Merge branch 'hotfix' into monitor

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Jcomp 2024-01-28 16:09:00 +00:00
commit 926b3c28a4

View file

@ -3484,146 +3484,149 @@ class SyncEngine {
// For each batch of files to upload, upload the changed data to OneDrive
foreach (chunk; databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged.chunks(batchSize)) {
// Upload the changed file batches in parallel
void processChangedLocalItemsToUploadInParallel(string[3][] array) {
foreach (i, localItemDetails; taskPool.parallel(array)) {
addLogEntry("Upload Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Starting: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("Upload Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Finished: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]);
// Upload changed local files to OneDrive in parallel
void uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive(string[3][] array) {
foreach (i, localItemDetails; taskPool.parallel(array)) {
void uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive(string[3] localItemDetails) {
addLogEntry("Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Starting: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]);
// These are the details of the item we need to upload
string changedItemParentId = localItemDetails[0];
string changedItemId = localItemDetails[1];
string localFilePath = localItemDetails[2];
// These are the details of the item we need to upload
string changedItemParentId = localItemDetails[0];
string changedItemId = localItemDetails[1];
string localFilePath = localItemDetails[2];
// How much space is remaining on OneDrive
ulong remainingFreeSpace;
// Did the upload fail?
bool uploadFailed = false;
// Did we skip due to exceeding maximum allowed size?
bool skippedMaxSize = false;
// Did we skip to an exception error?
bool skippedExceptionError = false;
// Unfortunatly, we cant store an array of Item's ... so we have to re-query the DB again - unavoidable extra processing here
// This is because the Item[] has no other functions to allow is to parallel process those elements, so we have to use a string array as input to this function
Item dbItem;
itemDB.selectById(changedItemParentId, changedItemId, dbItem);
addLogEntry("uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]);
// Query the available space online
// This will update appConfig.quotaAvailable & appConfig.quotaRestricted values
remainingFreeSpace = getRemainingFreeSpace(dbItem.driveId);
// Get the file size from the actual file
ulong thisFileSizeLocal = getSize(localFilePath);
// Get the file size from the DB data
ulong thisFileSizeFromDB;
if (!dbItem.size.empty) {
thisFileSizeFromDB = to!ulong(dbItem.size);
} else {
thisFileSizeFromDB = 0;
// remainingFreeSpace online includes the current file online
// we need to remove the online file (add back the existing file size) then take away the new local file size to get a new approximate value
ulong calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload = (remainingFreeSpace + thisFileSizeFromDB) - thisFileSizeLocal;
// Based on what we know, for this thread - can we safely upload this modified local file?
addLogEntry("This Thread Current Free Space Online: " ~ to!string(remainingFreeSpace), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("This Thread Calculated Free Space Online Post Upload: " ~ to!string(calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload), ["debug"]);
// How much space is remaining on OneDrive
ulong remainingFreeSpace;
// Did the upload fail?
bool uploadFailed = false;
// Did we skip due to exceeding maximum allowed size?
bool skippedMaxSize = false;
// Did we skip to an exception error?
bool skippedExceptionError = false;
JSONValue uploadResponse;
bool spaceAvailableOnline = false;
// If 'personal' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data - appConfig.quotaAvailable will be updated
// If 'personal' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will not have quota data - appConfig.quotaRestricted will be set as true
// If 'business' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data
// If 'business' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will have data, but it will be a 0 value - appConfig.quotaRestricted will be set as true
// What was the latest getRemainingFreeSpace() value?
if (appConfig.quotaAvailable) {
// Our query told us we have free space online .. if we upload this file, will we exceed space online - thus upload will fail during upload?
if (calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload > 0) {
// Based on this thread action, we beleive that there is space available online to upload - proceed
spaceAvailableOnline = true;
// Is quota being restricted?
if (appConfig.quotaRestricted) {
// Space available online is being restricted - so we have no way to really know if there is space available online
// Unfortunatly, we cant store an array of Item's ... so we have to re-query the DB again - unavoidable extra processing here
// This is because the Item[] has no other functions to allow is to parallel process those elements, so we have to use a string array as input to this function
Item dbItem;
itemDB.selectById(changedItemParentId, changedItemId, dbItem);
// Query the available space online
// This will update appConfig.quotaAvailable & appConfig.quotaRestricted values
remainingFreeSpace = getRemainingFreeSpace(dbItem.driveId);
// Get the file size from the actual file
ulong thisFileSizeLocal = getSize(localFilePath);
// Get the file size from the DB data
ulong thisFileSizeFromDB;
if (!dbItem.size.empty) {
thisFileSizeFromDB = to!ulong(dbItem.size);
} else {
thisFileSizeFromDB = 0;
// remainingFreeSpace online includes the current file online
// we need to remove the online file (add back the existing file size) then take away the new local file size to get a new approximate value
ulong calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload = (remainingFreeSpace + thisFileSizeFromDB) - thisFileSizeLocal;
// Based on what we know, for this thread - can we safely upload this modified local file?
addLogEntry("This Thread Current Free Space Online: " ~ to!string(remainingFreeSpace), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("This Thread Calculated Free Space Online Post Upload: " ~ to!string(calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload), ["debug"]);
JSONValue uploadResponse;
bool spaceAvailableOnline = false;
// If 'personal' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data - appConfig.quotaAvailable will be updated
// If 'personal' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will not have quota data - appConfig.quotaRestricted will be set as true
// If 'business' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data
// If 'business' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will have data, but it will be a 0 value - appConfig.quotaRestricted will be set as true
// What was the latest getRemainingFreeSpace() value?
if (appConfig.quotaAvailable) {
// Our query told us we have free space online .. if we upload this file, will we exceed space online - thus upload will fail during upload?
if (calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload > 0) {
// Based on this thread action, we beleive that there is space available online to upload - proceed
spaceAvailableOnline = true;
// Do we have space available or is space available being restricted (so we make the blind assumption that there is space available)
if (spaceAvailableOnline) {
// Does this file exceed the maximum file size to upload to OneDrive?
if (thisFileSizeLocal <= maxUploadFileSize) {
// Attempt to upload the modified file
// Error handling is in performModifiedFileUpload(), and the JSON that is responded with - will either be null or a valid JSON object containing the upload result
uploadResponse = performModifiedFileUpload(dbItem, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal);
// Evaluate the returned JSON uploadResponse
// If there was an error uploading the file, uploadResponse should be empty and invalid
if (uploadResponse.type() != JSONType.object) {
uploadFailed = true;
skippedExceptionError = true;
} else {
// Skip file - too large
uploadFailed = true;
skippedMaxSize = true;
} else {
// Cant upload this file - no space available
uploadFailed = true;
// Is quota being restricted?
if (appConfig.quotaRestricted) {
// Space available online is being restricted - so we have no way to really know if there is space available online
spaceAvailableOnline = true;
// Did the upload fail?
if (uploadFailed) {
// Upload failed .. why?
// No space available online
if (!spaceAvailableOnline) {
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " due to insufficient free space available on Microsoft OneDrive", ["info", "notify"]);
// File exceeds max allowed size
if (skippedMaxSize) {
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this modified file as it exceeds the maximum size allowed by OneDrive: " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]);
// Generic message
if (skippedExceptionError) {
// normal failure message if API or exception error generated
addLogEntry("Uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... failed!", ["info", "notify"]);
// Do we have space available or is space available being restricted (so we make the blind assumption that there is space available)
if (spaceAvailableOnline) {
// Does this file exceed the maximum file size to upload to OneDrive?
if (thisFileSizeLocal <= maxUploadFileSize) {
// Attempt to upload the modified file
// Error handling is in performModifiedFileUpload(), and the JSON that is responded with - will either be null or a valid JSON object containing the upload result
uploadResponse = performModifiedFileUpload(dbItem, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal);
// Evaluate the returned JSON uploadResponse
// If there was an error uploading the file, uploadResponse should be empty and invalid
if (uploadResponse.type() != JSONType.object) {
uploadFailed = true;
skippedExceptionError = true;
} else {
// Upload was successful
addLogEntry("Uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... done.", ["info", "notify"]);
// Save JSON item in database
if (!dryRun) {
// Check the integrity of the uploaded modified file
performUploadIntegrityValidationChecks(uploadResponse, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal);
// Update the date / time of the file online to match the local item
// Get the local file last modified time
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localFilePath).toUTC();
localModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
// Get the latest eTag, and use that
string etagFromUploadResponse = uploadResponse["eTag"].str;
// Attempt to update the online date time stamp based on our local data
uploadLastModifiedTime(dbItem.driveId,, localModifiedTime, etagFromUploadResponse);
// Skip file - too large
uploadFailed = true;
skippedMaxSize = true;
addLogEntry("Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Finished: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]);
} // end of 'foreach (i, localItemDetails; array.enumerate)'
} else {
// Cant upload this file - no space available
uploadFailed = true;
// Did the upload fail?
if (uploadFailed) {
// Upload failed .. why?
// No space available online
if (!spaceAvailableOnline) {
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " due to insufficient free space available on Microsoft OneDrive", ["info", "notify"]);
// File exceeds max allowed size
if (skippedMaxSize) {
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this modified file as it exceeds the maximum size allowed by OneDrive: " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]);
// Generic message
if (skippedExceptionError) {
// normal failure message if API or exception error generated
addLogEntry("Uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... failed!", ["info", "notify"]);
} else {
// Upload was successful
addLogEntry("Uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... done.", ["info", "notify"]);
// Save JSON item in database
if (!dryRun) {
// Check the integrity of the uploaded modified file
performUploadIntegrityValidationChecks(uploadResponse, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal);
// Update the date / time of the file online to match the local item
// Get the local file last modified time
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localFilePath).toUTC();
localModifiedTime.fracSecs =;
// Get the latest eTag, and use that
string etagFromUploadResponse = uploadResponse["eTag"].str;
// Attempt to update the online date time stamp based on our local data
uploadLastModifiedTime(dbItem.driveId,, localModifiedTime, etagFromUploadResponse);
// Perform the upload of a locally modified file to OneDrive
@ -4047,14 +4050,6 @@ class SyncEngine {
// Cleanup array memory after uploading all files
newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive = [];
if (!databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged.empty) {
// There are changed local files that were in the DB to upload
addLogEntry("Changed local items to upload to OneDrive: " ~ to!string(databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged.length));
// Cleanup array memory
databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged = [];
// Scan this path for new data
@ -4281,7 +4276,6 @@ class SyncEngine {
void handleLocalFileTrigger(string[] changedLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive) {
// Is this path a new file or an existing one?
// Normally we would use pathFoundInDatabase() to calculate, but we need 'databaseItem' as well if the item is in the database
string[3][] modifiedItemToUpload;
foreach (localFilePath; changedLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive) {
Item databaseItem;
bool fileFoundInDB = false;
@ -4306,12 +4300,11 @@ class SyncEngine {
// Log that the file has changed locally
addLogEntry("[M] Local file changed: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]);
// Add the modified item to the array to upload
modifiedItemToUpload ~= [databaseItem.driveId,, localFilePath];
uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive([databaseItem.driveId,, localFilePath]);
// Query the database to determine if this path is within the existing database
@ -4929,10 +4922,10 @@ class SyncEngine {
string changedItemParentId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["parentReference"]["driveId"].str;
string changedItemId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["id"].str;
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this file as moving it to upload as a modified file (online item already exists): " ~ fileToUpload);
databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged ~= [changedItemParentId, changedItemId, fileToUpload];
// In order for the processing of the local item as a 'changed' item, unfortunatly we need to save the online data to the local DB
uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive([changedItemParentId, changedItemId, fileToUpload]);
} catch (OneDriveException exception) {
// If we get a 404 .. the file is not online .. this is what we want .. file does not exist online