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mirror of https://github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter.git synced 2024-06-27 01:40:18 +02:00
2016-05-01 19:57:23 +10:00

2335 lines
78 KiB

import Event from './event';
import Dom from './dom';
import Str from './string';
import Types from './types';
import DateHelper from './date';
import Helpers from './helpers';
import {Emitter} from './emitter';
import {GridLayout} from './modules/gridLayout';
import {Loader} from './modules/loader';
import {HighlightKeyword} from './modules/highlightKeywords';
import {PopupFilter} from './modules/popupFilter';
import {Dropdown} from './modules/dropdown';
import {CheckList} from './modules/checkList';
import {RowsCounter} from './modules/rowsCounter';
import {StatusBar} from './modules/statusBar';
import {Paging} from './modules/paging';
import {ClearButton} from './modules/clearButton';
import {Help} from './modules/help';
import {AlternateRows} from './modules/alternateRows';
import {NoResults} from './modules/noResults';
import {State} from './modules/state';
let global = window,
doc = global.document;
export class TableFilter {
* TableFilter object constructor
* requires `table` or `id` arguments, `row` and `configuration` optional
* @param {DOMElement} table Table DOM element
* @param {String} id Table id
* @param {Number} row index indicating the 1st row
* @param {Object} configuration object
constructor(...args) {
if (args.length === 0) { return; }
this.id = null;
this.version = '{VERSION}';
this.year = new Date().getFullYear();
this.tbl = null;
this.startRow = null;
this.refRow = null;
this.headersRow = null;
this.cfg = {};
this.nbFilterableRows = null;
this.nbRows = null;
this.nbCells = null;
this._hasGrid = false;
// TODO: use for-of with babel plug-in
args.forEach((arg) => {
// for (let arg of args) {
let argtype = typeof arg;
if (argtype === 'object' && arg && arg.nodeName === 'TABLE') {
this.tbl = arg;
this.id = arg.id || `tf_${new Date().getTime()}_`;
} else if (argtype === 'string') {
this.id = arg;
this.tbl = Dom.id(arg);
} else if (argtype === 'number') {
this.startRow = arg;
} else if (argtype === 'object') {
this.cfg = arg;
// }
if (!this.tbl || this.tbl.nodeName != 'TABLE' ||
this.getRowsNb() === 0) {
throw new Error(
'Could not instantiate TableFilter: HTML table not found.');
// configuration object
let f = this.cfg;
this.emitter = new Emitter();
//Start row et cols nb
this.refRow = this.startRow === null ? 2 : (this.startRow + 1);
try { this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(this.refRow); }
catch (e) { this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(0); }
//default script base path
this.basePath = f.base_path || 'tablefilter/';
/*** filter types ***/
this.fltTypeInp = 'input';
this.fltTypeSlc = 'select';
this.fltTypeMulti = 'multiple';
this.fltTypeCheckList = 'checklist';
this.fltTypeNone = 'none';
/*** filters' grid properties ***/
//enables/disables filter grid
this.fltGrid = f.grid === false ? false : true;
//enables/disables grid layout (fixed headers)
this.gridLayout = Boolean(f.grid_layout);
this.filtersRowIndex = isNaN(f.filters_row_index) ?
0 : f.filters_row_index;
this.headersRow = isNaN(f.headers_row_index) ?
(this.filtersRowIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0) : f.headers_row_index;
//defines tag of the cells containing filters (td/th)
this.fltCellTag = f.filters_cell_tag !== 'th' ||
f.filters_cell_tag !== 'td' ? 'td' : f.filters_cell_tag;
//stores filters ids
this.fltIds = [];
//stores filters DOM elements
this.fltElms = [];
//stores valid rows indexes (rows visible upon filtering)
this.validRowsIndex = [];
//stores filters row element
this.fltGridEl = null;
//container div for paging elements, reset btn etc.
this.infDiv = null;
//div for rows counter
this.lDiv = null;
//div for reset button and results per page select
this.rDiv = null;
//div for paging elements
this.mDiv = null;
//defines css class for div containing paging elements, rows counter etc
this.infDivCssClass = f.inf_div_css_class || 'inf';
//defines css class for left div
this.lDivCssClass = f.left_div_css_class || 'ldiv';
//defines css class for right div
this.rDivCssClass = f.right_div_css_class || 'rdiv';
//defines css class for mid div
this.mDivCssClass = f.middle_div_css_class || 'mdiv';
//table container div css class
this.contDivCssClass = f.content_div_css_class || 'cont';
/*** filters' grid appearance ***/
//stylesheet file
this.stylePath = f.style_path || this.basePath + 'style/';
this.stylesheet = f.stylesheet || this.stylePath + 'tablefilter.css';
this.stylesheetId = this.id + '_style';
//defines css class for filters row
this.fltsRowCssClass = f.flts_row_css_class || 'fltrow';
//enables/disables icons (paging, reset button)
this.enableIcons = f.enable_icons === false ? false : true;
//enables/disbles rows alternating bg colors
this.alternateRows = Boolean(f.alternate_rows);
//defines widths of columns
this.hasColWidths = Types.isArray(f.col_widths);
this.colWidths = this.hasColWidths ? f.col_widths : null;
//defines css class for filters
this.fltCssClass = f.flt_css_class || 'flt';
//defines css class for multiple selects filters
this.fltMultiCssClass = f.flt_multi_css_class || 'flt_multi';
//defines css class for filters
this.fltSmallCssClass = f.flt_small_css_class || 'flt_s';
//defines css class for single-filter
this.singleFltCssClass = f.single_flt_css_class || 'single_flt';
/*** filters' grid behaviours ***/
//enables/disables enter key
this.enterKey = f.enter_key === false ? false : true;
//calls function before filtering starts
this.onBeforeFilter = Types.isFn(f.on_before_filter) ?
f.on_before_filter : null;
//calls function after filtering
this.onAfterFilter = Types.isFn(f.on_after_filter) ?
f.on_after_filter : null;
//enables/disables case sensitivity
this.caseSensitive = Boolean(f.case_sensitive);
//has exact match per column
this.hasExactMatchByCol = Types.isArray(f.columns_exact_match);
this.exactMatchByCol = this.hasExactMatchByCol ?
f.columns_exact_match : [];
//enables/disbles exact match for search
this.exactMatch = Boolean(f.exact_match);
//refreshes drop-down lists upon validation
this.linkedFilters = Boolean(f.linked_filters);
//wheter excluded options are disabled
this.disableExcludedOptions = Boolean(f.disable_excluded_options);
//id of active filter
this.activeFilterId = null;
//enables always visible rows
this.hasVisibleRows = Boolean(f.rows_always_visible);
//array containing always visible rows
this.visibleRows = this.hasVisibleRows ? f.rows_always_visible : [];
//enables/disables external filters generation
this.isExternalFlt = Boolean(f.external_flt_grid);
//array containing ids of external elements containing filters
this.externalFltTgtIds = f.external_flt_grid_ids || [];
//stores filters elements if isExternalFlt is true
this.externalFltEls = [];
//delays any filtering process if loader true
this.execDelay = !isNaN(f.exec_delay) ? parseInt(f.exec_delay, 10) :
//calls function when filters grid loaded
this.onFiltersLoaded = Types.isFn(f.on_filters_loaded) ?
f.on_filters_loaded : null;
//enables/disables single filter search
this.singleSearchFlt = Boolean(f.single_filter);
//calls function after row is validated
this.onRowValidated = Types.isFn(f.on_row_validated) ?
f.on_row_validated : null;
//array defining columns for customCellData event
this.customCellDataCols = f.custom_cell_data_cols ?
f.custom_cell_data_cols : [];
//calls custom function for retrieving cell data
this.customCellData = Types.isFn(f.custom_cell_data) ?
f.custom_cell_data : null;
//input watermark text array
this.watermark = f.watermark || '';
this.isWatermarkArray = Types.isArray(this.watermark);
//id of toolbar container element
this.toolBarTgtId = f.toolbar_target_id || null;
//enables/disables help div
this.help = Types.isUndef(f.help_instructions) ?
undefined : Boolean(f.help_instructions);
//popup filters
this.popupFilters = Boolean(f.popup_filters);
//active columns color
this.markActiveColumns = Boolean(f.mark_active_columns);
//defines css class for active column header
this.activeColumnsCssClass = f.active_columns_css_class ||
//calls function before active column header is marked
this.onBeforeActiveColumn = Types.isFn(f.on_before_active_column) ?
f.on_before_active_column : null;
//calls function after active column header is marked
this.onAfterActiveColumn = Types.isFn(f.on_after_active_column) ?
f.on_after_active_column : null;
/*** select filter's customisation and behaviours ***/
//defines 1st option text
this.displayAllText = f.display_all_text || 'Clear';
//enables/disables empty option in combo-box filters
this.enableEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_empty_option);
//defines empty option text
this.emptyText = f.empty_text || '(Empty)';
//enables/disables non empty option in combo-box filters
this.enableNonEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_non_empty_option);
//defines empty option text
this.nonEmptyText = f.non_empty_text || '(Non empty)';
//enables/disables onChange event on combo-box
this.onSlcChange = f.on_change === false ? false : true;
//enables/disables select options sorting
this.sortSlc = f.sort_select === false ? false : true;
//enables/disables ascending numeric options sorting
this.isSortNumAsc = Boolean(f.sort_num_asc);
this.sortNumAsc = this.isSortNumAsc ? f.sort_num_asc : [];
//enables/disables descending numeric options sorting
this.isSortNumDesc = Boolean(f.sort_num_desc);
this.sortNumDesc = this.isSortNumDesc ? f.sort_num_desc : [];
//Select filters are populated on demand
this.loadFltOnDemand = Boolean(f.load_filters_on_demand);
this.hasCustomOptions = Types.isObj(f.custom_options);
this.customOptions = f.custom_options;
/*** Filter operators ***/
this.rgxOperator = f.regexp_operator || 'rgx:';
this.emOperator = f.empty_operator || '[empty]';
this.nmOperator = f.nonempty_operator || '[nonempty]';
this.orOperator = f.or_operator || '||';
this.anOperator = f.and_operator || '&&';
this.grOperator = f.greater_operator || '>';
this.lwOperator = f.lower_operator || '<';
this.leOperator = f.lower_equal_operator || '<=';
this.geOperator = f.greater_equal_operator || '>=';
this.dfOperator = f.different_operator || '!';
this.lkOperator = f.like_operator || '*';
this.eqOperator = f.equal_operator || '=';
this.stOperator = f.start_with_operator || '{';
this.enOperator = f.end_with_operator || '}';
this.curExp = f.cur_exp || '^[¥£€$]';
this.separator = f.separator || ',';
/*** rows counter ***/
//show/hides rows counter
this.rowsCounter = Boolean(f.rows_counter);
/*** status bar ***/
//show/hides status bar
this.statusBar = Boolean(f.status_bar);
/*** loader ***/
//enables/disables loader/spinner indicator
this.loader = Boolean(f.loader);
/*** validation - reset buttons/links ***/
//show/hides filter's validation button
this.displayBtn = Boolean(f.btn);
//defines validation button text
this.btnText = f.btn_text || (!this.enableIcons ? 'Go' : '');
//defines css class for validation button
this.btnCssClass = f.btn_css_class ||
(!this.enableIcons ? 'btnflt' : 'btnflt_icon');
//show/hides reset link
this.btnReset = Boolean(f.btn_reset);
//defines css class for reset button
this.btnResetCssClass = f.btn_reset_css_class || 'reset';
//callback function before filters are cleared
this.onBeforeReset = Types.isFn(f.on_before_reset) ?
f.on_before_reset : null;
//callback function after filters are cleared
this.onAfterReset = Types.isFn(f.on_after_reset) ?
f.on_after_reset : null;
/*** paging ***/
//enables/disables table paging
this.paging = Boolean(f.paging);
this.nbVisibleRows = 0; //nb visible rows
this.nbHiddenRows = 0; //nb hidden rows
/*** autofilter on typing ***/
//Auto filtering, table is filtered when user stops typing
this.autoFilter = Boolean(f.auto_filter);
//onkeyup delay timer (msecs)
this.autoFilterDelay = !isNaN(f.auto_filter_delay) ?
f.auto_filter_delay : 900;
//typing indicator
this.isUserTyping = null;
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
/*** keyword highlighting ***/
//enables/disables keyword highlighting
this.highlightKeywords = Boolean(f.highlight_keywords);
/*** No results feature ***/
this.noResults = Types.isObj(f.no_results_message) ||
// stateful
this.state = Types.isObj(f.state) || Boolean(f.state);
/*** data types ***/
//defines default date type (european DMY)
this.defaultDateType = f.default_date_type || 'DMY';
//defines default thousands separator
//US = ',' EU = '.'
this.thousandsSeparator = f.thousands_separator || ',';
//defines default decimal separator
//US & javascript = '.' EU = ','
this.decimalSeparator = f.decimal_separator || '.';
//enables number format per column
this.hasColNbFormat = Types.isArray(f.col_number_format);
//array containing columns nb formats
this.colNbFormat = this.hasColNbFormat ? f.col_number_format : null;
//enables date type per column
this.hasColDateType = Types.isArray(f.col_date_type);
//array containing columns date type
this.colDateType = this.hasColDateType ? f.col_date_type : null;
/*** ids prefixes ***/
//css class name added to table
this.prfxTf = 'TF';
//filters (inputs - selects)
this.prfxFlt = 'flt';
//validation button
this.prfxValButton = 'btn';
//container div for paging elements, rows counter etc.
this.prfxInfDiv = 'inf_';
//left div
this.prfxLDiv = 'ldiv_';
//right div
this.prfxRDiv = 'rdiv_';
//middle div
this.prfxMDiv = 'mdiv_';
//filter values cookie
this.prfxCookieFltsValues = 'tf_flts_';
//page nb cookie
this.prfxCookiePageNb = 'tf_pgnb_';
//page length cookie
this.prfxCookiePageLen = 'tf_pglen_';
this.prfxResponsive = 'resp';
/*** extensions ***/
//imports external script
this.extensions = f.extensions;
this.hasExtensions = Types.isArray(this.extensions);
/*** themes ***/
this.enableDefaultTheme = Boolean(f.enable_default_theme);
//imports themes
this.hasThemes = (this.enableDefaultTheme || Types.isArray(f.themes));
this.themes = f.themes || [];
//themes path
this.themesPath = f.themes_path || this.stylePath + 'themes/';
//responsive table
this.responsive = Boolean(f.responsive);
// Features registry
this.Mod = {};
// Extensions registry
this.ExtRegistry = {};
* Initialise features and layout
init() {
if (this._hasGrid) {
let Mod = this.Mod;
let n = this.singleSearchFlt ? 1 : this.nbCells;
let inpclass;
//loads stylesheet if not imported
this.import(this.stylesheetId, this.stylesheet, null, 'link');
//loads theme
if (this.hasThemes) {
// Instantiate help feature and initialise only if set true
if (!Mod.help) {
Mod.help = new Help(this);
if (this.help) {
if (this.state) {
if (!Mod.state) {
Mod.state = new State(this);
if (this.gridLayout) {
if (!Mod.gridLayout) {
Mod.gridLayout = new GridLayout(this);
if (this.loader) {
if (!Mod.loader) {
Mod.loader = new Loader(this);
if (this.highlightKeywords) {
Mod.highlightKeyword = new HighlightKeyword(this);
if (this.popupFilters) {
if (!Mod.popupFilter) {
Mod.popupFilter = new PopupFilter(this);
//filters grid is not generated
if (!this.fltGrid) {
} else {
let fltrow = this._insertFiltersRow();
this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb();
this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows;
this.nbRows = this.tbl.rows.length;
// Generate filters
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
this.emitter.emit('before-filter-init', this, i);
let fltcell = Dom.create(this.fltCellTag),
col = this.getFilterType(i);
if (this.singleSearchFlt) {
fltcell.colSpan = this.nbCells;
if (!this.gridLayout) {
inpclass = (i == n - 1 && this.displayBtn) ?
this.fltSmallCssClass : this.fltCssClass;
//only 1 input for single search
if (this.singleSearchFlt) {
col = this.fltTypeInp;
inpclass = this.singleFltCssClass;
//drop-down filters
if (col === this.fltTypeSlc || col === this.fltTypeMulti) {
if (!Mod.dropdown) {
Mod.dropdown = new Dropdown(this);
Mod.dropdown.init(i, this.isExternalFlt, fltcell);
// checklist
else if (col === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
if (!Mod.checkList) {
Mod.checkList = new CheckList(this);
Mod.checkList.init(i, this.isExternalFlt, fltcell);
} else {
this._buildInputFilter(i, inpclass, fltcell);
// this adds submit button
if (i == n - 1 && this.displayBtn) {
this._buildSubmitButton(i, fltcell);
this.emitter.emit('after-filter-init', this, i);
(tf, filter) => this.setActiveFilterId(filter.id));
}//if this.fltGrid
/* Features */
if (this.hasVisibleRows) {
() => this.enforceVisibility());
if (this.rowsCounter) {
Mod.rowsCounter = new RowsCounter(this);
if (this.statusBar) {
Mod.statusBar = new StatusBar(this);
if (this.paging) {
if (!Mod.paging) {
Mod.paging = new Paging(this);
} else {
if (this.btnReset) {
Mod.clearButton = new ClearButton(this);
if (this.hasColWidths && !this.gridLayout) {
if (this.alternateRows) {
Mod.alternateRows = new AlternateRows(this);
if (this.noResults) {
if (!Mod.noResults) {
Mod.noResults = new NoResults(this);
this._hasGrid = true;
//TF css class is added to table
if (!this.gridLayout) {
Dom.addClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf);
if (this.responsive) {
Dom.addClass(this.tbl, this.prfxResponsive);
/* Loads extensions */
if (this.hasExtensions) {
// Subscribe to events
if (this.markActiveColumns) {
() => this.clearActiveColumns());
(tf, colIndex) => this.markActiveColumn(colIndex));
if (this.linkedFilters) {
this.emitter.on(['after-filtering'], () => this.linkFilters());
if (this.onFiltersLoaded) {
this.onFiltersLoaded.call(null, this);
this.initialized = true;
this.emitter.emit('initialized', this);
* Detect <enter> key
* @param {Event} evt
detectKey(evt) {
if (!this.enterKey) {
if (evt) {
let key = Event.keyCode(evt);
if (key === 13) {
} else {
this.isUserTyping = true;
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
* Filter's keyup event: if auto-filter on, detect user is typing and filter
* columns
* @param {Event} evt
onKeyUp(evt) {
if (!this.autoFilter) {
let key = Event.keyCode(evt);
this.isUserTyping = false;
function filter() {
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
if (!this.isUserTyping) {
this.isUserTyping = null;
// TODO: define constants for keys
if (key !== 13 && key !== 9 && key !== 27 && key !== 38 && key !== 40) {
if (this.autoFilterTimer === null) {
this.autoFilterTimer = global.setInterval(filter.bind(this),
} else {
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
* Filter's keydown event: if auto-filter on, detect user is typing
onKeyDown() {
if (this.autoFilter) {
this.isUserTyping = true;
* Filter's focus event
* @param {Event} evt
onInpFocus(evt) {
let elm = Event.target(evt);
this.emitter.emit('filter-focus', this, elm);
* Filter's blur event: if auto-filter on, clear interval on filter blur
onInpBlur() {
if (this.autoFilter) {
this.isUserTyping = false;
this.emitter.emit('filter-blur', this);
* Insert filters row at initialization
_insertFiltersRow() {
if (this.gridLayout) {
let fltrow;
let thead = Dom.tag(this.tbl, 'thead');
if (thead.length > 0) {
fltrow = thead[0].insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex);
} else {
fltrow = this.tbl.insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex);
fltrow.className = this.fltsRowCssClass;
if (this.isExternalFlt) {
fltrow.style.display = 'none';
this.emitter.emit('filters-row-inserted', this, fltrow);
return fltrow;
* Initialize filtersless table
_initNoFilters() {
if (this.fltGrid) {
this.refRow = this.refRow > 0 ? this.refRow - 1 : 0;
this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb();
this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows;
this.nbRows = this.nbFilterableRows + this.refRow;
* Build input filter type
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {String} cssClass Css class applied to filter
* @param {DOMElement} container Container DOM element
_buildInputFilter(colIndex, cssClass, container) {
let col = this.getFilterType(colIndex);
let externalFltTgtId = this.isExternalFlt ?
this.externalFltTgtIds[colIndex] : null;
let inptype = col === this.fltTypeInp ? 'text' : 'hidden';
let inp = Dom.create(this.fltTypeInp,
['id', this.prfxFlt + colIndex + '_' + this.id],
['type', inptype], ['ct', colIndex]);
if (inptype !== 'hidden' && this.watermark) {
this.isWatermarkArray ? (this.watermark[colIndex] || '') :
inp.className = cssClass || this.fltCssClass;
Event.add(inp, 'focus', (evt) => this.onInpFocus(evt));
//filter is appended in custom element
if (externalFltTgtId) {
} else {
Event.add(inp, 'keypress', (evt) => this.detectKey(evt));
Event.add(inp, 'keydown', () => this.onKeyDown());
Event.add(inp, 'keyup', (evt) => this.onKeyUp(evt));
Event.add(inp, 'blur', () => this.onInpBlur());
* Build submit button
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {DOMElement} container Container DOM element
_buildSubmitButton(colIndex, container) {
let externalFltTgtId = this.isExternalFlt ?
this.externalFltTgtIds[colIndex] : null;
let btn = Dom.create(this.fltTypeInp,
['id', this.prfxValButton + colIndex + '_' + this.id],
['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnText]);
btn.className = this.btnCssClass;
//filter is appended in custom element
if (externalFltTgtId) {
} else {
Event.add(btn, 'click', () => this.filter());
* Return a feature instance for a given name
* @param {String} name Name of the feature
* @return {Object}
feature(name) {
return this.Mod[name];
* Initialise all the extensions defined in the configuration object
initExtensions() {
let exts = this.extensions;
// Set config's publicPath dynamically for Webpack...
__webpack_public_path__ = this.basePath;
this.emitter.emit('before-loading-extensions', this);
for (let i = 0, len = exts.length; i < len; i++) {
let ext = exts[i];
if (!this.ExtRegistry[ext.name]) {
this.emitter.emit('after-loading-extensions', this);
* Load an extension module
* @param {Object} ext Extension config object
loadExtension(ext) {
if (!ext || !ext.name) {
let name = ext.name;
let path = ext.path;
let modulePath;
if (name && path) {
modulePath = ext.path + name;
} else {
name = name.replace('.js', '');
modulePath = 'extensions/{}/{}'.replace(/{}/g, name);
// Require pattern for Webpack
require(['./' + modulePath], (mod) => {
/* eslint-disable */
let inst = new mod.default(this, ext);
/* eslint-enable */
this.ExtRegistry[name] = inst;
* Get an extension instance
* @param {String} name Name of the extension
* @return {Object} Extension instance
extension(name) {
return this.ExtRegistry[name];
* Check passed extension name exists
* @param {String} name Name of the extension
* @return {Boolean}
hasExtension(name) {
return !Types.isEmpty(this.ExtRegistry[name]);
* Destroy all the extensions defined in the configuration object
destroyExtensions() {
let exts = this.extensions;
for (let i = 0, len = exts.length; i < len; i++) {
let ext = exts[i];
let extInstance = this.ExtRegistry[ext.name];
if (extInstance) {
this.ExtRegistry[ext.name] = null;
* Load themes defined in the configuration object
loadThemes() {
let themes = this.themes;
this.emitter.emit('before-loading-themes', this);
//Default theme config
if (this.enableDefaultTheme) {
let defaultTheme = { name: 'default' };
if (Types.isArray(themes)) {
for (let i = 0, len = themes.length; i < len; i++) {
let theme = themes[i];
let name = theme.name;
let path = theme.path;
let styleId = this.prfxTf + name;
if (name && !path) {
path = this.themesPath + name + '/' + name + '.css';
else if (!name && theme.path) {
name = 'theme{0}'.replace('{0}', i);
if (!this.isImported(path, 'link')) {
this.import(styleId, path, null, 'link');
//Some elements need to be overriden for default theme
//Reset button
this.btnResetText = null;
this.btnResetHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' +
this.btnResetCssClass + '" title="Clear filters" />';
//Paging buttons
this.btnPrevPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' +
this.btnPageCssClass + ' previousPage" title="Previous page" />';
this.btnNextPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' +
this.btnPageCssClass + ' nextPage" title="Next page" />';
this.btnFirstPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' +
this.btnPageCssClass + ' firstPage" title="First page" />';
this.btnLastPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' +
this.btnPageCssClass + ' lastPage" title="Last page" />';
this.loader = true;
this.loaderHtml = '<div class="defaultLoader"></div>';
this.loaderText = null;
this.emitter.emit('after-loading-themes', this);
* Return stylesheet DOM element for a given theme name
* @return {DOMElement} stylesheet element
getStylesheet(name = 'default') {
return Dom.id(this.prfxTf + name);
* Destroy filter grid
destroy() {
if (!this._hasGrid) {
let rows = this.tbl.rows,
Mod = this.Mod,
emitter = this.emitter;
if (this.isExternalFlt && !this.popupFilters) {
if (this.infDiv) {
if (this.markActiveColumns) {
emitter.off(['before-filtering'], () => this.clearActiveColumns());
(tf, colIndex) => this.markActiveColumn(colIndex));
if (this.hasExtensions) {
if (this.fltGrid && !this.gridLayout) {
this.fltGridEl = rows[this.filtersRowIndex];
// broadcast destroy event
emitter.emit('destroy', this);
// Destroy modules
// TODO: subcribe modules to destroy event instead
Object.keys(Mod).forEach(function (key) {
var feature = Mod[key];
if (feature && Types.isFn(feature.destroy)) {
// unsubscribe to events
if (this.hasVisibleRows) {
emitter.off(['after-filtering'], () => this.enforceVisibility());
if (this.linkedFilters) {
emitter.off(['after-filtering'], () => this.linkFilters());
(tf, filter) => this.setActiveFilterId(filter.id));
Dom.removeClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf);
Dom.removeClass(this.tbl, this.prfxResponsive);
this.nbHiddenRows = 0;
this.validRowsIndex = [];
this.fltIds = [];
this._hasGrid = false;
this.initialized = false;
* Generate container element for paging, reset button, rows counter etc.
setToolbar() {
if (this.infDiv) {
/*** container div ***/
let infdiv = Dom.create('div', ['id', this.prfxInfDiv + this.id]);
infdiv.className = this.infDivCssClass;
//custom container
if (this.toolBarTgtId) {
else if (this.gridLayout) {
let gridLayout = this.Mod.gridLayout;
infdiv.className = gridLayout.gridInfDivCssClass;
//default location: just above the table
else {
var cont = Dom.create('caption');
this.tbl.insertBefore(cont, this.tbl.firstChild);
this.infDiv = Dom.id(this.prfxInfDiv + this.id);
/*** left div containing rows # displayer ***/
let ldiv = Dom.create('div', ['id', this.prfxLDiv + this.id]);
ldiv.className = this.lDivCssClass;
this.lDiv = Dom.id(this.prfxLDiv + this.id);
/*** right div containing reset button
+ nb results per page select ***/
let rdiv = Dom.create('div', ['id', this.prfxRDiv + this.id]);
rdiv.className = this.rDivCssClass;
this.rDiv = Dom.id(this.prfxRDiv + this.id);
/*** mid div containing paging elements ***/
let mdiv = Dom.create('div', ['id', this.prfxMDiv + this.id]);
mdiv.className = this.mDivCssClass;
this.mDiv = Dom.id(this.prfxMDiv + this.id);
// emit help initialisation only if undefined
if (Types.isUndef(this.help)) {
// explicitily set enabled field to true to initialise help by
// default, only if setting is undefined
this.Mod.help.enabled = true;
this.emitter.emit('init-help', this);
* Remove toolbar container element
removeToolbar() {
if (!this.infDiv) {
this.infDiv = null;
let tbl = this.tbl;
let captions = Dom.tag(tbl, 'caption');
if (captions.length > 0) {
[].forEach.call(captions, (elm) => tbl.removeChild(elm));
* Remove all the external column filters
removeExternalFlts() {
if (!this.isExternalFlt) {
let ids = this.externalFltTgtIds,
len = ids.length;
for (let ct = 0; ct < len; ct++) {
let externalFltTgtId = ids[ct],
externalFlt = Dom.id(externalFltTgtId);
if (externalFlt) {
externalFlt.innerHTML = '';
* Check if given column implements a filter with custom options
* @param {Number} colIndex Column's index
* @return {Boolean}
isCustomOptions(colIndex) {
return this.hasCustomOptions &&
this.customOptions.cols.indexOf(colIndex) != -1;
* Returns an array [[value0, value1 ...],[text0, text1 ...]] with the
* custom options values and texts
* @param {Number} colIndex Column's index
* @return {Array}
getCustomOptions(colIndex) {
if (Types.isEmpty(colIndex) || !this.isCustomOptions(colIndex)) {
let customOptions = this.customOptions;
let cols = customOptions.cols;
let optTxt = [], optArray = [];
let index = cols.indexOf(colIndex);
let slcValues = customOptions.values[index];
let slcTexts = customOptions.texts[index];
let slcSort = customOptions.sorts[index];
for (let r = 0, len = slcValues.length; r < len; r++) {
if (slcTexts[r]) {
} else {
if (slcSort) {
return [optArray, optTxt];
* Filter the table by retrieving the data from each cell in every single
* row and comparing it to the search term for current column. A row is
* hidden when all the search terms are not found in inspected row.
filter() {
if (!this.fltGrid || !this._hasGrid) {
//invoke onbefore callback
if (this.onBeforeFilter) {
this.onBeforeFilter.call(null, this);
this.emitter.emit('before-filtering', this);
let row = this.tbl.rows,
hiddenrows = 0;
this.validRowsIndex = [];
// search args re-init
let searchArgs = this.getFiltersValue();
var numCellData, nbFormat;
var re_le = new RegExp(this.leOperator),
re_ge = new RegExp(this.geOperator),
re_l = new RegExp(this.lwOperator),
re_g = new RegExp(this.grOperator),
re_d = new RegExp(this.dfOperator),
re_lk = new RegExp(Str.rgxEsc(this.lkOperator)),
re_eq = new RegExp(this.eqOperator),
re_st = new RegExp(this.stOperator),
re_en = new RegExp(this.enOperator),
// re_an = new RegExp(this.anOperator),
// re_cr = new RegExp(this.curExp),
re_em = this.emOperator,
re_nm = this.nmOperator,
re_re = new RegExp(Str.rgxEsc(this.rgxOperator));
//keyword highlighting
function highlight(str, ok, cell) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
if (this.highlightKeywords && ok) {
str = str.replace(re_lk, '');
str = str.replace(re_eq, '');
str = str.replace(re_st, '');
str = str.replace(re_en, '');
let w = str;
if (re_le.test(str) || re_ge.test(str) || re_l.test(str) ||
re_g.test(str) || re_d.test(str)) {
w = Dom.getText(cell);
if (w !== '') {
this.emitter.emit('highlight-keyword', this, cell, w);
//looks for search argument in current row
function hasArg(sA, cellData, j) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
sA = Str.matchCase(sA, this.caseSensitive);
let occurence,
removeNbFormat = Helpers.removeNbFormat;
//Search arg operator tests
let hasLO = re_l.test(sA),
hasLE = re_le.test(sA),
hasGR = re_g.test(sA),
hasGE = re_ge.test(sA),
hasDF = re_d.test(sA),
hasEQ = re_eq.test(sA),
hasLK = re_lk.test(sA),
// hasAN = re_an.test(sA),
hasST = re_st.test(sA),
hasEN = re_en.test(sA),
hasEM = (re_em === sA),
hasNM = (re_nm === sA),
hasRE = re_re.test(sA);
//Search arg dates tests
let isLDate = hasLO &&
DateHelper.isValid(sA.replace(re_l, ''), dtType);
let isLEDate = hasLE &&
DateHelper.isValid(sA.replace(re_le, ''), dtType);
let isGDate = hasGR &&
DateHelper.isValid(sA.replace(re_g, ''), dtType);
let isGEDate = hasGE &&
DateHelper.isValid(sA.replace(re_ge, ''), dtType);
let isDFDate = hasDF &&
DateHelper.isValid(sA.replace(re_d, ''), dtType);
let isEQDate = hasEQ &&
DateHelper.isValid(sA.replace(re_eq, ''), dtType);
let dte1, dte2;
if (DateHelper.isValid(cellData, dtType)) {
dte1 = DateHelper.format(cellData, dtType);
// lower date
if (isLDate) {
dte2 = DateHelper.format(sA.replace(re_l, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 < dte2;
// lower equal date
else if (isLEDate) {
dte2 = DateHelper.format(sA.replace(re_le, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 <= dte2;
// greater equal date
else if (isGEDate) {
dte2 = DateHelper.format(sA.replace(re_ge, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 >= dte2;
// greater date
else if (isGDate) {
dte2 = DateHelper.format(sA.replace(re_g, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 > dte2;
// different date
else if (isDFDate) {
dte2 = DateHelper.format(sA.replace(re_d, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1.toString() != dte2.toString();
// equal date
else if (isEQDate) {
dte2 = DateHelper.format(sA.replace(re_eq, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1.toString() == dte2.toString();
// searched keyword with * operator doesn't have to be a date
else if (re_lk.test(sA)) {// like date
occurence = Str.contains(sA.replace(re_lk, ''), cellData,
false, this.caseSensitive);
else if (DateHelper.isValid(sA, dtType)) {
dte2 = DateHelper.format(sA, dtType);
occurence = dte1.toString() === dte2.toString();
else if (hasEM) {
occurence = Str.isEmpty(cellData);
else if (hasNM) {
occurence = !Str.isEmpty(cellData);
} else {
occurence = Str.contains(sA, cellData, this.isExactMatch(j),
else {
//first numbers need to be formated
if (this.hasColNbFormat && this.colNbFormat[j]) {
numCellData = removeNbFormat(
cellData, this.colNbFormat[j]);
nbFormat = this.colNbFormat[j];
} else {
if (this.thousandsSeparator === ',' &&
this.decimalSeparator === '.') {
numCellData = removeNbFormat(cellData, 'us');
nbFormat = 'us';
} else {
numCellData = removeNbFormat(cellData, 'eu');
nbFormat = 'eu';
// first checks if there is any operator (<,>,<=,>=,!,*,=,{,},
// rgx:)
// lower equal
if (hasLE) {
occurence = numCellData <= removeNbFormat(
sA.replace(re_le, ''), nbFormat);
//greater equal
else if (hasGE) {
occurence = numCellData >= removeNbFormat(
sA.replace(re_ge, ''), nbFormat);
else if (hasLO) {
occurence = numCellData < removeNbFormat(
sA.replace(re_l, ''), nbFormat);
else if (hasGR) {
occurence = numCellData > removeNbFormat(
sA.replace(re_g, ''), nbFormat);
else if (hasDF) {
occurence = Str.contains(sA.replace(re_d, ''), cellData,
false, this.caseSensitive) ? false : true;
else if (hasLK) {
occurence = Str.contains(sA.replace(re_lk, ''), cellData,
false, this.caseSensitive);
else if (hasEQ) {
occurence = Str.contains(sA.replace(re_eq, ''), cellData,
true, this.caseSensitive);
//starts with
else if (hasST) {
occurence = cellData.indexOf(sA.replace(re_st, '')) === 0 ?
true : false;
//ends with
else if (hasEN) {
let searchArg = sA.replace(re_en, '');
occurence =
cellData.lastIndexOf(searchArg, cellData.length - 1) ===
(cellData.length - 1) - (searchArg.length - 1) &&
cellData.lastIndexOf(searchArg, cellData.length - 1)
> -1 ? true : false;
else if (hasEM) {
occurence = Str.isEmpty(cellData);
else if (hasNM) {
occurence = !Str.isEmpty(cellData);
else if (hasRE) {
//in case regexp fires an exception
try {
//operator is removed
let srchArg = sA.replace(re_re, '');
let rgx = new RegExp(srchArg);
occurence = rgx.test(cellData);
} catch (e) { occurence = false; }
} else {
occurence = Str.contains(sA, cellData, this.isExactMatch(j),
return occurence;
for (let k = this.refRow; k < this.nbRows; k++) {
// already filtered rows display re-init
row[k].style.display = '';
let cells = row[k].cells,
nchilds = cells.length;
// checks if row has exact cell #
if (nchilds !== this.nbCells) {
let occurence = [],
isRowValid = true,
//only for single filter search
singleFltRowValid = false;
// this loop retrieves cell data
for (let j = 0; j < nchilds; j++) {
//searched keyword
let sA = searchArgs[this.singleSearchFlt ? 0 : j];
var dtType = this.hasColDateType ?
this.colDateType[j] : this.defaultDateType;
if (sA === '') {
let cellData = Str.matchCase(this.getCellData(cells[j]),
//multiple search parameter operator ||
let sAOrSplit = sA.toString().split(this.orOperator),
//multiple search || parameter boolean
hasMultiOrSA = sAOrSplit.length > 1,
//multiple search parameter operator &&
sAAndSplit = sA.toString().split(this.anOperator),
//multiple search && parameter boolean
hasMultiAndSA = sAAndSplit.length > 1;
//detect operators or array query
if (Types.isArray(sA) || hasMultiOrSA || hasMultiAndSA) {
let cS,
occur = false;
if (Types.isArray(sA)) {
s = sA;
} else {
s = hasMultiOrSA ? sAOrSplit : sAAndSplit;
// TODO: improve clarity/readability of this block
for (let w = 0, len = s.length; w < len; w++) {
cS = Str.trim(s[w]);
occur = hasArg.call(this, cS, cellData, j);
highlight.call(this, cS, occur, cells[j]);
if ((hasMultiOrSA && occur) ||
(hasMultiAndSA && !occur)) {
if (Types.isArray(sA) && occur) {
occurence[j] = occur;
//single search parameter
else {
occurence[j] = hasArg.call(this, Str.trim(sA), cellData, j);
highlight.call(this, sA, occurence[j], cells[j]);
}//else single param
if (!occurence[j]) {
isRowValid = false;
if (this.singleSearchFlt && occurence[j]) {
singleFltRowValid = true;
this.emitter.emit('cell-processed', this, j, cells[j]);
}//for j
if (this.singleSearchFlt && singleFltRowValid) {
isRowValid = true;
if (!isRowValid) {
this.validateRow(k, false);
} else {
this.validateRow(k, true);
this.emitter.emit('row-processed', this, k,
this.validRowsIndex.length, isRowValid);
}// for k
this.nbVisibleRows = this.validRowsIndex.length;
this.nbHiddenRows = hiddenrows;
//invokes onafterfilter callback
if (this.onAfterFilter) {
this.onAfterFilter.call(null, this);
this.emitter.emit('after-filtering', this, searchArgs);
* Return the data of a specified column
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Optional: include headers row
* @param {Boolean} num Optional: return unformatted number
* @param {Array} exclude Optional: list of row indexes to be excluded
* @return {Array} Flat list of data for a column
getColValues(colIndex, includeHeaders = false, num = false, exclude = []) {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
let row = this.tbl.rows,
colValues = [];
if (includeHeaders) {
for (let i = this.refRow; i < this.nbRows; i++) {
let isExludedRow = false;
// checks if current row index appears in exclude array
if (exclude.length > 0) {
isExludedRow = exclude.indexOf(i) != -1;
let cell = row[i].cells,
nchilds = cell.length;
// checks if row has exact cell # and is not excluded
if (nchilds === this.nbCells && !isExludedRow) {
// this loop retrieves cell data
for (let j = 0; j < nchilds; j++) {
if (j != colIndex || row[i].style.display !== '') {
let cellData = this.getCellData(cell[j]),
nbFormat = this.colNbFormat ?
this.colNbFormat[colIndex] : null,
data = num ?
Helpers.removeNbFormat(cellData, nbFormat) :
return colValues;
* Return the filter's value of a specified column
* @param {Number} index Column index
* @return {String} Filter value
getFilterValue(index) {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
let fltValue = '',
fltValues = [],
flt = this.getFilterElement(index);
if (!flt) {
return '';
let fltColType = this.getFilterType(index);
if (fltColType !== this.fltTypeMulti &&
fltColType !== this.fltTypeCheckList) {
fltValue = flt.value;
//mutiple select
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeMulti) {
// TODO: extract a method in dropdown module from below
for (let j = 0, len = flt.options.length; j < len; j++) {
if (flt.options[j].selected) {
//return empty string if collection is empty
fltValue = fltValues.length > 0 ? fltValues : '';
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
// TODO: extract a method in checklist module from below
if (flt.getAttribute('value') !== null) {
fltValues = flt.getAttribute('value');
//removes last operator ||
fltValues = fltValues.substr(0, fltValues.length - 3);
//convert || separated values into array
fltValues = fltValues.split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
//return empty string if collection is empty
fltValue = fltValues.length > 0 ? fltValues : '';
//return an empty string if collection contains a single empty string
if (Types.isArray(fltValue) && fltValue.length === 1 &&
fltValue[0] === '') {
fltValue = '';
return fltValue;
* Return the filters' values
* @return {Array} List of filters' values
getFiltersValue() {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
let searchArgs = [];
for (let i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) {
let fltValue = this.getFilterValue(i);
if (Types.isArray(fltValue)) {
} else {
return searchArgs;
* Return the ID of a specified column's filter
* @param {Number} index Column's index
* @return {String} ID of the filter element
getFilterId(index) {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
return this.fltIds[index];
* Return the list of ids of filters matching a specified type.
* Note: hidden filters are also returned
* @param {String} type Filter type string ('input', 'select', 'multiple',
* 'checklist')
* @param {Boolean} bool If true returns columns indexes instead of IDs
* @return {[type]} List of element IDs or column indexes
getFiltersByType(type, bool) {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) {
let fltType = this.getFilterType(i);
if (fltType === Str.lower(type)) {
let a = bool ? i : this.fltIds[i];
return arr;
* Return the filter's DOM element for a given column
* @param {Number} index Column's index
* @return {DOMElement}
getFilterElement(index) {
let fltId = this.fltIds[index];
return Dom.id(fltId);
* Return the number of cells for a given row index
* @param {Number} rowIndex Index of the row
* @return {Number} Number of cells
getCellsNb(rowIndex = 0) {
let tr = this.tbl.rows[rowIndex];
return tr.cells.length;
* Return the number of filterable rows starting from reference row if
* defined
* @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Include the headers row
* @return {Number} Number of filterable rows
getRowsNb(includeHeaders) {
let s = Types.isUndef(this.refRow) ? 0 : this.refRow,
ntrs = this.tbl.rows.length;
if (includeHeaders) { s = 0; }
return parseInt(ntrs - s, 10);
* Return the data of a given cell
* @param {DOMElement} cell Cell's DOM object
* @return {String}
getCellData(cell) {
let idx = cell.cellIndex;
//Check for customCellData callback
if (this.customCellData && this.customCellDataCols.indexOf(idx) != -1) {
return this.customCellData.call(null, this, cell, idx);
} else {
return Dom.getText(cell);
* Return the table data with following format:
* [
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]],
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]]
* ]
* @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Optional: include headers row
* @param {Boolean} excludeHiddenCols Optional: exclude hidden columns
* @return {Array}
* TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format
getTableData(includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false) {
let rows = this.tbl.rows;
let tblData = [];
if (includeHeaders) {
let headers = this.getHeadersText(excludeHiddenCols);
tblData.push([this.getHeadersRowIndex(), headers]);
for (let k = this.refRow; k < this.nbRows; k++) {
let rowData = [k, []];
let cells = rows[k].cells;
for (let j = 0, len = cells.length; j < len; j++) {
if (excludeHiddenCols && this.hasExtension('colsVisibility')) {
if (this.extension('colsVisibility').isColHidden(j)) {
let cellData = this.getCellData(cells[j]);
return tblData;
* Return the filtered data with following format:
* [
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]],
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]]
* ]
* @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Optional: include headers row
* @param {Boolean} excludeHiddenCols Optional: exclude hidden columns
* @return {Array}
* TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format
getFilteredData(includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false) {
if (!this.validRowsIndex) {
return [];
let rows = this.tbl.rows,
filteredData = [];
if (includeHeaders) {
let headers = this.getHeadersText(excludeHiddenCols);
filteredData.push([this.getHeadersRowIndex(), headers]);
let validRows = this.getValidRows(true);
for (let i = 0; i < validRows.length; i++) {
let rData = [this.validRowsIndex[i], []],
cells = rows[this.validRowsIndex[i]].cells;
for (let k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) {
if (excludeHiddenCols && this.hasExtension('colsVisibility')) {
if (this.extension('colsVisibility').isColHidden(k)) {
let cellData = this.getCellData(cells[k]);
return filteredData;
* Return the filtered data for a given column index
* @param {Number} colIndex Colmun's index
* @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Optional: include headers row
* @return {Array} Flat list of values ['val0','val1','val2'...]
* TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format
getFilteredDataCol(colIndex, includeHeaders = false) {
if (Types.isUndef(colIndex)) {
return [];
let data = this.getFilteredData(),
colData = [];
if (includeHeaders) {
for (let i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
let r = data[i],
//cols values of current row
d = r[1],
//data of searched column
c = d[colIndex];
return colData;
* Get the display value of a row
* @param {RowElement} row DOM element of the row
* @return {String} Usually 'none' or ''
getRowDisplay(row) {
if (!Types.isObj(row)) {
return null;
return row.style.display;
* Validate/invalidate row by setting the 'validRow' attribute on the row
* @param {Number} rowIndex Index of the row
* @param {Boolean} isValid
validateRow(rowIndex, isValid) {
let row = this.tbl.rows[rowIndex];
if (!row || typeof isValid !== 'boolean') {
// always visible rows are valid
if (this.hasVisibleRows && this.visibleRows.indexOf(rowIndex) !== -1) {
isValid = true;
let displayFlag = isValid ? '' : 'none',
validFlag = isValid ? 'true' : 'false';
row.style.display = displayFlag;
if (this.paging) {
row.setAttribute('validRow', validFlag);
if (isValid) {
if (this.validRowsIndex.indexOf(rowIndex) === -1) {
if (this.onRowValidated) {
this.onRowValidated.call(null, this, rowIndex);
this.emitter.emit('row-validated', this, rowIndex);
* Validate all filterable rows
validateAllRows() {
if (!this._hasGrid) {
this.validRowsIndex = [];
for (let k = this.refRow; k < this.nbFilterableRows; k++) {
this.validateRow(k, true);
* Set search value to a given filter
* @param {Number} index Column's index
* @param {String or Array} query searcharg Search term
setFilterValue(index, query = '') {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
let slc = this.getFilterElement(index),
fltColType = this.getFilterType(index);
if (fltColType !== this.fltTypeMulti &&
fltColType != this.fltTypeCheckList) {
if (this.loadFltOnDemand && !this.initialized) {
this.emitter.emit('build-select-filter', this, index,
this.linkedFilters, this.isExternalFlt);
slc.value = query;
//multiple selects
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeMulti) {
let values = Types.isArray(query) ? query :
query.split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
if (this.loadFltOnDemand && !this.initialized) {
this.emitter.emit('build-select-filter', this, index,
this.linkedFilters, this.isExternalFlt);
this.emitter.emit('select-options', this, index, values);
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
let values = [];
if (this.loadFltOnDemand && !this.initialized) {
this.emitter.emit('build-checklist-filter', this, index,
if (Types.isArray(query)) {
values = query;
} else {
query = Str.matchCase(query, this.caseSensitive);
values = query.split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
this.emitter.emit('select-checklist-options', this, index, values);
* Set them columns' widths as per configuration
* @param {Element} tbl DOM element
setColWidths(tbl) {
if (!this.hasColWidths) {
tbl = tbl || this.tbl;
function setWidths() {
let nbCols = this.nbCells;
let colWidths = this.colWidths;
let colTags = Dom.tag(tbl, 'col');
let tblHasColTag = colTags.length > 0;
let frag = !tblHasColTag ? doc.createDocumentFragment() : null;
for (let k = 0; k < nbCols; k++) {
let col;
if (tblHasColTag) {
col = colTags[k];
} else {
col = Dom.create('col', ['id', this.id + '_col_' + k]);
col.style.width = colWidths[k];
if (!tblHasColTag) {
tbl.insertBefore(frag, tbl.firstChild);
* Makes defined rows always visible
enforceVisibility() {
if (!this.hasVisibleRows) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.visibleRows.length; i < len; i++) {
let row = this.visibleRows[i];
//row index cannot be > nrows
if (row <= this.nbRows) {
this.validateRow(row, true);
* Clear all the filters' values
clearFilters() {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
this.emitter.emit('before-clearing-filters', this);
if (this.onBeforeReset) {
this.onBeforeReset.call(null, this, this.getFiltersValue());
for (let i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) {
this.setFilterValue(i, '');
if (this.onAfterReset) {
this.onAfterReset.call(null, this);
this.emitter.emit('after-clearing-filters', this);
* Clears filtered columns visual indicator (background color)
clearActiveColumns() {
for (let i = 0, len = this.getCellsNb(this.headersRow); i < len; i++) {
this.getHeaderElement(i), this.activeColumnsCssClass);
* Mark currently filtered column
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
markActiveColumn(colIndex) {
let header = this.getHeaderElement(colIndex);
if (Dom.hasClass(header, this.activeColumnsCssClass)) {
if (this.onBeforeActiveColumn) {
this.onBeforeActiveColumn.call(null, this, colIndex);
Dom.addClass(header, this.activeColumnsCssClass);
if (this.onAfterActiveColumn) {
this.onAfterActiveColumn.call(null, this, colIndex);
* Return the ID of the current active filter
* @returns {String}
getActiveFilterId() {
return this.activeFilterId;
* Set the ID of the current active filter
* @param {String} filterId Element ID
setActiveFilterId(filterId) {
this.activeFilterId = filterId;
* Return the column index for a given filter ID
* @param {string} [filterId=''] Filter ID
* @returns {Number} Column index
getColumnIndexFromFilterId(filterId = '') {
let idx = filterId.split('_')[0];
idx = idx.split(this.prfxFlt)[1];
return parseInt(idx, 10);
* Make specified column's filter active
* @param colIndex Index of a column
activateFilter(colIndex) {
if (Types.isUndef(colIndex)) {
* Refresh the filters subject to linking ('select', 'multiple',
* 'checklist' type)
linkFilters() {
if (!this.linkedFilters || !this.activeFilterId) {
let slcA1 = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeSlc, true),
slcA2 = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeMulti, true),
slcA3 = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeCheckList, true),
slcIndex = slcA1.concat(slcA2);
slcIndex = slcIndex.concat(slcA3);
let activeIdx = this.getColumnIndexFromFilterId(this.activeFilterId);
for (let i = 0, len = slcIndex.length; i < len; i++) {
let curSlc = Dom.id(this.fltIds[slcIndex[i]]);
let slcSelectedValue = this.getFilterValue(slcIndex[i]);
// Welcome to cyclomatic complexity hell :)
// TODO: simplify/refactor if statement
if (activeIdx !== slcIndex[i] ||
(this.paging && slcA1.indexOf(slcIndex[i]) != -1 &&
activeIdx === slcIndex[i]) ||
(!this.paging && (slcA3.indexOf(slcIndex[i]) != -1 ||
slcA2.indexOf(slcIndex[i]) != -1)) ||
slcSelectedValue === this.displayAllText) {
//1st option needs to be inserted
if (this.loadFltOnDemand) {
let opt0 = Dom.createOpt(this.displayAllText, '');
curSlc.innerHTML = '';
if (slcA3.indexOf(slcIndex[i]) != -1) {
this.emitter.emit('build-checklist-filter', this,
} else {
this.emitter.emit('build-select-filter', this, slcIndex[i],
this.setFilterValue(slcIndex[i], slcSelectedValue);
* Determines if passed filter column implements exact query match
* @param {Number} colIndex [description]
* @return {Boolean} [description]
isExactMatch(colIndex) {
let fltType = this.getFilterType(colIndex);
return this.exactMatchByCol[colIndex] || this.exactMatch ||
(fltType !== this.fltTypeInp);
* Check if passed script or stylesheet is already imported
* @param {String} filePath Ressource path
* @param {String} type Possible values: 'script' or 'link'
* @return {Boolean}
isImported(filePath, type) {
let imported = false,
importType = !type ? 'script' : type,
attr = importType == 'script' ? 'src' : 'href',
files = Dom.tag(doc, importType);
for (let i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) {
if (files[i][attr] === undefined) {
if (files[i][attr].match(filePath)) {
imported = true;
return imported;
* Import script or stylesheet
* @param {String} fileId Ressource ID
* @param {String} filePath Ressource path
* @param {Function} callback Callback
* @param {String} type Possible values: 'script' or 'link'
import(fileId, filePath, callback, type) {
let ftype = !type ? 'script' : type,
imported = this.isImported(filePath, ftype);
if (imported) {
let o = this,
isLoaded = false,
head = Dom.tag(doc, 'head')[0];
if (Str.lower(ftype) === 'link') {
file = Dom.create('link',
['id', fileId], ['type', 'text/css'],
['rel', 'stylesheet'], ['href', filePath]
} else {
file = Dom.create('script',
['id', fileId],
['type', 'text/javascript'], ['src', filePath]
//Browser <> IE onload event works only for scripts, not for stylesheets
file.onload = file.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (!isLoaded &&
(!this.readyState || this.readyState === 'loaded' ||
this.readyState === 'complete')) {
isLoaded = true;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback.call(null, o);
file.onerror = function () {
throw new Error('TableFilter could not load: ' + filePath);
* Check if table has filters grid
* @return {Boolean}
hasGrid() {
return this._hasGrid;
* Get list of filter IDs
* @return {[type]} [description]
getFiltersId() {
return this.fltIds || [];
* Get filtered (valid) rows indexes
* @param {Boolean} reCalc Force calculation of filtered rows list
* @return {Array} List of row indexes
getValidRows(reCalc) {
if (!reCalc) {
return this.validRowsIndex;
this.validRowsIndex = [];
for (let k = this.refRow; k < this.getRowsNb(true); k++) {
let r = this.tbl.rows[k];
if (!this.paging) {
if (this.getRowDisplay(r) !== 'none') {
} else {
if (r.getAttribute('validRow') === 'true' ||
r.getAttribute('validRow') === null) {
return this.validRowsIndex;
* Get the index of the row containing the filters
* @return {Number}
getFiltersRowIndex() {
return this.filtersRowIndex;
* Get the index of the headers row
* @return {Number}
getHeadersRowIndex() {
return this.headersRow;
* Get the row index from where the filtering process start (1st filterable
* row)
* @return {Number}
getStartRowIndex() {
return this.refRow;
* Get the index of the last row
* @return {Number}
getLastRowIndex() {
return (this.nbRows - 1);
* Get the header DOM element for a given column index
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @return {Element}
getHeaderElement(colIndex) {
let table = this.gridLayout ? this.Mod.gridLayout.headTbl : this.tbl;
let tHead = Dom.tag(table, 'thead');
let headersRow = this.headersRow;
let header;
for (let i = 0; i < this.nbCells; i++) {
if (i !== colIndex) {
if (tHead.length === 0) {
header = table.rows[headersRow].cells[i];
if (tHead.length === 1) {
header = tHead[0].rows[headersRow].cells[i];
return header;
* Return the list of headers' text
* @param {Boolean} excludeHiddenCols Optional: exclude hidden columns
* @return {Array} list of headers' text
getHeadersText(excludeHiddenCols = false) {
let headers = [];
for (let j = 0; j < this.nbCells; j++) {
if (excludeHiddenCols && this.hasExtension('colsVisibility')) {
if (this.extension('colsVisibility').isColHidden(j)) {
let header = this.getHeaderElement(j);
let headerText = Dom.getFirstTextNode(header);
return headers;
* Return the filter type for a specified column
* @param {Number} colIndex Column's index
* @return {String}
getFilterType(colIndex) {
let colType = this.cfg['col_' + colIndex];
return !colType ? this.fltTypeInp : Str.lower(colType);
* Get the total number of filterable rows
* @return {Number}
getFilterableRowsNb() {
return this.getRowsNb(false);
* Get the configuration object (literal object)
* @return {Object}
config() {
return this.cfg;