import {Feature} from './feature'; import {Hash} from './hash'; import {Storage} from './storage'; import Str from '../string'; import Types from '../types'; /** * Reflects the state of features to be persisted via hash, localStorage or * cookie * * @export * @class State * @extends {Feature} */ export class State extends Feature { /** * Creates an instance of State * * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf) { super(tf, 'state'); let cfg = this.config.state; this.enableHash = cfg === true || (Types.isObj(cfg.types) && cfg.types.indexOf('hash') !== -1); this.enableLocalStorage = Types.isObj(cfg.types) && cfg.types.indexOf('local_storage') !== -1; this.enableCookie = Types.isObj(cfg.types) && cfg.types.indexOf('cookie') !== -1; this.persistFilters = cfg.filters === false ? false : true; this.persistPageNumber = Boolean(cfg.page_number); this.persistPageLength = Boolean(cfg.page_length); this.persistSort = Boolean(cfg.sort); this.persistColsVisibility = Boolean(cfg.columns_visibility); this.cookieDuration = !isNaN(cfg.cookie_duration) ? parseInt(cfg.cookie_duration, 10) : 87600; this.enableStorage = this.enableLocalStorage || this.enableCookie; this.hash = null; this.pageNb = null; this.pageLength = null; this.sort = null; this.hiddenCols = null; this.state = {}; this.prfxCol = 'col_'; this.pageNbKey = 'page'; this.pageLengthKey = 'page_length'; } /** * Initializes the State object */ init() { if (this.initialized) { return; } this.emitter.on(['after-filtering'], () => this.update()); this.emitter.on(['after-page-change', 'after-clearing-filters'], (tf, pageNb) => this.updatePage(pageNb)); this.emitter.on(['after-page-length-change'], (tf, pageLength) => this.updatePageLength(pageLength)); this.emitter.on(['column-sorted'], (tf, index, descending) => this.updateSort(index, descending)); this.emitter.on(['sort-initialized'], () => this._syncSort()); this.emitter.on(['columns-visibility-initialized'], () => this._syncColsVisibility()); this.emitter.on(['column-shown', 'column-hidden'], (tf, feature, colIndex, hiddenCols) => this.updateColsVisibility(hiddenCols)); if (this.enableHash) { this.hash = new Hash(this); this.hash.init(); } if (this.enableStorage) { = new Storage(this);; } this.initialized = true; } /** * Update state object based on current features state */ update() { if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; } let state = this.state; let tf =; if (this.persistFilters) { let filterValues = tf.getFiltersValue(); filterValues.forEach((val, idx) => { let key = `${this.prfxCol}${idx}`; if (Types.isString(val) && Str.isEmpty(val)) { if (state.hasOwnProperty(key)) { state[key].flt = undefined; } } else { state[key] = state[key] || {}; state[key].flt = val; } }); } if (this.persistPageNumber) { if (Types.isNull(this.pageNb)) { state[this.pageNbKey] = undefined; } else { state[this.pageNbKey] = this.pageNb; } } if (this.persistPageLength) { if (Types.isNull(this.pageLength)) { state[this.pageLengthKey] = undefined; } else { state[this.pageLengthKey] = this.pageLength; } } if (this.persistSort) { if (!Types.isNull(this.sort)) { // Remove previuosly sorted column Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => { if (key.indexOf(this.prfxCol) !== -1 && state[key]) { state[key].sort = undefined; } }); let key = `${this.prfxCol}${this.sort.column}`; state[key] = state[key] || {}; state[key].sort = { descending: this.sort.descending }; } } if (this.persistColsVisibility) { if (!Types.isNull(this.hiddenCols)) { // Clear previuosly hidden columns Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => { if (key.indexOf(this.prfxCol) !== -1 && state[key]) { state[key].hidden = undefined; } }); this.hiddenCols.forEach((colIdx) => { let key = `${this.prfxCol}${colIdx}`; state[key] = state[key] || {}; state[key].hidden = true; }); } } this.emitter.emit('state-changed', tf, state); } /** * Refresh page number field on page number changes * * @param pageNb Current page number */ updatePage(pageNb) { this.pageNb = pageNb; this.update(); } /** * Refresh page length field on page length changes * * @param pageLength Current page length value */ updatePageLength(pageLength) { this.pageLength = pageLength; this.update(); } /** * Refresh column sorting information on sort changes * * @param index {Number} Column index * @param descending {Boolean} Descending manner */ updateSort(index, descending) { this.sort = { column: index, descending: descending }; this.update(); } /** * Refresh hidden columns information on columns visibility changes * * @param hiddenCols {Array} Columns indexes */ updateColsVisibility(hiddenCols) { this.hiddenCols = hiddenCols; this.update(); } /** * Override state field * * @param state State object */ override(state) { this.state = state; } /** * Sync stored features state */ sync() { let state = this.state; let tf =; this._syncFilters(); if (this.persistPageNumber) { let pageNumber = state[this.pageNbKey]; this.emitter.emit('change-page', tf, pageNumber); } if (this.persistPageLength) { let pageLength = state[this.pageLengthKey]; this.emitter.emit('change-page-results', tf, pageLength); } this._syncSort(); this._syncColsVisibility(); } /** * Override current state with passed one and sync features * * @param state State object */ overrideAndSync(state) { // To prevent state to react to features changes, state is temporarily // disabled this.disable(); // State is overriden with passed state object this.override(state); // New hash state is applied to features this.sync(); // State is re-enabled this.enable(); } /** * Sync filters with stored values and filter table * * @private */ _syncFilters() { if (!this.persistFilters) { return; } let state = this.state; let tf =; Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => { if (key.indexOf(this.prfxCol) !== -1) { let colIdx = parseInt(key.replace(this.prfxCol, ''), 10); let val = state[key].flt; tf.setFilterValue(colIdx, val); } }); tf.filter(); } /** * Sync sorted column with stored sorting information and sort table * * @private */ _syncSort() { if (!this.persistSort) { return; } let state = this.state; let tf =; Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => { if (key.indexOf(this.prfxCol) !== -1) { let colIdx = parseInt(key.replace(this.prfxCol, ''), 10); if (!Types.isUndef(state[key].sort)) { let sort = state[key].sort; this.emitter.emit('sort', tf, colIdx, sort.descending); } } }); } /** * Sync hidden columns with stored information * * @private */ _syncColsVisibility() { if (!this.persistColsVisibility) { return; } let state = this.state; let tf =; let hiddenCols = []; Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => { if (key.indexOf(this.prfxCol) !== -1) { let colIdx = parseInt(key.replace(this.prfxCol, ''), 10); if (!Types.isUndef(state[key].hidden)) { hiddenCols.push(colIdx); } } }); hiddenCols.forEach((colIdx) => { this.emitter.emit('hide-column', tf, colIdx); }); } /** * Destroy State instance */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.state = {};['after-filtering'], () => this.update());['after-page-change', 'after-clearing-filters'], (tf, pageNb) => this.updatePage(pageNb));['after-page-length-change'], (tf, index) => this.updatePageLength(index));['column-sorted'], (tf, index, descending) => this.updateSort(index, descending));['sort-initialized'], () => this._syncSort());['columns-visibility-initialized'], () => this._syncColsVisibility());['column-shown', 'column-hidden'], (tf, feature, colIndex, hiddenCols) => this.updateColsVisibility(hiddenCols)); if (this.enableHash) { this.hash.destroy(); this.hash = null; } if (this.enableStorage) {; = null; } this.initialized = false; } }