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// What is this module called?
module util;
// What does this module require to function?
2017-05-28 19:37:51 +02:00
import std.base64;
2015-11-29 21:12:44 +01:00
import std.conv;
import std.digest.crc;
import std.digest.sha;
2016-12-25 22:28:00 +01:00
import std.net.curl;
import std.datetime;
import std.file;
2015-11-29 21:12:44 +01:00
import std.path;
import std.regex;
import std.socket;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.algorithm;
import std.uri;
import std.json;
import std.traits;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import core.thread;
// What other modules that we have created do we need to import?
import log;
import config;
import qxor;
import curlEngine;
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
// module variables
shared string deviceName;
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
static this() {
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
deviceName = Socket.hostName;
// Creates a safe backup of the given item, and only performs the function if not in a --dry-run scenario
void safeBackup(const(char)[] path, bool dryRun) {
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
auto ext = extension(path);
auto newPath = path.chomp(ext) ~ "-" ~ deviceName;
if (exists(newPath ~ ext)) {
int n = 2;
char[] newPath2;
do {
newPath2 = newPath ~ "-" ~ n.to!string;
} while (exists(newPath2 ~ ext));
newPath = newPath2;
newPath ~= ext;
// Perform the backup
log.vlog("The local item is out-of-sync with OneDrive, renaming to preserve existing file and prevent data loss: ", path, " -> ", newPath);
if (!dryRun) {
rename(path, newPath);
} else {
log.vdebug("DRY-RUN: Skipping local file backup");
// Rename the given item, and only performs the function if not in a --dry-run scenario
void safeRename(const(char)[] oldPath, const(char)[] newPath, bool dryRun) {
// Perform the rename
if (!dryRun) {
log.vdebug("Calling rename(oldPath, newPath)");
// rename physical path on disk
rename(oldPath, newPath);
} else {
log.vdebug("DRY-RUN: Skipping local file rename");
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
2017-05-28 19:49:55 +02:00
// deletes the specified file without throwing an exception if it does not exists
void safeRemove(const(char)[] path) {
2016-08-05 00:12:58 +02:00
if (exists(path)) remove(path);
// returns the CRC32 hex string of a file
string computeCRC32(string path) {
CRC32 crc;
auto file = File(path, "rb");
foreach (ubyte[] data; chunks(file, 4096)) {
return crc.finish().toHexString().dup;
// returns the SHA1 hash hex string of a file
string computeSha1Hash(string path) {
SHA1 sha;
auto file = File(path, "rb");
foreach (ubyte[] data; chunks(file, 4096)) {
return sha.finish().toHexString().dup;
2017-05-28 19:49:55 +02:00
// returns the quickXorHash base64 string of a file
string computeQuickXorHash(string path) {
2017-05-28 19:37:51 +02:00
QuickXor qxor;
auto file = File(path, "rb");
foreach (ubyte[] data; chunks(file, 4096)) {
return Base64.encode(qxor.finish());
// returns the SHA256 hex string of a file
string computeSHA256Hash(string path) {
SHA256 sha256;
auto file = File(path, "rb");
foreach (ubyte[] data; chunks(file, 4096)) {
return sha256.finish().toHexString().dup;
2017-05-28 19:49:55 +02:00
// converts wildcards (*, ?) to regex
Regex!char wild2regex(const(char)[] pattern) {
2015-09-21 13:04:05 +02:00
string str;
str.reserve(pattern.length + 2);
str ~= "^";
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
foreach (c; pattern) {
switch (c) {
case '*':
2015-09-21 13:04:05 +02:00
str ~= "[^/]*";
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
case '.':
2015-09-21 13:04:05 +02:00
str ~= "\\.";
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
case '?':
2015-09-21 13:04:05 +02:00
str ~= "[^/]";
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
case '|':
str ~= "$|^";
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
case '+':
str ~= "\\+";
case ' ':
str ~= "\\s+";
case '/':
str ~= "\\/";
case '(':
str ~= "\\(";
case ')':
str ~= "\\)";
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
2015-09-21 13:04:05 +02:00
str ~= c;
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
2015-09-21 13:04:05 +02:00
str ~= "$";
return regex(str, "i");
2015-09-19 09:45:45 +02:00
2015-11-29 21:12:44 +01:00
// Test Internet access to Microsoft OneDrive
bool testInternetReachability(ApplicationConfig appConfig) {
// Use preconfigured object with all the correct http values assigned
auto curlEngine = new CurlEngine();
curlEngine.initialise(appConfig.getValueLong("dns_timeout"), appConfig.getValueLong("connect_timeout"), appConfig.getValueLong("data_timeout"), appConfig.getValueLong("operation_timeout"), appConfig.defaultMaxRedirects, appConfig.getValueBool("debug_https"), appConfig.getValueString("user_agent"), appConfig.getValueBool("force_http_11"), appConfig.getValueLong("rate_limit"), appConfig.getValueLong("ip_protocol_version"));
// Configure the remaining items required
// URL to use
curlEngine.http.url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com";
// HTTP connection test method
curlEngine.http.method = HTTP.Method.head;
// Attempt to contact the Microsoft Online Service
try {
log.vdebug("Attempting to contact Microsoft OneDrive Login Service");
log.vdebug("Shutting down HTTP engine as successfully reached OneDrive Login Service");
return true;
} catch (SocketException e) {
// Socket issue
log.vdebug("HTTP Socket Issue");
log.error("Cannot connect to Microsoft OneDrive Login Service - Socket Issue");
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
return false;
} catch (CurlException e) {
// No network connection to OneDrive Service
log.vdebug("No Network Connection");
log.error("Cannot connect to Microsoft OneDrive Login Service - Network Connection Issue");
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
return false;
2015-11-29 21:12:44 +01:00
2016-09-18 11:50:10 +02:00
// Retry Internet access test to Microsoft OneDrive
bool retryInternetConnectivtyTest(ApplicationConfig appConfig) {
// re-try network connection to OneDrive
// https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/1184
// Back off & retry with incremental delay
int retryCount = 10000;
int retryAttempts = 1;
int backoffInterval = 1;
int maxBackoffInterval = 3600;
bool onlineRetry = false;
bool retrySuccess = false;
while (!retrySuccess){
// retry to access OneDrive API
int thisBackOffInterval = retryAttempts*backoffInterval;
log.vdebug(" Retry Attempt: ", retryAttempts);
if (thisBackOffInterval <= maxBackoffInterval) {
log.vdebug(" Retry In (seconds): ", thisBackOffInterval);
} else {
log.vdebug(" Retry In (seconds): ", maxBackoffInterval);
// perform the re-rty
onlineRetry = testInternetReachability(appConfig);
if (onlineRetry) {
// We are now online
log.log("Internet connectivity to Microsoft OneDrive service has been restored");
retrySuccess = true;
} else {
// We are still offline
if (retryAttempts == retryCount) {
// we have attempted to re-connect X number of times
// false set this to true to break out of while loop
retrySuccess = true;
// Increment & loop around
if (!onlineRetry) {
// Not online after 1.2 years of trying
log.error("ERROR: Was unable to reconnect to the Microsoft OneDrive service after 10000 attempts lasting over 1.2 years!");
// return the state
return onlineRetry;
// Can we read the file - as a permissions issue or file corruption will cause a failure
// https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/113
// returns true if file can be accessed
bool readLocalFile(string path) {
try {
// attempt to read up to the first 1 byte of the file
// validates we can 'read' the file based on file permissions
} catch (std.file.FileException e) {
// unable to read the new local file
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
return false;
return true;
2017-05-28 19:49:55 +02:00
// calls globMatch for each string in pattern separated by '|'
bool multiGlobMatch(const(char)[] path, const(char)[] pattern) {
2016-09-18 11:50:10 +02:00
foreach (glob; pattern.split('|')) {
if (globMatch!(std.path.CaseSensitive.yes)(path, glob)) {
return true;
return false;
bool isValidName(string path) {
// Restriction and limitations about windows naming files
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365247
// https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3125202/restrictions-and-limitations-when-you-sync-files-and-folders
// allow root item
if (path == ".") {
return true;
bool matched = true;
string itemName = baseName(path);
auto invalidNameReg =
// Leading whitespace and trailing whitespace/dot
`^\s.*|^.*[\s\.]$|` ~
// Invalid characters
`.*[<>:"\|\?*/\\].*|` ~
// Reserved device name and trailing .~
auto m = match(itemName, invalidNameReg);
matched = m.empty;
// Additional explicit validation checks
if (itemName == ".lock") {matched = false;}
if (itemName == "desktop.ini") {matched = false;}
// _vti_ cannot appear anywhere in a file or folder name
if(canFind(itemName, "_vti_")){matched = false;}
// Item name cannot equal '~'
if (itemName == "~") {matched = false;}
// return response
return matched;
bool containsBadWhiteSpace(string path) {
// allow root item
if (path == ".") {
return true;
// https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/35
// Issue #35 presented an interesting issue where the filename contained a newline item
// 'State-of-the-art, challenges, and open issues in the integration of Internet of'$'\n''Things and Cloud Computing.pdf'
// When the check to see if this file was present the GET request queries as follows:
// /v1.0/me/drive/root:/.%2FState-of-the-art%2C%20challenges%2C%20and%20open%20issues%20in%20the%20integration%20of%20Internet%20of%0AThings%20and%20Cloud%20Computing.pdf
// The '$'\n'' is translated to %0A which causes the OneDrive query to fail
// Check for the presence of '%0A' via regex
string itemName = encodeComponent(baseName(path));
auto invalidWhitespaceReg =
// Check for \n which is %0A when encoded
auto m = match(itemName, invalidWhitespaceReg);
return m.empty;
bool containsASCIIHTMLCodes(string path) {
// https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/151
// If a filename contains ASCII HTML codes, regardless of if it gets encoded, it generates an error
// Check if the filename contains an ASCII HTML code sequence
auto invalidASCIICode =
// Check to see if &#XXXX is in the filename
auto m = match(path, invalidASCIICode);
return m.empty;
// Parse and display error message received from OneDrive
void displayOneDriveErrorMessage(string message, string callingFunction) {
log.error("ERROR: Microsoft OneDrive API returned an error with the following message:");
auto errorArray = splitLines(message);
log.error(" Error Message: ", errorArray[0]);
// Extract 'message' as the reason
JSONValue errorMessage = parseJSON(replace(message, errorArray[0], ""));
// What is the reason for the error
if (errorMessage.type() == JSONType.object) {
// configure the error reason
string errorReason;
string requestDate;
string requestId;
// set the reason for the error
try {
// Use error_description as reason
errorReason = errorMessage["error_description"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// set the reason for the error
try {
// Use ["error"]["message"] as reason
errorReason = errorMessage["error"]["message"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// Display the error reason
if (errorReason.startsWith("<!DOCTYPE")) {
// a HTML Error Reason was given
log.error(" Error Reason: A HTML Error response was provided. Use debug logging (--verbose --verbose) to view this error");
} else {
// a non HTML Error Reason was given
log.error(" Error Reason: ", errorReason);
// Get the date of request if available
try {
// Use ["error"]["innerError"]["date"] as date
requestDate = errorMessage["error"]["innerError"]["date"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// Get the request-id if available
try {
// Use ["error"]["innerError"]["request-id"] as request-id
requestId = errorMessage["error"]["innerError"]["request-id"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// Display the date and request id if available
if (requestDate != "") log.error(" Error Timestamp: ", requestDate);
if (requestId != "") log.error(" API Request ID: ", requestId);
// Where in the code was this error generated
log.vlog(" Calling Function: ", callingFunction);
// Extra Debug if we are using --verbose --verbose
log.vdebug("Raw Error Data: ", message);
log.vdebug("JSON Message: ", errorMessage);
// Alpha-0 Testing .....
void displayOneDriveErrorMessage(string message, string callingFunction) {
log.log("ERROR: Microsoft OneDrive API returned an error with the following message:");
auto errorArray = splitLines(message);
log.log(" Error Message: ", errorArray[0]);
// Extract 'message' as the reason
JSONValue errorMessage = parseJSON(replace(message, errorArray[0], ""));
// What is the reason for the error
if (errorMessage.type() == JSONType.object) {
// configure the error reason
string errorReason;
string requestDate;
string requestId;
// set the reason for the error
try {
// Use error_description as reason
errorReason = errorMessage["error_description"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// set the reason for the error
try {
// Use ["error"]["message"] as reason
errorReason = errorMessage["error"]["message"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// Display the error reason
if (errorReason.startsWith("<!DOCTYPE")) {
// a HTML Error Reason was given
log.log(" Error Reason: A HTML Error response was provided. Use debug logging (--verbose --verbose) to view this error");
} else {
// a non HTML Error Reason was given
log.log(" Error Reason: ", errorReason);
// Get the date of request if available
try {
// Use ["error"]["innerError"]["date"] as date
requestDate = errorMessage["error"]["innerError"]["date"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// Get the request-id if available
try {
// Use ["error"]["innerError"]["request-id"] as request-id
requestId = errorMessage["error"]["innerError"]["request-id"].str;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// we dont want to do anything here
// Display the date and request id if available
if (requestDate != "") log.error(" Error Timestamp: ", requestDate);
if (requestId != "") log.error(" API Request ID: ", requestId);
// Where in the code was this error generated
log.log(" Calling Function: ", callingFunction);
// Extra Debug if we are using --verbose --verbose
log.log("Raw Error Data: ", message);
log.log("JSON Message: ", errorMessage);
// Parse and display error message received from the local file system
void displayFileSystemErrorMessage(string message, string callingFunction) {
log.error("ERROR: The local file system returned an error with the following message:");
auto errorArray = splitLines(message);
// What was the error message
log.error(" Error Message: ", errorArray[0]);
// Where in the code was this error generated
log.vlog(" Calling Function: ", callingFunction);
// If we are out of disk space (despite download reservations) we need to exit the application
ulong localActualFreeSpace = to!ulong(getAvailableDiskSpace("."));
if (localActualFreeSpace == 0) {
// force exit
// Display the POSIX Error Message
void displayPosixErrorMessage(string message) {
log.error("ERROR: Microsoft OneDrive API returned data that highlights a POSIX compliance issue:");
log.error(" Error Message: ", message);
// Get the function name that is being called to assist with identifying where an error is being generated
string getFunctionName(alias func)() {
return __traits(identifier, __traits(parent, func)) ~ "()\n";
// Get the latest release version from GitHub
JSONValue getLatestReleaseDetails() {
// Import curl just for this function
import std.net.curl;
char[] content;
JSONValue githubLatest;
JSONValue versionDetails;
string latestTag;
string publishedDate;
try {
content = get("https://api.github.com/repos/abraunegg/onedrive/releases/latest");
} catch (CurlException e) {
// curl generated an error - meaning we could not query GitHub
log.vdebug("Unable to query GitHub for latest release");
try {
githubLatest = content.parseJSON();
} catch (JSONException e) {
// unable to parse the content JSON, set to blank JSON
log.vdebug("Unable to parse GitHub JSON response");
githubLatest = parseJSON("{}");
// githubLatest has to be a valid JSON object
if (githubLatest.type() == JSONType.object){
// use the returned tag_name
if ("tag_name" in githubLatest) {
// use the provided tag
// "tag_name": "vA.B.CC" and strip 'v'
latestTag = strip(githubLatest["tag_name"].str, "v");
} else {
// set to latestTag zeros
log.vdebug("'tag_name' unavailable in JSON response. Setting GitHub 'tag_name' release version to 0.0.0");
latestTag = "0.0.0";
// use the returned published_at date
if ("published_at" in githubLatest) {
// use the provided value
publishedDate = githubLatest["published_at"].str;
} else {
// set to v2.0.0 release date
log.vdebug("'published_at' unavailable in JSON response. Setting GitHub 'published_at' date to 2018-07-18T18:00:00Z");
publishedDate = "2018-07-18T18:00:00Z";
} else {
// JSONValue is not an object
log.vdebug("Invalid JSON Object. Setting GitHub 'tag_name' release version to 0.0.0");
latestTag = "0.0.0";
log.vdebug("Invalid JSON Object. Setting GitHub 'published_at' date to 2018-07-18T18:00:00Z");
publishedDate = "2018-07-18T18:00:00Z";
// return the latest github version and published date as our own JSON
versionDetails = [
"latestTag": JSONValue(latestTag),
"publishedDate": JSONValue(publishedDate)
// return JSON
return versionDetails;
// Get the release details from the 'current' running version
JSONValue getCurrentVersionDetails(string thisVersion) {
// Import curl just for this function
import std.net.curl;
char[] content;
JSONValue githubDetails;
JSONValue versionDetails;
string versionTag = "v" ~ thisVersion;
string publishedDate;
try {
content = get("https://api.github.com/repos/abraunegg/onedrive/releases");
} catch (CurlException e) {
// curl generated an error - meaning we could not query GitHub
log.vdebug("Unable to query GitHub for release details");
try {
githubDetails = content.parseJSON();
} catch (JSONException e) {
// unable to parse the content JSON, set to blank JSON
log.vdebug("Unable to parse GitHub JSON response");
githubDetails = parseJSON("{}");
// githubDetails has to be a valid JSON array
if (githubDetails.type() == JSONType.array){
foreach (searchResult; githubDetails.array) {
// searchResult["tag_name"].str;
if (searchResult["tag_name"].str == versionTag) {
log.vdebug("MATCHED version");
log.vdebug("tag_name: ", searchResult["tag_name"].str);
log.vdebug("published_at: ", searchResult["published_at"].str);
publishedDate = searchResult["published_at"].str;
if (publishedDate.empty) {
// empty .. no version match ?
// set to v2.0.0 release date
log.vdebug("'published_at' unavailable in JSON response. Setting GitHub 'published_at' date to 2018-07-18T18:00:00Z");
publishedDate = "2018-07-18T18:00:00Z";
} else {
// JSONValue is not an Array
log.vdebug("Invalid JSON Array. Setting GitHub 'published_at' date to 2018-07-18T18:00:00Z");
publishedDate = "2018-07-18T18:00:00Z";
// return the latest github version and published date as our own JSON
versionDetails = [
"versionTag": JSONValue(thisVersion),
"publishedDate": JSONValue(publishedDate)
// return JSON
return versionDetails;
// Check the application version versus GitHub latestTag
void checkApplicationVersion() {
// Get the latest details from GitHub
JSONValue latestVersionDetails = getLatestReleaseDetails();
string latestVersion = latestVersionDetails["latestTag"].str;
SysTime publishedDate = SysTime.fromISOExtString(latestVersionDetails["publishedDate"].str).toUTC();
SysTime releaseGracePeriod = publishedDate;
SysTime currentTime = Clock.currTime().toUTC();
// drop fraction seconds
publishedDate.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
currentTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
releaseGracePeriod.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
// roll the grace period forward to allow distributions to catch up based on their release cycles
releaseGracePeriod = releaseGracePeriod.add!"months"(1);
// what is this clients version?
auto currentVersionArray = strip(strip(import("version"), "v")).split("-");
string applicationVersion = currentVersionArray[0];
// debug output
log.vdebug("applicationVersion: ", applicationVersion);
log.vdebug("latestVersion: ", latestVersion);
log.vdebug("publishedDate: ", publishedDate);
log.vdebug("currentTime: ", currentTime);
log.vdebug("releaseGracePeriod: ", releaseGracePeriod);
// display details if not current
// is application version is older than available on GitHub
if (applicationVersion != latestVersion) {
// application version is different
bool displayObsolete = false;
// what warning do we present?
if (applicationVersion < latestVersion) {
// go get this running version details
JSONValue thisVersionDetails = getCurrentVersionDetails(applicationVersion);
SysTime thisVersionPublishedDate = SysTime.fromISOExtString(thisVersionDetails["publishedDate"].str).toUTC();
thisVersionPublishedDate.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
log.vdebug("thisVersionPublishedDate: ", thisVersionPublishedDate);
// the running version grace period is its release date + 1 month
SysTime thisVersionReleaseGracePeriod = thisVersionPublishedDate;
thisVersionReleaseGracePeriod = thisVersionReleaseGracePeriod.add!"months"(1);
log.vdebug("thisVersionReleaseGracePeriod: ", thisVersionReleaseGracePeriod);
// Is this running version obsolete ?
if (!displayObsolete) {
// if releaseGracePeriod > currentTime
// display an information warning that there is a new release available
if (releaseGracePeriod.toUnixTime() > currentTime.toUnixTime()) {
// inside release grace period ... set flag to false
displayObsolete = false;
} else {
// outside grace period
displayObsolete = true;
// display version response
if (!displayObsolete) {
// display the new version is available message
log.logAndNotify("INFO: A new onedrive client version is available. Please upgrade your client version when possible.");
} else {
// display the obsolete message
log.logAndNotify("WARNING: Your onedrive client version is now obsolete and unsupported. Please upgrade your client version.");
log.log("Current Application Version: ", applicationVersion);
log.log("Version Available: ", latestVersion);
bool hasId(JSONValue item) {
return ("id" in item) != null;
bool hasQuota(JSONValue item) {
return ("quota" in item) != null;
bool isItemDeleted(JSONValue item) {
return ("deleted" in item) != null;
bool isItemRoot(JSONValue item) {
return ("root" in item) != null;
bool hasParentReference(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("parentReference" in item) != null;
bool hasParentReferenceId(JSONValue item) {
return ("id" in item["parentReference"]) != null;
bool hasParentReferencePath(JSONValue item) {
return ("path" in item["parentReference"]) != null;
bool isFolderItem(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("folder" in item) != null;
bool isFileItem(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("file" in item) != null;
bool isItemRemote(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("remoteItem" in item) != null;
bool isItemFile(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("file" in item) != null;
bool isItemFolder(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("folder" in item) != null;
bool hasFileSize(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("size" in item) != null;
bool isDotFile(const(string) path) {
// always allow the root
if (path == ".") return false;
auto paths = pathSplitter(buildNormalizedPath(path));
foreach(base; paths) {
if (startsWith(base, ".")){
return true;
return false;
bool isMalware(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("malware" in item) != null;
bool hasHashes(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("hashes" in item["file"]) != null;
bool hasQuickXorHash(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("quickXorHash" in item["file"]["hashes"]) != null;
bool hasSHA256Hash(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("sha256Hash" in item["file"]["hashes"]) != null;
bool isMicrosoftOneNoteMimeType1(const ref JSONValue item) {
return (item["file"]["mimeType"].str) == "application/msonenote";
bool isMicrosoftOneNoteMimeType2(const ref JSONValue item) {
return (item["file"]["mimeType"].str) == "application/octet-stream";
bool hasUploadURL(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("uploadUrl" in item) != null;
bool hasNextExpectedRanges(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("nextExpectedRanges" in item) != null;
bool hasLocalPath(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("localPath" in item) != null;
bool hasETag(const ref JSONValue item) {
return ("eTag" in item) != null;