TableFilter =========================== Filter HTML tables data easily TableFilter is a modernised version of the ``HTML Table Filter generator`` plugin. This script adds to any html table a "filter by column" feature that enables users to filter and limit the data displayed within a long table. By default, the script automatically adds a filter grid bar at the top of the desired table. ##Features * Convert a regular HTML table into an advanced grid component providing: * Advanced columns filtering model * Sorting and pagination facilities * Complete selection model (addon) * Extended keyboard navigation (addon) * Inline cell or row editing (addon) * Row insertion or deleting (addon) * And even more behaviors... * Attach to an existing HTML table * Integration with any server-side technology as this is a pure client-side solution * Callbacks for all events, and delegates for most actions * Exhaustive documentation and API * Valuable support provided under a Premium request ##Setup Copy the ``tablefilter`` directory under ``dist`` and place it at desired location in your project. Then include the bundle js file in your page: ```shell ``` Place the following snippet just under the HTML table and always define a ``base_path`` property in the configuration object to reflect the path to the script ```shell ``` ##Development If you are not familiar with ``Grunt`` visit this page: []( Once ``Grunt`` is sorted out you can follow the instructions below. Start by installing any dependencies. ```shell npm install ``` Use the Grunt ``dev`` task to launch a build / watch cycle and start the local sever on port ``8080``: ```shell grunt dev ``` Use the ``build`` task to generate a production build: ```shell grunt build ``` The ``default`` Grunt task will create a production build and also run the tests: ```shell grunt ``` To run all the tests: ```shell grunt test ``` and to run specific test(s): ```shell grunt test-only:test.html grunt test-only:test.html,test-sort.html ``` ## Support * GitHub for reporting bugs and feature requests. ## License MIT ## Documentation ### Configuration #### Filters appearance
Property Type Description Remarks Example
base_path string defines the path to the script's directory (default: 'TableFilter/') var tfConfig = { base_path: 'myDir/' }
stylesheet string defines the global stylesheet (default: 'filtergrid.css') var tfConfig = { stylesheet: 'myDir/myStylesheet.css' }
filters_cell_tag string specifies the tag of the cell containing a filter ('td' / 'th') var tfConfig = { filters_cell_tag: 'th' }
col_widths array this property defines column widths. It accepts an array containing width values (['150px','10%']) var tfConfig = { col_widths: ["150px","15%",null,null] }
inf_div_css_class string defines the css class of div containing paging elements, rows counter etc. This div contains the paging elements, subdivided in 3 divs (left, middle and right). var tfConfig = { inf_div_css_class: "myclass" }
left_div_css_class string defines the css class of left div This div contains the rows counter var tfConfig = { left_div_css_class: "myclass" }
right_div_css_class string defines the css class of right div This div contains the Clear button and the results per page drop-down list if paging is enabled var tfConfig = { right_div_css_class: "myclass" }
middle_div_css_class string defines the css class of middle div This div contains the pages drop-down list and paging navigation buttons var tfConfig = { middle_div_css_class: "myclass" }
flts_row_css_class string defines the css class of filters row var tfConfig = { flts_row_css_class: "myclass" }
flt_css_class string defines the css class of filters (inputs and selects) var tfConfig = { flt_css_class: "myclass" }
flt_small_css_class string defines the css class of smaller filters (if validation button is generated in the same column of a filter) var tfConfig = { flt_small_css_class: "myclass" }
flt_multi_css_class string defines css class of multiple select filters var tfConfig = { flt_multi_css_class: "myclass" }
single_flt_css_class string defines the css class of the single filter when the single_search_filter property is on var tfConfig = { single_flt_css_class: "myclass" }
highlight_css_class string defines the css class of highlighted keywords var tfConfig = { highlight_css_class: "myclass" }
even_row_css_class string defines the css class for even rows var tfConfig = { even_row_css_class: "myclass" }
odd_row_css_class string defines the css class for odd rows var tfConfig = { odd_row_css_class: "myclass" }
input_watermark_css_class string defines the css class of the watermark in input filters (default - fltWatermark) var tfConfig = { input_watermark_css_class: "myclass" }
active_columns_css_class string defines the css class of the active column headers (default - activeHeader) var tfConfig = { active_columns_css_class: "myclass" }
####Features and behaviours
Property Type Description Remarks Example
grid boolean enables / disables filters generation (default - true) var tfConfig = { grid: false }
col_{n} string generates a filter type in specified column (replace "{n}" by column index). Possible values: "input", "select", "multiple", "checklist", "none" (default: "input") var tfConfig = { col_2: "none", col_3: "select", col_4: "multiple", col_5: "checklist"}
filters_row_index number this property defines in which row the filters grid will be generated: 0 (before table headers) or 1 (after table headers) var tfConfig = { filters_row_index: 1 }
enter_key boolean enables / disables "enter" key for validation (default * true) var tfConfig = { enter_key: false }
on_before_filter function Callback fired before filtering starts var tfConfig = { on_before_filter: function(o){ alert('Calls function before filtering starts!!!'); }
on_after_filter function Callback fired after filtering is completed var tfConfig = { on_after_filter: function(o){ alert('Calls function after filtering process!!!'); }
on_filters_loaded function Callback fired after filters instantiation var tfConfig = { on_filters_loaded: function(o){ alert('Calls function after filters generation!!!'); }
on_before_operation function Callback fired before column operations are performed (default * null) var tfConfig = { on_before_operation: function(o){ alert('Calls function before column operations are performed!!!'); }
on_after_operation function Callback fired after column operations are performed (default * null) var tfConfig = { on_after_operation: function(o){ alert('Calls function after column operations are performed!!!'); }
on_row_validated function Callback fired after a row is validated (default - null)

note that 2 parameters are sent to the callback:

  • o is the current TF object
  • k is the current row index
var tfConfig = { on_row_validated: function(o, k){ alert('Calls function after a row is validated!!! Validated row nb = '+k ); }
custom_cell_data_cols array specifies the columns that will use the custom_cell_data delegate (default - []) var tfConfig = { custom_cell_data_cols: [0,2,3] };
custom_cell_data function Custom delegate function retrieving cell data (default - null)

3 parameters are sent to the function:

  • o is the current TF object
  • cell is the current cell from which data is retrieved
  • index is the current column index
var tfConfig = { custom_cell_data: function(o,cell,index){ alert('Calls function when cell data is retrieved!!!'); }
exact_match boolean if set true, only exact matches will be displayed (default - false) note that this is case insensitive var tfConfig = { exact_match: true }
case_sensitive boolean if set true terms matching become case sensitive (default - false) var tfConfig = { case_sensitive: true }
alternate_rows boolean if set true, it enables alternating rows background color (default * false) var tfConfig = { alternate_rows: true }
rows_always_visible array this property makes desired rows always visible. It accepts an array definining the row indexes to be displayed ([1,2,3..]) since rows are always visible, cells value will not appear in corresponding drop-down filters. Note that this property works only if paging is disabled var tfConfig = { rows_always_visible: [9,10] }
refresh_filters boolean if set true this property modifies the filtering behaviour: drop-down menus are refreshed and display only the visible options (default * false). var tfConfig = { refresh_filters: true }
disable_excluded_options boolean When refresh_filters is enabled, if set true this property disables the excluded options (default * false). This feature was suggested by zehnplus. var tfConfig = { refresh_filters: true, disable_excluded_options: true }
auto_filter boolean if set true this property enables the 'filter as you type' behaviour (default - false) table is filtered when user stops typing var tfConfig = { auto_filter: true }
auto_filter_delay number defines the filtering delay in milliseconds (default - 900) when user stops typing, table is filtered after defined delay var tfConfig = { auto_filter: true, auto_filter_delay: 1500 }
highlight_keywords boolean if set true this property enables keywords highlighting (default * false) var tfConfig = { highlight_keywords: true }
remember_grid_values boolean if set true this property will re-set filters' values at page reload (default - false) var tfConfig = { remember_grid_values: true }
remember_page_number boolean if set true this property will re-set the last accessed page at page reload (default - false)   var tfConfig = { remember_page_number: true }
remember_page_length boolean if set true this property will re-set the number of results per page at page re-load (default - false) var tfConfig = { remember_page_length: true }
single_search_filter boolean if set true this property enables a single criteria search. Only 1 text-box filter will be displayed (single criteria search vs. multi-criteria search) searching in all table columns (default - false) var tfConfig = { single_search_filter: true }
external_flt_grid boolean if set true this property enables filters generation in desired container elements (default - false)

Check this example.

var tfConfig = { external_flt_grid: true }
external_flt_grid_ids array this array contains the id of the elements that will contain the generated filters. The indexes of the array items match the indexes ot the columns of the table ( ['id0','id1','id02'] corresponds to col0, col1, col2) (default - null)   var tfConfig = { external_flt_grid_ids: ['id0','id1','id2'] }
toolbar_target_id string defines the id of the element that will contain the toolbar container, located above the table headers by default (default * null) var tfConfig = { toolbar_target_id: 'myContainerId' };
status boolean if set true this property displays status messages in the browser's status bar var tfConfig = { status: true }
or_operator string defines the or operator that enables multiple keywords searches on a column (default - '||') var tfConfig = { or_operator: ',' }
exec_delay number sets the delay in msecs of filtering process if loader set true (default - 100) var tfConfig = { exec_delay: 250 }
set_cookie_duration number sets the cookie duration in mms (default - 100000) var tfConfig = { set_cookie_duration: 250000 }
enable_icons boolean it makes the toolbar icons visible by default, paging and clear filters button (default - true) Makes the configuration object a little bit less verbose var tfConfig = { enable_icons: false }
input_watermark string defines the watermark text for input type filters (default - '') Same text is set in all input filters var tfConfig = { input_watermark: 'Search...' }
watermark array or string if used as an array, a different text can be defined for each input filter (default - '') var tfConfig = { watermark: ['Search...', null, 'Dates here...'] }
mark_active_columns boolean column headers are highlighted upon filtering(default * false) var tfConfig = { mark_active_columns: true }
on_before_active_column function Callback fired before column header is marked as active (default - null) note that 2 parameters are sent to the function:
  • o is the current TF object
  • the current index of filtered column
var tfConfig = { on_before_active_column: function(o, colIndex){ alert(colIndex); } }
on_after_active_column function Callback fired after column header is marked as active (default - null) note that 2 parameters are sent to the function:
  • o is the current TF object
  • the current index of filtered column
var tfConfig = { on_after_active_column: function(o, colIndex){ alert(colIndex); } }