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// What is this module called?
module curlEngine;
// What does this module require to function?
import std.net.curl;
import etc.c.curl: CurlOption;
import std.datetime;
import std.conv;
import std.file;
import std.json;
import std.stdio;
import std.range;
// What other modules that we have created do we need to import?
import log;
class CurlResponse {
HTTP.Method method;
const(char)[] url;
const(char)[][const(char)[]] requestHeaders;
const(char)[] postBody;
string[string] responseHeaders;
HTTP.StatusLine statusLine;
char[] content;
void reset() {
method = HTTP.Method.undefined;
url = null;
requestHeaders = null;
postBody = null;
responseHeaders = null;
content = null;
void addRequestHeader(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] value) {
requestHeaders[name] = value;
void connect(HTTP.Method method, const(char)[] url) {
this.method = method;
this.url = url;
const JSONValue json() {
JSONValue json;
try {
json = content.parseJSON();
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Log that a JSON Exception was caught, dont output the HTML response from OneDrive
addLogEntry("JSON Exception caught when performing HTTP operations - use --debug-https to diagnose further", ["debug"]);
return json;
void update(HTTP *http) {
this.responseHeaders = http.responseHeaders();
this.statusLine = http.statusLine;
@safe pure HTTP.StatusLine getStatus() {
return this.statusLine;
// Return the current value of retryAfterValue
ulong getRetryAfterValue() {
ulong delayBeforeRetry;
// is retry-after in the response headers
if ("retry-after" in responseHeaders) {
// Set the retry-after value
addLogEntry("curlEngine.http.perform() => Received a 'Retry-After' Header Response with the following value: " ~ to!string(responseHeaders["retry-after"]), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("curlEngine.http.perform() => Setting retryAfterValue to: " ~ responseHeaders["retry-after"], ["debug"]);
delayBeforeRetry = to!ulong(responseHeaders["retry-after"]);
} else {
// Use a 120 second delay as a default given header value was zero
// This value is based on log files and data when determining correct process for 429 response handling
delayBeforeRetry = 120;
// Update that we are over-riding the provided value with a default
addLogEntry("HTTP Response Header retry-after value was 0 - Using a preconfigured default of: " ~ to!string(delayBeforeRetry), ["debug"]);
return delayBeforeRetry; // default to 60 seconds
const string parseHeaders(const(string[string]) headers) {
string responseHeadersStr = "";
foreach (const(char)[] header; headers.byKey()) {
responseHeadersStr ~= "> " ~ header ~ ": " ~ headers[header] ~ "\n";
return responseHeadersStr;
const string parseHeaders(const(const(char)[][const(char)[]]) headers) {
string responseHeadersStr = "";
foreach (string header; headers.byKey()) {
if (header == "Authorization")
responseHeadersStr ~= "< " ~ header ~ ": " ~ headers[header] ~ "\n";
return responseHeadersStr;
const string dumpDebug() {
import std.range;
import std.format : format;
string str = "";
str ~= format("< %s %s\n", method, url);
if (!requestHeaders.empty) {
str ~= parseHeaders(requestHeaders);
if (!postBody.empty) {
str ~= format("----\n%s\n----\n", postBody);
str ~= format("< %s\n", statusLine);
if (!responseHeaders.empty) {
str ~= parseHeaders(responseHeaders);
return str;
const string dumpResponse() {
import std.range;
import std.format : format;
string str = "";
if (!content.empty) {
str ~= format("----\n%s\n----\n", content);
return str;
override string toString() const {
string str = "Curl debugging: \n";
str ~= dumpDebug();
str ~= "Curl response: \n";
str ~= dumpResponse();
return str;
CurlResponse dup() {
CurlResponse copy = new CurlResponse();
copy.method = method;
copy.url = url;
copy.requestHeaders = requestHeaders;
copy.postBody = postBody;
copy.responseHeaders = responseHeaders;
copy.statusLine = statusLine;
copy.content = content;
return copy;
class CurlEngine {
__gshared CurlEngine[] curlEnginePool;
static CurlEngine get() {
synchronized(CurlEngine.classinfo) {
if (curlEnginePool.empty) {
return new CurlEngine;
} else {
CurlEngine curlEngine = curlEnginePool[$-1];
return curlEngine;
static releaseAll() {
synchronized(CurlEngine.classinfo) {
foreach(curlEngine; curlEnginePool) {
curlEnginePool = null;
void release() {
synchronized(CurlEngine.classinfo) {
curlEnginePool ~= this;
HTTP http;
bool keepAlive;
ulong dnsTimeout;
CurlResponse response;
this() {
http = HTTP();
response = new CurlResponse();
~this() {
void initialise(ulong dnsTimeout, ulong connectTimeout, ulong dataTimeout, ulong operationTimeout, int maxRedirects, bool httpsDebug, string userAgent, bool httpProtocol, ulong userRateLimit, ulong protocolVersion, bool keepAlive=true) {
// Setting this to false ensures that when we close the curl instance, any open sockets are closed - which we need to do when running
// multiple threads and API instances at the same time otherwise we run out of local files | sockets pretty quickly
this.keepAlive = keepAlive;
this.dnsTimeout = dnsTimeout;
// Curl Timeout Handling
// libcurl dns_cache_timeout timeout
// https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT.html
// https://dlang.org/library/std/net/curl/http.dns_timeout.html
http.dnsTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(dnsTimeout));
// Timeout for HTTPS connections
// https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT.html
// https://dlang.org/library/std/net/curl/http.connect_timeout.html
http.connectTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(connectTimeout));
// Timeout for activity on connection
// This is a DMD | DLANG specific item, not a libcurl item
// https://dlang.org/library/std/net/curl/http.data_timeout.html
// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dlang/phobos/master/std/net/curl.d - private enum _defaultDataTimeout = dur!"minutes"(2);
http.dataTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(dataTimeout));
// Maximum time any operation is allowed to take
// This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc.
// https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS.html
// https://dlang.org/library/std/net/curl/http.operation_timeout.html
http.operationTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(operationTimeout));
// Specify how many redirects should be allowed
// Debug HTTPS
http.verbose = httpsDebug;
// Use the configured 'user_agent' value
http.setUserAgent = userAgent;
// What IP protocol version should be used when using Curl - IPv4 & IPv6, IPv4 or IPv6
http.handle.set(CurlOption.ipresolve,protocolVersion); // 0 = IPv4 + IPv6, 1 = IPv4 Only, 2 = IPv6 Only
// What version of HTTP protocol do we use?
// Curl >= 7.62.0 defaults to http2 for a significant number of operations
if (httpProtocol) {
// Downgrade to HTTP 1.1 - yes version = 2 is HTTP 1.1
// Configure upload / download rate limits if configured
// 131072 = 128 KB/s - minimum for basic application operations to prevent timeouts
// A 0 value means rate is unlimited, and is the curl default
if (userRateLimit > 0) {
// set rate limit
// Explicitly set these libcurl options
// https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL.html
// Ensure that nosignal is set to 0 - Setting CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL to 0 makes libcurl ask the system to ignore SIGPIPE signals
// https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY.html
// Ensure that TCP_NODELAY is set to 0 to ensure that TCP NAGLE is enabled
// https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE.html
// CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE - make connection get closed at once after use
// Setting this to 0 ensures that we ARE reusing connections (we did this in v2.4.xx) to ensure connections remained open and usable
// Setting this to 1 ensures that when we close the curl instance, any open sockets are forced closed when the API curl instance is destroyed
// The libcurl default is 0 as per the documentation (to REUSE connections) - ensure we are configuring to reuse sockets
if (httpsDebug) {
// Output what options we are using so that in the debug log this can be tracked
addLogEntry("http.dnsTimeout = " ~ to!string(dnsTimeout), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("http.connectTimeout = " ~ to!string(connectTimeout), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("http.dataTimeout = " ~ to!string(dataTimeout), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("http.operationTimeout = " ~ to!string(operationTimeout), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("http.maxRedirects = " ~ to!string(maxRedirects), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("http.CurlOption.ipresolve = " ~ to!string(protocolVersion), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("http.header.Connection.keepAlive = " ~ to!string(keepAlive), ["debug"]);
void addRequestHeader(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] value) {
http.addRequestHeader(name, value);
response.addRequestHeader(name, value);
void connect(HTTP.Method method, const(char)[] url) {
if (!keepAlive)
addRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
http.method = method;
http.url = url;
response.connect(method, url);
void setContent(const(char)[] contentType, const(char)[] sendData) {
addRequestHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
if (sendData) {
http.contentLength = sendData.length;
http.onSend = (void[] buf) {
import std.algorithm: min;
size_t minLen = min(buf.length, sendData.length);
if (minLen == 0) return 0;
buf[0 .. minLen] = cast(void[]) sendData[0 .. minLen];
sendData = sendData[minLen .. $];
return minLen;
response.postBody = sendData;
void setFile(File* file, ulong offsetSize) {
addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
http.onSend = data => file.rawRead(data).length;
http.contentLength = offsetSize;
CurlResponse execute() {
scope(exit) {
http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) {
response.content ~= data;
// HTTP Server Response Code Debugging if --https-debug is being used
return data.length;
return response.dup;
CurlResponse download(string originalFilename, string downloadFilename) {
// Threshold for displaying download bar
long thresholdFileSize = 4 * 2^^20; // 4 MiB
CurlResponse response = new CurlResponse();
// open downloadFilename as write in binary mode
auto file = File(downloadFilename, "wb");
// function scopes
scope(exit) {
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) {
return data.length;
// Rename downloaded file
rename(downloadFilename, originalFilename);
return response;
void cleanUp() {
// Reset any values to defaults, freeing any set objects
http.onSend = null;
http.onReceive = null;
http.onReceiveHeader = null;
http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
http.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow) {
return 0;
http.contentLength = 0;
void shutdown() {
// Shut down the curl instance & close any open sockets
void setDisableSSLVerifyPeer() {
addLogEntry("CAUTION: Switching off CurlOption.ssl_verifypeer ... this makes the application insecure.", ["debug"]);
http.handle.set(CurlOption.ssl_verifypeer, 0);