
286 lines
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import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.datetime, std.file, std.json;
import std.stdio, core.thread, std.string;
import progress, onedrive, util;
static import log;
private long fragmentSize = 10 * 2^^20; // 10 MiB
struct UploadSession
private OneDriveApi onedrive;
private bool verbose;
// https://dev.onedrive.com/resources/uploadSession.htm
private JSONValue session;
// path where to save the session
private string sessionFilePath;
this(OneDriveApi onedrive, string sessionFilePath)
this.onedrive = onedrive;
this.sessionFilePath = sessionFilePath;
this.verbose = verbose;
2017-12-31 16:11:02 +01:00
JSONValue upload(string localPath, const(char)[] parentDriveId, const(char)[] parentId, const(char)[] filename, const(char)[] eTag = null)
// Fix https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/2
// More Details https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/778
SysTime localFileLastModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localPath).toUTC();
localFileLastModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
JSONValue fileSystemInfo = [
"item": JSONValue([
"@name.conflictBehavior": JSONValue("replace"),
"fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([
"lastModifiedDateTime": localFileLastModifiedTime.toISOExtString()
// Try to create the upload session for this file
session = onedrive.createUploadSession(parentDriveId, parentId, filename, eTag, fileSystemInfo);
if ("uploadUrl" in session){
session["localPath"] = localPath;
return upload();
} else {
// there was an error
log.vlog("Create file upload session failed ... skipping file upload");
// return upload() will return a JSONValue response, create an empty JSONValue response to return
JSONValue response;
return response;
/* Restore the previous upload session.
* Returns true if the session is valid. Call upload() to resume it.
* Returns false if there is no session or the session is expired. */
bool restore()
if (exists(sessionFilePath)) {
log.vlog("Trying to restore the upload session ...");
// We cant use JSONType.object check, as this is currently a string
// We cant use a try & catch block, as it does not catch std.json.JSONException
auto sessionFileText = readText(sessionFilePath);
if(canFind(sessionFileText,"@odata.context")) {
session = readText(sessionFilePath).parseJSON();
} else {
log.vlog("Upload session resume data is invalid");
return false;
// Check the session resume file for expirationDateTime
if ("expirationDateTime" in session){
// expirationDateTime in the file
auto expiration = SysTime.fromISOExtString(session["expirationDateTime"].str);
if (expiration < Clock.currTime()) {
log.vlog("The upload session is expired");
return false;
if (!exists(session["localPath"].str)) {
log.vlog("The file does not exist anymore");
return false;
// Can we read the file - as a permissions issue or file corruption will cause a failure on resume
// https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/113
if (readLocalFile(session["localPath"].str)){
// able to read the file
// request the session status
JSONValue response;
try {
response = onedrive.requestUploadStatus(session["uploadUrl"].str);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
// handle any onedrive error response
if (e.httpStatusCode == 400) {
log.vlog("Upload session not found");
return false;
// do we have a valid response from OneDrive?
if (response.type() == JSONType.object){
// JSON object
if (("expirationDateTime" in response) && ("nextExpectedRanges" in response)){
// has the elements we need
session["expirationDateTime"] = response["expirationDateTime"];
session["nextExpectedRanges"] = response["nextExpectedRanges"];
if (session["nextExpectedRanges"].array.length == 0) {
log.vlog("The upload session is completed");
return false;
} else {
// bad data
log.vlog("Restore file upload session failed - invalid data response from OneDrive");
if (exists(sessionFilePath)) {
return false;
} else {
// not a JSON object
log.vlog("Restore file upload session failed - invalid response from OneDrive");
if (exists(sessionFilePath)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
// unable to read the local file
log.vlog("Restore file upload session failed - unable to read the local file");
if (exists(sessionFilePath)) {
2017-12-31 16:11:02 +01:00
return false;
} else {
// session file contains an error - cant resume
log.vlog("Restore file upload session failed - cleaning up session resume");
if (exists(sessionFilePath)) {
return false;
return false;
JSONValue upload()
// Response for upload
JSONValue response;
// session JSON needs to contain valid elements
long offset;
long fileSize;
if ("nextExpectedRanges" in session){
offset = session["nextExpectedRanges"][0].str.splitter('-').front.to!long;
if ("localPath" in session){
fileSize = getSize(session["localPath"].str);
if ("uploadUrl" in session){
// Upload file via session created
// Upload Progress Bar
size_t iteration = (roundTo!int(double(fileSize)/double(fragmentSize)))+1;
Progress p = new Progress(iteration);
p.title = "Uploading";
long fragmentCount = 0;
// Initialise the download bar at 0%
while (true) {
log.vdebugNewLine("Fragment: ", fragmentCount, " of ", iteration);
long fragSize = fragmentSize < fileSize - offset ? fragmentSize : fileSize - offset;
// If the resume upload fails, we need to check for a return code here
try {
response = onedrive.uploadFragment(
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
// if a 100 response is generated, continue
if (e.httpStatusCode == 100) {
// there was an error response from OneDrive when uploading the file fragment
// handle 'HTTP request returned status code 429 (Too Many Requests)' first
if (e.httpStatusCode == 429) {
auto retryAfterValue = onedrive.getRetryAfterValue();
log.vdebug("Fragment upload failed - received throttle request response from OneDrive");
log.vdebug("Using Retry-After Value = ", retryAfterValue);
// Sleep thread as per request
log.log("\nThread sleeping due to 'HTTP request returned status code 429' - The request has been throttled");
log.log("Sleeping for ", retryAfterValue, " seconds");
log.log("Retrying fragment upload");
} else {
// insert a new line as well, so that the below error is inserted on the console in the right location
log.vlog("\nFragment upload failed - received an exception response from OneDrive");
// display what the error is
// retry fragment upload in case error is transient
log.vlog("Retrying fragment upload");
try {
response = onedrive.uploadFragment(
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
// OneDrive threw another error on retry
log.vlog("Retry to upload fragment failed");
// display what the error is
// set response to null as the fragment upload was in error twice
response = null;
// was the fragment uploaded without issue?
if (response.type() == JSONType.object){
offset += fragmentSize;
if (offset >= fileSize) break;
// update the session details
session["expirationDateTime"] = response["expirationDateTime"];
session["nextExpectedRanges"] = response["nextExpectedRanges"];
} else {
// not a JSON object - fragment upload failed
log.vlog("File upload session failed - invalid response from OneDrive");
if (exists(sessionFilePath)) {
// set response to null as error
response = null;
return response;
// upload complete
if (exists(sessionFilePath)) {
return response;
} else {
// session elements were not present
log.vlog("Session has no valid upload URL ... skipping this file upload");
// return an empty JSON response
response = null;
return response;
// Parse and display error message received from OneDrive
private void displayOneDriveErrorMessage(string message) {
log.error("ERROR: OneDrive returned an error with the following message:");
auto errorArray = splitLines(message);
log.error(" Error Message: ", errorArray[0]);
// extract 'message' as the reason
JSONValue errorMessage = parseJSON(replace(message, errorArray[0], ""));
log.error(" Error Reason: ", errorMessage["error"]["message"].str);
private void save()
std.file.write(sessionFilePath, session.toString());