Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter.git synced 2024-06-07 16:32:39 +02:00
2015-10-18 19:58:08 +11:00

7011 lines
267 KiB

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/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
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value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
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var _date2 = _interopRequireDefault(_date);
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// Features
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var _modulesRowsCounter = __webpack_require__(17);
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var _modulesPaging = __webpack_require__(19);
var _modulesClearButton = __webpack_require__(20);
var _modulesHelp = __webpack_require__(21);
var _modulesAlternateRows = __webpack_require__(22);
var global = window,
isValidDate = _date2['default'].isValid,
formatDate = _date2['default'].format,
doc = global.document;
var TableFilter = (function () {
* TF object constructor
* @param {String} id Table id
* @param {Number} row index indicating the 1st row
* @param {Object} configuration object
* TODO: Accept a TABLE element or query selectors
function TableFilter(id) {
_classCallCheck(this, TableFilter);
if (arguments.length === 0) {
this.id = id;
this.version = '0.0.4';
this.year = new Date().getFullYear();
this.tbl = _dom2['default'].id(id);
this.startRow = null;
this.refRow = null;
this.headersRow = null;
this.cfg = {};
this.nbFilterableRows = null;
this.nbRows = null;
this.nbCells = null;
this._hasGrid = false;
this.enableModules = false;
if (!this.tbl || this.tbl.nodeName != 'TABLE' || this.getRowsNb() === 0) {
throw new Error('Could not instantiate TableFilter: HTML table not found.');
if (arguments.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
var arg = arguments[i];
var argtype = typeof arg;
switch (_string2['default'].lower(argtype)) {
case 'number':
this.startRow = arg;
case 'object':
this.cfg = arg;
// configuration object
var f = this.cfg;
//Start row et cols nb
this.refRow = this.startRow === null ? 2 : this.startRow + 1;
try {
this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(this.refRow);
} catch (e) {
this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(0);
//default script base path
this.basePath = f.base_path || 'tablefilter/';
/*** filter types ***/
this.fltTypeInp = 'input';
this.fltTypeSlc = 'select';
this.fltTypeMulti = 'multiple';
this.fltTypeCheckList = 'checklist';
this.fltTypeNone = 'none';
/*** filters' grid properties ***/
//enables/disables filter grid
this.fltGrid = f.grid === false ? false : true;
/*** Grid layout ***/
//enables/disables grid layout (fixed headers)
this.gridLayout = Boolean(f.grid_layout);
this.sourceTblHtml = null;
if (this.gridLayout) {
this.sourceTblHtml = this.tbl.outerHTML;
/*** ***/
this.filtersRowIndex = isNaN(f.filters_row_index) ? 0 : f.filters_row_index;
this.headersRow = isNaN(f.headers_row_index) ? this.filtersRowIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0 : f.headers_row_index;
if (this.gridLayout) {
if (this.headersRow > 1) {
this.filtersRowIndex = this.headersRow + 1;
} else {
this.filtersRowIndex = 1;
this.headersRow = 0;
//defines tag of the cells containing filters (td/th)
this.fltCellTag = f.filters_cell_tag !== 'th' || f.filters_cell_tag !== 'td' ? 'td' : f.filters_cell_tag;
//stores filters ids
this.fltIds = [];
//stores filters DOM elements
this.fltElms = [];
//stores filters values
this.searchArgs = null;
//stores table data
this.tblData = [];
//stores valid rows indexes (rows visible upon filtering)
this.validRowsIndex = null;
//stores filters row element
this.fltGridEl = null;
//is first load boolean
this.isFirstLoad = true;
//container div for paging elements, reset btn etc.
this.infDiv = null;
//div for rows counter
this.lDiv = null;
//div for reset button and results per page select
this.rDiv = null;
//div for paging elements
this.mDiv = null;
//defines css class for div containing paging elements, rows counter etc
this.infDivCssClass = f.inf_div_css_class || 'inf';
//defines css class for left div
this.lDivCssClass = f.left_div_css_class || 'ldiv';
//defines css class for right div
this.rDivCssClass = f.right_div_css_class || 'rdiv';
//defines css class for mid div
this.mDivCssClass = f.middle_div_css_class || 'mdiv';
//table container div css class
this.contDivCssClass = f.content_div_css_class || 'cont';
/*** filters' grid appearance ***/
//stylesheet file
this.stylePath = f.style_path || this.basePath + 'style/';
this.stylesheet = f.stylesheet || this.stylePath + 'tablefilter.css';
this.stylesheetId = this.id + '_style';
//defines css class for filters row
this.fltsRowCssClass = f.flts_row_css_class || 'fltrow';
//enables/disables icons (paging, reset button)
this.enableIcons = f.enable_icons === false ? false : true;
//enables/disbles rows alternating bg colors
this.alternateBgs = Boolean(f.alternate_rows);
//defines widths of columns
this.hasColWidths = _types2['default'].isArray(f.col_widths);
this.colWidths = this.hasColWidths ? f.col_widths : null;
//defines css class for filters
this.fltCssClass = f.flt_css_class || 'flt';
//defines css class for multiple selects filters
this.fltMultiCssClass = f.flt_multi_css_class || 'flt_multi';
//defines css class for filters
this.fltSmallCssClass = f.flt_small_css_class || 'flt_s';
//defines css class for single-filter
this.singleFltCssClass = f.single_flt_css_class || 'single_flt';
/*** filters' grid behaviours ***/
//enables/disables enter key
this.enterKey = f.enter_key === false ? false : true;
//calls function before filtering starts
this.onBeforeFilter = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_filter) ? f.on_before_filter : null;
//calls function after filtering
this.onAfterFilter = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_filter) ? f.on_after_filter : null;
//enables/disables case sensitivity
this.caseSensitive = Boolean(f.case_sensitive);
//has exact match per column
this.hasExactMatchByCol = _types2['default'].isArray(f.columns_exact_match);
this.exactMatchByCol = this.hasExactMatchByCol ? f.columns_exact_match : [];
//enables/disbles exact match for search
this.exactMatch = Boolean(f.exact_match);
//refreshes drop-down lists upon validation
this.linkedFilters = Boolean(f.linked_filters);
//wheter excluded options are disabled
this.disableExcludedOptions = Boolean(f.disable_excluded_options);
//stores active filter element
this.activeFlt = null;
//id of active filter
this.activeFilterId = null;
//enables always visible rows
this.hasVisibleRows = Boolean(f.rows_always_visible);
//array containing always visible rows
this.visibleRows = this.hasVisibleRows ? f.rows_always_visible : [];
//enables/disables external filters generation
this.isExternalFlt = Boolean(f.external_flt_grid);
//array containing ids of external elements containing filters
this.externalFltTgtIds = f.external_flt_grid_ids || null;
//stores filters elements if isExternalFlt is true
this.externalFltEls = [];
//delays any filtering process if loader true
this.execDelay = !isNaN(f.exec_delay) ? parseInt(f.exec_delay, 10) : 100;
//calls function when filters grid loaded
this.onFiltersLoaded = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_filters_loaded) ? f.on_filters_loaded : null;
//enables/disables single filter search
this.singleSearchFlt = Boolean(f.single_filter);
//calls function after row is validated
this.onRowValidated = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_row_validated) ? f.on_row_validated : null;
//array defining columns for customCellData event
this.customCellDataCols = f.custom_cell_data_cols ? f.custom_cell_data_cols : [];
//calls custom function for retrieving cell data
this.customCellData = _types2['default'].isFn(f.custom_cell_data) ? f.custom_cell_data : null;
//input watermark text array
this.watermark = f.watermark || '';
this.isWatermarkArray = _types2['default'].isArray(this.watermark);
//id of toolbar container element
this.toolBarTgtId = f.toolbar_target_id || null;
//enables/disables help div
this.helpInstructions = _types2['default'].isUndef(f.help_instructions) ? undefined : Boolean(f.help_instructions);
//popup filters
this.popUpFilters = Boolean(f.popup_filters);
//active columns color
this.markActiveColumns = Boolean(f.mark_active_columns);
//defines css class for active column header
this.activeColumnsCssClass = f.active_columns_css_class || 'activeHeader';
//calls function before active column header is marked
this.onBeforeActiveColumn = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_active_column) ? f.on_before_active_column : null;
//calls function after active column header is marked
this.onAfterActiveColumn = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_active_column) ? f.on_after_active_column : null;
/*** select filter's customisation and behaviours ***/
//defines 1st option text
this.displayAllText = f.display_all_text || 'Clear';
//enables/disables empty option in combo-box filters
this.enableEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_empty_option);
//defines empty option text
this.emptyText = f.empty_text || '(Empty)';
//enables/disables non empty option in combo-box filters
this.enableNonEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_non_empty_option);
//defines empty option text
this.nonEmptyText = f.non_empty_text || '(Non empty)';
//enables/disables onChange event on combo-box
this.onSlcChange = f.on_change === false ? false : true;
//enables/disables select options sorting
this.sortSlc = f.sort_select === false ? false : true;
//enables/disables ascending numeric options sorting
this.isSortNumAsc = Boolean(f.sort_num_asc);
this.sortNumAsc = this.isSortNumAsc ? f.sort_num_asc : null;
//enables/disables descending numeric options sorting
this.isSortNumDesc = Boolean(f.sort_num_desc);
this.sortNumDesc = this.isSortNumDesc ? f.sort_num_desc : null;
//Select filters are populated on demand
this.loadFltOnDemand = Boolean(f.load_filters_on_demand);
this.hasCustomOptions = _types2['default'].isObj(f.custom_options);
this.customOptions = f.custom_options;
/*** Filter operators ***/
this.rgxOperator = f.regexp_operator || 'rgx:';
this.emOperator = f.empty_operator || '[empty]';
this.nmOperator = f.nonempty_operator || '[nonempty]';
this.orOperator = f.or_operator || '||';
this.anOperator = f.and_operator || '&&';
this.grOperator = f.greater_operator || '>';
this.lwOperator = f.lower_operator || '<';
this.leOperator = f.lower_equal_operator || '<=';
this.geOperator = f.greater_equal_operator || '>=';
this.dfOperator = f.different_operator || '!';
this.lkOperator = f.like_operator || '*';
this.eqOperator = f.equal_operator || '=';
this.stOperator = f.start_with_operator || '{';
this.enOperator = f.end_with_operator || '}';
this.curExp = f.cur_exp || '^[¥£€$]';
this.separator = f.separator || ',';
/*** rows counter ***/
//show/hides rows counter
this.rowsCounter = Boolean(f.rows_counter);
/*** status bar ***/
//show/hides status bar
this.statusBar = Boolean(f.status_bar);
/*** loader ***/
//enables/disables loader/spinner indicator
this.loader = Boolean(f.loader);
/*** validation - reset buttons/links ***/
//show/hides filter's validation button
this.displayBtn = Boolean(f.btn);
//defines validation button text
this.btnText = f.btn_text || (!this.enableIcons ? 'Go' : '');
//defines css class for validation button
this.btnCssClass = f.btn_css_class || (!this.enableIcons ? 'btnflt' : 'btnflt_icon');
//show/hides reset link
this.btnReset = Boolean(f.btn_reset);
//defines css class for reset button
this.btnResetCssClass = f.btn_reset_css_class || 'reset';
//callback function before filters are cleared
this.onBeforeReset = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_reset) ? f.on_before_reset : null;
//callback function after filters are cleared
this.onAfterReset = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_reset) ? f.on_after_reset : null;
/*** paging ***/
//enables/disables table paging
this.paging = Boolean(f.paging);
this.nbVisibleRows = 0; //nb visible rows
this.nbHiddenRows = 0; //nb hidden rows
/*** autofilter on typing ***/
//enables/disables auto filtering, table is filtered when user stops
this.autoFilter = Boolean(f.auto_filter);
//onkeyup delay timer (msecs)
this.autoFilterDelay = !isNaN(f.auto_filter_delay) ? f.auto_filter_delay : 900;
//typing indicator
this.isUserTyping = null;
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
/*** keyword highlighting ***/
//enables/disables keyword highlighting
this.highlightKeywords = Boolean(f.highlight_keywords);
/*** data types ***/
//defines default date type (european DMY)
this.defaultDateType = f.default_date_type || 'DMY';
//defines default thousands separator
//US = ',' EU = '.'
this.thousandsSeparator = f.thousands_separator || ',';
//defines default decimal separator
//US & javascript = '.' EU = ','
this.decimalSeparator = f.decimal_separator || '.';
//enables number format per column
this.hasColNbFormat = _types2['default'].isArray(f.col_number_format);
//array containing columns nb formats
this.colNbFormat = this.hasColNbFormat ? f.col_number_format : null;
//enables date type per column
this.hasColDateType = _types2['default'].isArray(f.col_date_type);
//array containing columns date type
this.colDateType = this.hasColDateType ? f.col_date_type : null;
/*** status messages ***/
this.msgFilter = f.msg_filter || 'Filtering data...';
//populating drop-downs
this.msgPopulate = f.msg_populate || 'Populating filter...';
//populating drop-downs
this.msgPopulateCheckList = f.msg_populate_checklist || 'Populating list...';
//changing paging page
this.msgChangePage = f.msg_change_page || 'Collecting paging data...';
//clearing filters
this.msgClear = f.msg_clear || 'Clearing filters...';
//changing nb results/page
this.msgChangeResults = f.msg_change_results || 'Changing results per page...';
//re-setting grid values
this.msgResetValues = f.msg_reset_grid_values || 'Re-setting filters values...';
//re-setting page
this.msgResetPage = f.msg_reset_page || 'Re-setting page...';
//re-setting page length
this.msgResetPageLength = f.msg_reset_page_length || 'Re-setting page length...';
//table sorting
this.msgSort = f.msg_sort || 'Sorting data...';
//extensions loading
this.msgLoadExtensions = f.msg_load_extensions || 'Loading extensions...';
//themes loading
this.msgLoadThemes = f.msg_load_themes || 'Loading theme(s)...';
/*** ids prefixes ***/
//css class name added to table
this.prfxTf = 'TF';
//filters (inputs - selects)
this.prfxFlt = 'flt';
//validation button
this.prfxValButton = 'btn';
//container div for paging elements, rows counter etc.
this.prfxInfDiv = 'inf_';
//left div
this.prfxLDiv = 'ldiv_';
//right div
this.prfxRDiv = 'rdiv_';
//middle div
this.prfxMDiv = 'mdiv_';
//filter values cookie
this.prfxCookieFltsValues = 'tf_flts_';
//page nb cookie
this.prfxCookiePageNb = 'tf_pgnb_';
//page length cookie
this.prfxCookiePageLen = 'tf_pglen_';
/*** cookies ***/
this.hasStoredValues = false;
//remembers filters values on page load
this.rememberGridValues = Boolean(f.remember_grid_values);
//cookie storing filter values
this.fltsValuesCookie = this.prfxCookieFltsValues + this.id;
//remembers page nb on page load
this.rememberPageNb = this.paging && f.remember_page_number;
//cookie storing page nb
this.pgNbCookie = this.prfxCookiePageNb + this.id;
//remembers page length on page load
this.rememberPageLen = this.paging && f.remember_page_length;
//cookie storing page length
this.pgLenCookie = this.prfxCookiePageLen + this.id;
/*** extensions ***/
//imports external script
this.extensions = f.extensions;
this.hasExtensions = _types2['default'].isArray(this.extensions);
/*** themes ***/
this.enableDefaultTheme = Boolean(f.enable_default_theme);
//imports themes
this.hasThemes = this.enableDefaultTheme || _types2['default'].isArray(f.themes);
this.themes = f.themes || [];
//themes path
this.themesPath = f.themes_path || this.stylePath + 'themes/';
// Features registry
this.Mod = {};
// Extensions registry
this.ExtRegistry = {};
/*** TF events ***/
this.Evt = {
name: {
filter: 'Filter',
dropdown: 'DropDown',
checklist: 'CheckList',
changepage: 'ChangePage',
clear: 'Clear',
changeresultsperpage: 'ChangeResults',
resetvalues: 'ResetValues',
resetpage: 'ResetPage',
resetpagelength: 'ResetPageLength',
loadextensions: 'LoadExtensions',
loadthemes: 'LoadThemes'
// Detect <enter> key
detectKey: function detectKey(e) {
if (!this.enterKey) {
var _ev = e || global.event;
if (_ev) {
var key = _event2['default'].keyCode(_ev);
if (key === 13) {
} else {
this.isUserTyping = true;
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
// if auto-filter on, detect user is typing and filter columns
onKeyUp: function onKeyUp(e) {
if (!this.autoFilter) {
var _ev = e || global.event;
var key = _event2['default'].keyCode(_ev);
this.isUserTyping = false;
function filter() {
/*jshint validthis:true */
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
if (!this.isUserTyping) {
this.isUserTyping = null;
if (key !== 13 && key !== 9 && key !== 27 && key !== 38 && key !== 40) {
if (this.autoFilterTimer === null) {
this.autoFilterTimer = global.setInterval(filter.bind(this), this.autoFilterDelay);
} else {
this.autoFilterTimer = null;
// if auto-filter on, detect user is typing
onKeyDown: function onKeyDown() {
if (!this.autoFilter) {
this.isUserTyping = true;
// if auto-filter on, clear interval on filter blur
onInpBlur: function onInpBlur() {
if (this.autoFilter) {
this.isUserTyping = false;
// TODO: hack to prevent ezEditTable enter key event hijaking.
// Needs to be fixed in the vendor's library
if (this.hasExtension('advancedGrid')) {
var advGrid = this.extension('advancedGrid');
var ezEditTable = advGrid._ezEditTable;
if (advGrid.cfg.editable) {
if (advGrid.cfg.selection) {
// set focused text-box filter as active
onInpFocus: function onInpFocus(e) {
var _ev = e || global.event;
var elm = _event2['default'].target(_ev);
this.activeFilterId = elm.getAttribute('id');
this.activeFlt = _dom2['default'].id(this.activeFilterId);
if (this.popUpFilters) {
// TODO: hack to prevent ezEditTable enter key event hijaking.
// Needs to be fixed in the vendor's library
if (this.hasExtension('advancedGrid')) {
var advGrid = this.extension('advancedGrid');
var ezEditTable = advGrid._ezEditTable;
if (advGrid.cfg.editable) {
if (advGrid.cfg.selection) {
// set focused drop-down filter as active
onSlcFocus: function onSlcFocus(e) {
var _ev = e || global.event;
var elm = _event2['default'].target(_ev);
this.activeFilterId = elm.getAttribute('id');
this.activeFlt = _dom2['default'].id(this.activeFilterId);
// select is populated when element has focus
if (this.loadFltOnDemand && elm.getAttribute('filled') === '0') {
var ct = elm.getAttribute('ct');
if (this.popUpFilters) {
// filter columns on drop-down filter change
onSlcChange: function onSlcChange(e) {
if (!this.activeFlt) {
var _ev = e || global.event;
if (this.popUpFilters) {
if (this.onSlcChange) {
// fill checklist filter on click if required
onCheckListClick: function onCheckListClick(e) {
var _ev = e || global.event;
var elm = _event2['default'].target(_ev);
if (this.loadFltOnDemand && elm.getAttribute('filled') === '0') {
var ct = elm.getAttribute('ct');
this.Mod.checkList.checkListDiv[ct].onclick = null;
this.Mod.checkList.checkListDiv[ct].title = '';
// filter when validation button clicked
onBtnClick: function onBtnClick() {
* Initialise filtering grid bar behaviours and layout
* TODO: decompose in smaller methods
_createClass(TableFilter, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
if (this._hasGrid) {
if (!this.tbl) {
this.tbl = _dom2['default'].id(this.id);
if (this.gridLayout) {
this.refRow = this.startRow === null ? 0 : this.startRow;
if (this.popUpFilters && (this.filtersRowIndex === 0 && this.headersRow === 1 || this.gridLayout)) {
this.headersRow = 0;
var Mod = this.Mod;
var n = this.singleSearchFlt ? 1 : this.nbCells,
inpclass = undefined;
//loads stylesheet if not imported
this['import'](this.stylesheetId, this.stylesheet, null, 'link');
//loads theme
if (this.hasThemes) {
if (this.rememberGridValues || this.rememberPageNb || this.rememberPageLen) {
Mod.store = new _modulesStore.Store(this);
if (this.gridLayout) {
Mod.gridLayout = new _modulesGridLayout.GridLayout(this);
if (this.loader) {
if (!Mod.loader) {
Mod.loader = new _modulesLoader.Loader(this);
if (this.highlightKeywords) {
Mod.highlightKeyword = new _modulesHighlightKeywords.HighlightKeyword(this);
if (this.popUpFilters) {
if (!Mod.popupFilter) {
Mod.popupFilter = new _modulesPopupFilter.PopupFilter(this);
//filters grid is not generated
if (!this.fltGrid) {
this.refRow = this.refRow - 1;
if (this.gridLayout) {
this.refRow = 0;
this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb();
this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows;
this.nbRows = this.nbFilterableRows + this.refRow;
} else {
if (this.isFirstLoad) {
var fltrow = undefined;
if (!this.gridLayout) {
var thead = _dom2['default'].tag(this.tbl, 'thead');
if (thead.length > 0) {
fltrow = thead[0].insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex);
} else {
fltrow = this.tbl.insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex);
if (this.headersRow > 1 && this.filtersRowIndex <= this.headersRow && !this.popUpFilters) {
if (this.popUpFilters) {
fltrow.className = this.fltsRowCssClass;
if (this.isExternalFlt || this.popUpFilters) {
fltrow.style.display = 'none';
this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb();
this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows;
this.nbRows = this.tbl.rows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// this loop adds filters
if (this.popUpFilters) {
var fltcell = _dom2['default'].create(this.fltCellTag),
col = this.getFilterType(i),
externalFltTgtId = this.isExternalFlt && this.externalFltTgtIds ? this.externalFltTgtIds[i] : null;
if (this.singleSearchFlt) {
fltcell.colSpan = this.nbCells;
if (!this.gridLayout) {
inpclass = i == n - 1 && this.displayBtn ? this.fltSmallCssClass : this.fltCssClass;
//only 1 input for single search
if (this.singleSearchFlt) {
col = this.fltTypeInp;
inpclass = this.singleFltCssClass;
//drop-down filters
if (col === this.fltTypeSlc || col === this.fltTypeMulti) {
if (!Mod.dropdown) {
Mod.dropdown = new _modulesDropdown.Dropdown(this);
var dropdown = Mod.dropdown;
var slc = _dom2['default'].create(this.fltTypeSlc, ['id', this.prfxFlt + i + '_' + this.id], ['ct', i], ['filled', '0']);
if (col === this.fltTypeMulti) {
slc.multiple = this.fltTypeMulti;
slc.title = dropdown.multipleSlcTooltip;
slc.className = _string2['default'].lower(col) === this.fltTypeSlc ? inpclass : this.fltMultiCssClass; // for ie<=6
//filter is appended in desired external element
if (externalFltTgtId) {
} else {
this.fltIds.push(this.prfxFlt + i + '_' + this.id);
if (!this.loadFltOnDemand) {
_event2['default'].add(slc, 'keypress', this.Evt.detectKey.bind(this));
_event2['default'].add(slc, 'change', this.Evt.onSlcChange.bind(this));
_event2['default'].add(slc, 'focus', this.Evt.onSlcFocus.bind(this));
//1st option is created here since dropdown.build isn't
if (this.loadFltOnDemand) {
var opt0 = _dom2['default'].createOpt(this.displayAllText, '');
// checklist
else if (col === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
var checkList = undefined;
Mod.checkList = new _modulesCheckList.CheckList(this);
checkList = Mod.checkList;
var divCont = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', checkList.prfxCheckListDiv + i + '_' + this.id], ['ct', i], ['filled', '0']);
divCont.className = checkList.checkListDivCssClass;
//filter is appended in desired element
if (externalFltTgtId) {
} else {
checkList.checkListDiv[i] = divCont;
this.fltIds.push(this.prfxFlt + i + '_' + this.id);
if (!this.loadFltOnDemand) {
if (this.loadFltOnDemand) {
_event2['default'].add(divCont, 'click', this.Evt.onCheckListClick.bind(this));
} else {
//show/hide input
var inptype = col === this.fltTypeInp ? 'text' : 'hidden';
var inp = _dom2['default'].create(this.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxFlt + i + '_' + this.id], ['type', inptype], ['ct', i]);
if (inptype !== 'hidden' && this.watermark) {
inp.setAttribute('placeholder', this.isWatermarkArray ? this.watermark[i] || '' : this.watermark);
inp.className = inpclass;
_event2['default'].add(inp, 'focus', this.Evt.onInpFocus.bind(this));
//filter is appended in desired element
if (externalFltTgtId) {
} else {
this.fltIds.push(this.prfxFlt + i + '_' + this.id);
_event2['default'].add(inp, 'keypress', this.Evt.detectKey.bind(this));
_event2['default'].add(inp, 'keydown', this.Evt.onKeyDown.bind(this));
_event2['default'].add(inp, 'keyup', this.Evt.onKeyUp.bind(this));
_event2['default'].add(inp, 'blur', this.Evt.onInpBlur.bind(this));
if (this.rememberGridValues) {
var flts_values = this.Mod.store.getFilterValues(this.fltsValuesCookie);
if (flts_values[i] != ' ') {
this.setFilterValue(i, flts_values[i], false);
// this adds submit button
if (i == n - 1 && this.displayBtn) {
var btn = _dom2['default'].create(this.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxValButton + i + '_' + this.id], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnText]);
btn.className = this.btnCssClass;
//filter is appended in desired element
if (externalFltTgtId) {
} else {
_event2['default'].add(btn, 'click', this.Evt.onBtnClick.bind(this));
} //if
} // for i
} else {
} //if isFirstLoad
} //if this.fltGrid
/* Filter behaviours */
if (this.hasVisibleRows) {
if (this.rowsCounter) {
Mod.rowsCounter = new _modulesRowsCounter.RowsCounter(this);
if (this.statusBar) {
Mod.statusBar = new _modulesStatusBar.StatusBar(this);
if (this.paging || Mod.paging) {
if (!Mod.paging) {
Mod.paging = new _modulesPaging.Paging(this);
// TODO: handle both cases in paging init
if (Mod.paging.isPagingRemoved) {
} else {
if (this.btnReset) {
Mod.clearButton = new _modulesClearButton.ClearButton(this);
if (this.helpInstructions) {
if (!Mod.help) {
Mod.help = new _modulesHelp.Help(this);
if (this.hasColWidths && !this.gridLayout) {
if (this.alternateBgs) {
Mod.alternateRows = new _modulesAlternateRows.AlternateRows(this);
this.isFirstLoad = false;
this._hasGrid = true;
if (this.rememberGridValues || this.rememberPageLen || this.rememberPageNb) {
//TF css class is added to table
if (!this.gridLayout) {
_dom2['default'].addClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf);
if (this.loader) {
/* Loads extensions */
if (this.hasExtensions) {
if (this.onFiltersLoaded) {
this.onFiltersLoaded.call(null, this);
* Manages state messages
* @param {String} evt Event name
* @param {Object} cfg Config object
}, {
key: 'EvtManager',
value: function EvtManager(evt) {
var cfg = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? { slcIndex: null, slcExternal: false, slcId: null, pgIndex: null } : arguments[1];
var slcIndex = cfg.slcIndex;
var slcExternal = cfg.slcExternal;
var slcId = cfg.slcId;
var pgIndex = cfg.pgIndex;
var cpt = this.Mod;
function efx() {
/*jshint validthis:true */
var ev = this.Evt.name;
switch (evt) {
case ev.filter:
case ev.dropdown:
if (this.linkedFilters) {
cpt.dropdown._build(slcIndex, true);
} else {
cpt.dropdown._build(slcIndex, false, slcExternal, slcId);
case ev.checklist:
cpt.checkList._build(slcIndex, slcExternal, slcId);
case ev.changepage:
case ev.clear:
case ev.changeresultsperpage:
case ev.resetvalues:
case ev.resetpage:
case ev.resetpagelength:
case ev.loadextensions:
case ev.loadthemes:
if (this.statusBar) {
if (this.loader) {
if (!this.loader && !this.statusBar && !this.linkedFilters) {
} else {
if (this.loader) {
if (this.statusBar) {
cpt.statusBar.message(this['msg' + evt]);
global.setTimeout(efx.bind(this), this.execDelay);
* Return a feature instance for a given name
* @param {String} name Name of the feature
* @return {Object}
}, {
key: 'feature',
value: function feature(name) {
return this.Mod[name];
* Initialise all the extensions defined in the configuration object
}, {
key: 'initExtensions',
value: function initExtensions() {
var exts = this.extensions;
for (var i = 0, len = exts.length; i < len; i++) {
var ext = exts[i];
if (!this.ExtRegistry[ext.name]) {
* Load an extension module
* @param {Object} ext Extension config object
}, {
key: 'loadExtension',
value: function loadExtension(ext) {
var _this = this;
if (!ext || !ext.name) {
var name = ext.name;
var path = ext.path;
var modulePath = undefined;
if (name && path) {
modulePath = ext.path + name;
} else {
name = name.replace('.js', '');
modulePath = 'extensions/{}/{}'.replace(/{}/g, name);
// Trick to set config's publicPath dynamically for Webpack...
__webpack_require__.p = this.basePath;
__webpack_require__.e/* require */(1, function(__webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__ = [__webpack_require__(23)("./" + modulePath)]; (function (mod) {
var inst = new mod(_this, ext);
_this.ExtRegistry[name] = inst;
}.apply(null, __WEBPACK_AMD_REQUIRE_ARRAY__));});
* Get an extension instance
* @param {String} name Name of the extension
* @return {Object} Extension instance
}, {
key: 'extension',
value: function extension(name) {
return this.ExtRegistry[name];
* Check passed extension name exists
* @param {String} name Name of the extension
* @return {Boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasExtension',
value: function hasExtension(name) {
return !_types2['default'].isEmpty(this.ExtRegistry[name]);
* Destroy all the extensions defined in the configuration object
}, {
key: 'destroyExtensions',
value: function destroyExtensions() {
var exts = this.extensions;
for (var i = 0, len = exts.length; i < len; i++) {
var ext = exts[i];
var extInstance = this.ExtRegistry[ext.name];
if (extInstance) {
this.ExtRegistry[ext.name] = null;
}, {
key: 'loadThemes',
value: function loadThemes() {
* Load themes defined in the configuration object
}, {
key: '_loadThemes',
value: function _loadThemes() {
var themes = this.themes;
//Default theme config
if (this.enableDefaultTheme) {
var defaultTheme = { name: 'default' };
if (_types2['default'].isArray(themes)) {
for (var i = 0, len = themes.length; i < len; i++) {
var theme = themes[i];
var _name = theme.name;
var path = theme.path;
var styleId = this.prfxTf + _name;
if (_name && !path) {
path = this.themesPath + _name + '/' + _name + '.css';
} else if (!_name && theme.path) {
_name = 'theme{0}'.replace('{0}', i);
if (!this.isImported(path, 'link')) {
this['import'](styleId, path, null, 'link');
//Some elements need to be overriden for default theme
//Reset button
this.btnResetText = null;
this.btnResetHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnResetCssClass + '" title="Clear filters" />';
//Paging buttons
this.btnPrevPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' previousPage" title="Previous page" />';
this.btnNextPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' nextPage" title="Next page" />';
this.btnFirstPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' firstPage" title="First page" />';
this.btnLastPageHtml = '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' lastPage" title="Last page" />';
this.loader = true;
this.loaderHtml = '<div class="defaultLoader"></div>';
this.loaderText = null;
* Return stylesheet DOM element for a given theme name
* @return {DOMElement} stylesheet element
}, {
key: 'getStylesheet',
value: function getStylesheet() {
var name = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 'default' : arguments[0];
return _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxTf + name);
* Destroy filter grid
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
if (!this._hasGrid) {
var rows = this.tbl.rows,
Mod = this.Mod;
if (this.isExternalFlt && !this.popUpFilters) {
if (this.infDiv) {
if (this.highlightKeywords) {
if (this.markActiveColumns) {
if (this.hasExtensions) {
//this loop shows all rows and removes validRow attribute
for (var j = this.refRow; j < this.nbRows; j++) {
rows[j].style.display = '';
if (rows[j].hasAttribute('validRow')) {
//removes alternating colors
if (this.alternateBgs) {
} //for j
if (this.fltGrid && !this.gridLayout) {
this.fltGridEl = rows[this.filtersRowIndex];
// Destroy modules
Object.keys(Mod).forEach(function (key) {
var feature = Mod[key];
if (feature && _types2['default'].isFn(feature.destroy)) {
_dom2['default'].removeClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf);
this.activeFlt = null;
this.isStartBgAlternate = true;
this._hasGrid = false;
this.tbl = null;
* Generate container element for paging, reset button, rows counter etc.
}, {
key: 'setToolbar',
value: function setToolbar() {
if (this.infDiv) {
/*** container div ***/
var infdiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxInfDiv + this.id]);
infdiv.className = this.infDivCssClass;
//custom container
if (this.toolBarTgtId) {
else if (this.gridLayout) {
var gridLayout = this.Mod.gridLayout;
infdiv.className = gridLayout.gridInfDivCssClass;
//default location: just above the table
else {
var cont = _dom2['default'].create('caption');
this.tbl.insertBefore(cont, this.tbl.firstChild);
this.infDiv = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxInfDiv + this.id);
/*** left div containing rows # displayer ***/
var ldiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxLDiv + this.id]);
ldiv.className = this.lDivCssClass;
this.lDiv = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxLDiv + this.id);
/*** right div containing reset button
+ nb results per page select ***/
var rdiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxRDiv + this.id]);
rdiv.className = this.rDivCssClass;
this.rDiv = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxRDiv + this.id);
/*** mid div containing paging elements ***/
var mdiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxMDiv + this.id]);
mdiv.className = this.mDivCssClass;
this.mDiv = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxMDiv + this.id);
// Enable help instructions by default if topbar is generated and not
// explicitely set to false
if (_types2['default'].isUndef(this.helpInstructions)) {
if (!this.Mod.help) {
this.Mod.help = new _modulesHelp.Help(this);
this.helpInstructions = true;
* Remove toolbar container element
}, {
key: 'removeToolbar',
value: function removeToolbar() {
if (!this.infDiv) {
this.infDiv = null;
var tbl = this.tbl;
var captions = _dom2['default'].tag(tbl, 'caption');
if (captions.length > 0) {
[].forEach.call(captions, function (elm) {
* Remove all the external column filters
}, {
key: 'removeExternalFlts',
value: function removeExternalFlts() {
if (!this.isExternalFlt || !this.externalFltTgtIds) {
var ids = this.externalFltTgtIds,
len = ids.length;
for (var ct = 0; ct < len; ct++) {
var externalFltTgtId = ids[ct],
externalFlt = _dom2['default'].id(externalFltTgtId);
if (externalFlt) {
externalFlt.innerHTML = '';
* Check if given column implements a filter with custom options
* @param {Number} colIndex Column's index
* @return {Boolean}
}, {
key: 'isCustomOptions',
value: function isCustomOptions(colIndex) {
return this.hasCustomOptions && this.customOptions.cols.indexOf(colIndex) != -1;
* Returns an array [[value0, value1 ...],[text0, text1 ...]] with the
* custom options values and texts
* @param {Number} colIndex Column's index
* @return {Array}
}, {
key: 'getCustomOptions',
value: function getCustomOptions(colIndex) {
if (_types2['default'].isEmpty(colIndex) || !this.isCustomOptions(colIndex)) {
var customOptions = this.customOptions;
var cols = customOptions.cols;
var optTxt = [],
optArray = [];
var index = _array2['default'].indexByValue(cols, colIndex);
var slcValues = customOptions.values[index];
var slcTexts = customOptions.texts[index];
var slcSort = customOptions.sorts[index];
for (var r = 0, len = slcValues.length; r < len; r++) {
if (slcTexts[r]) {
} else {
if (slcSort) {
return [optArray, optTxt];
}, {
key: 'resetValues',
value: function resetValues() {
* Reset persisted filter values
}, {
key: '_resetValues',
value: function _resetValues() {
//only loadFltOnDemand
if (this.rememberGridValues && this.loadFltOnDemand) {
if (this.rememberPageLen && this.Mod.paging) {
if (this.rememberPageNb && this.Mod.paging) {
* Reset persisted filter values when load filters on demand feature is
* enabled
* @param {String} name cookie name storing filter values
}, {
key: '_resetGridValues',
value: function _resetGridValues(name) {
if (!this.loadFltOnDemand) {
var fltsValues = this.Mod.store.getFilterValues(name),
slcFltsIndex = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeSlc, true),
multiFltsIndex = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeMulti, true);
//if the number of columns is the same as before page reload
if (Number(fltsValues[fltsValues.length - 1]) === this.fltIds.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < fltsValues.length - 1; i++) {
if (fltsValues[i] === ' ') {
var s = undefined,
opt = undefined;
var fltType = this.getFilterType(i);
// if loadFltOnDemand, drop-down needs to contain stored
// value(s) for filtering
if (fltType === this.fltTypeSlc || fltType === this.fltTypeMulti) {
var slc = _dom2['default'].id(this.fltIds[i]);
slc.options[0].selected = false;
if (_array2['default'].has(slcFltsIndex, i)) {
opt = _dom2['default'].createOpt(fltsValues[i], fltsValues[i], true);
this.hasStoredValues = true;
//multiple select
if (_array2['default'].has(multiFltsIndex, i)) {
s = fltsValues[i].split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
for (var j = 0, len = s.length; j < len; j++) {
if (s[j] === '') {
opt = _dom2['default'].createOpt(s[j], s[j], true);
this.hasStoredValues = true;
} // if multiFltsIndex
} else if (fltType === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
var checkList = this.Mod.checkList;
var divChk = checkList.checkListDiv[i];
divChk.title = divChk.innerHTML;
divChk.innerHTML = '';
var ul = _dom2['default'].create('ul', ['id', this.fltIds[i]], ['colIndex', i]);
ul.className = checkList.checkListCssClass;
var li0 = _dom2['default'].createCheckItem(this.fltIds[i] + '_0', '', this.displayAllText);
li0.className = checkList.checkListItemCssClass;
s = fltsValues[i].split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
for (var j = 0, len = s.length; j < len; j++) {
if (s[j] === '') {
var li = _dom2['default'].createCheckItem(this.fltIds[i] + '_' + (j + 1), s[j], s[j]);
li.className = checkList.checkListItemCssClass;
li.check.checked = true;
this.hasStoredValues = true;
} //end for
if (!this.hasStoredValues && this.paging) {
} //end if
}, {
key: 'filter',
value: function filter() {
* Filter the table by retrieving the data from each cell in every single
* row and comparing it to the search term for current column. A row is
* hidden when all the search terms are not found in inspected row.
* TODO: Reduce complexity of this massive method
}, {
key: '_filter',
value: function _filter() {
if (!this.fltGrid || !this._hasGrid && !this.isFirstLoad) {
//invoke onbefore callback
if (this.onBeforeFilter) {
this.onBeforeFilter.call(null, this);
var row = this.tbl.rows,
Mod = this.Mod,
hiddenrows = 0;
this.validRowsIndex = [];
// removes keyword highlighting
if (this.highlightKeywords) {
//removes popup filters active icons
if (this.popUpFilters) {
//removes active column header class
if (this.markActiveColumns) {
// search args re-init
this.searchArgs = this.getFiltersValue();
var num_cell_data, nbFormat;
var re_le = new RegExp(this.leOperator),
re_ge = new RegExp(this.geOperator),
re_l = new RegExp(this.lwOperator),
re_g = new RegExp(this.grOperator),
re_d = new RegExp(this.dfOperator),
re_lk = new RegExp(_string2['default'].rgxEsc(this.lkOperator)),
re_eq = new RegExp(this.eqOperator),
re_st = new RegExp(this.stOperator),
re_en = new RegExp(this.enOperator),
// re_an = new RegExp(this.anOperator),
// re_cr = new RegExp(this.curExp),
re_em = this.emOperator,
re_nm = this.nmOperator,
re_re = new RegExp(_string2['default'].rgxEsc(this.rgxOperator));
//keyword highlighting
function highlight(str, ok, cell) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
if (this.highlightKeywords && ok) {
str = str.replace(re_lk, '');
str = str.replace(re_eq, '');
str = str.replace(re_st, '');
str = str.replace(re_en, '');
var w = str;
if (re_le.test(str) || re_ge.test(str) || re_l.test(str) || re_g.test(str) || re_d.test(str)) {
w = _dom2['default'].getText(cell);
if (w !== '') {
Mod.highlightKeyword.highlight(cell, w, Mod.highlightKeyword.highlightCssClass);
//looks for search argument in current row
function hasArg(sA, cell_data, j) {
/*jshint validthis:true */
var occurence = undefined,
removeNbFormat = _helpers2['default'].removeNbFormat;
//Search arg operator tests
var hasLO = re_l.test(sA),
hasLE = re_le.test(sA),
hasGR = re_g.test(sA),
hasGE = re_ge.test(sA),
hasDF = re_d.test(sA),
hasEQ = re_eq.test(sA),
hasLK = re_lk.test(sA),
// hasAN = re_an.test(sA),
hasST = re_st.test(sA),
hasEN = re_en.test(sA),
hasEM = re_em === sA,
hasNM = re_nm === sA,
hasRE = re_re.test(sA);
//Search arg dates tests
var isLDate = hasLO && isValidDate(sA.replace(re_l, ''), dtType);
var isLEDate = hasLE && isValidDate(sA.replace(re_le, ''), dtType);
var isGDate = hasGR && isValidDate(sA.replace(re_g, ''), dtType);
var isGEDate = hasGE && isValidDate(sA.replace(re_ge, ''), dtType);
var isDFDate = hasDF && isValidDate(sA.replace(re_d, ''), dtType);
var isEQDate = hasEQ && isValidDate(sA.replace(re_eq, ''), dtType);
var dte1 = undefined,
dte2 = undefined;
if (isValidDate(cell_data, dtType)) {
dte1 = formatDate(cell_data, dtType);
// lower date
if (isLDate) {
dte2 = formatDate(sA.replace(re_l, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 < dte2;
// lower equal date
else if (isLEDate) {
dte2 = formatDate(sA.replace(re_le, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 <= dte2;
// greater equal date
else if (isGEDate) {
dte2 = formatDate(sA.replace(re_ge, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 >= dte2;
// greater date
else if (isGDate) {
dte2 = formatDate(sA.replace(re_g, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1 > dte2;
// different date
else if (isDFDate) {
dte2 = formatDate(sA.replace(re_d, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1.toString() != dte2.toString();
// equal date
else if (isEQDate) {
dte2 = formatDate(sA.replace(re_eq, ''), dtType);
occurence = dte1.toString() == dte2.toString();
// searched keyword with * operator doesn't have to be a date
else if (re_lk.test(sA)) {
// like date
occurence = this._containsStr(sA.replace(re_lk, ''), cell_data, false);
} else if (isValidDate(sA, dtType)) {
dte2 = formatDate(sA, dtType);
occurence = dte1.toString() == dte2.toString();
else if (hasEM) {
occurence = _string2['default'].isEmpty(cell_data);
else if (hasNM) {
occurence = !_string2['default'].isEmpty(cell_data);
} else {
//first numbers need to be formated
if (this.hasColNbFormat && this.colNbFormat[j]) {
num_cell_data = removeNbFormat(cell_data, this.colNbFormat[j]);
nbFormat = this.colNbFormat[j];
} else {
if (this.thousandsSeparator === ',' && this.decimalSeparator === '.') {
num_cell_data = removeNbFormat(cell_data, 'us');
nbFormat = 'us';
} else {
num_cell_data = removeNbFormat(cell_data, 'eu');
nbFormat = 'eu';
// first checks if there is any operator (<,>,<=,>=,!,*,=,{,},
// rgx:)
// lower equal
if (hasLE) {
occurence = num_cell_data <= removeNbFormat(sA.replace(re_le, ''), nbFormat);
//greater equal
else if (hasGE) {
occurence = num_cell_data >= removeNbFormat(sA.replace(re_ge, ''), nbFormat);
else if (hasLO) {
occurence = num_cell_data < removeNbFormat(sA.replace(re_l, ''), nbFormat);
else if (hasGR) {
occurence = num_cell_data > removeNbFormat(sA.replace(re_g, ''), nbFormat);
else if (hasDF) {
occurence = this._containsStr(sA.replace(re_d, ''), cell_data) ? false : true;
else if (hasLK) {
occurence = this._containsStr(sA.replace(re_lk, ''), cell_data, false);
else if (hasEQ) {
occurence = this._containsStr(sA.replace(re_eq, ''), cell_data, true);
//starts with
else if (hasST) {
occurence = cell_data.indexOf(sA.replace(re_st, '')) === 0 ? true : false;
//ends with
else if (hasEN) {
var searchArg = sA.replace(re_en, '');
occurence = cell_data.lastIndexOf(searchArg, cell_data.length - 1) === cell_data.length - 1 - (searchArg.length - 1) && cell_data.lastIndexOf(searchArg, cell_data.length - 1) > -1 ? true : false;
else if (hasEM) {
occurence = _string2['default'].isEmpty(cell_data);
else if (hasNM) {
occurence = !_string2['default'].isEmpty(cell_data);
else if (hasRE) {
//in case regexp fires an exception
try {
//operator is removed
var srchArg = sA.replace(re_re, '');
var rgx = new RegExp(srchArg);
occurence = rgx.test(cell_data);
} catch (e) {
occurence = false;
} else {
occurence = this._containsStr(sA, cell_data, this.isExactMatch(j));
} //else
return occurence;
} //fn
for (var k = this.refRow; k < this.nbRows; k++) {
/*** if table already filtered some rows are not visible ***/
if (row[k].style.display === 'none') {
row[k].style.display = '';
var cell = row[k].cells,
nchilds = cell.length;
// checks if row has exact cell #
if (nchilds !== this.nbCells) {
var occurence = [],
isRowValid = true,
//only for single filter search
singleFltRowValid = false;
// this loop retrieves cell data
for (var j = 0; j < nchilds; j++) {
//searched keyword
var sA = this.searchArgs[this.singleSearchFlt ? 0 : j];
var dtType = this.hasColDateType ? this.colDateType[j] : this.defaultDateType;
if (sA === '') {
var cell_data = _string2['default'].matchCase(this.getCellData(j, cell[j]), this.caseSensitive);
//multiple search parameter operator ||
var sAOrSplit = sA.split(this.orOperator),
//multiple search || parameter boolean
hasMultiOrSA = sAOrSplit.length > 1 ? true : false,
//multiple search parameter operator &&
sAAndSplit = sA.split(this.anOperator),
//multiple search && parameter boolean
hasMultiAndSA = sAAndSplit.length > 1 ? true : false;
//multiple sarch parameters
if (hasMultiOrSA || hasMultiAndSA) {
var cS = undefined,
occur = false,
s = hasMultiOrSA ? sAOrSplit : sAAndSplit;
for (var w = 0, len = s.length; w < len; w++) {
cS = _string2['default'].trim(s[w]);
occur = hasArg.call(this, cS, cell_data, j);
highlight.call(this, cS, occur, cell[j]);
if (hasMultiOrSA && occur) {
if (hasMultiAndSA && !occur) {
occurence[j] = occur;
//single search parameter
else {
occurence[j] = hasArg.call(this, _string2['default'].trim(sA), cell_data, j);
highlight.call(this, sA, occurence[j], cell[j]);
} //else single param
if (!occurence[j]) {
isRowValid = false;
if (this.singleSearchFlt && occurence[j]) {
singleFltRowValid = true;
if (this.popUpFilters) {
Mod.popupFilter.buildIcon(j, true);
if (this.markActiveColumns) {
if (k === this.refRow) {
if (this.onBeforeActiveColumn) {
this.onBeforeActiveColumn.call(null, this, j);
_dom2['default'].addClass(this.getHeaderElement(j), this.activeColumnsCssClass);
if (this.onAfterActiveColumn) {
this.onAfterActiveColumn.call(null, this, j);
} //for j
if (this.singleSearchFlt && singleFltRowValid) {
isRowValid = true;
if (!isRowValid) {
this.validateRow(k, false);
if (Mod.alternateRows) {
// always visible rows need to be counted as valid
if (this.hasVisibleRows && this.visibleRows.indexOf(k) !== -1) {
} else {
} else {
this.validateRow(k, true);
if (this.alternateBgs) {
Mod.alternateRows.setRowBg(k, this.validRowsIndex.length);
if (this.onRowValidated) {
this.onRowValidated.call(null, this, k);
} // for k
this.nbVisibleRows = this.validRowsIndex.length;
this.nbHiddenRows = hiddenrows;
if (this.rememberGridValues) {
//applies filter props after filtering process
if (!this.paging) {
} else {
// Shouldn't need to care of that here...
// TODO: provide a method in paging module
Mod.paging.startPagingRow = 0;
Mod.paging.currentPageNb = 1;
//invokes onafter callback
if (this.onAfterFilter) {
this.onAfterFilter.call(null, this);
* Re-apply the features/behaviour concerned by filtering/paging operation
* NOTE: this will disappear whenever custom events in place
}, {
key: 'applyProps',
value: function applyProps() {
var Mod = this.Mod;
//shows rows always visible
if (this.hasVisibleRows) {
//columns operations
if (this.hasExtension('colOps')) {
//re-populates drop-down filters
if (this.linkedFilters) {
if (this.rowsCounter) {
if (this.popUpFilters) {
* Return the data of a specified colum
* @param {Number} colindex Column index
* @param {Boolean} num Return unformatted number
* @param {Array} exclude List of row indexes to be excluded
* @return {Array} Flat list of data for a column
}, {
key: 'getColValues',
value: function getColValues(colindex) {
var num = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1];
var exclude = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? undefined : arguments[2];
if (!this.fltGrid) {
var row = this.tbl.rows,
colValues = [];
for (var i = this.refRow; i < this.nbRows; i++) {
var isExludedRow = false;
// checks if current row index appears in exclude array
if (exclude && _types2['default'].isArray(exclude)) {
isExludedRow = _array2['default'].has(exclude, i);
var cell = row[i].cells,
nchilds = cell.length;
// checks if row has exact cell # and is not excluded
if (nchilds === this.nbCells && !isExludedRow) {
// this loop retrieves cell data
for (var j = 0; j < nchilds; j++) {
if (j != colindex || row[i].style.display !== '') {
var cell_data = _string2['default'].lower(this.getCellData(j, cell[j])),
nbFormat = this.colNbFormat ? this.colNbFormat[colindex] : null,
data = num ? _helpers2['default'].removeNbFormat(cell_data, nbFormat) : cell_data;
return colValues;
* Return the filter's value of a specified column
* @param {Number} index Column index
* @return {String} Filter value
}, {
key: 'getFilterValue',
value: function getFilterValue(index) {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
var fltValue = undefined,
flt = this.getFilterElement(index);
if (!flt) {
return '';
var fltColType = this.getFilterType(index);
if (fltColType !== this.fltTypeMulti && fltColType !== this.fltTypeCheckList) {
fltValue = flt.value;
//mutiple select
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeMulti) {
fltValue = '';
for (var j = 0, len = flt.options.length; j < len; j++) {
if (flt.options[j].selected) {
fltValue = fltValue.concat(flt.options[j].value + ' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
//removes last operator ||
fltValue = fltValue.substr(0, fltValue.length - 4);
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
if (flt.getAttribute('value') !== null) {
fltValue = flt.getAttribute('value');
//removes last operator ||
fltValue = fltValue.substr(0, fltValue.length - 3);
} else {
fltValue = '';
return fltValue;
* Return the filters' values
* @return {Array} List of filters' values
}, {
key: 'getFiltersValue',
value: function getFiltersValue() {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
var searchArgs = [];
for (var i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) {
searchArgs.push(_string2['default'].trim(_string2['default'].matchCase(this.getFilterValue(i), this.caseSensitive)));
return searchArgs;
* Return the ID of the filter of a specified column
* @param {Number} index Column's index
* @return {String} ID of the filter element
}, {
key: 'getFilterId',
value: function getFilterId(index) {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
return this.fltIds[index];
* Return the list of ids of filters matching a specified type.
* Note: hidden filters are also returned
* @param {String} type Filter type string ('input', 'select', 'multiple',
* 'checklist')
* @param {Boolean} bool If true returns columns indexes instead of IDs
* @return {[type]} List of element IDs or column indexes
}, {
key: 'getFiltersByType',
value: function getFiltersByType(type, bool) {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) {
var fltType = this.getFilterType(i);
if (fltType === _string2['default'].lower(type)) {
var a = bool ? i : this.fltIds[i];
return arr;
* Return the filter's DOM element for a given column
* @param {Number} index Column's index
* @return {DOMElement}
}, {
key: 'getFilterElement',
value: function getFilterElement(index) {
var fltId = this.fltIds[index];
return _dom2['default'].id(fltId);
* Return the number of cells for a given row index
* @param {Number} rowIndex Index of the row
* @return {Number} Number of cells
}, {
key: 'getCellsNb',
value: function getCellsNb() {
var rowIndex = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? 0 : arguments[0];
var tr = this.tbl.rows[rowIndex];
return tr.cells.length;
* Return the number of filterable rows starting from reference row if
* defined
* @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Include the headers row
* @return {Number} Number of filterable rows
}, {
key: 'getRowsNb',
value: function getRowsNb(includeHeaders) {
var s = _types2['default'].isUndef(this.refRow) ? 0 : this.refRow,
ntrs = this.tbl.rows.length;
if (includeHeaders) {
s = 0;
return parseInt(ntrs - s, 10);
* Return the data of a given cell
* @param {Number} i Column's index
* @param {Object} cell Cell's DOM object
* @return {String}
}, {
key: 'getCellData',
value: function getCellData(i, cell) {
if (_types2['default'].isUndef(i) || !cell) {
return '';
//First checks for customCellData event
if (this.customCellData && _array2['default'].has(this.customCellDataCols, i)) {
return this.customCellData.call(null, this, cell, i);
} else {
return _dom2['default'].getText(cell);
* Return the table data with following format:
* [
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]],
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]]
* ]
* @return {Array}
* TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format
}, {
key: 'getTableData',
value: function getTableData() {
var row = this.tbl.rows;
for (var k = this.refRow; k < this.nbRows; k++) {
var rowData = [k, []];
var cells = row[k].cells;
// this loop retrieves cell data
for (var j = 0, len = cells.length; j < len; j++) {
var cell_data = this.getCellData(j, cells[j]);
return this.tblData;
* Return the filtered data with following format:
* [
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]],
* [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]]
* ]
* @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Include headers row
* @return {Array}
* TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format
}, {
key: 'getFilteredData',
value: function getFilteredData(includeHeaders) {
if (!this.validRowsIndex) {
return [];
var row = this.tbl.rows,
filteredData = [];
if (includeHeaders) {
var table = this.gridLayout ? this.Mod.gridLayout.headTbl : this.tbl,
r = table.rows[this.headersRow],
rowData = [r.rowIndex, []];
for (var j = 0; j < this.nbCells; j++) {
var headerText = this.getCellData(j, r.cells[j]);
var validRows = this.getValidRows(true);
for (var i = 0; i < validRows.length; i++) {
var rData = [this.validRowsIndex[i], []],
cells = row[this.validRowsIndex[i]].cells;
for (var k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) {
var cell_data = this.getCellData(k, cells[k]);
return filteredData;
* Return the filtered data for a given column index
* @param {Number} colIndex Colmun's index
* @return {Array} Flat list of values ['val0','val1','val2'...]
* TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format
}, {
key: 'getFilteredDataCol',
value: function getFilteredDataCol(colIndex) {
if (colIndex === undefined) {
return [];
var data = this.getFilteredData(),
colData = [];
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
var r = data[i],
//cols values of current row
d = r[1],
//data of searched column
c = d[colIndex];
return colData;
* Get the display value of a row
* @param {RowElement} DOM element of the row
* @return {String} Usually 'none' or ''
}, {
key: 'getRowDisplay',
value: function getRowDisplay(row) {
if (!this.fltGrid || !_types2['default'].isObj(row)) {
return row.style.display;
* Validate/invalidate row by setting the 'validRow' attribute on the row
* @param {Number} rowIndex Index of the row
* @param {Boolean} isValid
}, {
key: 'validateRow',
value: function validateRow(rowIndex, isValid) {
var row = this.tbl.rows[rowIndex];
if (!row || typeof isValid !== 'boolean') {
// always visible rows are valid
if (this.hasVisibleRows && this.visibleRows.indexOf(rowIndex) !== -1) {
isValid = true;
var displayFlag = isValid ? '' : 'none',
validFlag = isValid ? 'true' : 'false';
row.style.display = displayFlag;
if (this.paging) {
row.setAttribute('validRow', validFlag);
* Validate all filterable rows
}, {
key: 'validateAllRows',
value: function validateAllRows() {
if (!this._hasGrid) {
this.validRowsIndex = [];
for (var k = this.refRow; k < this.nbFilterableRows; k++) {
this.validateRow(k, true);
* Set search value to a given filter
* @param {Number} index Column's index
* @param {String} searcharg Search term
}, {
key: 'setFilterValue',
value: function setFilterValue(index) {
var searcharg = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? '' : arguments[1];
if (!this.fltGrid && !this.isFirstLoad || !this.getFilterElement(index)) {
var slc = this.getFilterElement(index),
fltColType = this.getFilterType(index);
if (fltColType !== this.fltTypeMulti && fltColType != this.fltTypeCheckList) {
slc.value = searcharg;
//multiple selects
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeMulti) {
var s = searcharg.split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
// let ct = 0; //keywords counter
for (var j = 0, len = slc.options.length; j < len; j++) {
var option = slc.options[j];
if (s === '' || s[0] === '') {
option.selected = false;
if (option.value === '') {
option.selected = false;
if (option.value !== '' && _array2['default'].has(s, option.value, true)) {
option.selected = true;
} //if
} //for j
else if (fltColType === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
searcharg = _string2['default'].matchCase(searcharg, this.caseSensitive);
var sarg = searcharg.split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' ');
var lisNb = _dom2['default'].tag(slc, 'li').length;
slc.setAttribute('value', '');
slc.setAttribute('indexes', '');
for (var k = 0; k < lisNb; k++) {
var li = _dom2['default'].tag(slc, 'li')[k],
lbl = _dom2['default'].tag(li, 'label')[0],
chk = _dom2['default'].tag(li, 'input')[0],
lblTxt = _string2['default'].matchCase(_dom2['default'].getText(lbl), this.caseSensitive);
if (lblTxt !== '' && _array2['default'].has(sarg, lblTxt, true)) {
chk.checked = true;
} else {
chk.checked = false;
* Set them columns' widths as per configuration
* @param {Number} rowIndex Optional row index to apply the widths to
* @param {Element} tbl DOM element
}, {
key: 'setColWidths',
value: function setColWidths(rowIndex, tbl) {
if (!this.fltGrid || !this.hasColWidths) {
tbl = tbl || this.tbl;
var rIndex = undefined;
if (rowIndex === undefined) {
rIndex = tbl.rows[0].style.display != 'none' ? 0 : 1;
} else {
rIndex = rowIndex;
function setWidths() {
/*jshint validthis:true */
var nbCols = this.nbCells;
var colWidths = this.colWidths;
var colTags = _dom2['default'].tag(tbl, 'col');
var tblHasColTag = colTags.length > 0;
var frag = !tblHasColTag ? doc.createDocumentFragment() : null;
for (var k = 0; k < nbCols; k++) {
var col = undefined;
if (tblHasColTag) {
col = colTags[k];
} else {
col = _dom2['default'].create('col', ['id', this.id + '_col_' + k]);
col.style.width = colWidths[k];
if (!tblHasColTag) {
tbl.insertBefore(frag, tbl.firstChild);
* Makes defined rows always visible
}, {
key: 'enforceVisibility',
value: function enforceVisibility() {
if (!this.hasVisibleRows) {
for (var i = 0, len = this.visibleRows.length; i < len; i++) {
var row = this.visibleRows[i];
//row index cannot be > nrows
if (row <= this.nbRows) {
this.validateRow(row, true);
}, {
key: 'clearFilters',
value: function clearFilters() {
* Clear all the filters' values
}, {
key: '_clearFilters',
value: function _clearFilters() {
if (!this.fltGrid) {
if (this.onBeforeReset) {
this.onBeforeReset.call(null, this, this.getFiltersValue());
for (var i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) {
this.setFilterValue(i, '');
if (this.linkedFilters) {
if (this.rememberPageLen) {
if (this.rememberPageNb) {
if (this.onAfterReset) {
this.onAfterReset.call(null, this);
* Clears filtered columns visual indicator (background color)
}, {
key: 'clearActiveColumns',
value: function clearActiveColumns() {
for (var i = 0, len = this.getCellsNb(this.headersRow); i < len; i++) {
_dom2['default'].removeClass(this.getHeaderElement(i), this.activeColumnsCssClass);
* Refresh the filters subject to linking ('select', 'multiple',
* 'checklist' type)
}, {
key: 'linkFilters',
value: function linkFilters() {
if (!this.activeFilterId) {
var slcA1 = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeSlc, true),
slcA2 = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeMulti, true),
slcA3 = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeCheckList, true),
slcIndex = slcA1.concat(slcA2);
slcIndex = slcIndex.concat(slcA3);
var activeFlt = this.activeFilterId.split('_')[0];
activeFlt = activeFlt.split(this.prfxFlt)[1];
var slcSelectedValue = undefined;
for (var i = 0, len = slcIndex.length; i < len; i++) {
var curSlc = _dom2['default'].id(this.fltIds[slcIndex[i]]);
slcSelectedValue = this.getFilterValue(slcIndex[i]);
// Welcome to cyclomatic complexity hell :)
// TODO: simplify/refactor if statement
if (activeFlt !== slcIndex[i] || this.paging && _array2['default'].has(slcA1, slcIndex[i]) && activeFlt === slcIndex[i] || !this.paging && (_array2['default'].has(slcA3, slcIndex[i]) || _array2['default'].has(slcA2, slcIndex[i])) || slcSelectedValue === this.displayAllText) {
if (_array2['default'].has(slcA3, slcIndex[i])) {
this.Mod.checkList.checkListDiv[slcIndex[i]].innerHTML = '';
} else {
curSlc.innerHTML = '';
//1st option needs to be inserted
if (this.loadFltOnDemand) {
var opt0 = _dom2['default'].createOpt(this.displayAllText, '');
if (curSlc) {
if (_array2['default'].has(slcA3, slcIndex[i])) {
} else {
this.Mod.dropdown._build(slcIndex[i], true);
this.setFilterValue(slcIndex[i], slcSelectedValue);
} // for i
* Re-generate the filters grid bar when previously removed
}, {
key: '_resetGrid',
value: function _resetGrid() {
if (this.isFirstLoad) {
var Mod = this.Mod;
var tbl = this.tbl;
var rows = tbl.rows;
var filtersRowIndex = this.filtersRowIndex;
var filtersRow = rows[filtersRowIndex];
// grid was removed, grid row element is stored in fltGridEl property
if (!this.gridLayout) {
// If table has a thead ensure the filters row is appended in the
// thead element
if (tbl.tHead) {
var tempRow = tbl.tHead.insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex);
tbl.tHead.replaceChild(this.fltGridEl, tempRow);
} else {
filtersRow.parentNode.insertBefore(this.fltGridEl, filtersRow);
// filters are appended in external placeholders elements
if (this.isExternalFlt) {
var externalFltTgtIds = this.externalFltTgtIds;
for (var ct = 0, len = externalFltTgtIds.length; ct < len; ct++) {
var extFlt = _dom2['default'].id(externalFltTgtIds[ct]);
if (!extFlt) {
var externalFltEl = this.externalFltEls[ct];
var colFltType = this.getFilterType(ct);
//IE special treatment for gridLayout, appended filters are
if (this.gridLayout && externalFltEl.innerHTML === '' && colFltType !== this.fltTypeInp) {
if (colFltType === this.fltTypeSlc || colFltType === this.fltTypeMulti) {
if (colFltType === this.fltTypeCheckList) {
this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb();
this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows;
this.nbRows = rows.length;
if (this.popUpFilters) {
if (!this.gridLayout) {
_dom2['default'].addClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf);
this._hasGrid = true;
* Determines if passed filter column implements exact query match
* @param {Number} colIndex [description]
* @return {Boolean} [description]
}, {
key: 'isExactMatch',
value: function isExactMatch(colIndex) {
var fltType = this.getFilterType(colIndex);
return this.exactMatchByCol[colIndex] || this.exactMatch || fltType !== this.fltTypeInp;
* Checks if passed data contains the searched arg
* @param {String} arg Search term
* @param {String} data Data string
* @param {Boolean} exactMatch Exact match
* @return {Boolean]}
* TODO: move into string module, remove fltType in order to decouple it
* from TableFilter module
}, {
key: '_containsStr',
value: function _containsStr(arg, data, exactMatch) {
// Improved by Cedric Wartel (cwl)
// automatic exact match for selects and special characters are now
// filtered
var regexp = undefined,
modifier = this.caseSensitive ? 'g' : 'gi';
if (exactMatch) {
regexp = new RegExp('(^\\s*)' + _string2['default'].rgxEsc(arg) + '(\\s*$)', modifier);
} else {
regexp = new RegExp(_string2['default'].rgxEsc(arg), modifier);
return regexp.test(data);
* Check if passed script or stylesheet is already imported
* @param {String} filePath Ressource path
* @param {String} type Possible values: 'script' or 'link'
* @return {Boolean}
}, {
key: 'isImported',
value: function isImported(filePath, type) {
var imported = false,
importType = !type ? 'script' : type,
attr = importType == 'script' ? 'src' : 'href',
files = _dom2['default'].tag(doc, importType);
for (var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) {
if (files[i][attr] === undefined) {
if (files[i][attr].match(filePath)) {
imported = true;
return imported;
* Import script or stylesheet
* @param {String} fileId Ressource ID
* @param {String} filePath Ressource path
* @param {Function} callback Callback
* @param {String} type Possible values: 'script' or 'link'
}, {
key: 'import',
value: function _import(fileId, filePath, callback, type) {
var ftype = !type ? 'script' : type,
imported = this.isImported(filePath, ftype);
if (imported) {
var o = this,
isLoaded = false,
file = undefined,
head = _dom2['default'].tag(doc, 'head')[0];
if (_string2['default'].lower(ftype) === 'link') {
file = _dom2['default'].create('link', ['id', fileId], ['type', 'text/css'], ['rel', 'stylesheet'], ['href', filePath]);
} else {
file = _dom2['default'].create('script', ['id', fileId], ['type', 'text/javascript'], ['src', filePath]);
//Browser <> IE onload event works only for scripts, not for stylesheets
file.onload = file.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (!isLoaded && (!this.readyState || this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete')) {
isLoaded = true;
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback.call(null, o);
file.onerror = function () {
throw new Error('TF script could not load: ' + filePath);
* Check if table has filters grid
* @return {Boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasGrid',
value: function hasGrid() {
return this._hasGrid;
* Get list of filter IDs
* @return {[type]} [description]
}, {
key: 'getFiltersId',
value: function getFiltersId() {
return this.fltIds || [];
* Get filtered (valid) rows indexes
* @param {Boolean} reCalc Force calculation of filtered rows list
* @return {Array} List of row indexes
}, {
key: 'getValidRows',
value: function getValidRows(reCalc) {
if (!reCalc) {
return this.validRowsIndex;
this.validRowsIndex = [];
for (var k = this.refRow; k < this.getRowsNb(true); k++) {
var r = this.tbl.rows[k];
if (!this.paging) {
if (this.getRowDisplay(r) !== 'none') {
} else {
if (r.getAttribute('validRow') === 'true' || r.getAttribute('validRow') === null) {
return this.validRowsIndex;
* Get the index of the row containing the filters
* @return {Number}
}, {
key: 'getFiltersRowIndex',
value: function getFiltersRowIndex() {
return this.filtersRowIndex;
* Get the index of the headers row
* @return {Number}
}, {
key: 'getHeadersRowIndex',
value: function getHeadersRowIndex() {
return this.headersRow;
* Get the row index from where the filtering process start (1st filterable
* row)
* @return {Number}
}, {
key: 'getStartRowIndex',
value: function getStartRowIndex() {
return this.refRow;
* Get the index of the last row
* @return {Number}
}, {
key: 'getLastRowIndex',
value: function getLastRowIndex() {
if (!this._hasGrid) {
return this.nbRows - 1;
* Get the header DOM element for a given column index
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @return {Object}
}, {
key: 'getHeaderElement',
value: function getHeaderElement(colIndex) {
var table = this.gridLayout ? this.Mod.gridLayout.headTbl : this.tbl;
var tHead = _dom2['default'].tag(table, 'thead');
var headersRow = this.headersRow;
var header = undefined;
for (var i = 0; i < this.nbCells; i++) {
if (i !== colIndex) {
if (tHead.length === 0) {
header = table.rows[headersRow].cells[i];
if (tHead.length === 1) {
header = tHead[0].rows[headersRow].cells[i];
return header;
* Return the filter type for a specified column
* @param {Number} colIndex Column's index
* @return {String}
}, {
key: 'getFilterType',
value: function getFilterType(colIndex) {
var colType = this.cfg['col_' + colIndex];
return !colType ? this.fltTypeInp : _string2['default'].lower(colType);
* Get the total number of filterable rows
* @return {Number}
}, {
key: 'getFilterableRowsNb',
value: function getFilterableRowsNb() {
return this.getRowsNb(false);
* Get the configuration object (literal object)
* @return {Object}
}, {
key: 'config',
value: function config() {
return this.cfg;
return TableFilter;
exports.TableFilter = TableFilter;
/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
* DOM event utilities
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports['default'] = {
add: function add(obj, type, func, capture) {
if (obj.addEventListener) {
obj.addEventListener(type, func, capture);
} else if (obj.attachEvent) {
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, func);
} else {
obj['on' + type] = func;
remove: function remove(obj, type, func, capture) {
if (obj.detachEvent) {
obj.detachEvent('on' + type, func);
} else if (obj.removeEventListener) {
obj.removeEventListener(type, func, capture);
} else {
obj['on' + type] = null;
stop: function stop(evt) {
if (!evt) {
evt = window.event;
if (evt.stopPropagation) {
} else {
evt.cancelBubble = true;
cancel: function cancel(evt) {
if (!evt) {
evt = window.event;
if (evt.preventDefault) {
} else {
evt.returnValue = false;
target: function target(evt) {
return evt && evt.target || window.event && window.event.srcElement;
keyCode: function keyCode(evt) {
return evt.charCode ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : evt.which ? evt.which : 0;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
* DOM utilities
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports['default'] = {
* Returns text + text of children of given node
* @param {NodeElement} node
* @return {String}
getText: function getText(node) {
var s = node.textContent || node.innerText || node.innerHTML.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g, '');
s = s.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
return s;
* Creates an html element with given collection of attributes
* @param {String} tag a string of the html tag to create
* @param {Array} an undetermined number of arrays containing the with 2
* items, the attribute name and its value ['id','myId']
* @return {Object} created element
create: function create(tag) {
if (!tag || tag === '') {
var el = document.createElement(tag),
args = arguments;
if (args.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var argtype = typeof args[i];
if (argtype.toLowerCase() === 'object' && args[i].length === 2) {
el.setAttribute(args[i][0], args[i][1]);
return el;
* Returns a text node with given text
* @param {String} txt
* @return {Object}
text: function text(txt) {
return document.createTextNode(txt);
hasClass: function hasClass(ele, cls) {
if (!ele) {
return false;
if (supportsClassList()) {
return ele.classList.contains(cls);
return ele.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)'));
addClass: function addClass(ele, cls) {
if (!ele) {
if (supportsClassList()) {
if (ele.className === '') {
ele.className = cls;
} else if (!this.hasClass(ele, cls)) {
ele.className += ' ' + cls;
removeClass: function removeClass(ele, cls) {
if (!ele) {
if (supportsClassList()) {
var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + cls + '(\\s|$)', 'g');
ele.className = ele.className.replace(reg, '');
* Creates and returns an option element
* @param {String} text option text
* @param {String} value option value
* @param {Boolean} isSel whether option is selected
* @return {Object} option element
createOpt: function createOpt(text, value, isSel) {
var isSelected = isSel ? true : false,
opt = isSelected ? this.create('option', ['value', value], ['selected', 'true']) : this.create('option', ['value', value]);
return opt;
* Creates and returns a checklist item
* @param {Number} chkIndex index of check item
* @param {String} chkValue check item value
* @param {String} labelText check item label text
* @return {Object} li DOM element
createCheckItem: function createCheckItem(chkIndex, chkValue, labelText) {
var li = this.create('li'),
label = this.create('label', ['for', chkIndex]),
check = this.create('input', ['id', chkIndex], ['name', chkIndex], ['type', 'checkbox'], ['value', chkValue]);
li.label = label;
li.check = check;
return li;
id: function id(_id) {
return document.getElementById(_id);
tag: function tag(o, tagname) {
return o.getElementsByTagName(tagname);
// HTML5 classList API
function supportsClassList() {
return document.documentElement.classList;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
* String utilities
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports['default'] = {
lower: function lower(text) {
return text.toLowerCase();
upper: function upper(text) {
return text.toUpperCase();
trim: function trim(text) {
if (text.trim) {
return text.trim();
return text.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
isEmpty: function isEmpty(text) {
return this.trim(text) === '';
rgxEsc: function rgxEsc(text) {
var chars = /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g;
var escMatch = '\\$&';
return String(text).replace(chars, escMatch);
matchCase: function matchCase(text, mc) {
if (!mc) {
return this.lower(text);
return text;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 4 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
* Cookie utilities
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports['default'] = {
write: function write(name, value, hours) {
var expire = '';
if (hours) {
expire = new Date(new Date().getTime() + hours * 3600000);
expire = '; expires=' + expire.toGMTString();
document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value) + expire;
read: function read(name) {
var cookieValue = '',
search = name + '=';
if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
var cookie = document.cookie,
offset = cookie.indexOf(search);
if (offset !== -1) {
offset += search.length;
var end = cookie.indexOf(';', offset);
if (end === -1) {
end = cookie.length;
cookieValue = unescape(cookie.substring(offset, end));
return cookieValue;
remove: function remove(name) {
this.write(name, '', -1);
valueToArray: function valueToArray(name, separator) {
if (!separator) {
separator = ',';
//reads the cookie
var val = this.read(name);
//creates an array with filters' values
var arr = val.split(separator);
return arr;
getValueByIndex: function getValueByIndex(name, index, separator) {
if (!separator) {
separator = ',';
//reads the cookie
var val = this.valueToArray(name, separator);
return val[index];
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 5 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
* Types utilities
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var UNDEFINED = void 0;
exports['default'] = {
* Check if argument is an object or a global object
* @param {String or Object} v
* @return {Boolean}
isObj: function isObj(v) {
var isO = false;
if (typeof v === 'string') {
if (window[v] && typeof window[v] === 'object') {
isO = true;
} else {
if (v && typeof v === 'object') {
isO = true;
return isO;
* Check if argument is a function
* @param {Function} fn
* @return {Boolean}
isFn: function isFn(fn) {
return fn && fn.constructor == Function;
* Check if argument is an array
* @param {Array} obj
* @return {Boolean}
isArray: function isArray(obj) {
return obj && obj.constructor == Array;
* Determine if argument is undefined
* @param {Any} o
* @return {Boolean}
isUndef: function isUndef(o) {
return o === UNDEFINED;
* Determine if argument is null
* @param {Any} o
* @return {Boolean}
isNull: function isNull(o) {
return o === null;
* Determine if argument is empty (undefined, null or empty string)
* @param {Any} o
* @return {Boolean}
isEmpty: function isEmpty(o) {
return this.isUndef(o) || this.isNull(o) || o.length === 0;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 6 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* Array utilities
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var _string = __webpack_require__(3);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
exports['default'] = {
has: function has(arr, val, caseSensitive) {
var sCase = caseSensitive === undefined ? false : caseSensitive;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (_string2['default'].matchCase(arr[i].toString(), sCase) == val) {
return true;
return false;
indexByValue: function indexByValue(arr, val, caseSensitive) {
var sCase = caseSensitive === undefined ? false : caseSensitive;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (_string2['default'].matchCase(arr[i].toString(), sCase) == val) {
return i;
return -1;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 7 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {
* Date utilities
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
exports['default'] = {
isValid: function isValid(dateStr, format) {
if (!format) {
format = 'DMY';
format = format.toUpperCase();
if (format.length != 3) {
if (format === 'DDMMMYYYY') {
var d = this.format(dateStr, format);
dateStr = d.getDate() + '/' + (d.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + d.getFullYear();
format = 'DMY';
if (format.indexOf('M') === -1 || format.indexOf('D') === -1 || format.indexOf('Y') === -1) {
format = 'DMY';
var reg1 = undefined,
reg2 = undefined;
// If the year is first
if (format.substring(0, 1) == 'Y') {
reg1 = /^\d{2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{1,2}$/;
reg2 = /^\d{4}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{1,2}$/;
} else if (format.substring(1, 2) == 'Y') {
// If the year is second
reg1 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{2}\1\d{1,2}$/;
reg2 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{4}\1\d{1,2}$/;
} else {
// The year must be third
reg1 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{2}$/;
reg2 = /^\d{1,2}(\-|\/|\.)\d{1,2}\1\d{4}$/;
// If it doesn't conform to the right format (with either a 2 digit year
// or 4 digit year), fail
if (reg1.test(dateStr) === false && reg2.test(dateStr) === false) {
return false;
// Split into 3 parts based on what the divider was
var parts = dateStr.split(RegExp.$1);
var mm = undefined,
dd = undefined,
yy = undefined;
// Check to see if the 3 parts end up making a valid date
if (format.substring(0, 1) === 'M') {
mm = parts[0];
} else if (format.substring(1, 2) === 'M') {
mm = parts[1];
} else {
mm = parts[2];
if (format.substring(0, 1) === 'D') {
dd = parts[0];
} else if (format.substring(1, 2) === 'D') {
dd = parts[1];
} else {
dd = parts[2];
if (format.substring(0, 1) === 'Y') {
yy = parts[0];
} else if (format.substring(1, 2) === 'Y') {
yy = parts[1];
} else {
yy = parts[2];
if (parseInt(yy, 10) <= 50) {
yy = (parseInt(yy, 10) + 2000).toString();
if (parseInt(yy, 10) <= 99) {
yy = (parseInt(yy, 10) + 1900).toString();
var dt = new Date(parseInt(yy, 10), parseInt(mm, 10) - 1, parseInt(dd, 10), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (parseInt(dd, 10) != dt.getDate()) {
return false;
if (parseInt(mm, 10) - 1 != dt.getMonth()) {
return false;
return true;
format: function format(dateStr, formatStr) {
if (!formatStr) {
formatStr = 'DMY';
if (!dateStr || dateStr === '') {
return new Date(1001, 0, 1);
var oDate = undefined;
var parts = undefined;
switch (formatStr.toUpperCase()) {
parts = dateStr.replace(/[- \/.]/g, ' ').split(' ');
oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), mmm2mm(parts[1]) - 1, parts[0]);
case 'DMY':
/* jshint ignore:start */
parts = dateStr.replace(/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])((\d\d)?\d\d)$/, '$1 $3 $5').split(' ');
oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), parts[1] - 1, parts[0]);
/* jshint ignore:end */
case 'MDY':
/* jshint ignore:start */
parts = dateStr.replace(/^(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])([- \/.])((\d\d)?\d\d)$/, '$1 $3 $5').split(' ');
oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), parts[0] - 1, parts[1]);
/* jshint ignore:end */
case 'YMD':
/* jshint ignore:start */
parts = dateStr.replace(/^((\d\d)?\d\d)([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/, '$1 $4 $6').split(' ');
oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[0]), parts[1] - 1, parts[2]);
/* jshint ignore:end */
//in case format is not correct
/* jshint ignore:start */
parts = dateStr.replace(/^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])([- \/.])(0?[1-9]|1[012])([- \/.])((\d\d)?\d\d)$/, '$1 $3 $5').split(' ');
oDate = new Date(y2kDate(parts[2]), parts[1] - 1, parts[0]);
/* jshint ignore:end */
return oDate;
function y2kDate(yr) {
if (yr === undefined) {
return 0;
if (yr.length > 2) {
return yr;
var y = undefined;
//>50 belong to 1900
if (yr <= 99 && yr > 50) {
y = '19' + yr;
//<50 belong to 2000
if (yr < 50 || yr === '00') {
y = '20' + yr;
return y;
function mmm2mm(mmm) {
if (mmm === undefined) {
return 0;
var mondigit = undefined;
var MONTH_NAMES = ['january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december', 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'];
for (var m_i = 0; m_i < MONTH_NAMES.length; m_i++) {
var month_name = MONTH_NAMES[m_i];
if (mmm.toLowerCase() === month_name) {
mondigit = m_i + 1;
if (mondigit > 11 || mondigit < 23) {
mondigit = mondigit - 12;
if (mondigit < 1 || mondigit > 12) {
return 0;
return mondigit;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 8 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
* Misc helpers
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var _string = __webpack_require__(3);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
exports['default'] = {
removeNbFormat: function removeNbFormat(data, format) {
if (!data) {
if (!format) {
format = 'us';
var n = data;
if (_string2['default'].lower(format) === 'us') {
n = +n.replace(/[^\d\.-]/g, '');
} else {
n = +n.replace(/[^\d\,-]/g, '').replace(',', '.');
return n;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 9 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _cookie = __webpack_require__(4);
var _cookie2 = _interopRequireDefault(_cookie);
var Store = (function () {
* Store, persistence manager
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
* TODO: use localStorage and fallback to cookie persistence
function Store(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, Store);
var f = tf.config();
this.duration = !isNaN(f.set_cookie_duration) ? parseInt(f.set_cookie_duration, 10) : 100000;
this.tf = tf;
* Store filters' values in cookie
* @param {String} cookie name
_createClass(Store, [{
key: 'saveFilterValues',
value: function saveFilterValues(name) {
var tf = this.tf;
var fltValues = [];
//store filters' values
for (var i = 0; i < tf.fltIds.length; i++) {
var value = tf.getFilterValue(i);
if (value === '') {
value = ' ';
//adds array size
//writes cookie
_cookie2['default'].write(name, fltValues.join(tf.separator), this.duration);
* Retrieve filters' values from cookie
* @param {String} cookie name
* @return {Array}
}, {
key: 'getFilterValues',
value: function getFilterValues(name) {
var flts = _cookie2['default'].read(name);
var rgx = new RegExp(this.tf.separator, 'g');
// filters' values array
return flts.split(rgx);
* Store page number in cookie
* @param {String} cookie name
}, {
key: 'savePageNb',
value: function savePageNb(name) {
_cookie2['default'].write(name, this.tf.feature('paging').currentPageNb, this.duration);
* Retrieve page number from cookie
* @param {String} cookie name
* @return {String}
}, {
key: 'getPageNb',
value: function getPageNb(name) {
return _cookie2['default'].read(name);
* Store page length in cookie
* @param {String} cookie name
}, {
key: 'savePageLength',
value: function savePageLength(name) {
_cookie2['default'].write(name, this.tf.feature('paging').resultsPerPageSlc.selectedIndex, this.duration);
* Retrieve page length from cookie
* @param {String} cookie name
* @return {String}
}, {
key: 'getPageLength',
value: function getPageLength(name) {
return _cookie2['default'].read(name);
return Store;
exports.Store = Store;
/***/ },
/* 10 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _types = __webpack_require__(5);
var _types2 = _interopRequireDefault(_types);
var _event = __webpack_require__(1);
var _event2 = _interopRequireDefault(_event);
var GridLayout = (function () {
* Grid layout, table with fixed headers
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function GridLayout(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, GridLayout);
var f = tf.config();
//defines grid width
this.gridWidth = f.grid_width || null;
//defines grid height
this.gridHeight = f.grid_height || null;
//defines css class for main container
this.gridMainContCssClass = f.grid_cont_css_class || 'grd_Cont';
//defines css class for div containing table
this.gridContCssClass = f.grid_tbl_cont_css_class || 'grd_tblCont';
//defines css class for div containing headers' table
this.gridHeadContCssClass = f.grid_tblHead_cont_css_class || 'grd_headTblCont';
//defines css class for div containing rows counter, paging etc.
this.gridInfDivCssClass = f.grid_inf_grid_css_class || 'grd_inf';
//defines which row contains column headers
this.gridHeadRowIndex = f.grid_headers_row_index || 0;
//array of headers row indexes to be placed in header table
this.gridHeadRows = f.grid_headers_rows || [0];
//generate filters in table headers
this.gridEnableFilters = f.grid_enable_default_filters !== undefined ? f.grid_enable_default_filters : true;
//default col width
this.gridDefaultColWidth = f.grid_default_col_width || '100px';
//enables/disables columns resizer
// this.gridEnableColResizer = f.grid_enable_cols_resizer!==undefined ?
// f.grid_enable_cols_resizer : false;
// //defines col resizer script path
// this.gridColResizerPath = f.grid_cont_col_resizer_path ||
// this.basePath+'TFExt_ColsResizer/TFExt_ColsResizer.js';
this.gridColElms = [];
//div containing grid elements if grid_layout true
this.prfxMainTblCont = 'gridCont_';
//div containing table if grid_layout true
this.prfxTblCont = 'tblCont_';
//div containing headers table if grid_layout true
this.prfxHeadTblCont = 'tblHeadCont_';
//headers' table if grid_layout true
this.prfxHeadTbl = 'tblHead_';
//id of td containing the filter if grid_layout true
this.prfxGridFltTd = '_td_';
//id of th containing column header if grid_layout true
this.prfxGridTh = 'tblHeadTh_';
this.tf = tf;
* Generates a grid with fixed headers
_createClass(GridLayout, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var _this = this;
var tf = this.tf;
var f = tf.config();
var tbl = tf.tbl;
if (!tf.gridLayout) {
tf.isExternalFlt = true;
// default width of 100px if column widths not set
if (!tf.hasColWidths) {
tf.colWidths = [];
for (var k = 0; k < tf.nbCells; k++) {
var colW,
cell = tbl.rows[this.gridHeadRowIndex].cells[k];
if (cell.width !== '') {
colW = cell.width;
} else if (cell.style.width !== '') {
colW = parseInt(cell.style.width, 10);
} else {
colW = this.gridDefaultColWidth;
tf.colWidths[k] = colW;
tf.hasColWidths = true;
var tblW; //initial table width
if (tbl.width !== '') {
tblW = tbl.width;
} else if (tbl.style.width !== '') {
tblW = parseInt(tbl.style.width, 10);
} else {
tblW = tbl.clientWidth;
//Main container: it will contain all the elements
this.tblMainCont = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxMainTblCont + tf.id]);
this.tblMainCont.className = this.gridMainContCssClass;
if (this.gridWidth) {
this.tblMainCont.style.width = this.gridWidth;
tbl.parentNode.insertBefore(this.tblMainCont, tbl);
//Table container: div wrapping content table
this.tblCont = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxTblCont + tf.id]);
this.tblCont.className = this.gridContCssClass;
if (this.gridWidth) {
if (this.gridWidth.indexOf('%') != -1) {
this.tblCont.style.width = '100%';
} else {
this.tblCont.style.width = this.gridWidth;
if (this.gridHeight) {
this.tblCont.style.height = this.gridHeight;
tbl.parentNode.insertBefore(this.tblCont, tbl);
var t = tbl.parentNode.removeChild(tbl);
//In case table width is expressed in %
if (tbl.style.width === '') {
tbl.style.width = (tf._containsStr('%', tblW) ? tbl.clientWidth : tblW) + 'px';
var d = this.tblCont.parentNode.removeChild(this.tblCont);
//Headers table container: div wrapping headers table
this.headTblCont = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxHeadTblCont + tf.id]);
this.headTblCont.className = this.gridHeadContCssClass;
if (this.gridWidth) {
if (this.gridWidth.indexOf('%') != -1) {
this.headTblCont.style.width = '100%';
} else {
this.headTblCont.style.width = this.gridWidth;
//Headers table
this.headTbl = _dom2['default'].create('table', ['id', this.prfxHeadTbl + tf.id]);
var tH = _dom2['default'].create('tHead'); //IE<7 needs it
//1st row should be headers row, ids are added if not set
//Those ids are used by the sort feature
var hRow = tbl.rows[this.gridHeadRowIndex];
var sortTriggers = [];
for (var n = 0; n < tf.nbCells; n++) {
var c = hRow.cells[n];
var thId = c.getAttribute('id');
if (!thId || thId === '') {
thId = this.prfxGridTh + n + '_' + tf.id;
c.setAttribute('id', thId);
//Filters row is created
var filtersRow = _dom2['default'].create('tr');
if (this.gridEnableFilters && tf.fltGrid) {
tf.externalFltTgtIds = [];
for (var j = 0; j < tf.nbCells; j++) {
var fltTdId = tf.prfxFlt + j + this.prfxGridFltTd + tf.id;
var cl = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltCellTag, ['id', fltTdId]);
tf.externalFltTgtIds[j] = fltTdId;
//Headers row are moved from content table to headers table
for (var i = 0; i < this.gridHeadRows.length; i++) {
var headRow = tbl.rows[this.gridHeadRows[0]];
if (tf.filtersRowIndex === 0) {
tH.insertBefore(filtersRow, hRow);
} else {
this.tblCont.parentNode.insertBefore(this.headTblCont, this.tblCont);
//THead needs to be removed in content table for sort feature
var thead = _dom2['default'].tag(tbl, 'thead');
if (thead.length > 0) {
//Headers table style
this.headTbl.style.tableLayout = 'fixed';
tbl.style.tableLayout = 'fixed';
this.headTbl.cellPadding = tbl.cellPadding;
this.headTbl.cellSpacing = tbl.cellSpacing;
// this.headTbl.style.width = tbl.style.width;
//content table without headers needs col widths to be reset
tf.setColWidths(0, this.headTbl);
//Headers container width
// this.headTblCont.style.width = this.tblCont.clientWidth+'px';
tbl.style.width = '';
this.headTbl.style.width = tbl.clientWidth + 'px';
//scroll synchronisation
_event2['default'].add(this.tblCont, 'scroll', function (evt) {
var elm = _event2['default'].target(evt);
var scrollLeft = elm.scrollLeft;
_this.headTblCont.scrollLeft = scrollLeft;
//New pointerX calc taking into account scrollLeft
// if(!o.isPointerXOverwritten){
// try{
// o.Evt.pointerX = function(evt){
// var e = evt || global.event;
// var bdScrollLeft = tf_StandardBody().scrollLeft +
// scrollLeft;
// return (e.pageX + scrollLeft) ||
// (e.clientX + bdScrollLeft);
// };
// o.isPointerXOverwritten = true;
// } catch(err) {
// o.isPointerXOverwritten = false;
// }
// }
//Configure sort extension if any
var sort = (f.extensions || []).filter(function (itm) {
return itm.name === 'sort';
if (sort.length === 1) {
sort[0].async_sort = true;
sort[0].trigger_ids = sortTriggers;
//Cols generation for all browsers excepted IE<=7
this.tblHasColTag = _dom2['default'].tag(tbl, 'col').length > 0 ? true : false;
//Col elements are enough to keep column widths after sorting and
var createColTags = function createColTags() {
for (var k = tf.nbCells - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
var col = _dom2['default'].create('col', ['id', tf.id + '_col_' + k]);
tbl.insertBefore(col, tbl.firstChild);
col.style.width = tf.colWidths[k];
this.gridColElms[k] = col;
this.tblHasColTag = true;
if (!this.tblHasColTag) {
} else {
var cols = _dom2['default'].tag(tbl, 'col');
for (var ii = 0; ii < tf.nbCells; ii++) {
cols[ii].setAttribute('id', tf.id + '_col_' + ii);
cols[ii].style.width = tf.colWidths[ii];
var afterColResizedFn = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_col_resized) ? f.on_after_col_resized : null;
f.on_after_col_resized = function (o, colIndex) {
if (!colIndex) {
var w = o.crWColsRow.cells[colIndex].style.width;
var col = o.gridColElms[colIndex];
col.style.width = w;
var thCW = o.crWColsRow.cells[colIndex].clientWidth;
var tdCW = o.crWRowDataTbl.cells[colIndex].clientWidth;
if (thCW != tdCW) {
o.headTbl.style.width = tbl.clientWidth + 'px';
if (afterColResizedFn) {
afterColResizedFn.call(null, o, colIndex);
if (tf.popUpFilters) {
filtersRow.style.display = 'none';
if (tbl.clientWidth !== this.headTbl.clientWidth) {
tbl.style.width = this.headTbl.clientWidth + 'px';
* Removes the grid layout
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
var tf = this.tf;
var tbl = tf.tbl;
if (!tf.gridLayout) {
var t = tbl.parentNode.removeChild(tbl);
this.tblMainCont.parentNode.insertBefore(t, this.tblMainCont);
this.tblMainCont = null;
this.headTblCont = null;
this.headTbl = null;
this.tblCont = null;
tbl.outerHTML = tf.sourceTblHtml;
//needed to keep reference of table element
tbl = _dom2['default'].id(tf.id);
return GridLayout;
exports.GridLayout = GridLayout;
/***/ },
/* 11 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _types = __webpack_require__(5);
var _types2 = _interopRequireDefault(_types);
var global = window;
var Loader = (function () {
* Loading message/spinner
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function Loader(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, Loader);
// TableFilter configuration
var f = tf.config();
//id of container element
this.loaderTgtId = f.loader_target_id || null;
//div containing loader
this.loaderDiv = null;
//defines loader text
this.loaderText = f.loader_text || 'Loading...';
//defines loader innerHtml
this.loaderHtml = f.loader_html || null;
//defines css class for loader div
this.loaderCssClass = f.loader_css_class || 'loader';
//delay for hiding loader
this.loaderCloseDelay = 200;
//callback function before loader is displayed
this.onShowLoader = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_show_loader) ? f.on_show_loader : null;
//callback function after loader is closed
this.onHideLoader = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_hide_loader) ? f.on_hide_loader : null;
//loader div
this.prfxLoader = 'load_';
this.tf = tf;
var containerDiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxLoader + tf.id]);
containerDiv.className = this.loaderCssClass;
var targetEl = !this.loaderTgtId ? tf.tbl.parentNode : _dom2['default'].id(this.loaderTgtId);
if (!this.loaderTgtId) {
targetEl.insertBefore(containerDiv, tf.tbl);
} else {
this.loaderDiv = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxLoader + tf.id);
if (!this.loaderHtml) {
} else {
this.loaderDiv.innerHTML = this.loaderHtml;
_createClass(Loader, [{
key: 'show',
value: function show(p) {
var _this = this;
if (!this.tf.loader || !this.loaderDiv || this.loaderDiv.style.display === p) {
var displayLoader = function displayLoader() {
if (!_this.loaderDiv) {
if (_this.onShowLoader && p !== 'none') {
_this.onShowLoader.call(null, _this);
_this.loaderDiv.style.display = p;
if (_this.onHideLoader && p === 'none') {
_this.onHideLoader.call(null, _this);
var t = p === 'none' ? this.loaderCloseDelay : 1;
global.setTimeout(displayLoader, t);
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
if (!this.loaderDiv) {
var tf = this.tf,
targetEl = !this.loaderTgtId ? tf.gridLayout ? tf.feature('gridLayout').tblCont : tf.tbl.parentNode : _dom2['default'].id(this.loaderTgtId);
this.loaderDiv = null;
return Loader;
exports.Loader = Loader;
/***/ },
/* 12 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _string = __webpack_require__(3);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
var HighlightKeyword = (function () {
* HighlightKeyword, highlight matched keyword
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function HighlightKeyword(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, HighlightKeyword);
var f = tf.config();
//defines css class for highlighting
this.highlightCssClass = f.highlight_css_class || 'keyword';
this.highlightedNodes = [];
this.tf = tf;
* highlight occurences of searched term in passed node
* @param {Node} node
* @param {String} word Searched term
* @param {String} cssClass Css class name
_createClass(HighlightKeyword, [{
key: 'highlight',
value: function highlight(node, word, cssClass) {
// Iterate into this nodes childNodes
if (node.hasChildNodes) {
var children = node.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
this.highlight(children[i], word, cssClass);
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
var tempNodeVal = _string2['default'].lower(node.nodeValue);
var tempWordVal = _string2['default'].lower(word);
if (tempNodeVal.indexOf(tempWordVal) != -1) {
var pn = node.parentNode;
if (pn && pn.className != cssClass) {
// word not highlighted yet
var nv = node.nodeValue,
ni = tempNodeVal.indexOf(tempWordVal),
// Create a load of replacement nodes
before = _dom2['default'].text(nv.substr(0, ni)),
docWordVal = nv.substr(ni, word.length),
after = _dom2['default'].text(nv.substr(ni + word.length)),
hiwordtext = _dom2['default'].text(docWordVal),
hiword = _dom2['default'].create('span');
hiword.className = cssClass;
pn.insertBefore(before, node);
pn.insertBefore(hiword, node);
pn.insertBefore(after, node);
* Removes highlight to nodes matching passed string
* @param {String} word
* @param {String} cssClass Css class to remove
}, {
key: 'unhighlight',
value: function unhighlight(word, cssClass) {
var arrRemove = [];
var highlightedNodes = this.highlightedNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < highlightedNodes.length; i++) {
var n = highlightedNodes[i];
if (!n) {
var tempNodeVal = _string2['default'].lower(n.nodeValue),
tempWordVal = _string2['default'].lower(word);
if (tempNodeVal.indexOf(tempWordVal) !== -1) {
var pn = n.parentNode;
if (pn && pn.className === cssClass) {
var prevSib = pn.previousSibling,
nextSib = pn.nextSibling;
if (!prevSib || !nextSib) {
nextSib.nodeValue = prevSib.nodeValue + n.nodeValue + nextSib.nodeValue;
prevSib.nodeValue = '';
n.nodeValue = '';
for (var k = 0; k < arrRemove.length; k++) {
highlightedNodes.splice(arrRemove[k], 1);
* Clear all occurrences of highlighted nodes
}, {
key: 'unhighlightAll',
value: function unhighlightAll() {
if (!this.tf.highlightKeywords || !this.tf.searchArgs) {
for (var y = 0; y < this.tf.searchArgs.length; y++) {
this.unhighlight(this.tf.searchArgs[y], this.highlightCssClass);
this.highlightedNodes = [];
return HighlightKeyword;
exports.HighlightKeyword = HighlightKeyword;
/***/ },
/* 13 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _types = __webpack_require__(5);
var _types2 = _interopRequireDefault(_types);
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _event = __webpack_require__(1);
var _event2 = _interopRequireDefault(_event);
var PopupFilter = (function () {
* Pop-up filter component
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function PopupFilter(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, PopupFilter);
// Configuration object
var f = tf.config();
// Enable external filters behaviour
tf.isExternalFlt = true;
tf.externalFltTgtIds = [];
//filter icon path
this.popUpImgFlt = f.popup_filters_image || tf.themesPath + 'icn_filter.gif';
//active filter icon path
this.popUpImgFltActive = f.popup_filters_image_active || tf.themesPath + 'icn_filterActive.gif';
this.popUpImgFltHtml = f.popup_filters_image_html || '<img src="' + this.popUpImgFlt + '" alt="Column filter" />';
//defines css class for popup div containing filter
this.popUpDivCssClass = f.popup_div_css_class || 'popUpFilter';
//callback function before popup filtes is opened
this.onBeforePopUpOpen = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_popup_filter_open) ? f.on_before_popup_filter_open : null;
//callback function after popup filtes is opened
this.onAfterPopUpOpen = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_popup_filter_open) ? f.on_after_popup_filter_open : null;
//callback function before popup filtes is closed
this.onBeforePopUpClose = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_popup_filter_close) ? f.on_before_popup_filter_close : null;
//callback function after popup filtes is closed
this.onAfterPopUpClose = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_popup_filter_close) ? f.on_after_popup_filter_close : null;
//stores filters spans
this.popUpFltSpans = [];
//stores filters icons
this.popUpFltImgs = [];
//stores filters containers
this.popUpFltElms = this.popUpFltElmCache || [];
this.popUpFltAdjustToContainer = true;
//id prefix for pop-up filter span
this.prfxPopUpSpan = 'popUpSpan_';
//id prefix for pop-up div containing filter
this.prfxPopUpDiv = 'popUpDiv_';
this.tf = tf;
_createClass(PopupFilter, [{
key: 'onClick',
value: function onClick(e) {
var evt = e || global.event,
elm = evt.target.parentNode,
colIndex = parseInt(elm.getAttribute('ci'), 10);
if (this.popUpFltAdjustToContainer) {
var popUpDiv = this.popUpFltElms[colIndex],
header = this.tf.getHeaderElement(colIndex),
headerWidth = header.clientWidth * 0.95;
popUpDiv.style.width = parseInt(headerWidth, 10) + 'px';
* Initialize DOM elements
}, {
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var _this = this;
var tf = this.tf;
for (var i = 0; i < tf.nbCells; i++) {
if (tf.getFilterType(i) === tf.fltTypeNone) {
var popUpSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxPopUpSpan + tf.id + '_' + i], ['ci', i]);
popUpSpan.innerHTML = this.popUpImgFltHtml;
var header = tf.getHeaderElement(i);
_event2['default'].add(popUpSpan, 'click', function (evt) {
this.popUpFltSpans[i] = popUpSpan;
this.popUpFltImgs[i] = popUpSpan.firstChild;
* Build all pop-up filters elements
}, {
key: 'buildAll',
value: function buildAll() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltElmCache.length; i++) {
this.build(i, this.popUpFltElmCache[i]);
* Build a specified pop-up filter elements
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Object} div Optional container DOM element
}, {
key: 'build',
value: function build(colIndex, div) {
var tf = this.tf;
var popUpDiv = !div ? _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxPopUpDiv + tf.id + '_' + colIndex]) : div;
popUpDiv.className = this.popUpDivCssClass;
var header = tf.getHeaderElement(colIndex);
header.insertBefore(popUpDiv, header.firstChild);
_event2['default'].add(popUpDiv, 'click', function (evt) {
this.popUpFltElms[colIndex] = popUpDiv;
* Toogle visibility of specified filter
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
}, {
key: 'toggle',
value: function toggle(colIndex) {
var tf = this.tf,
popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[colIndex];
if (popUpFltElm.style.display === 'none' || popUpFltElm.style.display === '') {
if (this.onBeforePopUpOpen) {
this.onBeforePopUpOpen.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex);
popUpFltElm.style.display = 'block';
if (tf.getFilterType(colIndex) === tf.fltTypeInp) {
var flt = tf.getFilterElement(colIndex);
if (flt) {
if (this.onAfterPopUpOpen) {
this.onAfterPopUpOpen.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex);
} else {
if (this.onBeforePopUpClose) {
this.onBeforePopUpClose.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex);
popUpFltElm.style.display = 'none';
if (this.onAfterPopUpClose) {
this.onAfterPopUpClose.call(null, this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex], colIndex);
* Close all filters excepted for the specified one if any
* @param {Number} exceptIdx Column index of the filter to not close
}, {
key: 'closeAll',
value: function closeAll(exceptIdx) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltElms.length; i++) {
if (i === exceptIdx) {
var popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[i];
if (popUpFltElm) {
popUpFltElm.style.display = 'none';
* Build all the icons representing the pop-up filters
}, {
key: 'buildIcons',
value: function buildIcons() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltImgs.length; i++) {
this.buildIcon(i, false);
* Build specified icon
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Boolean} active Apply active state
}, {
key: 'buildIcon',
value: function buildIcon(colIndex, active) {
if (this.popUpFltImgs[colIndex]) {
this.popUpFltImgs[colIndex].src = active ? this.popUpImgFltActive : this.popUpImgFlt;
* Remove pop-up filters
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
this.popUpFltElmCache = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.popUpFltElms.length; i++) {
var popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[i],
popUpFltSpan = this.popUpFltSpans[i],
popUpFltImg = this.popUpFltImgs[i];
if (popUpFltElm) {
this.popUpFltElmCache[i] = popUpFltElm;
popUpFltElm = null;
if (popUpFltSpan) {
popUpFltSpan = null;
if (popUpFltImg) {
popUpFltImg = null;
this.popUpFltElms = [];
this.popUpFltSpans = [];
this.popUpFltImgs = [];
return PopupFilter;
exports.PopupFilter = PopupFilter;
/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, (function() { return this; }())))
/***/ },
/* 14 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _array = __webpack_require__(6);
var _array2 = _interopRequireDefault(_array);
var _string = __webpack_require__(3);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
var _sort = __webpack_require__(15);
var _sort2 = _interopRequireDefault(_sort);
var Dropdown = (function () {
* Dropdown UI component
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function Dropdown(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, Dropdown);
// Configuration object
var f = tf.config();
this.enableSlcResetFilter = f.enable_slc_reset_filter === false ? false : true;
//defines empty option text
this.nonEmptyText = f.non_empty_text || '(Non empty)';
//sets select filling method: 'innerHTML' or 'createElement'
this.slcFillingMethod = f.slc_filling_method || 'createElement';
//IE only, tooltip text appearing on select before it is populated
this.activateSlcTooltip = f.activate_slc_tooltip || 'Click to activate';
//tooltip text appearing on multiple select
this.multipleSlcTooltip = f.multiple_slc_tooltip || 'Use Ctrl key for multiple selections';
this.isCustom = null;
this.opts = null;
this.optsTxt = null;
this.slcInnerHtml = null;
this.tf = tf;
* Build drop-down filter UI asynchronously
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Boolean} isLinked Enable linked refresh behaviour
* @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container
* @param {String} extSlcId External container id
_createClass(Dropdown, [{
key: 'build',
value: function build(colIndex, isLinked, isExternal, extSlcId) {
var tf = this.tf;
tf.EvtManager(tf.Evt.name.dropdown, {
slcIndex: colIndex,
slcRefreshed: isLinked,
slcExternal: isExternal,
slcId: extSlcId
* Build drop-down filter UI
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Boolean} isLinked Enable linked refresh behaviour
* @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container
* @param {String} extSlcId External container id
}, {
key: '_build',
value: function _build(colIndex) {
var isLinked = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1];
var isExternal = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2];
var extSlcId = arguments.length <= 3 || arguments[3] === undefined ? null : arguments[3];
var tf = this.tf;
colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10);
this.opts = [];
this.optsTxt = [];
this.slcInnerHtml = '';
var slcId = tf.fltIds[colIndex];
if (!_dom2['default'].id(slcId) && !isExternal || !_dom2['default'].id(extSlcId) && isExternal) {
var slc = !isExternal ? _dom2['default'].id(slcId) : _dom2['default'].id(extSlcId),
rows = tf.tbl.rows,
matchCase = tf.matchCase;
//custom select test
this.isCustom = tf.isCustomOptions(colIndex);
//custom selects text
var activeFlt;
if (isLinked && tf.activeFilterId) {
activeFlt = tf.activeFilterId.split('_')[0];
activeFlt = activeFlt.split(tf.prfxFlt)[1];
/*** remember grid values ***/
var fltsValues = [],
fltArr = [];
if (tf.rememberGridValues) {
fltsValues = tf.feature('store').getFilterValues(tf.fltsValuesCookie);
if (fltsValues && !_string2['default'].isEmpty(fltsValues.toString())) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} else {
fltArr = fltsValues[colIndex].split(' ' + tf.orOperator + ' ');
var excludedOpts = null,
filteredDataCol = null;
if (isLinked && tf.disableExcludedOptions) {
excludedOpts = [];
filteredDataCol = [];
for (var k = tf.refRow; k < tf.nbRows; k++) {
// always visible rows don't need to appear on selects as always
// valid
if (tf.hasVisibleRows && tf.visibleRows.indexOf(k) !== -1) {
var cell = rows[k].cells,
nchilds = cell.length;
// checks if row has exact cell #
if (nchilds !== tf.nbCells || this.isCustom) {
// this loop retrieves cell data
for (var j = 0; j < nchilds; j++) {
// WTF: cyclomatic complexity hell
if (colIndex === j && (!isLinked || isLinked && tf.disableExcludedOptions) || colIndex == j && isLinked && (rows[k].style.display === '' && !tf.paging || tf.paging && (!tf.validRowsIndex || tf.validRowsIndex && _array2['default'].has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)) && (activeFlt === undefined || activeFlt == colIndex || activeFlt != colIndex && _array2['default'].has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)))) {
var cell_data = tf.getCellData(j, cell[j]),
//Vary Peter's patch
cell_string = _string2['default'].matchCase(cell_data, matchCase);
// checks if celldata is already in array
if (!_array2['default'].has(this.opts, cell_string, matchCase)) {
if (isLinked && tf.disableExcludedOptions) {
var filteredCol = filteredDataCol[j];
if (!filteredCol) {
filteredCol = tf.getFilteredDataCol(j);
if (!_array2['default'].has(filteredCol, cell_string, matchCase) && !_array2['default'].has(excludedOpts, cell_string, matchCase) && !this.isFirstLoad) {
} //if colIndex==j
} //for j
} //for k
//Retrieves custom values
if (this.isCustom) {
var customValues = tf.getCustomOptions(colIndex);
this.opts = customValues[0];
this.optsTxt = customValues[1];
if (tf.sortSlc && !this.isCustom) {
if (!matchCase) {
if (excludedOpts) {
} else {
if (excludedOpts) {
//asc sort
if (tf.sortNumAsc && _array2['default'].has(tf.sortNumAsc, colIndex)) {
try {
if (excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} catch (e) {
if (excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} //in case there are alphanumeric values
//desc sort
if (tf.sortNumDesc && _array2['default'].has(tf.sortNumDesc, colIndex)) {
try {
if (excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} catch (e) {
if (excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} //in case there are alphanumeric values
//populates drop-down
this.addOptions(colIndex, slc, isLinked, excludedOpts, fltsValues, fltArr);
* Add drop-down options
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Object} slc Select Dom element
* @param {Boolean} isLinked Enable linked refresh behaviour
* @param {Array} excludedOpts Array of excluded options
* @param {Array} fltsValues Collection of persisted filter values
* @param {Array} fltArr Collection of persisted filter values
}, {
key: 'addOptions',
value: function addOptions(colIndex, slc, isLinked, excludedOpts, fltsValues, fltArr) {
var tf = this.tf,
fillMethod = _string2['default'].lower(this.slcFillingMethod),
slcValue = slc.value;
slc.innerHTML = '';
slc = this.addFirstOption(slc);
for (var y = 0; y < this.opts.length; y++) {
if (this.opts[y] === '') {
var val = this.opts[y]; //option value
var lbl = this.isCustom ? this.optsTxt[y] : val; //option text
var isDisabled = false;
if (isLinked && tf.disableExcludedOptions && _array2['default'].has(excludedOpts, _string2['default'].matchCase(val, tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase)) {
isDisabled = true;
if (fillMethod === 'innerhtml') {
var slcAttr = '';
if (tf.loadFltOnDemand && slcValue === this.opts[y]) {
slcAttr = 'selected="selected"';
this.slcInnerHtml += '<option value="' + val + '" ' + slcAttr + (isDisabled ? 'disabled="disabled"' : '') + '>' + lbl + '</option>';
} else {
var opt;
//fill select on demand
if (tf.loadFltOnDemand && slcValue === this.opts[y] && tf.getFilterType(colIndex) === tf.fltTypeSlc) {
opt = _dom2['default'].createOpt(lbl, val, true);
} else {
if (tf.getFilterType(colIndex) !== tf.fltTypeMulti) {
opt = _dom2['default'].createOpt(lbl, val, fltsValues[colIndex] !== ' ' && val === fltsValues[colIndex] ? true : false);
} else {
opt = _dom2['default'].createOpt(lbl, val, _array2['default'].has(fltArr, _string2['default'].matchCase(this.opts[y], tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase) || fltArr.toString().indexOf(val) !== -1 ? true : false);
if (isDisabled) {
opt.disabled = true;
} // for y
if (fillMethod === 'innerhtml') {
slc.innerHTML += this.slcInnerHtml;
slc.setAttribute('filled', '1');
* Add drop-down header option
* @param {Object} slc Select DOM element
}, {
key: 'addFirstOption',
value: function addFirstOption(slc) {
var tf = this.tf,
fillMethod = _string2['default'].lower(this.slcFillingMethod);
if (fillMethod === 'innerhtml') {
this.slcInnerHtml += '<option value="">' + tf.displayAllText + '</option>';
} else {
var opt0 = _dom2['default'].createOpt(!this.enableSlcResetFilter ? '' : tf.displayAllText, '');
if (!this.enableSlcResetFilter) {
opt0.style.display = 'none';
if (tf.enableEmptyOption) {
var opt1 = _dom2['default'].createOpt(tf.emptyText, tf.emOperator);
if (tf.enableNonEmptyOption) {
var opt2 = _dom2['default'].createOpt(tf.nonEmptyText, tf.nmOperator);
return slc;
return Dropdown;
exports.Dropdown = Dropdown;
/***/ },
/* 15 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var _string = __webpack_require__(3);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
exports['default'] = {
ignoreCase: function ignoreCase(a, b) {
var x = _string2['default'].lower(a);
var y = _string2['default'].lower(b);
return x < y ? -1 : x > y ? 1 : 0;
module.exports = exports['default'];
/***/ },
/* 16 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _array = __webpack_require__(6);
var _array2 = _interopRequireDefault(_array);
var _string = __webpack_require__(3);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
var _sort = __webpack_require__(15);
var _sort2 = _interopRequireDefault(_sort);
var _event = __webpack_require__(1);
var _event2 = _interopRequireDefault(_event);
var CheckList = (function () {
* Checklist UI component
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function CheckList(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, CheckList);
// Configuration object
var f = tf.config();
this.checkListDiv = []; //checklist container div
//defines css class for div containing checklist filter
this.checkListDivCssClass = f.div_checklist_css_class || 'div_checklist';
//defines css class for checklist filters
this.checkListCssClass = f.checklist_css_class || 'flt_checklist';
//defines css class for checklist item (li)
this.checkListItemCssClass = f.checklist_item_css_class || 'flt_checklist_item';
//defines css class for selected checklist item (li)
this.checkListSlcItemCssClass = f.checklist_selected_item_css_class || 'flt_checklist_slc_item';
//Load on demand text
this.activateCheckListTxt = f.activate_checklist_text || 'Click to load filter data';
//defines css class for checklist filters
this.checkListItemDisabledCssClass = f.checklist_item_disabled_css_class || 'flt_checklist_item_disabled';
this.enableCheckListResetFilter = f.enable_checklist_reset_filter === false ? false : true;
//checklist filter container div
this.prfxCheckListDiv = 'chkdiv_';
this.isCustom = null;
this.opts = null;
this.optsTxt = null;
this.excludedOpts = null;
this.tf = tf;
// TODO: move event here
_createClass(CheckList, [{
key: 'onChange',
value: function onChange(evt) {
var elm = evt.target;
this.tf.activeFilterId = elm.getAttribute('id');
this.tf.activeFlt = _dom2['default'].id(this.tf.activeFilterId);
this.tf.Evt.onSlcChange.call(this.tf, evt);
}, {
key: 'optionClick',
value: function optionClick(evt) {
* Build checklist UI asynchronously
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container
* @param {String} extFltId External container id
}, {
key: 'build',
value: function build(colIndex, isExternal, extFltId) {
var tf = this.tf;
tf.EvtManager(tf.Evt.name.checklist, { slcIndex: colIndex, slcExternal: isExternal, slcId: extFltId });
* Build checklist UI
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container
* @param {String} extFltId External container id
}, {
key: '_build',
value: function _build(colIndex) {
var _this = this;
var isExternal = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1];
var extFltId = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? null : arguments[2];
var tf = this.tf;
colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10);
this.opts = [];
this.optsTxt = [];
var divFltId = this.prfxCheckListDiv + colIndex + '_' + tf.id;
if (!_dom2['default'].id(divFltId) && !isExternal || !_dom2['default'].id(extFltId) && isExternal) {
var flt = !isExternal ? this.checkListDiv[colIndex] : _dom2['default'].id(extFltId);
var ul = _dom2['default'].create('ul', ['id', tf.fltIds[colIndex]], ['colIndex', colIndex]);
ul.className = this.checkListCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(ul, 'change', function (evt) {
var rows = tf.tbl.rows;
this.isCustom = tf.isCustomOptions(colIndex);
var activeFlt;
if (tf.linkedFilters && tf.activeFilterId) {
activeFlt = tf.activeFilterId.split('_')[0];
activeFlt = activeFlt.split(tf.prfxFlt)[1];
var filteredDataCol = [];
if (tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) {
this.excludedOpts = [];
for (var k = tf.refRow; k < tf.nbRows; k++) {
// always visible rows don't need to appear on selects as always
// valid
if (tf.hasVisibleRows && tf.visibleRows.indexOf(k) !== -1) {
var cells = rows[k].cells;
var ncells = cells.length;
// checks if row has exact cell #
if (ncells !== tf.nbCells || this.isCustom) {
// this loop retrieves cell data
for (var j = 0; j < ncells; j++) {
// WTF: cyclomatic complexity hell :)
if (colIndex === j && (!tf.linkedFilters || tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) || colIndex === j && tf.linkedFilters && (rows[k].style.display === '' && !tf.paging || tf.paging && (!activeFlt || activeFlt === colIndex || activeFlt != colIndex && _array2['default'].has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)))) {
var cell_data = tf.getCellData(j, cells[j]);
//Vary Peter's patch
var cell_string = _string2['default'].matchCase(cell_data, tf.matchCase);
// checks if celldata is already in array
if (!_array2['default'].has(this.opts, cell_string, tf.matchCase)) {
var filteredCol = filteredDataCol[j];
if (tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions) {
if (!filteredCol) {
filteredCol = tf.getFilteredDataCol(j);
if (!_array2['default'].has(filteredCol, cell_string, tf.matchCase) && !_array2['default'].has(this.excludedOpts, cell_string, tf.matchCase) && !tf.isFirstLoad) {
//Retrieves custom values
if (this.isCustom) {
var customValues = tf.getCustomOptions(colIndex);
this.opts = customValues[0];
this.optsTxt = customValues[1];
if (tf.sortSlc && !this.isCustom) {
if (!tf.matchCase) {
if (this.excludedOpts) {
} else {
if (this.excludedOpts) {
//asc sort
if (tf.sortNumAsc && _array2['default'].has(tf.sortNumAsc, colIndex)) {
try {
if (this.excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} catch (e) {
if (this.excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} //in case there are alphanumeric values
//desc sort
if (tf.sortNumDesc && _array2['default'].has(tf.sortNumDesc, colIndex)) {
try {
if (this.excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} catch (e) {
if (this.excludedOpts) {
if (this.isCustom) {
} //in case there are alphanumeric values
this.addChecks(colIndex, ul, tf.separator);
if (tf.loadFltOnDemand) {
flt.innerHTML = '';
flt.setAttribute('filled', '1');
* Add checklist options
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Object} ul Ul element
}, {
key: 'addChecks',
value: function addChecks(colIndex, ul) {
var _this2 = this;
var tf = this.tf;
var chkCt = this.addTChecks(colIndex, ul);
var fltArr = []; //remember grid values
var store = tf.feature('store');
var tmpVal = store ? store.getFilterValues(tf.fltsValuesCookie)[colIndex] : null;
if (tmpVal && _string2['default'].trim(tmpVal).length > 0) {
if (tf.hasCustomSlcOptions && _array2['default'].has(tf.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex)) {
} else {
fltArr = tmpVal.split(' ' + tf.orOperator + ' ');
for (var y = 0; y < this.opts.length; y++) {
var val = this.opts[y]; //item value
var lbl = this.isCustom ? this.optsTxt[y] : val; //item text
var li = _dom2['default'].createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_' + (y + chkCt), val, lbl);
li.className = this.checkListItemCssClass;
if (tf.linkedFilters && tf.disableExcludedOptions && _array2['default'].has(this.excludedOpts, _string2['default'].matchCase(val, tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase)) {
_dom2['default'].addClass(li, this.checkListItemDisabledCssClass);
li.check.disabled = true;
li.disabled = true;
} else {
_event2['default'].add(li.check, 'click', function (evt) {
if (val === '') {
//item is hidden
li.style.display = 'none';
/*** remember grid values ***/
if (tf.rememberGridValues) {
if (tf.hasCustomSlcOptions && _array2['default'].has(tf.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex) && fltArr.toString().indexOf(val) != -1 || _array2['default'].has(fltArr, _string2['default'].matchCase(val, tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase)) {
li.check.checked = true;
* Add checklist header option
* @param {Number} colIndex Column index
* @param {Object} ul Ul element
}, {
key: 'addTChecks',
value: function addTChecks(colIndex, ul) {
var _this3 = this;
var tf = this.tf;
var chkCt = 1;
var li0 = _dom2['default'].createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_0', '', tf.displayAllText);
li0.className = this.checkListItemCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(li0.check, 'click', function (evt) {
if (!this.enableCheckListResetFilter) {
li0.style.display = 'none';
if (tf.enableEmptyOption) {
var li1 = _dom2['default'].createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_1', tf.emOperator, tf.emptyText);
li1.className = this.checkListItemCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(li1.check, 'click', function (evt) {
if (tf.enableNonEmptyOption) {
var li2 = _dom2['default'].createCheckItem(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_2', tf.nmOperator, tf.nonEmptyText);
li2.className = this.checkListItemCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(li2.check, 'click', function (evt) {
return chkCt;
* Store checked options in DOM element attribute
* @param {Object} o checklist option DOM element
}, {
key: 'setCheckListValues',
value: function setCheckListValues(o) {
if (!o) {
var tf = this.tf;
var chkValue = o.value; //checked item value
var chkIndex = parseInt(o.id.split('_')[2], 10);
var filterTag = 'ul',
itemTag = 'li';
var n = o;
//ul tag search
while (_string2['default'].lower(n.nodeName) !== filterTag) {
n = n.parentNode;
var li = n.childNodes[chkIndex];
var colIndex = n.getAttribute('colIndex');
var fltValue = n.getAttribute('value'); //filter value (ul tag)
var fltIndexes = n.getAttribute('indexes'); //selected items (ul tag)
if (o.checked) {
//show all item
if (chkValue === '') {
if (fltIndexes && fltIndexes !== '') {
//items indexes
var indSplit = fltIndexes.split(tf.separator);
//checked items loop
for (var u = 0; u < indSplit.length; u++) {
//checked item
var cChk = _dom2['default'].id(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_' + indSplit[u]);
if (cChk) {
cChk.checked = false;
_dom2['default'].removeClass(n.childNodes[indSplit[u]], this.checkListSlcItemCssClass);
n.setAttribute('value', '');
n.setAttribute('indexes', '');
} else {
fltValue = fltValue ? fltValue : '';
chkValue = _string2['default'].trim(fltValue + ' ' + chkValue + ' ' + tf.orOperator);
chkIndex = fltIndexes + chkIndex + tf.separator;
n.setAttribute('value', chkValue);
n.setAttribute('indexes', chkIndex);
//1st option unchecked
if (_dom2['default'].id(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_0')) {
_dom2['default'].id(tf.fltIds[colIndex] + '_0').checked = false;
if (_string2['default'].lower(li.nodeName) === itemTag) {
_dom2['default'].removeClass(n.childNodes[0], this.checkListSlcItemCssClass);
_dom2['default'].addClass(li, this.checkListSlcItemCssClass);
} else {
//removes values and indexes
if (chkValue !== '') {
var replaceValue = new RegExp(_string2['default'].rgxEsc(chkValue + ' ' + tf.orOperator));
fltValue = fltValue.replace(replaceValue, '');
n.setAttribute('value', _string2['default'].trim(fltValue));
var replaceIndex = new RegExp(_string2['default'].rgxEsc(chkIndex + tf.separator));
fltIndexes = fltIndexes.replace(replaceIndex, '');
n.setAttribute('indexes', fltIndexes);
if (_string2['default'].lower(li.nodeName) === itemTag) {
_dom2['default'].removeClass(li, this.checkListSlcItemCssClass);
return CheckList;
exports.CheckList = CheckList;
/***/ },
/* 17 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _types = __webpack_require__(5);
var _types2 = _interopRequireDefault(_types);
var RowsCounter = (function () {
* Rows counter
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function RowsCounter(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, RowsCounter);
// TableFilter configuration
var f = tf.config();
//id of custom container element
this.rowsCounterTgtId = f.rows_counter_target_id || null;
//element containing tot nb rows
this.rowsCounterDiv = null;
//element containing tot nb rows label
this.rowsCounterSpan = null;
//defines rows counter text
this.rowsCounterText = f.rows_counter_text || 'Rows: ';
this.fromToTextSeparator = f.from_to_text_separator || '-';
this.overText = f.over_text || ' / ';
//defines css class rows counter
this.totRowsCssClass = f.tot_rows_css_class || 'tot';
//rows counter div
this.prfxCounter = 'counter_';
//nb displayed rows label
this.prfxTotRows = 'totrows_span_';
//label preceding nb rows label
this.prfxTotRowsTxt = 'totRowsTextSpan_';
//callback raised before counter is refreshed
this.onBeforeRefreshCounter = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_refresh_counter) ? f.on_before_refresh_counter : null;
//callback raised after counter is refreshed
this.onAfterRefreshCounter = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_refresh_counter) ? f.on_after_refresh_counter : null;
this.tf = tf;
_createClass(RowsCounter, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad || this.rowsCounterSpan) {
//rows counter container
var countDiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxCounter + tf.id]);
countDiv.className = this.totRowsCssClass;
//rows counter label
var countSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxTotRows + tf.id]);
var countText = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxTotRowsTxt + tf.id]);
// counter is added to defined element
if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId) {
var targetEl = !this.rowsCounterTgtId ? tf.lDiv : _dom2['default'].id(this.rowsCounterTgtId);
//default container: 'lDiv'
if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId) {
} else {
//custom container, no need to append statusDiv
this.rowsCounterDiv = countDiv;
this.rowsCounterSpan = countSpan;
}, {
key: 'refresh',
value: function refresh(p) {
if (!this.rowsCounterSpan) {
var tf = this.tf;
if (this.onBeforeRefreshCounter) {
this.onBeforeRefreshCounter.call(null, tf, this.rowsCounterSpan);
var totTxt;
if (!tf.paging) {
if (p && p !== '') {
totTxt = p;
} else {
totTxt = tf.nbFilterableRows - tf.nbHiddenRows;
} else {
var paging = tf.feature('paging');
if (paging) {
//paging start row
var paging_start_row = parseInt(paging.startPagingRow, 10) + (tf.nbVisibleRows > 0 ? 1 : 0);
var paging_end_row = paging_start_row + paging.pagingLength - 1 <= tf.nbVisibleRows ? paging_start_row + paging.pagingLength - 1 : tf.nbVisibleRows;
totTxt = paging_start_row + this.fromToTextSeparator + paging_end_row + this.overText + tf.nbVisibleRows;
this.rowsCounterSpan.innerHTML = totTxt;
if (this.onAfterRefreshCounter) {
this.onAfterRefreshCounter.call(null, tf, this.rowsCounterSpan, totTxt);
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.rowsCounterSpan) {
if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId && this.rowsCounterDiv) {
} else {
_dom2['default'].id(this.rowsCounterTgtId).innerHTML = '';
this.rowsCounterSpan = null;
this.rowsCounterDiv = null;
return RowsCounter;
exports.RowsCounter = RowsCounter;
/***/ },
/* 18 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _types = __webpack_require__(5);
var _types2 = _interopRequireDefault(_types);
var global = window;
var StatusBar = (function () {
* Status bar UI component
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function StatusBar(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, StatusBar);
// Configuration object
var f = tf.config();
//id of custom container element
this.statusBarTgtId = f.status_bar_target_id || null;
//element containing status bar label
this.statusBarDiv = null;
//status bar
this.statusBarSpan = null;
//status bar label
this.statusBarSpanText = null;
//defines status bar text
this.statusBarText = f.status_bar_text || '';
//defines css class status bar
this.statusBarCssClass = f.status_bar_css_class || 'status';
//delay for status bar clearing
this.statusBarCloseDelay = 250;
//calls function before message is displayed
this.onBeforeShowMsg = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_show_msg) ? f.on_before_show_msg : null;
//calls function after message is displayed
this.onAfterShowMsg = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_show_msg) ? f.on_after_show_msg : null;
// status bar div
this.prfxStatus = 'status_';
// status bar label
this.prfxStatusSpan = 'statusSpan_';
// text preceding status bar label
this.prfxStatusTxt = 'statusText_';
this.tf = tf;
_createClass(StatusBar, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad) {
//status bar container
var statusDiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxStatus + tf.id]);
statusDiv.className = this.statusBarCssClass;
//status bar label
var statusSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxStatusSpan + tf.id]);
//preceding text
var statusSpanText = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxStatusTxt + tf.id]);
// target element container
if (!this.statusBarTgtId) {
var targetEl = !this.statusBarTgtId ? tf.lDiv : _dom2['default'].id(this.statusBarTgtId);
//default container: 'lDiv'
if (!this.statusBarTgtId) {
} else {
// custom container, no need to append statusDiv
this.statusBarDiv = statusDiv;
this.statusBarSpan = statusSpan;
this.statusBarSpanText = statusSpanText;
}, {
key: 'message',
value: function message() {
var _this = this;
var t = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? '' : arguments[0];
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.statusBar || !this.statusBarSpan) {
if (this.onBeforeShowMsg) {
this.onBeforeShowMsg.call(null, this.tf, t);
var d = t === '' ? this.statusBarCloseDelay : 1;
global.setTimeout(function () {
_this.statusBarSpan.innerHTML = t;
if (_this.onAfterShowMsg) {
_this.onAfterShowMsg.call(null, _this.tf, t);
}, d);
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.statusBarDiv) {
this.statusBarDiv.innerHTML = '';
this.statusBarSpan = null;
this.statusBarSpanText = null;
this.statusBarDiv = null;
return StatusBar;
exports.StatusBar = StatusBar;
/***/ },
/* 19 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _types = __webpack_require__(5);
var _types2 = _interopRequireDefault(_types);
var _string = __webpack_require__(3);
var _string2 = _interopRequireDefault(_string);
var _event = __webpack_require__(1);
var _event2 = _interopRequireDefault(_event);
var Paging = (function () {
* Pagination component
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function Paging(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, Paging);
// Configuration object
var f = tf.config();
//css class for paging buttons (previous,next,etc.)
this.btnPageCssClass = f.paging_btn_css_class || 'pgInp';
//stores paging select element
this.pagingSlc = null;
//results per page select element
this.resultsPerPageSlc = null;
//id of container element
this.pagingTgtId = f.paging_target_id || null;
//defines table paging length
this.pagingLength = !isNaN(f.paging_length) ? f.paging_length : 10;
//id of container element
this.resultsPerPageTgtId = f.results_per_page_target_id || null;
//css class for paging select element
this.pgSlcCssClass = f.paging_slc_css_class || 'pgSlc';
//css class for paging input element
this.pgInpCssClass = f.paging_inp_css_class || 'pgNbInp';
//stores results per page text and values
this.resultsPerPage = f.results_per_page || null;
//enables/disables results per page drop-down
this.hasResultsPerPage = _types2['default'].isArray(this.resultsPerPage);
//defines css class for results per page select
this.resultsSlcCssClass = f.results_slc_css_class || 'rspg';
//css class for label preceding results per page select
this.resultsSpanCssClass = f.results_span_css_class || 'rspgSpan';
//1st row index of current page
this.startPagingRow = 0;
//total nb of pages
this.nbPages = 0;
//current page nb
this.currentPageNb = 1;
//defines next page button text
this.btnNextPageText = f.btn_next_page_text || '>';
//defines previous page button text
this.btnPrevPageText = f.btn_prev_page_text || '<';
//defines last page button text
this.btnLastPageText = f.btn_last_page_text || '>|';
//defines first page button text
this.btnFirstPageText = f.btn_first_page_text || '|<';
//defines next page button html
this.btnNextPageHtml = f.btn_next_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' nextPage" title="Next page" />');
//defines previous page button html
this.btnPrevPageHtml = f.btn_prev_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' previousPage" title="Previous page" />');
//defines last page button html
this.btnFirstPageHtml = f.btn_first_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' firstPage" title="First page" />');
//defines previous page button html
this.btnLastPageHtml = f.btn_last_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : '<input type="button" value="" class="' + this.btnPageCssClass + ' lastPage" title="Last page" />');
//defines text preceeding page selector drop-down
this.pageText = f.page_text || ' Page ';
//defines text after page selector drop-down
this.ofText = f.of_text || ' of ';
//css class for span containing tot nb of pages
this.nbPgSpanCssClass = f.nb_pages_css_class || 'nbpg';
//enables/disables paging buttons
this.hasPagingBtns = f.paging_btns === false ? false : true;
//defines previous page button html
this.pageSelectorType = f.page_selector_type || tf.fltTypeSlc;
//calls function before page is changed
this.onBeforeChangePage = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_before_change_page) ? f.on_before_change_page : null;
//calls function before page is changed
this.onAfterChangePage = _types2['default'].isFn(f.on_after_change_page) ? f.on_after_change_page : null;
//pages select
this.prfxSlcPages = 'slcPages_';
//results per page select
this.prfxSlcResults = 'slcResults_';
//label preciding results per page select
this.prfxSlcResultsTxt = 'slcResultsTxt_';
//span containing next page button
this.prfxBtnNextSpan = 'btnNextSpan_';
//span containing previous page button
this.prfxBtnPrevSpan = 'btnPrevSpan_';
//span containing last page button
this.prfxBtnLastSpan = 'btnLastSpan_';
//span containing first page button
this.prfxBtnFirstSpan = 'btnFirstSpan_';
//next button
this.prfxBtnNext = 'btnNext_';
//previous button
this.prfxBtnPrev = 'btnPrev_';
//last button
this.prfxBtnLast = 'btnLast_';
//first button
this.prfxBtnFirst = 'btnFirst_';
//span for tot nb pages
this.prfxPgSpan = 'pgspan_';
//span preceding pages select (contains 'Page')
this.prfxPgBeforeSpan = 'pgbeforespan_';
//span following pages select (contains ' of ')
this.prfxPgAfterSpan = 'pgafterspan_';
var start_row = this.refRow;
var nrows = this.nbRows;
//calculates page nb
this.nbPages = Math.ceil((nrows - start_row) / this.pagingLength);
//Paging elements events
var o = this;
// Paging DOM events
this.evt = {
slcIndex: function slcIndex() {
return o.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? o.pagingSlc.options.selectedIndex : parseInt(o.pagingSlc.value, 10) - 1;
nbOpts: function nbOpts() {
return o.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? parseInt(o.pagingSlc.options.length, 10) - 1 : o.nbPages - 1;
next: function next() {
var nextIndex = o.evt.slcIndex() < o.evt.nbOpts() ? o.evt.slcIndex() + 1 : 0;
prev: function prev() {
var prevIndex = o.evt.slcIndex() > 0 ? o.evt.slcIndex() - 1 : o.evt.nbOpts();
last: function last() {
first: function first() {
_detectKey: function _detectKey(e) {
var key = _event2['default'].keyCode(e);
if (key === 13) {
if (tf.sorted) {
} else {
slcPagesChange: null,
nextEvt: null,
prevEvt: null,
lastEvt: null,
firstEvt: null
this.tf = tf;
* Initialize DOM elements
_createClass(Paging, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var _this = this;
var slcPages;
var tf = this.tf;
var evt = this.evt;
// Check resultsPerPage is in expected format and initialise the
// results per page component
if (this.hasResultsPerPage) {
if (this.resultsPerPage.length < 2) {
this.hasResultsPerPage = false;
} else {
this.pagingLength = this.resultsPerPage[1][0];
evt.slcPagesChange = function (event) {
var slc = event.target;
// Paging drop-down list selector
if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) {
slcPages = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltTypeSlc, ['id', this.prfxSlcPages + tf.id]);
slcPages.className = this.pgSlcCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(slcPages, 'change', evt.slcPagesChange);
// Paging input selector
if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeInp) {
slcPages = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxSlcPages + tf.id], ['value', this.currentPageNb]);
slcPages.className = this.pgInpCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(slcPages, 'keypress', evt._detectKey);
// btns containers
var btnNextSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnNextSpan + tf.id]);
var btnPrevSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnPrevSpan + tf.id]);
var btnLastSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnLastSpan + tf.id]);
var btnFirstSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnFirstSpan + tf.id]);
if (this.hasPagingBtns) {
// Next button
if (!this.btnNextPageHtml) {
var btn_next = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnNext + tf.id], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnNextPageText], ['title', 'Next']);
btn_next.className = this.btnPageCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(btn_next, 'click', evt.next);
} else {
btnNextSpan.innerHTML = this.btnNextPageHtml;
_event2['default'].add(btnNextSpan, 'click', evt.next);
// Previous button
if (!this.btnPrevPageHtml) {
var btn_prev = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnPrev + tf.id], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnPrevPageText], ['title', 'Previous']);
btn_prev.className = this.btnPageCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(btn_prev, 'click', evt.prev);
} else {
btnPrevSpan.innerHTML = this.btnPrevPageHtml;
_event2['default'].add(btnPrevSpan, 'click', evt.prev);
// Last button
if (!this.btnLastPageHtml) {
var btn_last = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnLast + tf.id], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnLastPageText], ['title', 'Last']);
btn_last.className = this.btnPageCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(btn_last, 'click', evt.last);
} else {
btnLastSpan.innerHTML = this.btnLastPageHtml;
_event2['default'].add(btnLastSpan, 'click', evt.last);
// First button
if (!this.btnFirstPageHtml) {
var btn_first = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnFirst + tf.id], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnFirstPageText], ['title', 'First']);
btn_first.className = this.btnPageCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(btn_first, 'click', evt.first);
} else {
btnFirstSpan.innerHTML = this.btnFirstPageHtml;
_event2['default'].add(btnFirstSpan, 'click', evt.first);
// paging elements (buttons+drop-down list) are added to defined element
if (!this.pagingTgtId) {
var targetEl = !this.pagingTgtId ? tf.mDiv : _dom2['default'].id(this.pagingTgtId);
var pgBeforeSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxPgBeforeSpan + tf.id]);
pgBeforeSpan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass;
var pgAfterSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxPgAfterSpan + tf.id]);
pgAfterSpan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass;
var pgspan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxPgSpan + tf.id]);
pgspan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass;
pgspan.appendChild(_dom2['default'].text(' ' + this.nbPages + ' '));
this.pagingSlc = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxSlcPages + tf.id);
if (!tf.rememberGridValues || this.isPagingRemoved) {
if (!tf.fltGrid) {
this.isPagingRemoved = false;
* Reset paging when filters are already instantiated
* @param {Boolean} filterTable Execute filtering once paging instanciated
}, {
key: 'reset',
value: function reset() {
var filterTable = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? false : arguments[0];
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() || tf.paging) {
tf.paging = true;
this.isPagingRemoved = true;
if (filterTable) {
* Calculate number of pages based on valid rows
* Refresh paging select according to number of pages
* @param {Array} validRows Collection of valid rows
}, {
key: 'setPagingInfo',
value: function setPagingInfo() {
var validRows = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? [] : arguments[0];
var tf = this.tf;
var rows = tf.tbl.rows;
var mdiv = !this.pagingTgtId ? tf.mDiv : _dom2['default'].id(this.pagingTgtId);
var pgspan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxPgSpan + tf.id);
//store valid rows indexes
tf.validRowsIndex = validRows;
if (validRows.length === 0) {
//counts rows to be grouped
for (var j = tf.refRow; j < tf.nbRows; j++) {
var row = rows[j];
if (!row) {
var isRowValid = row.getAttribute('validRow');
if (_types2['default'].isNull(isRowValid) || Boolean(isRowValid === 'true')) {
//calculate nb of pages
this.nbPages = Math.ceil(tf.validRowsIndex.length / this.pagingLength);
//refresh page nb span
pgspan.innerHTML = this.nbPages;
//select clearing shortcut
if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) {
this.pagingSlc.innerHTML = '';
if (this.nbPages > 0) {
mdiv.style.visibility = 'visible';
if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) {
for (var z = 0; z < this.nbPages; z++) {
var opt = _dom2['default'].createOpt(z + 1, z * this.pagingLength, false);
this.pagingSlc.options[z] = opt;
} else {
//input type
this.pagingSlc.value = this.currentPageNb;
} else {
/*** if no results paging select and buttons are hidden ***/
mdiv.style.visibility = 'hidden';
* Group table rows by page and display valid rows
* @param {Array} validRows Collection of valid rows
}, {
key: 'groupByPage',
value: function groupByPage(validRows) {
var tf = this.tf;
var alternateRows = tf.feature('alternateRows');
var rows = tf.tbl.rows;
var endPagingRow = parseInt(this.startPagingRow, 10) + parseInt(this.pagingLength, 10);
//store valid rows indexes
if (validRows) {
tf.validRowsIndex = validRows;
//this loop shows valid rows of current page
for (var h = 0, len = tf.validRowsIndex.length; h < len; h++) {
var validRowIdx = tf.validRowsIndex[h];
var r = rows[validRowIdx];
var isRowValid = r.getAttribute('validRow');
if (h >= this.startPagingRow && h < endPagingRow) {
if (_types2['default'].isNull(isRowValid) || Boolean(isRowValid === 'true')) {
r.style.display = '';
if (tf.alternateBgs && alternateRows) {
alternateRows.setRowBg(validRowIdx, h);
} else {
r.style.display = 'none';
if (tf.alternateBgs && alternateRows) {
tf.nbVisibleRows = tf.validRowsIndex.length;
//re-applies filter behaviours after filtering process
* Return the current page number
* @return {Number} Page number
}, {
key: 'getPage',
value: function getPage() {
return this.currentPageNb;
* Show page based on passed param value (string or number):
* @param {String} or {Number} cmd possible string values: 'next',
* 'previous', 'last', 'first' or page number as per param
}, {
key: 'setPage',
value: function setPage(cmd) {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() || !tf.paging) {
var btnEvt = this.evt,
cmdtype = typeof cmd;
if (cmdtype === 'string') {
switch (_string2['default'].lower(cmd)) {
case 'next':
case 'previous':
case 'last':
case 'first':
} else if (cmdtype === 'number') {
this.changePage(cmd - 1);
* Generates UI elements for the number of results per page drop-down
}, {
key: 'setResultsPerPage',
value: function setResultsPerPage() {
var _this2 = this;
var tf = this.tf;
var evt = this.evt;
if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad) {
if (this.resultsPerPageSlc || !this.resultsPerPage) {
evt.slcResultsChange = function (ev) {
var slcR = _dom2['default'].create(tf.fltTypeSlc, ['id', this.prfxSlcResults + tf.id]);
slcR.className = this.resultsSlcCssClass;
var slcRText = this.resultsPerPage[0],
slcROpts = this.resultsPerPage[1];
var slcRSpan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxSlcResultsTxt + tf.id]);
slcRSpan.className = this.resultsSpanCssClass;
// results per page select is added to external element
if (!this.resultsPerPageTgtId) {
var targetEl = !this.resultsPerPageTgtId ? tf.rDiv : _dom2['default'].id(this.resultsPerPageTgtId);
var help = tf.feature('help');
if (help && help.cont) {
help.cont.parentNode.insertBefore(slcRSpan, help.cont);
help.cont.parentNode.insertBefore(slcR, help.cont);
} else {
for (var r = 0; r < slcROpts.length; r++) {
var currOpt = new Option(slcROpts[r], slcROpts[r], false, false);
slcR.options[r] = currOpt;
_event2['default'].add(slcR, 'change', evt.slcResultsChange);
this.resultsPerPageSlc = slcR;
* Remove number of results per page UI elements
}, {
key: 'removeResultsPerPage',
value: function removeResultsPerPage() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.resultsPerPageSlc || !this.resultsPerPage) {
var slcR = this.resultsPerPageSlc,
slcRSpan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxSlcResultsTxt + tf.id);
if (slcR) {
if (slcRSpan) {
this.resultsPerPageSlc = null;
* Change the page asynchronously according to passed index
* @param {Number} index Index of the page (0-n)
}, {
key: 'changePage',
value: function changePage(index) {
var tf = this.tf;
var evt = tf.Evt;
tf.EvtManager(evt.name.changepage, { pgIndex: index });
* Change rows asynchronously according to page results
}, {
key: 'changeResultsPerPage',
value: function changeResultsPerPage() {
var tf = this.tf;
var evt = tf.Evt;
* Re-set asynchronously page nb at page re-load
}, {
key: 'resetPage',
value: function resetPage() {
var tf = this.tf;
var evt = tf.Evt;
* Re-set asynchronously page length at page re-load
}, {
key: 'resetPageLength',
value: function resetPageLength() {
var tf = this.tf;
var evt = tf.Evt;
* Change the page according to passed index
* @param {Number} index Index of the page (0-n)
}, {
key: '_changePage',
value: function _changePage(index) {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.paging) {
if (index === null) {
index = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.options.selectedIndex : this.pagingSlc.value - 1;
if (index >= 0 && index <= this.nbPages - 1) {
if (this.onBeforeChangePage) {
this.onBeforeChangePage.call(null, this, index);
this.currentPageNb = parseInt(index, 10) + 1;
if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) {
this.pagingSlc.options[index].selected = true;
} else {
this.pagingSlc.value = this.currentPageNb;
if (tf.rememberPageNb) {
this.startPagingRow = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.value : index * this.pagingLength;
if (this.onAfterChangePage) {
this.onAfterChangePage.call(null, this, index);
* Change rows according to page results drop-down
* TODO: accept a parameter setting the results per page length
}, {
key: '_changeResultsPerPage',
value: function _changeResultsPerPage() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.paging) {
var slcR = this.resultsPerPageSlc;
var slcPagesSelIndex = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.selectedIndex : parseInt(this.pagingSlc.value - 1, 10);
this.pagingLength = parseInt(slcR.options[slcR.selectedIndex].value, 10);
this.startPagingRow = this.pagingLength * slcPagesSelIndex;
if (!isNaN(this.pagingLength)) {
if (this.startPagingRow >= tf.nbFilterableRows) {
this.startPagingRow = tf.nbFilterableRows - this.pagingLength;
if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) {
var slcIndex = this.pagingSlc.options.length - 1 <= slcPagesSelIndex ? this.pagingSlc.options.length - 1 : slcPagesSelIndex;
this.pagingSlc.options[slcIndex].selected = true;
if (tf.rememberPageLen) {
* Re-set page nb at page re-load
}, {
key: '_resetPage',
value: function _resetPage(name) {
var tf = this.tf;
var pgnb = tf.feature('store').getPageNb(name);
if (pgnb !== '') {
this.changePage(pgnb - 1);
* Re-set page length value at page re-load
}, {
key: '_resetPageLength',
value: function _resetPageLength(name) {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.paging) {
var pglenIndex = tf.feature('store').getPageLength(name);
if (pglenIndex !== '') {
this.resultsPerPageSlc.options[pglenIndex].selected = true;
* Remove paging feature
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid()) {
// btns containers
var btnNextSpan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxBtnNextSpan + tf.id);
var btnPrevSpan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxBtnPrevSpan + tf.id);
var btnLastSpan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxBtnLastSpan + tf.id);
var btnFirstSpan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxBtnFirstSpan + tf.id);
//span containing 'Page' text
var pgBeforeSpan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxPgBeforeSpan + tf.id);
//span containing 'of' text
var pgAfterSpan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxPgAfterSpan + tf.id);
//span containing nb of pages
var pgspan = _dom2['default'].id(this.prfxPgSpan + tf.id);
var evt = this.evt;
if (this.pagingSlc) {
if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) {
_event2['default'].remove(this.pagingSlc, 'change', evt.slcPagesChange);
} else if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeInp) {
_event2['default'].remove(this.pagingSlc, 'keypress', evt._detectKey);
if (btnNextSpan) {
_event2['default'].remove(btnNextSpan, 'click', evt.next);
if (btnPrevSpan) {
_event2['default'].remove(btnPrevSpan, 'click', evt.prev);
if (btnLastSpan) {
_event2['default'].remove(btnLastSpan, 'click', evt.last);
if (btnFirstSpan) {
_event2['default'].remove(btnFirstSpan, 'click', evt.first);
if (pgBeforeSpan) {
if (pgAfterSpan) {
if (pgspan) {
if (this.hasResultsPerPage) {
this.pagingSlc = null;
this.nbPages = 0;
this.isPagingRemoved = true;
tf.paging = false;
return Paging;
exports.Paging = Paging;
/***/ },
/* 20 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _event = __webpack_require__(1);
var _event2 = _interopRequireDefault(_event);
var ClearButton = (function () {
* Clear button component
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function ClearButton(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, ClearButton);
// Configuration object
var f = tf.config();
//id of container element
this.btnResetTgtId = f.btn_reset_target_id || null;
//reset button element
this.btnResetEl = null;
//defines reset text
this.btnResetText = f.btn_reset_text || 'Reset';
//defines reset button tooltip
this.btnResetTooltip = f.btn_reset_tooltip || 'Clear filters';
//defines reset button innerHtml
this.btnResetHtml = f.btn_reset_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : '<input type="button" value="" class="' + tf.btnResetCssClass + '" ' + 'title="' + this.btnResetTooltip + '" />');
//span containing reset button
this.prfxResetSpan = 'resetspan_';
this.tf = tf;
_createClass(ClearButton, [{
key: 'onClick',
value: function onClick() {
* Build DOM elements
}, {
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var _this = this;
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad && tf.btnResetEl) {
var resetspan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxResetSpan + tf.id]);
// reset button is added to defined element
if (!this.btnResetTgtId) {
var targetEl = !this.btnResetTgtId ? tf.rDiv : _dom2['default'].id(this.btnResetTgtId);
if (!this.btnResetHtml) {
var fltreset = _dom2['default'].create('a', ['href', 'javascript:void(0);']);
fltreset.className = tf.btnResetCssClass;
// fltreset.onclick = this.Evt._Clear;
_event2['default'].add(fltreset, 'click', function () {
} else {
resetspan.innerHTML = this.btnResetHtml;
var resetEl = resetspan.firstChild;
// resetEl.onclick = this.Evt._Clear;
_event2['default'].add(resetEl, 'click', function () {
this.btnResetEl = resetspan.firstChild;
* Remove clear button UI
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.btnResetEl) {
var resetspan = _dom2['default'].id(tf.prfxResetSpan + tf.id);
if (resetspan) {
this.btnResetEl = null;
return ClearButton;
exports.ClearButton = ClearButton;
/***/ },
/* 21 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var _event = __webpack_require__(1);
var _event2 = _interopRequireDefault(_event);
var WIKI_URL = 'https://github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter/wiki/' + '4.-Filter-operators';
var WEBSITE_URL = 'http://koalyptus.github.io/TableFilter/';
var Help = (function () {
* Help UI component
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function Help(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, Help);
// Configuration object
var f = tf.config();
//id of custom container element for instructions
this.tgtId = f.help_instructions_target_id || null;
//id of custom container element for instructions
this.contTgtId = f.help_instructions_container_target_id || null;
//defines help text
this.instrText = f.help_instructions_text ? f.help_instructions_text : 'Use the filters above each column to filter and limit table ' + 'data. Advanced searches can be performed by using the following ' + 'operators: <br /><b>&lt;</b>, <b>&lt;=</b>, <b>&gt;</b>, ' + '<b>&gt;=</b>, <b>=</b>, <b>*</b>, <b>!</b>, <b>{</b>, <b>}</b>, ' + '<b>||</b>,<b>&amp;&amp;</b>, <b>[empty]</b>, <b>[nonempty]</b>, ' + '<b>rgx:</b><br/><a href="' + WIKI_URL + '" target="_blank">' + 'Learn more</a><hr/>';
//defines help innerHtml
this.instrHtml = f.help_instructions_html || null;
//defines reset button text
this.btnText = f.help_instructions_btn_text || '?';
//defines reset button innerHtml
this.btnHtml = f.help_instructions_btn_html || null;
//defines css class for help button
this.btnCssClass = f.help_instructions_btn_css_class || 'helpBtn';
//defines css class for help container
this.contCssClass = f.help_instructions_container_css_class || 'helpCont';
//help button element
this.btn = null;
//help content div
this.cont = null;
this.defaultHtml = '<div class="helpFooter"><h4>TableFilter ' + 'v' + tf.version + '</h4>' + '<a href="' + WEBSITE_URL + '" target="_blank">' + WEBSITE_URL + '</a>' + '<br/><span>&copy;2015-' + tf.year + ' Max Guglielmi</span>' + '<div align="center" style="margin-top:8px;">' + '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="close">Close</a></div></div>';
//id prefix for help elements
this.prfxHelpSpan = 'helpSpan_';
//id prefix for help elements
this.prfxHelpDiv = 'helpDiv_';
this.tf = tf;
_createClass(Help, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var _this = this;
if (this.btn) {
var tf = this.tf;
var helpspan = _dom2['default'].create('span', ['id', this.prfxHelpSpan + tf.id]);
var helpdiv = _dom2['default'].create('div', ['id', this.prfxHelpDiv + tf.id]);
//help button is added to defined element
if (!this.tgtId) {
var targetEl = !this.tgtId ? tf.rDiv : _dom2['default'].id(this.tgtId);
var divContainer = !this.contTgtId ? helpspan : _dom2['default'].id(this.contTgtId);
if (!this.btnHtml) {
var helplink = _dom2['default'].create('a', ['href', 'javascript:void(0);']);
helplink.className = this.btnCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(helplink, 'click', function () {
} else {
helpspan.innerHTML = this.btnHtml;
var helpEl = helpspan.firstChild;
_event2['default'].add(helpEl, 'click', function () {
if (!this.instrHtml) {
helpdiv.innerHTML = this.instrText;
helpdiv.className = this.contCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(helpdiv, 'dblclick', function () {
} else {
if (this.contTgtId) {
helpdiv.innerHTML = this.instrHtml;
if (!this.contTgtId) {
helpdiv.className = this.contCssClass;
_event2['default'].add(helpdiv, 'dblclick', function () {
helpdiv.innerHTML += this.defaultHtml;
_event2['default'].add(helpdiv, 'click', function () {
this.cont = helpdiv;
this.btn = helpspan;
* Toggle help pop-up
}, {
key: 'toggle',
value: function toggle() {
if (!this.cont) {
var divDisplay = this.cont.style.display;
if (divDisplay === '' || divDisplay === 'none') {
this.cont.style.display = 'inline';
} else {
this.cont.style.display = 'none';
* Remove help UI
}, {
key: 'destroy',
value: function destroy() {
if (!this.btn) {
this.btn = null;
if (!this.cont) {
this.cont = null;
return Help;
exports.Help = Help;
/***/ },
/* 22 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })();
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }
var _dom = __webpack_require__(2);
var _dom2 = _interopRequireDefault(_dom);
var AlternateRows = (function () {
* Alternating rows color
* @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance
function AlternateRows(tf) {
_classCallCheck(this, AlternateRows);
var f = tf.config();
//defines css class for even rows
this.evenCss = f.even_row_css_class || 'even';
//defines css class for odd rows
this.oddCss = f.odd_row_css_class || 'odd';
this.tf = tf;
* Sets alternating rows color
_createClass(AlternateRows, [{
key: 'init',
value: function init() {
var tf = this.tf;
if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad) {
var validRowsIndex = tf.validRowsIndex;
var noValidRowsIndex = validRowsIndex === null;
//1st index
var beginIndex = noValidRowsIndex ? tf.refRow : 0;
// nb indexes
var indexLen = noValidRowsIndex ? tf.nbFilterableRows + beginIndex : validRowsIndex.length;
var idx = 0;
//alternates bg color
for (var j = beginIndex; j < indexLen; j++) {
var rowIdx = noValidRowsIndex ? j : validRowsIndex[j];
this.setRowBg(rowIdx, idx);
* Sets row background color
* @param {Number} rowIdx Row index
* @param {Number} idx Valid rows collection index needed to calculate bg
* color
}, {
key: 'setRowBg',
value: function setRowBg(rowIdx, idx) {
if (!this.tf.alternateBgs || isNaN(rowIdx)) {
var rows = this.tf.tbl.rows;
var i = isNaN(idx) ? rowIdx : idx;
_dom2['default'].addClass(rows[rowIdx], i % 2 ? this.evenCss : this.oddCss);
* Removes row background color
* @param {Number} idx Row index
}, {
key: 'removeRowBg',
value: function removeRowBg(idx) {
if (isNaN(idx)) {
var rows = this.tf.tbl.rows;
_dom2['default'].removeClass(rows[idx], this.oddCss);
_dom2['default'].removeClass(rows[idx], this.evenCss);
* Removes all alternating backgrounds
}, {
key: 'remove',
value: function remove() {
if (!this.tf.hasGrid()) {
for (var i = this.tf.refRow; i < this.tf.nbRows; i++) {
}, {
key: 'enable',
value: function enable() {
this.tf.alternateBgs = true;
}, {
key: 'disable',
value: function disable() {
this.tf.alternateBgs = false;
return AlternateRows;
exports.AlternateRows = AlternateRows;
/***/ }
/******/ ])
//# sourceMappingURL=tablefilter.js.map