var id = function (id){ return document.getElementById(id); }; var tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_3: 'checklist', load_filters_on_demand: false }); tf.init(); var checkList = tf.feature('checkList'); module('Sanity checks'); test('CheckList component', function() { deepEqual(typeof checkList, 'object', 'CheckList instanciated'); deepEqual(checkList.checkListDiv instanceof Array, true, 'Type of checkListDiv property'); }); module('UI elements'); test('CheckList UI elements', function() { var flt = id(tf.fltIds[3]); notEqual(flt, null, 'CheckList UL element'); deepEqual(flt.firstChild.nodeName, 'LI', 'First CheckList option element name'); deepEqual(flt.childNodes.length, 8, 'number of checklist options'); }); module('Behaviour'); test('Can filter on checkList change', function() { var flt1 = id(tf.fltIds[3]); var evObj = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evObj.initEvent('change', true, true); tf.activeFlt = flt1; tf.setFilterValue(3, '1.1'); flt1.dispatchEvent(evObj); deepEqual(tf.getValidRows().length, 1, 'Table filtered'); deepEqual(tf.getFilteredData()[0][1][3], '1.1', 'Matched value'); }); test('TableFilter removed', function() { tf.destroy(); deepEqual(id(tf.fltIds[3]), null, 'CheckList UL element'); });