Handle #2626 | Case 2-1 and Case 2-2 items

* Specifically resolve #2626 | Case 2-1 and Case 2-2 items
This commit is contained in:
abraunegg 2024-02-19 10:29:49 +11:00
parent fd5f5e06b9
commit fecec1ba72
2 changed files with 159 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -1127,7 +1127,9 @@ class SyncEngine {
idsToDelete ~= [thisItemDriveId, thisItemId];
} else {
// local data protection is configured, safeBackup the local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not
safeBackup(localPathToDelete, dryRun);
// In case the renamed path is needed
string renamedPath;
safeBackup(localPathToDelete, dryRun, renamedPath);
} else {
// Flag to ignore
@ -1737,7 +1739,9 @@ class SyncEngine {
addLogEntry("WARNING: Local Data Protection has been disabled. You may experience data loss on this file: " ~ newItemPath, ["info", "notify"]);
} else {
// local data protection is configured, safeBackup the local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not
safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun);
// In case the renamed path is needed
string renamedPath;
safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath);
} else {
@ -1754,7 +1758,9 @@ class SyncEngine {
addLogEntry("WARNING: Local Data Protection has been disabled. You may experience data loss on this file: " ~ newItemPath, ["info", "notify"]);
} else {
// local data protection is configured, safeBackup the local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not
safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun);
// In case the renamed path is needed
string renamedPath;
safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath);
@ -1847,13 +1853,17 @@ class SyncEngine {
// The destination item is different
addLogEntry("The destination is occupied with a different item, renaming the conflicting file...", ["verbose"]);
// Backup this item, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not
safeBackup(changedItemPath, dryRun);
// In case the renamed path is needed
string renamedPath;
safeBackup(changedItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath);
} else {
// The to be overwritten item is not already in the itemdb, so it should saved to avoid data loss
addLogEntry("The destination is occupied by an existing un-synced file, renaming the conflicting file...", ["verbose"]);
// Backup this item, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not
safeBackup(changedItemPath, dryRun);
// In case the renamed path is needed
string renamedPath;
safeBackup(changedItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath);
@ -2047,7 +2057,9 @@ class SyncEngine {
addLogEntry("The local file to replace (" ~ newItemPath ~ ") has been modified locally since the last download. Renaming it to avoid potential local data loss.");
// Perform the local safeBackup of the existing local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not
safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun);
// In case the renamed path is needed
string renamedPath;
safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath);
@ -3610,7 +3622,11 @@ class SyncEngine {
// Generic message
if (skippedExceptionError) {
// normal failure message if API or exception error generated
addLogEntry("Uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... failed!", ["info", "notify"]);
// If Issue #2626 | Case 2-1 is triggered, the file we tried to upload was renamed, then uploaded as a new name
if (exists(localFilePath)) {
// Issue #2626 | Case 2-1 was not triggered, file still exists on local filesystem
addLogEntry("Uploading modified file " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... failed!", ["info", "notify"]);
} else {
// Upload was successful
@ -3647,21 +3663,116 @@ class SyncEngine {
uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig);
// Configure JSONValue variables we use for a session upload
JSONValue currentOnlineData;
JSONValue uploadSessionData;
string currentETag;
// Is this a dry-run scenario?
if (!dryRun) {
// Do we use simpleUpload or create an upload session?
bool useSimpleUpload = false;
//if ((appConfig.accountType == "personal") && (thisFileSizeLocal <= sessionThresholdFileSize)) {
// Try and get the absolute latest object details from online
try {
currentOnlineData = uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsById(dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id);
} catch (OneDriveException exception) {
string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({});
// HTTP request returned status code 408,429,503,504
if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 408) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 429) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 503) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 504)) {
// Handle the 429
if (exception.httpStatusCode == 429) {
// HTTP request returned status code 429 (Too Many Requests). We need to leverage the response Retry-After HTTP header to ensure minimum delay until the throttle is removed.
addLogEntry("Retrying original request that generated the OneDrive HTTP 429 Response Code (Too Many Requests) - attempting to retry " ~ thisFunctionName, ["debug"]);
// re-try the specific changes queries
if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 408) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 503) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 504)) {
// 408 - Request Time Out
// 503 - Service Unavailable
// 504 - Gateway Timeout
// Transient error - try again in 30 seconds
auto errorArray = splitLines(exception.msg);
addLogEntry(to!string(errorArray[0]) ~ " when attempting to obtain latest file details from OneDrive - retrying applicable request in 30 seconds");
addLogEntry(thisFunctionName ~ " previously threw an error - retrying", ["debug"]);
// The server, while acting as a proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server it needed to access in attempting to complete the request.
addLogEntry("Thread sleeping for 30 seconds as the server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server it needed to access in attempting to complete the request", ["debug"]);
// re-try original request - retried for 429, 503, 504 - but loop back calling this function
addLogEntry("Retrying Function: " ~ thisFunctionName, ["debug"]);
performModifiedFileUpload(dbItem, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal);
} else {
// Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors
// display what the error is
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
// Was a valid JSON response provided?
if (currentOnlineData.type() == JSONType.object) {
// Does the response contain an eTag?
if (hasETag(currentOnlineData)) {
// Use the value returned from online
currentETag = currentOnlineData["eTag"].str;
} else {
// Use the database value
currentETag = dbItem.eTag;
} else {
// no valid JSON response
currentETag = dbItem.eTag;
// What upload method should be used?
if (thisFileSizeLocal <= sessionThresholdFileSize) {
useSimpleUpload = true;
// If the filesize is greater than zero , and we have valid 'latest' online data is the online file matching what we think is in the database?
if ((thisFileSizeLocal > 0) && (currentOnlineData.type() == JSONType.object)) {
// Issue #2626 | Case 2-1
// If the 'online' file is newer, this will be overwritten with the file from the local filesystem - potentially consituting online data loss
Item onlineFile = makeItem(currentOnlineData);
// Which file is technically newer? The local file or the remote file?
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localFilePath).toUTC();
SysTime onlineModifiedTime = onlineFile.mtime;
// Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing
localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
onlineModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
// Which file is newer? If local is newer, it will be uploaded as a modified file in the correct manner
if (localModifiedTime < onlineModifiedTime) {
// Online File is actually newer than the locally modified file
addLogEntry("currentOnlineData: " ~ to!string(currentOnlineData), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("onlineFile: " ~ to!string(onlineFile), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("database item: " ~ to!string(dbItem), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this item as a locally modified file, will upload as a new file (online file already exists and is newer): " ~ localFilePath);
// Online is newer, rename local, then upload the renamed file
// We need to know the renamed path so we can upload it
string renamedPath;
// Rename the local path
safeBackup(localFilePath, dryRun, renamedPath);
// Upload renamed local file as a new file
// Process the database entry removal for the original file. In a --dry-run scenario, this is being done against a DB copy.
// This is done so we can download the newer online file
itemDB.deleteById(dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id);
// This file is now uploaded, return from here, but this will trigger a response that the upload failed (technically for the original filename it did, but we renamed it, then uploaded it
return uploadResponse;
// We can only upload zero size files via simpleFileUpload regardless of account type
// Reference: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/53
// Additionally, all files where file size is < 4MB should be uploaded by simpleUploadReplace - everything else should use a session to upload the modified file
if ((thisFileSizeLocal == 0) || (useSimpleUpload)) {
// Must use Simple Upload to replace the file online
try {
@ -3705,70 +3816,11 @@ class SyncEngine {
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
} else {
// Configure JSONValue variables we use for a session upload
JSONValue currentOnlineData;
JSONValue uploadSessionData;
string currentETag;
// As this is a unique thread, the sessionFilePath for where we save the data needs to be unique
// The best way to do this is generate a 10 digit alphanumeric string, and use this as the file extention
string threadUploadSessionFilePath = appConfig.uploadSessionFilePath ~ "." ~ generateAlphanumericString();
// Get the absolute latest object details from online
try {
currentOnlineData = uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsByDriveId(dbItem.driveId, localFilePath);
} catch (OneDriveException exception) {
string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({});
// HTTP request returned status code 408,429,503,504
if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 408) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 429) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 503) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 504)) {
// Handle the 429
if (exception.httpStatusCode == 429) {
// HTTP request returned status code 429 (Too Many Requests). We need to leverage the response Retry-After HTTP header to ensure minimum delay until the throttle is removed.
addLogEntry("Retrying original request that generated the OneDrive HTTP 429 Response Code (Too Many Requests) - attempting to retry " ~ thisFunctionName, ["debug"]);
// re-try the specific changes queries
if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 408) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 503) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 504)) {
// 408 - Request Time Out
// 503 - Service Unavailable
// 504 - Gateway Timeout
// Transient error - try again in 30 seconds
auto errorArray = splitLines(exception.msg);
addLogEntry(to!string(errorArray[0]) ~ " when attempting to obtain latest file details from OneDrive - retrying applicable request in 30 seconds");
addLogEntry(thisFunctionName ~ " previously threw an error - retrying", ["debug"]);
// The server, while acting as a proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server it needed to access in attempting to complete the request.
addLogEntry("Thread sleeping for 30 seconds as the server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server it needed to access in attempting to complete the request", ["debug"]);
// re-try original request - retried for 429, 503, 504 - but loop back calling this function
addLogEntry("Retrying Function: " ~ thisFunctionName, ["debug"]);
performModifiedFileUpload(dbItem, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal);
} else {
// Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors
// display what the error is
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
// Was a valid JSON response provided?
if (currentOnlineData.type() == JSONType.object) {
// Does the response contain an eTag?
if (hasETag(currentOnlineData)) {
// Use the value returned from online
currentETag = currentOnlineData["eTag"].str;
} else {
// Use the database value
currentETag = dbItem.eTag;
} else {
// no valid JSON response
currentETag = dbItem.eTag;
// Create the Upload Session
// Create the upload session
try {
uploadSessionData = createSessionFileUpload(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance, localFilePath, dbItem.driveId, dbItem.parentId, baseName(localFilePath), currentETag, threadUploadSessionFilePath);
} catch (OneDriveException exception) {
@ -3810,7 +3862,7 @@ class SyncEngine {
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
// Perform the Upload using the session
// Perform the upload using the session that has been created
try {
uploadResponse = performSessionFileUpload(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance, thisFileSizeLocal, uploadSessionData, threadUploadSessionFilePath);
} catch (OneDriveException exception) {
@ -3851,7 +3903,6 @@ class SyncEngine {
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
} else {
// We are in a --dry-run scenario
uploadResponse = createFakeResponse(localFilePath);
@ -4816,7 +4867,6 @@ class SyncEngine {
parentPathFoundInDB = true;
// If the parent path was found in the DB, to ensure we are uploading the the right location 'parentItem.driveId' must not be empty
@ -4968,15 +5018,42 @@ class SyncEngine {
// The local file we are attempting to upload as a new file is different to the existing file online
addLogEntry("Triggering newfile upload target already exists edge case, where the online item does not match what we are trying to upload", ["debug"]);
// If the 'online' file is newer, this will be overwritten with the file from the local filesystem - consituting online data loss
// The file 'version history' online will have to be used to 'recover' the prior online file
string changedItemParentId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["parentReference"]["driveId"].str;
string changedItemId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["id"].str;
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this file as moving it to upload as a modified file (online item already exists): " ~ fileToUpload);
// Issue #2626 | Case 2-2 (resync)
// In order for the processing of the local item as a 'changed' item, unfortunatly we need to save the online data to the local DB
// If the 'online' file is newer, this will be overwritten with the file from the local filesystem - potentially consituting online data loss
// The file 'version history' online will have to be used to 'recover' the prior online file
string changedItemParentDriveId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["parentReference"]["driveId"].str;
string changedItemId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["id"].str;
addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this item as a new file, will upload as a modified file (online file already exists): " ~ fileToUpload);
// In order for the processing of the local item as a 'changed' item, unfortunatly we need to save the online data of the existing online file to the local DB
uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive([changedItemParentId, changedItemId, fileToUpload]);
// Which file is technically newer? The local file or the remote file?
Item onlineFile = makeItem(fileDetailsFromOneDrive);
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(fileToUpload).toUTC();
SysTime onlineModifiedTime = onlineFile.mtime;
// Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing
localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
onlineModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
// Which file is newer?
if (localModifiedTime >= onlineModifiedTime) {
// Upload the locally modified file as-is, as it is newer
uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive([changedItemParentDriveId, changedItemId, fileToUpload]);
} else {
// Online is newer, rename local, then upload the renamed file
// We need to know the renamed path so we can upload it
string renamedPath;
// Rename the local path
safeBackup(fileToUpload, dryRun, renamedPath);
// Upload renamed local file as a new file
// Process the database entry removal for the original file. In a --dry-run scenario, this is being done against a DB copy.
// This is done so we can download the newer online file
itemDB.deleteById(changedItemParentDriveId, changedItemId);
} catch (OneDriveException exception) {
// If we get a 404 .. the file is not online .. this is what we want .. file does not exist online

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ static this() {
// Creates a safe backup of the given item, and only performs the function if not in a --dry-run scenario
void safeBackup(const(char)[] path, bool dryRun) {
void safeBackup(const(char)[] path, bool dryRun, out string renamedPath) {
auto ext = extension(path);
auto newPath = path.chomp(ext) ~ "-" ~ deviceName;
int n = 2;
@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ void safeBackup(const(char)[] path, bool dryRun) {
// Use rename() as Linux is POSIX compliant, we have an atomic operation where at no point in time the 'to' is missing.
try {
rename(path, newPath);
rename(path, newPath);
renamedPath = to!string(newPath);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Handle exceptions, e.g., log error
addLogEntry("Renaming of local file failed for " ~ to!string(path) ~ ": " ~ e.msg, ["error"]);