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import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit;
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
import core.memory, core.time, core.thread;
import std.getopt, std.file, std.path, std.process, std.stdio, std.conv, std.algorithm.searching, std.string;
import config, itemdb, monitor, onedrive, selective, sync, util;
import std.net.curl: CurlException;
import core.stdc.signal;
import std.traits;
static import log;
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
OneDriveApi oneDrive;
ItemDatabase itemDb;
enum LOG_NORMAL = 0;
int main(string[] args)
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
// Disable buffering on stdout
stdout.setvbuf(0, _IONBF);
2019-01-26 01:03:00 +01:00
// configuration directory
string confdirOption;
2019-01-26 01:03:00 +01:00
try {
// print the version and exit
bool printVersion = false;
2019-01-26 01:03:00 +01:00
auto opt = getopt(
2019-01-26 01:03:00 +01:00
"confdir", "Set the directory used to store the configuration files", &confdirOption,
"verbose|v+", "Print more details, useful for debugging (repeat for extra debugging)", &log.verbose,
2019-01-26 01:03:00 +01:00
"version", "Print the version and exit", &printVersion
if (opt.helpWanted) {
args ~= "--help";
if (printVersion) {
std.stdio.write("onedrive ", import("version"));
2019-01-26 01:03:00 +01:00
} catch (GetOptException e) {
log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
} catch (Exception e) {
// error
log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
2019-02-12 09:58:10 +01:00
// load configuration file if available
auto cfg = new config.Config(confdirOption);
if (!cfg.initialize()) {
// There was an error loading the configuration
// Error message already printed
// update configuration from command line args
2019-03-17 04:41:26 +01:00
// dry-run notification
if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
2019-03-17 04:41:26 +01:00
log.log("DRY-RUN Configured. Output below shows what 'would' have occurred.");
2019-02-22 08:15:10 +01:00
// Are we able to reach the OneDrive Service
bool online = false;
// dry-run database setup
if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
// Make a copy of the original items.sqlite3 for use as the dry run copy if it exists
if (exists(cfg.databaseFilePath)) {
// copy the file
log.vdebug("Copying items.sqlite3 to items-dryrun.sqlite3 to use for dry run operations");
// sync_dir environment handling to handle ~ expansion properly
string syncDir;
if ((environment.get("SHELL") == "") && (environment.get("USER") == "")){
log.vdebug("sync_dir: No SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected");
// No shell or user set, so expandTilde() will fail - usually headless system running under init.d / systemd or potentially Docker
// Does the 'currently configured' sync_dir include a ~
if (canFind(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"), "~")) {
// A ~ was found
log.vdebug("sync_dir: A '~' was found in sync_dir, using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~'");
syncDir = cfg.homePath ~ strip(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"), "~");
} else {
// No ~ found in sync_dir, use as is
log.vdebug("sync_dir: Getting syncDir from config value sync_dir");
syncDir = cfg.getValueString("sync_dir");
} else {
// A shell and user is set, expand any ~ as this will be expanded correctly if present
log.vdebug("sync_dir: Getting syncDir from config value sync_dir");
if (canFind(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"), "~")) {
log.vdebug("sync_dir: A '~' was found in configured sync_dir, automatically expanding as SHELL and USER environment variable is set");
syncDir = expandTilde(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"));
} else {
syncDir = cfg.getValueString("sync_dir");
// vdebug syncDir as set and calculated
log.vdebug("syncDir: ", syncDir);
// Configure logging if enabled
if (cfg.getValueBool("enable_logging")){
// Read in a user defined log directory or use the default
string logDir = cfg.getValueString("log_dir");
log.vlog("Using logfile dir: ", logDir);
// Configure whether notifications are used
log.setNotifications(cfg.getValueBool("monitor") && !cfg.getValueBool("disable_notifications"));
2016-12-25 19:23:33 +01:00
// upgrades
if (exists(cfg.configDirName ~ "/items.db")) {
if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
safeRemove(cfg.configDirName ~ "/items.db");
log.logAndNotify("Database schema changed, resync needed");
cfg.setValueBool("resync", true);
2016-12-25 19:23:33 +01:00
if (cfg.getValueBool("resync") || cfg.getValueBool("logout")) {
2017-05-28 23:14:37 +02:00
log.vlog("Deleting the saved status ...");
if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
if (cfg.getValueBool("logout")) {
if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
2016-08-05 00:12:58 +02:00
2015-09-14 19:21:06 +02:00
// Display current application configuration, no application initialisation
if (cfg.getValueBool("display_config")){
string userConfigFilePath = cfg.configDirName ~ "/config";
string userSyncList = cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list";
// Display application version
std.stdio.write("onedrive version = ", import("version"));
// Display all of the pertinent configuration options
writeln("Config path = ", cfg.configDirName);
// Does a config file exist or are we using application defaults
if (exists(userConfigFilePath)){
writeln("Config file found in config path = true");
} else {
writeln("Config file found in config path = false");
// Config Options
writeln("Config option 'check_nosync' = ", cfg.getValueBool("check_nosync"));
writeln("Config option 'sync_dir' = ", syncDir);
writeln("Config option 'skip_dir' = ", cfg.getValueString("skip_dir"));
writeln("Config option 'skip_file' = ", cfg.getValueString("skip_file"));
writeln("Config option 'skip_dotfiles' = ", cfg.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles"));
writeln("Config option 'skip_symlinks' = ", cfg.getValueBool("skip_symlinks"));
writeln("Config option 'monitor_interval' = ", cfg.getValueLong("monitor_interval"));
writeln("Config option 'min_notify_changes' = ", cfg.getValueLong("min_notify_changes"));
writeln("Config option 'log_dir' = ", cfg.getValueString("log_dir"));
// Is config option drive_id configured?
if (cfg.getValueString("drive_id") != ""){
writeln("Config option 'drive_id' = ", cfg.getValueString("drive_id"));
// Is sync_list configured?
if (exists(userSyncList)){
writeln("Config option 'sync_root_files' = ", cfg.getValueBool("sync_root_files"));
writeln("Selective sync configured = true");
writeln("sync_list contents:");
// Output the sync_list contents
auto syncListFile = File(userSyncList);
auto range = syncListFile.byLine();
foreach (line; range)
} else {
writeln("Config option 'sync_root_files' = ", cfg.getValueBool("sync_root_files"));
writeln("Selective sync configured = false");
if (cfg.getValueBool("force_http_11")) {
log.log("NOTE: The use of --force-http-1.1 is depreciated");
log.vlog("Initializing the OneDrive API ...");
try {
online = testNetwork();
} catch (CurlException e) {
// No network connection to OneDrive Service
log.error("Cannot connect to Microsoft OneDrive Service");
log.error("Reason: ", e.msg);
if (!cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
// Initialize OneDrive, check for authorization
oneDrive = new OneDriveApi(cfg);
oneDrive.printAccessToken = cfg.getValueBool("print_token");
if (!oneDrive.init()) {
2017-12-28 15:21:41 +01:00
log.error("Could not initialize the OneDrive API");
// workaround for segfault in std.net.curl.Curl.shutdown() on exit
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
// if --synchronize or --monitor not passed in, exit & display help
auto performSyncOK = false;
if (cfg.getValueBool("synchronize") || cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
performSyncOK = true;
// create-directory, remove-directory, source-directory, destination-directory
// are activities that dont perform a sync no error message for these items either
if (((cfg.getValueString("create_directory") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("remove_directory") != "")) || ((cfg.getValueString("source_directory") != "") && (cfg.getValueString("destination_directory") != "")) || (cfg.getValueString("get_o365_drive_id") != "") || cfg.getValueBool("display_sync_status")) {
performSyncOK = true;
if (!performSyncOK) {
writeln("\n--synchronize or --monitor missing from your command options or use --help for further assistance\n");
writeln("No OneDrive sync will be performed without either of these two arguments being present\n");
// if --synchronize && --monitor passed in, exit & display help as these conflict with each other
if (cfg.getValueBool("synchronize") && cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
writeln("\nERROR: --synchronize and --monitor cannot be used together\n");
writeln("Refer to --help to determine which command option you should use.\n");
// Initialize the item database
log.vlog("Opening the item database ...");
if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
// Load the items.sqlite3 file as the database
log.vdebug("Using database file: ", cfg.databaseFilePath);
itemDb = new ItemDatabase(cfg.databaseFilePath);
} else {
// Load the items-dryrun.sqlite3 file as the database
log.vdebug("Using database file: ", cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun);
itemDb = new ItemDatabase(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun);
log.vlog("All operations will be performed in: ", syncDir);
if (!exists(syncDir)) {
log.vdebug("syncDir: Configured syncDir is missing. Creating: ", syncDir);
// Configure selective sync by parsing and getting a regex for skip_file config component
auto selectiveSync = new SelectiveSync();
if (exists(cfg.syncListFilePath)){
log.vdebug("Loading user configured sync_list file ...");
// list what will be synced
auto syncListFile = File(cfg.syncListFilePath);
auto range = syncListFile.byLine();
foreach (line; range)
log.vdebug("sync_list: ", line);
// Configure skip_dir & skip_file from config entries
log.vdebug("Configuring skip_dir ...");
log.vdebug("skip_dir: ", cfg.getValueString("skip_dir"));
log.vdebug("Configuring skip_file ...");
// Validate skip_file to ensure that this does not contain an invalid configuration
// Do not use a skip_file entry of .* as this will prevent correct searching of local changes to process.
foreach(entry; cfg.getValueString("skip_file").split("|")){
if (entry == ".*") {
// invalid entry element detected
log.logAndNotify("ERROR: Invalid skip_file entry '.*' detected");
// valid entry
log.vdebug("skip_file: ", cfg.getValueString("skip_file"));
// Initialize the sync engine
log.logAndNotify("Initializing the Synchronization Engine ...");
auto sync = new SyncEngine(cfg, oneDrive, itemDb, selectiveSync);
try {
if (!initSyncEngine(sync)) {
} catch (CurlException e) {
if (!cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
log.log("\nNo internet connection.");
// We should only set noRemoteDelete in an upload-only scenario
if ((cfg.getValueBool("upload_only"))&&(cfg.getValueBool("no_remote_delete"))) sync.setNoRemoteDelete();
// Do we configure to disable the upload validation routine
if (cfg.getValueBool("disable_upload_validation")) sync.setDisableUploadValidation();
// Do we need to validate the syncDir to check for the presence of a '.nosync' file
if (cfg.getValueBool("check_nomount")) {
// we were asked to check the mounts
if (exists(syncDir ~ "/.nosync")) {
log.logAndNotify("ERROR: .nosync file found. Aborting synchronization process to safeguard data.");
// Do we need to create or remove a directory?
if ((cfg.getValueString("create_directory") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("remove_directory") != "")) {
if (cfg.getValueString("create_directory") != "") {
// create a directory on OneDrive
if (cfg.getValueString("remove_directory") != "") {
// remove a directory on OneDrive
// Are we renaming or moving a directory?
if ((cfg.getValueString("source_directory") != "") && (cfg.getValueString("destination_directory") != "")) {
// We are renaming or moving a directory
sync.renameDirectoryNoSync(cfg.getValueString("source_directory"), cfg.getValueString("destination_directory"));
// Are we obtaining the Office 365 Drive ID for a given Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library?
if (cfg.getValueString("get_o365_drive_id") != ""){
// Are we displaying the sync status of the client?
if (cfg.getValueBool("display_sync_status")) {
string remotePath = "/";
string localPath = ".";
// Are we doing a single directory check?
if (cfg.getValueString("single_directory") != ""){
// Need two different path strings here
remotePath = cfg.getValueString("single_directory");
localPath = cfg.getValueString("single_directory");
// Are we performing a sync, resync or monitor operation?
if ((cfg.getValueBool("synchronize")) || (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) || (cfg.getValueBool("monitor"))) {
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
if ((cfg.getValueBool("synchronize")) || (cfg.getValueBool("resync"))) {
if (online) {
// Check user entry for local path - the above chdir means we are already in ~/OneDrive/ thus singleDirectory is local to this path
if (cfg.getValueString("single_directory") != ""){
// Does the directory we want to sync actually exist?
if (!exists(cfg.getValueString("single_directory"))){
// the requested directory does not exist ..
log.logAndNotify("ERROR: The requested local directory does not exist. Please check ~/OneDrive/ for requested path");
performSync(sync, cfg.getValueString("single_directory"), cfg.getValueBool("download_only"), cfg.getValueBool("local_first"), cfg.getValueBool("upload_only"), LOG_NORMAL, true);
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
if (cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) {
log.logAndNotify("Initializing monitor ...");
log.log("OneDrive monitor interval (seconds): ", cfg.getValueLong("monitor_interval"));
Monitor m = new Monitor(selectiveSync);
m.onDirCreated = delegate(string path) {
log.vlog("[M] Directory created: ", path);
try {
} catch (CurlException e) {
log.vlog("Offline, cannot create remote dir!");
} catch(Exception e) {
log.logAndNotify("Cannot create remote directory: ", e.msg);
m.onFileChanged = delegate(string path) {
log.vlog("[M] File changed: ", path);
try {
} catch (CurlException e) {
log.vlog("Offline, cannot upload changed item!");
} catch(Exception e) {
log.logAndNotify("Cannot upload file changes/creation: ", e.msg);
m.onDelete = delegate(string path) {
log.vlog("[M] Item deleted: ", path);
try {
} catch (CurlException e) {
log.vlog("Offline, cannot delete item!");
} catch(SyncException e) {
if (e.msg == "The item to delete is not in the local database") {
log.vlog("Item cannot be deleted because not found in database");
} else {
log.logAndNotify("Cannot delete remote item: ", e.msg);
} catch(Exception e) {
log.logAndNotify("Cannot delete remote item: ", e.msg);
m.onMove = delegate(string from, string to) {
log.vlog("[M] Item moved: ", from, " -> ", to);
try {
sync.uploadMoveItem(from, to);
} catch (CurlException e) {
log.vlog("Offline, cannot move item!");
} catch(Exception e) {
log.logAndNotify("Cannot move item:, ", e.msg);
signal(SIGINT, &exitHandler);
signal(SIGTERM, &exitHandler);
// initialise the monitor class
if (!cfg.getValueBool("download_only")) m.init(cfg, cfg.getValueLong("verbose") > 0, cfg.getValueBool("skip_symlinks"), cfg.getValueBool("check_nosync"));
// monitor loop
immutable auto checkInterval = dur!"seconds"(cfg.getValueLong("monitor_interval"));
immutable auto logInterval = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_log_frequency");
immutable auto fullScanFrequency = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_fullscan_frequency");
auto lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime();
auto logMonitorCounter = 0;
auto fullScanCounter = 0;
bool fullScanRequired = true;
while (true) {
if (!cfg.getValueBool("download_only")) m.update(online);
auto currTime = MonoTime.currTime();
if (currTime - lastCheckTime > checkInterval) {
// log monitor output suppression
logMonitorCounter += 1;
if (logMonitorCounter > logInterval)
logMonitorCounter = 1;
// full scan of sync_dir
fullScanCounter += 1;
if (fullScanCounter > fullScanFrequency){
fullScanCounter = 1;
fullScanRequired = true;
// log.logAndNotify("DEBUG trying to create checkpoint");
// auto res = itemdb.db_checkpoint();
// log.logAndNotify("Checkpoint return: ", res);
// itemdb.dump_open_statements();
try {
if (!initSyncEngine(sync)) {
try {
performSync(sync, cfg.getValueString("single_directory"), cfg.getValueBool("download_only"), cfg.getValueBool("local_first"), cfg.getValueBool("upload_only"), (logMonitorCounter == logInterval ? MONITOR_LOG_QUIET : MONITOR_LOG_SILENT), fullScanRequired);
if (!cfg.getValueBool("download_only")) {
// discard all events that may have been generated by the sync
} catch (CurlException e) {
// we already tried three times in the performSync routine
// if we still have problems, then the sync handle might have
// gone stale and we need to re-initialize the sync engine
log.log("Persistent connection errors, reinitializing connection");
} catch (CurlException e) {
log.log("Cannot initialize connection to OneDrive");
2017-12-31 17:07:21 +01:00
// performSync complete, set lastCheckTime to current time
fullScanRequired = false;
lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime();
2015-09-17 00:16:23 +02:00
2015-09-14 19:21:06 +02:00
// Workaround for segfault in std.net.curl.Curl.shutdown() on exit
// Make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db before we exit
// --dry-run temp database cleanup
if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) {
if (exists(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun)) {
// remove the file
log.vdebug("Removing items-dryrun.sqlite3 as dry run operations complete");
2015-09-01 20:45:34 +02:00
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
bool initSyncEngine(SyncEngine sync)
try {
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 400 || e.httpStatusCode == 401) {
// Authorization is invalid
log.log("\nAuthorization token invalid, use --logout to authorize the client again\n");
return false;
if (e.httpStatusCode >= 500) {
// There was a HTTP 5xx Server Side Error, message already printed
return false;
return true;
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
// try to synchronize the folder three times
void performSync(SyncEngine sync, string singleDirectory, bool downloadOnly, bool localFirst, bool uploadOnly, long logLevel, bool fullScanRequired)
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
int count;
string remotePath = "/";
string localPath = ".";
// Are we doing a single directory sync?
if (singleDirectory != ""){
// Need two different path strings here
remotePath = singleDirectory;
localPath = singleDirectory;
// Due to Microsoft Sharepoint 'enrichment' of files, we try to download the Microsoft modified file automatically
// Set flag if we are in upload only state to handle this differently
// See: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/935 for further details
if (uploadOnly) sync.setUploadOnly();
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
do {
try {
if (singleDirectory != ""){
// we were requested to sync a single directory
log.vlog("Syncing changes from this selected path: ", singleDirectory);
if (uploadOnly){
// Upload Only of selected single directory
if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from selected local path only - NOT syncing data changes from OneDrive ...");
} else {
// No upload only
if (localFirst) {
// Local First
if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from selected local path first before downloading changes from OneDrive ...");
} else {
// OneDrive First
if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from selected OneDrive path ...");
// is this a download only request?
if (!downloadOnly) {
// process local changes
// ensure that the current remote state is updated locally
} else {
// no single directory sync
if (uploadOnly){
// Upload Only of entire sync_dir
if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from local path only - NOT syncing data changes from OneDrive ...");
} else {
// No upload only
if (localFirst) {
// sync local files first before downloading from OneDrive
if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from local path first before downloading changes from OneDrive ...");
} else {
// sync from OneDrive first before uploading files to OneDrive
if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_SILENT) log.log("Syncing changes from OneDrive ...");
// Is a full scan of the entire sync_dir required?
if (fullScanRequired) {
// is this a download only request?
if (!downloadOnly) {
// process local changes walking the entire path checking for changes
// in monitor mode all local changes are captured via inotify
// thus scanning every 'monitor_interval' (default 45 seconds) for local changes is excessive and not required
// ensure that the current remote state is updated locally
2017-12-31 17:07:21 +01:00
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
count = -1;
2017-12-28 15:03:15 +01:00
} catch (Exception e) {
if (++count == 3) {
log.log("Giving up on sync after three attempts: ", e.msg);
throw e;
} else
log.log("Retry sync count: ", count, ": ", e.msg);
2015-09-20 21:21:51 +02:00
} while (count != -1);
// getting around the @nogc problem
// https://p0nce.github.io/d-idioms/#Bypassing-@nogc
auto assumeNoGC(T) (T t) if (isFunctionPointer!T || isDelegate!T)
enum attrs = functionAttributes!T | FunctionAttribute.nogc;
return cast(SetFunctionAttributes!(T, functionLinkage!T, attrs)) t;
extern(C) nothrow @nogc @system void exitHandler(int value) {
try {
assumeNoGC ( () {
log.log("Got termination signal, shutting down db connection");
// make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db
// workaround for segfault in std.net.curl.Curl.shutdown() on exit
} catch(Exception e) {}