(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory; } else { root.TableFilter = factory(); } })(this, function() {/** * @license almond 0.3.1 Copyright (c) 2011-2014, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. * Available via the MIT or new BSD license. * see: http://github.com/jrburke/almond for details */ //Going sloppy to avoid 'use strict' string cost, but strict practices should //be followed. /*jslint sloppy: true */ /*global setTimeout: false */ var requirejs, require, define; (function (undef) { var main, req, makeMap, handlers, defined = {}, waiting = {}, config = {}, defining = {}, hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, aps = [].slice, jsSuffixRegExp = /\.js$/; function hasProp(obj, prop) { return hasOwn.call(obj, prop); } /** * Given a relative module name, like ./something, normalize it to * a real name that can be mapped to a path. * @param {String} name the relative name * @param {String} baseName a real name that the name arg is relative * to. * @returns {String} normalized name */ function normalize(name, baseName) { var nameParts, nameSegment, mapValue, foundMap, lastIndex, foundI, foundStarMap, starI, i, j, part, baseParts = baseName && baseName.split("/"), map = config.map, starMap = (map && map['*']) || {}; //Adjust any relative paths. if (name && name.charAt(0) === ".") { //If have a base name, try to normalize against it, //otherwise, assume it is a top-level require that will //be relative to baseUrl in the end. if (baseName) { name = name.split('/'); lastIndex = name.length - 1; // Node .js allowance: if (config.nodeIdCompat && jsSuffixRegExp.test(name[lastIndex])) { name[lastIndex] = name[lastIndex].replace(jsSuffixRegExp, ''); } //Lop off the last part of baseParts, so that . matches the //"directory" and not name of the baseName's module. For instance, //baseName of "one/two/three", maps to "one/two/three.js", but we //want the directory, "one/two" for this normalization. name = baseParts.slice(0, baseParts.length - 1).concat(name); //start trimDots for (i = 0; i < name.length; i += 1) { part = name[i]; if (part === ".") { name.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; } else if (part === "..") { if (i === 1 && (name[2] === '..' || name[0] === '..')) { //End of the line. Keep at least one non-dot //path segment at the front so it can be mapped //correctly to disk. Otherwise, there is likely //no path mapping for a path starting with '..'. //This can still fail, but catches the most reasonable //uses of .. break; } else if (i > 0) { name.splice(i - 1, 2); i -= 2; } } } //end trimDots name = name.join("/"); } else if (name.indexOf('./') === 0) { // No baseName, so this is ID is resolved relative // to baseUrl, pull off the leading dot. name = name.substring(2); } } //Apply map config if available. if ((baseParts || starMap) && map) { nameParts = name.split('/'); for (i = nameParts.length; i > 0; i -= 1) { nameSegment = nameParts.slice(0, i).join("/"); if (baseParts) { //Find the longest baseName segment match in the config. //So, do joins on the biggest to smallest lengths of baseParts. for (j = baseParts.length; j > 0; j -= 1) { mapValue = map[baseParts.slice(0, j).join('/')]; //baseName segment has config, find if it has one for //this name. if (mapValue) { mapValue = mapValue[nameSegment]; if (mapValue) { //Match, update name to the new value. foundMap = mapValue; foundI = i; break; } } } } if (foundMap) { break; } //Check for a star map match, but just hold on to it, //if there is a shorter segment match later in a matching //config, then favor over this star map. if (!foundStarMap && starMap && starMap[nameSegment]) { foundStarMap = starMap[nameSegment]; starI = i; } } if (!foundMap && foundStarMap) { foundMap = foundStarMap; foundI = starI; } if (foundMap) { nameParts.splice(0, foundI, foundMap); name = nameParts.join('/'); } } return name; } function makeRequire(relName, forceSync) { return function () { //A version of a require function that passes a moduleName //value for items that may need to //look up paths relative to the moduleName var args = aps.call(arguments, 0); //If first arg is not require('string'), and there is only //one arg, it is the array form without a callback. Insert //a null so that the following concat is correct. if (typeof args[0] !== 'string' && args.length === 1) { args.push(null); } return req.apply(undef, args.concat([relName, forceSync])); }; } function makeNormalize(relName) { return function (name) { return normalize(name, relName); }; } function makeLoad(depName) { return function (value) { defined[depName] = value; }; } function callDep(name) { if (hasProp(waiting, name)) { var args = waiting[name]; delete waiting[name]; defining[name] = true; main.apply(undef, args); } if (!hasProp(defined, name) && !hasProp(defining, name)) { throw new Error('No ' + name); } return defined[name]; } //Turns a plugin!resource to [plugin, resource] //with the plugin being undefined if the name //did not have a plugin prefix. function splitPrefix(name) { var prefix, index = name ? name.indexOf('!') : -1; if (index > -1) { prefix = name.substring(0, index); name = name.substring(index + 1, name.length); } return [prefix, name]; } /** * Makes a name map, normalizing the name, and using a plugin * for normalization if necessary. Grabs a ref to plugin * too, as an optimization. */ makeMap = function (name, relName) { var plugin, parts = splitPrefix(name), prefix = parts[0]; name = parts[1]; if (prefix) { prefix = normalize(prefix, relName); plugin = callDep(prefix); } //Normalize according if (prefix) { if (plugin && plugin.normalize) { name = plugin.normalize(name, makeNormalize(relName)); } else { name = normalize(name, relName); } } else { name = normalize(name, relName); parts = splitPrefix(name); prefix = parts[0]; name = parts[1]; if (prefix) { plugin = callDep(prefix); } } //Using ridiculous property names for space reasons return { f: prefix ? prefix + '!' + name : name, //fullName n: name, pr: prefix, p: plugin }; }; function makeConfig(name) { return function () { return (config && config.config && config.config[name]) || {}; }; } handlers = { require: function (name) { return makeRequire(name); }, exports: function (name) { var e = defined[name]; if (typeof e !== 'undefined') { return e; } else { return (defined[name] = {}); } }, module: function (name) { return { id: name, uri: '', exports: defined[name], config: makeConfig(name) }; } }; main = function (name, deps, callback, relName) { var cjsModule, depName, ret, map, i, args = [], callbackType = typeof callback, usingExports; //Use name if no relName relName = relName || name; //Call the callback to define the module, if necessary. if (callbackType === 'undefined' || callbackType === 'function') { //Pull out the defined dependencies and pass the ordered //values to the callback. //Default to [require, exports, module] if no deps deps = !deps.length && callback.length ? ['require', 'exports', 'module'] : deps; for (i = 0; i < deps.length; i += 1) { map = makeMap(deps[i], relName); depName = map.f; //Fast path CommonJS standard dependencies. if (depName === "require") { args[i] = handlers.require(name); } else if (depName === "exports") { //CommonJS module spec 1.1 args[i] = handlers.exports(name); usingExports = true; } else if (depName === "module") { //CommonJS module spec 1.1 cjsModule = args[i] = handlers.module(name); } else if (hasProp(defined, depName) || hasProp(waiting, depName) || hasProp(defining, depName)) { args[i] = callDep(depName); } else if (map.p) { map.p.load(map.n, makeRequire(relName, true), makeLoad(depName), {}); args[i] = defined[depName]; } else { throw new Error(name + ' missing ' + depName); } } ret = callback ? callback.apply(defined[name], args) : undefined; if (name) { //If setting exports via "module" is in play, //favor that over return value and exports. After that, //favor a non-undefined return value over exports use. if (cjsModule && cjsModule.exports !== undef && cjsModule.exports !== defined[name]) { defined[name] = cjsModule.exports; } else if (ret !== undef || !usingExports) { //Use the return value from the function. defined[name] = ret; } } } else if (name) { //May just be an object definition for the module. Only //worry about defining if have a module name. defined[name] = callback; } }; requirejs = require = req = function (deps, callback, relName, forceSync, alt) { if (typeof deps === "string") { if (handlers[deps]) { //callback in this case is really relName return handlers[deps](callback); } //Just return the module wanted. In this scenario, the //deps arg is the module name, and second arg (if passed) //is just the relName. //Normalize module name, if it contains . or .. return callDep(makeMap(deps, callback).f); } else if (!deps.splice) { //deps is a config object, not an array. config = deps; if (config.deps) { req(config.deps, config.callback); } if (!callback) { return; } if (callback.splice) { //callback is an array, which means it is a dependency list. //Adjust args if there are dependencies deps = callback; callback = relName; relName = null; } else { deps = undef; } } //Support require(['a']) callback = callback || function () {}; //If relName is a function, it is an errback handler, //so remove it. if (typeof relName === 'function') { relName = forceSync; forceSync = alt; } //Simulate async callback; if (forceSync) { main(undef, deps, callback, relName); } else { //Using a non-zero value because of concern for what old browsers //do, and latest browsers "upgrade" to 4 if lower value is used: //http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/timers.html#dom-windowtimers-settimeout: //If want a value immediately, use require('id') instead -- something //that works in almond on the global level, but not guaranteed and //unlikely to work in other AMD implementations. setTimeout(function () { main(undef, deps, callback, relName); }, 4); } return req; }; /** * Just drops the config on the floor, but returns req in case * the config return value is used. */ req.config = function (cfg) { return req(cfg); }; /** * Expose module registry for debugging and tooling */ requirejs._defined = defined; define = function (name, deps, callback) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('See almond README: incorrect module build, no module name'); } //This module may not have dependencies if (!deps.splice) { //deps is not an array, so probably means //an object literal or factory function for //the value. Adjust args. callback = deps; deps = []; } if (!hasProp(defined, name) && !hasProp(waiting, name)) { waiting[name] = [name, deps, callback]; } }; define.amd = { jQuery: true }; }()); define("../libs/almond/almond", function(){}); define('event',["exports"], function (exports) { /** * DOM event utilities */ "use strict"; var Event = { add: function add(obj, type, func, capture) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(type, func, capture); } else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent("on" + type, func); } else { obj["on" + type] = func; } }, remove: function remove(obj, type, func, capture) { if (obj.detachEvent) { obj.detachEvent("on" + type, func); } else if (obj.removeEventListener) { obj.removeEventListener(type, func, capture); } else { obj["on" + type] = null; } }, stop: function stop(evt) { if (!evt) { evt = window.event; } if (evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } else { evt.cancelBubble = true; } }, cancel: function cancel(evt) { if (!evt) { evt = window.event; } if (evt.preventDefault) { evt.preventDefault(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } }, target: function target(evt) { return evt && evt.target || window.event && window.event.srcElement; }, keyCode: function keyCode(evt) { return evt.charCode ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : evt.which ? evt.which : 0; } }; exports.Event = Event; }); //# sourceMappingURL=event.js.map; define('dom',["exports"], function (exports) { /** * DOM utilities */ "use strict"; var Dom = {}; /** * Returns text + text of children of given node * @param {NodeElement} node * @return {String} */ Dom.getText = function (node) { var s = node.textContent || node.innerText || node.innerHTML.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g, ""); s = s.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); return s; }; /** * Creates an html element with given collection of attributes * @param {String} tag a string of the html tag to create * @param {Array} an undetermined number of arrays containing the with 2 * items, the attribute name and its value ['id','myId'] * @return {Object} created element */ Dom.create = function (tag) { if (!tag || tag === "") { return; } var el = document.createElement(tag), args = arguments; if (args.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { var argtype = typeof args[i]; if (argtype.toLowerCase() === "object" && args[i].length === 2) { el.setAttribute(args[i][0], args[i][1]); } } } return el; }; /** * Returns a text node with given text * @param {String} text * @return {Object} */ Dom.text = function (text) { return document.createTextNode(text); }; /** * Returns offset position of passed element * @param {object} obj [description] * @return {object} literal object with left and top values */ Dom.position = function (obj) { var l = 0, t = 0; if (obj && obj.offsetParent) { do { l += obj.offsetLeft; t += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj == obj.offsetParent); } return { left: l, top: t }; }; Dom.hasClass = function (ele, cls) { if (!ele) { return false; } if (supportsClassList()) { return ele.classList.contains(cls); } return ele.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + cls + "(\\s|$)")); }; Dom.addClass = function (ele, cls) { if (!ele) { return; } if (supportsClassList()) { ele.classList.add(cls); return; } if (ele.className === "") { ele.className = cls; } else if (!this.hasClass(ele, cls)) { ele.className += " " + cls; } }; Dom.removeClass = function (ele, cls) { if (!ele) { return; } if (supportsClassList()) { ele.classList.remove(cls); return; } var reg = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + cls + "(\\s|$)", "g"); ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, ""); }; /** * Creates and returns an option element * @param {String} text option text * @param {String} value option value * @param {Boolean} isSel whether option is selected * @return {Object} option element */ Dom.createOpt = function (text, value, isSel) { var isSelected = isSel ? true : false, opt = isSelected ? this.create("option", ["value", value], ["selected", "true"]) : this.create("option", ["value", value]); opt.appendChild(this.text(text)); return opt; }; /** * Creates and returns a checklist item * @param {Number} chkIndex index of check item * @param {String} chkValue check item value * @param {String} labelText check item label text * @return {Object} li DOM element */ Dom.createCheckItem = function (chkIndex, chkValue, labelText) { var li = this.create("li"), label = this.create("label", ["for", chkIndex]), check = this.create("input", ["id", chkIndex], ["name", chkIndex], ["type", "checkbox"], ["value", chkValue]); label.appendChild(check); label.appendChild(this.text(labelText)); li.appendChild(label); li.label = label; li.check = check; return li; }; Dom.id = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }; Dom.tag = function (o, tagname) { return o.getElementsByTagName(tagname); }; // HTML5 classList API function supportsClassList() { return document.documentElement.classList; } exports.Dom = Dom; }); //# sourceMappingURL=dom.js.map; define('string',["exports"], function (exports) { /** * String utilities */ "use strict"; var Str = {}; Str.lower = function (text) { return text.toLowerCase(); }; Str.upper = function (text) { return text.toUpperCase(); }; Str.trim = function (text) { if (text.trim) { return text.trim(); } return text.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""); }; Str.isEmpty = function (text) { return this.trim(text) === ""; }; Str.rgxEsc = function (text) { function escape(e) { var a = new RegExp("\\" + e, "g"); text = text.replace(a, "\\" + e); } var chars = ["\\", "[", "^", "$", ".", "|", "?", "*", "+", "(", ")"]; for (var e = 0; e < chars.length; e++) { escape(chars[e]); } return text; }; Str.matchCase = function (text, mc) { if (!mc) { return this.lower(text); } return text; }; exports.Str = Str; }); //# sourceMappingURL=string.js.map; define('cookie',["exports"], function (exports) { /** * Cookie utilities */ "use strict"; var Cookie = {}; Cookie.write = function (name, value, hours) { var expire = ""; if (hours) { expire = new Date(new Date().getTime() + hours * 3600000); expire = "; expires=" + expire.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + expire; }; Cookie.read = function (name) { var cookieValue = "", search = name + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { var cookie = document.cookie, offset = cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset !== -1) { offset += search.length; var end = cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (end === -1) { end = cookie.length; } cookieValue = unescape(cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } return cookieValue; }; Cookie.remove = function (name) { this.write(name, "", -1); }; Cookie.valueToArray = function (name, separator) { if (!separator) { separator = ","; } //reads the cookie var val = this.read(name); //creates an array with filters' values var arr = val.split(separator); return arr; }; Cookie.getValueByIndex = function (name, index, separator) { if (!separator) { separator = ","; } //reads the cookie var val = this.valueToArray(name, separator); return val[index]; }; exports.Cookie = Cookie; }); //# sourceMappingURL=cookie.js.map; define('types',["exports"], function (exports) { /** * Types utilities */ "use strict"; var Types = {}; var UNDEFINED = void 0; /** * Checks if var exists and is an object * @param {String or Object} v * @return {Boolean} */ Types.isObj = function (v) { var isO = false; if (typeof v === "string") { if (window[v] && typeof window[v] === "object") { isO = true; } } else { if (v && typeof v === "object") { isO = true; } } return isO; }; /** * Checks if passed parameter is a function * @param {Function} fn * @return {Boolean} */ Types.isFn = function (fn) { return fn && fn.constructor == Function; }; /** * Checks if passed param is an array * @param {Array} obj * @return {Boolean} */ Types.isArray = function (obj) { return obj && obj.constructor == Array; }; /** * Determines if passed param is undefined * @param {Any} o * @return {Boolean} */ Types.isUndef = function (o) { return o === UNDEFINED; }; exports.Types = Types; }); //# sourceMappingURL=types.js.map; define('array',["exports", "./string"], function (exports, _string) { /** * Array utilities */ "use strict"; var Str = _string.Str; var Arr = { has: function has(arr, val, caseSensitive) { var sCase = caseSensitive === undefined ? false : caseSensitive; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (Str.matchCase(arr[i].toString(), sCase) == val) { return true; } } return false; }, indexByValue: function indexByValue(arr, val, caseSensitive) { var sCase = caseSensitive === undefined ? false : caseSensitive; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (Str.matchCase(arr[i].toString(), sCase) == val) { return i; } } return -1; } }; exports.Arr = Arr; }); //# sourceMappingURL=array.js.map; define('helpers',["exports", "./string"], function (exports, _string) { /** * Misc helpers */ "use strict"; var Str = _string.Str; var Helpers = { isIE: function isIE() { return /msie|MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent); }, removeNbFormat: function removeNbFormat(data, format) { if (!data) { return; } if (!format) { format = "us"; } var n = data; if (Str.lower(format) === "us") { n = +n.replace(/[^\d\.-]/g, ""); } else { n = +n.replace(/[^\d\,-]/g, "").replace(",", "."); } return n; } }; exports.Helpers = Helpers; }); //# sourceMappingURL=helpers.js.map; define('date',["exports"], function (exports) { /** * Date utilities */ "use strict"; var DateHelper = { isValid: function isValid(dateStr, format) { if (!format) { format = "DMY"; } format = format.toUpperCase(); if (format.length != 3) { if (format === "DDMMMYYYY") { var d = this.format(dateStr, format); dateStr = d.getDate() + "/" + (d.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + d.getFullYear(); format = "DMY"; } } if (format.indexOf("M") === -1 || format.indexOf("D") === -1 || format.indexOf("Y") === -1) { format = "DMY"; } var reg1, reg2; // If the year is first if (format.substring(0, 1) == "Y") { reg1 = /^\d{2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{1,2}$/; reg2 = /^\d{4}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{1,2}$/; } else if (format.substring(1, 2) == "Y") { // If the year is second reg1 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{2}\1\d{1,2}$/; reg2 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{4}\1\d{1,2}$/; } else { // The year must be third reg1 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{2}$/; reg2 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{4}$/; } // If it doesn't conform to the right format (with either a 2 digit year or // 4 digit year), fail if (reg1.test(dateStr) === false && reg2.test(dateStr) === false) { return false; } // Split into 3 parts based on what the divider was var parts = dateStr.split(RegExp.$1); var mm, dd, yy; // Check to see if the 3 parts end up making a valid date if (format.substring(0, 1) === "M") { mm = parts[0]; } else if (format.substring(1, 2) === "M") { mm = parts[1]; } else { mm = parts[2]; } if (format.substring(0, 1) === "D") { dd = parts[0]; } else if (format.substring(1, 2) === "D") { dd = parts[1]; } else { dd = parts[2]; } if (format.substring(0, 1) === "Y") { yy = parts[0]; } else if (format.substring(1, 2) === "Y") { yy = parts[1]; } else { yy = parts[2]; } if (parseInt(yy, 10) <= 50) { yy = (parseInt(yy, 10) + 2000).toString(); } if (parseInt(yy, 10) <= 99) { yy = (parseInt(yy, 10) + 1900).toString(); } var dt = new Date(parseInt(yy, 10), parseInt(mm, 10) - 1, parseInt(dd, 10), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (parseInt(dd, 10) != dt.getDate()) { return false; } if (parseInt(mm, 10) - 1 != dt.getMonth()) { return false; } return true; }, format: (function (_format) { var _formatWrapper = function format(_x, _x2) { return _format.apply(this, arguments); }; _formatWrapper.toString = function () { return _format.toString(); }; return _formatWrapper; })(function (dateStr, format) { if (!format) { format = "DMY"; } if (!dateStr || dateStr === "") { return new Date(1001, 0, 1); } var oDate, parts; function y2kDate(yr) { if (yr === undefined) { return 0; } if (yr.length > 2) { return yr; } var y; //>50 belong to 1900 if (yr <= 99 && yr > 50) { y = "19" + yr; } //<50 belong to 2000 if (yr < 50 || yr === "00") { y = "20" + yr; } return y; } function mmm2mm(mmm) { if (mmm === undefined) { return 0; } var mondigit; var MONTH_NAMES = ["january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december", "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"]; for (var m_i = 0; m_i < MONTH_NAMES.length; m_i++) { var month_name = MONTH_NAMES[m_i]; if (mmm.toLowerCase() === month_name) { mondigit = m_i + 1; break; } } if (mondigit > 11 || mondigit < 23) { mondigit = mondigit - 12; } if (mondigit < 1 || mondigit > 12) { return 0; } return mondigit; } switch (format.toUpperCase()) { case "DDMMMYYYY": parts = dateStr.replace(/[- \/.]/g, " ").split(" "); oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), mmm2mm(parts[1]) - 1, parts[0]); break; case "DMY": parts = dateStr.replace(/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])((\d\d)?\d\d)$/, "$1 $3 $5").split(" "); oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), parts[1] - 1, parts[0]); break; case "MDY": parts = dateStr.replace(/^(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])([- \/.])((\d\d)?\d\d)$/, "$1 $3 $5").split(" "); oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), parts[0] - 1, parts[1]); break; case "YMD": parts = dateStr.replace(/^((\d\d)?\d\d)([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/, "$1 $4 $6").split(" "); oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[0]), parts[1] - 1, parts[2]); break; default: //in case format is not correct parts = dateStr.replace(/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])((\d\d)?\d\d)$/, "$1 $3 $5").split(" "); oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), parts[1] - 1, parts[0]); break; } return oDate; }) }; exports.DateHelper = DateHelper; }); //# sourceMappingURL=date.js.map; define('sort',["exports", "string"], function (exports, _string) { /** * Sort helpers */ "use strict"; var Str = _string.Str; var Sort = { ignoreCase: function ignoreCase(a, b) { var x = Str.lower(a); var y = Str.lower(b); return x < y ? -1 : x > y ? 1 : 0; } }; exports.Sort = Sort; }); //# sourceMappingURL=sort.js.map; define('modules/store',["exports", "../cookie"], function (exports, _cookie) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Cookie = _cookie.Cookie; var Store = exports.Store = (function () { /** * Store, persistence manager * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function Store(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, Store); var f = tf.config(); this.duration = !isNaN(f.set_cookie_duration) ? parseInt(f.set_cookie_duration, 10) : 100000; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(Store, { saveFilterValues: { /** * Store filters' values in cookie * @param {String} cookie name */ value: function saveFilterValues(name) { var tf = this.tf; var fltValues = []; //store filters' values for (var i = 0; i < tf.fltIds.length; i++) { var value = tf.getFilterValue(i); if (value === "") { value = " "; } fltValues.push(value); } //adds array size fltValues.push(tf.fltIds.length); //writes cookie Cookie.write(name, fltValues.join(tf.separator), this.duration); } }, getFilterValues: { /** * Retrieve filters' values from cookie * @param {String} cookie name * @return {Array} */ value: function getFilterValues(name) { var flts = Cookie.read(name); var rgx = new RegExp(this.tf.separator, "g"); // filters' values array return flts.split(rgx); } }, savePageNb: { /** * Store page number in cookie * @param {String} cookie name */ value: function savePageNb(name) { Cookie.write(name, this.tf.Cpt.paging.currentPageNb, this.duration); } }, getPageNb: { /** * Retrieve page number from cookie * @param {String} cookie name * @return {String} */ value: function getPageNb(name) { return Cookie.read(name); } }, savePageLength: { /** * Store page length in cookie * @param {String} cookie name */ value: function savePageLength(name) { Cookie.write(name, this.tf.Cpt.paging.resultsPerPageSlc.selectedIndex, this.duration); } }, getPageLength: { /** * Retrieve page length from cookie * @param {String} cookie name * @return {String} */ value: function getPageLength(name) { return Cookie.read(name); } } }); return Store; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=store.js.map; define('modules/gridLayout',["exports", "../dom", "../types", "../helpers", "../event"], function (exports, _dom, _types, _helpers, _event) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Types = _types.Types; var Helpers = _helpers.Helpers; var Event = _event.Event; var GridLayout = exports.GridLayout = (function () { /** * Grid layout, table with fixed headers * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function GridLayout(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, GridLayout); var f = tf.config(); //defines grid width this.gridWidth = f.grid_width || null; //defines grid height this.gridHeight = f.grid_height || null; //defines css class for main container this.gridMainContCssClass = f.grid_cont_css_class || "grd_Cont"; //defines css class for div containing table this.gridContCssClass = f.grid_tbl_cont_css_class || "grd_tblCont"; //defines css class for div containing headers' table this.gridHeadContCssClass = f.grid_tblHead_cont_css_class || "grd_headTblCont"; //defines css class for div containing rows counter, paging etc. this.gridInfDivCssClass = f.grid_inf_grid_css_class || "grd_inf"; //defines which row contains column headers this.gridHeadRowIndex = f.grid_headers_row_index || 0; //array of headers row indexes to be placed in header table this.gridHeadRows = f.grid_headers_rows || [0]; //generate filters in table headers this.gridEnableFilters = f.grid_enable_default_filters !== undefined ? f.grid_enable_default_filters : true; //default col width this.gridDefaultColWidth = f.grid_default_col_width || "100px"; //enables/disables columns resizer this.gridEnableColResizer = f.grid_enable_cols_resizer !== undefined ? f.grid_enable_cols_resizer : false; //defines col resizer script path this.gridColResizerPath = f.grid_cont_col_resizer_path || this.basePath + "TFExt_ColsResizer/TFExt_ColsResizer.js"; this.gridColElms = []; //div containing grid elements if grid_layout true this.prfxMainTblCont = "gridCont_"; //div containing table if grid_layout true this.prfxTblCont = "tblCont_"; //div containing headers table if grid_layout true this.prfxHeadTblCont = "tblHeadCont_"; //headers' table if grid_layout true this.prfxHeadTbl = "tblHead_"; //id of td containing the filter if grid_layout true this.prfxGridFltTd = "_td_"; //id of th containing column header if grid_layout true this.prfxGridTh = "tblHeadTh_"; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(GridLayout, { init: { /** * Generates a grid with fixed headers */ value: function init() { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf; var f = tf.config(); var tbl = tf.tbl; if (!tf.gridLayout) { return; } tf.isExternalFlt = true; // default width of 100px if column widths not set if (!tf.hasColWidth) { tf.colWidth = []; for (var k = 0; k < tf.nbCells; k++) { var colW, cell = tbl.rows[this.gridHeadRowIndex].cells[k]; if (cell.width !== "") { colW = cell.width; } else if (cell.style.width !== "") { colW = parseInt(cell.style.width, 10); } else { colW = this.gridDefaultColWidth; } tf.colWidth[k] = colW; } tf.hasColWidth = true; } tf.setColWidths(this.gridHeadRowIndex); var tblW; //initial table width if (tbl.width !== "") { tblW = tbl.width; } else if (tbl.style.width !== "") { tblW = parseInt(tbl.style.width, 10); } else { tblW = tbl.clientWidth; } //Main container: it will contain all the elements this.tblMainCont = Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxMainTblCont + tf.id]); this.tblMainCont.className = this.gridMainContCssClass; if (this.gridWidth) { this.tblMainCont.style.width = this.gridWidth; } tbl.parentNode.insertBefore(this.tblMainCont, tbl); //Table container: div wrapping content table this.tblCont = Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxTblCont + tf.id]); this.tblCont.className = this.gridContCssClass; if (this.gridWidth) { this.tblCont.style.width = this.gridWidth; } if (this.gridHeight) { this.tblCont.style.height = this.gridHeight; } tbl.parentNode.insertBefore(this.tblCont, tbl); var t = tbl.parentNode.removeChild(tbl); this.tblCont.appendChild(t); //In case table width is expressed in % if (tbl.style.width === "") { tbl.style.width = (tf._containsStr("%", tblW) ? tbl.clientWidth : tblW) + "px"; } var d = this.tblCont.parentNode.removeChild(this.tblCont); this.tblMainCont.appendChild(d); //Headers table container: div wrapping headers table this.headTblCont = Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxHeadTblCont + tf.id]); this.headTblCont.className = this.gridHeadContCssClass; if (this.gridWidth) { this.headTblCont.style.width = this.gridWidth; } //Headers table this.headTbl = Dom.create("table", ["id", this.prfxHeadTbl + tf.id]); var tH = Dom.create("tHead"); //IE<7 needs it //1st row should be headers row, ids are added if not set //Those ids are used by the sort feature var hRow = tbl.rows[this.gridHeadRowIndex]; var sortTriggers = []; for (var n = 0; n < tf.nbCells; n++) { var c = hRow.cells[n]; var thId = c.getAttribute("id"); if (!thId || thId === "") { thId = this.prfxGridTh + n + "_" + tf.id; c.setAttribute("id", thId); } sortTriggers.push(thId); } //Filters row is created var filtersRow = Dom.create("tr"); if (this.gridEnableFilters && tf.fltGrid) { tf.externalFltTgtIds = []; for (var j = 0; j < tf.nbCells; j++) { var fltTdId = tf.prfxFlt + j + this.prfxGridFltTd + tf.id; var cl = Dom.create(tf.fltCellTag, ["id", fltTdId]); filtersRow.appendChild(cl); tf.externalFltTgtIds[j] = fltTdId; } } //Headers row are moved from content table to headers table for (var i = 0; i < this.gridHeadRows.length; i++) { var headRow = tbl.rows[this.gridHeadRows[0]]; tH.appendChild(headRow); } this.headTbl.appendChild(tH); if (tf.filtersRowIndex === 0) { tH.insertBefore(filtersRow, hRow); } else { tH.appendChild(filtersRow); } this.headTblCont.appendChild(this.headTbl); this.tblCont.parentNode.insertBefore(this.headTblCont, this.tblCont); //THead needs to be removed in content table for sort feature var thead = Dom.tag(tbl, "thead"); if (thead.length > 0) { tbl.removeChild(thead[0]); } //Headers table style this.headTbl.style.tableLayout = "fixed"; tbl.style.tableLayout = "fixed"; this.headTbl.cellPadding = tbl.cellPadding; this.headTbl.cellSpacing = tbl.cellSpacing; // this.headTbl.style.width = tbl.style.width; //content table without headers needs col widths to be reset tf.setColWidths(); //Headers container width this.headTblCont.style.width = this.tblCont.clientWidth + "px"; tbl.style.width = ""; // this.headTbl.style.width = tbl.clientWidth + "px"; // //scroll synchronisation Event.add(this.tblCont, "scroll", function (evt) { var elm = Event.target(evt); var scrollLeft = elm.scrollLeft; _this.headTblCont.scrollLeft = scrollLeft; //New pointerX calc taking into account scrollLeft // if(!o.isPointerXOverwritten){ // try{ // o.Evt.pointerX = function(evt){ // var e = evt || global.event; // var bdScrollLeft = tf_StandardBody().scrollLeft + // scrollLeft; // return (e.pageX + scrollLeft) || // (e.clientX + bdScrollLeft); // }; // o.isPointerXOverwritten = true; // } catch(err) { // o.isPointerXOverwritten = false; // } // } }); //Sort is enabled if not specified in config object if (f.sort !== false) { tf.sort = true; tf.sortConfig.asyncSort = true; tf.sortConfig.triggerIds = sortTriggers; } if (this.gridEnableColResizer) { if (!tf.hasExtensions) { tf.extensions = { name: ["ColumnsResizer_" + tf.id], src: [this.gridColResizerPath], description: ["Columns Resizing"], initialize: [function (o) { o.SetColsResizer("ColumnsResizer_" + o.id); }] }; tf.hasExtensions = true; } else { if (!tf._containsStr("colsresizer", Str.lower(tf.extensions.src.toString()))) { tf.extensions.name.push("ColumnsResizer_" + tf.id); tf.extensions.src.push(tf.gridColResizerPath); tf.extensions.description.push("Columns Resizing"); tf.extensions.initialize.push(function (o) { o.SetColsResizer("ColumnsResizer_" + o.id); }); } } } //Default columns resizer properties for grid layout f.col_resizer_cols_headers_table = this.headTbl.getAttribute("id"); f.col_resizer_cols_headers_index = this.gridHeadRowIndex; f.col_resizer_width_adjustment = 0; f.col_enable_text_ellipsis = false; //Cols generation for all browsers excepted IE<=7 this.tblHasColTag = Dom.tag(tbl, "col").length > 0 ? true : false; //Col elements are enough to keep column widths after sorting and //filtering var createColTags = function createColTags(o) { if (!o) { return; } for (var k = tf.nbCells - 1; k >= 0; k--) { var col = Dom.create("col", ["id", tf.id + "_col_" + k]); tbl.firstChild.parentNode.insertBefore(col, tbl.firstChild); col.style.width = tf.colWidth[k]; o.gridColElms[k] = col; } o.tblHasColTag = true; }; if (!this.tblHasColTag) { createColTags(this); } else { var cols = Dom.tag(tbl, "col"); for (var ii = 0; ii < tf.nbCells; ii++) { cols[ii].setAttribute("id", tf.id + "_col_" + ii); cols[ii].style.width = tf.colWidth[ii]; o.gridColElms.push(cols[ii]); } } var afterColResizedFn = Types.isFn(f.on_after_col_resized) ? f.on_after_col_resized : null; f.on_after_col_resized = function (o, colIndex) { if (!colIndex) { return; } var w = o.crWColsRow.cells[colIndex].style.width; var col = o.gridColElms[colIndex]; col.style.width = w; var thCW = o.crWColsRow.cells[colIndex].clientWidth; var tdCW = o.crWRowDataTbl.cells[colIndex].clientWidth; if (thCW != tdCW /*&& !Helpers.isIE()*/) { o.headTbl.style.width = tbl.clientWidth + "px"; } if (afterColResizedFn) { afterColResizedFn.call(null, o, colIndex); } }; if (tbl.clientWidth !== this.headTbl.clientWidth) { tbl.style.width = this.headTbl.clientWidth + "px"; } // Re-adjust reference row //tf.refRow = Helpers.isIE() ? (tf.refRow+1) : 0; } }, destroy: { /** * Removes the grid layout */ value: function destroy() { var tf = this.tf; var tbl = tf.tbl; if (!tf.gridLayout) { return; } var t = tbl.parentNode.removeChild(tbl); this.tblMainCont.parentNode.insertBefore(t, this.tblMainCont); this.tblMainCont.parentNode.removeChild(this.tblMainCont); this.tblMainCont = null; this.headTblCont = null; this.headTbl = null; this.tblCont = null; tbl.outerHTML = tf.sourceTblHtml; //needed to keep reference of table element tbl = Dom.id(tf.id); } } }); return GridLayout; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=gridLayout.js.map; define('modules/loader',["exports", "../dom", "../types"], function (exports, _dom, _types) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Types = _types.Types; var global = window; /** * Loading message/spinner * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ var Loader = exports.Loader = (function () { function Loader(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, Loader); // TableFilter configuration var f = tf.config(); //id of container element this.loaderTgtId = f.loader_target_id || null; //div containing loader this.loaderDiv = null; //defines loader text this.loaderText = f.loader_text || "Loading..."; //defines loader innerHtml this.loaderHtml = f.loader_html || null; //defines css class for loader div this.loaderCssClass = f.loader_css_class || "loader"; //delay for hiding loader this.loaderCloseDelay = 200; //callback function before loader is displayed this.onShowLoader = Types.isFn(f.on_show_loader) ? f.on_show_loader : null; //callback function after loader is closed this.onHideLoader = Types.isFn(f.on_hide_loader) ? f.on_hide_loader : null; //loader div this.prfxLoader = "load_"; this.tf = tf; var containerDiv = Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxLoader + tf.id]); containerDiv.className = this.loaderCssClass; var targetEl = !this.loaderTgtId ? tf.tbl.parentNode : Dom.id(this.loaderTgtId); if (!this.loaderTgtId) { targetEl.insertBefore(containerDiv, tf.tbl); } else { targetEl.appendChild(containerDiv); } this.loaderDiv = Dom.id(this.prfxLoader + tf.id); if (!this.loaderHtml) { this.loaderDiv.appendChild(Dom.text(this.loaderText)); } else { this.loaderDiv.innerHTML = this.loaderHtml; } } _createClass(Loader, { show: { value: function show(p) { var _this = this; if (!this.tf.loader || !this.loaderDiv || this.loaderDiv.style.display === p) { return; } var displayLoader = function () { if (!_this.loaderDiv) { return; } if (_this.onShowLoader && p !== "none") { _this.onShowLoader.call(null, _this); } _this.loaderDiv.style.display = p; if (_this.onHideLoader && p === "none") { _this.onHideLoader.call(null, _this); } }; var t = p === "none" ? this.loaderCloseDelay : 1; global.setTimeout(displayLoader, t); } }, remove: { value: function remove() { if (!this.loaderDiv) { return; } var tf = this.tf, targetEl = !this.loaderTgtId ? tf.gridLayout ? tf.Cpt.gridLayout.tblCont : tf.tbl.parentNode : Dom.id(this.loaderTgtId); targetEl.removeChild(this.loaderDiv); this.loaderDiv = null; } } }); return Loader; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=loader.js.map; define('modules/highlightKeywords',["exports", "../dom", "../string"], function (exports, _dom, _string) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Str = _string.Str; var HighlightKeyword = exports.HighlightKeyword = (function () { /** * HighlightKeyword, highlight matched keyword * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function HighlightKeyword(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, HighlightKeyword); var f = tf.config(); //defines css class for highlighting this.highlightCssClass = f.highlight_css_class || "keyword"; this.highlightedNodes = []; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(HighlightKeyword, { highlight: { /** * highlight occurences of searched term in passed node * @param {Node} node * @param {String} word Searched term * @param {String} cssClass Css class name */ value: function highlight(node, word, cssClass) { // Iterate into this nodes childNodes if (node.hasChildNodes) { var children = node.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { this.highlight(children[i], word, cssClass); } } if (node.nodeType === 3) { var tempNodeVal = Str.lower(node.nodeValue); var tempWordVal = Str.lower(word); if (tempNodeVal.indexOf(tempWordVal) != -1) { var pn = node.parentNode; if (pn && pn.className != cssClass) { // word not highlighted yet var nv = node.nodeValue, ni = tempNodeVal.indexOf(tempWordVal), // Create a load of replacement nodes before = Dom.text(nv.substr(0, ni)), docWordVal = nv.substr(ni, word.length), after = Dom.text(nv.substr(ni + word.length)), hiwordtext = Dom.text(docWordVal), hiword = Dom.create("span"); hiword.className = cssClass; hiword.appendChild(hiwordtext); pn.insertBefore(before, node); pn.insertBefore(hiword, node); pn.insertBefore(after, node); pn.removeChild(node); this.highlightedNodes.push(hiword.firstChild); } } } } }, unhighlight: { /** * Removes highlight to nodes matching passed string * @param {String} word * @param {String} cssClass Css class to remove */ value: function unhighlight(word, cssClass) { var arrRemove = []; var highlightedNodes = this.highlightedNodes; for (var i = 0; i < highlightedNodes.length; i++) { var n = highlightedNodes[i]; if (!n) { continue; } var tempNodeVal = Str.lower(n.nodeValue), tempWordVal = Str.lower(word); if (tempNodeVal.indexOf(tempWordVal) !== -1) { var pn = n.parentNode; if (pn && pn.className === cssClass) { var prevSib = pn.previousSibling, nextSib = pn.nextSibling; if (!prevSib || !nextSib) { continue; } nextSib.nodeValue = prevSib.nodeValue + n.nodeValue + nextSib.nodeValue; prevSib.nodeValue = ""; n.nodeValue = ""; arrRemove.push(i); } } } for (var k = 0; k < arrRemove.length; k++) { highlightedNodes.splice(arrRemove[k], 1); } } }, unhighlightAll: { /** * Clear all occurrences of highlighted nodes */ value: function unhighlightAll() { if (!this.tf.highlightKeywords || !this.tf.searchArgs) { return; } for (var y = 0; y < this.tf.searchArgs.length; y++) { this.unhighlight(this.tf.searchArgs[y], this.highlightCssClass); } this.highlightedNodes = []; } } }); return HighlightKeyword; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=highlightKeywords.js.map; define('modules/popupFilter',["exports", "../types", "../dom", "../event", "../helpers"], function (exports, _types, _dom, _event, _helpers) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Types = _types.Types; var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Event = _event.Event; var Helpers = _helpers.Helpers; var PopupFilter = exports.PopupFilter = (function () { /** * Pop-up filter component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function PopupFilter(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, PopupFilter); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); // Enable external filters behaviour tf.isExternalFlt = true; tf.externalFltTgtIds = []; //filter icon path this.popUpImgFlt = f.popup_filters_image || tf.themesPath + "icn_filter.gif"; //active filter icon path this.popUpImgFltActive = f.popup_filters_image_active || tf.themesPath + "icn_filterActive.gif"; this.popUpImgFltHtml = f.popup_filters_image_html || "\"Column"; //defines css class for popup div containing filter this.popUpDivCssClass = f.popup_div_css_class || "popUpFilter"; //callback function before popup filtes is opened this.onBeforePopUpOpen = Types.isFn(f.on_before_popup_filter_open) ? f.on_before_popup_filter_open : null; //callback function after popup filtes is opened this.onAfterPopUpOpen = Types.isFn(f.on_after_popup_filter_open) ? f.on_after_popup_filter_open : null; //callback function before popup filtes is closed this.onBeforePopUpClose = Types.isFn(f.on_before_popup_filter_close) ? f.on_before_popup_filter_close : null; //callback function after popup filtes is closed this.onAfterPopUpClose = Types.isFn(f.on_after_popup_filter_close) ? f.on_after_popup_filter_close : null; //stores filters spans this.popUpFltSpans = []; //stores filters icons this.popUpFltImgs = []; //stores filters containers this.popUpFltElms = this.popUpFltElmCache || []; this.popUpFltAdjustToContainer = true; //id prefix for pop-up filter span this.prfxPopUpSpan = "popUpSpan_"; //id prefix for pop-up div containing filter this.prfxPopUpDiv = "popUpDiv_"; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(PopupFilter, { onClick: { value: function onClick(e) { var evt = e || global.event, elm = evt.target.parentNode, colIndex = parseInt(elm.getAttribute("ci"), 10); this.closeAll(colIndex); this.toggle(colIndex); if (this.popUpFltAdjustToContainer) { var popUpDiv = this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], header = this.tf.getHeaderElement(colIndex), headerWidth = header.clientWidth * 0.95; if (Helpers.isIE()) { var headerLeft = Dom.position(header).left; popUpDiv.style.left = headerLeft + "px"; } popUpDiv.style.width = parseInt(headerWidth, 10) + "px"; } Event.cancel(evt); Event.stop(evt); } }, init: { /** * Initialize DOM elements */ value: function init() { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf; for (var i = 0; i < tf.nbCells; i++) { if (tf["col" + i] === tf.fltTypeNone) { continue; } var popUpSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxPopUpSpan + tf.id + "_" + i], ["ci", i]); popUpSpan.innerHTML = this.popUpImgFltHtml; var header = tf.getHeaderElement(i); header.appendChild(popUpSpan); Event.add(popUpSpan, "click", function (evt) { _this.onClick(evt); }); this.popUpFltSpans[i] = popUpSpan; this.popUpFltImgs[i] = popUpSpan.firstChild; } } }, buildAll: { /** * Build all pop-up filters elements */ value: function buildAll() { for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltElmCache.length; i++) { this.build(i, this.popUpFltElmCache[i]); } } }, build: { /** * Build a specified pop-up filter elements * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Object} div Optional container DOM element */ value: function build(colIndex, div) { var tf = this.tf; var popUpDiv = !div ? Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxPopUpDiv + tf.id + "_" + colIndex]) : div; popUpDiv.className = this.popUpDivCssClass; tf.externalFltTgtIds.push(popUpDiv.id); var header = tf.getHeaderElement(colIndex); header.insertBefore(popUpDiv, header.firstChild); Event.add(popUpDiv, "click", function (evt) { Event.stop(evt); }); this.popUpFltElms[colIndex] = popUpDiv; } }, toggle: { /** * Toogle visibility of specified filter * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ value: function toggle(colIndex) { var tf = this.tf, popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[colIndex]; if (popUpFltElm.style.display === "none" || popUpFltElm.style.display === "") { if (this.onBeforePopUpOpen) { this.onBeforePopUpOpen.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex); } popUpFltElm.style.display = "block"; if (tf["col" + colIndex] === tf.fltTypeInp) { var flt = tf.getFilterElement(colIndex); if (flt) { flt.focus(); } } if (this.onAfterPopUpOpen) { this.onAfterPopUpOpen.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex); } } else { if (this.onBeforePopUpClose) { this.onBeforePopUpClose.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex); } popUpFltElm.style.display = "none"; if (this.onAfterPopUpClose) { this.onAfterPopUpClose.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex); } } } }, closeAll: { /** * Close all filters excepted for the specified one if any * @param {Number} exceptIdx Column index of the filter to not close */ value: function closeAll(exceptIdx) { for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltElms.length; i++) { if (i === exceptIdx) { continue; } var popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[i]; if (popUpFltElm) { popUpFltElm.style.display = "none"; } } } }, buildIcons: { /** * Build all the icons representing the pop-up filters */ value: function buildIcons() { for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltImgs.length; i++) { this.buildIcon(i, false); } } }, buildIcon: { /** * Build specified icon * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} active Apply active state */ value: function buildIcon(colIndex, active) { var activeImg = Types.isUndef(active) ? true : active; if (this.popUpFltImgs[colIndex]) { this.popUpFltImgs[colIndex].src = active ? this.popUpImgFltActive : this.popUpImgFlt; } } }, destroy: { /** * Remove pop-up filters */ value: function destroy() { this.popUpFltElmCache = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltElms.length; i++) { var popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[i], popUpFltSpan = this.popUpFltSpans[i], popUpFltImg = this.popUpFltImgs[i]; if (popUpFltElm) { popUpFltElm.parentNode.removeChild(popUpFltElm); this.popUpFltElmCache[i] = popUpFltElm; } popUpFltElm = null; if (popUpFltSpan) { popUpFltSpan.parentNode.removeChild(popUpFltSpan); } popUpFltSpan = null; if (popUpFltImg) { popUpFltImg.parentNode.removeChild(popUpFltImg); } popUpFltImg = null; } this.popUpFltElms = []; this.popUpFltSpans = []; this.popUpFltImgs = []; } } }); return PopupFilter; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=popupFilter.js.map; define('modules/dropdown',["exports", "../dom", "../array", "../string", "../sort"], function (exports, _dom, _array, _string, _sort) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var array = _array.Arr; var Str = _string.Str; var Sort = _sort.Sort; var Dropdown = exports.Dropdown = (function () { /** * Dropdown UI component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function Dropdown(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, Dropdown); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); this.enableSlcResetFilter = f.enable_slc_reset_filter ? false : true; //defines empty option text this.nonEmptyText = f.non_empty_text || "(Non empty)"; //sets select filling method: 'innerHTML' or 'createElement' this.slcFillingMethod = f.slc_filling_method || "createElement"; //IE only, tooltip text appearing on select before it is populated this.activateSlcTooltip = f.activate_slc_tooltip || "Click to activate"; //tooltip text appearing on multiple select this.multipleSlcTooltip = f.multiple_slc_tooltip || "Use Ctrl key for multiple selections"; this.isCustom = null; this.opts = null; this.optsTxt = null; this.slcInnerHtml = null; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(Dropdown, { build: { /** * Build drop-down filter UI asynchronously * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} isRefreshed Enable linked refresh behaviour * @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container * @param {String} extSlcId External container id */ value: function build(colIndex, isRefreshed, isExternal, extSlcId) { var tf = this.tf; tf.EvtManager(tf.Evt.name.dropdown, { slcIndex: colIndex, slcRefreshed: isRefreshed, slcExternal: isExternal, slcId: extSlcId }); } }, _build: { /** * Build drop-down filter UI * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} isRefreshed Enable linked refresh behaviour * @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container * @param {String} extSlcId External container id */ value: function _build(colIndex) { var isRefreshed = arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1]; var isExternal = arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2]; var extSlcId = arguments[3] === undefined ? null : arguments[3]; var tf = this.tf; colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10); this.opts = []; this.optsTxt = []; this.slcInnerHtml = ""; var slcId = tf.fltIds[colIndex]; if (!Dom.id(slcId) && !isExternal || !Dom.id(extSlcId) && isExternal) { return; } var slc = !isExternal ? Dom.id(slcId) : Dom.id(extSlcId), rows = tf.tbl.rows, matchCase = tf.matchCase, fillMethod = Str.lower(this.slcFillingMethod); //custom select test this.isCustom = tf.hasCustomSlcOptions && array.has(tf.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex); //custom selects text var activeFlt; if (isRefreshed && tf.activeFilterId) { activeFlt = tf.activeFilterId.split("_")[0]; activeFlt = activeFlt.split(tf.prfxFlt)[1]; } /*** remember grid values ***/ var fltsValues = [], fltArr = []; if (tf.rememberGridValues) { fltsValues = tf.Cpt.store.getFilterValues(tf.fltsValuesCookie); if (fltsValues && !Str.isEmpty(fltsValues.toString())) { if (this.isCustom) { fltArr.push(fltsValues[colIndex]); } else { fltArr = fltsValues[colIndex].split(" " + tf.orOperator + " "); } } } var excludedOpts = null, filteredDataCol = null; if (isRefreshed && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { excludedOpts = []; filteredDataCol = []; } for (var k = tf.refRow; k < tf.nbRows; k++) { // always visible rows don't need to appear on selects as always // valid if (tf.hasVisibleRows && array.has(tf.visibleRows, k) && !tf.paging) { continue; } var cell = rows[k].cells, nchilds = cell.length; // checks if row has exact cell # if (nchilds !== tf.nbCells || this.isCustom) { continue; } // this loop retrieves cell data for (var j = 0; j < nchilds; j++) { if (colIndex === j && (!isRefreshed || isRefreshed && tf.disableExcludedOptions) || colIndex == j && isRefreshed && (rows[k].style.display === "" && !tf.paging || tf.paging && (!tf.validRowsIndex || tf.validRowsIndex && array.has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)) && (activeFlt === undefined || activeFlt == colIndex || activeFlt != colIndex && array.has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)))) { var cell_data = tf.getCellData(j, cell[j]), //Vary Peter's patch cell_string = Str.matchCase(cell_data, matchCase); // checks if celldata is already in array if (!array.has(this.opts, cell_string, matchCase)) { this.opts.push(cell_data); } if (isRefreshed && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { var filteredCol = filteredDataCol[j]; if (!filteredCol) { filteredCol = this.GetFilteredDataCol(j); } if (!array.has(filteredCol, cell_string, matchCase) && !array.has(excludedOpts, cell_string, matchCase) && !this.isFirstLoad) { excludedOpts.push(cell_data); } } } //if colIndex==j } //for j } //for k //Retrieves custom values if (this.isCustom) { var customValues = tf.__getCustomValues(colIndex); this.opts = customValues[0]; this.optsTxt = customValues[1]; } if (tf.sortSlc && !this.isCustom) { if (!matchCase) { this.opts.sort(Sort.ignoreCase); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(Sort.ignoreCase); } } else { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } } } //asc sort if (tf.sortNumAsc && array.has(tf.sortNumAsc, colIndex)) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortAsc); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(numSortAsc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortAsc); } } catch (e) { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(); } } //in case there are alphanumeric values } //desc sort if (tf.sortNumDesc && array.has(tf.sortNumDesc, colIndex)) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortDesc); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(numSortDesc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortDesc); } } catch (e) { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(); } } //in case there are alphanumeric values } //populates drop-down this.addOptions(colIndex, slc, isRefreshed, excludedOpts, fltsValues, fltArr); } }, addOptions: { /** * Add drop-down options * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Object} slc Select Dom element * @param {Boolean} isRefreshed Enable linked refresh behaviour * @param {Array} excludedOpts Array of excluded options * @param {Array} fltsValues Collection of persisted filter values * @param {Array} fltArr Collection of persisted filter values */ value: function addOptions(colIndex, slc, isRefreshed, excludedOpts, fltsValues, fltArr) { var tf = this.tf, fillMethod = Str.lower(this.slcFillingMethod), slcValue = slc.value; slc.innerHTML = ""; slc = this.addFirstOption(slc); for (var y = 0; y < this.opts.length; y++) { if (this.opts[y] === "") { continue; } var val = this.opts[y]; //option value var lbl = this.isCustom ? this.optsTxt[y] : val; //option text var isDisabled = false; if (isRefreshed && this.disableExcludedOptions && array.has(excludedOpts, Str.matchCase(val, tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase)) { isDisabled = true; } if (fillMethod === "innerhtml") { var slcAttr = ""; if (tf.fillSlcOnDemand && slcValue === this.opts[y]) { slcAttr = "selected=\"selected\""; } this.slcInnerHtml += ""; } else { var opt; //fill select on demand if (tf.fillSlcOnDemand && slcValue === this.opts[y] && tf["col" + colIndex] === tf.fltTypeSlc) { opt = Dom.createOpt(lbl, val, true); } else { if (tf["col" + colIndex] !== tf.fltTypeMulti) { opt = Dom.createOpt(lbl, val, fltsValues[colIndex] !== " " && val === fltsValues[colIndex] ? true : false); } else { opt = Dom.createOpt(lbl, val, array.has(fltArr, Str.matchCase(this.opts[y], tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase) || fltArr.toString().indexOf(val) !== -1 ? true : false); } } if (isDisabled) { opt.disabled = true; } slc.appendChild(opt); } } // for y if (fillMethod === "innerhtml") { slc.innerHTML += this.slcInnerHtml; } slc.setAttribute("filled", "1"); } }, addFirstOption: { /** * Add drop-down header option * @param {Object} slc Select DOM element */ value: function addFirstOption(slc) { var tf = this.tf, fillMethod = Str.lower(this.slcFillingMethod); if (fillMethod === "innerhtml") { this.slcInnerHtml += ""; } else { var opt0 = Dom.createOpt(!this.enableSlcResetFilter ? "" : tf.displayAllText, ""); if (!this.enableSlcResetFilter) { opt0.style.display = "none"; } slc.appendChild(opt0); if (tf.enableEmptyOption) { var opt1 = Dom.createOpt(tf.emptyText, tf.emOperator); slc.appendChild(opt1); } if (tf.enableNonEmptyOption) { var opt2 = Dom.createOpt(tf.nonEmptyText, tf.nmOperator); slc.appendChild(opt2); } } return slc; } } }); return Dropdown; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=dropdown.js.map; define('modules/checkList',["exports", "../dom", "../array", "../string", "../sort", "../event"], function (exports, _dom, _array, _string, _sort, _event) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var array = _array.Arr; var Str = _string.Str; var Sort = _sort.Sort; var Event = _event.Event; var CheckList = exports.CheckList = (function () { /** * Checklist UI component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function CheckList(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, CheckList); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); this.checkListDiv = []; //checklist container div //defines css class for div containing checklist filter this.checkListDivCssClass = f.div_checklist_css_class || "div_checklist"; //defines css class for checklist filters this.checkListCssClass = f.checklist_css_class || "flt_checklist"; //defines css class for checklist item (li) this.checkListItemCssClass = f.checklist_item_css_class || "flt_checklist_item"; //defines css class for selected checklist item (li) this.checkListSlcItemCssClass = f.checklist_selected_item_css_class || "flt_checklist_slc_item"; //Load on demand text this.activateCheckListTxt = f.activate_checklist_text || "Click to load filter data"; //defines css class for checklist filters this.checkListItemDisabledCssClass = f.checklist_item_disabled_css_class || "flt_checklist_item_disabled"; this.enableCheckListResetFilter = f.enable_checklist_reset_filter === false ? false : true; //checklist filter container div this.prfxCheckListDiv = "chkdiv_"; this.isCustom = null; this.opts = null; this.optsTxt = null; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(CheckList, { onChange: { // TODO: move event here value: function onChange(evt) { this.tf.Evt.onSlcChange(evt); } }, optionClick: { value: function optionClick(evt) { this.setCheckListValues(evt.target); this.onChange(evt); } }, build: { /** * Build checklist UI asynchronously * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container * @param {String} extFltId External container id */ value: function build(colIndex, isExternal, extFltId) { var tf = this.tf; tf.EvtManager(tf.Evt.name.checklist, { slcIndex: colIndex, slcExternal: isExternal, slcId: extFltId }); } }, _build: { /** * Build checklist UI * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container * @param {String} extFltId External container id */ value: function _build(colIndex) { var _this = this; var isExternal = arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1]; var extFltId = arguments[2] === undefined ? null : arguments[2]; var tf = this.tf; colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10); this.opts = []; this.optsTxt = []; var divFltId = this.prfxCheckListDiv + colIndex + "_" + tf.id; if (!Dom.id(divFltId) && !isExternal || !Dom.id(extFltId) && isExternal) { return; } var flt = !isExternal ? this.checkListDiv[colIndex] : Dom.id(extFltId); var ul = Dom.create("ul", ["id", tf.fltIds[colIndex]], ["colIndex", colIndex]); ul.className = this.checkListCssClass; Event.add(ul, "change", function (evt) { _this.onChange(evt); }); var rows = tf.tbl.rows; this.isCustom = tf.hasCustomSlcOptions && array.has(tf.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex); var activeFlt; if (tf.refreshFilters && tf.activeFilterId) { activeFlt = tf.activeFilterId.split("_")[0]; activeFlt = activeFlt.split(tf.prfxFlt)[1]; } var excludedOpts, filteredDataCol = []; if (tf.refreshFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { excludedOpts = []; } for (var k = tf.refRow; k < tf.nbRows; k++) { // always visible rows don't need to appear on selects as always // valid if (tf.hasVisibleRows && array.has(tf.visibleRows, k) && !tf.paging) { continue; } var cells = rows[k].cells; var ncells = cells.length; // checks if row has exact cell # if (ncells !== tf.nbCells || this.isCustom) { continue; } // this loop retrieves cell data for (var j = 0; j < ncells; j++) { if (colIndex === j && (!tf.refreshFilters || tf.refreshFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) || colIndex === j && tf.refreshFilters && (rows[k].style.display === "" && !tf.paging || tf.paging && (!activeFlt || activeFlt === colIndex || activeFlt != colIndex && array.has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)))) { var cell_data = tf.getCellData(j, cells[j]); //Vary Peter's patch var cell_string = Str.matchCase(cell_data, tf.matchCase); // checks if celldata is already in array if (!array.has(this.opts, cell_string, tf.matchCase)) { this.opts.push(cell_data); } var filteredCol = filteredDataCol[j]; if (tf.refreshFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { if (!filteredCol) { filteredDataCol[j] = tf.GetFilteredDataCol(j); } if (!array.has(filteredCol, cell_string, tf.matchCase) && !array.has(excludedOpts, cell_string, tf.matchCase) && !tf.isFirstLoad) { excludedOpts.push(cell_data); } } } } } //Retrieves custom values if (this.isCustom) { var customValues = tf.__getCustomValues(colIndex); this.opts = customValues[0]; this.optsTxt = customValues[1]; } if (tf.sortSlc && !this.isCustom) { if (!tf.matchCase) { this.opts.sort(Sort.ignoreCase); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(Sort.ignoreCase); } } else { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } } } //asc sort if (tf.sortNumAsc && array.has(tf.sortNumAsc, colIndex)) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortAsc); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(numSortAsc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortAsc); } } catch (e) { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(); } } //in case there are alphanumeric values } //desc sort if (tf.sortNumDesc && array.has(tf.sortNumDesc, colIndex)) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortDesc); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(numSortDesc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortDesc); } } catch (e) { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(); } } //in case there are alphanumeric values } this.addChecks(colIndex, ul, tf.separator); if (tf.fillSlcOnDemand) { flt.innerHTML = ""; } flt.appendChild(ul); flt.setAttribute("filled", "1"); } }, addChecks: { /** * Add checklist options * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Object} ul Ul element * @param {String} separator Data separator */ value: function addChecks(colIndex, ul, separator) { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf; var chkCt = this.addTChecks(colIndex, ul); var flts_values = [], fltArr = []; //remember grid values var store = tf.Cpt.store; var tmpVal = store ? store.getFilterValues(tf.fltsValuesCookie)[colIndex] : null; if (tmpVal && Str.trim(tmpVal).length > 0) { if (tf.hasCustomSlcOptions && array.has(tf.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex)) { fltArr.push(tmpVal); } else { fltArr = tmpVal.split(" " + tf.orOperator + " "); } } for (var y = 0; y < this.opts.length; y++) { var val = this.opts[y]; //item value var lbl = this.isCustom ? this.optsTxt[y] : val; //item text var li = Dom.createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + "_" + (y + chkCt), val, lbl); li.className = this.checkListItemCssClass; if (tf.refreshFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions && array.has(excludedOpts, Str.matchCase(val, tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase)) { Dom.addClass(li, this.checkListItemDisabledCssClass); li.check.disabled = true; li.disabled = true; } else { Event.add(li.check, "click", function (evt) { _this.optionClick(evt); }); } ul.appendChild(li); if (val === "") { //item is hidden li.style.display = "none"; } /*** remember grid values ***/ if (tf.rememberGridValues) { if (tf.hasCustomSlcOptions && array.has(tf.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex) && fltArr.toString().indexOf(val) != -1 || array.has(fltArr, Str.matchCase(val, tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase)) { li.check.checked = true; this.setCheckListValues(li.check); } } } } }, addTChecks: { /** * Add checklist header option * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Object} ul Ul element */ value: function addTChecks(colIndex, ul) { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf; var chkCt = 1; var li0 = Dom.createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + "_0", "", tf.displayAllText); li0.className = this.checkListItemCssClass; ul.appendChild(li0); Event.add(li0.check, "click", function (evt) { _this.optionClick(evt); }); if (!this.enableCheckListResetFilter) { li0.style.display = "none"; } if (tf.enableEmptyOption) { var li1 = Dom.createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + "_1", tf.emOperator, tf.emptyText); li1.className = this.checkListItemCssClass; ul.appendChild(li1); Event.add(li1.check, "click", function (evt) { _this.optionClick(evt); }); chkCt++; } if (tf.enableNonEmptyOption) { var li2 = Dom.createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + "_2", tf.nmOperator, tf.nonEmptyText); li2.className = this.checkListItemCssClass; ul.appendChild(li2); Event.add(li2.check, "click", function (evt) { _this.optionClick(evt); }); chkCt++; } return chkCt; } }, setCheckListValues: { /** * Store checked options in DOM element attribute * @param {Object} o checklist option DOM element */ value: function setCheckListValues(o) { if (!o) { return; } var tf = this.tf; var chkValue = o.value; //checked item value var chkIndex = parseInt(o.id.split("_")[2], 10); var filterTag = "ul", itemTag = "li"; var n = o; //ul tag search while (Str.lower(n.nodeName) !== filterTag) { n = n.parentNode; } var li = n.childNodes[chkIndex]; var colIndex = n.getAttribute("colIndex"); var fltValue = n.getAttribute("value"); //filter value (ul tag) var fltIndexes = n.getAttribute("indexes"); //selected items (ul tag) if (o.checked) { //show all item if (chkValue === "") { if (fltIndexes && fltIndexes !== "") { //items indexes var indSplit = fltIndexes.split(tf.separator); //checked items loop for (var u = 0; u < indSplit.length; u++) { //checked item var cChk = Dom.id(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + "_" + indSplit[u]); if (cChk) { cChk.checked = false; Dom.removeClass(n.childNodes[indSplit[u]], this.checkListSlcItemCssClass); } } } n.setAttribute("value", ""); n.setAttribute("indexes", ""); } else { fltValue = fltValue ? fltValue : ""; chkValue = Str.trim(fltValue + " " + chkValue + " " + tf.orOperator); chkIndex = fltIndexes + chkIndex + tf.separator; n.setAttribute("value", chkValue); n.setAttribute("indexes", chkIndex); //1st option unchecked if (Dom.id(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + "_0")) { Dom.id(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + "_0").checked = false; } } if (Str.lower(li.nodeName) === itemTag) { Dom.removeClass(n.childNodes[0], this.checkListSlcItemCssClass); Dom.addClass(li, this.checkListSlcItemCssClass); } } else { //removes values and indexes if (chkValue !== "") { var replaceValue = new RegExp(Str.rgxEsc(chkValue + " " + tf.orOperator)); fltValue = fltValue.replace(replaceValue, ""); n.setAttribute("value", Str.trim(fltValue)); var replaceIndex = new RegExp(Str.rgxEsc(chkIndex + tf.separator)); fltIndexes = fltIndexes.replace(replaceIndex, ""); n.setAttribute("indexes", fltIndexes); } if (Str.lower(li.nodeName) === itemTag) { Dom.removeClass(li, this.checkListSlcItemCssClass); } } } } }); return CheckList; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=checkList.js.map; define('modules/rowsCounter',["exports", "../dom", "../types", "../helpers"], function (exports, _dom, _types, _helpers) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Types = _types.Types; var Helpers = _helpers.Helpers; var RowsCounter = exports.RowsCounter = (function () { /** * Rows counter * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function RowsCounter(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, RowsCounter); // TableFilter configuration var f = tf.config(); //id of custom container element this.rowsCounterTgtId = f.rows_counter_target_id || null; //element containing tot nb rows this.rowsCounterDiv = null; //element containing tot nb rows label this.rowsCounterSpan = null; //defines rows counter text this.rowsCounterText = f.rows_counter_text || "Rows: "; this.fromToTextSeparator = f.from_to_text_separator || "-"; this.overText = f.over_text || " / "; //defines css class rows counter this.totRowsCssClass = f.tot_rows_css_class || "tot"; //rows counter div this.prfxCounter = "counter_"; //nb displayed rows label this.prfxTotRows = "totrows_span_"; //label preceding nb rows label this.prfxTotRowsTxt = "totRowsTextSpan_"; //callback raised before counter is refreshed this.onBeforeRefreshCounter = Types.isFn(f.on_before_refresh_counter) ? f.on_before_refresh_counter : null; //callback raised after counter is refreshed this.onAfterRefreshCounter = Types.isFn(f.on_after_refresh_counter) ? f.on_after_refresh_counter : null; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(RowsCounter, { init: { value: function init() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad || this.rowsCounterSpan) { return; } //rows counter container var countDiv = Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxCounter + tf.id]); countDiv.className = this.totRowsCssClass; //rows counter label var countSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxTotRows + tf.id]); var countText = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxTotRowsTxt + tf.id]); countText.appendChild(Dom.text(this.rowsCounterText)); // counter is added to defined element if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.rowsCounterTgtId ? tf.lDiv : Dom.id(this.rowsCounterTgtId); //IE only: clears all for sure if (this.rowsCounterDiv && Helpers.isIE()) { this.rowsCounterDiv.outerHTML = ""; } //default container: 'lDiv' if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId) { countDiv.appendChild(countText); countDiv.appendChild(countSpan); targetEl.appendChild(countDiv); } else { //custom container, no need to append statusDiv targetEl.appendChild(countText); targetEl.appendChild(countSpan); } this.rowsCounterDiv = countDiv; this.rowsCounterSpan = countSpan; this.refresh(); } }, refresh: { value: function refresh(p) { if (!this.rowsCounterSpan) { return; } var tf = this.tf; if (this.onBeforeRefreshCounter) { this.onBeforeRefreshCounter.call(null, tf, this.rowsCounterSpan); } var totTxt; if (!tf.paging) { if (p && p !== "") { totTxt = p; } else { totTxt = tf.nbFilterableRows - tf.nbHiddenRows - (tf.hasVisibleRows ? tf.visibleRows.length : 0); } } else { var paging = tf.Cpt.paging; if (paging) { //paging start row var paging_start_row = parseInt(paging.startPagingRow, 10) + (tf.nbVisibleRows > 0 ? 1 : 0); var paging_end_row = paging_start_row + paging.pagingLength - 1 <= tf.nbVisibleRows ? paging_start_row + paging.pagingLength - 1 : tf.nbVisibleRows; totTxt = paging_start_row + this.fromToTextSeparator + paging_end_row + this.overText + tf.nbVisibleRows; } } this.rowsCounterSpan.innerHTML = totTxt; if (this.onAfterRefreshCounter) { this.onAfterRefreshCounter.call(null, tf, this.rowsCounterSpan, totTxt); } } }, destroy: { value: function destroy() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid()) { return; } if (!this.rowsCounterSpan) { return; } if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId && this.rowsCounterDiv) { //IE only: clears all for sure if (Helpers.isIE()) { this.rowsCounterDiv.outerHTML = ""; } else { this.rowsCounterDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.rowsCounterDiv); } } else { Dom.id(this.rowsCounterTgtId).innerHTML = ""; } this.rowsCounterSpan = null; this.rowsCounterDiv = null; } } }); return RowsCounter; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=rowsCounter.js.map; define('modules/statusBar',["exports", "../dom", "../event", "../types", "../helpers"], function (exports, _dom, _event, _types, _helpers) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Event = _event.Event; var Types = _types.Types; var Helpers = _helpers.Helpers; var global = window; var StatusBar = exports.StatusBar = (function () { /** * Status bar UI component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function StatusBar(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, StatusBar); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); //id of custom container element this.statusBarTgtId = f.status_bar_target_id || null; //element containing status bar label this.statusBarDiv = null; //status bar this.statusBarSpan = null; //status bar label this.statusBarSpanText = null; //defines status bar text this.statusBarText = f.status_bar_text || ""; //defines css class status bar this.statusBarCssClass = f.status_bar_css_class || "status"; //delay for status bar clearing this.statusBarCloseDelay = 250; //calls function before message is displayed this.onBeforeShowMsg = Types.isFn(f.on_before_show_msg) ? f.on_before_show_msg : null; //calls function after message is displayed this.onAfterShowMsg = Types.isFn(f.on_after_show_msg) ? f.on_after_show_msg : null; // status bar div this.prfxStatus = "status_"; // status bar label this.prfxStatusSpan = "statusSpan_"; // text preceding status bar label this.prfxStatusTxt = "statusText_"; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(StatusBar, { init: { value: function init() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad) { return; } //status bar container var statusDiv = Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxStatus + tf.id]); statusDiv.className = this.statusBarCssClass; //status bar label var statusSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxStatusSpan + tf.id]); //preceding text var statusSpanText = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxStatusTxt + tf.id]); statusSpanText.appendChild(Dom.text(this.statusBarText)); // target element container if (!this.statusBarTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.statusBarTgtId ? tf.lDiv : Dom.id(this.statusBarTgtId); // TODO: use alternative to outerHTML if (this.statusBarDiv && Helpers.isIE()) { this.statusBarDiv.outerHTML = ""; } //default container: 'lDiv' if (!this.statusBarTgtId) { statusDiv.appendChild(statusSpanText); statusDiv.appendChild(statusSpan); targetEl.appendChild(statusDiv); } else { // custom container, no need to append statusDiv targetEl.appendChild(statusSpanText); targetEl.appendChild(statusSpan); } this.statusBarDiv = statusDiv; this.statusBarSpan = statusSpan; this.statusBarSpanText = statusSpanText; } }, message: { value: function message() { var _this = this; var t = arguments[0] === undefined ? "" : arguments[0]; var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.statusBar || !this.statusBarSpan) { return; } if (this.onBeforeShowMsg) { this.onBeforeShowMsg.call(null, this.tf, t); } var d = t === "" ? this.statusBarCloseDelay : 1; global.setTimeout(function () { _this.statusBarSpan.innerHTML = t; if (_this.onAfterShowMsg) { _this.onAfterShowMsg.call(null, _this.tf, t); } }, d); } }, destroy: { value: function destroy() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.statusBarDiv) { return; } this.statusBarDiv.innerHTML = ""; this.statusBarDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.statusBarDiv); this.statusBarSpan = null; this.statusBarSpanText = null; this.statusBarDiv = null; } } }); return StatusBar; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=statusBar.js.map; define('modules/paging',["exports", "../dom", "../types", "../string", "../helpers", "../event"], function (exports, _dom, _types, _string, _helpers, _event) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Types = _types.Types; var Str = _string.Str; var Helpers = _helpers.Helpers; var Event = _event.Event; var Paging = exports.Paging = (function () { /** * Pagination component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function Paging(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, Paging); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); //css class for paging buttons (previous,next,etc.) this.btnPageCssClass = f.paging_btn_css_class || "pgInp"; //stores paging select element this.pagingSlc = null; //results per page select element this.resultsPerPageSlc = null; //id of container element this.pagingTgtId = f.paging_target_id || null; //defines table paging length this.pagingLength = !isNaN(f.paging_length) ? f.paging_length : 10; //id of container element this.resultsPerPageTgtId = f.results_per_page_target_id || null; //css class for paging select element this.pgSlcCssClass = f.paging_slc_css_class || "pgSlc"; //css class for paging input element this.pgInpCssClass = f.paging_inp_css_class || "pgNbInp"; //stores results per page text and values this.resultsPerPage = f.results_per_page || null; //enables/disables results per page drop-down this.hasResultsPerPage = Types.isArray(this.resultsPerPage); //defines css class for results per page select this.resultsSlcCssClass = f.results_slc_css_class || "rspg"; //css class for label preceding results per page select this.resultsSpanCssClass = f.results_span_css_class || "rspgSpan"; //1st row index of current page this.startPagingRow = 0; //total nb of pages this.nbPages = 0; //current page nb this.currentPageNb = 1; //defines next page button text this.btnNextPageText = f.btn_next_page_text || ">"; //defines previous page button text this.btnPrevPageText = f.btn_prev_page_text || "<"; //defines last page button text this.btnLastPageText = f.btn_last_page_text || ">|"; //defines first page button text this.btnFirstPageText = f.btn_first_page_text || "|<"; //defines next page button html this.btnNextPageHtml = f.btn_next_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ""); //defines previous page button html this.btnPrevPageHtml = f.btn_prev_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ""); //defines last page button html this.btnFirstPageHtml = f.btn_first_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ""); //defines previous page button html this.btnLastPageHtml = f.btn_last_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ""); //defines text preceeding page selector drop-down this.pageText = f.page_text || " Page "; //defines text after page selector drop-down this.ofText = f.of_text || " of "; //css class for span containing tot nb of pages this.nbPgSpanCssClass = f.nb_pages_css_class || "nbpg"; //enables/disables paging buttons this.hasPagingBtns = f.paging_btns === false ? false : true; //defines previous page button html this.pageSelectorType = f.page_selector_type || tf.fltTypeSlc; //calls function before page is changed this.onBeforeChangePage = Types.isFn(f.on_before_change_page) ? f.on_before_change_page : null; //calls function before page is changed this.onAfterChangePage = Types.isFn(f.on_after_change_page) ? f.on_after_change_page : null; //pages select this.prfxSlcPages = "slcPages_"; //results per page select this.prfxSlcResults = "slcResults_"; //label preciding results per page select this.prfxSlcResultsTxt = "slcResultsTxt_"; //span containing next page button this.prfxBtnNextSpan = "btnNextSpan_"; //span containing previous page button this.prfxBtnPrevSpan = "btnPrevSpan_"; //span containing last page button this.prfxBtnLastSpan = "btnLastSpan_"; //span containing first page button this.prfxBtnFirstSpan = "btnFirstSpan_"; //next button this.prfxBtnNext = "btnNext_"; //previous button this.prfxBtnPrev = "btnPrev_"; //last button this.prfxBtnLast = "btnLast_"; //first button this.prfxBtnFirst = "btnFirst_"; //span for tot nb pages this.prfxPgSpan = "pgspan_"; //span preceding pages select (contains 'Page') this.prfxPgBeforeSpan = "pgbeforespan_"; //span following pages select (contains ' of ') this.prfxPgAfterSpan = "pgafterspan_"; var start_row = this.refRow; var nrows = this.nbRows; //calculates page nb this.nbPages = Math.ceil((nrows - start_row) / this.pagingLength); //Paging elements events var o = this; // Paging DOM events this.evt = { slcIndex: function slcIndex() { return o.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? o.pagingSlc.options.selectedIndex : parseInt(o.pagingSlc.value, 10) - 1; }, nbOpts: function nbOpts() { return o.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? parseInt(o.pagingSlc.options.length, 10) - 1 : o.nbPages - 1; }, next: function next() { var nextIndex = o.evt.slcIndex() < o.evt.nbOpts() ? o.evt.slcIndex() + 1 : 0; o.changePage(nextIndex); }, prev: function prev() { var prevIndex = o.evt.slcIndex() > 0 ? o.evt.slcIndex() - 1 : o.evt.nbOpts(); o.changePage(prevIndex); }, last: function last() { o.changePage(o.evt.nbOpts()); }, first: function first() { o.changePage(0); }, _detectKey: function _detectKey(e) { var key = Event.keyCode(e); if (key === 13) { if (tf.sorted) { tf.filter(); o.changePage(o.evt.slcIndex()); } else { o.changePage(); } this.blur(); } }, slcPagesChange: null, nextEvt: null, prevEvt: null, lastEvt: null, firstEvt: null }; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(Paging, { init: { /** * Initialize DOM elements */ value: function init() { var _this = this; var slcPages; var tf = this.tf; var evt = this.evt; // Check resultsPerPage is in expected format and initialise the // results per page component if (this.hasResultsPerPage) { if (this.resultsPerPage.length < 2) { this.hasResultsPerPage = false; } else { this.pagingLength = this.resultsPerPage[1][0]; this.setResultsPerPage(); } } /*==================================================== - onchange event for paging select =====================================================*/ evt.slcPagesChange = function (event) { _this.changePage(); event.target.blur(); }; // Paging drop-down list selector if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { slcPages = Dom.create(tf.fltTypeSlc, ["id", this.prfxSlcPages + tf.id]); slcPages.className = this.pgSlcCssClass; Event.add(slcPages, "change", evt.slcPagesChange); } // Paging input selector if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeInp) { slcPages = Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ["id", this.prfxSlcPages + tf.id], ["value", this.currentPageNb]); slcPages.className = this.pgInpCssClass; Event.add(slcPages, "keypress", evt._detectKey); } // btns containers var btnNextSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxBtnNextSpan + tf.id]); var btnPrevSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxBtnPrevSpan + tf.id]); var btnLastSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxBtnLastSpan + tf.id]); var btnFirstSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxBtnFirstSpan + tf.id]); if (this.hasPagingBtns) { // Next button if (!this.btnNextPageHtml) { var btn_next = Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ["id", this.prfxBtnNext + tf.id], ["type", "button"], ["value", this.btnNextPageText], ["title", "Next"]); btn_next.className = this.btnPageCssClass; Event.add(btn_next, "click", evt.next); btnNextSpan.appendChild(btn_next); } else { btnNextSpan.innerHTML = this.btnNextPageHtml; Event.add(btnNextSpan, "click", evt.next); } // Previous button if (!this.btnPrevPageHtml) { var btn_prev = Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ["id", this.prfxBtnPrev + tf.id], ["type", "button"], ["value", this.btnPrevPageText], ["title", "Previous"]); btn_prev.className = this.btnPageCssClass; Event.add(btn_prev, "click", evt.prev); btnPrevSpan.appendChild(btn_prev); } else { btnPrevSpan.innerHTML = this.btnPrevPageHtml; Event.add(btnPrevSpan, "click", evt.prev); } // Last button if (!this.btnLastPageHtml) { var btn_last = Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ["id", this.prfxBtnLast + tf.id], ["type", "button"], ["value", this.btnLastPageText], ["title", "Last"]); btn_last.className = this.btnPageCssClass; Event.add(btn_last, "click", evt.last); btnLastSpan.appendChild(btn_last); } else { btnLastSpan.innerHTML = this.btnLastPageHtml; Event.add(btnLastSpan, "click", evt.last); } // First button if (!this.btnFirstPageHtml) { var btn_first = Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ["id", this.prfxBtnFirst + tf.id], ["type", "button"], ["value", this.btnFirstPageText], ["title", "First"]); btn_first.className = this.btnPageCssClass; Event.add(btn_first, "click", evt.first); btnFirstSpan.appendChild(btn_first); } else { btnFirstSpan.innerHTML = this.btnFirstPageHtml; Event.add(btnFirstSpan, "click", evt.first); } } // paging elements (buttons+drop-down list) are added to defined element if (!this.pagingTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.pagingTgtId ? tf.mDiv : Dom.id(this.pagingTgtId); targetEl.appendChild(btnFirstSpan); targetEl.appendChild(btnPrevSpan); var pgBeforeSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxPgBeforeSpan + tf.id]); pgBeforeSpan.appendChild(Dom.text(this.pageText)); pgBeforeSpan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass; targetEl.appendChild(pgBeforeSpan); targetEl.appendChild(slcPages); var pgAfterSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxPgAfterSpan + tf.id]); pgAfterSpan.appendChild(Dom.text(this.ofText)); pgAfterSpan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass; targetEl.appendChild(pgAfterSpan); var pgspan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxPgSpan + tf.id]); pgspan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass; pgspan.appendChild(Dom.text(" " + this.nbPages + " ")); targetEl.appendChild(pgspan); targetEl.appendChild(btnNextSpan); targetEl.appendChild(btnLastSpan); this.pagingSlc = Dom.id(this.prfxSlcPages + tf.id); // if this.rememberGridValues==true this.setPagingInfo() is called // in ResetGridValues() method if (!tf.rememberGridValues || this.isPagingRemoved) { this.setPagingInfo(); } if (!tf.fltGrid) { tf.ValidateAllRows(); this.setPagingInfo(tf.validRowsIndex); } this.isPagingRemoved = false; } }, addPaging: { /** * Add paging when filters are already instanciated * @param {Boolean} filterTable Execute filtering once paging instanciated */ value: function addPaging() { var filterTable = arguments[0] === undefined ? false : arguments[0]; var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() || tf.paging) { return; } tf.paging = true; this.isPagingRemoved = true; this.init(); tf.resetValues(); if (filterTable) { tf.filter(); } } }, setPagingInfo: { /** * Calculate number of pages based on valid rows * Refresh paging select according to number of pages * @param {Array} validRows Collection of valid rows */ value: function setPagingInfo(validRows) { var tf = this.tf; var rows = tf.tbl.rows; var mdiv = !this.pagingTgtId ? tf.mDiv : Dom.id(this.pagingTgtId); var pgspan = Dom.id(this.prfxPgSpan + tf.id); //stores valid rows indexes if (validRows && validRows.length > 0) { tf.validRowsIndex = validRows; } else { //re-sets valid rows indexes array tf.validRowsIndex = []; //counts rows to be grouped for (var j = tf.refRow; j < tf.nbRows; j++) { var row = rows[j]; if (!row) { continue; } var isRowValid = row.getAttribute("validRow"); if (isRowValid === "true" || !isRowValid) { tf.validRowsIndex.push(j); } } } //calculate nb of pages this.nbPages = Math.ceil(tf.validRowsIndex.length / this.pagingLength); //refresh page nb span pgspan.innerHTML = this.nbPages; //select clearing shortcut if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { this.pagingSlc.innerHTML = ""; } if (this.nbPages > 0) { mdiv.style.visibility = "visible"; if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { for (var z = 0; z < this.nbPages; z++) { var currOpt = new Option(z + 1, z * this.pagingLength, false, false); this.pagingSlc.options[z] = currOpt; } } else { //input type this.pagingSlc.value = this.currentPageNb; } } else { /*** if no results paging select and buttons are hidden ***/ mdiv.style.visibility = "hidden"; } this.groupByPage(tf.validRowsIndex); } }, groupByPage: { /** * Group table rows by page and display valid rows * @param {Array} validRows Collection of valid rows */ value: function groupByPage(validRows) { var tf = this.tf; var rows = tf.tbl.rows; var paging_end_row = parseInt(this.startPagingRow, 10) + parseInt(this.pagingLength, 10); //store valid rows indexes if (validRows) { tf.validRowsIndex = validRows; } //this loop shows valid rows of current page for (var h = 0; h < tf.validRowsIndex.length; h++) { var r = rows[tf.validRowsIndex[h]]; if (h >= this.startPagingRow && h < paging_end_row) { if (r.getAttribute("validRow") === "true" || !r.getAttribute("validRow")) { r.style.display = ""; } if (tf.alternateBgs && tf.Cpt.alternateRows) { tf.Cpt.alternateRows.setRowBg(tf.validRowsIndex[h], h); } } else { r.style.display = "none"; if (tf.alternateBgs && tf.Cpt.alternateRows) { tf.Cpt.alternateRows.removeRowBg(tf.validRowsIndex[h]); } } } tf.nbVisibleRows = tf.validRowsIndex.length; tf.isStartBgAlternate = false; //re-applies filter behaviours after filtering process tf.applyGridProps(); } }, setPage: { /** * Show page based on passed param value (string or number): * @param {String} or {Number} cmd possible string values: 'next', * 'previous', 'last', 'first' or page number as per param */ value: function setPage(cmd) { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() || !tf.paging) { return; } var btnEvt = this.evt, cmdtype = typeof cmd; if (cmdtype === "string") { switch (Str.lower(cmd)) { case "next": btnEvt.next(); break; case "previous": btnEvt.prev(); break; case "last": btnEvt.last(); break; case "first": btnEvt.first(); break; default: btnEvt.next(); break; } } else if (cmdtype === "number") { this.changePage(cmd - 1); } } }, setResultsPerPage: { /** * Generates UI elements for the number of results per page drop-down */ value: function setResultsPerPage() { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf; var evt = this.evt; if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad) { return; } if (this.resultsPerPageSlc || !this.resultsPerPage) { return; } /*==================================================== - onchange event for results per page select =====================================================*/ evt.slcResultsChange = function (ev) { _this.changeResultsPerPage(); ev.target.blur(); }; var slcR = Dom.create(tf.fltTypeSlc, ["id", this.prfxSlcResults + tf.id]); slcR.className = tf.resultsSlcCssClass; var slcRText = this.resultsPerPage[0], slcROpts = this.resultsPerPage[1]; var slcRSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxSlcResultsTxt + tf.id]); slcRSpan.className = this.resultsSpanCssClass; // results per page select is added to external element if (!this.resultsPerPageTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.resultsPerPageTgtId ? tf.rDiv : Dom.id(this.resultsPerPageTgtId); slcRSpan.appendChild(Dom.text(slcRText)); targetEl.appendChild(slcRSpan); targetEl.appendChild(slcR); this.resultsPerPageSlc = Dom.id(this.prfxSlcResults + tf.id); for (var r = 0; r < slcROpts.length; r++) { var currOpt = new Option(slcROpts[r], slcROpts[r], false, false); this.resultsPerPageSlc.options[r] = currOpt; } Event.add(slcR, "change", evt.slcResultsChange); } }, removeResultsPerPage: { /** * Remove number of results per page UI elements */ value: function removeResultsPerPage() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.resultsPerPageSlc || !this.resultsPerPage) { return; } var slcR = this.resultsPerPageSlc, slcRSpan = Dom.id(this.prfxSlcResultsTxt + tf.id); if (slcR) { slcR.parentNode.removeChild(slcR); } if (slcRSpan) { slcRSpan.parentNode.removeChild(slcRSpan); } this.resultsPerPageSlc = null; } }, changePage: { /** * Change the page asynchronously according to passed index * @param {Number} index Index of the page (0-n) */ value: function changePage(index) { var tf = this.tf; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(evt.name.changepage, { pgIndex: index }); } }, changeResultsPerPage: { /** * Change rows asynchronously according to page results */ value: function changeResultsPerPage() { var tf = this.tf; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(evt.name.changeresultsperpage); } }, resetPage: { /** * Re-set asynchronously page nb at page re-load */ value: function resetPage() { var tf = this.tf; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(evt.name.resetpage); } }, resetPageLength: { /** * Re-set asynchronously page length at page re-load */ value: function resetPageLength() { var tf = this.tf; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(evt.name.resetpagelength); } }, _changePage: { /** * Change the page according to passed index * @param {Number} index Index of the page (0-n) */ value: function _changePage(index) { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.paging) { return; } if (index === null) { index = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.options.selectedIndex : this.pagingSlc.value - 1; } if (index >= 0 && index <= this.nbPages - 1) { if (this.onBeforeChangePage) { this.onBeforeChangePage.call(null, this, index); } this.currentPageNb = parseInt(index, 10) + 1; if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { this.pagingSlc.options[index].selected = true; } else { this.pagingSlc.value = this.currentPageNb; } if (tf.rememberPageNb) { tf.Cpt.store.savePageNb(tf.pgNbCookie); } this.startPagingRow = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.value : index * this.pagingLength; this.groupByPage(); if (this.onAfterChangePage) { this.onAfterChangePage.call(null, this, index); } } } }, _changeResultsPerPage: { /** * Change rows according to page results */ value: function _changeResultsPerPage() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.paging) { return; } var slcR = this.resultsPerPageSlc; var slcPagesSelIndex = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.selectedIndex : parseInt(this.pagingSlc.value - 1, 10); this.pagingLength = parseInt(slcR.options[slcR.selectedIndex].value, 10); this.startPagingRow = this.pagingLength * slcPagesSelIndex; if (!isNaN(this.pagingLength)) { if (this.startPagingRow >= tf.nbFilterableRows) { this.startPagingRow = tf.nbFilterableRows - this.pagingLength; } this.setPagingInfo(); if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { var slcIndex = this.pagingSlc.options.length - 1 <= slcPagesSelIndex ? this.pagingSlc.options.length - 1 : slcPagesSelIndex; this.pagingSlc.options[slcIndex].selected = true; } if (tf.rememberPageLen) { tf.Cpt.store.savePageLength(tf.pgLenCookie); } } } }, _resetPage: { /** * Re-set page nb at page re-load */ value: function _resetPage(name) { var tf = this.tf; var pgnb = tf.Cpt.store.getPageNb(name); if (pgnb !== "") { this.changePage(pgnb - 1); } } }, _resetPageLength: { /** * Re-set page length at page re-load */ value: function _resetPageLength(name) { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.paging) { return; } var pglenIndex = tf.Cpt.store.getPageLength(name); if (pglenIndex !== "") { this.resultsPerPageSlc.options[pglenIndex].selected = true; this.changeResultsPerPage(); } } }, destroy: { /** * Remove paging feature */ value: function destroy() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid()) { return; } // btns containers var btnNextSpan, btnPrevSpan, btnLastSpan, btnFirstSpan; var pgBeforeSpan, pgAfterSpan, pgspan; btnNextSpan = Dom.id(this.prfxBtnNextSpan + tf.id); btnPrevSpan = Dom.id(this.prfxBtnPrevSpan + tf.id); btnLastSpan = Dom.id(this.prfxBtnLastSpan + tf.id); btnFirstSpan = Dom.id(this.prfxBtnFirstSpan + tf.id); //span containing 'Page' text pgBeforeSpan = Dom.id(this.prfxPgBeforeSpan + tf.id); //span containing 'of' text pgAfterSpan = Dom.id(this.prfxPgAfterSpan + tf.id); //span containing nb of pages pgspan = Dom.id(this.prfxPgSpan + tf.id); var evt = this.evt; if (this.pagingSlc) { if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { Event.remove(this.pagingSlc, "change", evt.slcPagesChange); } else if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeInp) { Event.remove(this.pagingSlc, "keypress", evt._detectKey); } this.pagingSlc.parentNode.removeChild(this.pagingSlc); } if (btnNextSpan) { Event.remove(btnNextSpan, "click", evt.next); btnNextSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnNextSpan); } if (btnPrevSpan) { Event.remove(btnPrevSpan, "click", evt.prev); btnPrevSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnPrevSpan); } if (btnLastSpan) { Event.remove(btnLastSpan, "click", evt.last); btnLastSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnLastSpan); } if (btnFirstSpan) { Event.remove(btnFirstSpan, "click", evt.first); btnFirstSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnFirstSpan); } if (pgBeforeSpan) { pgBeforeSpan.parentNode.removeChild(pgBeforeSpan); } if (pgAfterSpan) { pgAfterSpan.parentNode.removeChild(pgAfterSpan); } if (pgspan) { pgspan.parentNode.removeChild(pgspan); } if (this.hasResultsPerPage) { this.removeResultsPerPage(); } this.pagingSlc = null; this.nbPages = 0; this.isPagingRemoved = true; tf.paging = false; } } }); return Paging; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=paging.js.map; define('modules/clearButton',["exports", "../dom", "../event"], function (exports, _dom, _event) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Event = _event.Event; var ClearButton = exports.ClearButton = (function () { /** * Clear button component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function ClearButton(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, ClearButton); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); //id of container element this.btnResetTgtId = f.btn_reset_target_id || null; //reset button element this.btnResetEl = null; //defines reset text this.btnResetText = f.btn_reset_text || "Reset"; //defines reset button tooltip this.btnResetTooltip = f.btn_reset_tooltip || "Clear filters"; //defines reset button innerHtml this.btnResetHtml = f.btn_reset_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ""); //span containing reset button this.prfxResetSpan = "resetspan_"; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(ClearButton, { onClick: { value: function onClick() { this.tf.clearFilters(); } }, init: { /** * Build DOM elements */ value: function init() { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad && tf.btnResetEl) { return; } var resetspan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxResetSpan + tf.id]); // reset button is added to defined element if (!this.btnResetTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.btnResetTgtId ? tf.rDiv : Dom.id(this.btnResetTgtId); targetEl.appendChild(resetspan); if (!this.btnResetHtml) { var fltreset = Dom.create("a", ["href", "javascript:void(0);"]); fltreset.className = tf.btnResetCssClass; fltreset.appendChild(Dom.text(this.btnResetText)); resetspan.appendChild(fltreset); // fltreset.onclick = this.Evt._Clear; Event.add(fltreset, "click", function () { _this.onClick(); }); } else { resetspan.innerHTML = this.btnResetHtml; var resetEl = resetspan.firstChild; // resetEl.onclick = this.Evt._Clear; Event.add(resetEl, "click", function () { _this.onClick(); }); } this.btnResetEl = resetspan.firstChild; } }, destroy: { /** * Remove clear button UI */ value: function destroy() { var tf = this.tf; if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.btnResetEl) { return; } var resetspan = Dom.id(tf.prfxResetSpan + tf.id); if (resetspan) { resetspan.parentNode.removeChild(resetspan); } this.btnResetEl = null; } } }); return ClearButton; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=clearButton.js.map; define('modules/help',["exports", "../dom", "../event"], function (exports, _dom, _event) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Event = _event.Event; var Help = exports.Help = (function () { /** * Help UI component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function Help(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, Help); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); //id of custom container element for instructions this.helpInstrTgtId = f.help_instructions_target_id || null; //id of custom container element for instructions this.helpInstrContTgtId = f.help_instructions_container_target_id || null; //defines help text this.helpInstrText = f.help_instructions_text ? f.help_instructions_text : "Use the filters above each column to filter and limit table " + "data. Avanced searches can be performed by using the following " + "operators:
<, <=, >, " + ">=, =, *, !, {, }, " + "||,&&, [empty], [nonempty], " + "rgx:
These operators are described here:
" + "http://tablefilter.free.fr/#operators
"; //defines help innerHtml this.helpInstrHtml = f.help_instructions_html || null; //defines reset button text this.helpInstrBtnText = f.help_instructions_btn_text || "?"; //defines reset button innerHtml this.helpInstrBtnHtml = f.help_instructions_btn_html || null; //defines css class for help button this.helpInstrBtnCssClass = f.help_instructions_btn_css_class || "helpBtn"; //defines css class for help container this.helpInstrContCssClass = f.help_instructions_container_css_class || "helpCont"; //help button element this.helpInstrBtnEl = null; //help content div this.helpInstrContEl = null; this.helpInstrDefaultHtml = "

HTML Table " + "Filter Generator v. " + tf.version + "

" + "" + "http://tablefilter.free.fr
" + "©2009-" + tf.year + " Max Guglielmi." + "
" + "Close
"; //id prefix for help elements this.prfxHelpSpan = "helpSpan_"; //id prefix for help elements this.prfxHelpDiv = "helpDiv_"; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(Help, { init: { value: function init() { var _this = this; if (this.helpInstrBtnEl) { return; } var tf = this.tf; var helpspan = Dom.create("span", ["id", this.prfxHelpSpan + tf.id]); var helpdiv = Dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxHelpDiv + tf.id]); //help button is added to defined element if (!this.helpInstrTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.helpInstrTgtId ? tf.rDiv : Dom.id(this.helpInstrTgtId); targetEl.appendChild(helpspan); var divContainer = !this.helpInstrContTgtId ? helpspan : Dom.id(this.helpInstrContTgtId); if (!this.helpInstrBtnHtml) { divContainer.appendChild(helpdiv); var helplink = Dom.create("a", ["href", "javascript:void(0);"]); helplink.className = this.helpInstrBtnCssClass; helplink.appendChild(Dom.text(this.helpInstrBtnText)); helpspan.appendChild(helplink); Event.add(helplink, "click", function () { _this.toggle(); }); } else { helpspan.innerHTML = this.helpInstrBtnHtml; var helpEl = helpspan.firstChild; Event.add(helpEl, "click", function () { _this.toggle(); }); divContainer.appendChild(helpdiv); } if (!this.helpInstrHtml) { helpdiv.innerHTML = this.helpInstrText; helpdiv.className = this.helpInstrContCssClass; Event.add(helpdiv, "dblclick", function () { _this.toggle(); }); } else { if (this.helpInstrContTgtId) { divContainer.appendChild(helpdiv); } helpdiv.innerHTML = this.helpInstrHtml; if (!this.helpInstrContTgtId) { helpdiv.className = this.helpInstrContCssClass; Event.add(helpdiv, "dblclick", function () { _this.toggle(); }); } } helpdiv.innerHTML += this.helpInstrDefaultHtml; Event.add(helpdiv, "click", function () { _this.toggle(); }); this.helpInstrContEl = helpdiv; this.helpInstrBtnEl = helpspan; } }, toggle: { /** * Toggle help pop-up */ value: function toggle() { if (!this.helpInstrContEl) { return; } var divDisplay = this.helpInstrContEl.style.display; if (divDisplay === "" || divDisplay === "none") { this.helpInstrContEl.style.display = "block"; // TODO: use CSS instead for element positioning var btnLeft = Dom.position(this.helpInstrBtnEl).left; if (!this.helpInstrContTgtId) { this.helpInstrContEl.style.left = btnLeft - this.helpInstrContEl.clientWidth + 25 + "px"; } } else { this.helpInstrContEl.style.display = "none"; } } }, destroy: { /** * Remove help UI */ value: function destroy() { if (!this.helpInstrBtnEl) { return; } this.helpInstrBtnEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.helpInstrBtnEl); this.helpInstrBtnEl = null; if (!this.helpInstrContEl) { return; } this.helpInstrContEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.helpInstrContEl); this.helpInstrContEl = null; } } }); return Help; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=help.js.map; define('modules/alternateRows',["exports", "../dom"], function (exports, _dom) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var AlternateRows = exports.AlternateRows = (function () { /** * Alternating rows color * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function AlternateRows(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, AlternateRows); var f = tf.config(); //defines css class for even rows this.evenCss = f.even_row_css_class || "even"; //defines css class for odd rows this.oddCss = f.odd_row_css_class || "odd"; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(AlternateRows, { init: { /** * Sets alternating rows color */ value: function init() { if (!this.tf.hasGrid() && !this.tf.isFirstLoad) { return; } var rows = this.tf.tbl.rows; var noValidRowsIndex = this.tf.validRowsIndex === null; //1st index var beginIndex = noValidRowsIndex ? this.tf.refRow : 0; // nb indexes var indexLen = noValidRowsIndex ? this.tf.nbFilterableRows + beginIndex : this.tf.validRowsIndex.length; var idx = 0; //alternates bg color for (var j = beginIndex; j < indexLen; j++) { var rowIdx = noValidRowsIndex ? j : this.tf.validRowsIndex[j]; this.setRowBg(rowIdx, idx); idx++; } } }, setRowBg: { /** * Sets row background color * @param {Number} rowIdx Row index * @param {Number} idx Valid rows collection index needed to calculate bg * color */ value: function setRowBg(rowIdx, idx) { if (!this.tf.alternateBgs || isNaN(rowIdx)) { return; } var rows = this.tf.tbl.rows; var i = !idx ? rowIdx : idx; this.removeRowBg(rowIdx); Dom.addClass(rows[rowIdx], i % 2 ? this.evenCss : this.oddCss); } }, removeRowBg: { /** * Removes row background color * @param {Number} idx Row index */ value: function removeRowBg(idx) { if (isNaN(idx)) { return; } var rows = this.tf.tbl.rows; Dom.removeClass(rows[idx], this.oddCss); Dom.removeClass(rows[idx], this.evenCss); } }, remove: { /** * Removes all row background color */ value: function remove() { if (!this.tf.hasGrid()) { return; } var row = this.tf.tbl.rows; for (var i = this.tf.refRow; i < this.tf.nbRows; i++) { this.removeRowBg(i); } this.tf.isStartBgAlternate = true; } }, enable: { value: function enable() { this.tf.alternateBgs = true; } }, disable: { value: function disable() { this.tf.alternateBgs = false; } } }); return AlternateRows; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=alternateRows.js.map; define('modules/colOps',["exports", "../dom", "../string", "../types"], function (exports, _dom, _string, _types) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Str = _string.Str; var Types = _types.Types; var ColOps = exports.ColOps = (function () { /** * Column calculations * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function ColOps(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, ColOps); var f = tf.config(); this.colOperation = f.col_operation; //calls function before col operation this.onBeforeOperation = Types.isFn(f.on_before_operation) ? f.on_before_operation : null; //calls function after col operation this.onAfterOperation = Types.isFn(f.on_after_operation) ? f.on_after_operation : null; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(ColOps, { calc: { /** * Calculates columns' values * Configuration options are stored in 'colOperation' property * - 'id' contains ids of elements showing result (array) * - 'col' contains the columns' indexes (array) * - 'operation' contains operation type (array, values: 'sum', 'mean', * 'min', 'max', 'median', 'q1', 'q3') * - 'write_method' array defines which method to use for displaying the * result (innerHTML, setValue, createTextNode) - default: 'innerHTML' * - 'tot_row_index' defines in which row results are displayed * (integers array) * * - changes made by Nuovella: * (1) optimized the routine (now it will only process each column once), * (2) added calculations for the median, lower and upper quartile. */ value: function calc() { if (!this.tf.isFirstLoad && !this.tf.hasGrid()) { return; } if (this.onBeforeOperation) { this.onBeforeOperation.call(null, this.tf); } var colOperation = this.colOperation, labelId = colOperation.id, colIndex = colOperation.col, operation = colOperation.operation, outputType = colOperation.write_method, totRowIndex = colOperation.tot_row_index, excludeRow = colOperation.exclude_row, decimalPrecision = colOperation.decimal_precision !== undefined ? colOperation.decimal_precision : 2; //nuovella: determine unique list of columns to operate on var ucolIndex = [], ucolMax = 0; ucolIndex[ucolMax] = colIndex[0]; for (var ii = 1; ii < colIndex.length; ii++) { var saved = 0; //see if colIndex[ii] is already in the list of unique indexes for (var jj = 0; jj <= ucolMax; jj++) { if (ucolIndex[jj] === colIndex[ii]) { saved = 1; } } //if not saved then, save the index; if (saved === 0) { ucolMax++; ucolIndex[ucolMax] = colIndex[ii]; } } if (Str.lower(typeof labelId) == "object" && Str.lower(typeof colIndex) == "object" && Str.lower(typeof operation) == "object") { var row = this.tf.tbl.rows, colvalues = []; for (var ucol = 0; ucol <= ucolMax; ucol++) { //this retrieves col values //use ucolIndex because we only want to pass through this loop //once for each column get the values in this unique column colvalues.push(this.tf.getColValues(ucolIndex[ucol], true, excludeRow)); //next: calculate all operations for this column var result, nbvalues = 0, temp, meanValue = 0, sumValue = 0, minValue = null, maxValue = null, q1Value = null, medValue = null, q3Value = null, meanFlag = 0, sumFlag = 0, minFlag = 0, maxFlag = 0, q1Flag = 0, medFlag = 0, q3Flag = 0, theList = [], opsThisCol = [], decThisCol = [], labThisCol = [], oTypeThisCol = [], mThisCol = -1; for (var k = 0; k < colIndex.length; k++) { if (colIndex[k] === ucolIndex[ucol]) { mThisCol++; opsThisCol[mThisCol] = Str.lower(operation[k]); decThisCol[mThisCol] = decimalPrecision[k]; labThisCol[mThisCol] = labelId[k]; oTypeThisCol = outputType !== undefined && Str.lower(typeof outputType) === "object" ? outputType[k] : null; switch (opsThisCol[mThisCol]) { case "mean": meanFlag = 1; break; case "sum": sumFlag = 1; break; case "min": minFlag = 1; break; case "max": maxFlag = 1; break; case "median": medFlag = 1; break; case "q1": q1Flag = 1; break; case "q3": q3Flag = 1; break; } } } for (var j = 0; j < colvalues[ucol].length; j++) { //sort the list for calculation of median and quartiles if (q1Flag == 1 || q3Flag == 1 || medFlag == 1) { if (j < colvalues[ucol].length - 1) { for (k = j + 1; k < colvalues[ucol].length; k++) { if (eval(colvalues[ucol][k]) < eval(colvalues[ucol][j])) { temp = colvalues[ucol][j]; colvalues[ucol][j] = colvalues[ucol][k]; colvalues[ucol][k] = temp; } } } } var cvalue = parseFloat(colvalues[ucol][j]); theList[j] = parseFloat(cvalue); if (!isNaN(cvalue)) { nbvalues++; if (sumFlag === 1 || meanFlag === 1) { sumValue += parseFloat(cvalue); } if (minFlag === 1) { if (minValue === null) { minValue = parseFloat(cvalue); } else { minValue = parseFloat(cvalue) < minValue ? parseFloat(cvalue) : minValue; } } if (maxFlag === 1) { if (maxValue === null) { maxValue = parseFloat(cvalue); } else { maxValue = parseFloat(cvalue) > maxValue ? parseFloat(cvalue) : maxValue; } } } } //for j if (meanFlag === 1) { meanValue = sumValue / nbvalues; } if (medFlag === 1) { var aux = 0; if (nbvalues % 2 === 1) { aux = Math.floor(nbvalues / 2); medValue = theList[aux]; } else { medValue = (theList[nbvalues / 2] + theList[nbvalues / 2 - 1]) / 2; } } var posa; if (q1Flag === 1) { posa = 0; posa = Math.floor(nbvalues / 4); if (4 * posa == nbvalues) { q1Value = (theList[posa - 1] + theList[posa]) / 2; } else { q1Value = theList[posa]; } } if (q3Flag === 1) { posa = 0; var posb = 0; posa = Math.floor(nbvalues / 4); if (4 * posa === nbvalues) { posb = 3 * posa; q3Value = (theList[posb] + theList[posb - 1]) / 2; } else { q3Value = theList[nbvalues - posa - 1]; } } for (var i = 0; i <= mThisCol; i++) { switch (opsThisCol[i]) { case "mean": result = meanValue; break; case "sum": result = sumValue; break; case "min": result = minValue; break; case "max": result = maxValue; break; case "median": result = medValue; break; case "q1": result = q1Value; break; case "q3": result = q3Value; break; } var precision = !isNaN(decThisCol[i]) ? decThisCol[i] : 2; //if outputType is defined if (oTypeThisCol && result) { result = result.toFixed(precision); if (Dom.id(labThisCol[i])) { switch (Str.lower(oTypeThisCol)) { case "innerhtml": if (isNaN(result) || !isFinite(result) || nbvalues === 0) { Dom.id(labThisCol[i]).innerHTML = "."; } else { Dom.id(labThisCol[i]).innerHTML = result; } break; case "setvalue": Dom.id(labThisCol[i]).value = result; break; case "createtextnode": var oldnode = Dom.id(labThisCol[i]).firstChild; var txtnode = Dom.text(result); Dom.id(labThisCol[i]).replaceChild(txtnode, oldnode); break; } //switch } } else { try { if (isNaN(result) || !isFinite(result) || nbvalues === 0) { Dom.id(labThisCol[i]).innerHTML = "."; } else { Dom.id(labThisCol[i]).innerHTML = result.toFixed(precision); } } catch (e) {} //catch } //else } //for i // row(s) with result are always visible var totRow = totRowIndex && totRowIndex[ucol] ? row[totRowIndex[ucol]] : null; if (totRow) { totRow.style.display = ""; } } //for ucol } //if typeof if (this.onAfterOperation) { this.onAfterOperation.call(null, this.tf); } } } }); return ColOps; })(); }); //# sourceMappingURL=colOps.js.map; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Sortable Table 1.12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Created by Erik Arvidsson | | (http://webfx.eae.net/contact.html#erik) | | For WebFX (http://webfx.eae.net/) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A DOM 1 based script that allows an ordinary HTML table to be sortable. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Copyright (c) 1998 - 2006 Erik Arvidsson | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not | | use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy | | of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT | | WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the | | License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations | | under the License. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 2003-01-10 | First version | | 2003-01-19 | Minor changes to the date parsing | | 2003-01-28 | JScript 5.0 fixes (no support for 'in' operator) | | 2003-02-01 | Sloppy typo like error fixed in getInnerText | | 2003-07-04 | Added workaround for IE cellIndex bug. | | 2003-11-09 | The bDescending argument to sort was not correctly working | | | Using onclick DOM0 event if no support for addEventListener | | | or attachEvent | | 2004-01-13 | Adding addSortType and removeSortType which makes it a lot | | | easier to add new, custom sort types. | | 2004-01-27 | Switch to use descending = false as the default sort order. | | | Change defaultDescending to suit your needs. | | 2004-03-14 | Improved sort type None look and feel a bit | | 2004-08-26 | Made the handling of tBody and tHead more flexible. Now you | | | can use another tHead or no tHead, and you can chose some | | | other tBody. | | 2006-04-25 | Changed license to Apache Software License 2.0 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Created 2003-01-10 | All changes are in the log above. | Updated 2006-04-25 | \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function SortableTable(oTable, oSortTypes) { this.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; this.sortColumn = null; this.descending = null; var oThis = this; this._headerOnclick = function (e) { oThis.headerOnclick(e); }; if (oTable) { this.setTable( oTable ); this.document = oTable.ownerDocument || oTable.document; } else { this.document = document; } // only IE needs this var win = this.document.defaultView || this.document.parentWindow; this._onunload = function () { oThis.destroy(); }; if (win && typeof win.attachEvent != "undefined") { win.attachEvent("onunload", this._onunload); } } SortableTable.gecko = navigator.product == "Gecko"; SortableTable.msie = /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Mozilla is faster when doing the DOM manipulations on // an orphaned element. MSIE is not SortableTable.removeBeforeSort = SortableTable.gecko; SortableTable.prototype.onsort = function () {}; // default sort order. true -> descending, false -> ascending SortableTable.prototype.defaultDescending = false; // shared between all instances. This is intentional to allow external files // to modify the prototype SortableTable.prototype._sortTypeInfo = {}; SortableTable.prototype.setTable = function (oTable) { if ( this.tHead ) this.uninitHeader(); this.element = oTable; this.setTHead( oTable.tHead ); this.setTBody( oTable.tBodies[0] ); }; SortableTable.prototype.setTHead = function (oTHead) { if (this.tHead && this.tHead != oTHead ) this.uninitHeader(); this.tHead = oTHead; this.initHeader( this.sortTypes ); }; SortableTable.prototype.setTBody = function (oTBody) { this.tBody = oTBody; }; SortableTable.prototype.setSortTypes = function ( oSortTypes ) { if ( this.tHead ) this.uninitHeader(); this.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; if ( this.tHead ) this.initHeader( this.sortTypes ); }; // adds arrow containers and events // also binds sort type to the header cells so that reordering columns does // not break the sort types SortableTable.prototype.initHeader = function (oSortTypes) { if (!this.tHead) return; var cells = this.tHead.rows[0].cells; var doc = this.tHead.ownerDocument || this.tHead.document; this.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; var l = cells.length; var img, c; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { c = cells[i]; if (this.sortTypes[i] != null && this.sortTypes[i] != "None") { img = doc.createElement("IMG"); img.src = "images/blank.png"; c.appendChild(img); if (this.sortTypes[i] != null) c._sortType = this.sortTypes[i]; if (typeof c.addEventListener != "undefined") c.addEventListener("click", this._headerOnclick, false); else if (typeof c.attachEvent != "undefined") c.attachEvent("onclick", this._headerOnclick); else c.onclick = this._headerOnclick; } else { c.setAttribute( "_sortType", oSortTypes[i] ); c._sortType = "None"; } } this.updateHeaderArrows(); }; // remove arrows and events SortableTable.prototype.uninitHeader = function () { if (!this.tHead) return; var cells = this.tHead.rows[0].cells; var l = cells.length; var c; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { c = cells[i]; if (c._sortType != null && c._sortType != "None") { c.removeChild(c.lastChild); if (typeof c.removeEventListener != "undefined") c.removeEventListener("click", this._headerOnclick, false); else if (typeof c.detachEvent != "undefined") c.detachEvent("onclick", this._headerOnclick); c._sortType = null; c.removeAttribute( "_sortType" ); } } }; SortableTable.prototype.updateHeaderArrows = function () { if (!this.tHead) return; var cells = this.tHead.rows[0].cells; var l = cells.length; var img; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (cells[i]._sortType != null && cells[i]._sortType != "None") { img = cells[i].lastChild; if (i == this.sortColumn) img.className = "sort-arrow " + (this.descending ? "descending" : "ascending"); else img.className = "sort-arrow"; } } }; SortableTable.prototype.headerOnclick = function (e) { // find TD element var el = e.target || e.srcElement; while (el.tagName != "TD") el = el.parentNode; this.sort(SortableTable.msie ? SortableTable.getCellIndex(el) : el.cellIndex); }; // IE returns wrong cellIndex when columns are hidden SortableTable.getCellIndex = function (oTd) { var cells = oTd.parentNode.childNodes var l = cells.length; var i; for (i = 0; cells[i] != oTd && i < l; i++) ; return i; }; SortableTable.prototype.getSortType = function (nColumn) { return this.sortTypes[nColumn] || "String"; }; // only nColumn is required // if bDescending is left out the old value is taken into account // if sSortType is left out the sort type is found from the sortTypes array SortableTable.prototype.sort = function (nColumn, bDescending, sSortType) { if (!this.tBody) return; if (sSortType == null) sSortType = this.getSortType(nColumn); // exit if None if (sSortType == "None") return; if (bDescending == null) { if (this.sortColumn != nColumn) this.descending = this.defaultDescending; else this.descending = !this.descending; } else this.descending = bDescending; this.sortColumn = nColumn; if (typeof this.onbeforesort == "function") this.onbeforesort(); var f = this.getSortFunction(sSortType, nColumn); var a = this.getCache(sSortType, nColumn); var tBody = this.tBody; a.sort(f); if (this.descending) a.reverse(); if (SortableTable.removeBeforeSort) { // remove from doc var nextSibling = tBody.nextSibling; var p = tBody.parentNode; p.removeChild(tBody); } // insert in the new order var l = a.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) tBody.appendChild(a[i].element); if (SortableTable.removeBeforeSort) { // insert into doc p.insertBefore(tBody, nextSibling); } this.updateHeaderArrows(); this.destroyCache(a); if (typeof this.onsort == "function") this.onsort(); }; SortableTable.prototype.asyncSort = function (nColumn, bDescending, sSortType) { var oThis = this; this._asyncsort = function () { oThis.sort(nColumn, bDescending, sSortType); }; window.setTimeout(this._asyncsort, 1); }; SortableTable.prototype.getCache = function (sType, nColumn) { if (!this.tBody) return []; var rows = this.tBody.rows; var l = rows.length; var a = new Array(l); var r; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { r = rows[i]; a[i] = { value: this.getRowValue(r, sType, nColumn), element: r }; }; return a; }; SortableTable.prototype.destroyCache = function (oArray) { var l = oArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { oArray[i].value = null; oArray[i].element = null; oArray[i] = null; } }; SortableTable.prototype.getRowValue = function (oRow, sType, nColumn) { // if we have defined a custom getRowValue use that if (this._sortTypeInfo[sType] && this._sortTypeInfo[sType].getRowValue) return this._sortTypeInfo[sType].getRowValue(oRow, nColumn); var s; var c = oRow.cells[nColumn]; if (typeof c.innerText != "undefined") s = c.innerText; else s = SortableTable.getInnerText(c); return this.getValueFromString(s, sType); }; SortableTable.getInnerText = function (oNode) { var s = ""; var cs = oNode.childNodes; var l = cs.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { switch (cs[i].nodeType) { case 1: //ELEMENT_NODE s += SortableTable.getInnerText(cs[i]); break; case 3: //TEXT_NODE s += cs[i].nodeValue; break; } } return s; }; SortableTable.prototype.getValueFromString = function (sText, sType) { if (this._sortTypeInfo[sType]) return this._sortTypeInfo[sType].getValueFromString( sText ); return sText; /* switch (sType) { case "Number": return Number(sText); case "CaseInsensitiveString": return sText.toUpperCase(); case "Date": var parts = sText.split("-"); var d = new Date(0); d.setFullYear(parts[0]); d.setDate(parts[2]); d.setMonth(parts[1] - 1); return d.valueOf(); } return sText; */ }; SortableTable.prototype.getSortFunction = function (sType, nColumn) { if (this._sortTypeInfo[sType]) return this._sortTypeInfo[sType].compare; return SortableTable.basicCompare; }; SortableTable.prototype.destroy = function () { this.uninitHeader(); var win = this.document.parentWindow; if (win && typeof win.detachEvent != "undefined") { // only IE needs this win.detachEvent("onunload", this._onunload); } this._onunload = null; this.element = null; this.tHead = null; this.tBody = null; this.document = null; this._headerOnclick = null; this.sortTypes = null; this._asyncsort = null; this.onsort = null; }; // Adds a sort type to all instance of SortableTable // sType : String - the identifier of the sort type // fGetValueFromString : function ( s : string ) : T - A function that takes a // string and casts it to a desired format. If left out the string is just // returned // fCompareFunction : function ( n1 : T, n2 : T ) : Number - A normal JS sort // compare function. Takes two values and compares them. If left out less than, // <, compare is used // fGetRowValue : function( oRow : HTMLTRElement, nColumn : int ) : T - A function // that takes the row and the column index and returns the value used to compare. // If left out then the innerText is first taken for the cell and then the // fGetValueFromString is used to convert that string the desired value and type SortableTable.prototype.addSortType = function (sType, fGetValueFromString, fCompareFunction, fGetRowValue) { this._sortTypeInfo[sType] = { type: sType, getValueFromString: fGetValueFromString || SortableTable.idFunction, compare: fCompareFunction || SortableTable.basicCompare, getRowValue: fGetRowValue }; }; // this removes the sort type from all instances of SortableTable SortableTable.prototype.removeSortType = function (sType) { delete this._sortTypeInfo[sType]; }; SortableTable.basicCompare = function compare(n1, n2) { if (n1.value < n2.value) return -1; if (n2.value < n1.value) return 1; return 0; }; SortableTable.idFunction = function (x) { return x; }; SortableTable.toUpperCase = function (s) { return s.toUpperCase(); }; SortableTable.toDate = function (s) { var parts = s.split("-"); var d = new Date(0); d.setFullYear(parts[0]); d.setDate(parts[2]); d.setMonth(parts[1] - 1); return d.valueOf(); }; // add sort types SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("Number", Number); SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("CaseInsensitiveString", SortableTable.toUpperCase); SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("Date", SortableTable.toDate); SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("String"); // None is a special case ; define("extensions/sortabletable/sortabletable", (function (global) { return function () { var ret, fn; return ret || global.SortableTable; }; }(this))); define('extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable',["exports", "../../types", "../../dom", "../../array", "../../event", "../../date", "../../helpers"], function (exports, _types, _dom, _array, _event, _date, _helpers) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var Types = _types.Types; var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Arr = _array.Arr; var Event = _event.Event; var DateHelper = _date.DateHelper; var Helpers = _helpers.Helpers; var AdapterSortableTable = exports.AdapterSortableTable = (function () { /** * SortableTable Adapter module * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function AdapterSortableTable(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, AdapterSortableTable); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); this.isPaged = false; //indicates if tables was sorted this.sorted = false; // edit .sort-arrow.descending / .sort-arrow.ascending in filtergrid.css // to reflect any path change this.sortImgPath = f.sort_images_path || tf.themesPath; this.sortImgBlank = f.sort_image_blank || "blank.png"; this.sortImgClassName = f.sort_image_class_name || "sort-arrow"; this.sortImgAscClassName = f.sort_image_asc_class_name || "ascending"; this.sortImgDescClassName = f.sort_image_desc_class_name || "descending"; //cell attribute storing custom key this.sortCustomKey = f.sort_custom_key || "data-tf-sortKey"; /*** TF additional events ***/ //additional paging events for alternating background // o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt = function(){ if(o.sorted && o.alternateBgs) o.Filter(); } // o.Evt._Paging.prevEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // o.Evt._Paging.firstEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // o.Evt._Paging.lastEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // o.Evt._OnSlcPagesChangeEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // callback invoked after sort is loaded and instanciated this.onSortLoaded = Types.isFn(f.on_sort_loaded) ? f.on_sort_loaded : null; // callback invoked before table is sorted this.onBeforeSort = Types.isFn(f.on_before_sort) ? f.on_before_sort : null; // callback invoked after table is sorted this.onAfterSort = Types.isFn(f.on_after_sort) ? f.on_after_sort : null; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(AdapterSortableTable, { init: { value: function init() { var tf = this.tf; var sortConfig = tf.sortConfig; var adpt = this; // SortableTable class sanity check (sortabletable.js) if (Types.isUndef(SortableTable)) { throw new Error("SortableTable class not found."); } this.overrideSortableTable(); this.setSortTypes(); //Column sort at start if (sortConfig.sortCol) { this.stt.sort(sortConfig.sortCol[0], sortConfig.sortCol[1]); } tf.isSortEnabled = true; if (this.onSortLoaded) { this.onSortLoaded.call(null, tf, this); } /*** SortableTable callbacks ***/ this.stt.onbeforesort = function () { if (this.onBeforeSort) { this.onBeforeSort.call(null, tf, this.stt.sortColumn); } tf.performSort(); /*** sort behaviour for paging ***/ if (tf.paging) { adpt.isPaged = true; tf.paging = false; tf.Cpt.paging.destroy(); } }; this.stt.onsort = function () { adpt.sorted = true; //rows alternating bg issue // TODO: move into AlternateRows component if (tf.alternateBgs) { var rows = tf.tbl.rows, c = 0; var setClass = function setClass(row, i, removeOnly) { if (Types.isUndef(removeOnly)) { removeOnly = false; } var altRows = tf.Cpt.alternateRows, oddCls = altRows.oddCss, evenCls = altRows.evenCss; Dom.removeClass(row, oddCls); Dom.removeClass(row, evenCls); if (!removeOnly) { Dom.addClass(row, i % 2 ? oddCls : evenCls); } }; for (var i = tf.refRow; i < tf.nbRows; i++) { var isRowValid = rows[i].getAttribute("validRow"); if (tf.paging && rows[i].style.display === "") { setClass(rows[i], c); c++; } else { if ((isRowValid === "true" || isRowValid === null) && rows[i].style.display === "") { setClass(rows[i], c); c++; } else { setClass(rows[i], c, true); } } } } //sort behaviour for paging if (adpt.isPaged) { var paginator = tf.Cpt.paging, config = tf.config(); if (paginator.hasResultsPerPage) { var slc = paginator.resultsPerPageSlc; config.paging_length = slc.options[slc.selectedIndex].value; } paginator.addPaging(false); paginator.setPage(paginator.currentPageNb); adpt.isPaged = false; } if (adpt.onAfterSort) { adpt.onAfterSort.call(null, tf, tf.stt.sortColumn); } }; } }, sortByColumnIndex: { /** * Sort specified column * @param {Number} colIdx Column index */ value: function sortByColumnIndex(colIdx) { this.stt.sort(colIdx); } }, overrideSortableTable: { value: function overrideSortableTable() { var adpt = this, tf = this.tf; /** * Overrides headerOnclick method in order to handle th event * @param {Object} e [description] */ SortableTable.prototype.headerOnclick = function (evt) { if (!tf.sort) { return; } // find Header element var el = evt.target || evt.srcElement; while (el.tagName !== "TD" && el.tagName !== "TH") { el = el.parentNode; } this.sort(SortableTable.msie ? SortableTable.getCellIndex(el) : el.cellIndex); }; /** * Overrides getCellIndex IE returns wrong cellIndex when columns are * hidden * @param {Object} oTd TD element * @return {Number} Cell index */ SortableTable.getCellIndex = function (oTd) { var cells = oTd.parentNode.cells, l = cells.length, i; for (i = 0; cells[i] != oTd && i < l; i++) {} return i; }; /** * Overrides initHeader in order to handle filters row position * @param {Array} oSortTypes */ SortableTable.prototype.initHeader = function (oSortTypes) { var stt = this; if (!stt.tHead) { // throw new Error('Sorting feature requires a THEAD element'); return; } stt.headersRow = tf.headersRow; var cells = stt.tHead.rows[stt.headersRow].cells; var doc = stt.tHead.ownerDocument || stt.tHead.document; stt.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; var l = cells.length; var img, c; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { c = cells[i]; if (stt.sortTypes[i] !== null && stt.sortTypes[i] !== "None") { c.style.cursor = "pointer"; img = Dom.create("img", ["src", adpt.sortImgPath + adpt.sortImgBlank]); c.appendChild(img); if (stt.sortTypes[i] !== null) { c.setAttribute("_sortType", stt.sortTypes[i]); } Event.add(c, "click", stt._headerOnclick); } else { c.setAttribute("_sortType", oSortTypes[i]); c._sortType = "None"; } } stt.updateHeaderArrows(); }; /** * Overrides updateHeaderArrows in order to handle arrows indicators */ SortableTable.prototype.updateHeaderArrows = function () { var stt = this; var cells, l, img; // external headers if (tf.sortConfig.asyncSort && tf.sortConfig.triggerIds !== null) { var triggers = tf.sortConfig.triggerIds; cells = []; l = triggers.length; for (var j = 0; j < triggers.length; j++) { cells.push(Dom.id(triggers[j])); } } else { if (!this.tHead) { return; } cells = stt.tHead.rows[stt.headersRow].cells; l = cells.length; } for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var cellAttr = cells[i].getAttribute("_sortType"); if (cellAttr !== null && cellAttr !== "None") { img = cells[i].lastChild || cells[i]; if (img.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "img") { img = Dom.create("img", ["src", adpt.sortImgPath + adpt.sortImgBlank]); cells[i].appendChild(img); } if (i === stt.sortColumn) { img.className = adpt.sortImgClassName + " " + (this.descending ? adpt.sortImgDescClassName : adpt.sortImgAscClassName); } else { img.className = adpt.sortImgClassName; } } } }; /** * Overrides getRowValue for custom key value feature * @param {Object} oRow Row element * @param {String} sType * @param {Number} nColumn * @return {String} */ SortableTable.prototype.getRowValue = function (oRow, sType, nColumn) { var stt = this; // if we have defined a custom getRowValue use that var sortTypeInfo = stt._sortTypeInfo[sType]; if (sortTypeInfo && sortTypeInfo.getRowValue) { return sortTypeInfo.getRowValue(oRow, nColumn); } var c = oRow.cells[nColumn]; var s = SortableTable.getInnerText(c); return stt.getValueFromString(s, sType); }; /** * Overrides getInnerText in order to avoid Firefox unexpected sorting * behaviour with untrimmed text elements * @param {Object} oNode DOM element * @return {String} DOM element inner text */ SortableTable.getInnerText = function (oNode) { if (!oNode) { return; } if (oNode.getAttribute(adpt.sortCustomKey)) { return oNode.getAttribute(adpt.sortCustomKey); } else { return Dom.getText(oNode); } }; } }, addSortType: { value: function addSortType() { SortableTable.prototype.addSortType(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } }, setSortTypes: { value: function setSortTypes() { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf, configSort = tf.sortConfig, configSortTypes = configSort.sortTypes, sortTypes = []; for (var i = 0; i < tf.nbCells; i++) { var colType; if (configSortTypes !== null && configSortTypes[i] != null) { colType = configSortTypes[i].toLowerCase(); if (colType === "none") { colType = "None"; } } else { // resolve column types if (tf.hasColNbFormat && tf.colNbFormat[i] !== null) { colType = tf.colNbFormat[i].toLowerCase(); } else if (tf.hasColDateType && tf.colDateType[i] !== null) { colType = tf.colDateType[i].toLowerCase() + "date"; } else { colType = "String"; } } sortTypes.push(colType); } //Public TF method to add sort type //Custom sort types this.addSortType("number", Number); this.addSortType("caseinsensitivestring", SortableTable.toUpperCase); this.addSortType("date", SortableTable.toDate); this.addSortType("string"); this.addSortType("us", usNumberConverter); this.addSortType("eu", euNumberConverter); this.addSortType("dmydate", dmyDateConverter); this.addSortType("ymddate", ymdDateConverter); this.addSortType("mdydate", mdyDateConverter); this.addSortType("ddmmmyyyydate", ddmmmyyyyDateConverter); this.addSortType("ipaddress", ipAddress, sortIP); this.stt = new SortableTable(tf.tbl, sortTypes); /*** external table headers adapter ***/ if (configSort.asyncSort && configSort.triggerIds !== null) { var triggers = configSort.triggerIds; for (var j = 0; j < triggers.length; j++) { if (triggers[j] === null) { continue; } var trigger = Dom.id(triggers[j]); if (trigger) { trigger.style.cursor = "pointer"; Event.add(trigger, "click", function (evt) { var elm = evt.target; if (!_this.tf.sort) { return; } _this.stt.asyncSort(Arr.indexByValue(triggers, elm.id, true)); }); trigger.setAttribute("_sortType", sortTypes[j]); } } } } }, destroy: { /** * Destroy sort */ value: function destroy() { var tf = this.tf; tf.sort = false; this.sorted = false; this.stt.destroy(); var ids = tf.getFiltersId(); for (var idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) { var header = tf.getHeaderElement(idx); var img = Dom.tag(header, "img"); if (img.length === 1) { header.removeChild(img[0]); } } } } }); return AdapterSortableTable; })(); //Converters function usNumberConverter(s) { return Helpers.removeNbFormat(s, "us"); } function euNumberConverter(s) { return Helpers.removeNbFormat(s, "eu"); } function dateConverter(s, format) { return DateHelper.format(s, format); } function dmyDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, "DMY"); } function mdyDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, "MDY"); } function ymdDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, "YMD"); } function ddmmmyyyyDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, "DDMMMYYYY"); } function ipAddress(value) { var vals = value.split("."); for (var x in vals) { var val = vals[x]; while (3 > val.length) { val = "0" + val; } vals[x] = val; } return vals.join("."); } function sortIP(a, b) { var aa = ipAddress(a.value.toLowerCase()); var bb = ipAddress(b.value.toLowerCase()); if (aa == bb) { return 0; } else if (aa < bb) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }); //# sourceMappingURL=adapterSortabletable.js.map; define('tablefilter',["exports", "module", "event", "dom", "string", "cookie", "types", "array", "helpers", "date", "sort", "modules/store", "modules/gridLayout", "modules/loader", "modules/highlightKeywords", "modules/popupFilter", "modules/dropdown", "modules/checkList", "modules/rowsCounter", "modules/statusBar", "modules/paging", "modules/clearButton", "modules/help", "modules/alternateRows", "modules/colOps", "extensions/sortabletable/sortabletable", "extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable"], function (exports, module, _event, _dom, _string, _cookie, _types, _array, _helpers, _date, _sort, _modulesStore, _modulesGridLayout, _modulesLoader, _modulesHighlightKeywords, _modulesPopupFilter, _modulesDropdown, _modulesCheckList, _modulesRowsCounter, _modulesStatusBar, _modulesPaging, _modulesClearButton, _modulesHelp, _modulesAlternateRows, _modulesColOps, _extensionsSortabletableSortabletable, _extensionsSortabletableAdapterSortabletable) { "use strict"; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var key in props) { var prop = props[key]; prop.configurable = true; if (prop.value) prop.writable = true; } Object.defineProperties(target, props); } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - HTML Table Filter Generator v3.0 - By Max Guglielmi (tablefilter.free.fr) - Licensed under the MIT License --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Special credit to: Cedric Wartel, cnx.claude@free.fr, Florent Hirchy, Váry Péter, Anthony Maes, Nuovella Williams, Fuggerbit, Venkata Seshagiri Rao Raya, Piepiax, Manuel Kern, Baladhandayutham for active contribution and/or inspiration ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ var evt = _event.Event; var dom = _dom.Dom; var str = _string.Str; var cookie = _cookie.Cookie; var types = _types.Types; var array = _array.Arr; var hlp = _helpers.Helpers; var dateHelper = _date.DateHelper; var Sort = _sort.Sort; // Modules var Store = _modulesStore.Store; var GridLayout = _modulesGridLayout.GridLayout; var Loader = _modulesLoader.Loader; var HighlightKeyword = _modulesHighlightKeywords.HighlightKeyword; var PopupFilter = _modulesPopupFilter.PopupFilter; var Dropdown = _modulesDropdown.Dropdown; var CheckList = _modulesCheckList.CheckList; var RowsCounter = _modulesRowsCounter.RowsCounter; var StatusBar = _modulesStatusBar.StatusBar; var Paging = _modulesPaging.Paging; var ClearButton = _modulesClearButton.ClearButton; var Help = _modulesHelp.Help; var AlternateRows = _modulesAlternateRows.AlternateRows; var ColOps = _modulesColOps.ColOps; var AdapterSortableTable = _extensionsSortabletableAdapterSortabletable.AdapterSortableTable; // import {ColsVisibility} from 'extensions/colsVisibility/colsVisibility'; var global = window, isValidDate = dateHelper.isValid, formatDate = dateHelper.format, doc = global.document; var TableFilter = (function () { /** * TF object constructor * @param {String} id Table id * @param {Number} row index indicating the 1st row * @param {Object} configuration object */ function TableFilter(id) { _classCallCheck(this, TableFilter); if (arguments.length === 0) { return; } this.id = id; this.version = "3.0"; this.year = new Date().getFullYear(); this.tbl = dom.id(id); this.startRow = null; this.refRow = null; this.headersRow = null; this.cfg = {}; this.nbFilterableRows = null; this.nbRows = null; this.nbCells = null; this._hasGrid = false; this.enableModules = false; if (!this.tbl || str.lower(this.tbl.nodeName) !== "table" || this.getRowsNb() === 0) { throw new Error("Could not instantiate TableFilter class: " + "HTML table not found."); } if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var arg = arguments[i]; var argtype = typeof arg; switch (str.lower(argtype)) { case "number": this.startRow = arg; break; case "object": this.cfg = arg; break; } } } // configuration object var f = this.cfg; //Start row et cols nb this.refRow = this.startRow === null ? 2 : this.startRow + 1; try { this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(this.refRow); } catch (e) { this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(0); } //default script base path this.basePath = f.base_path !== undefined ? f.base_path : ""; this.extensionsPath = f.extensions_path || this.basePath + "extensions/"; /*** filter types ***/ this.fltTypeInp = "input"; this.fltTypeSlc = "select"; this.fltTypeMulti = "multiple"; this.fltTypeCheckList = "checklist"; this.fltTypeNone = "none"; this.fltCol = []; //filter type of each column for (var j = 0; j < this.nbCells; j++) { var cfgCol = f["col_" + j]; var col = !cfgCol ? this.fltTypeInp : str.lower(cfgCol); this.fltCol.push(col); this["col" + j] = col; } /*** Developer's additional methods ***/ this.publicMethods = f.public_methods !== undefined ? f.public_methods : false; /*** filters' grid properties ***/ //enables/disables filter grid this.fltGrid = f.grid === false ? false : true; /*** Grid layout ***/ //enables/disables grid layout (fixed headers) this.gridLayout = f.grid_layout ? true : false; this.sourceTblHtml = null; if (this.gridLayout) { //Firefox does not support outerHTML property... if (this.tbl.outerHTML === undefined) { setOuterHtml(); } this.sourceTblHtml = this.tbl.outerHTML; } /*** ***/ this.filtersRowIndex = f.filters_row_index || 0; this.headersRow = f.headers_row_index || (this.filtersRowIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0); if (this.gridLayout) { if (this.headersRow > 1) { this.filtersRowIndex = this.headersRow + 1; } else { this.filtersRowIndex = 1; this.headersRow = 0; } } //defines tag of the cells containing filters (td/th) this.fltCellTag = f.filters_cell_tag !== "th" || f.filters_cell_tag !== "td" ? "td" : f.filters_cell_tag; //stores filters ids this.fltIds = []; //stores filters DOM elements this.fltElms = []; //stores filters values this.searchArgs = null; //stores table data this.tblData = []; //stores valid rows indexes (rows visible upon filtering) this.validRowsIndex = null; //stores filters row element this.fltGridEl = null; //is first load boolean this.isFirstLoad = true; //container div for paging elements, reset btn etc. this.infDiv = null; //div for rows counter this.lDiv = null; //div for reset button and results per page select this.rDiv = null; //div for paging elements this.mDiv = null; //table container div for fixed headers (IE only) this.contDiv = null; //defines css class for div containing paging elements, rows counter etc. this.infDivCssClass = f.inf_div_css_class || "inf"; //defines css class for left div this.lDivCssClass = f.left_div_css_class || "ldiv"; //defines css class for right div this.rDivCssClass = f.right_div_css_class || "rdiv"; //defines css class for mid div this.mDivCssClass = f.middle_div_css_class || "mdiv"; //table container div css class this.contDivCssClass = f.content_div_css_class || "cont"; /*** filters' grid appearance ***/ //stylesheet file this.stylesheet = f.stylesheet || this.basePath + "filtergrid.css"; this.stylesheetId = this.id + "_style"; //defines css class for filters row this.fltsRowCssClass = f.flts_row_css_class || "fltrow"; //enables/disables icons (paging, reset button) this.enableIcons = f.enable_icons === false ? false : true; //enables/disbles rows alternating bg colors this.alternateBgs = f.alternate_rows === true ? true : false; //defines widths of columns this.hasColWidth = f.col_width === true ? true : false; this.colWidth = this.hasColWidth ? f.col_width : null; //enables/disables fixed headers this.fixedHeaders = f.fixed_headers === true ? true : false; //tbody height if fixed headers enabled this.tBodyH = !isNaN(f.tbody_height) ? f.tbody_height : 200; //defines css class for filters this.fltCssClass = f.flt_css_class || "flt"; //defines css class for multiple selects filters this.fltMultiCssClass = f.flt_multi_css_class || "flt_multi"; //defines css class for filters this.fltSmallCssClass = f.flt_small_css_class || "flt_s"; //defines css class for single-filter this.singleFltCssClass = f.single_flt_css_class || "single_flt"; this.isStartBgAlternate = true; /*** filters' grid behaviours ***/ //enables/disables enter key this.enterKey = f.enter_key === false ? false : true; //enables/disables alternative fn call this.isModFilterFn = f.mod_filter_fn === true ? true : false; // used by tf_DetectKey fn this.modFilterFn = this.isModFilterFn ? f.mod_filter_fn : null; //calls function before filtering starts this.onBeforeFilter = types.isFn(f.on_before_filter) ? f.on_before_filter : null; //calls function after filtering this.onAfterFilter = types.isFn(f.on_after_filter) ? f.on_after_filter : null; //enables/disables case sensitivity this.matchCase = f.match_case === true ? true : false; //enables/disbles exact match for search this.exactMatch = f.exact_match === true ? true : false; //refreshes drop-down lists upon validation this.linkedFilters = f.linked_filters === true ? true : false; //wheter excluded options are disabled this.disableExcludedOptions = f.disable_excluded_options === true ? true : false; //stores active filter element this.activeFlt = null; //id of active filter this.activeFilterId = null; //enables/disbles column operation(sum,mean) this.hasColOperation = f.col_operation ? true : false; this.colOperation = null; //enables always visible rows this.hasVisibleRows = f.rows_always_visible ? true : false; //array containing always visible rows this.visibleRows = this.hasVisibleRows ? f.rows_always_visible : []; //defines search type: include or exclude this.searchType = f.search_type || "include"; //enables/disables external filters generation this.isExternalFlt = f.external_flt_grid === true ? true : false; //array containing ids of external elements containing filters this.externalFltTgtIds = f.external_flt_grid_ids || null; //stores filters elements if isExternalFlt is true this.externalFltEls = []; //delays any filtering process if loader true this.execDelay = !isNaN(f.exec_delay) ? parseInt(f.exec_delay, 10) : 100; //calls function when filters grid loaded this.onFiltersLoaded = types.isFn(f.on_filters_loaded) ? f.on_filters_loaded : null; //enables/disables single filter search this.singleSearchFlt = f.single_search_filter === true ? true : false; //calls function after row is validated this.onRowValidated = types.isFn(f.on_row_validated) ? f.on_row_validated : null; //array defining columns for customCellData event this.customCellDataCols = f.custom_cell_data_cols ? f.custom_cell_data_cols : []; //calls custom function for retrieving cell data this.customCellData = types.isFn(f.custom_cell_data) ? f.custom_cell_data : null; //input watermark text array this.watermark = f.watermark || ""; this.isWatermarkArray = types.isArray(this.watermark); //id of toolbar container element this.toolBarTgtId = f.toolbar_target_id || null; //enables/disables help div this.helpInstructions = f.help_instructions || false; //popup filters this.popUpFilters = f.popup_filters === true ? true : false; //active columns color this.markActiveColumns = f.mark_active_columns === true ? true : false; //defines css class for active column header this.activeColumnsCssClass = f.active_columns_css_class || "activeHeader"; //calls function before active column header is marked this.onBeforeActiveColumn = types.isFn(f.on_before_active_column) ? f.on_before_active_column : null; //calls function after active column header is marked this.onAfterActiveColumn = types.isFn(f.on_after_active_column) ? f.on_after_active_column : null; /*** select filter's customisation and behaviours ***/ //defines 1st option text this.displayAllText = f.display_all_text || ""; //enables/disables empty option in combo-box filters this.enableEmptyOption = f.enable_empty_option === true ? true : false; //defines empty option text this.emptyText = f.empty_text || "(Empty)"; //enables/disables non empty option in combo-box filters this.enableNonEmptyOption = f.enable_non_empty_option === true ? true : false; //defines empty option text this.nonEmptyText = f.non_empty_text || "(Non empty)"; //enables/disables onChange event on combo-box this.onSlcChange = f.on_change === false ? false : true; //enables/disables select options sorting this.sortSlc = f.sort_select === false ? false : true; //enables/disables ascending numeric options sorting this.isSortNumAsc = f.sort_num_asc === true ? true : false; this.sortNumAsc = this.isSortNumAsc ? f.sort_num_asc : null; //enables/disables descending numeric options sorting this.isSortNumDesc = f.sort_num_desc === true ? true : false; this.sortNumDesc = this.isSortNumDesc ? f.sort_num_desc : null; //enabled selects are populated on demand this.fillSlcOnDemand = f.fill_slc_on_demand === true ? true : false; this.hasCustomSlcOptions = types.isObj(f.custom_slc_options) ? true : false; this.customSlcOptions = types.isArray(f.custom_slc_options) ? f.custom_slc_options : null; /*** Filter operators ***/ this.rgxOperator = f.regexp_operator || "rgx:"; this.emOperator = f.empty_operator || "[empty]"; this.nmOperator = f.nonempty_operator || "[nonempty]"; this.orOperator = f.or_operator || "||"; this.anOperator = f.and_operator || "&&"; this.grOperator = f.greater_operator || ">"; this.lwOperator = f.lower_operator || "<"; this.leOperator = f.lower_equal_operator || "<="; this.geOperator = f.greater_equal_operator || ">="; this.dfOperator = f.different_operator || "!"; this.lkOperator = f.like_operator || "*"; this.eqOperator = f.equal_operator || "="; this.stOperator = f.start_with_operator || "{"; this.enOperator = f.end_with_operator || "}"; this.curExp = f.cur_exp || "^[¥£€$]"; this.separator = f.separator || ","; /*** rows counter ***/ //show/hides rows counter this.rowsCounter = f.rows_counter === true ? true : false; /*** status bar ***/ //show/hides status bar this.statusBar = f.status_bar === true ? true : false; /*** loader ***/ //enables/disables loader/spinner indicator this.loader = f.loader === true ? true : false; /*** validation - reset buttons/links ***/ //show/hides filter's validation button this.displayBtn = f.btn === true ? true : false; //defines validation button text this.btnText = f.btn_text || (!this.enableIcons ? "Go" : ""); //defines css class for validation button this.btnCssClass = f.btn_css_class || (!this.enableIcons ? "btnflt" : "btnflt_icon"); //show/hides reset link this.btnReset = f.btn_reset === true ? true : false; //defines css class for reset button this.btnResetCssClass = f.btn_reset_css_class || "reset"; //callback function before filters are cleared this.onBeforeReset = types.isFn(f.on_before_reset) ? f.on_before_reset : null; //callback function after filters are cleared this.onAfterReset = types.isFn(f.on_after_reset) ? f.on_after_reset : null; /*** paging ***/ //enables/disables table paging this.paging = f.paging === true ? true : false; this.nbVisibleRows = 0; //nb visible rows this.nbHiddenRows = 0; //nb hidden rows /*** webfx sort adapter ***/ //enables/disables default table sorting this.sort = f.sort === true ? true : false; //indicates if sort is set (used in tfAdapter.sortabletable.js) this.isSortEnabled = false; this.sortConfig = f.sort_config || {}; this.sortConfig.name = this.sortConfig.name !== undefined ? f.sort_config.name : "sortabletable"; this.sortConfig.src = this.sortConfig.src !== undefined ? f.sort_config.src : this.extensionsPath + "sortabletable/" + "sortabletable.js"; this.sortConfig.adapterSrc = this.sortConfig.adapter_src !== undefined ? f.sort_config.adapter_src : this.extensionsPath + "sortabletable/adapterSortabletable.js"; this.sortConfig.initialize = this.sortConfig.initialize !== undefined ? f.sort_config.initialize : function (o) {}; this.sortConfig.sortTypes = types.isArray(this.sortConfig.sort_types) ? f.sort_config.sort_types : []; this.sortConfig.sortCol = this.sortConfig.sort_col !== undefined ? f.sort_config.sort_col : null; this.sortConfig.asyncSort = this.sortConfig.async_sort === true ? true : false; this.sortConfig.triggerIds = types.isArray(this.sortConfig.sort_trigger_ids) ? f.sort_config.sort_trigger_ids : []; /*** ezEditTable extension ***/ //enables/disables table selection feature this.selectable = f.selectable === true ? true : false; //enables/disables editable table feature this.editable = f.editable === true ? true : false; this.ezEditTableConfig = f.ezEditTable_config || {}; this.ezEditTableConfig.name = this.ezEditTableConfig.name !== undefined ? f.ezEditTable_config.name : "ezedittable"; this.ezEditTableConfig.src = this.ezEditTableConfig.src !== undefined ? f.ezEditTable_config.src : this.extensionsPath + "ezEditTable/ezEditTable.js"; //ezEditTable stylesheet not imported by default as filtergrid.css //applies this.ezEditTableConfig.loadStylesheet = this.ezEditTableConfig.loadStylesheet === true ? true : false; this.ezEditTableConfig.stylesheet = this.ezEditTableConfig.stylesheet || this.extensionsPath + "ezEditTable/ezEditTable.css"; this.ezEditTableConfig.stylesheetName = this.ezEditTableConfig.stylesheetName !== undefined ? f.ezEditTable_config.stylesheetName : "ezEditTableCss"; this.ezEditTableConfig.err = "Failed to instantiate EditTable " + "object.\n\"ezEditTable\" module may not be available."; /*** onkeyup event ***/ //enables/disables onkeyup event, table is filtered when user stops //typing this.onKeyUp = f.on_keyup === true ? true : false; //onkeyup delay timer (msecs) this.onKeyUpDelay = !isNaN(f.on_keyup_delay) ? f.on_keyup_delay : 900; this.isUserTyping = null; //typing indicator this.onKeyUpTimer = undefined; /*** keyword highlighting ***/ //enables/disables keyword highlighting this.highlightKeywords = f.highlight_keywords === true ? true : false; /*** data types ***/ //defines default date type (european DMY) this.defaultDateType = f.default_date_type || "DMY"; //defines default thousands separator //US = ',' EU = '.' this.thousandsSeparator = f.thousands_separator || ","; //defines default decimal separator //US & javascript = '.' EU = ',' this.decimalSeparator = f.decimal_separator || "."; //enables number format per column this.hasColNbFormat = f.col_number_format === true ? true : false; //array containing columns nb formats this.colNbFormat = types.isArray(this.hasColNbFormat) ? f.col_number_format : null; //enables date type per column this.hasColDateType = f.col_date_type === true ? true : false; //array containing columns date type this.colDateType = types.isArray(this.hasColDateType) ? f.col_date_type : null; /*** status messages ***/ //filtering this.msgFilter = f.msg_filter || "Filtering data..."; //populating drop-downs this.msgPopulate = f.msg_populate || "Populating filter..."; //populating drop-downs this.msgPopulateCheckList = f.msg_populate_checklist || "Populating list..."; //changing paging page this.msgChangePage = f.msg_change_page || "Collecting paging data..."; //clearing filters this.msgClear = f.msg_clear || "Clearing filters..."; //changing nb results/page this.msgChangeResults = f.msg_change_results || "Changing results per page..."; //re-setting grid values this.msgResetValues = f.msg_reset_grid_values || "Re-setting filters values..."; //re-setting page this.msgResetPage = f.msg_reset_page || "Re-setting page..."; //re-setting page length this.msgResetPageLength = f.msg_reset_page_length || "Re-setting page length..."; //table sorting this.msgSort = f.msg_sort || "Sorting data..."; //extensions loading this.msgLoadExtensions = f.msg_load_extensions || "Loading extensions..."; //themes loading this.msgLoadThemes = f.msg_load_themes || "Loading theme(s)..."; /*** ids prefixes ***/ //css class name added to table this.prfxTf = "TF"; //filters (inputs - selects) this.prfxFlt = "flt"; //validation button this.prfxValButton = "btn"; //container div for paging elements, rows counter etc. this.prfxInfDiv = "inf_"; //left div this.prfxLDiv = "ldiv_"; //right div this.prfxRDiv = "rdiv_"; //middle div this.prfxMDiv = "mdiv_"; //filter values cookie this.prfxCookieFltsValues = "tf_flts_"; //page nb cookie this.prfxCookiePageNb = "tf_pgnb_"; //page length cookie this.prfxCookiePageLen = "tf_pglen_"; /*** cookies ***/ this.hasStoredValues = false; //remembers filters values on page load this.rememberGridValues = f.remember_grid_values === true ? true : false; //cookie storing filter values this.fltsValuesCookie = this.prfxCookieFltsValues + this.id; //remembers page nb on page load this.rememberPageNb = this.paging && f.remember_page_number ? true : false; //cookie storing page nb this.pgNbCookie = this.prfxCookiePageNb + this.id; //remembers page length on page load this.rememberPageLen = this.paging && f.remember_page_length ? true : false; //cookie storing page length this.pgLenCookie = this.prfxCookiePageLen + this.id; /*** extensions ***/ //imports external script // this.hasExtensions = f.extensions===true ? true : false; // this.extensions = this.hasExtensions ? f.extensions : null; this.extensions = f.extensions; this.hasExtensions = types.isArray(this.extensions); /*** themes ***/ this.enableDefaultTheme = f.enable_default_theme === true ? true : false; //imports themes this.hasThemes = f.enable_default_theme || f.themes && types.isObj(f.themes) ? true : false; this.themes = this.hasThemes ? f.themes : null; //themes path this.themesPath = f.themes_path || this.basePath + "TF_Themes/"; // Features registry this.Cpt = { loader: null, alternateRows: null, colOps: null, rowsCounter: null, gridLayout: null, store: null, highlightKeywords: null, paging: null, checkList: null, dropdown: null, popupFilter: null, clearButton: null, help: null, statusBar: null }; // Extensions registry this.ExtRegistry = { sort: null, ezEditTable: null }; /*** TF events ***/ var o = this; this.Evt = { name: { filter: "Filter", dropdown: "dropdown", checklist: "checkList", changepage: "changePage", clear: "Clear", changeresultsperpage: "changeResults", resetvalues: "ResetValues", resetpage: "resetPage", resetpagelength: "resetPageLength", sort: "Sort", loadextensions: "LoadExtensions", loadthemes: "loadThemes" }, /*==================================================== - Detects key for a given element =====================================================*/ detectKey: function detectKey(e) { if (!o.enterKey) { return; } var _evt = e || global.event; if (_evt) { var key = evt.keyCode(_evt); if (key === 13) { o._filter(); evt.cancel(_evt); evt.stop(_evt); } else { o.isUserTyping = true; global.clearInterval(o.onKeyUpTimer); o.onKeyUpTimer = undefined; } } //if evt }, /*==================================================== - onkeyup event for text filters =====================================================*/ onKeyUp: function onKeyUp(e) { if (!o.onKeyUp) { return; } var _evt = e || global.event; var key = evt.keyCode(_evt); o.isUserTyping = false; function filter() { global.clearInterval(o.onKeyUpTimer); o.onKeyUpTimer = undefined; if (!o.isUserTyping) { o.filter(); o.isUserTyping = null; } } if (key !== 13 && key !== 9 && key !== 27 && key !== 38 && key !== 40) { if (o.onKeyUpTimer === undefined) { o.onKeyUpTimer = global.setInterval(filter, o.onKeyUpDelay); } } else { global.clearInterval(o.onKeyUpTimer); o.onKeyUpTimer = undefined; } }, /*==================================================== - onkeydown event for input filters =====================================================*/ onKeyDown: function onKeyDown(e) { if (!o.onKeyUp) { return; } o.isUserTyping = true; }, /*==================================================== - onblur event for input filters =====================================================*/ onInpBlur: function onInpBlur(e) { if (o.onKeyUp) { o.isUserTyping = false; global.clearInterval(o.onKeyUpTimer); } if (o.ezEditTable) { if (o.editable) { o.ezEditTable.Editable.Set(); } if (o.selectable) { o.ezEditTable.Selection.Set(); } } }, /*==================================================== - onfocus event for input filters =====================================================*/ onInpFocus: function onInpFocus(e) { var _evt = e || global.event; o.activeFilterId = this.getAttribute("id"); o.activeFlt = dom.id(o.activeFilterId); if (o.popUpFilters) { evt.cancel(_evt); evt.stop(_evt); } if (o.ezEditTable) { if (o.editable) { o.ezEditTable.Editable.Remove(); } if (o.selectable) { o.ezEditTable.Selection.Remove(); } } }, /*==================================================== - onfocus event for select filters =====================================================*/ onSlcFocus: function onSlcFocus(e) { var _evt = e || global.event; o.activeFilterId = this.getAttribute("id"); o.activeFlt = dom.id(o.activeFilterId); // select is populated when element has focus if (o.fillSlcOnDemand && this.getAttribute("filled") === "0") { var ct = this.getAttribute("ct"); o.Cpt.dropdown._build(ct); } if (o.popUpFilters) { evt.cancel(_evt); evt.stop(_evt); } }, /*==================================================== - onchange event for select filters =====================================================*/ onSlcChange: function onSlcChange(e) { if (!o.activeFlt) { return; } var colIndex = o.activeFlt.getAttribute("colIndex"); //Checks filter is a checklist and caller is not null // if(o.activeFlt && colIndex && // o['col'+colIndex]===o.fltTypeCheckList && // !o.Evt.onSlcChange.caller){ return; } var _evt = e || global.event; if (o.popUpFilters) { evt.stop(_evt); } if (o.onSlcChange) { o.filter(); } }, /*==================================================== - onblur event for select filters =====================================================*/ // _OnSlcBlur: function(e) {}, /*==================================================== - onclick event for checklist filters =====================================================*/ onCheckListClick: function onCheckListClick() { if (o.fillSlcOnDemand && this.getAttribute("filled") === "0") { var ct = this.getAttribute("ct"); o.Cpt.checkList._build(ct); o.Cpt.checkList.checkListDiv[ct].onclick = null; o.Cpt.checkList.checkListDiv[ct].title = ""; } }, /*==================================================== - onclick event for checklist filter container =====================================================*/ onCheckListFocus: function onCheckListFocus(e) { o.activeFilterId = this.firstChild.getAttribute("id"); o.activeFlt = dom.id(o.activeFilterId); }, /*==================================================== - onclick event for validation button (btn property) =====================================================*/ onBtnClick: function onBtnClick() { o.filter(); } // , // _OnSlcPagesChangeEvt: null, //used by sort adapter /*==================================================== - onclick event slc parent node (enables filters) IE only =====================================================*/ // _EnableSlc: function() { // this.firstChild.disabled = false; // this.firstChild.focus(); // this.onclick = null; // }, // _Paging: { //used by sort adapter // nextEvt: null, // prevEvt: null, // lastEvt: null, // firstEvt: null // } }; } _createClass(TableFilter, { init: { /*==================================================== - initialises filtering grid bar behaviours and layout =====================================================*/ value: function init() { if (this._hasGrid) { return; } if (!this.tbl) { this.tbl = dom.id(this.id); } if (this.gridLayout) { this.refRow = this.startRow === null ? 0 : this.startRow; } if (this.popUpFilters && (this.filtersRowIndex === 0 && this.headersRow === 1 || this.gridLayout)) { this.headersRow = 0; } var f = this.cfg, n = this.singleSearchFlt ? 1 : this.nbCells, inpclass; if (window["tf_" + this.id] === undefined) { window["tf_" + this.id] = this; } //loads stylesheet if not imported //Issues with browsers != IE, IE rules in this case this.includeFile(this.stylesheetId, this.stylesheet, null, "link"); //loads theme if (this.hasThemes) { this._loadThemes(); } if (this.rememberGridValues || this.rememberPageNb || this.rememberPageLen) { //var Store = require('modules/store').Store; // import {Store} from 'modules/store'; this.Cpt.store = new Store(this); } if (this.gridLayout) { // var GridLayout = require('modules/gridLayout').GridLayout; // import {GridLayout} from 'modules/gridLayout'; this.Cpt.gridLayout = new GridLayout(this); this.Cpt.gridLayout.init(); } if (this.loader) { if (!this.Cpt.loader) { // var Loader = require('modules/loader').Loader; // import {Loader} from 'modules/loader'; this.Cpt.loader = new Loader(this); } } if (this.highlightKeywords) { // var Highlight = // require('modules/highlightKeywords').HighlightKeyword; // import {HighlightKeyword} from 'modules/highlightKeywords'; this.Cpt.highlightKeyword = new HighlightKeyword(this); } if (this.popUpFilters) { if (!this.Cpt.popupFilter) { // var PopupFilter = require('modules/popupFilter').PopupFilter; // import {PopupFilter} from 'modules/popupFilter'; this.Cpt.popupFilter = new PopupFilter(this); } this.Cpt.popupFilter.init(); } //filters grid is not generated if (!this.fltGrid) { this.refRow = this.refRow - 1; if (this.gridLayout) { this.refRow = 0; } this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb(); this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows; this.nbRows = this.nbFilterableRows + this.refRow; } else { if (this.isFirstLoad) { var fltrow; if (!this.gridLayout) { var thead = dom.tag(this.tbl, "thead"); if (thead.length > 0) { fltrow = thead[0].insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } else { fltrow = this.tbl.insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } if (this.headersRow > 1 && this.filtersRowIndex <= this.headersRow && !this.popUpFilters) { this.headersRow++; } if (this.popUpFilters) { this.headersRow++; } fltrow.className = this.fltsRowCssClass; //Disable for grid_layout if (this.isExternalFlt && (!this.gridLayout || this.popUpFilters)) { fltrow.style.display = "none"; } } this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb(); this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows; this.nbRows = this.tbl.rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { // this loop adds filters if (this.popUpFilters) { this.Cpt.popupFilter.build(i); } var fltcell = dom.create(this.fltCellTag), col = this["col" + i], externalFltTgtId = this.isExternalFlt && this.externalFltTgtIds ? this.externalFltTgtIds[i] : null; if (this.singleSearchFlt) { fltcell.colSpan = this.nbCells; } if (!this.gridLayout) { fltrow.appendChild(fltcell); } inpclass = i == n - 1 && this.displayBtn ? this.fltSmallCssClass : this.fltCssClass; if (col === undefined) { col = f["col_" + i] === undefined ? this.fltTypeInp : str.lower(f["col_" + i]); } //only 1 input for single search if (this.singleSearchFlt) { col = this.fltTypeInp; inpclass = this.singleFltCssClass; } //drop-down filters if (col === this.fltTypeSlc || col === this.fltTypeMulti) { if (!this.Cpt.dropdown) { // var Dropdown = require('modules/dropdown').Dropdown; // import {Dropdown} from 'modules/dropdown'; this.Cpt.dropdown = new Dropdown(this); } var dropdown = this.Cpt.dropdown; var slc = dom.create(this.fltTypeSlc, ["id", this.prfxFlt + i + "_" + this.id], ["ct", i], ["filled", "0"]); if (col === this.fltTypeMulti) { slc.multiple = this.fltTypeMulti; slc.title = dropdown.multipleSlcTooltip; } slc.className = str.lower(col) === this.fltTypeSlc ? inpclass : this.fltMultiCssClass; // for ie<=6 //filter is appended in desired external element if (externalFltTgtId) { dom.id(externalFltTgtId).appendChild(slc); this.externalFltEls.push(slc); } else { fltcell.appendChild(slc); } this.fltIds.push(this.prfxFlt + i + "_" + this.id); if (!this.fillSlcOnDemand) { dropdown._build(i); } evt.add(slc, "keypress", this.Evt.detectKey); evt.add(slc, "change", this.Evt.onSlcChange); evt.add(slc, "focus", this.Evt.onSlcFocus); // evt.add(slc, 'blur', this.Evt._OnSlcBlur); //1st option is created here since dropdown.build isn't //invoked if (this.fillSlcOnDemand) { var opt0 = dom.createOpt(this.displayAllText, ""); slc.appendChild(opt0); } } // checklist else if (col === this.fltTypeCheckList) { var checkList; if (!this.Cpt.checkList) { // var CheckList = // require('modules/checkList').CheckList; // import {CheckList} from 'modules/checkList'; this.Cpt.checkList = new CheckList(this); checkList = this.Cpt.checkList; } var divCont = dom.create("div", ["id", checkList.prfxCheckListDiv + i + "_" + this.id], ["ct", i], ["filled", "0"]); divCont.className = checkList.checkListDivCssClass; //filter is appended in desired element if (externalFltTgtId) { dom.id(externalFltTgtId).appendChild(divCont); this.externalFltEls.push(divCont); } else { fltcell.appendChild(divCont); } checkList.checkListDiv[i] = divCont; this.fltIds.push(this.prfxFlt + i + "_" + this.id); if (!this.fillSlcOnDemand) { checkList._build(i); } if (this.fillSlcOnDemand) { evt.add(divCont, "click", this.Evt.onCheckListClick); divCont.appendChild(dom.text(checkList.activateCheckListTxt)); } evt.add(divCont, "click", this.Evt.onCheckListFocus); } else { //show/hide input var inptype = col === this.fltTypeInp ? "text" : "hidden"; var inp = dom.create(this.fltTypeInp, ["id", this.prfxFlt + i + "_" + this.id], ["type", inptype], ["ct", i]); if (inptype !== "hidden" && this.watermark) { inp.setAttribute("placeholder", this.isWatermarkArray ? this.watermark[i] || "" : this.watermark); } inp.className = inpclass; inp.onfocus = this.Evt.onInpFocus; //filter is appended in desired element if (externalFltTgtId) { dom.id(externalFltTgtId).appendChild(inp); this.externalFltEls.push(inp); } else { fltcell.appendChild(inp); } this.fltIds.push(this.prfxFlt + i + "_" + this.id); inp.onkeypress = this.Evt.detectKey; inp.onkeydown = this.Evt.onKeyDown; inp.onkeyup = this.Evt.onKeyUp; inp.onblur = this.Evt.onInpBlur; if (this.rememberGridValues) { var flts_values = this.Cpt.store.getFilterValues(this.fltsValuesCookie); if (flts_values[i] != " ") { this.setFilterValue(i, flts_values[i], false); } } } // this adds submit button if (i == n - 1 && this.displayBtn) { var btn = dom.create(this.fltTypeInp, ["id", this.prfxValButton + i + "_" + this.id], ["type", "button"], ["value", this.btnText]); btn.className = this.btnCssClass; //filter is appended in desired element if (externalFltTgtId) { dom.id(externalFltTgtId).appendChild(btn); } else { fltcell.appendChild(btn); } btn.onclick = this.Evt.onBtnClick; } //if } // for i } else { this._resetGrid(); } //if isFirstLoad } //if this.fltGrid /* Filter behaviours */ if (this.rowsCounter) { // var RowsCounter = require('modules/rowsCounter').RowsCounter; // import {RowsCounter} from 'modules/rowsCounter'; this.Cpt.rowsCounter = new RowsCounter(this); this.Cpt.rowsCounter.init(); } if (this.statusBar) { // var StatusBar = require('modules/statusBar').StatusBar; // import {StatusBar} from 'modules/statusBar'; this.Cpt.statusBar = new StatusBar(this); this.Cpt.statusBar.init(); } if (this.paging || this.Cpt.paging && this.Cpt.paging.isPagingRemoved) { // var Paging = require('modules/paging').Paging; // import {Paging} from 'modules/paging'; // if(!this.Cpt.paging){ this.Cpt.paging = new Paging(this); // } this.Cpt.paging.init(); } if (this.btnReset) { // var ClearButton = require('modules/clearButton').ClearButton; // import {ClearButton} from 'modules/clearButton'; this.Cpt.clearButton = new ClearButton(this); this.Cpt.clearButton.init(); } if (this.helpInstructions) { // var Help = require('modules/help').Help; // import {Help} from 'modules/help'; this.Cpt.help = new Help(this); this.Cpt.help.init(); } if (this.hasColWidth && !this.gridLayout) { this.setColWidths(); } if (this.alternateBgs) { //1st time only if no paging and rememberGridValues // var AlternateRows = require('modules/alternateRows').AlternateRows; // import {AlternateRows} from 'modules/alternateRows'; this.Cpt.alternateRows = new AlternateRows(this); this.Cpt.alternateRows.init(); } if (this.hasColOperation) { // var ColOps = require('modules/colOps').ColOps; // import {ColOps} from 'modules/colOps'; this.Cpt.colOps = new ColOps(this); this.Cpt.colOps.calc(); } if (this.sort /*|| this.gridLayout*/) { this.setSort(); } if (this.selectable || this.editable) { this.setEditable(); } this.isFirstLoad = false; this._hasGrid = true; if (this.rememberGridValues || this.rememberPageLen || this.rememberPageNb) { this.resetValues(); } //TF css class is added to table if (!this.gridLayout) { dom.addClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf); } if (this.loader) { this.Cpt.loader.show("none"); } /* Loads extensions */ if (this.hasExtensions) { // this.loadExtensions(); this.registerExtensions(); // this.initExtensions(); } if (this.onFiltersLoaded) { this.onFiltersLoaded.call(null, this); } } }, EvtManager: { /*==================================================== - TF events manager - Params: - event name (string) - config object (optional literal object) =====================================================*/ value: function EvtManager(evt, s) { var o = this; var slcIndex = s && s.slcIndex !== undefined ? s.slcIndex : null; var slcExternal = s && s.slcExternal !== undefined ? s.slcExternal : false; var slcId = s && s.slcId !== undefined ? s.slcId : null; var pgIndex = s && s.pgIndex !== undefined ? s.pgIndex : null; function efx() { if (!evt) { return; } switch (evt) { case o.Evt.name.filter: if (o.isModFilterFn) { o.modFilterFn.call(null, o); } else { o._filter(); } break; case o.Evt.name.dropdown: if (o.linkedFilters) { o.Cpt.dropdown._build(slcIndex, true); } else { o.Cpt.dropdown._build(slcIndex, false, slcExternal, slcId); } break; case o.Evt.name.checklist: o.Cpt.checkList._build(slcIndex, slcExternal, slcId); break; case o.Evt.name.changepage: o.Cpt.paging._changePage(pgIndex); break; case o.Evt.name.clear: o._clearFilters(); o._filter(); break; case o.Evt.name.changeresultsperpage: o.Cpt.paging._changeResultsPerPage(); break; case o.Evt.name.resetvalues: o._resetValues(); o._filter(); break; case o.Evt.name.resetpage: o.Cpt.paging._resetPage(o.pgNbCookie); break; case o.Evt.name.resetpagelength: o.Cpt.paging._resetPageLength(o.pgLenCookie); break; case o.Evt.name.sort: void 0; break; case o.Evt.name.loadextensions: o._loadExtensions(); break; case o.Evt.name.loadthemes: o._loadThemes(); break; default: //to be used by extensions events when needed o["_" + evt].call(null, o, s); break; } if (o.statusBar) { o.Cpt.statusBar.message(""); } if (o.loader) { o.Cpt.loader.show("none"); } } if (this.loader || this.statusBar) { try { this.Cpt.loader.show(""); this.Cpt.statusBar.message(this["msg" + evt]); } catch (e) {} global.setTimeout(efx, this.execDelay); } else { efx(); } } }, registerExtensions: { value: function registerExtensions() { var exts = this.extensions; if (exts.length === 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < exts.length; i++) { var ext = exts[i]; if (types.isUndef(this.ExtRegistry[ext.name])) { this.loadExtension(ext); } } } }, loadExtension: { value: function loadExtension(ext) { var _this = this; if (!ext || !ext.name || !ext.src) { return; } var sys = global.System, className = ext.name, tf = this; sys.config({ baseURL: tf.basePath }); sys["import"](ext.src.replace(".js", "")).then(function (m) { _this.ExtRegistry[className] = new m[className](_this, ext); }); } }, loadThemes: { value: function loadThemes() { this.EvtManager(this.Evt.name.loadthemes); } }, _loadThemes: { /*==================================================== - loads TF themes =====================================================*/ value: function _loadThemes() { if (!this.hasThemes) { return; } if (!this.Thm) { /*** TF themes ***/ var o = this; this.Thm = { list: {}, add: function add(thmName, thmDesc, thmPath, thmCallBack) { var file = thmPath.split("/")[thmPath.split("/").length - 1], re = new RegExp(file), path = thmPath.replace(re, ""); o.Thm.list[thmName] = { name: thmName, description: thmDesc, file: file, path: path, callback: thmCallBack }; } }; } //Default theme config if (this.enableDefaultTheme) { this.themes = { name: ["DefaultTheme"], src: [this.themesPath + "Default/TF_Default.css"], description: ["Default Theme"] }; this.Thm.add("DefaultTheme", this.themesPath + "Default/TF_Default.css", "Default Theme"); } if (types.isArray(this.themes.name) && types.isArray(this.themes.src)) { var thm = this.themes; for (var i = 0; i < thm.name.length; i++) { var thmPath = thm.src[i], thmName = thm.name[i], thmInit = thm.initialize && thm.initialize[i] ? thm.initialize[i] : null, thmDesc = thm.description && thm.description[i] ? thm.description[i] : null; //Registers theme this.Thm.add(thmName, thmDesc, thmPath, thmInit); if (!this.isImported(thmPath, "link")) { this.includeFile(thmName, thmPath, null, "link"); } if (types.isFn(thmInit)) { thmInit.call(null, this); } } } //Some elements need to be overriden for theme //Reset button this.btnResetText = null; this.btnResetHtml = ""; //Paging buttons this.btnPrevPageHtml = ""; this.btnNextPageHtml = ""; this.btnFirstPageHtml = ""; this.btnLastPageHtml = ""; //Loader this.loader = true; this.loaderHtml = "
"; this.loaderText = null; } }, remove: { /*==================================================== - removes a filter grid =====================================================*/ value: function remove() { if (this.fltGrid && this._hasGrid) { var rows = this.tbl.rows; if (this.paging) { this.Cpt.paging.destroy(); } if (this.statusBar) { this.Cpt.statusBar.destroy(); } if (this.rowsCounter) { this.Cpt.rowsCounter.destroy(); } if (this.btnReset) { this.Cpt.clearButton.destroy(); } if (this.helpInstructions) { this.Cpt.help.destroy(); } if (this.isExternalFlt && !this.popUpFilters) { this.removeExternalFlts(); } if (this.infDiv) { this.removeToolbar(); } if (this.highlightKeywords) { this.Cpt.highlightKeyword.unhighlightAll(); } if (this.sort) { // this.RemoveSort(); this.ExtRegistry.sort.destroy(); } if (this.loader) { this.Cpt.loader.remove(); } if (this.popUpFilters) { this.Cpt.popupFilter.destroy(); } if (this.markActiveColumns) { this.clearActiveColumns(); } if (this.editable || this.selectable) { this.removeEditable(); } //this loop shows all rows and removes validRow attribute for (var j = this.refRow; j < this.nbRows; j++) { rows[j].style.display = ""; try { if (rows[j].hasAttribute("validRow")) { rows[j].removeAttribute("validRow"); } } catch (e) { //ie<=6 doesn't support hasAttribute method var row = rows[j]; var attribs = row.attributes; for (var x = 0; x < attribs.length; x++) { if (str.lower(attribs.nodeName) === "validrow") { row.removeAttribute("validRow"); } } } //removes alternating colors if (this.alternateBgs) { this.Cpt.alternateRows.removeRowBg(j); } } //for j if (this.fltGrid && !this.gridLayout) { this.fltGridEl = rows[this.filtersRowIndex]; this.tbl.deleteRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } if (this.gridLayout) { this.Cpt.gridLayout.destroy(); } dom.removeClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf); this.activeFlt = null; this.isStartBgAlternate = true; this._hasGrid = false; this.tbl = null; } //if this.fltGrid } }, setToolbar: { /*==================================================== - Generates div above table where paging, reset button, rows counter label etc. are placed =====================================================*/ value: function setToolbar() { if (this.infDiv !== null) { return; } /*** container div ***/ var infdiv = dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxInfDiv + this.id]); infdiv.className = this.infDivCssClass; //custom container if (this.toolBarTgtId) { dom.id(this.toolBarTgtId).appendChild(infdiv); } //grid-layout else if (this.gridLayout) { var gridLayout = this.Cpt.gridLayout; gridLayout.tblMainCont.appendChild(infdiv); infdiv.className = gridLayout.gridInfDivCssClass; } //default location: just above the table else { this.tbl.parentNode.insertBefore(infdiv, this.tbl); } this.infDiv = dom.id(this.prfxInfDiv + this.id); /*** left div containing rows # displayer ***/ var ldiv = dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxLDiv + this.id]); ldiv.className = this.lDivCssClass; infdiv.appendChild(ldiv); this.lDiv = dom.id(this.prfxLDiv + this.id); /*** right div containing reset button + nb results per page select ***/ var rdiv = dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxRDiv + this.id]); rdiv.className = this.rDivCssClass; infdiv.appendChild(rdiv); this.rDiv = dom.id(this.prfxRDiv + this.id); /*** mid div containing paging elements ***/ var mdiv = dom.create("div", ["id", this.prfxMDiv + this.id]); mdiv.className = this.mDivCssClass; infdiv.appendChild(mdiv); this.mDiv = dom.id(this.prfxMDiv + this.id); // Enable help instructions by default is topbar is generated if (!this.helpInstructions) { if (!this.Cpt.help) { // var Help = require('modules/help').Help; // import {Help} from 'modules/help'; this.Cpt.help = new Help(this); } this.Cpt.help.init(); } } }, removeToolbar: { /*==================================================== - Removes div above table where paging, reset button, rows counter label etc. are placed =====================================================*/ value: function removeToolbar() { if (!this.infDiv) { return; } this.infDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.infDiv); this.infDiv = null; } }, removeExternalFlts: { /*==================================================== - removes external filters =====================================================*/ value: function removeExternalFlts() { if (!this.isExternalFlt && !this.externalFltTgtIds) { return; } for (var ct = 0; ct < this.externalFltTgtIds.length; ct++) { var externalFltTgtId = this.externalFltTgtIds[ct], externalFlt = dom.id(externalFltTgtId); if (externalFlt) { externalFlt.innerHTML = ""; } } } }, setSort: { /*==================================================== - Sets sorting feature by loading WebFX Sortable Table 1.12 plugin by Erik Arvidsson and TF adapter by Max Guglielmi =====================================================*/ value: function setSort() { var adapterSortabletable = new AdapterSortableTable(this); this.ExtRegistry.sort = adapterSortabletable; adapterSortabletable.init(); } }, setOldSort: { value: function setOldSort() { var fn = this.Evt._EnableSort, sortConfig = this.sortConfig, o = this; if (!types.isFn(fn)) { /*==================================================== - enables table sorting =====================================================*/ this.Evt._EnableSort = function () { //gridLayout needs sort to be re-enabled if (o.isSortEnabled && !o.gridLayout) { return; } // if(o.isImported(sortConfig.adapterSrc)){ // sortConfig.initialize.call(null,o); // } else { // o.includeFile( // sortConfig.name+'_adapter', // sortConfig.adapterSrc, // function(){ sortConfig.initialize.call(null, o); } // ); // } // define( // 'extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable', // function(){} // ); // require.config({ // baseUrl: '../dist', // paths: { // 'a': '/tablefilter', // 'SortableTable': // '/extensions/sortabletable/sortabletable', // 'sortabletable': // '/extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable' // }, // name: '../dist/extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable' // }); // Lazy loading for the sort extension // console.log('lazy', define); // define(['require'], function(require){ // console.log(require); // var AdapterSortableTable = require(["extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable"], function (adapterSortabletable) { o.ExtRegistry.sort = new adapterSortabletable(o); o.ExtRegistry.sort.init(); }); // o.includeFile( // 'sortConfig.name', // o.basePath + '/extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable.js', // function(){ // console.log(AdapterSortableTable); // }); // }); }; } function loadSortableTable() { console.log("loadSortable"); if (o.isImported(sortConfig.src)) { o.Evt._EnableSort(); } else { o.includeFile(sortConfig.name, sortConfig.src, o.Evt._EnableSort); } } // Import require.js if required for production environment console.log("is require loaded: " + o.isImported("require.js")); if (o.isImported("require.js")) { loadSortableTable(); } else { o.includeFile("tf-requirejs", o.basePath + "require.js", o.Evt._EnableSort); // o.includeFile('tf-requirejs', // o.basePath + 'require.js', // function(){ // Lazy loading for the sort extension // console.log('lazy', define); // define(['require'], function(require){ // console.log(require); // var AdapterSortableTable = require( // ['extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable'], // function(adapterSortabletable){ // console.log(adapterSortabletable); // // o.ExtRegistry.sort = new adapterSortabletable(o); // // o.ExtRegistry.sort.init(); // }); // }); // } // ); } } }, performSort: { /*==================================================== - removes sorting feature =====================================================*/ // removeSort(){ // this.sort = false; // } value: function performSort() { this.EvtManager(this.Evt.name.sort); } }, setEditable: { /*==================================================== - Sets selection or edition features by loading ezEditTable script by Max Guglielmi =====================================================*/ value: function setEditable() { var ezEditConfig = this.ezEditTableConfig; if (this.isImported(ezEditConfig.src)) { this._enableEditable(); } else { this.includeFile(ezEditConfig.name, ezEditConfig.src, this._enableEditable); } if (ezEditConfig.loadStylesheet && !this.isImported(ezEditConfig.stylesheet, "link")) { this.includeFile(ezEditConfig.stylesheetName, ezEditConfig.stylesheet, null, "link"); } } }, removeEditable: { /*==================================================== - Removes selection or edition features =====================================================*/ value: function removeEditable() { var ezEditTable = this.ezEditTable; if (ezEditTable) { if (this.selectable) { ezEditTable.Selection.ClearSelections(); ezEditTable.Selection.Remove(); } if (this.editable) { ezEditTable.Editable.Remove(); } } } }, resetEditable: { /*==================================================== - Resets selection or edition features after removal =====================================================*/ value: function resetEditable() { var ezEditTable = this.ezEditTable; if (ezEditTable) { if (this.selectable) { ezEditTable.Selection.Set(); } if (this.editable) { ezEditTable.Editable.Set(); } } } }, _enableEditable: { value: function _enableEditable(o) { if (!o) { o = this; } //start row for EditTable constructor needs to be calculated var startRow, ezEditConfig = o.ezEditTableConfig, thead = dom.tag(o.tbl, "thead"); //if thead exists and startRow not specified, startRow is calculated //automatically by EditTable if (thead.length > 0 && !ezEditConfig.startRow) { startRow = undefined; } //otherwise startRow config property if any or TableFilter refRow else { startRow = ezEditConfig.startRow || o.refRow; } ezEditConfig.scroll_into_view = ezEditConfig.scroll_into_view === false ? false : true; ezEditConfig.base_path = ezEditConfig.base_path || o.basePath + "ezEditTable/"; ezEditConfig.editable = o.editable = o.cfg.editable; ezEditConfig.selection = o.selectable = o.cfg.selectable; if (o.selectable) { ezEditConfig.default_selection = ezEditConfig.default_selection || "row"; } //CSS Styles ezEditConfig.active_cell_css = ezEditConfig.active_cell_css || "ezETSelectedCell"; o._lastValidRowIndex = 0; o._lastRowIndex = 0; if (o.selectable) { //Row navigation needs to be calculated according to TableFilter's //validRowsIndex array var onAfterSelection = function onAfterSelection(et, selectedElm, e) { var slc = et.Selection; //Next valid filtered row needs to be selected var doSelect = function doSelect(nextRowIndex) { if (et.defaultSelection === "row") { slc.SelectRowByIndex(nextRowIndex); } else { et.ClearSelections(); var cellIndex = selectedElm.cellIndex, row = o.tbl.rows[nextRowIndex]; if (et.defaultSelection === "both") { slc.SelectRowByIndex(nextRowIndex); } if (row) { slc.SelectCell(row.cells[cellIndex]); } } //Table is filtered if (o.validRowsIndex.length !== o.getRowsNb()) { var r = o.tbl.rows[nextRowIndex]; if (r) { r.scrollIntoView(false); } if (cell) { if (cell.cellIndex === o.getCellsNb() - 1 && o.gridLayout) { o.tblCont.scrollLeft = 100000000; } else if (cell.cellIndex === 0 && o.gridLayout) { o.tblCont.scrollLeft = 0; } else { cell.scrollIntoView(false); } } } }; //table is not filtered if (!o.validRowsIndex) { return; } var validIndexes = o.validRowsIndex, validIdxLen = validIndexes.length, row = et.defaultSelection !== "row" ? selectedElm.parentNode : selectedElm, //cell for default_selection = 'both' or 'cell' cell = selectedElm.nodeName === "TD" ? selectedElm : null, keyCode = e !== undefined ? et.Event.GetKey(e) : 0, isRowValid = array.has(validIndexes, row.rowIndex), nextRowIndex, //pgup/pgdown keys d = keyCode === 34 || keyCode === 33 ? o.pagingLength || et.nbRowsPerPage : 1; //If next row is not valid, next valid filtered row needs to be //calculated if (!isRowValid) { //Selection direction up/down if (row.rowIndex > o._lastRowIndex) { //last row if (row.rowIndex >= validIndexes[validIdxLen - 1]) { nextRowIndex = validIndexes[validIdxLen - 1]; } else { var calcRowIndex = o._lastValidRowIndex + d; if (calcRowIndex > validIdxLen - 1) { nextRowIndex = validIndexes[validIdxLen - 1]; } else { nextRowIndex = validIndexes[calcRowIndex]; } } } else { //first row if (row.rowIndex <= validIndexes[0]) { nextRowIndex = validIndexes[0]; } else { var v = validIndexes[o._lastValidRowIndex - d]; nextRowIndex = v ? v : validIndexes[0]; } } o._lastRowIndex = row.rowIndex; doSelect(nextRowIndex); } else { //If filtered row is valid, special calculation for //pgup/pgdown keys if (keyCode !== 34 && keyCode !== 33) { o._lastValidRowIndex = array.indexByValue(validIndexes, row.rowIndex); o._lastRowIndex = row.rowIndex; } else { if (keyCode === 34) { //pgdown //last row if (o._lastValidRowIndex + d <= validIdxLen - 1) { nextRowIndex = validIndexes[o._lastValidRowIndex + d]; } else { nextRowIndex = [validIdxLen - 1]; } } else { //pgup //first row if (o._lastValidRowIndex - d <= validIndexes[0]) { nextRowIndex = validIndexes[0]; } else { nextRowIndex = validIndexes[o._lastValidRowIndex - d]; } } o._lastRowIndex = nextRowIndex; o._lastValidRowIndex = array.indexByValue(validIndexes, nextRowIndex); doSelect(nextRowIndex); } } }; //Page navigation has to be enforced whenever selected row is out of //the current page range var onBeforeSelection = function onBeforeSelection(et, selectedElm, e) { var row = et.defaultSelection !== "row" ? selectedElm.parentNode : selectedElm; if (o.paging) { if (o.Cpt.paging.nbPages > 1) { var paging = o.Cpt.paging; //page length is re-assigned in case it has changed et.nbRowsPerPage = paging.pagingLength; var validIndexes = o.validRowsIndex, validIdxLen = validIndexes.length, pagingEndRow = parseInt(paging.startPagingRow, 10) + parseInt(paging.pagingLength, 10); var rowIndex = row.rowIndex; if (rowIndex === validIndexes[validIdxLen - 1] && paging.currentPageNb !== paging.nbPages) { paging.setPage("last"); } else if (rowIndex == validIndexes[0] && paging.currentPageNb !== 1) { paging.setPage("first"); } else if (rowIndex > validIndexes[pagingEndRow - 1] && rowIndex < validIndexes[validIdxLen - 1]) { paging.setPage("next"); } else if (rowIndex < validIndexes[paging.startPagingRow] && rowIndex > validIndexes[0]) { paging.setPage("previous"); } } } }; //Selected row needs to be visible when paging is activated if (o.paging) { o.onAfterChangePage = function (tf, i) { var et = tf.ExtRegistry.ezEditTable; var slc = et.Selection; var row = slc.GetActiveRow(); if (row) { row.scrollIntoView(false); } var cell = slc.GetActiveCell(); if (cell) { cell.scrollIntoView(false); } }; } //Rows navigation when rows are filtered is performed with the //EditTable row selection callback events if (ezEditConfig.default_selection === "row") { var fnB = ezEditConfig.on_before_selected_row; ezEditConfig.on_before_selected_row = function () { onBeforeSelection(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); if (fnB) { fnB.call(null, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); } }; var fnA = ezEditConfig.on_after_selected_row; ezEditConfig.on_after_selected_row = function () { onAfterSelection(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); if (fnA) { fnA.call(null, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); } }; } else { var fnD = ezEditConfig.on_before_selected_cell; ezEditConfig.on_before_selected_cell = function () { onBeforeSelection(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); if (fnD) { fnD.call(null, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); } }; var fnC = ezEditConfig.on_after_selected_cell; ezEditConfig.on_after_selected_cell = function () { onAfterSelection(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); if (fnC) { fnC.call(null, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); } }; } } if (o.editable) { //Added or removed rows, TF rows number needs to be re-calculated var fnE = ezEditConfig.on_added_dom_row; ezEditConfig.on_added_dom_row = function () { o.nbFilterableRows++; if (!o.paging) { o.Cpt.rowsCounter.refresh(); } else { o.nbRows++; o.nbVisibleRows++; o.nbFilterableRows++; o.paging = false; o.Cpt.paging.destroy(); o.Cpt.paging.addPaging(); } if (o.alternateBgs) { o.Cpt.alternateRows.init(); } if (fnE) { fnE.call(null, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]); } }; if (ezEditConfig.actions && ezEditConfig.actions["delete"]) { var fnF = ezEditConfig.actions["delete"].on_after_submit; ezEditConfig.actions["delete"].on_after_submit = function () { o.nbFilterableRows--; if (!o.paging) { o.Cpt.rowsCounter.refresh(); } else { o.nbRows--; o.nbVisibleRows--; o.nbFilterableRows--; o.paging = false; o.Cpt.paging.destroy(); o.Cpt.paging.addPaging(false); } if (o.alternateBgs) { o.Cpt.alternateRows.init(); } if (fnF) { fnF.call(null, arguments[0], arguments[1]); } }; } } try { o.ExtRegistry.ezEditTable = new EditTable(o.id, ezEditConfig, startRow); o.ExtRegistry.ezEditTable.Init(); } catch (e) { console.log(ezEditConfig.err); } } }, resetValues: { /*==================================================== - IE bug: it seems there is no way to make multiple selections programatically, only last selection is kept (multiple select previously populated via DOM) - Work-around: defer selection with a setTimeout If you find a more elegant solution to this let me know ;-) - For the moment only this solution seems to work! - Params: - slc = select object (select obj) - index to be selected (integer) - execute filtering (boolean) =====================================================*/ // __deferMultipleSelection: function(slc,index,filter){ // if(str.lower(slc.nodeName)!=='select'){ // return; // } // var doFilter = filter===undefined ? false : filter; // var o = this; // global.setTimeout(function(){ // slc.options[0].selected = false; // if(slc.options[index].value===''){ // slc.options[index].selected = false; // } // else{ // slc.options[index].selected = true; // if(doFilter){ // o.filter(); // } // } // }, 0.1); // }, /*==================================================== - Returns an array [[values],[texts]] with custom values for a given filter - Param: column index (integer) =====================================================*/ // _getCustomValues: function(colIndex){ // if(!colIndex){ // return; // } // //custom select test // var isCustomSlc = this.hasCustomSlcOptions && // array.has(this.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex); // if(!isCustomSlc){ // return; // } // var optTxt = [], optArray = []; // var index = array.indexByValue(this.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex); // var slcValues = this.customSlcOptions.values[index]; // var slcTexts = this.customSlcOptions.texts[index]; // var slcSort = this.customSlcOptions.sorts[index]; // for(var r=0; r