Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter.git synced 2024-06-03 06:22:34 +02:00
2016-04-24 18:47:01 +02:00

205 lines
6.2 KiB

import Dom from '../../dom';
import Types from '../../types';
import Event from '../../event';
export default class FiltersVisibility {
* Filters Row Visibility extension
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
* @param {Object} f Config
constructor(tf, f) {
this.initialized = false;
this.name = f.name;
this.desc = f.description || 'Filters row visibility manager';
// Path and image filenames
this.stylesheet = f.stylesheet || 'filtersVisibility.css';
this.icnExpand = f.expand_icon_name || 'icn_exp.png';
this.icnCollapse = f.collapse_icon_name || 'icn_clp.png';
//expand/collapse filters span element
this.contEl = null;
//expand/collapse filters btn element
this.btnEl = null;
this.icnExpandHtml = '<img src="' + tf.themesPath + this.icnExpand +
'" alt="Expand filters" >';
this.icnCollapseHtml = '<img src="' + tf.themesPath + this.icnCollapse +
'" alt="Collapse filters" >';
this.defaultText = 'Toggle filters';
//id of container element
this.targetId = f.target_id || null;
//enables/disables expand/collapse icon
this.enableIcon = f.enable_icon === false ? false : true;
this.btnText = f.btn_text || '';
//defines expand/collapse filters text
this.collapseBtnHtml = this.enableIcon ?
this.icnCollapseHtml + this.btnText :
this.btnText || this.defaultText;
this.expandBtnHtml = this.enableIcon ?
this.icnExpandHtml + this.btnText :
this.btnText || this.defaultText;
//defines expand/collapse filters button innerHtml
this.btnHtml = f.btn_html || null;
//defines css class for expand/collapse filters button
this.btnCssClass = f.btn_css_class || 'btnExpClpFlt';
//defines css class span containing expand/collapse filters
this.contCssClass = f.cont_css_class || 'expClpFlt';
this.filtersRowIndex = !Types.isUndef(f.filters_row_index) ?
f.filters_row_index : tf.getFiltersRowIndex();
this.visibleAtStart = !Types.isUndef(f.visible_at_start) ?
Boolean(f.visible_at_start) : true;
// Prefix
this.prfx = 'fltsVis_';
//callback before filters row is shown
this.onBeforeShow = Types.isFn(f.on_before_show) ?
f.on_before_show : null;
//callback after filters row is shown
this.onAfterShow = Types.isFn(f.on_after_show) ?
f.on_after_show : null;
//callback before filters row is hidden
this.onBeforeHide = Types.isFn(f.on_before_hide) ?
f.on_before_hide : null;
//callback after filters row is hidden
this.onAfterHide = Types.isFn(f.on_after_hide) ? f.on_after_hide : null;
//Loads extension stylesheet
tf.import(f.name + 'Style', tf.stylePath + this.stylesheet, null,
this.tf = tf;
this.emitter = tf.emitter;
* Initialise extension
init() {
if (this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true;
this.emitter.on(['show-filters'], (tf, visible) => this.show(visible));
this.emitter.emit('filters-visibility-initialized', tf, this);
* Build UI elements
buildUI() {
let tf = this.tf;
let span = Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfx + tf.id]);
span.className = this.contCssClass;
//Container element (rdiv or custom element)
if (!this.targetId) {
let targetEl = !this.targetId ? tf.rDiv : Dom.id(this.targetId);
if (!this.targetId) {
let firstChild = targetEl.firstChild;
firstChild.parentNode.insertBefore(span, firstChild);
} else {
let btn;
if (!this.btnHtml) {
btn = Dom.create('a', ['href', 'javascript:void(0);']);
btn.className = this.btnCssClass;
btn.title = this.btnText || this.defaultText;
btn.innerHTML = this.collapseBtnHtml;
} else { //Custom html
span.innerHTML = this.btnHtml;
btn = span.firstChild;
Event.add(btn, 'click', () => this.toggle());
this.contEl = span;
this.btnEl = btn;
if (!this.visibleAtStart) {
* Toggle filters visibility
toggle() {
let tf = this.tf;
let tbl = tf.gridLayout ? tf.feature('gridLayout').headTbl : tf.tbl;
let fltRow = tbl.rows[this.filtersRowIndex];
let isDisplayed = fltRow.style.display === '';
this.emitter.emit('filters-toggled', tf, this, !isDisplayed);
* Show or hide filters
* @param {boolean} [visible=true] Visibility flag
show(visible = true) {
let tf = this.tf;
let tbl = tf.gridLayout ? tf.feature('gridLayout').headTbl : tf.tbl;
let fltRow = tbl.rows[this.filtersRowIndex];
if (this.onBeforeShow && visible) {
this.onBeforeShow.call(this, this);
if (this.onBeforeHide && !visible) {
this.onBeforeHide.call(null, this);
fltRow.style.display = visible ? '' : 'none';
if (this.enableIcon && !this.btnHtml) {
this.btnEl.innerHTML = visible ?
this.collapseBtnHtml : this.expandBtnHtml;
if (this.onAfterShow && visible) {
this.onAfterShow.call(null, this);
if (this.onAfterHide && !visible) {
this.onAfterHide.call(null, this);
* Destroy the UI
destroy() {
if (!this.btnEl && !this.contEl) {
this.emitter.off(['show-filters'], (tf, visible) => this.show(visible));
this.btnEl.innerHTML = '';
this.btnEl = null;
this.contEl.innerHTML = '';
this.contEl = null;
this.initialized = false;