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- HTML Table Filter Generator
- Reset button (clear filters) and Help instructions feature v1.3
- By Max Guglielmi (tablefilter.free.fr)
- Licensed under the MIT License
- Changelog:
1.1 [12-09-10]
Help instructions methods added to this module
1.2 [31-07-11]
Button icon shown by default
1.3 [10-03-12]
Added year property to help instructions (helpInstrDefaultHtml)
1.4 [27-04-12]
Modfied help instructions text
TF.prototype.SetResetBtn = function()
- Generates reset button
if(!this.hasGrid && !this.isFirstLoad) return;
if( this.btnResetEl!=null ) return;
var f = this.fObj;
this.btnResetTgtId = f.btn_reset_target_id!=undefined //id of container element
? f.btn_reset_target_id : null;
this.btnResetEl = null; //reset button element
this.btnResetText = f.btn_reset_text!=undefined ? f.btn_reset_text : 'Reset'; //defines reset text
this.btnResetTooltip = f.btn_reset_tooltip!=undefined ? f.btn_reset_tooltip : 'Clear filters'; //defines reset button tooltip
this.btnResetHtml = f.btn_reset_html!=undefined ? f.btn_reset_html : (!this.enableIcons ? null : //defines reset button innerHtml
'<input type="button" value="" class="'+this.btnResetCssClass+'" title="'+this.btnResetTooltip+'" />');
var resetspan = tf_CreateElm('span',['id',this.prfxResetSpan+this.id]);
// reset button is added to defined element
if(this.btnResetTgtId==null) this.SetTopDiv();
var targetEl = ( this.btnResetTgtId==null ) ? this.rDiv : tf_Id( this.btnResetTgtId );
var fltreset = tf_CreateElm( 'a', ['href','javascript:void(0);'] );
fltreset.className = this.btnResetCssClass;
fltreset.onclick = this.Evt._Clear;
} else {
resetspan.innerHTML = this.btnResetHtml;
var resetEl = resetspan.firstChild;
resetEl.onclick = this.Evt._Clear;
this.btnResetEl = tf_Id(this.prfxResetSpan+this.id).firstChild;
TF.prototype.RemoveResetBtn = function()
- Removes reset button
if(!this.hasGrid) return;
if( this.btnResetEl==null ) return;
var resetspan = tf_Id(this.prfxResetSpan+this.id);
if( resetspan!=null )
resetspan.parentNode.removeChild( resetspan );
this.btnResetEl = null;
TF.prototype.SetHelpInstructions = function()
- Generates help instructions
if( this.helpInstrBtnEl!=null ) return;
var f = this.fObj;
this.helpInstrTgtId = f.help_instructions_target_id!=undefined //id of custom container element for instructions
? f.help_instructions_target_id : null;
this.helpInstrContTgtId = f.help_instructions_container_target_id!=undefined //id of custom container element for instructions
? f.help_instructions_container_target_id : null;
this.helpInstrText = f.help_instructions_text //defines help text
? f.help_instructions_text : 'Use the filters above each column to filter and limit table data. ' +
'Avanced searches can be performed by using the following operators: <br />' +
'<i>&lt;</i>, <b>&lt;=</b>, <b>&gt;</b>, <b>&gt;=</b>, <b>=</b>, <b>*</b>, <b>!</b>, <b>{</b>, <b>}</b>, <b>||</b>, ' +
'<b>&amp;&amp;</b>, <b>[empty]</b>, <b>[nonempty]</b>, <b>rgx:</b><br/> These operators are described here:<br/>' +
'<a href="http://tablefilter.free.fr/#operators" target="_blank">http://tablefilter.free.fr/#operators</a><hr/>';
this.helpInstrHtml = f.help_instructions_html!=undefined
? f.help_instructions_html : null; //defines help innerHtml
this.helpInstrBtnText = f.help_instructions_btn_text!=undefined
? f.help_instructions_btn_text : '?'; //defines help button text
this.helpInstrBtnHtml = f.help_instructions_btn_html!=undefined
? f.help_instructions_btn_html : null; //defines reset button innerHtml
this.helpInstrBtnCssClass = f.help_instructions_btn_css_class!=undefined //defines css class for help button
? f.help_instructions_btn_css_class : 'helpBtn';
this.helpInstrContCssClass = f.help_instructions_container_css_class!=undefined //defines css class for help container
? f.help_instructions_container_css_class : 'helpCont';
this.helpInstrBtnEl = null; //help button element
this.helpInstrContEl = null; //help content div
this.helpInstrDefaultHtml = '<div class="helpFooter"><h4>HTML Table Filter Generator v. '+ this.version +'</h4>' +
'<a href="http://tablefilter.free.fr" target="_blank">http://tablefilter.free.fr</a><br/>' +
'<span>&copy;2009-'+ this.year +' Max Guglielmi.</span><div align="center" style="margin-top:8px;">' +
'<a href="javascript:;" onclick="window[\'tf_'+ this.id +'\']._ToggleHelp();">Close</a></div></div>';
var helpspan = tf_CreateElm('span',['id',this.prfxHelpSpan+this.id]);
var helpdiv = tf_CreateElm('div',['id',this.prfxHelpDiv+this.id]);
//help button is added to defined element
if(this.helpInstrTgtId==null) this.SetTopDiv();
var targetEl = ( this.helpInstrTgtId==null ) ? this.rDiv : tf_Id( this.helpInstrTgtId );
var divContainer = ( this.helpInstrContTgtId==null ) ? helpspan : tf_Id( this.helpInstrContTgtId );
if(this.helpInstrBtnHtml == null)
var helplink = tf_CreateElm( 'a', ['href','javascript:void(0);'] );
helplink.className = this.helpInstrBtnCssClass;
helplink.onclick = this.Evt._OnHelpBtnClick;
} else {
helpspan.innerHTML += this.helpInstrBtnHtml;
var helpEl = helpspan.firstChild;
helpEl.onclick = this.Evt._OnHelpBtnClick;
if(this.helpInstrHtml == null)
helpdiv.innerHTML = this.helpInstrText;
helpdiv.className = this.helpInstrContCssClass;
helpdiv.ondblclick = this.Evt._OnHelpBtnClick;
} else {
if(this.helpInstrContTgtId) divContainer.appendChild(helpdiv);
helpdiv.innerHTML = this.helpInstrHtml;
helpdiv.className = this.helpInstrContCssClass;
helpdiv.ondblclick = this.Evt._OnHelpBtnClick;
helpdiv.innerHTML += this.helpInstrDefaultHtml;
this.helpInstrContEl = helpdiv;
this.helpInstrBtnEl = helpspan;
TF.prototype.RemoveHelpInstructions = function()
- Removes help instructions
if(this.helpInstrBtnEl==null) return;
this.helpInstrBtnEl = null;
if(this.helpInstrContEl==null) return;
this.helpInstrContEl = null;
TF.prototype._ToggleHelp = function()
- Toggles help div
if(!this.helpInstrContEl) return;
var divDisplay = this.helpInstrContEl.style.display;
if(divDisplay == '' || divDisplay == 'none'){
this.helpInstrContEl.style.display = 'block';
var btnLeft = tf_ObjPosition(this.helpInstrBtnEl, [this.helpInstrBtnEl.nodeName])[0];
this.helpInstrContEl.style.left = (btnLeft - this.helpInstrContEl.clientWidth + 25) + 'px';
else this.helpInstrContEl.style.display = 'none';