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mirror of https://github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter.git synced 2024-06-02 14:02:31 +02:00
2019-02-10 00:27:55 +11:00

244 lines
6.8 KiB

import {Feature} from '../feature';
import {createElm, createText, elm, removeElm} from '../dom';
import {addEvt, targetEvt, removeEvt} from '../event';
import {NONE} from '../const';
import {root} from '../root';
import {isEmpty, isNull} from '../types';
import {defaultsStr} from '../settings';
import {RIGHT} from './toolbar';
const WIKI_URL = 'https://github.com/koalyptus/TableFilter/wiki/' +
const WEBSITE_URL = 'https://www.tablefilter.com/';
* Help UI component
export class Help extends Feature {
* Creates an instance of Help
* @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance
constructor(tf) {
super(tf, Help);
let f = this.config.help_instructions || {};
* ID of main custom container element
* @type {String}
this.tgtId = defaultsStr(f.target_id, null);
* ID of custom container element for instructions
* @type {String}
this.contTgtId = defaultsStr(f.container_target_id, null);
* Instructions text (accepts HTML)
* @type {String}
this.instrText = !isEmpty(f.text) ? f.text :
'Use the filters above each column to filter and limit table ' +
'data. Advanced searches can be performed by using the following ' +
'operators: <br /><b>&lt;</b>, <b>&lt;=</b>, <b>&gt;</b>, ' +
'<b>&gt;=</b>, <b>=</b>, <b>*</b>, <b>!</b>, <b>{</b>, <b>}</b>, ' +
'<b>||</b>,<b>&amp;&amp;</b>, <b>[empty]</b>, <b>[nonempty]</b>, ' +
'<b>rgx:</b><br/><a href="' + WIKI_URL + '" target="_blank">' +
'Learn more</a><hr/>';
* Instructions HTML
* @type {String}
this.instrHtml = defaultsStr(f.html, null);
* Help button text ('?')
* @type {String}
this.btnText = defaultsStr(f.btn_text, '?');
* Custom help button HTML
* @type {String}
this.btnHtml = defaultsStr(f.btn_html, null);
* Css class for help button
* @type {String}
this.btnCssClass = defaultsStr(f.btn_css_class, 'helpBtn');
* Css class for help container element
* @type {String}
this.contCssClass = defaultsStr(f.container_css_class, 'helpCont');
* Button DOM element
* @type {DOMElement}
this.btn = null;
* Help container DOM element
* @type {DOMElement}
this.cont = null;
* Bound mouseup wrapper
* @private
this.boundMouseup = null;
* Default HTML appended to instructions text
* @type {String}
this.defaultHtml = '<div class="helpFooter"><h4>TableFilter ' +
'v' + tf.version + '</h4>' + '<a href="' + WEBSITE_URL +
'" target="_blank">' + WEBSITE_URL + '</a>' +
'<br/><span>&copy;2015-' + tf.year + ' {AUTHOR}</span>' +
'<div align="center" style="margin-top:8px;">' +
'<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="close">Close</a></div></div>';
* Default position in toolbar ('left'|'center'|'right')
* @type {String}
this.toolbarPosition = defaultsStr(f.toolbar_position, RIGHT);
this.emitter.on(['init-help'], () => this.init());
* Mouse-up event handler handling popup auto-close behaviour
* @private
onMouseup(evt) {
let targetElm = targetEvt(evt);
while (targetElm && targetElm !== this.cont && targetElm !== this.btn) {
targetElm = targetElm.parentNode;
if (targetElm !== this.cont && targetElm !== this.btn) {
* Initialise Help instance
init() {
if (this.initialized) {
this.emitter.emit('initializing-feature', this, !isNull(this.tgtId));
let tf = this.tf;
let btn = createElm('span');
let cont = createElm('div');
this.boundMouseup = this.onMouseup.bind(this);
//help button is added to defined element
let targetEl = !this.tgtId ?
tf.feature('toolbar').container(this.toolbarPosition) :
let divContainer = !this.contTgtId ? btn : elm(this.contTgtId);
if (!this.btnHtml) {
let helplink = createElm('a', ['href', 'javascript:void(0);']);
helplink.className = this.btnCssClass;
addEvt(helplink, 'click', () => this.toggle());
} else {
btn.innerHTML = this.btnHtml;
let helpEl = btn.firstChild;
addEvt(helpEl, 'click', () => this.toggle());
if (!this.instrHtml) {
cont.innerHTML = this.instrText;
cont.className = this.contCssClass;
} else {
if (this.contTgtId) {
cont.innerHTML = this.instrHtml;
if (!this.contTgtId) {
cont.className = this.contCssClass;
cont.innerHTML += this.defaultHtml;
addEvt(cont, 'click', () => this.toggle());
this.cont = cont;
this.btn = btn;
/** @inherited */
this.initialized = true;
this.emitter.emit('feature-initialized', this);
* Toggle help pop-up
toggle() {
// check only if explicitily disabled as in this case undefined
// signifies the help feature is enabled by default
if (!this.isEnabled()) {
// ensure mouseup event handler is removed
removeEvt(root, 'mouseup', this.boundMouseup);
let divDisplay = this.cont.style.display;
if (divDisplay === '' || divDisplay === NONE) {
this.cont.style.display = 'inline';
addEvt(root, 'mouseup', this.boundMouseup);
} else {
this.cont.style.display = NONE;
* Remove help UI
destroy() {
if (!this.initialized) {
this.btn = null;
this.cont = null;
this.boundMouseup = null;
this.initialized = false;
// TODO: remove as soon as feature name is fixed
Help.meta = {alwaysInstantiate: true};