var tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', help_instructions: true }); tf.init(); var help = tf.feature('help'); module('Sanity checks'); test('Button element', function() { deepEqual(typeof help, 'object', 'Help instanciated'); notEqual(help.btn, null, 'btn property'); }); module('Feature interface'); test('Properties', function() { deepEqual( instanceof TableFilter, true, 'TableFilter instance'); deepEqual(help.feature, 'help', 'Feature name'); deepEqual(help.enabled, true, 'Feature enabled'); deepEqual(help.initialized, true, 'Feature enabled'); deepEqual(typeof help.emitter, 'object', 'Feature has emitter instance'); deepEqual(typeof help.config, 'object', 'TF configuration object'); deepEqual(typeof help.init, 'function', 'Feature init method'); deepEqual(typeof help.destroy, 'function', 'Feature destroy method'); deepEqual(typeof help.reset, 'function', 'Feature reset method'); deepEqual(typeof help.enable, 'function', 'Feature enable method'); deepEqual(typeof help.disable, 'function', 'Feature enable method'); deepEqual(typeof help.isEnabled, 'function', 'Feature enable method'); }); test('Can destroy', function() { help.destroy(); deepEqual(help.initialized, false, 'not initialised'); }); test('Can reset', function() { help.reset(); deepEqual(help.enabled, true, 'enabled'); }); test('Can disable', function() { help.disable(); deepEqual(help.enabled, false, 'disabled'); }); test('Can enable', function() { help.enable(); deepEqual(help.enabled, true, 'enabled'); }); test('Can init', function() { help.destroy(); help.enable(); help.init(); deepEqual(help.enabled, true, 'enabled'); }); test('Can check is enabled', function() { help.isEnabled(); deepEqual(help.enabled, true, 'enabled'); }); module('UI elements'); test('Help UI elements', function() { var container = help.cont, helpBtn = help.btn; deepEqual(container.nodeName, 'DIV', 'Help container'); deepEqual(helpBtn.nodeName, 'SPAN', 'Help button'); }); test('Help container auto-closes when user clicks away', function() { // setup help.toggle(); // act var evObj = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evObj.initEvent('mouseup', true, true); // mouseup fired from a table cell tf.dom().rows[3].cells[2].dispatchEvent(evObj); // assert deepEqual(, 'none', 'Help container closed after user clicks away' ); }); // 376 issue: ensure close button closes popup test('Close button closes popup', function() { // setup help.toggle(); // act var evObj = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evObj.initEvent('click', true, true); help.cont.querySelector('.close').dispatchEvent(evObj); // assert deepEqual(, 'none', 'Close button closes popup' ); }); test('Help button closes popup when already open', function() { // setup help.toggle(); // act var evObj = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evObj.initEvent('click', true, true); help.btn.querySelector('.helpBtn').dispatchEvent(evObj); // assert deepEqual(, 'none', 'Close button closes popup' ); }); module('Destroy and re-init'); test('Remove UI', function() { help.destroy(); var container = help.cont, helpBtn = help.btn; deepEqual(container, null, 'Help container removed'); deepEqual(helpBtn, null, 'Help button removed'); }); test('Re-set UI', function() { var help = tf.feature('help'); help.destroy(); help.btnText = '→Help←'; help.instrText = 'Hello world!'; help.init(); var container = help.cont, helpBtn = help.btn; notEqual( container.innerHTML.indexOf('Hello world!'), -1, 'Help pop-up text' ); notEqual(helpBtn.innerHTML.indexOf('→Help←'), -1, 'Help button text'); }); module('Destroy and re-init'); test('Can init help when property is undefined and toolbar is set', function() { tf.destroy(); tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', help_instructions: undefined, // creates toolbar rows_counter: true }); tf.init(); var help = tf.feature('help'); notEqual(help.btn, null, 'btn property'); deepEqual(help.btn.childNodes[1].innerHTML, '?', 'Button text'); } ); test('Does not init help when property is undefined and toolbar is not set '+ 'by other feature(s)', function() { tf.destroy(); tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/' }); tf.init(); var help = tf.feature('help'); deepEqual(help.initialized, false, 'feature not initialized'); deepEqual(help.btn, null, 'btn property not set'); deepEqual(help.cont, null, 'cont property not set'); } ); test('Can init help when property is defined with a literal object ' + 'and toolbar is set', function() { tf.destroy(); tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', help_instructions: { btn_text: '??', text: 'hello world' }, // creates toolbar rows_counter: true }); tf.init(); var help = tf.feature('help'); notEqual(help.btn, null, 'btn property'); deepEqual(help.btn.childNodes[1].innerHTML, '??', 'Button text'); deepEqual(help.instrText, 'hello world', 'Text property'); deepEqual(help.cont.innerHTML.indexOf('hello world') !== -1, true, 'Text in DOM element'); } ); test('Can toggle help when property is undefined and toolbar is set', function() { tf.destroy(); tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', // creates toolbar rows_counter: true }); tf.init(); var help = tf.feature('help'); // Pull 157, help button regression when setting is undefined help.toggle(); notEqual(help, null, 'help instantiated'); deepEqual(help.enabled, true, 'help enabled'); deepEqual(, 'inline', 'Container is open'); } ); module('Tear-down'); test('can destroy TableFilter DOM elements', function() { tf.destroy(); deepEqual(tf.isInitialized(), false, 'Filters removed'); });