element'); deepEqual(flt.firstChild.nodeName, 'LI', 'First CheckList option element name'); deepEqual(flt.childNodes.length, 8, 'number of checklist options'); }); module('Behaviour'); test('Can filter on checkList item click', function() { var flt3 = tf.getFilterElement(3); var evObj = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evObj.initEvent('click', true, true); tf.setFilterValue(3, '1.1'); flt3.querySelectorAll('input')[1].dispatchEvent(evObj); deepEqual(tf.getValidRows().length, 1, 'Table filtered'); deepEqual(tf.getFilteredData()[0][1][3], '1.1', 'Matched value'); }); test('Can refresh all drop-down filters', function() { //setup tf.clearFilters(); var build =; var hit = 0; = function() { hit++ }; //act checkList.refreshAll(); //assert deepEqual(hit, 1, 'build method called'); = build; }); test('Can select options', function() { tf.clearFilters(); var flt1 = id(tf.fltIds[3]); checkList.selectOptions(3, ['1.4', '.6']); notEqual(flt1.getAttribute('value').indexOf('1.4'), -1, 'Option selected'); notEqual(flt1.getAttribute('value').indexOf('.6'), -1, 'Option selected'); }); test('Can get selected values', function() { //setup var values = ['.6', '1.4']; tf.clearFilters(); tf.setFilterValue(3, values); //act var result = checkList.getValues(3); //assert deepEqual(values, result); }); test('Can return values when no selected options', function() { //setup tf.clearFilters(); //act var result = checkList.getValues(3); //assert deepEqual([''], result); }); test('Can return values checklist element has no value attribute', function() { //setup tf.getFilterElement(3).removeAttribute('value'); //act var result = checkList.getValues(3); //assert deepEqual([''], result); }); // Issue 113, addressing option sorting for numeric values module('Options sorting'); test('Can sort options', function() { tf.clearFilters(); tf.destroy(); tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_2: 'checklist', col_3: 'checklist', col_4: 'checklist', sort_num_asc: [2, 3], sort_num_desc: [4] }); tf.init(); var flt2 = id(tf.fltIds[2]); var flt3 = id(tf.fltIds[3]); var flt4 = id(tf.fltIds[4]); deepEqual( flt2.getElementsByTagName('li')[1].firstChild.firstChild.value, '286', 'First option value for column 2' ); deepEqual( flt2.getElementsByTagName('li')[7].firstChild.firstChild.value, '2781', 'Last option value for column 2' ); deepEqual( flt3.getElementsByTagName('li')[1].firstChild.firstChild.value, '.6', 'First option value for column 3' ); deepEqual( flt3.getElementsByTagName('li')[7].firstChild.firstChild.value, '3.1', 'Last option value for column 3' ); deepEqual( flt4.getElementsByTagName('li')[1].firstChild.firstChild.value, '40', 'First option value for column 4' ); deepEqual( flt4.getElementsByTagName('li')[7].firstChild.firstChild.value, '4.3', 'Last option value for column 4' ); }); // Issue 238, empty and non-empty options cannot be selected module('Empty and non-empty options'); test('Can select empty and non-empty options', function() { // setup tf.clearFilters(); tf.destroy(); tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_2: 'checklist', col_3: 'checklist', enable_empty_option: true, enable_non_empty_option: true }); tf.init(); var checkList = tf.feature('checkList'); var flt2 = tf.getFilterElement(2); var flt3 = tf.getFilterElement(3); // act checkList.selectOptions(2, [tf.emOperator, tf.nmOperator]); checkList.selectOptions(3, [tf.emOperator, tf.nmOperator, '1.4']); // assert deepEqual(checkList.getValues(2), [tf.emOperator, tf.nmOperator], 'Filter 2 empty and non-empty options selected'); notEqual(flt2.getAttribute('value').indexOf(tf.emOperator), -1, 'Filter 2 options values attribute'); notEqual(flt2.getAttribute('value').indexOf(tf.nmOperator), -1, 'Filter 2 options values attribute'); deepEqual(checkList.getValues(3), [tf.emOperator, tf.nmOperator, '1.4'], 'Filter 3 options selected'); notEqual(flt3.getAttribute('value').indexOf(tf.emOperator), -1, 'Filter 3 options values attribute'); notEqual(flt3.getAttribute('value').indexOf(tf.nmOperator), -1, 'Filter 3 options values attribute'); }); module('Tear down'); test('TableFilter removed', function() { tf.destroy(); deepEqual(id(tf.fltIds[3]), null, 'CheckList UL element'); deepEqual( tf.feature('checkList').initialized, false, 'CheckList not initialised' ); });