import {Feature} from '../feature'; import {createElm, createText, elm, removeElm} from '../dom'; import {isFn, EMPTY_FN} from '../types'; import {root} from '../root'; import {NONE} from '../const'; const EVENTS = [ 'before-filtering', 'before-populating-filter', 'before-page-change', 'before-clearing-filters', 'before-page-length-change', 'before-reset-page', 'before-reset-page-length', 'before-loading-extensions', 'before-loading-themes' ]; /** * Activity indicator * * @export * @class Loader * @extends {Feature} */ export class Loader extends Feature { /** * Creates an instance of Loader. * * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf) { super(tf, 'loader'); let f = this.config.loader || {}; /** * ID of custom container element * @type {String} */ this.targetId = f.target_id || null; /** * Loader container DOM element * @type {DOMElement} */ this.cont = null; /** * Text displayed when indicator is visible * @type {String} */ this.text = f.text || 'Loading...'; /** * Custom HTML injected in Loader's container element * @type {String} */ this.html = f.html || null; /** * Css class for Loader's container element * @type {String} */ this.cssClass = f.css_class || 'loader'; /** * Close delay in milliseconds * @type {Number} */ this.closeDelay = 250; /** * Callback fired when loader is displayed * @type {Function} */ this.onShow = isFn(f.on_show_loader) ? f.on_show_loader : EMPTY_FN; /** * Callback fired when loader is closed * @type {Function} */ this.onHide = isFn(f.on_hide_loader) ? f.on_hide_loader : EMPTY_FN; } /** * Initializes Loader instance */ init() { if (this.initialized) { return; } let tf =; let emitter = this.emitter; let containerDiv = createElm('div'); containerDiv.className = this.cssClass; let targetEl = !this.targetId ? tf.dom().parentNode : elm(this.targetId); if (!this.targetId) { targetEl.insertBefore(containerDiv, tf.dom()); } else { targetEl.appendChild(containerDiv); } this.cont = containerDiv; if (!this.html) { this.cont.appendChild(createText(this.text)); } else { this.cont.innerHTML = this.html; }; // Subscribe to events emitter.on(EVENTS, () =>'')); emitter.on(EVENTS, () =>; /** @inherited */ this.initialized = true; } /** * Shows or hides activity indicator * @param {String} Two possible values: '' or 'none' */ show(p) { if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; } let displayLoader = () => { if (!this.cont) { return; } if (p !== NONE) { this.onShow(this); } = p; if (p === NONE) { this.onHide(this); } }; let t = p === NONE ? this.closeDelay : 1; root.setTimeout(displayLoader, t); } /** * Removes feature */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } let emitter = this.emitter; removeElm(this.cont); this.cont = null; // Unsubscribe to events, () =>''));, () =>; this.initialized = false; } }