// What is this module called? module syncEngine; // What does this module require to function? import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit; import core.thread; import core.time; import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.concurrency; import std.container.rbtree; import std.conv; import std.datetime; import std.encoding; import std.exception; import std.file; import std.json; import std.parallelism; import std.path; import std.range; import std.regex; import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.uni; import std.uri; import std.utf; import std.math; // What other modules that we have created do we need to import? import config; import log; import util; import onedrive; import itemdb; import clientSideFiltering; class jsonResponseException: Exception { @safe pure this(string inputMessage) { string msg = format(inputMessage); super(msg); } } class posixException: Exception { @safe pure this(string localTargetName, string remoteTargetName) { string msg = format("POSIX 'case-insensitive match' between '%s' (local) and '%s' (online) which violates the Microsoft OneDrive API namespace convention", localTargetName, remoteTargetName); super(msg); } } class accountDetailsException: Exception { @safe pure this() { string msg = format("Unable to query OneDrive API to obtain required account details"); super(msg); } } class SyncException: Exception { @nogc @safe pure nothrow this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { super(msg, file, line); } } struct driveDetailsCache { // - driveId is the drive for the operations were items need to be stored // - quotaRestricted details a bool value as to if that drive is restricting our ability to understand if there is space available. Some 'Business' and 'SharePoint' restrict, and most (if not all) shared folders it cant be determined if there is free space // - quotaAvailable is a ulong value that stores the value of what the current free space is available online string driveId; bool quotaRestricted; bool quotaAvailable; ulong quotaRemaining; } struct DeltaLinkDetails { string driveId; string itemId; string latestDeltaLink; } class SyncEngine { // Class Variables ApplicationConfig appConfig; OneDriveApi oneDriveApiInstance; ItemDatabase itemDB; ClientSideFiltering selectiveSync; // Array of directory databaseItem.id to skip while applying the changes. // These are the 'parent path' id's that are being excluded, so if the parent id is in here, the child needs to be skipped as well RedBlackTree!string skippedItems = redBlackTree!string(); // Array of databaseItem.id to delete after the changes have been downloaded string[2][] idsToDelete; // Array of JSON items which are files or directories that are not 'root', skipped or to be deleted, that need to be processed JSONValue[] jsonItemsToProcess; // Array of JSON items which are files that are not 'root', skipped or to be deleted, that need to be downloaded JSONValue[] fileJSONItemsToDownload; // Array of paths that failed to download string[] fileDownloadFailures; // Associative array mapping of all OneDrive driveId's that have been seen, mapped with driveDetailsCache data for reference driveDetailsCache[string] onlineDriveDetails; // List of items we fake created when using --dry-run string[2][] idsFaked; // List of paths we fake deleted when using --dry-run string[] pathFakeDeletedArray; // Array of database Parent Item ID, Item ID & Local Path where the content has changed and needs to be uploaded string[3][] databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged; // Array of local file paths that need to be uploaded as new itemts to OneDrive string[] newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive; // Array of local file paths that failed to be uploaded to OneDrive string[] fileUploadFailures; // List of path names changed online, but not changed locally when using --dry-run string[] pathsRenamed; // List of paths that were a POSIX case-insensitive match, thus could not be created online string[] posixViolationPaths; // List of local paths, that, when using the OneDrive Business Shared Folders feature, then diabling it, folder still exists locally and online // This list of local paths need to be skipped string[] businessSharedFoldersOnlineToSkip; // List of interrupted uploads session files that need to be resumed string[] interruptedUploadsSessionFiles; // List of validated interrupted uploads session JSON items to resume JSONValue[] jsonItemsToResumeUpload; // Flag that there were upload or download failures listed bool syncFailures = false; // Is sync_list configured bool syncListConfigured = false; // Was --dry-run used? bool dryRun = false; // Was --upload-only used? bool uploadOnly = false; // Was --remove-source-files used? // Flag to set whether the local file should be deleted once it is successfully uploaded to OneDrive bool localDeleteAfterUpload = false; // Do we configure to disable the download validation routine due to --disable-download-validation // We will always validate our downloads // However, when downloading files from SharePoint, the OneDrive API will not advise the correct file size // which means that the application thinks the file download has failed as the size is different / hash is different // See: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/discussions/1667 bool disableDownloadValidation = false; // Do we configure to disable the upload validation routine due to --disable-upload-validation // We will always validate our uploads // However, when uploading a file that can contain metadata SharePoint will associate some // metadata from the library the file is uploaded to directly in the file which breaks this validation. // See: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/205 // See: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/935 bool disableUploadValidation = false; // Do we perform a local cleanup of files that are 'extra' on the local file system, when using --download-only bool cleanupLocalFiles = false; // Are we performing a --single-directory sync ? bool singleDirectoryScope = false; string singleDirectoryScopeDriveId; string singleDirectoryScopeItemId; // Is National Cloud Deployments configured ? bool nationalCloudDeployment = false; // Do we configure not to perform a remote file delete if --upload-only & --no-remote-delete configured bool noRemoteDelete = false; // Is bypass_data_preservation set via config file // Local data loss MAY occur in this scenario bool bypassDataPreservation = false; // Maximum file size upload // https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/invalid-file-names-and-file-types-in-onedrive-and-sharepoint-64883a5d-228e-48f5-b3d2-eb39e07630fa?ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us // July 2020, maximum file size for all accounts is 100GB // January 2021, maximum file size for all accounts is 250GB ulong maxUploadFileSize = 268435456000; // 250GB // Threshold after which files will be uploaded using an upload session ulong sessionThresholdFileSize = 4 * 2^^20; // 4 MiB // File size limit for file operations that the user has configured ulong fileSizeLimit; // Total data to upload ulong totalDataToUpload; // How many items have been processed for the active operation ulong processedCount; // Are we creating a simulated /delta response? This is critically important in terms of how we 'update' the database bool generateSimulatedDeltaResponse = false; // Store the latest DeltaLink string latestDeltaLink; // Struct of containing the deltaLink details DeltaLinkDetails deltaLinkCache; // Create the specific task pool to process items in parallel TaskPool processPool; // Configure this class instance this(ApplicationConfig appConfig, ItemDatabase itemDB, ClientSideFiltering selectiveSync) { // Create the specific task pool to process items in parallel this.processPool = taskPool(); // Configure the class varaible to consume the application configuration this.appConfig = appConfig; // Configure the class varaible to consume the database configuration this.itemDB = itemDB; // Configure the class variable to consume the selective sync (skip_dir, skip_file and sync_list) configuration this.selectiveSync = selectiveSync; // Configure the dryRun flag to capture if --dry-run was used // Application startup already flagged we are also in a --dry-run state, so no need to output anything else here this.dryRun = appConfig.getValueBool("dry_run"); // Configure file size limit if (appConfig.getValueLong("skip_size") != 0) { fileSizeLimit = appConfig.getValueLong("skip_size") * 2^^20; fileSizeLimit = (fileSizeLimit == 0) ? ulong.max : fileSizeLimit; } // Is there a sync_list file present? if (exists(appConfig.syncListFilePath)) this.syncListConfigured = true; // Configure the uploadOnly flag to capture if --upload-only was used if (appConfig.getValueBool("upload_only")) { addLogEntry("Configuring uploadOnly flag to TRUE as --upload-only passed in or configured", ["debug"]); this.uploadOnly = true; } // Configure the localDeleteAfterUpload flag if (appConfig.getValueBool("remove_source_files")) { addLogEntry("Configuring localDeleteAfterUpload flag to TRUE as --remove-source-files passed in or configured", ["debug"]); this.localDeleteAfterUpload = true; } // Configure the disableDownloadValidation flag if (appConfig.getValueBool("disable_download_validation")) { addLogEntry("Configuring disableDownloadValidation flag to TRUE as --disable-download-validation passed in or configured", ["debug"]); this.disableDownloadValidation = true; } // Configure the disableUploadValidation flag if (appConfig.getValueBool("disable_upload_validation")) { addLogEntry("Configuring disableUploadValidation flag to TRUE as --disable-upload-validation passed in or configured", ["debug"]); this.disableUploadValidation = true; } // Do we configure to clean up local files if using --download-only ? if ((appConfig.getValueBool("download_only")) && (appConfig.getValueBool("cleanup_local_files"))) { // --download-only and --cleanup-local-files were passed in addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("WARNING: Application has been configured to cleanup local files that are not present online."); addLogEntry("WARNING: Local data loss MAY occur in this scenario if you are expecting data to remain archived locally."); addLogEntry(); // Set the flag this.cleanupLocalFiles = true; } // Do we configure to NOT perform a remote delete if --upload-only & --no-remote-delete configured ? if ((appConfig.getValueBool("upload_only")) && (appConfig.getValueBool("no_remote_delete"))) { // --upload-only and --no-remote-delete were passed in addLogEntry("WARNING: Application has been configured NOT to cleanup remote files that are deleted locally."); // Set the flag this.noRemoteDelete = true; } // Are we configured to use a National Cloud Deployment? if (appConfig.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") != "") { // value is configured, is it a valid value? if ((appConfig.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "USL4") || (appConfig.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "USL5") || (appConfig.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "DE") || (appConfig.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "CN")) { // valid entries to flag we are using a National Cloud Deployment // National Cloud Deployments do not support /delta as a query // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/deployments#supported-features // Flag that we have a valid National Cloud Deployment that cannot use /delta queries this.nationalCloudDeployment = true; // Reverse set 'force_children_scan' for completeness appConfig.setValueBool("force_children_scan", true); } } // Are we forcing to use /children scan instead of /delta to simulate National Cloud Deployment use of /children? if (appConfig.getValueBool("force_children_scan")) { addLogEntry("Forcing client to use /children API call rather than /delta API to retrieve objects from the OneDrive API"); this.nationalCloudDeployment = true; } // Are we forcing the client to bypass any data preservation techniques to NOT rename any local files if there is a conflict? // The enabling of this function could lead to data loss if (appConfig.getValueBool("bypass_data_preservation")) { addLogEntry("WARNING: Application has been configured to bypass local data preservation in the event of file conflict."); addLogEntry("WARNING: Local data loss MAY occur in this scenario."); this.bypassDataPreservation = true; } // Did the user configure a specific rate limit for the application? if (appConfig.getValueLong("rate_limit") > 0) { // User configured rate limit addLogEntry("User Configured Rate Limit: " ~ to!string(appConfig.getValueLong("rate_limit"))); // If user provided rate limit is < 131072, flag that this is too low, setting to the recommended minimum of 131072 if (appConfig.getValueLong("rate_limit") < 131072) { // user provided limit too low addLogEntry("WARNING: User configured rate limit too low for normal application processing and preventing application timeouts. Overriding to recommended minimum of 131072 (128KB/s)"); appConfig.setValueLong("rate_limit", 131072); } } // Did the user downgrade all HTTP operations to force HTTP 1.1 if (appConfig.getValueBool("force_http_11")) { // User is forcing downgrade to curl to use HTTP 1.1 for all operations addLogEntry("Downgrading all HTTP operations to HTTP/1.1 due to user configuration", ["verbose"]); } else { // Use curl defaults addLogEntry("Using Curl defaults for HTTP operational protocol version (potentially HTTP/2)", ["debug"]); } } ~this() { this.processPool.finish(true); object.destroy(this.processPool); // Destroy, then set to null this.processPool = null; object.destroy(this.oneDriveApiInstance); // Destroy, then set to null this.oneDriveApiInstance = null; object.destroy(this.appConfig); // Destroy, then set to null this.appConfig = null; object.destroy(this.itemDB); // Destroy, then set to null this.itemDB = null; object.destroy(this.selectiveSync); // Destroy, then set to null this.selectiveSync = null; } // Initialise the Sync Engine class bool initialise() { // Control whether the worker threads are daemon threads. A daemon thread is automatically terminated when all non-daemon threads have terminated. processPool.isDaemon(true); // create a new instance of the OneDrive API oneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); if (oneDriveApiInstance.initialise()) { try { // Get the relevant default account & drive details getDefaultDriveDetails(); } catch (accountDetailsException exception) { // details could not be queried addLogEntry(exception.msg); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required oneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(oneDriveApiInstance); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } try { // Get the relevant default account & drive details getDefaultRootDetails(); } catch (accountDetailsException exception) { // details could not be queried addLogEntry(exception.msg); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required oneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(oneDriveApiInstance); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } try { // Display details displaySyncEngineDetails(); } catch (accountDetailsException exception) { // details could not be queried addLogEntry(exception.msg); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required oneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(oneDriveApiInstance); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } } else { // API could not be initialised addLogEntry("OneDrive API could not be initialised with previously used details"); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required oneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(oneDriveApiInstance); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } // API was initialised addLogEntry("Sync Engine Initialised with new Onedrive API instance", ["verbose"]); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required oneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(oneDriveApiInstance); return true; } // Get Default Drive Details for this Account void getDefaultDriveDetails() { // Function variables JSONValue defaultOneDriveDriveDetails; // Get Default Drive Details for this Account try { addLogEntry("Getting Account Default Drive Details", ["debug"]); defaultOneDriveDriveDetails = oneDriveApiInstance.getDefaultDriveDetails(); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { addLogEntry("defaultOneDriveDriveDetails = oneDriveApiInstance.getDefaultDriveDetails() generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 400) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 401)) { // Handle the 400 | 401 error handleClientUnauthorised(exception.httpStatusCode, exception.msg); } else { // Default operation if not 400,401 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } // If the JSON response is a correct JSON object, and has an 'id' we can set these details if ((defaultOneDriveDriveDetails.type() == JSONType.object) && (hasId(defaultOneDriveDriveDetails))) { addLogEntry("OneDrive Account Default Drive Details: " ~ to!string(defaultOneDriveDriveDetails), ["debug"]); appConfig.accountType = defaultOneDriveDriveDetails["driveType"].str; appConfig.defaultDriveId = defaultOneDriveDriveDetails["id"].str; // Make sure that appConfig.defaultDriveId is in our driveIDs array to use when checking if item is in database // Keep the driveDetailsCache array with unique entries only driveDetailsCache cachedOnlineDriveData; if (!canFindDriveId(appConfig.defaultDriveId, cachedOnlineDriveData)) { // Add this driveId to the drive cache, which then also sets for the defaultDriveId: // - quotaRestricted; // - quotaAvailable; // - quotaRemaining; addOrUpdateOneDriveOnlineDetails(appConfig.defaultDriveId); } // Fetch the details from cachedOnlineDriveData cachedOnlineDriveData = getDriveDetails(appConfig.defaultDriveId); // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted; // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable; // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining; // In some cases OneDrive Business configurations 'restrict' quota details thus is empty / blank / negative value / zero if (cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining <= 0) { // free space is <= 0 .. why ? if ("remaining" in defaultOneDriveDriveDetails["quota"]) { if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { // zero space available addLogEntry("ERROR: OneDrive account currently has zero space available. Please free up some space online."); } else { // zero space available is being reported, maybe being restricted? addLogEntry("WARNING: OneDrive quota information is being restricted or providing a zero value. Please fix by speaking to your OneDrive / Office 365 Administrator."); } } else { // json response was missing a 'remaining' value if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { addLogEntry("ERROR: OneDrive quota information is missing. Potentially your OneDrive account currently has zero space available. Please free up some space online."); } else { // quota details not available addLogEntry("ERROR: OneDrive quota information is being restricted. Please fix by speaking to your OneDrive / Office 365 Administrator."); } } } // What did we set based on the data from the JSON addLogEntry("appConfig.accountType = " ~ appConfig.accountType, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("appConfig.defaultDriveId = " ~ appConfig.defaultDriveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining = " ~ to!string(cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable = " ~ to!string(cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted = " ~ to!string(cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted), ["debug"]); } else { // Handle the invalid JSON response throw new accountDetailsException(); } } // Get Default Root Details for this Account void getDefaultRootDetails() { // Function variables JSONValue defaultOneDriveRootDetails; // Get Default Root Details for this Account try { addLogEntry("Getting Account Default Root Details", ["debug"]); defaultOneDriveRootDetails = oneDriveApiInstance.getDefaultRootDetails(); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { addLogEntry("defaultOneDriveRootDetails = oneDriveApiInstance.getDefaultRootDetails() generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 400) || (exception.httpStatusCode == 401)) { // Handle the 400 | 401 error handleClientUnauthorised(exception.httpStatusCode, exception.msg); } else { // Default operation if not 400,401 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } // If the JSON response is a correct JSON object, and has an 'id' we can set these details if ((defaultOneDriveRootDetails.type() == JSONType.object) && (hasId(defaultOneDriveRootDetails))) { addLogEntry("OneDrive Account Default Root Details: " ~ to!string(defaultOneDriveRootDetails), ["debug"]); appConfig.defaultRootId = defaultOneDriveRootDetails["id"].str; addLogEntry("appConfig.defaultRootId = " ~ appConfig.defaultRootId, ["debug"]); // Save the item to the database, so the account root drive is is always going to be present in the DB saveItem(defaultOneDriveRootDetails); } else { // Handle the invalid JSON response throw new accountDetailsException(); } } // Reset syncFailures to false based on file activity void resetSyncFailures() { // Log initial status and any non-empty arrays string logMessage = "Evaluating reset of syncFailures: "; if (fileDownloadFailures.length > 0) { logMessage ~= "fileDownloadFailures is not empty; "; } if (fileUploadFailures.length > 0) { logMessage ~= "fileUploadFailures is not empty; "; } // Check if both arrays are empty to reset syncFailures if (fileDownloadFailures.length == 0 && fileUploadFailures.length == 0) { if (syncFailures) { syncFailures = false; logMessage ~= "Resetting syncFailures to false."; } else { logMessage ~= "syncFailures already false."; } } else { // Indicate no reset of syncFailures due to non-empty conditions logMessage ~= "Not resetting syncFailures due to non-empty arrays."; } // Log the final decision and conditions addLogEntry(logMessage); } // Perform a sync of the OneDrive Account // - Query /delta // - If singleDirectoryScope or nationalCloudDeployment is used we need to generate a /delta like response // - Process changes (add, changes, moves, deletes) // - Process any items to add (download data to local) // - Detail any files that we failed to download // - Process any deletes (remove local data) void syncOneDriveAccountToLocalDisk() { // performFullScanTrueUp value addLogEntry("Perform a Full Scan True-Up: " ~ to!string(appConfig.fullScanTrueUpRequired), ["debug"]); // Fetch the API response of /delta to track changes that were performed online fetchOneDriveDeltaAPIResponse(); // Process any download activities or cleanup actions processDownloadActivities(); // If singleDirectoryScope is false, we are not targeting a single directory // but if true, the target 'could' be a shared folder - so dont try and scan it again if (!singleDirectoryScope) { // OneDrive Shared Folder Handling if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { // Personal Account Type // https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/764 // Get the Remote Items from the Database Item[] remoteItems = itemDB.selectRemoteItems(); foreach (remoteItem; remoteItems) { // Check if this path is specifically excluded by 'skip_dir', but only if 'skip_dir' is not empty if (appConfig.getValueString("skip_dir") != "") { // The path that needs to be checked needs to include the '/' // This due to if the user has specified in skip_dir an exclusive path: '/path' - that is what must be matched if (selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(remoteItem.name)) { // This directory name is excluded addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_dir config: " ~ remoteItem.name, ["verbose"]); continue; } } // Directory name is not excluded or skip_dir is not populated if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addLogEntry("Syncing this OneDrive Personal Shared Folder: " ~ remoteItem.name); } // Check this OneDrive Personal Shared Folder for changes fetchOneDriveDeltaAPIResponse(remoteItem.remoteDriveId, remoteItem.remoteId, remoteItem.name); // Process any download activities or cleanup actions for this OneDrive Personal Shared Folder processDownloadActivities(); } } else { // Is this a Business Account with Sync Business Shared Items enabled? if ((appConfig.accountType == "business") && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items"))) { // Business Account Shared Items Handling // - OneDrive Business Shared Folder // - OneDrive Business Shared Files // - SharePoint Links // Get the Remote Items from the Database Item[] remoteItems = itemDB.selectRemoteItems(); foreach (remoteItem; remoteItems) { // As all remote items are returned, including files, we only want to process directories here if (remoteItem.remoteType == ItemType.dir) { // Check if this path is specifically excluded by 'skip_dir', but only if 'skip_dir' is not empty if (appConfig.getValueString("skip_dir") != "") { // The path that needs to be checked needs to include the '/' // This due to if the user has specified in skip_dir an exclusive path: '/path' - that is what must be matched if (selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(remoteItem.name)) { // This directory name is excluded addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_dir config: " ~ remoteItem.name, ["verbose"]); continue; } } // Directory name is not excluded or skip_dir is not populated if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addLogEntry("Syncing this OneDrive Business Shared Folder: " ~ remoteItem.name); } // Debug log output addLogEntry("Fetching /delta API response for:", ["debug"]); addLogEntry(" remoteItem.remoteDriveId: " ~ remoteItem.remoteDriveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry(" remoteItem.remoteId: " ~ remoteItem.remoteId, ["debug"]); // Check this OneDrive Business Shared Folder for changes fetchOneDriveDeltaAPIResponse(remoteItem.remoteDriveId, remoteItem.remoteId, remoteItem.name); // Process any download activities or cleanup actions for this OneDrive Business Shared Folder processDownloadActivities(); } } // OneDrive Business Shared File Handling - but only if this option is enabled if (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_files")) { // We need to create a 'new' local folder in the 'sync_dir' where these shared files & associated folder structure will reside // Whilst these files are synced locally, the entire folder structure will need to be excluded from syncing back to OneDrive // But file changes , *if any* , will need to be synced back to the original shared file location // . // ├── Files Shared With Me -> Directory should not be created online | Not Synced // │   └── Display Name (email address) (of Account who shared file) -> Directory should not be created online | Not Synced // │   │ └── shared file.ext -> File synced with original shared file location on remote drive // │   │ └── shared file.ext -> File synced with original shared file location on remote drive // │   │ └── ...... -> File synced with original shared file location on remote drive // │   └── Display Name (email address) ... // │ └── shared file.ext .... -> File synced with original shared file location on remote drive // Does the Local Folder to store the OneDrive Business Shared Files exist? if (!exists(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName)) { // Folder does not exist locally and needs to be created addLogEntry("Creating the OneDrive Business Shared Files Local Directory: " ~ appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName); // Local folder does not exist, thus needs to be created mkdirRecurse(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName); // As this will not be created online, generate a response so it can be saved to the database Item sharedFilesPath = makeItem(createFakeResponse(baseName(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName))); // Add DB record to the local database addLogEntry("Creating|Updating into local database a DB record for storing OneDrive Business Shared Files: " ~ to!string(sharedFilesPath), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(sharedFilesPath); } else { // Folder exists locally, is the folder in the database? // Query DB for this path Item dbRecord; if (!itemDB.selectByPath(baseName(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName), appConfig.defaultDriveId, dbRecord)) { // As this will not be created online, generate a response so it can be saved to the database Item sharedFilesPath = makeItem(createFakeResponse(baseName(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName))); // Add DB record to the local database addLogEntry("Creating|Updating into local database a DB record for storing OneDrive Business Shared Files: " ~ to!string(sharedFilesPath), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(sharedFilesPath); } } // Query for OneDrive Business Shared Files addLogEntry("Checking for any applicable OneDrive Business Shared Files which need to be synced locally", ["verbose"]); queryBusinessSharedObjects(); // Download any OneDrive Business Shared Files processDownloadActivities(); } } } } } // Configure singleDirectoryScope = true if this function is called // By default, singleDirectoryScope = false void setSingleDirectoryScope(string normalisedSingleDirectoryPath) { // Function variables Item searchItem; JSONValue onlinePathData; // Set the main flag singleDirectoryScope = true; // What are we doing? addLogEntry("The OneDrive Client was asked to search for this directory online and create it if it's not located: " ~ normalisedSingleDirectoryPath); // Query the OneDrive API for the specified path online // In a --single-directory scenario, we need to travervse the entire path that we are wanting to sync // and then check the path element does it exist online, if it does, is it a POSIX match, or if it does not, create the path // Once we have searched online, we have the right drive id and item id so that we can downgrade the sync status, then build up // any object items from that location // This is because, in a --single-directory scenario, any folder in the entire path tree could be a 'case-insensitive match' try { onlinePathData = queryOneDriveForSpecificPathAndCreateIfMissing(normalisedSingleDirectoryPath, true); } catch (posixException e) { displayPosixErrorMessage(e.msg); addLogEntry("ERROR: Requested directory to search for and potentially create has a 'case-insensitive match' to an existing directory on OneDrive online."); } // Was a valid JSON response provided? if (onlinePathData.type() == JSONType.object) { // Valid JSON item was returned searchItem = makeItem(onlinePathData); addLogEntry("searchItem: " ~ to!string(searchItem), ["debug"]); // Is this item a potential Shared Folder? // Is this JSON a remote object if (isItemRemote(onlinePathData)) { // The path we are seeking is remote to our account drive id searchItem.driveId = onlinePathData["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; searchItem.id = onlinePathData["remoteItem"]["id"].str; } // Set these items so that these can be used as required singleDirectoryScopeDriveId = searchItem.driveId; singleDirectoryScopeItemId = searchItem.id; } else { addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("The requested --single-directory path to sync has generated an error. Please correct this error and try again."); addLogEntry(); forceExit(); } } // Query OneDrive API for /delta changes and iterate through items online void fetchOneDriveDeltaAPIResponse(string driveIdToQuery = null, string itemIdToQuery = null, string sharedFolderName = null) { string deltaLink = null; string currentDeltaLink = null; string deltaLinkAvailable; JSONValue deltaChanges; ulong responseBundleCount; ulong jsonItemsReceived = 0; // Reset jsonItemsToProcess & processedCount jsonItemsToProcess = []; processedCount = 0; // Was a driveId provided as an input if (strip(driveIdToQuery).empty) { // No provided driveId to query, use the account default addLogEntry("driveIdToQuery was empty, setting to appConfig.defaultDriveId", ["debug"]); driveIdToQuery = appConfig.defaultDriveId; addLogEntry("driveIdToQuery: " ~ driveIdToQuery, ["debug"]); } // Was an itemId provided as an input if (strip(itemIdToQuery).empty) { // No provided itemId to query, use the account default addLogEntry("itemIdToQuery was empty, setting to appConfig.defaultRootId", ["debug"]); itemIdToQuery = appConfig.defaultRootId; addLogEntry("itemIdToQuery: " ~ itemIdToQuery, ["debug"]); } // What OneDrive API query do we use? // - Are we running against a National Cloud Deployments that does not support /delta ? // National Cloud Deployments do not support /delta as a query // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/deployments#supported-features // // - Are we performing a --single-directory sync, which will exclude many items online, focusing in on a specific online directory // // - Are we performing a --download-only --cleanup-local-files action? // - If we are, and we use a normal /delta query, we get all the local 'deleted' objects as well. // - If the user deletes a folder online, then replaces it online, we download the deletion events and process the new 'upload' via the web iterface .. // the net effect of this, is that the valid local files we want to keep, are actually deleted ...... not desirable if ((singleDirectoryScope) || (nationalCloudDeployment) || (cleanupLocalFiles)) { // Generate a simulated /delta response so that we correctly capture the current online state, less any 'online' delete and replace activity generateSimulatedDeltaResponse = true; } // Reset latestDeltaLink & deltaLinkCache latestDeltaLink = null; deltaLinkCache.driveId = null; deltaLinkCache.itemId = null; deltaLinkCache.latestDeltaLink = null; // What /delta query do we use? if (!generateSimulatedDeltaResponse) { // This should be the majority default pathway application use // Get the current delta link from the database for this DriveID and RootID deltaLinkAvailable = itemDB.getDeltaLink(driveIdToQuery, itemIdToQuery); if (!deltaLinkAvailable.empty) { addLogEntry("Using database stored deltaLink", ["debug"]); currentDeltaLink = deltaLinkAvailable; } // Do we need to perform a Full Scan True Up? Is 'appConfig.fullScanTrueUpRequired' set to 'true'? if (appConfig.fullScanTrueUpRequired) { addLogEntry("Performing a full scan of online data to ensure consistent local state"); addLogEntry("Setting currentDeltaLink = null", ["debug"]); currentDeltaLink = null; } // Dynamic output for non-verbose and verbose run so that the user knows something is being retreived from the OneDrive API if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("Fetching items from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: " ~ driveIdToQuery, appConfig.verbosityCount); } } else { addLogEntry("Fetching /delta response from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: " ~ driveIdToQuery, ["verbose"]); } // Create a new API Instance for querying /delta and initialise it // Reuse the socket to speed up bool keepAlive = true; OneDriveApi getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance; getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(keepAlive); for (;;) { responseBundleCount++; // Get the /delta changes via the OneDrive API // getDeltaChangesByItemId has the re-try logic for transient errors deltaChanges = getDeltaChangesByItemId(driveIdToQuery, itemIdToQuery, currentDeltaLink, getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance); // If the initial deltaChanges response is an invalid JSON object, keep trying until we get a valid response .. if (deltaChanges.type() != JSONType.object) { while (deltaChanges.type() != JSONType.object) { // Handle the invalid JSON response adn retry addLogEntry("ERROR: Query of the OneDrive API via deltaChanges = getDeltaChangesByItemId() returned an invalid JSON response", ["debug"]); deltaChanges = getDeltaChangesByItemId(driveIdToQuery, itemIdToQuery, currentDeltaLink, getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance); } } ulong nrChanges = count(deltaChanges["value"].array); int changeCount = 0; if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { // Dynamic output for a non-verbose run so that the user knows something is happening if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addProcessingDotEntry(); } } else { addLogEntry("Processing API Response Bundle: " ~ to!string(responseBundleCount) ~ " - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: " ~ to!string(nrChanges), ["verbose"]); } // Update the count of items received jsonItemsReceived = jsonItemsReceived + nrChanges; // The 'deltaChanges' response may contain either @odata.nextLink or @odata.deltaLink // Check for @odata.nextLink if ("@odata.nextLink" in deltaChanges) { // @odata.nextLink is the pointer within the API to the next '200+' JSON bundle - this is the checkpoint link for this bundle // This URL changes between JSON bundle sets // Log the action of setting currentDeltaLink to @odata.nextLink addLogEntry("Setting currentDeltaLink to @odata.nextLink: " ~ deltaChanges["@odata.nextLink"].str, ["debug"]); // Update currentDeltaLink to @odata.nextLink for the next '200+' JSON bundle - this is the checkpoint link for this bundle currentDeltaLink = deltaChanges["@odata.nextLink"].str; } // Check for @odata.deltaLink - usually only in the LAST JSON changeset bundle if ("@odata.deltaLink" in deltaChanges) { // @odata.deltaLink is the pointer that finalises all the online 'changes' for this particular checkpoint // When the API is queried again, this is fetched from the DB as this is the starting point // The API issue here is - the LAST JSON bundle will ONLY ever contain this item, meaning if this is then committed to the database // if there has been any file download failures from within this LAST JSON bundle, the only way to EVER re-try the failed items is for the user to perform a --resync // This is an API capability gap: // // .. // @odata.nextLink: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives//items//delta?token=F9JRD0zODEyNzg7JTIzOyUyMzA7JTIz // Processing API Response Bundle: 115 - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: 204 // .. // @odata.nextLink: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives//items//delta?token=F9JRD0zODM2Nzg7JTIzOyUyMzA7JTIz // Processing API Response Bundle: 127 - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: 204 // @odata.nextLink: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives//items//delta?token=F9JRD0zODM4Nzg7JTIzOyUyMzA7JTIz // Processing API Response Bundle: 128 - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: 176 // @odata.deltaLink: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives//items//delta?token= // Finished processing /delta JSON response from the OneDrive API // Log the action of setting currentDeltaLink to @odata.deltaLink addLogEntry("Setting currentDeltaLink to (@odata.deltaLink): " ~ deltaChanges["@odata.deltaLink"].str, ["debug"]); // Update currentDeltaLink to @odata.deltaLink as the final checkpoint URL for this entire JSON response set currentDeltaLink = deltaChanges["@odata.deltaLink"].str; // Store this currentDeltaLink as latestDeltaLink latestDeltaLink = deltaChanges["@odata.deltaLink"].str; // Update deltaLinkCache deltaLinkCache.driveId = driveIdToQuery; deltaLinkCache.itemId = itemIdToQuery; deltaLinkCache.latestDeltaLink = currentDeltaLink; } // We have a valid deltaChanges JSON array. This means we have at least 200+ JSON items to process. // The API response however cannot be run in parallel as the OneDrive API sends the JSON items in the order in which they must be processed foreach (onedriveJSONItem; deltaChanges["value"].array) { // increment change count for this item changeCount++; // Process the received OneDrive object item JSON for this JSON bundle // This will determine its initial applicability and perform some initial processing on the JSON if required processDeltaJSONItem(onedriveJSONItem, nrChanges, changeCount, responseBundleCount, singleDirectoryScope); } // Is latestDeltaLink matching deltaChanges["@odata.deltaLink"].str ? if ("@odata.deltaLink" in deltaChanges) { if (latestDeltaLink == deltaChanges["@odata.deltaLink"].str) { // break out of the 'for (;;) {' loop break; } } } // To finish off the JSON processing items, this is needed to reflect this in the log addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance); // Log that we have finished querying the /delta API if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { // Close out the '....' being printed to the console addLogEntry("\n", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]); } } else { addLogEntry("Finished processing /delta JSON response from the OneDrive API", ["verbose"]); } // If this was set, now unset it, as this will have been completed, so that for a true up, we dont do a double full scan if (appConfig.fullScanTrueUpRequired) { addLogEntry("Unsetting fullScanTrueUpRequired as this has been performed", ["debug"]); appConfig.fullScanTrueUpRequired = false; } } else { // Why are are generating a /delta response addLogEntry("Why are we generating a /delta response:", ["debug"]); addLogEntry(" singleDirectoryScope: " ~ to!string(singleDirectoryScope), ["debug"]); addLogEntry(" nationalCloudDeployment: " ~ to!string(nationalCloudDeployment), ["debug"]); addLogEntry(" cleanupLocalFiles: " ~ to!string(cleanupLocalFiles), ["debug"]); // What 'path' are we going to start generating the response for string pathToQuery; // If --single-directory has been called, use the value that has been set if (singleDirectoryScope) { pathToQuery = appConfig.getValueString("single_directory"); } // We could also be syncing a Shared Folder of some description if (!sharedFolderName.empty) { pathToQuery = sharedFolderName; } // Generate the simulated /delta response // // The generated /delta response however contains zero deleted JSON items, so the only way that we can track this, is if the object was in sync // we have the object in the database, thus, what we need to do is for every DB object in the tree of items, flag 'syncStatus' as 'N', then when we process // the returned JSON items from the API, we flag the item as back in sync, then we can cleanup any out-of-sync items // // The flagging of the local database items to 'N' is handled within the generateDeltaResponse() function // // When these JSON items are then processed, if the item exists online, and is in the DB, and that the values match, the DB item is flipped back to 'Y' // This then allows the application to look for any remaining 'N' values, and delete these as no longer needed locally deltaChanges = generateDeltaResponse(pathToQuery); ulong nrChanges = count(deltaChanges["value"].array); int changeCount = 0; addLogEntry("API Response Bundle: " ~ to!string(responseBundleCount) ~ " - Quantity of 'changes|items' in this bundle to process: " ~ to!string(nrChanges), ["debug"]); // Update the count of items received jsonItemsReceived = jsonItemsReceived + nrChanges; // The API response however cannot be run in parallel as the OneDrive API sends the JSON items in the order in which they must be processed foreach (onedriveJSONItem; deltaChanges["value"].array) { // increment change count for this item changeCount++; // Process the received OneDrive object item JSON for this JSON bundle // When we generate a /delta response .. there is no currentDeltaLink value processDeltaJSONItem(onedriveJSONItem, nrChanges, changeCount, responseBundleCount, singleDirectoryScope); } // To finish off the JSON processing items, this is needed to reflect this in the log addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); // Log that we have finished generating our self generated /delta response if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addLogEntry("Finished processing self generated /delta JSON response from the OneDrive API"); } } // Cleanup deltaChanges as this is no longer needed object.destroy(deltaChanges); // We have JSON items received from the OneDrive API addLogEntry("Number of JSON Objects received from OneDrive API: " ~ to!string(jsonItemsReceived), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Number of JSON Objects already processed (root and deleted items): " ~ to!string((jsonItemsReceived - jsonItemsToProcess.length)), ["debug"]); // We should have now at least processed all the JSON items as returned by the /delta call // Additionally, we should have a new array, that now contains all the JSON items we need to process that are non 'root' or deleted items addLogEntry("Number of JSON items to process is: " ~ to!string(jsonItemsToProcess.length), ["debug"]); // Are there items to process? if (jsonItemsToProcess.length > 0) { // Lets deal with the JSON items in a batch process size_t batchSize = 500; ulong batchCount = (jsonItemsToProcess.length + batchSize - 1) / batchSize; ulong batchesProcessed = 0; // Dynamic output for a non-verbose run so that the user knows something is happening if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("Processing " ~ to!string(jsonItemsToProcess.length) ~ " applicable changes and items received from Microsoft OneDrive", appConfig.verbosityCount); } // For each batch, process the JSON items that need to be now processed. // 'root' and deleted objects have already been handled foreach (batchOfJSONItems; jsonItemsToProcess.chunks(batchSize)) { // Chunk the total items to process into 500 lot items batchesProcessed++; if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { // Dynamic output for a non-verbose run so that the user knows something is happening if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addProcessingDotEntry(); } } else { addLogEntry("Processing OneDrive JSON item batch [" ~ to!string(batchesProcessed) ~ "/" ~ to!string(batchCount) ~ "] to ensure consistent local state", ["verbose"]); } // Process the batch processJSONItemsInBatch(batchOfJSONItems, batchesProcessed, batchCount); // To finish off the JSON processing items, this is needed to reflect this in the log addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); } if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { // close off '.' output if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addLogEntry("\n", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]); } } // Debug output - what was processed addLogEntry("Number of JSON items to process is: " ~ to!string(jsonItemsToProcess.length), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Number of JSON items processed was: " ~ to!string(processedCount), ["debug"]); // Free up memory and items processed as it is pointless now having this data around jsonItemsToProcess = []; } else { if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addLogEntry("No additional changes or items that can be applied were discovered while processing the data received from Microsoft OneDrive"); } } // Keep the driveDetailsCache array with unique entries only driveDetailsCache cachedOnlineDriveData; if (!canFindDriveId(driveIdToQuery, cachedOnlineDriveData)) { // Add this driveId to the drive cache addOrUpdateOneDriveOnlineDetails(driveIdToQuery); } } // Process the /delta API JSON response items void processDeltaJSONItem(JSONValue onedriveJSONItem, ulong nrChanges, int changeCount, ulong responseBundleCount, bool singleDirectoryScope) { // Variables for this JSON item string thisItemId; bool itemIsRoot = false; bool handleItemAsRootObject = false; bool itemIsDeletedOnline = false; bool itemHasParentReferenceId = false; bool itemHasParentReferencePath = false; bool itemIdMatchesDefaultRootId = false; bool itemNameExplicitMatchRoot = false; string objectParentDriveId; addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Processing OneDrive Item " ~ to!string(changeCount) ~ " of " ~ to!string(nrChanges) ~ " from API Response Bundle " ~ to!string(responseBundleCount), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Raw JSON OneDrive Item: " ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem), ["debug"]); // What is this item's id thisItemId = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; // Is this a deleted item - only calculate this once itemIsDeletedOnline = isItemDeleted(onedriveJSONItem); if(!itemIsDeletedOnline){ // This is not a deleted item addLogEntry("This item is not a OneDrive deletion change", ["debug"]); // Only calculate this once itemIsRoot = isItemRoot(onedriveJSONItem); itemHasParentReferenceId = hasParentReferenceId(onedriveJSONItem); itemIdMatchesDefaultRootId = (thisItemId == appConfig.defaultRootId); itemNameExplicitMatchRoot = (onedriveJSONItem["name"].str == "root"); objectParentDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; // Test is this is the OneDrive Users Root? // Debug output of change evaluation items addLogEntry("defaultRootId = " ~ appConfig.defaultRootId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("'search id' = " ~ thisItemId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("id == defaultRootId = " ~ to!string(itemIdMatchesDefaultRootId), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("isItemRoot(onedriveJSONItem) = " ~ to!string(itemIsRoot), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("onedriveJSONItem['name'].str == 'root' = " ~ to!string(itemNameExplicitMatchRoot), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("itemHasParentReferenceId = " ~ to!string(itemHasParentReferenceId), ["debug"]); if ( (itemIdMatchesDefaultRootId || singleDirectoryScope) && itemIsRoot && itemNameExplicitMatchRoot) { // This IS a OneDrive Root item or should be classified as such in the case of 'singleDirectoryScope' addLogEntry("JSON item will flagged as a 'root' item", ["debug"]); handleItemAsRootObject = true; } } // How do we handle this JSON item from the OneDrive API? // Is this a confirmed 'root' item, has no Parent ID, or is a Deleted Item if (handleItemAsRootObject || !itemHasParentReferenceId || itemIsDeletedOnline){ // Is a root item, has no id in parentReference or is a OneDrive deleted item addLogEntry("objectParentDriveId = " ~ objectParentDriveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("handleItemAsRootObject = " ~ to!string(handleItemAsRootObject), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("itemHasParentReferenceId = " ~ to!string(itemHasParentReferenceId), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("itemIsDeletedOnline = " ~ to!string(itemIsDeletedOnline), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Handling change immediately as 'root item', or has no parent reference id or is a deleted item", ["debug"]); // OK ... do something with this JSON post here .... processRootAndDeletedJSONItems(onedriveJSONItem, objectParentDriveId, handleItemAsRootObject, itemIsDeletedOnline, itemHasParentReferenceId); } else { // Do we need to update this RAW JSON from OneDrive? if ( (objectParentDriveId != appConfig.defaultDriveId) && (appConfig.accountType == "business") && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items")) ) { // Potentially need to update this JSON data addLogEntry("Potentially need to update this source JSON .... need to check the database", ["debug"]); // Check the DB for 'remote' objects, searching 'remoteDriveId' and 'remoteId' items for this remoteItem.driveId and remoteItem.id Item remoteDBItem; itemDB.selectByRemoteId(objectParentDriveId, thisItemId, remoteDBItem); // Is the data that was returned from the database what we are looking for? if ((remoteDBItem.remoteDriveId == objectParentDriveId) && (remoteDBItem.remoteId == thisItemId)) { // Yes, this is the record we are looking for addLogEntry("DB Item response for remoteDBItem: " ~ to!string(remoteDBItem), ["debug"]); // Must compare remoteDBItem.name with remoteItem.name if (remoteDBItem.name != onedriveJSONItem["name"].str) { // Update JSON Item string actualOnlineName = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; addLogEntry("Updating source JSON 'name' to that which is the actual local directory", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("onedriveJSONItem['name'] was: " ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Updating onedriveJSONItem['name'] to: " ~ remoteDBItem.name, ["debug"]); onedriveJSONItem["name"] = remoteDBItem.name; addLogEntry("onedriveJSONItem['name'] now: " ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str, ["debug"]); // Add the original name to the JSON onedriveJSONItem["actualOnlineName"] = actualOnlineName; } } } // If we are not self-generating a /delta response, check this initial /delta JSON bundle item against the basic checks // of applicability against 'skip_file', 'skip_dir' and 'sync_list' // We only do this if we did not generate a /delta response, as generateDeltaResponse() performs the checkJSONAgainstClientSideFiltering() // against elements as it is building the /delta compatible response // If we blindly just 'check again' all JSON responses then there is potentially double JSON processing going on if we used generateDeltaResponse() bool discardDeltaJSONItem = false; if (!generateSimulatedDeltaResponse) { // Check applicability against 'skip_file', 'skip_dir' and 'sync_list' discardDeltaJSONItem = checkJSONAgainstClientSideFiltering(onedriveJSONItem); } // Add this JSON item for further processing if this is not being discarded if (!discardDeltaJSONItem) { // Add onedriveJSONItem to jsonItemsToProcess addLogEntry("Adding this Raw JSON OneDrive Item to jsonItemsToProcess array for further processing", ["debug"]); jsonItemsToProcess ~= onedriveJSONItem; } } } // Process 'root' and 'deleted' OneDrive JSON items void processRootAndDeletedJSONItems(JSONValue onedriveJSONItem, string driveId, bool handleItemAsRootObject, bool itemIsDeletedOnline, bool itemHasParentReferenceId) { // Use the JSON elements rather can computing a DB struct via makeItem() string thisItemId = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; string thisItemDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; // Check if the item has been seen before Item existingDatabaseItem; bool existingDBEntry = itemDB.selectById(thisItemDriveId, thisItemId, existingDatabaseItem); // Is the item deleted online? if(!itemIsDeletedOnline) { // Is the item a confirmed root object? // The JSON item should be considered a 'root' item if: // 1. Contains a ["root"] element // 2. Has no ["parentReference"]["id"] ... #323 & #324 highlighted that this is false as some 'root' shared objects now can have an 'id' element .. OneDrive API change // 2. Has no ["parentReference"]["path"] // 3. Was detected by an input flag as to be handled as a root item regardless of actual status if ((handleItemAsRootObject) || (!itemHasParentReferenceId)) { addLogEntry("Handing JSON object as OneDrive 'root' object", ["debug"]); if (!existingDBEntry) { // we have not seen this item before saveItem(onedriveJSONItem); } } } else { // Change is to delete an item addLogEntry("Handing a OneDrive Deleted Item", ["debug"]); if (existingDBEntry) { // Is the item to delete locally actually in sync with OneDrive currently? // What is the source of this item data? string itemSource = "online"; // Compute this deleted items path based on the database entries string localPathToDelete = computeItemPath(existingDatabaseItem.driveId, existingDatabaseItem.parentId) ~ "/" ~ existingDatabaseItem.name; if (isItemSynced(existingDatabaseItem, localPathToDelete, itemSource)) { // Flag to delete addLogEntry("Flagging to delete item locally: " ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem), ["debug"]); idsToDelete ~= [thisItemDriveId, thisItemId]; } else { // local data protection is configured, safeBackup the local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not // In case the renamed path is needed string renamedPath; safeBackup(localPathToDelete, dryRun, renamedPath); } } else { // Flag to ignore addLogEntry("Flagging item to skip: " ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem), ["debug"]); skippedItems.insert(thisItemId); } } } // Process each of the elements contained in jsonItemsToProcess[] void processJSONItemsInBatch(JSONValue[] array, ulong batchGroup, ulong batchCount) { ulong batchElementCount = array.length; foreach (i, onedriveJSONItem; array.enumerate) { // Use the JSON elements rather can computing a DB struct via makeItem() ulong elementCount = i +1; // To show this is the processing for this particular item, start off with this breaker line addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Processing OneDrive JSON item " ~ to!string(elementCount) ~ " of " ~ to!string(batchElementCount) ~ " as part of JSON Item Batch " ~ to!string(batchGroup) ~ " of " ~ to!string(batchCount), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Raw JSON OneDrive Item: " ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem), ["debug"]); string thisItemId = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; string thisItemDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; string thisItemParentId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["id"].str; string thisItemName = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; // Create an empty item struct for an existing DB item Item existingDatabaseItem; // Do we NOT want this item? bool unwanted = false; // meaning by default we will WANT this item // Is this parent is in the database bool parentInDatabase = false; // What is the path of the new item string newItemPath; // Configure the remoteItem - so if it is used, it can be utilised later Item remoteItem; // Check the database for an existing entry for this JSON item bool existingDBEntry = itemDB.selectById(thisItemDriveId, thisItemId, existingDatabaseItem); // Calculate if the Parent Item is in the database so that it can be re-used parentInDatabase = itemDB.idInLocalDatabase(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId); // Calculate the path of this JSON item, but we can only do this if the parent is in the database if (parentInDatabase) { // Calculate this items path newItemPath = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ thisItemName; addLogEntry("JSON Item calculated full path is: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); } else { // Parent not in the database // Is the parent a 'folder' from another user? ie - is this a 'shared folder' that has been shared with us? addLogEntry("Parent ID is not in DB .. ", ["debug"]); // Why? if (thisItemDriveId == appConfig.defaultDriveId) { // Flagging as unwanted addLogEntry("Flagging as unwanted: thisItemDriveId (" ~ thisItemDriveId ~ "), thisItemParentId (" ~ thisItemParentId ~ ") not in local database", ["debug"]); if (thisItemParentId in skippedItems) { addLogEntry("Reason: thisItemParentId listed within skippedItems", ["debug"]); } unwanted = true; } else { // Edge case as the parent (from another users OneDrive account) will never be in the database - potentially a shared object? addLogEntry("The reported parentId is not in the database. This potentially is a shared folder as 'remoteItem.driveId' != 'appConfig.defaultDriveId'. Relevant Details: remoteItem.driveId (" ~ remoteItem.driveId ~ "), remoteItem.parentId (" ~ remoteItem.parentId ~ ")", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Potential Shared Object JSON: " ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem), ["debug"]); // Format the OneDrive change into a consumable object for the database remoteItem = makeItem(onedriveJSONItem); if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { // Personal Account Handling addLogEntry("Handling a Personal Shared Item JSON object", ["debug"]); if (hasSharedElement(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Has the Shared JSON structure addLogEntry("Personal Shared Item JSON object has the 'shared' JSON structure", ["debug"]); // Create a 'root' DB Tie Record for this JSON object createDatabaseRootTieRecordForOnlineSharedFolder(onedriveJSONItem); } // Ensure that this item has no parent addLogEntry("Setting remoteItem.parentId to be null", ["debug"]); remoteItem.parentId = null; // Add this record to the local database addLogEntry("Update/Insert local database with remoteItem details with remoteItem.parentId as null: " ~ to!string(remoteItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(remoteItem); } else { // Business or SharePoint Account Handling addLogEntry("Handling a Business or SharePoint Shared Item JSON object", ["debug"]); if (appConfig.accountType == "business") { // Create a 'root' DB Tie Record for this JSON object createDatabaseRootTieRecordForOnlineSharedFolder(onedriveJSONItem); // Ensure that this item has no parent addLogEntry("Setting remoteItem.parentId to be null", ["debug"]); remoteItem.parentId = null; // Check the DB for 'remote' objects, searching 'remoteDriveId' and 'remoteId' items for this remoteItem.driveId and remoteItem.id Item remoteDBItem; itemDB.selectByRemoteId(remoteItem.driveId, remoteItem.id, remoteDBItem); // Must compare remoteDBItem.name with remoteItem.name if ((!remoteDBItem.name.empty) && (remoteDBItem.name != remoteItem.name)) { // Update DB Item addLogEntry("The shared item stored in OneDrive, has a different name to the actual name on the remote drive", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Updating remoteItem.name JSON data with the actual name being used on account drive and local folder", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("remoteItem.name was: " ~ remoteItem.name, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Updating remoteItem.name to: " ~ remoteDBItem.name, ["debug"]); remoteItem.name = remoteDBItem.name; addLogEntry("Setting remoteItem.remoteName to: " ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str, ["debug"]); // Update JSON Item remoteItem.remoteName = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; addLogEntry("Updating source JSON 'name' to that which is the actual local directory", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("onedriveJSONItem['name'] was: " ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Updating onedriveJSONItem['name'] to: " ~ remoteDBItem.name, ["debug"]); onedriveJSONItem["name"] = remoteDBItem.name; addLogEntry("onedriveJSONItem['name'] now: " ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str, ["debug"]); // Update newItemPath value newItemPath = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ remoteDBItem.name; addLogEntry("New Item updated calculated full path is: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); } // Add this record to the local database addLogEntry("Update/Insert local database with remoteItem details: " ~ to!string(remoteItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(remoteItem); } else { // Sharepoint account type addLogEntry("Handling a SharePoint Shared Item JSON object - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET ........ ", ["info"]); } } } } // Check the skippedItems array for the parent id of this JSONItem if this is something we need to skip if (!unwanted) { if (thisItemParentId in skippedItems) { // Flag this JSON item as unwanted addLogEntry("Flagging as unwanted: find(thisItemParentId).length != 0", ["debug"]); unwanted = true; // Is this item id in the database? if (existingDBEntry) { // item exists in database, most likely moved out of scope for current client configuration addLogEntry("This item was previously synced / seen by the client", ["debug"]); if (("name" in onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]) != null) { // How is this out of scope? // is sync_list configured if (syncListConfigured) { // sync_list configured and in use if (selectiveSync.isPathExcludedViaSyncList(onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["name"].str)) { // Previously synced item is now out of scope as it has been moved out of what is included in sync_list addLogEntry("This previously synced item is now excluded from being synced due to sync_list exclusion", ["debug"]); } } // flag to delete local file as it now is no longer in sync with OneDrive addLogEntry("Flagging to delete item locally: ", ["debug"]); idsToDelete ~= [thisItemDriveId, thisItemId]; } } } } // Check the item type - if it not an item type that we support, we cant process the JSON item if (!unwanted) { if (isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) { addLogEntry("The item we are syncing is a file", ["debug"]); } else if (isItemFolder(onedriveJSONItem)) { addLogEntry("The item we are syncing is a folder", ["debug"]); } else if (isItemRemote(onedriveJSONItem)) { addLogEntry("The item we are syncing is a remote item", ["debug"]); } else { // Why was this unwanted? if (newItemPath.empty) { // Compute this item path & need the full path for this file newItemPath = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ thisItemName; addLogEntry("New Item calculated full path is: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); } // Microsoft OneNote container objects present as neither folder or file but has file size if ((!isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) && (!isItemFolder(onedriveJSONItem)) && (hasFileSize(onedriveJSONItem))) { // Log that this was skipped as this was a Microsoft OneNote item and unsupported addLogEntry("The Microsoft OneNote Notebook '" ~ newItemPath ~ "' is not supported by this client", ["verbose"]); } else { // Log that this item was skipped as unsupported addLogEntry("The OneDrive item '" ~ newItemPath ~ "' is not supported by this client", ["verbose"]); } unwanted = true; addLogEntry("Flagging as unwanted: item type is not supported", ["debug"]); } } // Check if this is excluded by config option: skip_dir if (!unwanted) { // Only check path if config is != "" if (!appConfig.getValueString("skip_dir").empty) { // Is the item a folder? if (isItemFolder(onedriveJSONItem)) { // work out the 'snippet' path where this folder would be created string simplePathToCheck = ""; string complexPathToCheck = ""; string matchDisplay = ""; if (hasParentReference(onedriveJSONItem)) { // we need to workout the FULL path for this item // simple path if (("name" in onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]) != null) { simplePathToCheck = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["name"].str ~ "/" ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; } else { simplePathToCheck = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; } addLogEntry("skip_dir path to check (simple): " ~ simplePathToCheck, ["debug"]); // complex path if (parentInDatabase) { // build up complexPathToCheck complexPathToCheck = buildNormalizedPath(newItemPath); } else { addLogEntry("Parent details not in database - unable to compute complex path to check", ["debug"]); } if (!complexPathToCheck.empty) { addLogEntry("skip_dir path to check (complex): " ~ complexPathToCheck, ["debug"]); } } else { simplePathToCheck = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; } // If 'simplePathToCheck' or 'complexPathToCheck' is of the following format: root:/folder // then isDirNameExcluded matching will not work if (simplePathToCheck.canFind(":")) { addLogEntry("Updating simplePathToCheck to remove 'root:'", ["debug"]); simplePathToCheck = processPathToRemoveRootReference(simplePathToCheck); } if (complexPathToCheck.canFind(":")) { addLogEntry("Updating complexPathToCheck to remove 'root:'", ["debug"]); complexPathToCheck = processPathToRemoveRootReference(complexPathToCheck); } // OK .. what checks are we doing? if ((!simplePathToCheck.empty) && (complexPathToCheck.empty)) { // just a simple check addLogEntry("Performing a simple check only", ["debug"]); unwanted = selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(simplePathToCheck); } else { // simple and complex addLogEntry("Performing a simple then complex path match if required", ["debug"]); // simple first addLogEntry("Performing a simple check first", ["debug"]); unwanted = selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(simplePathToCheck); matchDisplay = simplePathToCheck; if (!unwanted) { // simple didnt match, perform a complex check addLogEntry("Simple match was false, attempting complex match", ["debug"]); unwanted = selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(complexPathToCheck); matchDisplay = complexPathToCheck; } } // result addLogEntry("skip_dir exclude result (directory based): " ~ to!string(unwanted), ["debug"]); if (unwanted) { // This path should be skipped addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_dir config: " ~ matchDisplay, ["verbose"]); } } // Is the item a file? // We need to check to see if this files path is excluded as well if (isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) { string pathToCheck; // does the newItemPath start with '/'? if (!startsWith(newItemPath, "/")){ // path does not start with '/', but we need to check skip_dir entries with and without '/' // so always make sure we are checking a path with '/' pathToCheck = '/' ~ dirName(newItemPath); } else { pathToCheck = dirName(newItemPath); } // perform the check unwanted = selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(pathToCheck); // result addLogEntry("skip_dir exclude result (file based): " ~ to!string(unwanted), ["debug"]); if (unwanted) { // this files path should be skipped addLogEntry("Skipping item - file path is excluded by skip_dir config: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); } } } } // Check if this is excluded by config option: skip_file if (!unwanted) { // Is the JSON item a file? if (isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) { // skip_file can contain 4 types of entries: // - wildcard - *.txt // - text + wildcard - name*.txt // - full path + combination of any above two - /path/name*.txt // - full path to file - /path/to/file.txt // is the parent id in the database? if (parentInDatabase) { // Compute this item path & need the full path for this file if (newItemPath.empty) { newItemPath = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ thisItemName; addLogEntry("New Item calculated full path is: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); } // The path that needs to be checked needs to include the '/' // This due to if the user has specified in skip_file an exclusive path: '/path/file' - that is what must be matched // However, as 'path' used throughout, use a temp variable with this modification so that we use the temp variable for exclusion checks string exclusionTestPath = ""; if (!startsWith(newItemPath, "/")){ // Add '/' to the path exclusionTestPath = '/' ~ newItemPath; } addLogEntry("skip_file item to check: " ~ exclusionTestPath, ["debug"]); unwanted = selectiveSync.isFileNameExcluded(exclusionTestPath); addLogEntry("Result: " ~ to!string(unwanted), ["debug"]); if (unwanted) addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_file config: " ~ thisItemName, ["verbose"]); } else { // parent id is not in the database unwanted = true; addLogEntry("Skipping file - parent path not present in local database", ["verbose"]); } } } // Check if this is included or excluded by use of sync_list if (!unwanted) { // No need to try and process something against a sync_list if it has been configured if (syncListConfigured) { // Compute the item path if empty - as to check sync_list we need an actual path to check if (newItemPath.empty) { // Calculate this items path newItemPath = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ thisItemName; addLogEntry("New Item calculated full path is: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); } // What path are we checking? addLogEntry("sync_list item to check: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); // Unfortunatly there is no avoiding this call to check if the path is excluded|included via sync_list if (selectiveSync.isPathExcludedViaSyncList(newItemPath)) { // selective sync advised to skip, however is this a file and are we configured to upload / download files in the root? if ((isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_root_files")) && (rootName(newItemPath) == "") ) { // This is a file // We are configured to sync all files in the root // This is a file in the logical root unwanted = false; } else { // path is unwanted unwanted = true; addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by sync_list config: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); // flagging to skip this item now, but does this exist in the DB thus needs to be removed / deleted? if (existingDBEntry) { // flag to delete addLogEntry("Flagging item for local delete as item exists in database: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); idsToDelete ~= [thisItemDriveId, thisItemId]; } } } } } // Check if the user has configured to skip downloading .files or .folders: skip_dotfiles if (!unwanted) { if (appConfig.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")) { if (isDotFile(newItemPath)) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - .file or .folder: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); unwanted = true; } } } // Check if this should be skipped due to a --check-for-nosync directive (.nosync)? if (!unwanted) { if (appConfig.getValueBool("check_nosync")) { // need the parent path for this object string parentPath = dirName(newItemPath); // Check for the presence of a .nosync in the parent path if (exists(parentPath ~ "/.nosync")) { addLogEntry("Skipping downloading item - .nosync found in parent folder & --check-for-nosync is enabled: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); unwanted = true; } } } // Check if this is excluded by a user set maximum filesize to download if (!unwanted) { if (isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) { if (fileSizeLimit != 0) { if (onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer >= fileSizeLimit) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_size config: " ~ thisItemName ~ " (" ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer/2^^20) ~ " MB)", ["verbose"]); unwanted = true; } } } } // At this point all the applicable checks on this JSON object from OneDrive are complete: // - skip_file // - skip_dir // - sync_list // - skip_dotfiles // - check_nosync // - skip_size // - We know if this item exists in the DB or not in the DB // We know if this JSON item is unwanted or not if (unwanted) { // This JSON item is NOT wanted - it is excluded addLogEntry("Skipping OneDrive change as this is determined to be unwanted", ["debug"]); // Add to the skippedItems array, but only if it is a directory ... pointless adding 'files' here, as it is the 'id' we check as the parent path which can only be a directory if (!isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) { skippedItems.insert(thisItemId); } } else { // This JSON item is wanted - we need to process this JSON item further // Take the JSON item and create a consumable object for eventual database insertion Item newDatabaseItem = makeItem(onedriveJSONItem); if (existingDBEntry) { // The details of this JSON item are already in the DB // Is the item in the DB the same as the JSON data provided - or is the JSON data advising this is an updated file? addLogEntry("OneDrive change is an update to an existing local item", ["debug"]); // Compute the existing item path // NOTE: // string existingItemPath = computeItemPath(existingDatabaseItem.driveId, existingDatabaseItem.id); // // This will calculate the path as follows: // // existingItemPath: Document.txt // // Whereas above we use the following // // newItemPath = computeItemPath(newDatabaseItem.driveId, newDatabaseItem.parentId) ~ "/" ~ newDatabaseItem.name; // // Which generates the following path: // // changedItemPath: ./Document.txt // // Need to be consistent here with how 'newItemPath' was calculated string existingItemPath = computeItemPath(existingDatabaseItem.driveId, existingDatabaseItem.parentId) ~ "/" ~ existingDatabaseItem.name; // Attempt to apply this changed item applyPotentiallyChangedItem(existingDatabaseItem, existingItemPath, newDatabaseItem, newItemPath, onedriveJSONItem); } else { // Action this JSON item as a new item as we have no DB record of it // The actual item may actually exist locally already, meaning that just the database is out-of-date or missing the data due to --resync // But we also cannot compute the newItemPath as the parental objects may not exist as well addLogEntry("OneDrive change is potentially a new local item", ["debug"]); // Attempt to apply this potentially new item applyPotentiallyNewLocalItem(newDatabaseItem, onedriveJSONItem, newItemPath); } } // Tracking as to if this item was processed processedCount++; } } // Perform the download of any required objects in parallel void processDownloadActivities() { // Are there any items to delete locally? Cleanup space locally first if (!idsToDelete.empty) { // There are elements that potentially need to be deleted locally addLogEntry("Items to potentially delete locally: " ~ to!string(idsToDelete.length), ["verbose"]); if (appConfig.getValueBool("download_only")) { // Download only has been configured if (cleanupLocalFiles) { // Process online deleted items addLogEntry("Processing local deletion activity as --download-only & --cleanup-local-files configured", ["verbose"]); processDeleteItems(); } else { // Not cleaning up local files addLogEntry("Skipping local deletion activity as --download-only has been used", ["verbose"]); } } else { // Not using --download-only process normally processDeleteItems(); } // Cleanup array memory idsToDelete = []; } // Are there any items to download post fetching and processing the /delta data? if (!fileJSONItemsToDownload.empty) { // There are elements to download addLogEntry("Number of items to download from OneDrive: " ~ to!string(fileJSONItemsToDownload.length), ["verbose"]); downloadOneDriveItems(); // Cleanup array memory fileJSONItemsToDownload = []; } // Are there any skipped items still? if (!skippedItems.empty) { // Cleanup array memory skippedItems.clear(); } // If deltaLinkCache.latestDeltaLink is not empty, update the deltaLink in the database for this driveId so that we can reuse this now that jsonItemsToProcess has been fully processed if (!deltaLinkCache.latestDeltaLink.empty) { addLogEntry("Updating completed deltaLink for driveID " ~ deltaLinkCache.driveId ~ " in DB to: " ~ deltaLinkCache.latestDeltaLink, ["debug"]); itemDB.setDeltaLink(deltaLinkCache.driveId, deltaLinkCache.itemId, deltaLinkCache.latestDeltaLink); } } // If the JSON item is not in the database, it is potentially a new item that we need to action void applyPotentiallyNewLocalItem(Item newDatabaseItem, JSONValue onedriveJSONItem, string newItemPath) { // The JSON and Database items being passed in here have passed the following checks: // - skip_file // - skip_dir // - sync_list // - skip_dotfiles // - check_nosync // - skip_size // - Is not currently cached in the local database // As such, we should not be doing any other checks here to determine if the JSON item is wanted .. it is if (exists(newItemPath)) { addLogEntry("Path on local disk already exists", ["debug"]); // Issue #2209 fix - test if path is a bad symbolic link if (isSymlink(newItemPath)) { addLogEntry("Path on local disk is a symbolic link ........", ["debug"]); if (!exists(readLink(newItemPath))) { // reading the symbolic link failed addLogEntry("Reading the symbolic link target failed ........ ", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid symbolic link: " ~ newItemPath, ["info", "notify"]); return; } } // Path exists locally, is not a bad symbolic link // Test if this item is actually in-sync // What is the source of this item data? string itemSource = "remote"; if (isItemSynced(newDatabaseItem, newItemPath, itemSource)) { // Item details from OneDrive and local item details in database are in-sync addLogEntry("The item to sync is already present on the local filesystem and is in-sync with what is reported online", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Update/Insert local database with item details: " ~ to!string(newDatabaseItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(newDatabaseItem); return; } else { // Item details from OneDrive and local item details in database are NOT in-sync addLogEntry("The item to sync exists locally but is potentially not in the local database - otherwise this would be handled as changed item", ["debug"]); // Which object is newer? The local file or the remote file? SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(newItemPath).toUTC(); SysTime itemModifiedTime = newDatabaseItem.mtime; // Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; itemModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; // Is the local modified time greater than that from OneDrive? if (localModifiedTime > itemModifiedTime) { // Local file is newer than item on OneDrive based on file modified time // Is this item id in the database? if (itemDB.idInLocalDatabase(newDatabaseItem.driveId, newDatabaseItem.id)) { // item id is in the database // no local rename // no download needed // Fetch the latest DB record - as this could have been updated by the isItemSynced if the date online was being corrected, then the DB updated as a result Item latestDatabaseItem; itemDB.selectById(newDatabaseItem.driveId, newDatabaseItem.id, latestDatabaseItem); addLogEntry("latestDatabaseItem: " ~ to!string(latestDatabaseItem), ["debug"]); SysTime latestItemModifiedTime = latestDatabaseItem.mtime; // Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing latestItemModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; if (localModifiedTime == latestItemModifiedTime) { // Log action addLogEntry("Local file modified time matches existing database record - keeping local file", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Skipping OneDrive change as this is determined to be unwanted due to local file modified time matching database data", ["debug"]); } else { // Log action addLogEntry("Local file modified time is newer based on UTC time conversion - keeping local file as this exists in the local database", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Skipping OneDrive change as this is determined to be unwanted due to local file modified time being newer than OneDrive file and present in the sqlite database", ["debug"]); } // Return as no further action needed return; } else { // item id is not in the database .. maybe a --resync ? // file exists locally but is not in the sqlite database - maybe a failed download? addLogEntry("Local item does not exist in local database - replacing with file from OneDrive - failed download?", ["verbose"]); // In a --resync scenario or if items.sqlite3 was deleted before startup we have zero way of knowing IF the local file is meant to be the right file // To this pint we have passed the following checks: // 1. Any client side filtering checks - this determined this is a file that is wanted // 2. A file with the exact name exists locally // 3. The local modified time > remote modified time // 4. The id of the item from OneDrive is not in the database // Has the user configured to IGNORE local data protection rules? if (bypassDataPreservation) { // The user has configured to ignore data safety checks and overwrite local data rather than preserve & safeBackup addLogEntry("WARNING: Local Data Protection has been disabled. You may experience data loss on this file: " ~ newItemPath, ["info", "notify"]); } else { // local data protection is configured, safeBackup the local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not // In case the renamed path is needed string renamedPath; safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath); } } } else { // Is the remote newer? if (localModifiedTime < itemModifiedTime) { // Remote file is newer than the existing local item addLogEntry("Remote item modified time is newer based on UTC time conversion", ["verbose"]); // correct message, remote item is newer addLogEntry("localModifiedTime (local file): " ~ to!string(localModifiedTime), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("itemModifiedTime (OneDrive item): " ~ to!string(itemModifiedTime), ["debug"]); // Has the user configured to IGNORE local data protection rules? if (bypassDataPreservation) { // The user has configured to ignore data safety checks and overwrite local data rather than preserve & safeBackup addLogEntry("WARNING: Local Data Protection has been disabled. You may experience data loss on this file: " ~ newItemPath, ["info", "notify"]); } else { // local data protection is configured, safeBackup the local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not // In case the renamed path is needed string renamedPath; safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath); } } // Are the timestamps equal? if (localModifiedTime == itemModifiedTime) { // yes they are equal addLogEntry("File timestamps are equal, no further action required", ["debug"]); // correct message as timestamps are equal addLogEntry("Update/Insert local database with item details: " ~ to!string(newDatabaseItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(newDatabaseItem); return; } } } } // Path does not exist locally (should not exist locally if renamed file) - this will be a new file download or new folder creation // How to handle this Potentially New Local Item JSON ? final switch (newDatabaseItem.type) { case ItemType.file: // Add to the items to download array for processing fileJSONItemsToDownload ~= onedriveJSONItem; break; case ItemType.dir: handleLocalDirectoryCreation(newDatabaseItem, newItemPath, onedriveJSONItem); break; case ItemType.remote: // Handle remote directory and files differently if (newDatabaseItem.remoteType == ItemType.dir) { handleLocalDirectoryCreation(newDatabaseItem, newItemPath, onedriveJSONItem); } else { // Add to the items to download array for processing fileJSONItemsToDownload ~= onedriveJSONItem; } break; case ItemType.unknown: case ItemType.none: // Unknown type - we dont action or sync these items break; } } // Handle the creation of a new local directory void handleLocalDirectoryCreation(Item newDatabaseItem, string newItemPath, JSONValue onedriveJSONItem) { // To create a path, 'newItemPath' must not be empty if (!newItemPath.empty) { // Update the logging output to be consistent addLogEntry("Creating local directory: " ~ "./" ~ buildNormalizedPath(newItemPath)); if (!dryRun) { try { // Create the new directory addLogEntry("Requested path does not exist, creating directory structure: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); mkdirRecurse(newItemPath); // Configure the applicable permissions for the folder addLogEntry("Setting directory permissions for: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); newItemPath.setAttributes(appConfig.returnRequiredDirectoryPermisions()); // Update the time of the folder to match the last modified time as is provided by OneDrive // If there are any files then downloaded into this folder, the last modified time will get // updated by the local Operating System with the latest timestamp - as this is normal operation // as the directory has been modified addLogEntry("Setting directory lastModifiedDateTime for: " ~ newItemPath ~ " to " ~ to!string(newDatabaseItem.mtime), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Calling setTimes() for this directory: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); setTimes(newItemPath, newDatabaseItem.mtime, newDatabaseItem.mtime); // Save the item to the database saveItem(onedriveJSONItem); } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } else { // we dont create the directory, but we need to track that we 'faked it' idsFaked ~= [newDatabaseItem.driveId, newDatabaseItem.id]; // Save the item to the dry-run database saveItem(onedriveJSONItem); } } } // If the JSON item IS in the database, this will be an update to an existing in-sync item void applyPotentiallyChangedItem(Item existingDatabaseItem, string existingItemPath, Item changedOneDriveItem, string changedItemPath, JSONValue onedriveJSONItem) { // If we are moving the item, we do not need to download it again bool itemWasMoved = false; // Do we need to actually update the database with the details that were provided by the OneDrive API? // Calculate these time items from the provided items SysTime existingItemModifiedTime = existingDatabaseItem.mtime; existingItemModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; SysTime changedOneDriveItemModifiedTime = changedOneDriveItem.mtime; changedOneDriveItemModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; // Did the eTag change? if (existingDatabaseItem.eTag != changedOneDriveItem.eTag) { // The eTag has changed to what we previously cached if (existingItemPath != changedItemPath) { // Log that we are changing / moving an item to a new name addLogEntry("Moving " ~ existingItemPath ~ " to " ~ changedItemPath); // Is the destination path empty .. or does something exist at that location? if (exists(changedItemPath)) { // Destination we are moving to exists ... Item changedLocalItem; // Query DB for this changed item in specified path that exists and see if it is in-sync if (itemDB.selectByPath(changedItemPath, changedOneDriveItem.driveId, changedLocalItem)) { // The 'changedItemPath' is in the database string itemSource = "database"; if (isItemSynced(changedLocalItem, changedItemPath, itemSource)) { // The destination item is in-sync addLogEntry("Destination is in sync and will be overwritten", ["verbose"]); } else { // The destination item is different addLogEntry("The destination is occupied with a different item, renaming the conflicting file...", ["verbose"]); // Backup this item, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not // In case the renamed path is needed string renamedPath; safeBackup(changedItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath); } } else { // The to be overwritten item is not already in the itemdb, so it should saved to avoid data loss addLogEntry("The destination is occupied by an existing un-synced file, renaming the conflicting file...", ["verbose"]); // Backup this item, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not // In case the renamed path is needed string renamedPath; safeBackup(changedItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath); } } // Try and rename path, catch any exception generated try { // If we are in a --dry-run situation? , the actual rename did not occur - but we need to track like it did if(!dryRun) { // Rename this item, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not safeRename(existingItemPath, changedItemPath, dryRun); // Flag that the item was moved | renamed itemWasMoved = true; // If the item is a file, make sure that the local timestamp now is the same as the timestamp online // Otherwise when we do the DB check, the move on the file system, the file technically has a newer timestamp // which is 'correct' .. but we need to report locally the online timestamp here as the move was made online if (changedOneDriveItem.type == ItemType.file) { // Set the timestamp addLogEntry("Calling setTimes() for this file: " ~ changedItemPath, ["debug"]); setTimes(changedItemPath, changedOneDriveItem.mtime, changedOneDriveItem.mtime); } } else { // --dry-run situation - the actual rename did not occur - but we need to track like it did // Track this as a faked id item idsFaked ~= [changedOneDriveItem.driveId, changedOneDriveItem.id]; // We also need to track that we did not rename this path pathsRenamed ~= [existingItemPath]; } } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } // What sort of changed item is this? // Is it a file or remote file, and we did not move it .. if (((changedOneDriveItem.type == ItemType.file) && (!itemWasMoved)) || (((changedOneDriveItem.type == ItemType.remote) && (changedOneDriveItem.remoteType == ItemType.file)) && (!itemWasMoved))) { // The eTag is notorious for being 'changed' online by some backend Microsoft process if (existingDatabaseItem.quickXorHash != changedOneDriveItem.quickXorHash) { // Add to the items to download array for processing - the file hash we previously recorded is not the same as online fileJSONItemsToDownload ~= onedriveJSONItem; } else { // If the timestamp is different, or we are running a client operational mode that does not support /delta queries - we have to update the DB with the details from OneDrive // Unfortunatly because of the consequence of Nataional Cloud Deployments not supporting /delta queries, the application uses the local database to flag what is out-of-date / track changes // This means that the constant disk writing to the database fix implemented with https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/pull/2004 cannot be utilised when using these operational modes // as all records are touched / updated when performing the OneDrive sync operations. The impacted operational modes are: // - National Cloud Deployments do not support /delta as a query // - When using --single-directory // - When using --download-only --cleanup-local-files // Is the last modified timestamp in the DB the same as the API data or are we running an operational mode where we simulated the /delta response? if ((existingItemModifiedTime != changedOneDriveItemModifiedTime) || (generateSimulatedDeltaResponse)) { // Save this item in the database // Add to the local database addLogEntry("Adding changed OneDrive Item to database: " ~ to!string(changedOneDriveItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(changedOneDriveItem); } } } else { // Save this item in the database saveItem(onedriveJSONItem); // If the 'Add shortcut to My files' link was the item that was actually renamed .. we have to update our DB records if (changedOneDriveItem.type == ItemType.remote) { // Select remote item data from the database Item existingRemoteDbItem; itemDB.selectById(changedOneDriveItem.remoteDriveId, changedOneDriveItem.remoteId, existingRemoteDbItem); // Update the 'name' in existingRemoteDbItem and save it back to the database // This is the local name stored on disk that was just 'moved' existingRemoteDbItem.name = changedOneDriveItem.name; itemDB.upsert(existingRemoteDbItem); } } } else { // The existingDatabaseItem.eTag == changedOneDriveItem.eTag .. nothing has changed eTag wise // If the timestamp is different, or we are running a client operational mode that does not support /delta queries - we have to update the DB with the details from OneDrive // Unfortunatly because of the consequence of Nataional Cloud Deployments not supporting /delta queries, the application uses the local database to flag what is out-of-date / track changes // This means that the constant disk writing to the database fix implemented with https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/pull/2004 cannot be utilised when using these operational modes // as all records are touched / updated when performing the OneDrive sync operations. The impacted operational modes are: // - National Cloud Deployments do not support /delta as a query // - When using --single-directory // - When using --download-only --cleanup-local-files // Is the last modified timestamp in the DB the same as the API data or are we running an operational mode where we simulated the /delta response? if ((existingItemModifiedTime != changedOneDriveItemModifiedTime) || (generateSimulatedDeltaResponse)) { // Database update needed for this item because our local record is out-of-date // Add to the local database addLogEntry("Adding changed OneDrive Item to database: " ~ to!string(changedOneDriveItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(changedOneDriveItem); } } } // Download new file items as identified void downloadOneDriveItems() { // Lets deal with all the JSON items that need to be downloaded in a batch process size_t batchSize = to!int(appConfig.getValueLong("threads")); ulong batchCount = (fileJSONItemsToDownload.length + batchSize - 1) / batchSize; ulong batchesProcessed = 0; foreach (chunk; fileJSONItemsToDownload.chunks(batchSize)) { // send an array containing 'appConfig.getValueLong("threads")' JSON items to download downloadOneDriveItemsInParallel(chunk); } } // Download items in parallel void downloadOneDriveItemsInParallel(JSONValue[] array) { // This function recieved an array of 16 JSON items to download foreach (i, onedriveJSONItem; processPool.parallel(array)) { // Take each JSON item and downloadFileItem(onedriveJSONItem); } } // Perform the actual download of an object from OneDrive void downloadFileItem(JSONValue onedriveJSONItem) { bool downloadFailed = false; string OneDriveFileXORHash; string OneDriveFileSHA256Hash; ulong jsonFileSize = 0; // Download item specifics string downloadItemId = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; string downloadItemName = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; string downloadDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; string downloadParentId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["id"].str; // Calculate this items path string newItemPath = computeItemPath(downloadDriveId, downloadParentId) ~ "/" ~ downloadItemName; addLogEntry("JSON Item calculated full path for download is: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); // Is the item reported as Malware ? if (isMalware(onedriveJSONItem)){ // OneDrive reports that this file is malware addLogEntry("ERROR: MALWARE DETECTED IN FILE - DOWNLOAD SKIPPED: " ~ newItemPath, ["info", "notify"]); downloadFailed = true; } else { // Grab this file's filesize if (hasFileSize(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Use the configured filesize as reported by OneDrive jsonFileSize = onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer; } else { // filesize missing addLogEntry("ERROR: onedriveJSONItem['size'] is missing", ["debug"]); } // Configure the hashes for comparison post download if (hasHashes(onedriveJSONItem)) { // File details returned hash details // QuickXorHash if (hasQuickXorHash(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Use the provided quickXorHash as reported by OneDrive if (onedriveJSONItem["file"]["hashes"]["quickXorHash"].str != "") { OneDriveFileXORHash = onedriveJSONItem["file"]["hashes"]["quickXorHash"].str; } } else { // Fallback: Check for SHA256Hash if (hasSHA256Hash(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Use the provided sha256Hash as reported by OneDrive if (onedriveJSONItem["file"]["hashes"]["sha256Hash"].str != "") { OneDriveFileSHA256Hash = onedriveJSONItem["file"]["hashes"]["sha256Hash"].str; } } } } else { // file hash data missing addLogEntry("ERROR: onedriveJSONItem['file']['hashes'] is missing - unable to compare file hash after download", ["debug"]); } // Does the file already exist in the path locally? if (exists(newItemPath)) { // file exists locally already Item databaseItem; bool fileFoundInDB = false; foreach (driveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { if (itemDB.selectByPath(newItemPath, driveId, databaseItem)) { fileFoundInDB = true; break; } } // Log the DB details addLogEntry("File to download exists locally and this is the DB record: " ~ to!string(databaseItem), ["debug"]); // Does the DB (what we think is in sync) hash match the existing local file hash? if (!testFileHash(newItemPath, databaseItem)) { // local file is different to what we know to be true addLogEntry("The local file to replace (" ~ newItemPath ~ ") has been modified locally since the last download. Renaming it to avoid potential local data loss."); // Perform the local safeBackup of the existing local file, passing in if we are performing a --dry-run or not // In case the renamed path is needed string renamedPath; safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath); } } // Is there enough free space locally to download the file // - We can use '.' here as we change the current working directory to the configured 'sync_dir' ulong localActualFreeSpace = to!ulong(getAvailableDiskSpace(".")); // So that we are not responsible in making the disk 100% full if we can download the file, compare the current available space against the reservation set and file size // The reservation value is user configurable in the config file, 50MB by default ulong freeSpaceReservation = appConfig.getValueLong("space_reservation"); // debug output addLogEntry("Local Disk Space Actual: " ~ to!string(localActualFreeSpace), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Free Space Reservation: " ~ to!string(freeSpaceReservation), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("File Size to Download: " ~ to!string(jsonFileSize), ["debug"]); // Calculate if we can actually download file - is there enough free space? if ((localActualFreeSpace < freeSpaceReservation) || (jsonFileSize > localActualFreeSpace)) { // localActualFreeSpace is less than freeSpaceReservation .. insufficient free space // jsonFileSize is greater than localActualFreeSpace .. insufficient free space addLogEntry("Downloading file: " ~ newItemPath ~ " ... failed!"); addLogEntry("Insufficient local disk space to download file"); downloadFailed = true; } else { // If we are in a --dry-run situation - if not, actually perform the download if (!dryRun) { // Attempt to download the file as there is enough free space locally OneDriveApi downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance; downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); try { // Initialise API instance downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); // OneDrive Business Shared Files - update the driveId where to get the file from if (isItemRemote(onedriveJSONItem)) { downloadDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; } // Perform the download downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance.downloadById(downloadDriveId, downloadItemId, newItemPath, jsonFileSize); downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { addLogEntry("downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance.downloadById(downloadDriveId, downloadItemId, newItemPath, jsonFileSize); generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // HTTP request returned status code 403 if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 403) && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_files"))) { // We attempted to download a file, that was shared with us, but this was shared with us as read-only and no download permission addLogEntry("Unable to download this file as this was shared as read-only without download permission: " ~ newItemPath); downloadFailed = true; } else { // Default operation if not a 403 error // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within downloadFileOneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } catch (FileException e) { // There was a file system error // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); downloadFailed = true; } catch (ErrnoException e) { // There was a file system error // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); downloadFailed = true; } // If we get to this point, something was downloaded .. does it match what we expected? if (exists(newItemPath)) { // When downloading some files from SharePoint, the OneDrive API reports one file size, // but the SharePoint HTTP Server sends a totally different byte count for the same file // we have implemented --disable-download-validation to disable these checks if (!disableDownloadValidation) { // A 'file' was downloaded - does what we downloaded = reported jsonFileSize or if there is some sort of funky local disk compression going on // Does the file hash OneDrive reports match what we have locally? string onlineFileHash; string downloadedFileHash; ulong downloadFileSize = getSize(newItemPath); if (!OneDriveFileXORHash.empty) { onlineFileHash = OneDriveFileXORHash; // Calculate the QuickXOHash for this file downloadedFileHash = computeQuickXorHash(newItemPath); } else { onlineFileHash = OneDriveFileSHA256Hash; // Fallback: Calculate the SHA256 Hash for this file downloadedFileHash = computeSHA256Hash(newItemPath); } if ((downloadFileSize == jsonFileSize) && (downloadedFileHash == onlineFileHash)) { // Downloaded file matches size and hash addLogEntry("Downloaded file matches reported size and reported file hash", ["debug"]); try { // get the mtime from the JSON data SysTime itemModifiedTime; if (isItemRemote(onedriveJSONItem)) { // remote file item itemModifiedTime = SysTime.fromISOExtString(onedriveJSONItem["remoteItem"]["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str); } else { // not a remote item itemModifiedTime = SysTime.fromISOExtString(onedriveJSONItem["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str); } // set the correct time on the downloaded file if (!dryRun) { addLogEntry("Calling setTimes() for this file: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); setTimes(newItemPath, itemModifiedTime, itemModifiedTime); } } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } else { // Downloaded file does not match size or hash .. which is it? bool downloadValueMismatch = false; // Size error? if (downloadFileSize != jsonFileSize) { // downloaded file size does not match downloadValueMismatch = true; addLogEntry("Actual file size on disk: " ~ to!string(downloadFileSize), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("OneDrive API reported size: " ~ to!string(jsonFileSize), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("ERROR: File download size mis-match. Increase logging verbosity to determine why."); } // Hash Error if (downloadedFileHash != onlineFileHash) { // downloaded file hash does not match downloadValueMismatch = true; addLogEntry("Actual local file hash: " ~ downloadedFileHash, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("OneDrive API reported hash: " ~ onlineFileHash, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("ERROR: File download hash mis-match. Increase logging verbosity to determine why."); } // .heic data loss check // - https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/2471 // - https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/1532 // - https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/1723 if (downloadValueMismatch && (toLower(extension(newItemPath)) == ".heic")) { // Need to display a message to the user that they have experienced data loss addLogEntry("DATA-LOSS: File downloaded has experienced data loss due to a Microsoft OneDrive API bug. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE ONLINE: " ~ newItemPath, ["info", "notify"]); addLogEntry(" Please read https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/1723 for more details.", ["verbose"]); } // Add some workaround messaging for SharePoint if (appConfig.accountType == "documentLibrary"){ // It has been seen where SharePoint / OneDrive API reports one size via the JSON // but the content length and file size written to disk is totally different - example: // From JSON: "size": 17133 // From HTTPS Server: < Content-Length: 19340 // with no logical reason for the difference, except for a 302 redirect before file download addLogEntry("INFO: It is most likely that a SharePoint OneDrive API issue is the root cause. Add --disable-download-validation to work around this issue but downloaded data integrity cannot be guaranteed."); } else { // other account types addLogEntry("INFO: Potentially add --disable-download-validation to work around this issue but downloaded data integrity cannot be guaranteed."); } // If the computed hash does not equal provided online hash, consider this a failed download if (downloadedFileHash != onlineFileHash) { // We do not want this local file to remain on the local file system as it failed the integrity checks addLogEntry("Removing file " ~ newItemPath ~ " due to failed integrity checks"); if (!dryRun) { safeRemove(newItemPath); } downloadFailed = true; } } } else { // Download validation checks were disabled addLogEntry("Downloaded file validation disabled due to --disable-download-validation", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("WARNING: Skipping download integrity check for: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); } // end of (!disableDownloadValidation) } else { addLogEntry("ERROR: File failed to download. Increase logging verbosity to determine why."); downloadFailed = true; } } } // File should have been downloaded if (!downloadFailed) { // Download did not fail addLogEntry("Downloading file: " ~ newItemPath ~ " ... done"); // Save this item into the database saveItem(onedriveJSONItem); // If we are in a --dry-run situation - if we are, we need to track that we faked the download if (dryRun) { // track that we 'faked it' idsFaked ~= [downloadDriveId, downloadItemId]; } } else { // Output download failed addLogEntry("Downloading file: " ~ newItemPath ~ " ... failed!"); // Add the path to a list of items that failed to download if (!canFind(fileDownloadFailures, newItemPath)) { fileDownloadFailures ~= newItemPath; // Add newItemPath if it's not already present } } } } // Test if the given item is in-sync. Returns true if the given item corresponds to the local one bool isItemSynced(Item item, string path, string itemSource) { if (!exists(path)) return false; // Combine common logic for readability and file check into a single block if (item.type == ItemType.file || ((item.type == ItemType.remote) && (item.remoteType == ItemType.file))) { // Can we actually read the local file? if (!readLocalFile(path)) { // Unable to read local file addLogEntry("Unable to determine the sync state of this file as it cannot be read (file permissions or file corruption): " ~ path); return false; } // Get time values SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC(); SysTime itemModifiedTime = item.mtime; // Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; itemModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; if (localModifiedTime == itemModifiedTime) { return true; } else { // The file has a different timestamp ... is the hash the same meaning no file modification? addLogEntry("Local file time discrepancy detected: " ~ path, ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("This local file has a different modified time " ~ to!string(localModifiedTime) ~ " (UTC) when compared to " ~ itemSource ~ " modified time " ~ to!string(itemModifiedTime) ~ " (UTC)", ["verbose"]); // The file has a different timestamp ... is the hash the same meaning no file modification? // Test the file hash as the date / time stamp is different // Generating a hash is computationally expensive - we only generate the hash if timestamp was different if (testFileHash(path, item)) { // The hash is the same .. so we need to fix-up the timestamp depending on where it is wrong addLogEntry("Local item has the same hash value as the item online - correcting the applicable file timestamp", ["verbose"]); // Correction logic based on the configuration and the comparison of timestamps if (localModifiedTime > itemModifiedTime) { // Local file is newer .. are we in a --download-only situation? if (!appConfig.getValueBool("download_only") && !dryRun) { // The source of the out-of-date timestamp was OneDrive and this needs to be corrected to avoid always generating a hash test if timestamp is different addLogEntry("The source of the incorrect timestamp was OneDrive online - correcting timestamp online", ["verbose"]); // Attempt to update the online date time stamp // We need to use the correct driveId and itemId, especially if we are updating a OneDrive Business Shared File timestamp if (item.type == ItemType.file) { // Not a remote file uploadLastModifiedTime(item, item.driveId, item.id, localModifiedTime, item.eTag); } else { // Remote file, remote values need to be used uploadLastModifiedTime(item, item.remoteDriveId, item.remoteId, localModifiedTime, item.eTag); } } else if (!dryRun) { // --download-only is being used ... local file needs to be corrected ... but why is it newer - indexing application potentially changing the timestamp ? addLogEntry("The source of the incorrect timestamp was the local file - correcting timestamp locally due to --download-only", ["verbose"]); // Fix the local file timestamp addLogEntry("Calling setTimes() for this file: " ~ path, ["debug"]); setTimes(path, item.mtime, item.mtime); } } else if (!dryRun) { // The source of the out-of-date timestamp was the local file and this needs to be corrected to avoid always generating a hash test if timestamp is different addLogEntry("The source of the incorrect timestamp was the local file - correcting timestamp locally", ["verbose"]); // Fix the local file timestamp addLogEntry("Calling setTimes() for this file: " ~ path, ["debug"]); setTimes(path, item.mtime, item.mtime); } return false; } else { // The hash is different so the content of the file has to be different as to what is stored online addLogEntry("The local file has a different hash when compared to " ~ itemSource ~ " file hash", ["verbose"]); return false; } } } else if (item.type == ItemType.dir || ((item.type == ItemType.remote) && (item.remoteType == ItemType.dir))) { // item is a directory return true; } else { // ItemType.unknown or ItemType.none // Logically, we might not want to sync these items, but a more nuanced approach may be needed based on application context return true; } } // Get the /delta data using the provided details JSONValue getDeltaChangesByItemId(string selectedDriveId, string selectedItemId, string providedDeltaLink, OneDriveApi getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance) { // Function variables JSONValue deltaChangesBundle; // Get the /delta data for this account | driveId | deltaLink combination addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("selectedDriveId: " ~ selectedDriveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("selectedItemId: " ~ selectedItemId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("providedDeltaLink: " ~ providedDeltaLink, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); try { deltaChangesBundle = getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance.getChangesByItemId(selectedDriveId, selectedItemId, providedDeltaLink); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // caught an exception addLogEntry("getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance.getChangesByItemId(selectedDriveId, selectedItemId, providedDeltaLink) generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); auto errorArray = splitLines(exception.msg); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Error handling operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance if (exception.httpStatusCode == 410) { addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("WARNING: The OneDrive API responded with an error that indicates the locally stored deltaLink value is invalid"); // Essentially the 'providedDeltaLink' that we have stored is no longer available ... re-try without the stored deltaLink addLogEntry("WARNING: Retrying OneDrive API call without using the locally stored deltaLink value"); // Configure an empty deltaLink addLogEntry("Delta link expired for 'getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance.getChangesByItemId(selectedDriveId, selectedItemId, providedDeltaLink)', setting 'deltaLink = null'", ["debug"]); string emptyDeltaLink = ""; // retry with empty deltaLink deltaChangesBundle = getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance.getChangesByItemId(selectedDriveId, selectedItemId, emptyDeltaLink); } else { // Display what the error is addLogEntry("CODING TO DO: Hitting this failure error output after getting a httpStatusCode == 410 when the API responded the deltaLink was invalid"); displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); deltaChangesBundle = null; } } return deltaChangesBundle; } // If the JSON response is not correct JSON object, exit void invalidJSONResponseFromOneDriveAPI() { addLogEntry("ERROR: Query of the OneDrive API returned an invalid JSON response"); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } // Handle an unhandled API error void defaultUnhandledHTTPErrorCode(OneDriveException exception) { // display error displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } // Display the pertinant details of the sync engine void displaySyncEngineDetails() { // Display accountType, defaultDriveId, defaultRootId & remainingFreeSpace for verbose logging purposes addLogEntry("Application Version: " ~ appConfig.applicationVersion, ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Account Type: " ~ appConfig.accountType, ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Default Drive ID: " ~ appConfig.defaultDriveId, ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Default Root ID: " ~ appConfig.defaultRootId, ["verbose"]); // Fetch the details from cachedOnlineDriveData driveDetailsCache cachedOnlineDriveData; cachedOnlineDriveData = getDriveDetails(appConfig.defaultDriveId); // What do we display here for space remaining if (cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining > 0) { // Display the actual value addLogEntry("Remaining Free Space: " ~ to!string(byteToGibiByte(cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining)) ~ " GB (" ~ to!string(cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining) ~ " bytes)", ["verbose"]); } else { // zero or non-zero value or restricted if (!cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted){ addLogEntry("Remaining Free Space: 0 KB", ["verbose"]); } else { addLogEntry("Remaining Free Space: Not Available", ["verbose"]); } } } // Query itemdb.computePath() and catch potential assert when DB consistency issue occurs string computeItemPath(string thisDriveId, string thisItemId) { // static declare this for this function static import core.exception; string calculatedPath; addLogEntry("Attempting to calculate local filesystem path for " ~ thisDriveId ~ " and " ~ thisItemId, ["debug"]); try { calculatedPath = itemDB.computePath(thisDriveId, thisItemId); } catch (core.exception.AssertError) { // broken tree in the database, we cant compute the path for this item id, exit addLogEntry("ERROR: A database consistency issue has been caught. A --resync is needed to rebuild the database."); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } // return calculated path as string return calculatedPath; } // Try and compute the file hash for the given item bool testFileHash(string path, Item item) { // Generate QuickXORHash first before attempting to generate any other type of hash if (item.quickXorHash) { if (item.quickXorHash == computeQuickXorHash(path)) return true; } else if (item.sha256Hash) { if (item.sha256Hash == computeSHA256Hash(path)) return true; } return false; } // Process items that need to be removed void processDeleteItems() { foreach_reverse (i; idsToDelete) { Item item; string path; if (!itemDB.selectById(i[0], i[1], item)) continue; // check if the item is in the db // Compute this item path path = computeItemPath(i[0], i[1]); // Log the action if the path exists .. it may of already been removed and this is a legacy array item if (exists(path)) { if (item.type == ItemType.file) { addLogEntry("Trying to delete file " ~ path); } else { addLogEntry("Trying to delete directory " ~ path); } } // Process the database entry removal. In a --dry-run scenario, this is being done against a DB copy itemDB.deleteById(item.driveId, item.id); if (item.remoteDriveId != null) { // delete the linked remote folder itemDB.deleteById(item.remoteDriveId, item.remoteId); } // Add to pathFakeDeletedArray // We dont want to try and upload this item again, so we need to track this objects removal if (dryRun) { // We need to add './' here so that it can be correctly searched to ensure it is not uploaded string pathToAdd = "./" ~ path; pathFakeDeletedArray ~= pathToAdd; } bool needsRemoval = false; if (exists(path)) { // path exists on the local system // make sure that the path refers to the correct item Item pathItem; if (itemDB.selectByPath(path, item.driveId, pathItem)) { if (pathItem.id == item.id) { needsRemoval = true; } else { addLogEntry("Skipped due to id difference!"); } } else { // item has disappeared completely needsRemoval = true; } } if (needsRemoval) { // Log the action if (item.type == ItemType.file) { addLogEntry("Deleting file " ~ path); } else { addLogEntry("Deleting directory " ~ path); } // Perform the action if (!dryRun) { if (isFile(path)) { remove(path); } else { try { // Remove any children of this path if they still exist // Resolve 'Directory not empty' error when deleting local files foreach (DirEntry child; dirEntries(path, SpanMode.depth, false)) { attrIsDir(child.linkAttributes) ? rmdir(child.name) : remove(child.name); } // Remove the path now that it is empty of children rmdirRecurse(path); } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } } } } if (!dryRun) { // Cleanup array memory idsToDelete = []; } } // Update the timestamp of an object online void uploadLastModifiedTime(Item originItem, string driveId, string id, SysTime mtime, string eTag) { string itemModifiedTime; itemModifiedTime = mtime.toISOExtString(); JSONValue data = [ "fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([ "lastModifiedDateTime": itemModifiedTime ]) ]; // What eTag value do we use? string eTagValue; if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { // Nullify the eTag to avoid 412 errors as much as possible eTagValue = null; } else { eTagValue = eTag; } JSONValue response; OneDriveApi uploadLastModifiedTimeApiInstance; // Try and update the online last modified time try { // Create a new OneDrive API instance uploadLastModifiedTimeApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); uploadLastModifiedTimeApiInstance.initialise(); // Use this instance response = uploadLastModifiedTimeApiInstance.updateById(driveId, id, data, eTagValue); // Shut the instance down uploadLastModifiedTimeApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadLastModifiedTimeApiInstance); // Do we actually save the response? // Special case here .. if the DB record item (originItem) is a remote object, thus, if we save the 'response' we will have a DB FOREIGN KEY constraint failed problem // Update 'originItem.mtime' with the correct timestamp // Update 'originItem.size' with the correct size from the response // Update 'originItem.eTag' with the correct eTag from the response // Update 'originItem.cTag' with the correct cTag from the response // Update 'originItem.quickXorHash' with the correct quickXorHash from the response // Everything else should remain the same .. and then save this DB record to the DB .. // However, we did this, for the local modified file right before calling this function to update the online timestamp ... so .. do we need to do this again, effectivly performing a double DB write for the same data? if ((originItem.type != ItemType.remote) && (originItem.remoteType != ItemType.file)) { // Save the response JSON // Is the response a valid JSON object - validation checking done in saveItem saveItem(response); } } catch (OneDriveException exception) { string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Handle a 412 - A precondition provided in the request (such as an if-match header) does not match the resource's current state. if (exception.httpStatusCode == 412) { // OneDrive threw a 412 error, most likely: ETag does not match current item's value addLogEntry("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed' when attempting file time stamp update - gracefully handling error", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("File Metadata Update Failed - OneDrive eTag / cTag match issue", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Retrying Function: " ~ thisFunctionName, ["debug"]); // Retry without eTag uploadLastModifiedTime(originItem, driveId, id, mtime, null); } else { // Any other error that should be handled // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } } // Perform a database integrity check - checking all the items that are in-sync at the moment, validating what we know should be on disk, to what is actually on disk void performDatabaseConsistencyAndIntegrityCheck() { // Log what we are doing if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("Performing a database consistency and integrity check on locally stored data", appConfig.verbosityCount); } // What driveIDsArray do we use? If we are doing a --single-directory we need to use just the drive id associated with that operation string[] consistencyCheckDriveIdsArray; if (singleDirectoryScope) { consistencyCheckDriveIdsArray ~= singleDirectoryScopeDriveId; } else { // Query the DB for all unique DriveID's consistencyCheckDriveIdsArray = itemDB.selectDistinctDriveIds(); } // Create a new DB blank item Item item; // Use the array we populate, rather than selecting all distinct driveId's from the database foreach (driveId; consistencyCheckDriveIdsArray) { // Make the logging more accurate - we cant update driveId as this then breaks the below queries addLogEntry("Processing DB entries for this Drive ID: " ~ driveId, ["verbose"]); // Freshen the cached quota details for this driveID addOrUpdateOneDriveOnlineDetails(driveId); // What OneDrive API query do we use? // - Are we running against a National Cloud Deployments that does not support /delta ? // National Cloud Deployments do not support /delta as a query // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/deployments#supported-features // // - Are we performing a --single-directory sync, which will exclude many items online, focusing in on a specific online directory // // - Are we performing a --download-only --cleanup-local-files action? // // If we did, we self generated a /delta response, thus need to now process elements that are still flagged as out-of-sync if ((singleDirectoryScope) || (nationalCloudDeployment) || (cleanupLocalFiles)) { // Any entry in the DB than is flagged as out-of-sync needs to be cleaned up locally first before we scan the entire DB // Normally, this is done at the end of processing all /delta queries, however when using --single-directory or a National Cloud Deployments is configured // We cant use /delta to query the OneDrive API as National Cloud Deployments dont support /delta // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/deployments#supported-features // We dont use /delta for --single-directory as, in order to sync a single path with /delta, we need to query the entire OneDrive API JSON data to then filter out // objects that we dont want, thus, it is easier to use the same method as National Cloud Deployments, but query just the objects we are after // For each unique OneDrive driveID we know about Item[] outOfSyncItems = itemDB.selectOutOfSyncItems(driveId); foreach (outOfSyncItem; outOfSyncItems) { if (!dryRun) { // clean up idsToDelete idsToDelete.length = 0; assumeSafeAppend(idsToDelete); // flag to delete local file as it now is no longer in sync with OneDrive addLogEntry("Flagging to delete local item as it now is no longer in sync with OneDrive", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("outOfSyncItem: " ~ to!string(outOfSyncItem), ["debug"]); idsToDelete ~= [outOfSyncItem.driveId, outOfSyncItem.id]; // delete items in idsToDelete if (idsToDelete.length > 0) processDeleteItems(); } } // Fetch database items associated with this path Item[] driveItems; if (singleDirectoryScope) { // Use the --single-directory items we previously configured // - query database for children objects using those items driveItems = getChildren(singleDirectoryScopeDriveId, singleDirectoryScopeItemId); } else { // Check everything associated with each driveId we know about addLogEntry("Selecting DB items via itemDB.selectByDriveId(driveId)", ["debug"]); // Query database driveItems = itemDB.selectByDriveId(driveId); } // Log DB items to process addLogEntry("Database items to process for this driveId: " ~ to!string(driveItems.count), ["debug"]); // Process each database database item associated with the driveId foreach(dbItem; driveItems) { // Does it still exist on disk in the location the DB thinks it is checkDatabaseItemForConsistency(dbItem); } } else { // Check everything associated with each driveId we know about addLogEntry("Selecting DB items via itemDB.selectByDriveId(driveId)", ["debug"]); // Query database auto driveItems = itemDB.selectByDriveId(driveId); addLogEntry("Database items to process for this driveId: " ~ to!string(driveItems.count), ["debug"]); // Process each database database item associated with the driveId foreach(dbItem; driveItems) { // Does it still exist on disk in the location the DB thinks it is checkDatabaseItemForConsistency(dbItem); } } } // Close out the '....' being printed to the console if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addLogEntry("\n", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]); } // Are we doing a --download-only sync? if (!appConfig.getValueBool("download_only")) { // Do we have any known items, where the content has changed locally, that needs to be uploaded? if (!databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged.empty) { // There are changed local files that were in the DB to upload addLogEntry("Changed local items to upload to OneDrive: " ~ to!string(databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged.length)); processChangedLocalItemsToUpload(); // Cleanup array memory databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged = []; } } } // Check this Database Item for its consistency on disk void checkDatabaseItemForConsistency(Item dbItem) { // What is the local path item string localFilePath; // Do we want to onward process this item? bool unwanted = false; // Remote directory items we can 'skip' if ((dbItem.type == ItemType.remote) && (dbItem.remoteType == ItemType.dir)) { // return .. nothing to check here, no logging needed return; } // Compute this dbItem path early as we we use this path often localFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(computeItemPath(dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id)); // To improve logging output for this function, what is the 'logical path'? string logOutputPath; if (localFilePath == ".") { // get the configured sync_dir logOutputPath = buildNormalizedPath(appConfig.getValueString("sync_dir")); } else { // Use the path that was computed logOutputPath = localFilePath; } // Log what we are doing addLogEntry("Processing: " ~ logOutputPath, ["verbose"]); // Add a processing '.' if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addProcessingDotEntry(); } // Determine which action to take final switch (dbItem.type) { case ItemType.file: // Logging output result is handled by checkFileDatabaseItemForConsistency checkFileDatabaseItemForConsistency(dbItem, localFilePath); break; case ItemType.dir: // Logging output result is handled by checkDirectoryDatabaseItemForConsistency checkDirectoryDatabaseItemForConsistency(dbItem, localFilePath); break; case ItemType.remote: // DB items that match: dbItem.remoteType == ItemType.dir - these should have been skipped above // This means that anything that hits here should be: dbItem.remoteType == ItemType.file checkFileDatabaseItemForConsistency(dbItem, localFilePath); break; case ItemType.unknown: case ItemType.none: // Unknown type - we dont action these items break; } } // Perform the database consistency check on this file item void checkFileDatabaseItemForConsistency(Item dbItem, string localFilePath) { // What is the source of this item data? string itemSource = "database"; // Does this item|file still exist on disk? if (exists(localFilePath)) { // Path exists locally, is this path a file? if (isFile(localFilePath)) { // Can we actually read the local file? if (readLocalFile(localFilePath)){ // File is readable SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localFilePath).toUTC(); SysTime itemModifiedTime = dbItem.mtime; // Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing itemModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; if (localModifiedTime != itemModifiedTime) { // The modified dates are different addLogEntry("Local file time discrepancy detected: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("This local file has a different modified time " ~ to!string(localModifiedTime) ~ " (UTC) when compared to " ~ itemSource ~ " modified time " ~ to!string(itemModifiedTime) ~ " (UTC)", ["debug"]); // Test the file hash if (!testFileHash(localFilePath, dbItem)) { // Is the local file 'newer' or 'older' (ie was an old file 'restored locally' by a different backup / replacement process?) if (localModifiedTime >= itemModifiedTime) { // Local file is newer if (!appConfig.getValueBool("download_only")) { addLogEntry("The file content has changed locally and has a newer timestamp, thus needs to be uploaded to OneDrive", ["verbose"]); // Add to an array of files we need to upload as this file has changed locally in-between doing the /delta check and performing this check databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged ~= [dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id, localFilePath]; } else { addLogEntry("The file content has changed locally and has a newer timestamp. The file will remain different to online file due to --download-only being used", ["verbose"]); } } else { // Local file is older - data recovery process? something else? if (!appConfig.getValueBool("download_only")) { addLogEntry("The file content has changed locally and file now has a older timestamp. Uploading this file to OneDrive may potentially cause data-loss online", ["verbose"]); // Add to an array of files we need to upload as this file has changed locally in-between doing the /delta check and performing this check databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged ~= [dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id, localFilePath]; } else { addLogEntry("The file content has changed locally and file now has a older timestamp. The file will remain different to online file due to --download-only being used", ["verbose"]); } } } else { // The file contents have not changed, but the modified timestamp has addLogEntry("The last modified timestamp has changed however the file content has not changed", ["verbose"]); // Local file is newer .. are we in a --download-only situation? if (!appConfig.getValueBool("download_only")) { // Not a --download-only scenario if (!dryRun) { // Attempt to update the online date time stamp // We need to use the correct driveId and itemId, especially if we are updating a OneDrive Business Shared File timestamp if (dbItem.type == ItemType.file) { // Not a remote file // Log what is being done addLogEntry("The local item has the same hash value as the item online - correcting timestamp online", ["verbose"]); // Correct timestamp uploadLastModifiedTime(dbItem, dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id, localModifiedTime.toUTC(), dbItem.eTag); } else { // Remote file, remote values need to be used, we may not even have permission to change timestamp, update local file addLogEntry("The local item has the same hash value as the item online, however file is a OneDrive Business Shared File - correcting local timestamp", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Calling setTimes() for this file: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]); setTimes(localFilePath, dbItem.mtime, dbItem.mtime); } } } else { // --download-only being used addLogEntry("The local item has the same hash value as the item online - correcting local timestamp due to --download-only being used to ensure local file matches timestamp online", ["verbose"]); if (!dryRun) { addLogEntry("Calling setTimes() for this file: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]); setTimes(localFilePath, dbItem.mtime, dbItem.mtime); } } } } else { // The file has not changed addLogEntry("The file has not changed", ["verbose"]); } } else { //The file is not readable - skipped addLogEntry("Skipping processing this file as it cannot be read (file permissions or file corruption): " ~ localFilePath); } } else { // The item was a file but now is a directory addLogEntry("The item was a file but now is a directory", ["verbose"]); } } else { // File does not exist locally, but is in our database as a dbItem containing all the data was passed into this function // If we are in a --dry-run situation - this file may never have existed as we never downloaded it if (!dryRun) { // Not --dry-run situation addLogEntry("The file has been deleted locally", ["verbose"]); // Upload to OneDrive the instruction to delete this item. This will handle the 'noRemoteDelete' flag if set uploadDeletedItem(dbItem, localFilePath); } else { // We are in a --dry-run situation, file appears to have been deleted locally - this file may never have existed locally as we never downloaded it due to --dry-run // Did we 'fake create it' as part of --dry-run ? bool idsFakedMatch = false; foreach (i; idsFaked) { if (i[1] == dbItem.id) { addLogEntry("Matched faked file which is 'supposed' to exist but not created due to --dry-run use", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("The file has not changed", ["verbose"]); idsFakedMatch = true; } } if (!idsFakedMatch) { // dbItem.id did not match a 'faked' download new file creation - so this in-sync object was actually deleted locally, but we are in a --dry-run situation addLogEntry("The file has been deleted locally", ["verbose"]); // Upload to OneDrive the instruction to delete this item. This will handle the 'noRemoteDelete' flag if set uploadDeletedItem(dbItem, localFilePath); } } } } // Perform the database consistency check on this directory item void checkDirectoryDatabaseItemForConsistency(Item dbItem, string localFilePath) { // What is the source of this item data? string itemSource = "database"; // Does this item|directory still exist on disk? if (exists(localFilePath)) { // Fix https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/1915 try { if (!isDir(localFilePath)) { addLogEntry("The item was a directory but now it is a file", ["verbose"]); uploadDeletedItem(dbItem, localFilePath); uploadNewFile(localFilePath); } else { // Directory still exists locally addLogEntry("The directory has not changed", ["verbose"]); // When we are using --single-directory, we use a the getChildren() call to get all children of a path, meaning all children are already traversed // Thus, if we traverse the path of this directory .. we end up with double processing & log output .. which is not ideal if (!singleDirectoryScope) { // loop through the children foreach (Item child; itemDB.selectChildren(dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id)) { checkDatabaseItemForConsistency(child); } } } } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } else { // Directory does not exist locally, but it is in our database as a dbItem containing all the data was passed into this function // If we are in a --dry-run situation - this directory may never have existed as we never created it if (!dryRun) { // Not --dry-run situation if (!appConfig.getValueBool("monitor")) { // Not in --monitor mode addLogEntry("The directory has been deleted locally", ["verbose"]); } else { // Appropriate message as we are in --monitor mode addLogEntry("The directory appears to have been deleted locally .. but we are running in --monitor mode. This may have been 'moved' on the local filesystem rather than being 'deleted'", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Most likely cause - 'inotify' event was missing for whatever action was taken locally or action taken when application was stopped", ["debug"]); } // A moved directory will be uploaded as 'new', delete the old directory and database reference // Upload to OneDrive the instruction to delete this item. This will handle the 'noRemoteDelete' flag if set uploadDeletedItem(dbItem, localFilePath); } else { // We are in a --dry-run situation, directory appears to have been deleted locally - this directory may never have existed locally as we never created it due to --dry-run // Did we 'fake create it' as part of --dry-run ? bool idsFakedMatch = false; foreach (i; idsFaked) { if (i[1] == dbItem.id) { addLogEntry("Matched faked dir which is 'supposed' to exist but not created due to --dry-run use", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("The directory has not changed", ["verbose"]); idsFakedMatch = true; } } if (!idsFakedMatch) { // dbItem.id did not match a 'faked' download new directory creation - so this in-sync object was actually deleted locally, but we are in a --dry-run situation addLogEntry("The directory has been deleted locally", ["verbose"]); // Upload to OneDrive the instruction to delete this item. This will handle the 'noRemoteDelete' flag if set uploadDeletedItem(dbItem, localFilePath); } else { // When we are using --single-directory, we use a the getChildren() call to get all children of a path, meaning all children are already traversed // Thus, if we traverse the path of this directory .. we end up with double processing & log output .. which is not ideal if (!singleDirectoryScope) { // loop through the children foreach (Item child; itemDB.selectChildren(dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id)) { checkDatabaseItemForConsistency(child); } } } } } } // Does this local path (directory or file) conform with the Microsoft Naming Restrictions? It needs to conform otherwise we cannot create the directory or upload the file. bool checkPathAgainstMicrosoftNamingRestrictions(string localFilePath) { // Check if the given path violates certain Microsoft restrictions and limitations // Return a true|false response bool invalidPath = false; // Check path against Microsoft OneDrive restriction and limitations about Windows naming for files and folders if (!invalidPath) { if (!isValidName(localFilePath)) { // This will return false if this is not a valid name according to the OneDrive API specifications addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid name (Microsoft Naming Convention): " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); invalidPath = true; } } // Check path for bad whitespace items if (!invalidPath) { if (containsBadWhiteSpace(localFilePath)) { // This will return true if this contains a bad whitespace item addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid name (Contains an invalid whitespace item): " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); invalidPath = true; } } // Check path for HTML ASCII Codes if (!invalidPath) { if (containsASCIIHTMLCodes(localFilePath)) { // This will return true if this contains HTML ASCII Codes addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid name (Contains HTML ASCII Code): " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); invalidPath = true; } } // Validate that the path is a valid UTF-16 encoded path if (!invalidPath) { if (!isValidUTF16(localFilePath)) { // This will return true if this is a valid UTF-16 encoded path, so we are checking for 'false' as response addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid name (Invalid UTF-16 encoded item): " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); invalidPath = true; } } // Check path for ASCII Control Codes if (!invalidPath) { if (containsASCIIControlCodes(localFilePath)) { // This will return true if this contains ASCII Control Codes addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid name (Contains ASCII Control Codes): " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); invalidPath = true; } } // Return if this is a valid path return invalidPath; } // Does this local path (directory or file) get excluded from any operation based on any client side filtering rules? bool checkPathAgainstClientSideFiltering(string localFilePath) { // Check the path against client side filtering rules // - check_nosync // - skip_dotfiles // - skip_symlinks // - skip_file // - skip_dir // - sync_list // - skip_size // Return a true|false response bool clientSideRuleExcludesPath = false; // does the path exist? if (!exists(localFilePath)) { // path does not exist - we cant review any client side rules on something that does not exist locally return clientSideRuleExcludesPath; } // - check_nosync if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // Do we need to check for .nosync? Only if --check-for-nosync was passed in if (appConfig.getValueBool("check_nosync")) { if (exists(localFilePath ~ "/.nosync")) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - .nosync found & --check-for-nosync enabled: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } } } // - skip_dotfiles if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // Do we need to check skip dot files if configured if (appConfig.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")) { if (isDotFile(localFilePath)) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - .file or .folder: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } } } // - skip_symlinks if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // Is the path a symbolic link if (isSymlink(localFilePath)) { // if config says so we skip all symlinked items if (appConfig.getValueBool("skip_symlinks")) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - skip symbolic links configured: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } // skip unexisting symbolic links else if (!exists(readLink(localFilePath))) { // reading the symbolic link failed - is the link a relative symbolic link // drwxrwxr-x. 2 alex alex 46 May 30 09:16 . // drwxrwxr-x. 3 alex alex 35 May 30 09:14 .. // lrwxrwxrwx. 1 alex alex 61 May 30 09:16 absolute.txt -> /home/alex/OneDrivePersonal/link_tests/intercambio/prueba.txt // lrwxrwxrwx. 1 alex alex 13 May 30 09:16 relative.txt -> ../prueba.txt // // absolute links will be able to be read, but 'relative' links will fail, because they cannot be read based on the current working directory 'sync_dir' string currentSyncDir = getcwd(); string fullLinkPath = buildNormalizedPath(absolutePath(localFilePath)); string fileName = baseName(fullLinkPath); string parentLinkPath = dirName(fullLinkPath); // test if this is a 'relative' symbolic link chdir(parentLinkPath); auto relativeLink = readLink(fileName); auto relativeLinkTest = exists(readLink(fileName)); // reset back to our 'sync_dir' chdir(currentSyncDir); // results if (relativeLinkTest) { addLogEntry("Not skipping item - symbolic link is a 'relative link' to target ('" ~ relativeLink ~ "') which can be supported: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]); } else { addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid symbolic link: "~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } } } } // Is this item excluded by user configuration of skip_dir or skip_file? if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { if (localFilePath != ".") { // skip_dir handling if (isDir(localFilePath)) { addLogEntry("Checking local path: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]); // Only check path if config is != "" if (appConfig.getValueString("skip_dir") != "") { // The path that needs to be checked needs to include the '/' // This due to if the user has specified in skip_dir an exclusive path: '/path' - that is what must be matched if (selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(localFilePath.strip('.'))) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_dir config: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } } } // skip_file handling if (isFile(localFilePath)) { addLogEntry("Checking file: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]); // The path that needs to be checked needs to include the '/' // This due to if the user has specified in skip_file an exclusive path: '/path/file' - that is what must be matched if (selectiveSync.isFileNameExcluded(localFilePath.strip('.'))) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_file config: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } } } } // Is this item excluded by user configuration of sync_list? if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { if (localFilePath != ".") { if (syncListConfigured) { // sync_list configured and in use if (selectiveSync.isPathExcludedViaSyncList(localFilePath)) { if ((isFile(localFilePath)) && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_root_files")) && (rootName(localFilePath.strip('.').strip('/')) == "")) { addLogEntry("Not skipping path due to sync_root_files inclusion: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]); } else { if (exists(appConfig.syncListFilePath)){ // skipped most likely due to inclusion in sync_list addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by sync_list config: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } else { // skipped for some other reason addLogEntry("Skipping item - path excluded by user config: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } } } } } } // Check if this is excluded by a user set maximum filesize to upload if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { if (isFile(localFilePath)) { if (fileSizeLimit != 0) { // Get the file size ulong thisFileSize = getSize(localFilePath); if (thisFileSize >= fileSizeLimit) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_size config: " ~ localFilePath ~ " (" ~ to!string(thisFileSize/2^^20) ~ " MB)", ["verbose"]); } } } } return clientSideRuleExcludesPath; } // Does this JSON item (as received from OneDrive API) get excluded from any operation based on any client side filtering rules? // This function is used when we are fetching objects from the OneDrive API using a /children query to help speed up what object we query or when checking OneDrive Business Shared Files bool checkJSONAgainstClientSideFiltering(JSONValue onedriveJSONItem) { bool clientSideRuleExcludesPath = false; // Check the path against client side filtering rules // - check_nosync (MISSING) // - skip_dotfiles (MISSING) // - skip_symlinks (MISSING) // - skip_file // - skip_dir // - sync_list // - skip_size // Return a true|false response // Use the JSON elements rather can computing a DB struct via makeItem() string thisItemId = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; string thisItemDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; string thisItemParentId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["id"].str; string thisItemName = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; // Is this parent is in the database bool parentInDatabase = false; // Calculate if the Parent Item is in the database so that it can be re-used parentInDatabase = itemDB.idInLocalDatabase(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId); // Check if this is excluded by config option: skip_dir if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // Is the item a folder? if (isItemFolder(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Only check path if config is != "" if (!appConfig.getValueString("skip_dir").empty) { // work out the 'snippet' path where this folder would be created string simplePathToCheck = ""; string complexPathToCheck = ""; string matchDisplay = ""; if (hasParentReference(onedriveJSONItem)) { // we need to workout the FULL path for this item // simple path if (("name" in onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]) != null) { simplePathToCheck = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["name"].str ~ "/" ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; } else { simplePathToCheck = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; } addLogEntry("skip_dir path to check (simple): " ~ simplePathToCheck, ["debug"]); // complex path if (parentInDatabase) { // build up complexPathToCheck //complexPathToCheck = buildNormalizedPath(newItemPath); complexPathToCheck = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ thisItemName; } else { addLogEntry("Parent details not in database - unable to compute complex path to check", ["debug"]); } if (!complexPathToCheck.empty) { addLogEntry("skip_dir path to check (complex): " ~ complexPathToCheck, ["debug"]); } } else { simplePathToCheck = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; } // If 'simplePathToCheck' or 'complexPathToCheck' is of the following format: root:/folder // then isDirNameExcluded matching will not work if (simplePathToCheck.canFind(":")) { addLogEntry("Updating simplePathToCheck to remove 'root:'", ["debug"]); simplePathToCheck = processPathToRemoveRootReference(simplePathToCheck); } if (complexPathToCheck.canFind(":")) { addLogEntry("Updating complexPathToCheck to remove 'root:'", ["debug"]); complexPathToCheck = processPathToRemoveRootReference(complexPathToCheck); } // OK .. what checks are we doing? if ((!simplePathToCheck.empty) && (complexPathToCheck.empty)) { // just a simple check addLogEntry("Performing a simple check only", ["debug"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(simplePathToCheck); } else { // simple and complex addLogEntry("Performing a simple then complex path match if required", ["debug"]); // simple first addLogEntry("Performing a simple check first", ["debug"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(simplePathToCheck); matchDisplay = simplePathToCheck; if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { addLogEntry("Simple match was false, attempting complex match", ["debug"]); // simple didnt match, perform a complex check clientSideRuleExcludesPath = selectiveSync.isDirNameExcluded(complexPathToCheck); matchDisplay = complexPathToCheck; } } // End Result addLogEntry("skip_dir exclude result (directory based): " ~ to!string(clientSideRuleExcludesPath), ["debug"]); if (clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // This path should be skipped addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_dir config: " ~ matchDisplay, ["verbose"]); } } } } // Check if this is excluded by config option: skip_file if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // is the item a file ? if (isFileItem(onedriveJSONItem)) { // JSON item is a file // skip_file can contain 4 types of entries: // - wildcard - *.txt // - text + wildcard - name*.txt // - full path + combination of any above two - /path/name*.txt // - full path to file - /path/to/file.txt string exclusionTestPath = ""; // is the parent id in the database? if (parentInDatabase) { // parent id is in the database, so we can try and calculate the full file path string jsonItemPath = ""; // Compute this item path & need the full path for this file jsonItemPath = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ thisItemName; // Log the calculation addLogEntry("New Item calculated full path is: " ~ jsonItemPath, ["debug"]); // The path that needs to be checked needs to include the '/' // This due to if the user has specified in skip_file an exclusive path: '/path/file' - that is what must be matched // However, as 'path' used throughout, use a temp variable with this modification so that we use the temp variable for exclusion checks if (!startsWith(jsonItemPath, "/")){ // Add '/' to the path exclusionTestPath = '/' ~ jsonItemPath; } // what are we checking addLogEntry("skip_file item to check (full calculated path): " ~ exclusionTestPath, ["debug"]); } else { // parent not in database, we can only check using this JSON item's name if (!startsWith(thisItemName, "/")){ // Add '/' to the path exclusionTestPath = '/' ~ thisItemName; } // what are we checking addLogEntry("skip_file item to check (file name only - parent path not in database): " ~ exclusionTestPath, ["debug"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = selectiveSync.isFileNameExcluded(exclusionTestPath); } // Perform the 'skip_file' evaluation clientSideRuleExcludesPath = selectiveSync.isFileNameExcluded(exclusionTestPath); addLogEntry("Result: " ~ to!string(clientSideRuleExcludesPath), ["debug"]); if (clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // This path should be skipped addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_file config: " ~ exclusionTestPath, ["verbose"]); } } } // Check if this is included or excluded by use of sync_list if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { // No need to try and process something against a sync_list if it has been configured if (syncListConfigured) { // Compute the item path if empty - as to check sync_list we need an actual path to check // What is the path of the new item string newItemPath; // Is the parent in the database? If not, we cannot compute the the full path based on the database entries // In a --resync scenario - the database is empty if (parentInDatabase) { // Calculate this items path based on database entries newItemPath = computeItemPath(thisItemDriveId, thisItemParentId) ~ "/" ~ thisItemName; } else { // parent not in the database if (("path" in onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]) != null) { // If there is a parent reference path, try and use it string selfBuiltPath = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["path"].str ~ "/" ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; // Check for ':' and split if present auto splitIndex = selfBuiltPath.indexOf(":"); if (splitIndex != -1) { // Keep only the part after ':' selfBuiltPath = selfBuiltPath[splitIndex + 1 .. $]; } // Set newItemPath to the self built path newItemPath = selfBuiltPath; } else { // no parent reference path available in provided JSON newItemPath = thisItemName; } } // Check for HTML entities (e.g., '%20' for space) in newItemPath if (containsURLEncodedItems(newItemPath)) { addLogEntry("CAUTION: The JSON element transmitted by the Microsoft OneDrive API includes HTML URL encoded items, which may complicate pattern matching and potentially lead to synchronisation problems for this item."); addLogEntry("WORKAROUND: An alternative solution could be to change the name of this item through the online platform: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("See: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/1765 for further details", ["verbose"]); } // Update newItemPath if(newItemPath[0] == '/') { newItemPath = newItemPath[1..$]; } // What path are we checking? addLogEntry("sync_list item to check: " ~ newItemPath, ["debug"]); // Unfortunatly there is no avoiding this call to check if the path is excluded|included via sync_list if (selectiveSync.isPathExcludedViaSyncList(newItemPath)) { // selective sync advised to skip, however is this a file and are we configured to upload / download files in the root? if ((isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_root_files")) && (rootName(newItemPath) == "") ) { // This is a file // We are configured to sync all files in the root // This is a file in the logical root clientSideRuleExcludesPath = false; } else { // path is unwanted clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by sync_list config: " ~ newItemPath, ["verbose"]); } } } } // Check if this is excluded by a user set maximum filesize to download if (!clientSideRuleExcludesPath) { if (isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) { if (fileSizeLimit != 0) { if (onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer >= fileSizeLimit) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - excluded by skip_size config: " ~ thisItemName ~ " (" ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer/2^^20) ~ " MB)", ["verbose"]); clientSideRuleExcludesPath = true; } } } } // return if path is excluded return clientSideRuleExcludesPath; } // Process the list of local changes to upload to OneDrive void processChangedLocalItemsToUpload() { // Each element in this array 'databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged' is an Database Item ID that has been modified locally size_t batchSize = to!int(appConfig.getValueLong("threads")); ulong batchCount = (databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged.length + batchSize - 1) / batchSize; ulong batchesProcessed = 0; // For each batch of files to upload, upload the changed data to OneDrive foreach (chunk; databaseItemsWhereContentHasChanged.chunks(batchSize)) { processChangedLocalItemsToUploadInParallel(chunk); chunk = null; } } void processChangedLocalItemsToUploadInParallel(string[3][] array) { foreach (i, localItemDetails; processPool.parallel(array)) { addLogEntry("Upload Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Starting: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]); uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive(localItemDetails); addLogEntry("Upload Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Finished: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]); } } // Upload changed local files to OneDrive in parallel void uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive(string[3] localItemDetails) { // These are the details of the item we need to upload string changedItemParentId = localItemDetails[0]; string changedItemId = localItemDetails[1]; string localFilePath = localItemDetails[2]; // Log the path that was modified addLogEntry("uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive: " ~ localFilePath, ["debug"]); // How much space is remaining on OneDrive ulong remainingFreeSpace; // Did the upload fail? bool uploadFailed = false; // Did we skip due to exceeding maximum allowed size? bool skippedMaxSize = false; // Did we skip to an exception error? bool skippedExceptionError = false; // Flag for if space is available online bool spaceAvailableOnline = false; // When we are uploading OneDrive Business Shared Files, we need to be targetting the right driveId and itemId string targetDriveId; string targetItemId; // Unfortunatly, we cant store an array of Item's ... so we have to re-query the DB again - unavoidable extra processing here // This is because the Item[] has no other functions to allow is to parallel process those elements, so we have to use a string array as input to this function Item dbItem; itemDB.selectById(changedItemParentId, changedItemId, dbItem); // Is this a remote target? if ((dbItem.type == ItemType.remote) && (dbItem.remoteType == ItemType.file)) { // This is a remote file targetDriveId = dbItem.remoteDriveId; targetItemId = dbItem.remoteId; // we are going to make the assumption here that as this is a OneDrive Business Shared File, that there is space available spaceAvailableOnline = true; } else { // This is not a remote file targetDriveId = dbItem.driveId; targetItemId = dbItem.id; } // Fetch the details from cachedOnlineDriveData // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted; // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable; // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining; driveDetailsCache cachedOnlineDriveData; cachedOnlineDriveData = getDriveDetails(targetDriveId); remainingFreeSpace = cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining; // Get the file size from the actual file ulong thisFileSizeLocal = getSize(localFilePath); // Get the file size from the DB data ulong thisFileSizeFromDB; if (!dbItem.size.empty) { thisFileSizeFromDB = to!ulong(dbItem.size); } else { thisFileSizeFromDB = 0; } // 'remainingFreeSpace' online includes the current file online // We need to remove the online file (add back the existing file size) then take away the new local file size to get a new approximate value ulong calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload = (remainingFreeSpace + thisFileSizeFromDB) - thisFileSizeLocal; // Based on what we know, for this thread - can we safely upload this modified local file? addLogEntry("This Thread Estimated Free Space Online: " ~ to!string(remainingFreeSpace), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("This Thread Calculated Free Space Online Post Upload: " ~ to!string(calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload), ["debug"]); JSONValue uploadResponse; // Is there quota available for the given drive where we are uploading to? // If 'personal' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have quota data - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining will be updated so it can be reused // If 'personal' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will not have quota data - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted will be set as true // If 'business' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will potentially have quota data - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining will be updated so it can be reused // If 'business' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will potentially have quota data, but it most likely will be a 0 value - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted will be set as true if (cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable) { // Our query told us we have free space online .. if we upload this file, will we exceed space online - thus upload will fail during upload? if (calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload > 0) { // Based on this thread action, we beleive that there is space available online to upload - proceed spaceAvailableOnline = true; } } // Is quota being restricted? if (cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted) { // Space available online is being restricted - so we have no way to really know if there is space available online spaceAvailableOnline = true; } // Do we have space available or is space available being restricted (so we make the blind assumption that there is space available) if (spaceAvailableOnline) { // Does this file exceed the maximum file size to upload to OneDrive? if (thisFileSizeLocal <= maxUploadFileSize) { // Attempt to upload the modified file // Error handling is in performModifiedFileUpload(), and the JSON that is responded with - will either be null or a valid JSON object containing the upload result uploadResponse = performModifiedFileUpload(dbItem, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal); // Evaluate the returned JSON uploadResponse // If there was an error uploading the file, uploadResponse should be empty and invalid if (uploadResponse.type() != JSONType.object) { uploadFailed = true; skippedExceptionError = true; } } else { // Skip file - too large uploadFailed = true; skippedMaxSize = true; } } else { // Cant upload this file - no space available uploadFailed = true; } // Did the upload fail? if (uploadFailed) { // Upload failed .. why? // No space available online if (!spaceAvailableOnline) { addLogEntry("Skipping uploading modified file: " ~ localFilePath ~ " due to insufficient free space available on Microsoft OneDrive", ["info", "notify"]); } // File exceeds max allowed size if (skippedMaxSize) { addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this modified file as it exceeds the maximum size allowed by OneDrive: " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); } // Generic message if (skippedExceptionError) { // normal failure message if API or exception error generated // If Issue #2626 | Case 2-1 is triggered, the file we tried to upload was renamed, then uploaded as a new name if (exists(localFilePath)) { // Issue #2626 | Case 2-1 was not triggered, file still exists on local filesystem addLogEntry("Uploading modified file: " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... failed!", ["info", "notify"]); } } } else { // Upload was successful addLogEntry("Uploading modified file: " ~ localFilePath ~ " ... done.", ["info", "notify"]); // What do we save to the DB? Is this a OneDrive Business Shared File? if ((dbItem.type == ItemType.remote) && (dbItem.remoteType == ItemType.file)) { // We need to 'massage' the old DB record, with data from online, as the DB record was specifically crafted for OneDrive Business Shared Files Item tempItem = makeItem(uploadResponse); dbItem.eTag = tempItem.eTag; dbItem.cTag = tempItem.cTag; dbItem.mtime = tempItem.mtime; dbItem.quickXorHash = tempItem.quickXorHash; dbItem.sha256Hash = tempItem.sha256Hash; dbItem.size = tempItem.size; itemDB.upsert(dbItem); } else { // Save the response JSON item in database as is saveItem(uploadResponse); } // Update the 'cachedOnlineDriveData' record for this 'targetDriveId' so that this is tracked as accuratly as possible for other threads updateDriveDetailsCache(targetDriveId, cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted, cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable, thisFileSizeLocal); // Check the integrity of the uploaded modified file if not in a --dry-run scenario if (!dryRun) { // Perform the integrity of the uploaded modified file performUploadIntegrityValidationChecks(uploadResponse, localFilePath, thisFileSizeLocal); // Update the date / time of the file online to match the local item // Get the local file last modified time SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localFilePath).toUTC(); localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; // Get the latest eTag, and use that string etagFromUploadResponse = uploadResponse["eTag"].str; // Attempt to update the online date time stamp based on our local data uploadLastModifiedTime(dbItem, targetDriveId, targetItemId, localModifiedTime, etagFromUploadResponse); } } } // Perform the upload of a locally modified file to OneDrive JSONValue performModifiedFileUpload(Item dbItem, string localFilePath, ulong thisFileSizeLocal) { // Function variables JSONValue uploadResponse; OneDriveApi uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance; uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); // Configure JSONValue variables we use for a session upload JSONValue currentOnlineData; JSONValue uploadSessionData; string currentETag; // When we are uploading OneDrive Business Shared Files, we need to be targetting the right driveId and itemId string targetDriveId; string targetParentId; string targetItemId; // Is this a remote target? if ((dbItem.type == ItemType.remote) && (dbItem.remoteType == ItemType.file)) { // This is a remote file targetDriveId = dbItem.remoteDriveId; targetParentId = dbItem.remoteParentId; targetItemId = dbItem.remoteId; } else { // This is not a remote file targetDriveId = dbItem.driveId; targetParentId = dbItem.parentId; targetItemId = dbItem.id; } // Is this a dry-run scenario? if (!dryRun) { // Do we use simpleUpload or create an upload session? bool useSimpleUpload = false; // Try and get the absolute latest object details from online, so we get the latest eTag to try and avoid a 412 eTag error try { currentOnlineData = uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsById(targetDriveId, targetItemId); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // Display what the error is // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } // Was a valid JSON response provided? if (currentOnlineData.type() == JSONType.object) { // Does the response contain an eTag? if (hasETag(currentOnlineData)) { // Use the value returned from online as this will attempt to avoid a 412 response if we are creating a session upload currentETag = currentOnlineData["eTag"].str; } else { // Use the database value - greater potential for a 412 error to occur if we are creating a session upload addLogEntry("Online data for file returned zero eTag - using database eTag value", ["debug"]); currentETag = dbItem.eTag; } } else { // no valid JSON response - greater potential for a 412 error to occur if we are creating a session upload addLogEntry("Online data returned was invalid - using database eTag value", ["debug"]); currentETag = dbItem.eTag; } // What upload method should be used? if (thisFileSizeLocal <= sessionThresholdFileSize) { useSimpleUpload = true; } // If the filesize is greater than zero , and we have valid 'latest' online data is the online file matching what we think is in the database? if ((thisFileSizeLocal > 0) && (currentOnlineData.type() == JSONType.object)) { // Issue #2626 | Case 2-1 // If the 'online' file is newer, this will be overwritten with the file from the local filesystem - potentially consituting online data loss Item onlineFile = makeItem(currentOnlineData); // Which file is technically newer? The local file or the remote file? SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localFilePath).toUTC(); SysTime onlineModifiedTime = onlineFile.mtime; // Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; onlineModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; // Which file is newer? If local is newer, it will be uploaded as a modified file in the correct manner if (localModifiedTime < onlineModifiedTime) { // Online File is actually newer than the locally modified file addLogEntry("currentOnlineData: " ~ to!string(currentOnlineData), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("onlineFile: " ~ to!string(onlineFile), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("database item: " ~ to!string(dbItem), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this item as a locally modified file, will upload as a new file (online file already exists and is newer): " ~ localFilePath); // Online is newer, rename local, then upload the renamed file // We need to know the renamed path so we can upload it string renamedPath; // Rename the local path safeBackup(localFilePath, dryRun, renamedPath); // Upload renamed local file as a new file uploadNewFile(renamedPath); // Process the database entry removal for the original file. In a --dry-run scenario, this is being done against a DB copy. // This is done so we can download the newer online file itemDB.deleteById(targetDriveId, targetItemId); // This file is now uploaded, return from here, but this will trigger a response that the upload failed (technically for the original filename it did, but we renamed it, then uploaded it return uploadResponse; } } // We can only upload zero size files via simpleFileUpload regardless of account type // Reference: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/53 // Additionally, all files where file size is < 4MB should be uploaded by simpleUploadReplace - everything else should use a session to upload the modified file if ((thisFileSizeLocal == 0) || (useSimpleUpload)) { // Must use Simple Upload to replace the file online try { uploadResponse = uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.simpleUploadReplace(localFilePath, targetDriveId, targetItemId); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // Function name string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // HTTP request returned status code 403 if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 403) && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_files"))) { // We attempted to upload a file, that was shared with us, but this was shared with us as read-only addLogEntry("Unable to upload this modified file as this was shared as read-only: " ~ localFilePath); } // HTTP request returned status code 423 // Resolve https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/36 if (exception.httpStatusCode == 423) { // The file is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user // We cant upload this file at this time addLogEntry("Unable to upload this modified file as this is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user: " ~ localFilePath); } else { // Handle all other HTTP status codes // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } } catch (FileException e) { // filesystem error displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } else { // As this is a unique thread, the sessionFilePath for where we save the data needs to be unique // The best way to do this is generate a 10 digit alphanumeric string, and use this as the file extention string threadUploadSessionFilePath = appConfig.uploadSessionFilePath ~ "." ~ generateAlphanumericString(); // Create the upload session try { uploadSessionData = createSessionFileUpload(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance, localFilePath, targetDriveId, targetParentId, baseName(localFilePath), currentETag, threadUploadSessionFilePath); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // HTTP request returned status code 403 if ((exception.httpStatusCode == 403) && (appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_files"))) { // We attempted to upload a file, that was shared with us, but this was shared with us as read-only addLogEntry("Unable to upload this modified file as this was shared as read-only: " ~ localFilePath); return uploadResponse; } // HTTP request returned status code 423 // Resolve https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/36 if (exception.httpStatusCode == 423) { // The file is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user // We cant upload this file at this time addLogEntry("Unable to upload this modified file as this is currently checked out or locked for editing by another user: " ~ localFilePath); return uploadResponse; } else { // Handle all other HTTP status codes // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } } catch (FileException e) { writeln("DEBUG TO REMOVE: Modified file upload FileException Handling (Create the Upload Session)"); displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } // Perform the upload using the session that has been created try { uploadResponse = performSessionFileUpload(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance, thisFileSizeLocal, uploadSessionData, threadUploadSessionFilePath); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // Function name string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Handle all other HTTP status codes // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } catch (FileException e) { writeln("DEBUG TO REMOVE: Modified file upload FileException Handling (Perform the Upload using the session)"); displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } } else { // We are in a --dry-run scenario uploadResponse = createFakeResponse(localFilePath); } // Debug Log the modified upload response addLogEntry("Modified File Upload Response: " ~ to!string(uploadResponse), ["debug"]); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required instance uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance); // Return JSON return uploadResponse; } // Query the OneDrive API using the provided driveId to get the latest quota details string[3][] getRemainingFreeSpaceOnline(string driveId) { // Get the quota details for this driveId // Quota details are ONLY available for the main default driveId, as the OneDrive API does not provide quota details for shared folders JSONValue currentDriveQuota; bool quotaRestricted = false; // Assume quota is not restricted unless "remaining" is missing bool quotaAvailable = false; ulong quotaRemainingOnline = 0; string[3][] result; // Ensure that we have a valid driveId to query if (driveId.empty) { // No 'driveId' was provided, use the application default driveId = appConfig.defaultDriveId; } // Try and query the quota for the provided driveId try { // Create a new OneDrive API instance OneDriveApi getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance.initialise(); addLogEntry("Seeking available quota for this drive id: " ~ driveId, ["debug"]); currentDriveQuota = getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance.getDriveQuota(driveId); // Shut this API instance down getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance); } catch (OneDriveException e) { addLogEntry("currentDriveQuota = onedrive.getDriveQuota(driveId) generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); // If an exception occurs, it's unclear if quota is restricted, but quota details are not available quotaRestricted = true; // Considering restricted due to failure to access // Return result result ~= [to!string(quotaRestricted), to!string(quotaAvailable), to!string(quotaRemainingOnline)]; return result; } // Validate that currentDriveQuota is a JSON value if (currentDriveQuota.type() == JSONType.object && "quota" in currentDriveQuota) { // Response from API contains valid data // If 'personal' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data // If 'personal' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will not have quota data // If 'business' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data // If 'business' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will have data, but it will be a 0 value addLogEntry("Quota Details: " ~ to!string(currentDriveQuota), ["debug"]); auto quota = currentDriveQuota["quota"]; if ("remaining" in quota) { quotaRemainingOnline = quota["remaining"].integer; quotaAvailable = quotaRemainingOnline > 0; // If "remaining" is present but its value is <= 0, it's not restricted but exhausted if (quotaRemainingOnline <= 0) { if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { addLogEntry("ERROR: OneDrive account currently has zero space available. Please free up some space online or purchase additional capacity."); } else { // Assuming 'business' or 'sharedLibrary' addLogEntry("WARNING: OneDrive quota information is being restricted or providing a zero value. Please fix by speaking to your OneDrive / Office 365 Administrator."); } } } else { // "remaining" not present, indicating restricted quota information quotaRestricted = true; addLogEntry("Quota information is restricted or not available for this drive.", ["verbose"]); } } else { // When valid quota details are not fetched addLogEntry("Failed to fetch or interpret quota details from the API response.", ["verbose"]); quotaRestricted = true; // Considering restricted due to failure to interpret } // What was the determined available quota? addLogEntry("Reported Available Online Quota for driveID '" ~ driveId ~ "': " ~ to!string(quotaRemainingOnline), ["debug"]); // Return result result ~= [to!string(quotaRestricted), to!string(quotaAvailable), to!string(quotaRemainingOnline)]; return result; } // Perform a filesystem walk to uncover new data to upload to OneDrive void scanLocalFilesystemPathForNewData(string path) { // Cleanup array memory before we start adding files newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive = []; // Perform a filesystem walk to uncover new data scanLocalFilesystemPathForNewDataToUpload(path); // Upload new data that has been identified processNewLocalItemsToUpload(); } void scanLocalFilesystemPathForNewDataToUpload(string path) { // To improve logging output for this function, what is the 'logical path' we are scanning for file & folder differences? string logPath; if (path == ".") { // get the configured sync_dir logPath = buildNormalizedPath(appConfig.getValueString("sync_dir")); } else { // use what was passed in if (!appConfig.getValueBool("monitor")) { logPath = buildNormalizedPath(appConfig.getValueString("sync_dir")) ~ "/" ~ path; } else { logPath = path; } } // Log the action that we are performing, however only if this is a directory if (isDir(path)) { if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { if (!cleanupLocalFiles) { addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("Scanning the local file system '" ~ logPath ~ "' for new data to upload", appConfig.verbosityCount); } else { addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("Scanning the local file system '" ~ logPath ~ "' for data to cleanup", appConfig.verbosityCount); } } } auto startTime = Clock.currTime(); addLogEntry("Starting Filesystem Walk: " ~ to!string(startTime), ["debug"]); // Perform the filesystem walk of this path, building an array of new items to upload scanPathForNewData(path); if (isDir(path)) { if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addLogEntry("\n", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]); } } // To finish off the processing items, this is needed to reflect this in the log addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); auto finishTime = Clock.currTime(); addLogEntry("Finished Filesystem Walk: " ~ to!string(finishTime), ["debug"]); auto elapsedTime = finishTime - startTime; addLogEntry("Elapsed Time Filesystem Walk: " ~ to!string(elapsedTime), ["debug"]); } // Perform a filesystem walk to uncover new data to upload to OneDrive void processNewLocalItemsToUpload() { // Upload new data that has been identified // Are there any items to download post fetching the /delta data? if (!newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive.empty) { // There are elements to upload addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("New items to upload to OneDrive: " ~ to!string(newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive.length), appConfig.verbosityCount); // Reset totalDataToUpload totalDataToUpload = 0; // How much data do we need to upload? This is important, as, we need to know how much data to determine if all the files can be uploaded foreach (uploadFilePath; newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive) { // validate that the path actually exists so that it can be counted if (exists(uploadFilePath)) { totalDataToUpload = totalDataToUpload + getSize(uploadFilePath); } } // How much data is there to upload if (totalDataToUpload < 1024) { // Display as Bytes to upload addLogEntry("Total New Data to Upload: " ~ to!string(totalDataToUpload) ~ " Bytes", ["verbose"]); } else { if ((totalDataToUpload > 1024) && (totalDataToUpload < 1048576)) { // Display as KB to upload addLogEntry("Total New Data to Upload: " ~ to!string((totalDataToUpload / 1024)) ~ " KB", ["verbose"]); } else { // Display as MB to upload addLogEntry("Total New Data to Upload: " ~ to!string((totalDataToUpload / 1024 / 1024)) ~ " MB", ["verbose"]); } } // How much space is available // The file, could be uploaded to a shared folder, which, we are not tracking how much free space is available there ... // Iterate through all the drives we have cached thus far, that we know about foreach (driveId, driveDetails; onlineDriveDetails) { // Log how much space is available for each driveId addLogEntry("Current Available Space Online (" ~ driveId ~ "): " ~ to!string((driveDetails.quotaRemaining / 1024 / 1024)) ~ " MB", ["debug"]); } // Perform the upload uploadNewLocalFileItems(); // Cleanup array memory after uploading all files newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive = []; } } // Scan this path for new data void scanPathForNewData(string path) { // Add a processing '.' if (isDir(path)) { if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addProcessingDotEntry(); } } ulong maxPathLength; ulong pathWalkLength; // Add this logging break to assist with what was checked for each path if (path != ".") { addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); } // https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3125202/restrictions-and-limitations-when-you-sync-files-and-folders // If the path is greater than allowed characters, then one drive will return a '400 - Bad Request' // Need to ensure that the URI is encoded before the check is made: // - 400 Character Limit for OneDrive Business / Office 365 // - 430 Character Limit for OneDrive Personal // Configure maxPathLength based on account type if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { // Personal Account maxPathLength = 430; } else { // Business Account / Office365 / SharePoint maxPathLength = 400; } // OneDrive Business Shared Files Handling - if we make a 'backup' locally of a file shared with us (because we modified it, and then maybe did a --resync), it will be treated as a new file to upload ... // The issue here is - the 'source' was a shared file - we may not even have permission to upload a 'renamed' file to the shared file's parent folder // In this case, we need to skip adding this new local file - we do not upload it (we cant , and we should not) if (appConfig.accountType == "business") { // Check appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName against 'path' if (canFind(path, baseName(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName))) { // Log why this path is being skipped addLogEntry("Skipping scanning path for new files as this is reserved for OneDrive Business Shared Files: " ~ path, ["info"]); return; } } // A short lived item that has already disappeared will cause an error - is the path still valid? if (!exists(path)) { addLogEntry("Skipping item - path has disappeared: " ~ path); return; } // Calculate the path length by walking the path and catch any UTF-8 sequence errors at the same time // https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/57 // https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/487 // https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/1192 try { pathWalkLength = path.byGrapheme.walkLength; } catch (std.utf.UTFException e) { // Path contains characters which generate a UTF exception addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid UTF sequence: " ~ path, ["info", "notify"]); addLogEntry(" Error Reason:" ~ e.msg, ["debug"]); return; } // Is the path length is less than maxPathLength if (pathWalkLength < maxPathLength) { // Is this path unwanted bool unwanted = false; // First check of this item - if we are in a --dry-run scenario, we may have 'fake deleted' this path // thus, the entries are not in the dry-run DB copy, thus, at this point the client thinks that this is an item to upload // Check this 'path' for an entry in pathFakeDeletedArray - if it is there, this is unwanted if (dryRun) { // Is this path in the array of fake deleted items? If yes, return early, nothing else to do, save processing if (canFind(pathFakeDeletedArray, path)) return; } // Check if item if found in database bool itemFoundInDB = pathFoundInDatabase(path); // If the item is already found in the database, it is redundant to perform these checks if (!itemFoundInDB) { // This not a Client Side Filtering check, nor a Microsoft Check, but is a sanity check that the path provided is UTF encoded correctly // Check the std.encoding of the path against: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1251, WINDOWS-1252 if (!unwanted) { if(!isValid(path)) { // Path is not valid according to https://dlang.org/phobos/std_encoding.html addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid character encoding sequence: " ~ path, ["info", "notify"]); unwanted = true; } } // Check this path against the Client Side Filtering Rules // - check_nosync // - skip_dotfiles // - skip_symlinks // - skip_file // - skip_dir // - sync_list // - skip_size if (!unwanted) { unwanted = checkPathAgainstClientSideFiltering(path); } // Check this path against the Microsoft Naming Conventions & Restristions // - Check path against Microsoft OneDrive restriction and limitations about Windows naming for files and folders // - Check path for bad whitespace items // - Check path for HTML ASCII Codes // - Check path for ASCII Control Codes if (!unwanted) { unwanted = checkPathAgainstMicrosoftNamingRestrictions(path); } } if (!unwanted) { // At this point, this path, we want to scan for new data as it is not excluded if (isDir(path)) { // Was the path found in the database? if (!itemFoundInDB) { // Path not found in database when searching all drive id's if (!cleanupLocalFiles) { // --download-only --cleanup-local-files not used // Create this directory on OneDrive so that we can upload files to it createDirectoryOnline(path); } else { // we need to clean up this directory addLogEntry("Removing local directory as --download-only & --cleanup-local-files configured"); // Remove any children of this path if they still exist // Resolve 'Directory not empty' error when deleting local files try { foreach (DirEntry child; dirEntries(path, SpanMode.depth, false)) { // what sort of child is this? if (isDir(child.name)) { addLogEntry("Removing local directory: " ~ child.name); } else { addLogEntry("Removing local file: " ~ child.name); } // are we in a --dry-run scenario? if (!dryRun) { // No --dry-run ... process local delete if (exists(child)) { try { attrIsDir(child.linkAttributes) ? rmdir(child.name) : remove(child.name); } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } } } // Remove the path now that it is empty of children addLogEntry("Removing local directory: " ~ path); // are we in a --dry-run scenario? if (!dryRun) { // No --dry-run ... process local delete try { rmdirRecurse(path); } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); return; } } } // flag for if we are going traverse this path bool skipFolderTraverse = false; // Before we traverse this 'path', we need to make a last check to see if this was just excluded if (appConfig.accountType == "business") { // search businessSharedFoldersOnlineToSkip for this path if (canFind(businessSharedFoldersOnlineToSkip, path)) { // This path was skipped - why? addLogEntry("Skipping item '" ~ path ~ "' due to this path matching an existing online Business Shared Folder name", ["info", "notify"]); addLogEntry("To sync this Business Shared Folder, consider enabling 'sync_business_shared_folders' within your application configuration.", ["info"]); skipFolderTraverse = true; } } // Do we traverse this path? if (!skipFolderTraverse) { // Try and access this directory and any path below try { auto entries = dirEntries(path, SpanMode.shallow, false); foreach (DirEntry entry; entries) { string thisPath = entry.name; scanPathForNewData(thisPath); } } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); return; } } } else { // https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/984 // path is not a directory, is it a valid file? // pipes - whilst technically valid files, are not valid for this client // prw-rw-r--. 1 user user 0 Jul 7 05:55 my_pipe if (isFile(path)) { // Was the file found in the database? if (!itemFoundInDB) { // File not found in database when searching all drive id's // Do we upload the file or clean up the file? if (!cleanupLocalFiles) { // --download-only --cleanup-local-files not used // Add this path as a file we need to upload addLogEntry("OneDrive Client flagging to upload this file to OneDrive: " ~ path, ["debug"]); newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive ~= path; } else { // we need to clean up this file addLogEntry("Removing local file as --download-only & --cleanup-local-files configured"); // are we in a --dry-run scenario? addLogEntry("Removing local file: " ~ path); if (!dryRun) { // No --dry-run ... process local file delete safeRemove(path); } } } } else { // path is not a valid file addLogEntry("Skipping item - item is not a valid file: " ~ path, ["info", "notify"]); } } } } else { // This path was skipped - why? addLogEntry("Skipping item '" ~ path ~ "' due to the full path exceeding " ~ to!string(maxPathLength) ~ " characters (Microsoft OneDrive limitation)", ["info", "notify"]); } } // Handle a single file inotify trigger when using --monitor void handleLocalFileTrigger(string[] changedLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive) { // Is this path a new file or an existing one? // Normally we would use pathFoundInDatabase() to calculate, but we need 'databaseItem' as well if the item is in the database foreach (localFilePath; changedLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive) { try { Item databaseItem; bool fileFoundInDB = false; foreach (driveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { if (itemDB.selectByPath(localFilePath, driveId, databaseItem)) { fileFoundInDB = true; break; } } // Was the file found in the database? if (!fileFoundInDB) { // This is a new file as it is not in the database // Log that the file has been added locally addLogEntry("[M] New local file added: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); scanLocalFilesystemPathForNewDataToUpload(localFilePath); } else { // This is a potentially modified file, needs to be handled as such. Is the item truly modified? if (!testFileHash(localFilePath, databaseItem)) { // The local file failed the hash comparison test - there is a data difference // Log that the file has changed locally addLogEntry("[M] Local file changed: " ~ localFilePath, ["verbose"]); // Add the modified item to the array to upload uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive([databaseItem.driveId, databaseItem.id, localFilePath]); } } } catch(Exception e) { addLogEntry("Cannot upload file changes/creation: " ~ e.msg, ["info", "notify"]); } } processNewLocalItemsToUpload(); } // Query the database to determine if this path is within the existing database bool pathFoundInDatabase(string searchPath) { // Check if this path in the database Item databaseItem; addLogEntry("Search DB for this path: " ~ searchPath, ["debug"]); foreach (driveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { if (itemDB.selectByPath(searchPath, driveId, databaseItem)) { addLogEntry("DB Record for search path: " ~ to!string(databaseItem), ["debug"]); return true; // Early exit on finding the path in the DB } } return false; // Return false if path is not found in any drive } // Create a new directory online on OneDrive // - Test if we can get the parent path details from the database, otherwise we need to search online // for the path flow and create the folder that way void createDirectoryOnline(string thisNewPathToCreate) { // Log what we are doing addLogEntry("OneDrive Client requested to create this directory online: " ~ thisNewPathToCreate, ["verbose"]); // Function variables Item parentItem; JSONValue onlinePathData; // Special Folder Handling: Do NOT create the folder online if it is being used for OneDrive Business Shared Files // These are local copy files, in a self created directory structure which is not to be replicated online // Check appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName against 'thisNewPathToCreate' if (canFind(thisNewPathToCreate, baseName(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName))) { // Log why this is being skipped addLogEntry("Skipping creating '" ~ thisNewPathToCreate ~ "' as this path is used for handling OneDrive Business Shared Files", ["info", "notify"]); return; } // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance; createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); // What parent path to use? string parentPath = dirName(thisNewPathToCreate); // will be either . or something else // Configure the parentItem by if this is the account 'root' use the root details, or search the database for the parent details if (parentPath == ".") { // Parent path is '.' which is the account root // Use client defaults parentItem.driveId = appConfig.defaultDriveId; // Should give something like 12345abcde1234a1 parentItem.id = appConfig.defaultRootId; // Should give something like 12345ABCDE1234A1!101 } else { // Query the parent path online addLogEntry("Attempting to query Local Database for this parent path: " ~ parentPath, ["debug"]); // Attempt a 2 step process to work out where to create the directory // Step 1: Query the DB first for the parent path, to try and avoid an API call // Step 2: Query online as last resort // Step 1: Check if this parent path in the database Item databaseItem; bool parentPathFoundInDB = false; foreach (driveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { addLogEntry("Query DB with this driveID for the Parent Path: " ~ driveId, ["debug"]); // Query the database for this parent path using each driveId that we know about if (itemDB.selectByPath(parentPath, driveId, databaseItem)) { parentPathFoundInDB = true; addLogEntry("Parent databaseItem: " ~ to!string(databaseItem), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("parentPathFoundInDB: " ~ to!string(parentPathFoundInDB), ["debug"]); parentItem = databaseItem; } } // After querying all DB entries for each driveID for the parent path, what are the details in parentItem? addLogEntry("Parent parentItem after DB Query exhausted: " ~ to!string(parentItem), ["debug"]); // Step 2: Query for the path online if not found in the local database if (!parentPathFoundInDB) { // parent path not found in database try { addLogEntry("Attempting to query OneDrive Online for this parent path as path not found in local database: " ~ parentPath, ["debug"]); onlinePathData = createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetails(parentPath); addLogEntry("Online Parent Path Query Response: " ~ to!string(onlinePathData), ["debug"]); // Save item to the database saveItem(onlinePathData); parentItem = makeItem(onlinePathData); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { if (exception.httpStatusCode == 404) { // Parent does not exist ... need to create parent addLogEntry("Parent path does not exist online: " ~ parentPath, ["debug"]); createDirectoryOnline(parentPath); // no return here as we need to continue, but need to re-query the OneDrive API to get the right parental details now that they exist onlinePathData = createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetails(parentPath); parentItem = makeItem(onlinePathData); } else { string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } } } } // Make sure the full path does not exist online, this should generate a 404 response, to which then the folder will be created online try { // Try and query the OneDrive API for the path we need to create addLogEntry("Attempting to query OneDrive API for this path: " ~ thisNewPathToCreate, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("parentItem details: " ~ to!string(parentItem), ["debug"]); // Depending on the data within parentItem, will depend on what method we are using to search // A Shared Folder will be 'remote' so we need to check the remote parent id, rather than parentItem details Item queryItem; if (parentItem.type == ItemType.remote) { // This folder is a potential shared object addLogEntry("ParentItem is a remote item object", ["debug"]); // Need to create the DB Tie for this shared object to ensure this exists in the database createDatabaseTieRecordForOnlineSharedFolder(parentItem); // Update the queryItem values queryItem.driveId = parentItem.remoteDriveId; queryItem.id = parentItem.remoteId; } else { // Use parent item for the query item addLogEntry("Standard Query, use parentItem", ["debug"]); queryItem = parentItem; } if (queryItem.driveId == appConfig.defaultDriveId) { // Use getPathDetailsByDriveId addLogEntry("Selecting getPathDetailsByDriveId to query OneDrive API for path data", ["debug"]); onlinePathData = createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsByDriveId(queryItem.driveId, thisNewPathToCreate); } else { // Use searchDriveForPath to query OneDrive addLogEntry("Selecting searchDriveForPath to query OneDrive API for path data", ["debug"]); // If the queryItem.driveId is not our driveId - the path we are looking for will not be at the logical location that getPathDetailsByDriveId // can use - as it will always return a 404 .. even if the path actually exists (which is the whole point of this test) // Search the queryItem.driveId for any folder name match that we are going to create, then compare response JSON items with queryItem.id // If no match, the folder we want to create does not exist at the location we are seeking to create it at, thus generate a 404 onlinePathData = createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.searchDriveForPath(queryItem.driveId, baseName(thisNewPathToCreate)); addLogEntry("onlinePathData: " ~to!string(onlinePathData), ["debug"]); // Process the response from searching the drive ulong responseCount = count(onlinePathData["value"].array); if (responseCount > 0) { // Search 'name' matches were found .. need to match these against queryItem.id bool foundDirectoryOnline = false; JSONValue foundDirectoryJSONItem; // Items were returned .. but is one of these what we are looking for? foreach (childJSON; onlinePathData["value"].array) { // Is this item not a file? if (!isFileItem(childJSON)) { Item thisChildItem = makeItem(childJSON); // Direct Match Check if ((queryItem.id == thisChildItem.parentId) && (baseName(thisNewPathToCreate) == thisChildItem.name)) { // High confidence that this child folder is a direct match we are trying to create and it already exists online addLogEntry("Path we are searching for exists online (Direct Match): " ~ baseName(thisNewPathToCreate), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("childJSON: " ~ to!string(childJSON), ["debug"]); foundDirectoryOnline = true; foundDirectoryJSONItem = childJSON; break; } // Full Lower Case POSIX Match Check string childAsLower = toLower(childJSON["name"].str); string thisFolderNameAsLower = toLower(baseName(thisNewPathToCreate)); if (childAsLower == thisFolderNameAsLower) { // This is a POSIX 'case in-sensitive match' ..... // Local item name has a 'case-insensitive match' to an existing item on OneDrive addLogEntry("Path we are searching for exists online (POSIX 'case in-sensitive match'): " ~ baseName(thisNewPathToCreate), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("childJSON: " ~ to!string(childJSON), ["debug"]); foundDirectoryOnline = true; foundDirectoryJSONItem = childJSON; break; } } } if (foundDirectoryOnline) { // Directory we are seeking was found online ... addLogEntry("The directory we are seeking was found online by using searchDriveForPath ...", ["debug"]); onlinePathData = foundDirectoryJSONItem; } else { // No 'search item matches found' - raise a 404 so that the exception handling will take over to create the folder throw new OneDriveException(404, "Name not found via search"); } } else { // No 'search item matches found' - raise a 404 so that the exception handling will take over to create the folder throw new OneDriveException(404, "Name not found via search"); } } } catch (OneDriveException exception) { if (exception.httpStatusCode == 404) { // This is a good error - it means that the directory to create 100% does not exist online // The directory was not found on the drive id we queried addLogEntry("The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: " ~ thisNewPathToCreate, ["verbose"]); // Build up the create directory request JSONValue createDirectoryOnlineAPIResponse; JSONValue newDriveItem = [ "name": JSONValue(baseName(thisNewPathToCreate)), "folder": parseJSON("{}") ]; // Submit the creation request // Fix for https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/356 if (!dryRun) { try { // Attempt to create a new folder on the required driveId and parent item id string requiredDriveId; string requiredParentItemId; // Is the item a Remote Object (Shared Folder) ? if (parentItem.type == ItemType.remote) { // Yes .. Shared Folder addLogEntry("parentItem data: " ~ to!string(parentItem), ["debug"]); requiredDriveId = parentItem.remoteDriveId; requiredParentItemId = parentItem.remoteId; } else { // Not a Shared Folder requiredDriveId = parentItem.driveId; requiredParentItemId = parentItem.id; } // Where are we creating this new folder? addLogEntry("requiredDriveId: " ~ requiredDriveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("requiredParentItemId: " ~ requiredParentItemId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("newDriveItem JSON: " ~ to!string(newDriveItem), ["debug"]); // Create the new folder createDirectoryOnlineAPIResponse = createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.createById(requiredDriveId, requiredParentItemId, newDriveItem); // Is the response a valid JSON object - validation checking done in saveItem saveItem(createDirectoryOnlineAPIResponse); // Log that the directory was created addLogEntry("Successfully created the remote directory " ~ thisNewPathToCreate ~ " on Microsoft OneDrive"); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { if (exception.httpStatusCode == 409) { // OneDrive API returned a 404 (above) to say the directory did not exist // but when we attempted to create it, OneDrive responded that it now already exists addLogEntry("OneDrive reported that " ~ thisNewPathToCreate ~ " already exists .. OneDrive API race condition", ["verbose"]); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance); return; } else { // some other error from OneDrive was returned - display what it is addLogEntry("OneDrive generated an error when creating this path: " ~ thisNewPathToCreate); displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance); return; } } } else { // Simulate a successful 'directory create' & save it to the dryRun database copy addLogEntry("Successfully created the remote directory " ~ thisNewPathToCreate ~ " on Microsoft OneDrive"); // The simulated response has to pass 'makeItem' as part of saveItem auto fakeResponse = createFakeResponse(thisNewPathToCreate); // Save item to the database saveItem(fakeResponse); } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance); return; } else { // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance // If we get a 400 error, there is an issue creating this folder on Microsoft OneDrive for some reason // If the error is not 400, re-try, else fail if (exception.httpStatusCode != 400) { // Attempt a re-try createDirectoryOnline(thisNewPathToCreate); } else { // We cant create this directory online addLogEntry("This folder cannot be created online: " ~ buildNormalizedPath(absolutePath(thisNewPathToCreate)), ["debug"]); } } } // If we get to this point - onlinePathData = createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsByDriveId(parentItem.driveId, thisNewPathToCreate) generated a 'valid' response .... // This means that the folder potentially exists online .. which is odd .. as it should not have existed if (onlinePathData.type() == JSONType.object) { // A valid object was responded with if (onlinePathData["name"].str == baseName(thisNewPathToCreate)) { // OneDrive 'name' matches local path name if (appConfig.accountType == "business") { // We are a business account, this existing online folder, could be a Shared Online Folder could be a 'Add shortcut to My files' item addLogEntry("onlinePathData: " ~ to!string(onlinePathData), ["debug"]); // Is this a remote folder if (isItemRemote(onlinePathData)) { // The folder is a remote item ... we do not want to create this ... addLogEntry("Existing Remote Online Folder is most likely a OneDrive Shared Business Folder Link added by 'Add shortcut to My files'", ["debug"]); // Is Shared Business Folder Syncing enabled ? if (!appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items")) { // Shared Business Folder Syncing is NOT enabled addLogEntry("We need to skip this path: " ~ thisNewPathToCreate, ["debug"]); // Add this path to businessSharedFoldersOnlineToSkip businessSharedFoldersOnlineToSkip ~= [thisNewPathToCreate]; // no save to database, no online create // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance); return; } else { // As the 'onlinePathData' is potentially missing the actual correct parent folder id in the 'remoteItem' JSON response, we have to perform a further query to get the correct answer // Failure to do this, means the 'root' DB Tie Record has a different parent reference id to that what this folder's parent reference id actually is JSONValue sharedFolderParentPathData; string remoteDriveId = onlinePathData["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; string remoteItemId = onlinePathData["remoteItem"]["id"].str; sharedFolderParentPathData = createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsById(remoteDriveId, remoteItemId); // A 'root' DB Tie Record needed for this folder using the correct parent data createDatabaseRootTieRecordForOnlineSharedFolder(sharedFolderParentPathData); } } } // Path found online addLogEntry("The requested directory to create was found on OneDrive - skipping creating the directory: " ~ thisNewPathToCreate, ["verbose"]); // Is the response a valid JSON object - validation checking done in saveItem saveItem(onlinePathData); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance); return; } else { // Normally this would throw an error, however we cant use throw new posixException() string msg = format("POSIX 'case-insensitive match' between '%s' (local) and '%s' (online) which violates the Microsoft OneDrive API namespace convention", baseName(thisNewPathToCreate), onlinePathData["name"].str); displayPosixErrorMessage(msg); addLogEntry("ERROR: Requested directory to create has a 'case-insensitive match' to an existing directory on OneDrive online."); addLogEntry("ERROR: To resolve, rename this local directory: " ~ buildNormalizedPath(absolutePath(thisNewPathToCreate))); addLogEntry("Skipping creating this directory online due to 'case-insensitive match': " ~ thisNewPathToCreate); // Add this path to posixViolationPaths posixViolationPaths ~= [thisNewPathToCreate]; // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance); return; } } else { // response is not valid JSON, an error was returned from OneDrive addLogEntry("ERROR: There was an error performing this operation on Microsoft OneDrive"); addLogEntry("ERROR: Increase logging verbosity to assist determining why."); addLogEntry("Skipping: " ~ buildNormalizedPath(absolutePath(thisNewPathToCreate))); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(createDirectoryOnlineOneDriveApiInstance); return; } } // Test that the online name actually matches the requested local name void performPosixTest(string localNameToCheck, string onlineName) { // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/FileIO/naming-a-file // Do not assume case sensitivity. For example, consider the names OSCAR, Oscar, and oscar to be the same, // even though some file systems (such as a POSIX-compliant file system) may consider them as different. // Note that NTFS supports POSIX semantics for case sensitivity but this is not the default behavior. if (localNameToCheck != onlineName) { // POSIX Error // Local item name has a 'case-insensitive match' to an existing item on OneDrive throw new posixException(localNameToCheck, onlineName); } } // Upload new file items as identified void uploadNewLocalFileItems() { // Lets deal with the new local items in a batch process size_t batchSize = to!int(appConfig.getValueLong("threads")); ulong batchCount = (newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive.length + batchSize - 1) / batchSize; ulong batchesProcessed = 0; foreach (chunk; newLocalFilesToUploadToOneDrive.chunks(batchSize)) { uploadNewLocalFileItemsInParallel(chunk); } if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addLogEntry("\n", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]); } // Upload the file batches in parallel void uploadNewLocalFileItemsInParallel(string[] array) { foreach (i, fileToUpload; processPool.parallel(array)) { // Add a processing '.' if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addProcessingDotEntry(); addLogEntry("Upload Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Starting: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]); uploadNewFile(fileToUpload); addLogEntry("Upload Thread " ~ to!string(i) ~ " Finished: " ~ to!string(Clock.currTime()), ["debug"]); } } // Upload a new file to OneDrive void uploadNewFile(string fileToUpload) { // Debug for the moment addLogEntry("fileToUpload: " ~ fileToUpload, ["debug"]); // These are the details of the item we need to upload // How much space is remaining on OneDrive ulong remainingFreeSpaceOnline; // Did the upload fail? bool uploadFailed = false; // Did we skip due to exceeding maximum allowed size? bool skippedMaxSize = false; // Did we skip to an exception error? bool skippedExceptionError = false; // Is the parent path in the item database? bool parentPathFoundInDB = false; // Get this file size ulong thisFileSize; // Is there space available online bool spaceAvailableOnline = false; driveDetailsCache cachedOnlineDriveData; ulong calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload; // Check the database for the parent path of fileToUpload Item parentItem; // What parent path to use? string parentPath = dirName(fileToUpload); // will be either . or something else if (parentPath == "."){ // Assume this is a new file in the users configured sync_dir root // Use client defaults parentItem.id = appConfig.defaultRootId; // Should give something like 12345ABCDE1234A1!101 parentItem.driveId = appConfig.defaultDriveId; // Should give something like 12345abcde1234a1 parentPathFoundInDB = true; } else { // Query the database using each of the driveId's we are using foreach (driveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { // Query the database for this parent path using each driveId Item dbResponse; if(itemDB.selectByPath(parentPath, driveId, dbResponse)){ // parent path was found in the database parentItem = dbResponse; parentPathFoundInDB = true; } } } // If the parent path was found in the DB, to ensure we are uploading the the right location 'parentItem.driveId' must not be empty if ((parentPathFoundInDB) && (parentItem.driveId.empty)) { // switch to using defaultDriveId addLogEntry("parentItem.driveId is empty - using defaultDriveId for upload API calls", ["debug"]); parentItem.driveId = appConfig.defaultDriveId; } // Check if the path still exists locally before we try to upload if (exists(fileToUpload)) { // Can we read the file - as a permissions issue or actual file corruption will cause a failure // Resolves: https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/113 if (readLocalFile(fileToUpload)) { // The local file can be read - so we can read it to attemtp to upload it in this thread // Is the path parent in the DB? if (parentPathFoundInDB) { // Parent path is in the database // Get the new file size // Even if the permissions on the file are: -rw-------. 1 root root 8 Jan 11 09:42 // we can still obtain the file size, however readLocalFile() also tests if the file can be read (permission check) thisFileSize = getSize(fileToUpload); // Does this file exceed the maximum filesize for OneDrive // Resolves: https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/121 , https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/294 , https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/329 if (thisFileSize <= maxUploadFileSize) { // Is there enough free space on OneDrive as compared to when we started this thread, to safely upload the file to OneDrive? // Make sure that parentItem.driveId is in our driveIDs array to use when checking if item is in database // Keep the driveDetailsCache array with unique entries only if (!canFindDriveId(parentItem.driveId, cachedOnlineDriveData)) { // Add this driveId to the drive cache, which then also sets for the defaultDriveId: // - quotaRestricted; // - quotaAvailable; // - quotaRemaining; addOrUpdateOneDriveOnlineDetails(parentItem.driveId); // Fetch the details from cachedOnlineDriveData cachedOnlineDriveData = getDriveDetails(parentItem.driveId); } // Fetch the details from cachedOnlineDriveData // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted; // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable; // - cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining; remainingFreeSpaceOnline = cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining; // When we compare the space online to the total we are trying to upload - is there space online? calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload = remainingFreeSpaceOnline - thisFileSize; // Based on what we know, for this thread - can we safely upload this modified local file? addLogEntry("This Thread Estimated Free Space Online: " ~ to!string(remainingFreeSpaceOnline), ["debug"]); addLogEntry("This Thread Calculated Free Space Online Post Upload: " ~ to!string(calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload), ["debug"]); // If 'personal' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data - appConfig.quotaAvailable will be updated // If 'personal' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will not have quota data - appConfig.quotaRestricted will be set as true // If 'business' accounts, if driveId == defaultDriveId, then we will have data // If 'business' accounts, if driveId != defaultDriveId, then we will have data, but it will be a 0 value - appConfig.quotaRestricted will be set as true if (remainingFreeSpaceOnline > totalDataToUpload) { // Space available spaceAvailableOnline = true; } else { // we need to look more granular // What was the latest getRemainingFreeSpace() value? if (cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable) { // Our query told us we have free space online .. if we upload this file, will we exceed space online - thus upload will fail during upload? if (calculatedSpaceOnlinePostUpload > 0) { // Based on this thread action, we beleive that there is space available online to upload - proceed spaceAvailableOnline = true; } } } // Is quota being restricted? if (cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted) { // If the upload target drive is not our drive id, then it is a shared folder .. we need to print a space warning message if (parentItem.driveId != appConfig.defaultDriveId) { // Different message depending on account type if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { addLogEntry("WARNING: Shared Folder OneDrive quota information is being restricted or providing a zero value. Space available online cannot be guaranteed.", ["verbose"]); } else { addLogEntry("WARNING: Shared Folder OneDrive quota information is being restricted or providing a zero value. Please fix by speaking to your OneDrive / Office 365 Administrator.", ["verbose"]); } } else { if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { addLogEntry("WARNING: OneDrive quota information is being restricted or providing a zero value. Space available online cannot be guaranteed.", ["verbose"]); } else { addLogEntry("WARNING: OneDrive quota information is being restricted or providing a zero value. Please fix by speaking to your OneDrive / Office 365 Administrator.", ["verbose"]); } } // Space available online is being restricted - so we have no way to really know if there is space available online spaceAvailableOnline = true; } // Do we have space available or is space available being restricted (so we make the blind assumption that there is space available) if (spaceAvailableOnline) { // We need to check that this new local file does not exist on OneDrive // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi checkFileOneDriveApiInstance; checkFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); JSONValue fileDetailsFromOneDrive; // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/FileIO/naming-a-file // Do not assume case sensitivity. For example, consider the names OSCAR, Oscar, and oscar to be the same, // even though some file systems (such as a POSIX-compliant file systems that Linux use) may consider them as different. // Note that NTFS supports POSIX semantics for case sensitivity but this is not the default behavior, OneDrive does not use this. // In order to upload this file - this query HAS to respond with a '404 - Not Found' so that the upload is triggered // Does this 'file' already exist on OneDrive? try { if (parentItem.driveId == appConfig.defaultDriveId) { // getPathDetailsByDriveId is only reliable when the driveId is our driveId fileDetailsFromOneDrive = checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsByDriveId(parentItem.driveId, fileToUpload); } else { // We need to curate a response by listing the children of this parentItem.driveId and parentItem.id , without traversing directories // So that IF the file is on a Shared Folder, it can be found, and, if it exists, checked correctly fileDetailsFromOneDrive = searchDriveItemForFile(parentItem.driveId, parentItem.id, fileToUpload); // Was the file found? if (fileDetailsFromOneDrive.type() != JSONType.object) { // No .... throw new OneDriveException(404, "Name not found via searchDriveItemForFile"); } } // Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) testing of JSON response from OneDrive API if (hasName(fileDetailsFromOneDrive)) { performPosixTest(baseName(fileToUpload), fileDetailsFromOneDrive["name"].str); } else { throw new jsonResponseException("Unable to perform POSIX test as the OneDrive API request generated an invalid JSON response"); } // If we get to this point, the OneDrive API returned a 200 OK with valid JSON data that indicates a 'file' exists at this location already // and that it matches the POSIX filename of the local item we are trying to upload as a new file addLogEntry("The file we are attempting to upload as a new file already exists on Microsoft OneDrive: " ~ fileToUpload, ["verbose"]); // No 404 or otherwise was triggered, meaning that the file already exists online and passes the POSIX test ... addLogEntry("fileDetailsFromOneDrive after exist online check: " ~ to!string(fileDetailsFromOneDrive), ["debug"]); // Does the data from online match our local file that we are attempting to upload as a new file? bool raiseWarning = true; if (!disableUploadValidation && performUploadIntegrityValidationChecks(fileDetailsFromOneDrive, fileToUpload, thisFileSize, raiseWarning)) { // Save online item details to the database saveItem(fileDetailsFromOneDrive); } else { // The local file we are attempting to upload as a new file is different to the existing file online addLogEntry("Triggering newfile upload target already exists edge case, where the online item does not match what we are trying to upload", ["debug"]); // Issue #2626 | Case 2-2 (resync) // If the 'online' file is newer, this will be overwritten with the file from the local filesystem - potentially consituting online data loss // The file 'version history' online will have to be used to 'recover' the prior online file string changedItemParentDriveId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; string changedItemId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["id"].str; addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this item as a new file, will upload as a modified file (online file already exists): " ~ fileToUpload); // In order for the processing of the local item as a 'changed' item, unfortunatly we need to save the online data of the existing online file to the local DB saveItem(fileDetailsFromOneDrive); // Which file is technically newer? The local file or the remote file? Item onlineFile = makeItem(fileDetailsFromOneDrive); SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(fileToUpload).toUTC(); SysTime onlineModifiedTime = onlineFile.mtime; // Reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; onlineModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; // Which file is newer? if (localModifiedTime >= onlineModifiedTime) { // Upload the locally modified file as-is, as it is newer uploadChangedLocalFileToOneDrive([changedItemParentDriveId, changedItemId, fileToUpload]); } else { // Online is newer, rename local, then upload the renamed file // We need to know the renamed path so we can upload it string renamedPath; // Rename the local path safeBackup(fileToUpload, dryRun, renamedPath); // Upload renamed local file as a new file uploadNewFile(renamedPath); // Process the database entry removal for the original file. In a --dry-run scenario, this is being done against a DB copy. // This is done so we can download the newer online file itemDB.deleteById(changedItemParentDriveId, changedItemId); } } } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // If we get a 404 .. the file is not online .. this is what we want .. file does not exist online if (exception.httpStatusCode == 404) { // The file has been checked, client side filtering checked, does not exist online - we need to upload it addLogEntry("fileDetailsFromOneDrive = checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsByDriveId(parentItem.driveId, fileToUpload); generated a 404 - file does not exist online - must upload it", ["debug"]); uploadFailed = performNewFileUpload(parentItem, fileToUpload, thisFileSize); } else { string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } } catch (posixException e) { displayPosixErrorMessage(e.msg); uploadFailed = true; } catch (jsonResponseException e) { addLogEntry(e.msg, ["debug"]); uploadFailed = true; } // Operations in this thread are done / complete - either upload was done or it failed checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(checkFileOneDriveApiInstance); } else { // skip file upload - insufficent space to upload addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this new file as it exceeds the available free space on OneDrive: " ~ fileToUpload); uploadFailed = true; } } else { // Skip file upload - too large addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this new file as it exceeds the maximum size allowed by OneDrive: " ~ fileToUpload); uploadFailed = true; } } else { // why was the parent path not in the database? if (canFind(posixViolationPaths, parentPath)) { addLogEntry("ERROR: POSIX 'case-insensitive match' for the parent path which violates the Microsoft OneDrive API namespace convention."); } else { addLogEntry("ERROR: Parent path is not in the database or online."); } addLogEntry("ERROR: Unable to upload this file: " ~ fileToUpload); uploadFailed = true; } } else { // Unable to read local file addLogEntry("Skipping uploading this file as it cannot be read (file permissions or file corruption): " ~ fileToUpload); uploadFailed = true; } } else { // File disappeared before upload addLogEntry("File disappeared locally before upload: " ~ fileToUpload); // dont set uploadFailed = true; as the file disappeared before upload, thus nothing here failed } // Upload success or failure? if (!uploadFailed) { // Update the 'cachedOnlineDriveData' record for this 'dbItem.driveId' so that this is tracked as accuratly as possible for other threads updateDriveDetailsCache(parentItem.driveId, cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRestricted, cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaAvailable, thisFileSize); } else { // Need to add this to fileUploadFailures to capture at the end fileUploadFailures ~= fileToUpload; } } // Perform the actual upload to OneDrive bool performNewFileUpload(Item parentItem, string fileToUpload, ulong thisFileSize) { // Assume that by default the upload fails bool uploadFailed = true; // OneDrive API Upload Response JSONValue uploadResponse; // Create the OneDriveAPI Upload Instance OneDriveApi uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance; // Calculate upload speed auto uploadStartTime = Clock.currTime(); // Is this a dry-run scenario? if (!dryRun) { // Not a dry-run situation // Do we use simpleUpload or create an upload session? bool useSimpleUpload = false; if (thisFileSize <= sessionThresholdFileSize) { useSimpleUpload = true; } // We can only upload zero size files via simpleFileUpload regardless of account type // Reference: https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/53 // Additionally, only where file size is < 4MB should be uploaded by simpleUpload - everything else should use a session to upload if ((thisFileSize == 0) || (useSimpleUpload)) { try { // Initialise API uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); // Attempt to upload the zero byte file using simpleUpload for all account types uploadResponse = uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.simpleUpload(fileToUpload, parentItem.driveId, parentItem.id, baseName(fileToUpload)); uploadFailed = false; addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... done."); // If the API instance is still valid, shut it down if (uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance !is null) { // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance); } } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // An error was responded with - what was it string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); // If the API instance is still valid, shut it down if (uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance !is null) { // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance); } } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); // If the API instance is still valid, shut it down if (uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance !is null) { addLogEntry("API SHUTDOWN: Shutting down API instance uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance"); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance); } } } else { // Initialise API uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); // Session Upload for this criteria: // - Personal Account and file size > 4MB // - All Business | Office365 | SharePoint files > 0 bytes JSONValue uploadSessionData; // As this is a unique thread, the sessionFilePath for where we save the data needs to be unique // The best way to do this is generate a 10 digit alphanumeric string, and use this as the file extention string threadUploadSessionFilePath = appConfig.uploadSessionFilePath ~ "." ~ generateAlphanumericString(); // Attempt to upload the > 4MB file using an upload session for all account types try { // Create the Upload Session uploadSessionData = createSessionFileUpload(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance, fileToUpload, parentItem.driveId, parentItem.id, baseName(fileToUpload), null, threadUploadSessionFilePath); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // An error was responded with - what was it string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } // Do we have a valid session URL that we can use ? if (uploadSessionData.type() == JSONType.object) { // This is a valid JSON object bool sessionDataValid = true; // Validate that we have the following items which we need if (!hasUploadURL(uploadSessionData)) { sessionDataValid = false; addLogEntry("Session data missing 'uploadUrl'", ["debug"]); } if (!hasNextExpectedRanges(uploadSessionData)) { sessionDataValid = false; addLogEntry("Session data missing 'nextExpectedRanges'", ["debug"]); } if (!hasLocalPath(uploadSessionData)) { sessionDataValid = false; addLogEntry("Session data missing 'localPath'", ["debug"]); } if (sessionDataValid) { // We have a valid Upload Session Data we can use try { // Try and perform the upload session uploadResponse = performSessionFileUpload(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance, thisFileSize, uploadSessionData, threadUploadSessionFilePath); if (uploadResponse.type() == JSONType.object) { uploadFailed = false; addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... done."); } else { addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); uploadFailed = true; } } catch (OneDriveException exception) { string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } } else { // No Upload URL or nextExpectedRanges or localPath .. not a valid JSON we can use addLogEntry("Session data is missing required elements to perform a session upload.", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); } } else { // Create session Upload URL failed addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... failed."); } // If the API instance is still valid, shut it down if (uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance !is null) { // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance); } } } else { // We are in a --dry-run scenario uploadResponse = createFakeResponse(fileToUpload); uploadFailed = false; addLogEntry("Uploading new file: " ~ fileToUpload ~ " ... done.", ["info", "notify"]); } // Upload has finished auto uploadFinishTime = Clock.currTime(); // If no upload failure, calculate metrics, perform integrity validation if (!uploadFailed) { // Upload did not fail ... auto uploadDuration = uploadFinishTime - uploadStartTime; addLogEntry("File Size: " ~ to!string(thisFileSize) ~ " Bytes", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Upload Duration: " ~ to!string((uploadDuration.total!"msecs"/1e3)) ~ " Seconds", ["debug"]); auto uploadSpeed = (thisFileSize / (uploadDuration.total!"msecs"/1e3)/ 1024 / 1024); addLogEntry("Upload Speed: " ~ to!string(uploadSpeed) ~ " Mbps (approx)", ["debug"]); // OK as the upload did not fail, we need to save the response from OneDrive, but it has to be a valid JSON response if (uploadResponse.type() == JSONType.object) { // check if the path still exists locally before we try to set the file times online - as short lived files, whilst we uploaded it - it may not exist locally aready if (exists(fileToUpload)) { if (!dryRun) { // Check the integrity of the uploaded file, if the local file still exists performUploadIntegrityValidationChecks(uploadResponse, fileToUpload, thisFileSize); // Update the file modified time on OneDrive and save item details to database // Update the item's metadata on OneDrive SysTime mtime = timeLastModified(fileToUpload).toUTC(); mtime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; string newFileId = uploadResponse["id"].str; string newFileETag = uploadResponse["eTag"].str; // Attempt to update the online date time stamp based on our local data uploadLastModifiedTime(parentItem, parentItem.driveId, newFileId, mtime, newFileETag); } } else { // will be removed in different event! addLogEntry("File disappeared locally after upload: " ~ fileToUpload); } } else { // Log that an invalid JSON object was returned addLogEntry("uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.simpleUpload or session.upload call returned an invalid JSON Object from the OneDrive API", ["debug"]); } } // Return upload status return uploadFailed; } // Create the OneDrive Upload Session JSONValue createSessionFileUpload(OneDriveApi activeOneDriveApiInstance, string fileToUpload, string parentDriveId, string parentId, string filename, string eTag, string threadUploadSessionFilePath) { // Upload file via a OneDrive API session JSONValue uploadSession; // Calculate modification time SysTime localFileLastModifiedTime = timeLastModified(fileToUpload).toUTC(); localFileLastModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero; // Construct the fileSystemInfo JSON component needed to create the Upload Session JSONValue fileSystemInfo = [ "item": JSONValue([ "@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": JSONValue("replace"), "fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([ "lastModifiedDateTime": localFileLastModifiedTime.toISOExtString() ]) ]) ]; // Try to create the upload session for this file uploadSession = activeOneDriveApiInstance.createUploadSession(parentDriveId, parentId, filename, eTag, fileSystemInfo); if (uploadSession.type() == JSONType.object) { // a valid session object was created if ("uploadUrl" in uploadSession) { // Add the file path we are uploading to this JSON Session Data uploadSession["localPath"] = fileToUpload; // Save this session saveSessionFile(threadUploadSessionFilePath, uploadSession); } } else { // no valid session was created addLogEntry("Creation of OneDrive API Upload Session failed.", ["verbose"]); // return upload() will return a JSONValue response, create an empty JSONValue response to return uploadSession = null; } // Return the JSON return uploadSession; } // Save the session upload data void saveSessionFile(string threadUploadSessionFilePath, JSONValue uploadSessionData) { try { std.file.write(threadUploadSessionFilePath, uploadSessionData.toString()); } catch (FileException e) { // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } // Perform the upload of file via the Upload Session that was created JSONValue performSessionFileUpload(OneDriveApi activeOneDriveApiInstance, ulong thisFileSize, JSONValue uploadSessionData, string threadUploadSessionFilePath) { // Response for upload JSONValue uploadResponse; // Session JSON needs to contain valid elements // Get the offset details ulong fragmentSize = 10 * 2^^20; // 10 MiB size_t fragmentCount = 0; ulong fragSize = 0; ulong offset = uploadSessionData["nextExpectedRanges"][0].str.splitter('-').front.to!ulong; size_t expected_total_fragments = cast(size_t) ceil(double(thisFileSize) / double(fragmentSize)); ulong start_unix_time = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); int h, m, s; string etaString; string uploadLogEntry = "Uploading: " ~ uploadSessionData["localPath"].str ~ " ... "; // Start the session upload using the active API instance for this thread while (true) { fragmentCount++; addLogEntry("Fragment: " ~ to!string(fragmentCount) ~ " of " ~ to!string(expected_total_fragments), ["debug"]); // What ETA string do we use? auto eta = calc_eta((fragmentCount -1), expected_total_fragments, start_unix_time); if (eta == 0) { // Initial calculation ... etaString = format!"| ETA --:--:--"; } else { // we have at least an ETA provided dur!"seconds"(eta).split!("hours", "minutes", "seconds")(h, m, s); etaString = format!"| ETA %02d:%02d:%02d"( h, m, s); } // Calculate this progress output auto ratio = cast(double)(fragmentCount -1) / expected_total_fragments; // Convert the ratio to a percentage and format it to two decimal places string percentage = leftJustify(format("%d%%", cast(int)(ratio * 100)), 5, ' '); addLogEntry(uploadLogEntry ~ percentage ~ etaString, ["consoleOnly"]); // What fragment size will be used? addLogEntry("fragmentSize: " ~ to!string(fragmentSize) ~ " offset: " ~ to!string(offset) ~ " thisFileSize: " ~ to!string(thisFileSize), ["debug"]); fragSize = fragmentSize < thisFileSize - offset ? fragmentSize : thisFileSize - offset; addLogEntry("Using fragSize: " ~ to!string(fragSize), ["debug"]); // fragSize must not be a negative value if (fragSize < 0) { // Session upload will fail // not a JSON object - fragment upload failed addLogEntry("File upload session failed - invalid calculation of fragment size", ["verbose"]); if (exists(threadUploadSessionFilePath)) { remove(threadUploadSessionFilePath); } // set uploadResponse to null as error uploadResponse = null; return uploadResponse; } // If the resume upload fails, we need to check for a return code here try { uploadResponse = activeOneDriveApiInstance.uploadFragment( uploadSessionData["uploadUrl"].str, uploadSessionData["localPath"].str, offset, fragSize, thisFileSize ); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // if a 100 uploadResponse is generated, continue if (exception.httpStatusCode == 100) { continue; } // There was an error uploadResponse from OneDrive when uploading the file fragment // Handle transient errors: // 408 - Request Time Out // 429 - Too Many Requests // 503 - Service Unavailable // 504 - Gateway Timeout // insert a new line as well, so that the below error is inserted on the console in the right location addLogEntry("Fragment upload failed - received an exception response from OneDrive API", ["verbose"]); // display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); // retry fragment upload in case error is transient addLogEntry("Retrying fragment upload", ["verbose"]); try { uploadResponse = activeOneDriveApiInstance.uploadFragment( uploadSessionData["uploadUrl"].str, uploadSessionData["localPath"].str, offset, fragSize, thisFileSize ); } catch (OneDriveException e) { // OneDrive threw another error on retry addLogEntry("Retry to upload fragment failed", ["verbose"]); // display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); // set uploadResponse to null as the fragment upload was in error twice uploadResponse = null; } catch (std.exception.ErrnoException e) { // There was a file system error - display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); return uploadResponse; } } catch (ErrnoException e) { // There was a file system error // display the error message displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); uploadResponse = null; return uploadResponse; } // was the fragment uploaded without issue? if (uploadResponse.type() == JSONType.object){ offset += fragmentSize; if (offset >= thisFileSize) { break; } // update the uploadSessionData details uploadSessionData["expirationDateTime"] = uploadResponse["expirationDateTime"]; uploadSessionData["nextExpectedRanges"] = uploadResponse["nextExpectedRanges"]; saveSessionFile(threadUploadSessionFilePath, uploadSessionData); } else { // not a JSON object - fragment upload failed addLogEntry("File upload session failed - invalid response from OneDrive API", ["verbose"]); // cleanup session data if (exists(threadUploadSessionFilePath)) { remove(threadUploadSessionFilePath); } // set uploadResponse to null as error uploadResponse = null; return uploadResponse; } } // upload complete ulong end_unix_time = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime(); auto upload_duration = cast(int)(end_unix_time - start_unix_time); dur!"seconds"(upload_duration).split!("hours", "minutes", "seconds")(h, m, s); etaString = format!"| DONE in %02d:%02d:%02d"( h, m, s); addLogEntry(uploadLogEntry ~ "100% " ~ etaString, ["consoleOnly"]); // Remove session file if it exists if (exists(threadUploadSessionFilePath)) { remove(threadUploadSessionFilePath); } // Return the session upload response return uploadResponse; } // Delete an item on OneDrive void uploadDeletedItem(Item itemToDelete, string path) { // Are we in a situation where we HAVE to keep the data online - do not delete the remote object if (noRemoteDelete) { if ((itemToDelete.type == ItemType.dir)) { // Do not process remote directory delete addLogEntry("Skipping remote directory delete as --upload-only & --no-remote-delete configured", ["verbose"]); } else { // Do not process remote file delete addLogEntry("Skipping remote file delete as --upload-only & --no-remote-delete configured", ["verbose"]); } } else { // Is this a --download-only operation? if (!appConfig.getValueBool("download_only")) { // Process the delete - delete the object online addLogEntry("Deleting item from OneDrive: " ~ path); bool flagAsBigDelete = false; Item[] children; ulong itemsToDelete; if ((itemToDelete.type == ItemType.dir)) { // Query the database - how many objects will this remove? children = getChildren(itemToDelete.driveId, itemToDelete.id); // Count the returned items + the original item (1) itemsToDelete = count(children) + 1; addLogEntry("Number of items online to delete: " ~ to!string(itemsToDelete), ["debug"]); } else { itemsToDelete = 1; } // A local delete of a file|folder when using --monitor will issue a inotify event, which will trigger the local & remote data immediately be deleted // The user may also be --sync process, so we are checking if something was deleted between application use if (itemsToDelete >= appConfig.getValueLong("classify_as_big_delete")) { // A big delete has been detected flagAsBigDelete = true; if (!appConfig.getValueBool("force")) { addLogEntry("ERROR: An attempt to remove a large volume of data from OneDrive has been detected. Exiting client to preserve data on Microsoft OneDrive"); addLogEntry("ERROR: To delete a large volume of data use --force or increase the config value 'classify_as_big_delete' to a larger value"); // Must exit here to preserve data on online , allow logging to be done forceExit(); } } // Are we in a --dry-run scenario? if (!dryRun) { // We are not in a dry run scenario addLogEntry("itemToDelete: " ~ to!string(itemToDelete), ["debug"]); // Create new OneDrive API Instance OneDriveApi uploadDeletedItemOneDriveApiInstance; uploadDeletedItemOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); uploadDeletedItemOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); // what item are we trying to delete? addLogEntry("Attempting to delete this single item id: " ~ itemToDelete.id ~ " from drive: " ~ itemToDelete.driveId, ["debug"]); try { // perform the delete via the default OneDrive API instance uploadDeletedItemOneDriveApiInstance.deleteById(itemToDelete.driveId, itemToDelete.id); // Shutdown API uploadDeletedItemOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadDeletedItemOneDriveApiInstance); } catch (OneDriveException e) { if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) { // item.id, item.eTag could not be found on the specified driveId addLogEntry("OneDrive reported: The resource could not be found to be deleted.", ["verbose"]); } } // Delete the reference in the local database itemDB.deleteById(itemToDelete.driveId, itemToDelete.id); if (itemToDelete.remoteId != null) { // If the item is a remote item, delete the reference in the local database itemDB.deleteById(itemToDelete.remoteDriveId, itemToDelete.remoteId); } } else { // log that this is a dry-run activity addLogEntry("dry run - no delete activity"); } } else { // --download-only operation, we are not uploading any delete event to OneDrive addLogEntry("Not pushing local delete to Microsoft OneDrive due to --download-only being used", ["debug"]); } } } // Get the children of an item id from the database Item[] getChildren(string driveId, string id) { Item[] children; children ~= itemDB.selectChildren(driveId, id); foreach (Item child; children) { if (child.type != ItemType.file) { // recursively get the children of this child children ~= getChildren(child.driveId, child.id); } } return children; } // Perform a 'reverse' delete of all child objects on OneDrive void performReverseDeletionOfOneDriveItems(Item[] children, Item itemToDelete) { // Log what is happening addLogEntry("Attempting a reverse delete of all child objects from OneDrive", ["debug"]); // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi performReverseDeletionOneDriveApiInstance; performReverseDeletionOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); performReverseDeletionOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); foreach_reverse (Item child; children) { // Log the action addLogEntry("Attempting to delete this child item id: " ~ child.id ~ " from drive: " ~ child.driveId, ["debug"]); // perform the delete via the default OneDrive API instance performReverseDeletionOneDriveApiInstance.deleteById(child.driveId, child.id, child.eTag); // delete the child reference in the local database itemDB.deleteById(child.driveId, child.id); } // Log the action addLogEntry("Attempting to delete this parent item id: " ~ itemToDelete.id ~ " from drive: " ~ itemToDelete.driveId, ["debug"]); // Perform the delete via the default OneDrive API instance performReverseDeletionOneDriveApiInstance.deleteById(itemToDelete.driveId, itemToDelete.id, itemToDelete.eTag); // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required performReverseDeletionOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(performReverseDeletionOneDriveApiInstance); } // Create a fake OneDrive response suitable for use with saveItem // Create a fake OneDrive response suitable for use with saveItem JSONValue createFakeResponse(string path) { import std.digest.sha; // Generate a simulated JSON response which can be used // At a minimum we need: // 1. eTag // 2. cTag // 3. fileSystemInfo // 4. file or folder. if file, hash of file // 5. id // 6. name // 7. parent reference string fakeDriveId = appConfig.defaultDriveId; string fakeRootId = appConfig.defaultRootId; SysTime mtime = exists(path) ? timeLastModified(path).toUTC() : Clock.currTime(UTC()); auto sha1 = new SHA1Digest(); ubyte[] fakedOneDriveItemValues = sha1.digest(path); JSONValue fakeResponse; string parentPath = dirName(path); if (parentPath != "." && exists(path)) { foreach (searchDriveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { Item databaseItem; if (itemDB.selectByPath(parentPath, searchDriveId, databaseItem)) { fakeDriveId = databaseItem.driveId; fakeRootId = databaseItem.id; break; // Exit loop after finding the first match } } } fakeResponse = [ "id": JSONValue(toHexString(fakedOneDriveItemValues)), "cTag": JSONValue(toHexString(fakedOneDriveItemValues)), "eTag": JSONValue(toHexString(fakedOneDriveItemValues)), "fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([ "createdDateTime": mtime.toISOExtString(), "lastModifiedDateTime": mtime.toISOExtString() ]), "name": JSONValue(baseName(path)), "parentReference": JSONValue([ "driveId": JSONValue(fakeDriveId), "driveType": JSONValue(appConfig.accountType), "id": JSONValue(fakeRootId) ]) ]; if (exists(path)) { if (isDir(path)) { fakeResponse["folder"] = JSONValue(""); } else { string quickXorHash = computeQuickXorHash(path); fakeResponse["file"] = JSONValue([ "hashes": JSONValue(["quickXorHash": JSONValue(quickXorHash)]) ]); } } else { // Assume directory if path does not exist fakeResponse["folder"] = JSONValue(""); } addLogEntry("Generated Fake OneDrive Response: " ~ to!string(fakeResponse), ["debug"]); return fakeResponse; } // Save JSON item details into the item database void saveItem(JSONValue jsonItem) { // jsonItem has to be a valid object if (jsonItem.type() == JSONType.object) { // Check if the response JSON has an 'id', otherwise makeItem() fails with 'Key not found: id' if (hasId(jsonItem)) { // Are we in a --upload-only & --remove-source-files scenario? // We do not want to add the item to the database in this situation as there is no local reference to the file post file deletion // If the item is a directory, we need to add this to the DB, if this is a file, we dont add this, the parent path is not in DB, thus any new files in this directory are not added if ((uploadOnly) && (localDeleteAfterUpload) && (isItemFile(jsonItem))) { // Log that we skipping adding item to the local DB and the reason why addLogEntry("Skipping adding to database as --upload-only & --remove-source-files configured", ["debug"]); } else { // What is the JSON item we are trying to create a DB record with? addLogEntry("saveItem - creating DB item from this JSON: " ~ to!string(jsonItem), ["debug"]); // Takes a JSON input and formats to an item which can be used by the database Item item = makeItem(jsonItem); // Is this JSON item a 'root' item? if ((isItemRoot(jsonItem)) && (item.name == "root")) { addLogEntry("Updating DB Item object with correct values as this is a 'root' object", ["debug"]); item.parentId = null; // ensures that this database entry has no parent // Check for parentReference if (hasParentReference(jsonItem)) { // Set the correct item.driveId addLogEntry("ROOT JSON Item HAS parentReference .... setting item.driveId = jsonItem['parentReference']['driveId'].str", ["debug"]); item.driveId = jsonItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; } // We only should be adding our account 'root' to the database, not shared folder 'root' items if (item.driveId != appConfig.defaultDriveId) { // Shared Folder drive 'root' object .. we dont want this item addLogEntry("NOT adding 'remote root' object to database: " ~ to!string(item), ["debug"]); return; } } // Add to the local database itemDB.upsert(item); // If we have a remote drive ID, add this to our list of known drive id's if (!item.remoteDriveId.empty) { // Keep the driveDetailsCache array with unique entries only driveDetailsCache cachedOnlineDriveData; if (!canFindDriveId(item.remoteDriveId, cachedOnlineDriveData)) { // Add this driveId to the drive cache addOrUpdateOneDriveOnlineDetails(item.remoteDriveId); } } } } else { // log error addLogEntry("ERROR: OneDrive response missing required 'id' element"); addLogEntry("ERROR: " ~ to!string(jsonItem)); } } else { // log error addLogEntry("ERROR: An error was returned from OneDrive and the resulting response is not a valid JSON object that can be processed."); addLogEntry("ERROR: Increase logging verbosity to assist determining why."); } } // Wrapper function for makeDatabaseItem so we can check to ensure that the item has the required hashes Item makeItem(JSONValue onedriveJSONItem) { // Make the DB Item from the JSON data provided Item newDatabaseItem = makeDatabaseItem(onedriveJSONItem); // Is this a 'file' item that has not been deleted? Deleted items have no hash if ((newDatabaseItem.type == ItemType.file) && (!isItemDeleted(onedriveJSONItem))) { // Does this item have a file size attribute? if (hasFileSize(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Is the file size greater than 0? if (onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer > 0) { // Does the DB item have any hashes as per the API provided JSON data? if ((newDatabaseItem.quickXorHash.empty) && (newDatabaseItem.sha256Hash.empty)) { // Odd .. there is no hash for this item .. why is that? // Is there a 'file' JSON element? if ("file" in onedriveJSONItem) { // Microsoft OneDrive OneNote objects will report as files but have 'application/msonenote' and 'application/octet-stream' as mime types if ((isMicrosoftOneNoteMimeType1(onedriveJSONItem)) || (isMicrosoftOneNoteMimeType2(onedriveJSONItem))) { // Debug log output that this is a potential OneNote object addLogEntry("This item is potentially an associated Microsoft OneNote Object Item", ["debug"]); } else { // Not a Microsoft OneNote Mime Type Object .. string apiWarningMessage = "WARNING: OneDrive API inconsistency - this file does not have any hash: "; // This is computationally expensive .. but we are only doing this if there are no hashses provided bool parentInDatabase = itemDB.idInLocalDatabase(newDatabaseItem.driveId, newDatabaseItem.parentId); // Is the parent id in the database? if (parentInDatabase) { // This is again computationally expensive .. calculate this item path to advise the user the actual path of this item that has no hash string newItemPath = computeItemPath(newDatabaseItem.driveId, newDatabaseItem.parentId) ~ "/" ~ newDatabaseItem.name; addLogEntry(apiWarningMessage ~ newItemPath); } else { // Parent is not in the database .. why? // Check if the parent item had been skipped .. if (newDatabaseItem.parentId in skippedItems) { addLogEntry(apiWarningMessage ~ "newDatabaseItem.parentId listed within skippedItems", ["debug"]); } else { // Use the item ID .. there is no other reference available, parent is not being skipped, so we should have been able to calculate this - but we could not addLogEntry(apiWarningMessage ~ newDatabaseItem.id); } } } } } } else { // zero file size addLogEntry("This item file is zero size - potentially no hash provided by the OneDrive API", ["debug"]); } } } // Return the new database item return newDatabaseItem; } // Print the fileDownloadFailures and fileUploadFailures arrays if they are not empty void displaySyncFailures() { // Were there any file download failures? if (!fileDownloadFailures.empty) { // There are download failures ... addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("Failed items to download from OneDrive: " ~ to!string(fileDownloadFailures.length)); foreach(failedFileToDownload; fileDownloadFailures) { // List the detail of the item that failed to download addLogEntry("Failed to download: " ~ failedFileToDownload, ["info", "notify"]); // Is this failed item in the DB? It should not be .. Item downloadDBItem; // Need to check all driveid's we know about, not just the defaultDriveId foreach (searchDriveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { if (itemDB.selectByPath(failedFileToDownload, searchDriveId, downloadDBItem)) { // item was found in the DB addLogEntry("ERROR: Failed Download Path found in database, must delete this item from the database .. it should not be in there if it failed to download"); // Process the database entry removal. In a --dry-run scenario, this is being done against a DB copy itemDB.deleteById(downloadDBItem.driveId, downloadDBItem.id); if (downloadDBItem.remoteDriveId != null) { // delete the linked remote folder itemDB.deleteById(downloadDBItem.remoteDriveId, downloadDBItem.remoteId); } } } } // Set the flag syncFailures = true; } // Were there any file upload failures? if (!fileUploadFailures.empty) { // There are download failures ... addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("Failed items to upload to OneDrive: " ~ to!string(fileUploadFailures.length)); foreach(failedFileToUpload; fileUploadFailures) { // List the path of the item that failed to upload addLogEntry("Failed to upload: " ~ failedFileToUpload, ["info", "notify"]); // Is this failed item in the DB? It should not be .. Item uploadDBItem; // Need to check all driveid's we know about, not just the defaultDriveId foreach (searchDriveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { if (itemDB.selectByPath(failedFileToUpload, searchDriveId, uploadDBItem)) { // item was found in the DB addLogEntry("ERROR: Failed Upload Path found in database, must delete this item from the database .. it should not be in there if it failed to upload"); // Process the database entry removal. In a --dry-run scenario, this is being done against a DB copy itemDB.deleteById(uploadDBItem.driveId, uploadDBItem.id); if (uploadDBItem.remoteDriveId != null) { // delete the linked remote folder itemDB.deleteById(uploadDBItem.remoteDriveId, uploadDBItem.remoteId); } } } } // Set the flag syncFailures = true; } } // Generate a /delta compatible response - for use when we cant actually use /delta // This is required when the application is configured to use National Azure AD deployments as these do not support /delta queries // The same technique can also be used when we are using --single-directory. The parent objects up to the single directory target can be added, // then once the target of the --single-directory request is hit, all of the children of that path can be queried, giving a much more focused // JSON response which can then be processed, negating the need to continuously traverse the tree and 'exclude' items JSONValue generateDeltaResponse(string pathToQuery = null) { // JSON value which will be responded with JSONValue selfGeneratedDeltaResponse; // Function variables Item searchItem; JSONValue rootData; JSONValue driveData; JSONValue pathData; JSONValue topLevelChildren; JSONValue[] childrenData; string nextLink; // Was a path to query passed in? if (pathToQuery.empty) { // Will query for the 'root' pathToQuery = "."; } // Create new OneDrive API Instance OneDriveApi generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance; generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); if (!singleDirectoryScope) { // In a --resync scenario, there is no DB data to query, so we have to query the OneDrive API here to get relevant details try { // Query the OneDrive API pathData = generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetails(pathToQuery); // Is the path on OneDrive local or remote to our account drive id? if (isItemRemote(pathData)) { // The path we are seeking is remote to our account drive id searchItem.driveId = pathData["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; searchItem.id = pathData["remoteItem"]["id"].str; } else { // The path we are seeking is local to our account drive id searchItem.driveId = pathData["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; searchItem.id = pathData["id"].str; } } catch (OneDriveException e) { // Display error message displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); // Must exit here generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } } else { // When setSingleDirectoryScope() was called, the following were set to the correct items, even if the path was remote: // - singleDirectoryScopeDriveId // - singleDirectoryScopeItemId // Reuse these prior set values searchItem.driveId = singleDirectoryScopeDriveId; searchItem.id = singleDirectoryScopeItemId; } // Before we get any data from the OneDrive API, flag any child object in the database as out-of-sync for this driveId & and object id // Downgrade ONLY files associated with this driveId and idToQuery addLogEntry("Downgrading all children for this searchItem.driveId (" ~ searchItem.driveId ~ ") and searchItem.id (" ~ searchItem.id ~ ") to an out-of-sync state", ["debug"]); auto drivePathChildren = getChildren(searchItem.driveId, searchItem.id); if (count(drivePathChildren) > 0) { // Children to process and flag as out-of-sync foreach (drivePathChild; drivePathChildren) { // Flag any object in the database as out-of-sync for this driveId & and object id addLogEntry("Downgrading item as out-of-sync: " ~ drivePathChild.id, ["debug"]); itemDB.downgradeSyncStatusFlag(drivePathChild.driveId, drivePathChild.id); } } // Get drive details for the provided driveId try { driveData = generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsById(searchItem.driveId, searchItem.id); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { addLogEntry("driveData = generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsById(searchItem.driveId, searchItem.id) generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } // Was a valid JSON response for 'driveData' provided? if (driveData.type() == JSONType.object) { // Dynamic output for a non-verbose run so that the user knows something is happening if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("Fetching items from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: " ~ searchItem.driveId, appConfig.verbosityCount); } } else { addLogEntry("Generating a /delta response from the OneDrive API for Drive ID: " ~ searchItem.driveId, ["verbose"]); } // Process this initial JSON response if (!isItemRoot(driveData)) { // Get root details for the provided driveId try { rootData = generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.getDriveIdRoot(searchItem.driveId); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { addLogEntry("rootData = onedrive.getDriveIdRoot(searchItem.driveId) generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } // Add driveData JSON data to array addLogEntry("Adding OneDrive root details for processing", ["verbose"]); childrenData ~= rootData; } // Add driveData JSON data to array addLogEntry("Adding OneDrive folder details for processing", ["verbose"]); childrenData ~= driveData; } else { // driveData is an invalid JSON object writeln("CODING TO DO: The query of OneDrive API to getPathDetailsById generated an invalid JSON response - thus we cant build our own /delta simulated response ... how to handle?"); // Must exit here generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance); // Must force exit here, allow logging to be done forceExit(); } // For each child object, query the OneDrive API for (;;) { // query top level children try { topLevelChildren = generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(searchItem.driveId, searchItem.id, nextLink); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // OneDrive threw an error addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Query Error: topLevelChildren = generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(searchItem.driveId, searchItem.id, nextLink)", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("driveId: " ~ searchItem.driveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("idToQuery: " ~ searchItem.id, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("nextLink: " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } // process top level children addLogEntry("Adding " ~ to!string(count(topLevelChildren["value"].array)) ~ " OneDrive items for processing from the OneDrive 'root' folder", ["verbose"]); foreach (child; topLevelChildren["value"].array) { // Check for any Client Side Filtering here ... we should skip querying the OneDrive API for 'folders' that we are going to just process and skip anyway. // This avoids needless calls to the OneDrive API, and potentially speeds up this process. if (!checkJSONAgainstClientSideFiltering(child)) { // add this child to the array of objects childrenData ~= child; // is this child a folder? if (isItemFolder(child)) { // We have to query this folders children if childCount > 0 if (child["folder"]["childCount"].integer > 0){ // This child folder has children string childIdToQuery = child["id"].str; string childDriveToQuery = child["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; auto childParentPath = child["parentReference"]["path"].str.split(":"); string folderPathToScan = childParentPath[1] ~ "/" ~ child["name"].str; string pathForLogging; // Are we in a --single-directory situation? If we are, the path we are using for logging needs to use the input path as a base if (singleDirectoryScope) { pathForLogging = appConfig.getValueString("single_directory") ~ "/" ~ child["name"].str; } else { pathForLogging = child["name"].str; } // Query the children of this item JSONValue[] grandChildrenData = queryForChildren(childDriveToQuery, childIdToQuery, folderPathToScan, pathForLogging); foreach (grandChild; grandChildrenData.array) { // add the grandchild to the array childrenData ~= grandChild; } } } } } // If a collection exceeds the default page size (200 items), the @odata.nextLink property is returned in the response // to indicate more items are available and provide the request URL for the next page of items. if ("@odata.nextLink" in topLevelChildren) { // Update nextLink to next changeSet bundle addLogEntry("Setting nextLink to (@odata.nextLink): " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); nextLink = topLevelChildren["@odata.nextLink"].str; } else break; } if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { // Dynamic output for a non-verbose run so that the user knows something is happening if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addLogEntry("\n", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]); } } // Craft response from all returned JSON elements selfGeneratedDeltaResponse = [ "@odata.context": JSONValue("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Collection(driveItem)"), "value": JSONValue(childrenData.array) ]; // Shutdown API generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(generateDeltaResponseOneDriveApiInstance); // Return the generated JSON response return selfGeneratedDeltaResponse; } // Query the OneDrive API for the specified child id for any children objects JSONValue[] queryForChildren(string driveId, string idToQuery, string childParentPath, string pathForLogging) { // function variables JSONValue thisLevelChildren; JSONValue[] thisLevelChildrenData; string nextLink; // Create new OneDrive API Instance OneDriveApi queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance; queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); for (;;) { // query this level children try { thisLevelChildren = queryThisLevelChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink, queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { writeln("CODING TO DO: EXCEPTION HANDLING NEEDED: thisLevelChildren = queryThisLevelChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink, queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance)"); } if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) { // Dynamic output for a non-verbose run so that the user knows something is happening if (!appConfig.surpressLoggingOutput) { addProcessingDotEntry(); } } // Was a valid JSON response for 'thisLevelChildren' provided? if (thisLevelChildren.type() == JSONType.object) { // process this level children if (!childParentPath.empty) { // We dont use childParentPath to log, as this poses an information leak risk. // The full parent path of the child, as per the JSON might be: // /Level 1/Level 2/Level 3/Child Shared Folder/some folder/another folder // But 'Child Shared Folder' is what is shared, thus '/Level 1/Level 2/Level 3/' is a potential information leak if logged. // Plus, the application output now shows accuratly what is being shared - so that is a good thing. addLogEntry("Adding " ~ to!string(count(thisLevelChildren["value"].array)) ~ " OneDrive items for processing from " ~ pathForLogging, ["verbose"]); } foreach (child; thisLevelChildren["value"].array) { // Check for any Client Side Filtering here ... we should skip querying the OneDrive API for 'folders' that we are going to just process and skip anyway. // This avoids needless calls to the OneDrive API, and potentially speeds up this process. if (!checkJSONAgainstClientSideFiltering(child)) { // add this child to the array of objects thisLevelChildrenData ~= child; // is this child a folder? if (isItemFolder(child)){ // We have to query this folders children if childCount > 0 if (child["folder"]["childCount"].integer > 0){ // This child folder has children string childIdToQuery = child["id"].str; string childDriveToQuery = child["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; auto grandchildParentPath = child["parentReference"]["path"].str.split(":"); string folderPathToScan = grandchildParentPath[1] ~ "/" ~ child["name"].str; string newLoggingPath = pathForLogging ~ "/" ~ child["name"].str; JSONValue[] grandChildrenData = queryForChildren(childDriveToQuery, childIdToQuery, folderPathToScan, newLoggingPath); foreach (grandChild; grandChildrenData.array) { // add the grandchild to the array thisLevelChildrenData ~= grandChild; } } } } } // If a collection exceeds the default page size (200 items), the @odata.nextLink property is returned in the response // to indicate more items are available and provide the request URL for the next page of items. if ("@odata.nextLink" in thisLevelChildren) { // Update nextLink to next changeSet bundle nextLink = thisLevelChildren["@odata.nextLink"].str; addLogEntry("Setting nextLink to (@odata.nextLink): " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); } else break; } else { // Invalid JSON response when querying this level children addLogEntry("INVALID JSON response when attempting a retry of parent function - queryForChildren(driveId, idToQuery, childParentPath, pathForLogging)", ["debug"]); // retry thisLevelChildren = queryThisLevelChildren addLogEntry("Thread sleeping for an additional 30 seconds", ["debug"]); Thread.sleep(dur!"seconds"(30)); addLogEntry("Retry this call thisLevelChildren = queryThisLevelChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink, queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance)", ["debug"]); thisLevelChildren = queryThisLevelChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink, queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance); } } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance); // return response return thisLevelChildrenData; } // Query the OneDrive API for the child objects for this element JSONValue queryThisLevelChildren(string driveId, string idToQuery, string nextLink, OneDriveApi queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance) { // function variables JSONValue thisLevelChildren; // query children try { // attempt API call addLogEntry("Attempting Query: thisLevelChildren = queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink)", ["debug"]); thisLevelChildren = queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink); addLogEntry("Query 'thisLevelChildren = queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink)' performed successfully", ["debug"]); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // OneDrive threw an error addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Query Error: thisLevelChildren = queryChildrenOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(driveId, idToQuery, nextLink)", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("driveId: " ~ driveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("idToQuery: " ~ idToQuery, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("nextLink: " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } // return response return thisLevelChildren; } // Traverses the provided path online, via the OneDrive API, following correct parent driveId and itemId elements across the account // to find if this full path exists. If this path exists online, the last item in the object path will be returned as a full JSON item. // // If the createPathIfMissing = false + no path exists online, a null invalid JSON item will be returned. // If the createPathIfMissing = true + no path exists online, the requested path will be created in the correct location online. The resulting // response to the directory creation will then be returned. // // This function also ensures that each path in the requested path actually matches the requested element to ensure that the OneDrive API response // is not falsely matching a 'case insensitive' match to the actual request which is a POSIX compliance issue. JSONValue queryOneDriveForSpecificPathAndCreateIfMissing(string thisNewPathToSearch, bool createPathIfMissing) { // function variables JSONValue getPathDetailsAPIResponse; string currentPathTree; Item parentDetails; JSONValue topLevelChildren; string nextLink; bool directoryFoundOnline = false; bool posixIssue = false; // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi queryOneDriveForSpecificPath; queryOneDriveForSpecificPath = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); queryOneDriveForSpecificPath.initialise(); foreach (thisFolderName; pathSplitter(thisNewPathToSearch)) { addLogEntry("Testing for the existance online of this folder path: " ~ thisFolderName, ["debug"]); directoryFoundOnline = false; // If this is '.' this is the account root if (thisFolderName == ".") { currentPathTree = thisFolderName; } else { currentPathTree = currentPathTree ~ "/" ~ thisFolderName; } addLogEntry("Attempting to query OneDrive for this path: " ~ currentPathTree, ["debug"]); // What query do we use? if (thisFolderName == ".") { // Query the root, set the right details try { getPathDetailsAPIResponse = queryOneDriveForSpecificPath.getPathDetails(currentPathTree); parentDetails = makeItem(getPathDetailsAPIResponse); // Save item to the database saveItem(getPathDetailsAPIResponse); directoryFoundOnline = true; } catch (OneDriveException exception) { string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } } else { // Ensure we have a valid driveId to search here if (parentDetails.driveId.empty) { parentDetails.driveId = appConfig.defaultDriveId; } // If the prior JSON 'getPathDetailsAPIResponse' is on this account driveId .. then continue to use getPathDetails if (parentDetails.driveId == appConfig.defaultDriveId) { try { // Query OneDrive API for this path getPathDetailsAPIResponse = queryOneDriveForSpecificPath.getPathDetails(currentPathTree); // Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) testing of JSON response from OneDrive API if (hasName(getPathDetailsAPIResponse)) { performPosixTest(thisFolderName, getPathDetailsAPIResponse["name"].str); } else { throw new jsonResponseException("Unable to perform POSIX test as the OneDrive API request generated an invalid JSON response"); } // No POSIX issue with requested path element parentDetails = makeItem(getPathDetailsAPIResponse); // Save item to the database saveItem(getPathDetailsAPIResponse); directoryFoundOnline = true; // Is this JSON a remote object addLogEntry("Testing if this is a remote Shared Folder", ["debug"]); if (isItemRemote(getPathDetailsAPIResponse)) { // Remote Directory .. need a DB Tie Record createDatabaseTieRecordForOnlineSharedFolder(parentDetails); // Temp DB Item to bind the 'remote' path to our parent path Item tempDBItem; // Set the name tempDBItem.name = parentDetails.name; // Set the correct item type tempDBItem.type = ItemType.dir; // Set the right elements using the 'remote' of the parent as the 'actual' for this DB Tie tempDBItem.driveId = parentDetails.remoteDriveId; tempDBItem.id = parentDetails.remoteId; // Set the correct mtime tempDBItem.mtime = parentDetails.mtime; // Update parentDetails to use this temp record parentDetails = tempDBItem; } } catch (OneDriveException exception) { if (exception.httpStatusCode == 404) { directoryFoundOnline = false; } else { string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } } catch (jsonResponseException e) { addLogEntry(e.msg, ["debug"]); } } else { // parentDetails.driveId is not the account drive id - thus will be a remote shared item addLogEntry("This parent directory is a remote object this next path will be on a remote drive", ["debug"]); // For this parentDetails.driveId, parentDetails.id object, query the OneDrive API for it's children for (;;) { // Query this remote object for its children topLevelChildren = queryOneDriveForSpecificPath.listChildren(parentDetails.driveId, parentDetails.id, nextLink); // Process each child foreach (child; topLevelChildren["value"].array) { // Is this child a folder? if (isItemFolder(child)) { // Is this the child folder we are looking for, and is a POSIX match? if (child["name"].str == thisFolderName) { // EXACT MATCH including case sensitivity: Flag that we found the folder online directoryFoundOnline = true; // Use these details for the next entry path getPathDetailsAPIResponse = child; parentDetails = makeItem(getPathDetailsAPIResponse); // Save item to the database saveItem(getPathDetailsAPIResponse); // No need to continue searching break; } else { string childAsLower = toLower(child["name"].str); string thisFolderNameAsLower = toLower(thisFolderName); if (childAsLower == thisFolderNameAsLower) { // This is a POSIX 'case in-sensitive match' ..... // Local item name has a 'case-insensitive match' to an existing item on OneDrive posixIssue = true; throw new posixException(thisFolderName, child["name"].str); } } } } if (directoryFoundOnline) { // We found the folder, no need to continue searching nextLink data break; } // If a collection exceeds the default page size (200 items), the @odata.nextLink property is returned in the response // to indicate more items are available and provide the request URL for the next page of items. if ("@odata.nextLink" in topLevelChildren) { // Update nextLink to next changeSet bundle addLogEntry("Setting nextLink to (@odata.nextLink): " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); nextLink = topLevelChildren["@odata.nextLink"].str; } else break; } } } // If we did not find the folder, we need to create this folder if (!directoryFoundOnline) { // Folder not found online // Set any response to be an invalid JSON item getPathDetailsAPIResponse = null; // Was there a POSIX issue? if (!posixIssue) { // No POSIX issue if (createPathIfMissing) { // Create this path as it is missing on OneDrive online and there is no POSIX issue with a 'case-insensitive match' addLogEntry("FOLDER NOT FOUND ONLINE AND WE ARE REQUESTED TO CREATE IT", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Create folder on this drive: " ~ parentDetails.driveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Create folder as a child on this object: " ~ parentDetails.id, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Create this folder name: " ~ thisFolderName, ["debug"]); // Generate the JSON needed to create the folder online JSONValue newDriveItem = [ "name": JSONValue(thisFolderName), "folder": parseJSON("{}") ]; JSONValue createByIdAPIResponse; // Submit the creation request // Fix for https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/356 if (!dryRun) { try { // Attempt to create a new folder on the configured parent driveId & parent id createByIdAPIResponse = queryOneDriveForSpecificPath.createById(parentDetails.driveId, parentDetails.id, newDriveItem); // Is the response a valid JSON object - validation checking done in saveItem saveItem(createByIdAPIResponse); // Set getPathDetailsAPIResponse to createByIdAPIResponse getPathDetailsAPIResponse = createByIdAPIResponse; } catch (OneDriveException e) { // 409 - API Race Condition if (e.httpStatusCode == 409) { // When we attempted to create it, OneDrive responded that it now already exists addLogEntry("OneDrive reported that " ~ thisFolderName ~ " already exists .. OneDrive API race condition", ["verbose"]); } else { // some other error from OneDrive was returned - display what it is addLogEntry("OneDrive generated an error when creating this path: " ~ thisFolderName); displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } } else { // Simulate a successful 'directory create' & save it to the dryRun database copy // The simulated response has to pass 'makeItem' as part of saveItem auto fakeResponse = createFakeResponse(thisNewPathToSearch); // Save item to the database saveItem(fakeResponse); } } } } } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required queryOneDriveForSpecificPath.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(queryOneDriveForSpecificPath); // Output our search results addLogEntry("queryOneDriveForSpecificPathAndCreateIfMissing.getPathDetailsAPIResponse = " ~ to!string(getPathDetailsAPIResponse), ["debug"]); return getPathDetailsAPIResponse; } // Delete an item by it's path // This function is only used in --monitor mode and --remove-directory directive void deleteByPath(string path) { // function variables Item dbItem; // Need to check all driveid's we know about, not just the defaultDriveId bool itemInDB = false; foreach (searchDriveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { if (itemDB.selectByPath(path, searchDriveId, dbItem)) { // item was found in the DB itemInDB = true; break; } } // Was the item found in the database? if (!itemInDB) { // path to delete is not in the local database .. // was this a --remove-directory attempt? if (!appConfig.getValueBool("monitor")) { // --remove-directory deletion attempt addLogEntry("The item to delete is not in the local database - unable to delete online"); return; } else { // normal use .. --monitor being used throw new SyncException("The item to delete is not in the local database"); } } // This needs to be enforced as we have to know the parent id of the object being deleted if (dbItem.parentId == null) { // the item is a remote folder, need to do the operation on the parent enforce(itemDB.selectByPathIncludingRemoteItems(path, appConfig.defaultDriveId, dbItem)); } try { if (noRemoteDelete) { // do not process remote delete addLogEntry("Skipping remote delete as --upload-only & --no-remote-delete configured", ["verbose"]); } else { uploadDeletedItem(dbItem, path); } } catch (OneDriveException e) { if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) { addLogEntry(e.msg); } else { // display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); } } } // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_move // This function is only called in monitor mode when an move event is coming from // inotify and we try to move the item. void uploadMoveItem(string oldPath, string newPath) { // Log that we are doing a move addLogEntry("Moving " ~ oldPath ~ " to " ~ newPath); // Is this move unwanted? bool unwanted = false; // Item variables Item oldItem, newItem, parentItem; // This not a Client Side Filtering check, nor a Microsoft Check, but is a sanity check that the path provided is UTF encoded correctly // Check the std.encoding of the path against: Unicode 5.0, ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-2, WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1251, WINDOWS-1252 if (!unwanted) { if(!isValid(newPath)) { // Path is not valid according to https://dlang.org/phobos/std_encoding.html addLogEntry("Skipping item - invalid character encoding sequence: " ~ newPath, ["info", "notify"]); unwanted = true; } } // Check this path against the Client Side Filtering Rules // - check_nosync // - skip_dotfiles // - skip_symlinks // - skip_file // - skip_dir // - sync_list // - skip_size if (!unwanted) { unwanted = checkPathAgainstClientSideFiltering(newPath); } // Check this path against the Microsoft Naming Conventions & Restristions // - Check path against Microsoft OneDrive restriction and limitations about Windows naming for files and folders // - Check path for bad whitespace items // - Check path for HTML ASCII Codes // - Check path for ASCII Control Codes if (!unwanted) { unwanted = checkPathAgainstMicrosoftNamingRestrictions(newPath); } // 'newPath' has passed client side filtering validation if (!unwanted) { if (!itemDB.selectByPath(oldPath, appConfig.defaultDriveId, oldItem)) { // The old path|item is not synced with the database, upload as a new file addLogEntry("Moved local item was not in-sync with local databse - uploading as new item"); scanLocalFilesystemPathForNewData(newPath); return; } if (oldItem.parentId == null) { // the item is a remote folder, need to do the operation on the parent enforce(itemDB.selectByPathIncludingRemoteItems(oldPath, appConfig.defaultDriveId, oldItem)); } if (itemDB.selectByPath(newPath, appConfig.defaultDriveId, newItem)) { // the destination has been overwritten addLogEntry("Moved local item overwrote an existing item - deleting old online item"); uploadDeletedItem(newItem, newPath); } if (!itemDB.selectByPath(dirName(newPath), appConfig.defaultDriveId, parentItem)) { // the parent item is not in the database throw new SyncException("Can't move an item to an unsynced directory"); } if (oldItem.driveId != parentItem.driveId) { // items cannot be moved between drives uploadDeletedItem(oldItem, oldPath); // what sort of move is this? if (isFile(newPath)) { // newPath is a file uploadNewFile(newPath); } else { // newPath is a directory scanLocalFilesystemPathForNewData(newPath); } } else { if (!exists(newPath)) { // is this --monitor use? if (appConfig.getValueBool("monitor")) { addLogEntry("uploadMoveItem target has disappeared: " ~ newPath, ["verbose"]); return; } } // Configure the modification JSON item SysTime mtime; if (appConfig.getValueBool("monitor")) { // Use the newPath modified timestamp mtime = timeLastModified(newPath).toUTC(); } else { // Use the current system time mtime = Clock.currTime().toUTC(); } JSONValue data = [ "name": JSONValue(baseName(newPath)), "parentReference": JSONValue([ "id": parentItem.id ]), "fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([ "lastModifiedDateTime": mtime.toISOExtString() ]) ]; // Perform the move operation on OneDrive bool isMoveSuccess = false; JSONValue response; string eTag = oldItem.eTag; // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi movePathOnlineApiInstance; movePathOnlineApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); movePathOnlineApiInstance.initialise(); // Try the online move for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { try { response = movePathOnlineApiInstance.updateById(oldItem.driveId, oldItem.id, data, eTag); isMoveSuccess = true; break; } catch (OneDriveException e) { // Handle a 412 - A precondition provided in the request (such as an if-match header) does not match the resource's current state. if (e.httpStatusCode == 412) { // OneDrive threw a 412 error, most likely: ETag does not match current item's value // Retry without eTag addLogEntry("File Move Failed - OneDrive eTag / cTag match issue", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed' when attempting to move the file - gracefully handling error", ["verbose"]); eTag = null; // Retry to move the file but without the eTag, via the for() loop } else if (e.httpStatusCode == 409) { // Destination item already exists and is a conflict, delete it first addLogEntry("Moved local item overwrote an existing item - deleting old online item"); uploadDeletedItem(newItem, newPath); } else break; } } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required movePathOnlineApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(movePathOnlineApiInstance); // save the move response from OneDrive in the database // Is the response a valid JSON object - validation checking done in saveItem saveItem(response); } } else { // Moved item is unwanted addLogEntry("Item has been moved to a location that is excluded from sync operations. Removing item from OneDrive"); uploadDeletedItem(oldItem, oldPath); } } // Perform integrity validation of the file that was uploaded bool performUploadIntegrityValidationChecks(JSONValue uploadResponse, string localFilePath, ulong localFileSize, bool raiseWarning=true) { bool integrityValid = false; if (!disableUploadValidation) { // Integrity validation has not been disabled (this is the default so we are always integrity checking our uploads) if (uploadResponse.type() == JSONType.object) { // Provided JSON is a valid JSON ulong uploadFileSize = uploadResponse["size"].integer; string uploadFileHash = uploadResponse["file"]["hashes"]["quickXorHash"].str; string localFileHash = computeQuickXorHash(localFilePath); if ((localFileSize == uploadFileSize) && (localFileHash == uploadFileHash)) { // Uploaded file integrity intact addLogEntry("Uploaded local file matches reported online size and hash values", ["debug"]); integrityValid = true; } else if (raiseWarning) { // Upload integrity failure .. what failed? // There are 2 scenarios where this happens: // 1. Failed Transfer // 2. Upload file is going to a SharePoint Site, where Microsoft enriches the file with additional metadata with no way to disable addLogEntry("WARNING: Online file integrity failure for: " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); // What integrity failed - size? if (localFileSize != uploadFileSize) { addLogEntry("WARNING: Online file integrity failure - Size Mismatch", ["verbose"]); } // What integrity failed - hash? if (localFileHash != uploadFileHash) { addLogEntry("WARNING: Online file integrity failure - Hash Mismatch", ["verbose"]); } // What account type is this? if (appConfig.accountType != "personal") { // Not a personal account, thus the integrity failure is most likely due to SharePoint addLogEntry("CAUTION: When you upload files to Microsoft OneDrive that uses SharePoint as its backend, Microsoft OneDrive will alter your files post upload.", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("CAUTION: This will lead to technical differences between the version stored online and your local original file, potentially causing issues with the accuracy or consistency of your data.", ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("CAUTION: Please read https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/935 for further details.", ["verbose"]); } // How can this be disabled? addLogEntry("To disable the integrity checking of uploaded files use --disable-upload-validation"); } } else { addLogEntry("Online file validation unable to be performed: input JSON was invalid"); addLogEntry("WARNING: Skipping upload integrity check for: " ~ localFilePath); } } else { // We are bypassing integrity checks due to --disable-upload-validation addLogEntry("Online file validation disabled due to --disable-upload-validation", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("WARNING: Skipping upload integrity check for: " ~ localFilePath, ["info", "notify"]); } // Is the file integrity online valid? return integrityValid; } // Query Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library site name to obtain it's Drive ID void querySiteCollectionForDriveID(string sharepointLibraryNameToQuery) { // Steps to get the ID: // 1. Query https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites?search= with the name entered // 2. Evaluate the response. A valid response will contain the description and the id. If the response comes back with nothing, the site name cannot be found or no access // 3. If valid, use the returned ID and query the site drives // https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites//drives // 4. Display Shared Library Name & Drive ID string site_id; string drive_id; bool found = false; JSONValue siteQuery; string nextLink; string[] siteSearchResults; // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance; querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance.initialise(); // The account type must not be a personal account type if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { addLogEntry("ERROR: A OneDrive Personal Account cannot be used with --get-sharepoint-drive-id. Please re-authenticate your client using a OneDrive Business Account."); return; } // What query are we performing? addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("Office 365 Library Name Query: " ~ sharepointLibraryNameToQuery); for (;;) { try { siteQuery = querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance.o365SiteSearch(nextLink); } catch (OneDriveException e) { addLogEntry("ERROR: Query of OneDrive for Office 365 Library Name failed"); // Forbidden - most likely authentication scope needs to be updated if (e.httpStatusCode == 403) { addLogEntry("ERROR: Authentication scope needs to be updated. Use --reauth and re-authenticate client."); return; } // Requested resource cannot be found if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) { string siteSearchUrl; if (nextLink.empty) { siteSearchUrl = querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance.getSiteSearchUrl(); } else { siteSearchUrl = nextLink; } // log the error addLogEntry("ERROR: Your OneDrive Account and Authentication Scope cannot access this OneDrive API: " ~ siteSearchUrl); addLogEntry("ERROR: To resolve, please discuss this issue with whomever supports your OneDrive and SharePoint environment."); return; } // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); return; } // is siteQuery a valid JSON object & contain data we can use? if ((siteQuery.type() == JSONType.object) && ("value" in siteQuery)) { // valid JSON object addLogEntry("O365 Query Response: " ~ to!string(siteQuery), ["debug"]); foreach (searchResult; siteQuery["value"].array) { // Need an 'exclusive' match here with sharepointLibraryNameToQuery as entered addLogEntry("Found O365 Site: " ~ to!string(searchResult), ["debug"]); // 'displayName' and 'id' have to be present in the search result record in order to query the site if (("displayName" in searchResult) && ("id" in searchResult)) { if (sharepointLibraryNameToQuery == searchResult["displayName"].str){ // 'displayName' matches search request site_id = searchResult["id"].str; JSONValue siteDriveQuery; try { siteDriveQuery = querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance.o365SiteDrives(site_id); } catch (OneDriveException e) { addLogEntry("ERROR: Query of OneDrive for Office Site ID failed"); // display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); return; } // is siteDriveQuery a valid JSON object & contain data we can use? if ((siteDriveQuery.type() == JSONType.object) && ("value" in siteDriveQuery)) { // valid JSON object foreach (driveResult; siteDriveQuery["value"].array) { // Display results writeln("-----------------------------------------------"); addLogEntry("Site Details: " ~ to!string(driveResult), ["debug"]); found = true; writeln("Site Name: ", searchResult["displayName"].str); writeln("Library Name: ", driveResult["name"].str); writeln("drive_id: ", driveResult["id"].str); writeln("Library URL: ", driveResult["webUrl"].str); } // closeout writeln("-----------------------------------------------"); } else { // not a valid JSON object addLogEntry("ERROR: There was an error performing this operation on Microsoft OneDrive"); addLogEntry("ERROR: Increase logging verbosity to assist determining why."); return; } } } else { // 'displayName', 'id' or ''webUrl' not present in JSON results for a specific site string siteNameAvailable = "Site 'name' was restricted by OneDrive API permissions"; bool displayNameAvailable = false; bool idAvailable = false; if ("name" in searchResult) siteNameAvailable = searchResult["name"].str; if ("displayName" in searchResult) displayNameAvailable = true; if ("id" in searchResult) idAvailable = true; // Display error details for this site data addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("ERROR: SharePoint Site details not provided for: " ~ siteNameAvailable); addLogEntry("ERROR: The SharePoint Site results returned from OneDrive API do not contain the required items to match. Please check your permissions with your site administrator."); addLogEntry("ERROR: Your site security settings is preventing the following details from being accessed: 'displayName' or 'id'"); addLogEntry(" - Is 'displayName' available = " ~ to!string(displayNameAvailable), ["verbose"]); addLogEntry(" - Is 'id' available = " ~ to!string(idAvailable), ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("ERROR: To debug this further, please increase verbosity (--verbose or --verbose --verbose) to provide further insight as to what details are actually being returned."); } } if(!found) { // The SharePoint site we are searching for was not found in this bundle set // Add to siteSearchResults so we can display what we did find string siteSearchResultsEntry; foreach (searchResult; siteQuery["value"].array) { // We can only add the displayName if it is available if ("displayName" in searchResult) { // Use the displayName siteSearchResultsEntry = " * " ~ searchResult["displayName"].str; siteSearchResults ~= siteSearchResultsEntry; } else { // Add, but indicate displayName unavailable, use id if ("id" in searchResult) { siteSearchResultsEntry = " * " ~ "Unknown displayName (Data not provided by API), Site ID: " ~ searchResult["id"].str; siteSearchResults ~= siteSearchResultsEntry; } else { // displayName and id unavailable, display in debug log the entry addLogEntry("Bad SharePoint Data for site: " ~ to!string(searchResult), ["debug"]); } } } } } else { // not a valid JSON object addLogEntry("ERROR: There was an error performing this operation on Microsoft OneDrive"); addLogEntry("ERROR: Increase logging verbosity to assist determining why."); return; } // If a collection exceeds the default page size (200 items), the @odata.nextLink property is returned in the response // to indicate more items are available and provide the request URL for the next page of items. if ("@odata.nextLink" in siteQuery) { // Update nextLink to next set of SharePoint library names nextLink = siteQuery["@odata.nextLink"].str; addLogEntry("Setting nextLink to (@odata.nextLink): " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); } else break; } // Was the intended target found? if(!found) { // Was the search a wildcard? if (sharepointLibraryNameToQuery != "*") { // Only print this out if the search was not a wildcard addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("ERROR: The requested SharePoint site could not be found. Please check it's name and your permissions to access the site."); } // List all sites returned to assist user addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("The following SharePoint site names were returned:"); foreach (searchResultEntry; siteSearchResults) { // list the display name that we use to match against the user query addLogEntry(searchResultEntry); } } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(querySharePointLibraryNameApiInstance); } // Query the sync status of the client and the local system void queryOneDriveForSyncStatus(string pathToQueryStatusOn) { // Query the account driveId and rootId to get the /delta JSON information // Process that JSON data for relevancy // Function variables ulong downloadSize = 0; string deltaLink = null; string driveIdToQuery = appConfig.defaultDriveId; string itemIdToQuery = appConfig.defaultRootId; JSONValue deltaChanges; // Array of JSON items JSONValue[] jsonItemsArray; // Query Database for a potential deltaLink starting point deltaLink = itemDB.getDeltaLink(driveIdToQuery, itemIdToQuery); // Log what we are doing addProcessingLogHeaderEntry("Querying the change status of Drive ID: " ~ driveIdToQuery, appConfig.verbosityCount); // Query the OenDrive API using the applicable details, following nextLink if applicable // Create a new API Instance for querying /delta and initialise it OneDriveApi getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance; getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); for (;;) { // Add a processing '.' if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addProcessingDotEntry(); // Get the /delta changes via the OneDrive API // getDeltaChangesByItemId has the re-try logic for transient errors deltaChanges = getDeltaChangesByItemId(driveIdToQuery, itemIdToQuery, deltaLink, getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance); // If the initial deltaChanges response is an invalid JSON object, keep trying until we get a valid response .. if (deltaChanges.type() != JSONType.object) { while (deltaChanges.type() != JSONType.object) { // Handle the invalid JSON response adn retry addLogEntry("ERROR: Query of the OneDrive API via deltaChanges = getDeltaChangesByItemId() returned an invalid JSON response", ["debug"]); deltaChanges = getDeltaChangesByItemId(driveIdToQuery, itemIdToQuery, deltaLink, getDeltaQueryOneDriveApiInstance); } } // We have a valid deltaChanges JSON array. This means we have at least 200+ JSON items to process. // The API response however cannot be run in parallel as the OneDrive API sends the JSON items in the order in which they must be processed foreach (onedriveJSONItem; deltaChanges["value"].array) { // is the JSON a root object - we dont want to count this if (!isItemRoot(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Files are the only item that we want to calculate if (isItemFile(onedriveJSONItem)) { // JSON item is a file // Is the item filtered out due to client side filtering rules? if (!checkJSONAgainstClientSideFiltering(onedriveJSONItem)) { // Is the path of this JSON item 'in-scope' or 'out-of-scope' ? if (pathToQueryStatusOn != "/") { // We need to check the path of this item against pathToQueryStatusOn string thisItemPath = ""; if (("path" in onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]) != null) { // If there is a parent reference path, try and use it string selfBuiltPath = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["path"].str ~ "/" ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; // Check for ':' and split if present auto splitIndex = selfBuiltPath.indexOf(":"); if (splitIndex != -1) { // Keep only the part after ':' selfBuiltPath = selfBuiltPath[splitIndex + 1 .. $]; } // Set thisItemPath to the self built path thisItemPath = selfBuiltPath; } else { // no parent reference path available thisItemPath = onedriveJSONItem["name"].str; } // can we find 'pathToQueryStatusOn' in 'thisItemPath' ? if (canFind(thisItemPath, pathToQueryStatusOn)) { // Add this to the array for processing jsonItemsArray ~= onedriveJSONItem; } } else { // We are not doing a --single-directory check // Add this to the array for processing jsonItemsArray ~= onedriveJSONItem; } } } } } // The response may contain either @odata.deltaLink or @odata.nextLink if ("@odata.deltaLink" in deltaChanges) { deltaLink = deltaChanges["@odata.deltaLink"].str; addLogEntry("Setting next deltaLink to (@odata.deltaLink): " ~ deltaLink, ["debug"]); } // Update deltaLink to next changeSet bundle if ("@odata.nextLink" in deltaChanges) { deltaLink = deltaChanges["@odata.nextLink"].str; addLogEntry("Setting next deltaLink to (@odata.nextLink): " ~ deltaLink, ["debug"]); } else break; } // Needed after printing out '....' when fetching changes from OneDrive API if (appConfig.verbosityCount == 0) addLogEntry("\n", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]); // Are there any JSON items to process? if (count(jsonItemsArray) != 0) { // There are items to process foreach (onedriveJSONItem; jsonItemsArray.array) { // variables we need string thisItemParentDriveId; string thisItemId; string thisItemHash; bool existingDBEntry = false; // Is this file a remote item (on a shared folder) ? if (isItemRemote(onedriveJSONItem)) { // remote drive item thisItemParentDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; thisItemId = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; } else { // standard drive item thisItemParentDriveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; thisItemId = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; } // Get the file hash if (hasHashes(onedriveJSONItem)) { thisItemHash = onedriveJSONItem["file"]["hashes"]["quickXorHash"].str; // Check if the item has been seen before Item existingDatabaseItem; existingDBEntry = itemDB.selectById(thisItemParentDriveId, thisItemId, existingDatabaseItem); if (existingDBEntry) { // item exists in database .. do the database details match the JSON record? if (existingDatabaseItem.quickXorHash != thisItemHash) { // file hash is different, this will trigger a download event downloadSize = downloadSize + onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer; } } else { // item does not exist in the database // this item has already passed client side filtering rules (skip_dir, skip_file, sync_list) // this will trigger a download event downloadSize = downloadSize + onedriveJSONItem["size"].integer; } } } } // Was anything detected that would constitute a download? if (downloadSize > 0) { // we have something to download if (pathToQueryStatusOn != "/") { writeln("The selected local directory via --single-directory is out of sync with Microsoft OneDrive"); } else { writeln("The configured local 'sync_dir' directory is out of sync with Microsoft OneDrive"); } writeln("Approximate data to download from Microsoft OneDrive: ", (downloadSize/1024), " KB"); } else { // No changes were returned writeln("There are no pending changes from Microsoft OneDrive; your local directory matches the data online."); } } // Query OneDrive for file details of a given path, returning either the 'webURL' or 'lastModifiedBy' JSON facet void queryOneDriveForFileDetails(string inputFilePath, string runtimePath, string outputType) { // Calculate the full local file path string fullLocalFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(runtimePath, inputFilePath)); // Query if file is valid locally if (exists(fullLocalFilePath)) { // search drive_id list string[] distinctDriveIds = itemDB.selectDistinctDriveIds(); bool pathInDB = false; Item dbItem; foreach (searchDriveId; distinctDriveIds) { // Does this path exist in the database, use the 'inputFilePath' if (itemDB.selectByPath(inputFilePath, searchDriveId, dbItem)) { // item is in the database pathInDB = true; JSONValue fileDetailsFromOneDrive; // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi queryOneDriveForFileDetailsApiInstance; queryOneDriveForFileDetailsApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); queryOneDriveForFileDetailsApiInstance.initialise(); try { fileDetailsFromOneDrive = queryOneDriveForFileDetailsApiInstance.getPathDetailsById(dbItem.driveId, dbItem.id); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); return; } // Is the API response a valid JSON file? if (fileDetailsFromOneDrive.type() == JSONType.object) { // debug output of response addLogEntry("API Response: " ~ to!string(fileDetailsFromOneDrive), ["debug"]); // What sort of response to we generate // --get-file-link response if (outputType == "URL") { if ((fileDetailsFromOneDrive.type() == JSONType.object) && ("webUrl" in fileDetailsFromOneDrive)) { // Valid JSON object addLogEntry(); writeln("WebURL: ", fileDetailsFromOneDrive["webUrl"].str); } } // --modified-by response if (outputType == "ModifiedBy") { if ((fileDetailsFromOneDrive.type() == JSONType.object) && ("lastModifiedBy" in fileDetailsFromOneDrive)) { // Valid JSON object writeln(); writeln("Last modified: ", fileDetailsFromOneDrive["lastModifiedDateTime"].str); writeln("Last modified by: ", fileDetailsFromOneDrive["lastModifiedBy"]["user"]["displayName"].str); // if 'email' provided, add this to the output if ("email" in fileDetailsFromOneDrive["lastModifiedBy"]["user"]) { writeln("Email Address: ", fileDetailsFromOneDrive["lastModifiedBy"]["user"]["email"].str); } } } // --create-share-link response if (outputType == "ShareableLink") { JSONValue accessScope; JSONValue createShareableLinkResponse; string thisDriveId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; string thisItemId = fileDetailsFromOneDrive["id"].str; string fileShareLink; bool writeablePermissions = appConfig.getValueBool("with_editing_perms"); // What sort of shareable link is required? if (writeablePermissions) { // configure the read-write access scope accessScope = [ "type": "edit", "scope": "anonymous" ]; } else { // configure the read-only access scope (default) accessScope = [ "type": "view", "scope": "anonymous" ]; } // Try and create the shareable file link try { createShareableLinkResponse = queryOneDriveForFileDetailsApiInstance.createShareableLink(thisDriveId, thisItemId, accessScope); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, getFunctionName!({})); return; } // Is the API response a valid JSON file? if ((createShareableLinkResponse.type() == JSONType.object) && ("link" in createShareableLinkResponse)) { // Extract the file share link from the JSON response fileShareLink = createShareableLinkResponse["link"]["webUrl"].str; writeln("File Shareable Link: ", fileShareLink); if (writeablePermissions) { writeln("Shareable Link has read-write permissions - use and provide with caution"); } } } } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required access queryOneDriveForFileDetailsApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(queryOneDriveForFileDetailsApiInstance); } } // was path found? if (!pathInDB) { // File has not been synced with OneDrive addLogEntry("Selected path has not been synced with OneDrive: " ~ inputFilePath); } } else { // File does not exist locally addLogEntry("Selected path not found on local system: " ~ inputFilePath); } } // Query OneDrive for the quota details void queryOneDriveForQuotaDetails() { // This function is similar to getRemainingFreeSpace() but is different in data being analysed and output method JSONValue currentDriveQuota; string driveId; if (appConfig.getValueString("drive_id").length) { driveId = appConfig.getValueString("drive_id"); } else { driveId = appConfig.defaultDriveId; } try { // Create a new OneDrive API instance OneDriveApi getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance; getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance.initialise(); addLogEntry("Seeking available quota for this drive id: " ~ driveId, ["debug"]); currentDriveQuota = getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance.getDriveQuota(driveId); // Shut this API instance down getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(getCurrentDriveQuotaApiInstance); } catch (OneDriveException e) { addLogEntry("currentDriveQuota = onedrive.getDriveQuota(driveId) generated a OneDriveException", ["debug"]); } // validate that currentDriveQuota is a JSON value if (currentDriveQuota.type() == JSONType.object) { // was 'quota' in response? if ("quota" in currentDriveQuota) { // debug output of response addLogEntry("currentDriveQuota: " ~ to!string(currentDriveQuota), ["debug"]); // human readable output of response string deletedValue = "Not Provided"; string remainingValue = "Not Provided"; string stateValue = "Not Provided"; string totalValue = "Not Provided"; string usedValue = "Not Provided"; // Update values if ("deleted" in currentDriveQuota["quota"]) { deletedValue = byteToGibiByte(currentDriveQuota["quota"]["deleted"].integer); } if ("remaining" in currentDriveQuota["quota"]) { remainingValue = byteToGibiByte(currentDriveQuota["quota"]["remaining"].integer); } if ("state" in currentDriveQuota["quota"]) { stateValue = currentDriveQuota["quota"]["state"].str; } if ("total" in currentDriveQuota["quota"]) { totalValue = byteToGibiByte(currentDriveQuota["quota"]["total"].integer); } if ("used" in currentDriveQuota["quota"]) { usedValue = byteToGibiByte(currentDriveQuota["quota"]["used"].integer); } writeln("Microsoft OneDrive quota information as reported for this Drive ID: ", driveId); writeln(); writeln("Deleted: ", deletedValue, " GB (", currentDriveQuota["quota"]["deleted"].integer, " bytes)"); writeln("Remaining: ", remainingValue, " GB (", currentDriveQuota["quota"]["remaining"].integer, " bytes)"); writeln("State: ", stateValue); writeln("Total: ", totalValue, " GB (", currentDriveQuota["quota"]["total"].integer, " bytes)"); writeln("Used: ", usedValue, " GB (", currentDriveQuota["quota"]["used"].integer, " bytes)"); writeln(); } else { writeln("Microsoft OneDrive quota information is being restricted for this Drive ID: ", driveId); } } } // Query the system for session_upload.* files bool checkForInterruptedSessionUploads() { bool interruptedUploads = false; ulong interruptedUploadsCount; // Scan the filesystem for the files we are interested in, build up interruptedUploadsSessionFiles array foreach (sessionFile; dirEntries(appConfig.configDirName, "session_upload.*", SpanMode.shallow)) { // calculate the full path string tempPath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(appConfig.configDirName, sessionFile)); // add to array interruptedUploadsSessionFiles ~= [tempPath]; } // Count all 'session_upload' files in appConfig.configDirName //interruptedUploadsCount = count(dirEntries(appConfig.configDirName, "session_upload.*", SpanMode.shallow)); interruptedUploadsCount = count(interruptedUploadsSessionFiles); if (interruptedUploadsCount != 0) { interruptedUploads = true; } // return if there are interrupted uploads to process return interruptedUploads; } // Clear any session_upload.* files void clearInterruptedSessionUploads() { // Scan the filesystem for the files we are interested in, build up interruptedUploadsSessionFiles array foreach (sessionFile; dirEntries(appConfig.configDirName, "session_upload.*", SpanMode.shallow)) { // calculate the full path string tempPath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(appConfig.configDirName, sessionFile)); JSONValue sessionFileData = readText(tempPath).parseJSON(); addLogEntry("Removing interrupted session upload file due to --resync for: " ~ sessionFileData["localPath"].str, ["info"]); // Process removal if (!dryRun) { safeRemove(tempPath); } } } // Process interrupted 'session_upload' files void processForInterruptedSessionUploads() { // For each upload_session file that has been found, process the data to ensure it is still valid foreach (sessionFilePath; interruptedUploadsSessionFiles) { if (!validateUploadSessionFileData(sessionFilePath)) { // Remove upload_session file as it is invalid // upload_session file file contains an error - cant resume this session addLogEntry("Restore file upload session failed - cleaning up resumable session data file: " ~ sessionFilePath, ["verbose"]); // cleanup session path if (exists(sessionFilePath)) { if (!dryRun) { remove(sessionFilePath); } } } } // At this point we should have an array of JSON items to resume uploading if (count(jsonItemsToResumeUpload) > 0) { // there are valid items to resume upload // Lets deal with all the JSON items that need to be reumed for upload in a batch process size_t batchSize = to!int(appConfig.getValueLong("threads")); ulong batchCount = (jsonItemsToResumeUpload.length + batchSize - 1) / batchSize; ulong batchesProcessed = 0; foreach (chunk; jsonItemsToResumeUpload.chunks(batchSize)) { // send an array containing 'appConfig.getValueLong("threads")' JSON items to resume upload resumeSessionUploadsInParallel(chunk); } } } bool validateUploadSessionFileData(string sessionFilePath) { JSONValue sessionFileData; // Try and read the text from the session file as a JSON array try { sessionFileData = readText(sessionFilePath).parseJSON(); } catch (JSONException e) { addLogEntry("SESSION-RESUME: Invalid JSON data in: " ~ sessionFilePath, ["debug"]); return false; } // Does the file we wish to resume uploading exist locally still? if ("localPath" in sessionFileData) { string sessionLocalFilePath = sessionFileData["localPath"].str; addLogEntry("SESSION-RESUME: sessionLocalFilePath: " ~ sessionLocalFilePath, ["debug"]); // Does the file exist? if (!exists(sessionLocalFilePath)) { addLogEntry("The local file to upload does not exist locally anymore", ["verbose"]); return false; } // Can we read the file? if (!readLocalFile(sessionLocalFilePath)) { // filesystem error already returned if unable to read return false; } } else { addLogEntry("SESSION-RESUME: No localPath data in: " ~ sessionFilePath, ["debug"]); return false; } // Check the session data for expirationDateTime if ("expirationDateTime" in sessionFileData) { auto expiration = SysTime.fromISOExtString(sessionFileData["expirationDateTime"].str); if (expiration < Clock.currTime()) { addLogEntry("The upload session has expired for: " ~ sessionFilePath, ["verbose"]); return false; } } else { addLogEntry("SESSION-RESUME: No expirationDateTime data in: " ~ sessionFilePath, ["debug"]); return false; } // Check the online upload status, using the uloadURL in sessionFileData if ("uploadUrl" in sessionFileData) { JSONValue response; // Create a new OneDrive API instance OneDriveApi validateUploadSessionFileDataApiInstance; validateUploadSessionFileDataApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); validateUploadSessionFileDataApiInstance.initialise(); try { response = validateUploadSessionFileDataApiInstance.requestUploadStatus(sessionFileData["uploadUrl"].str); } catch (OneDriveException e) { // handle any onedrive error response as invalid addLogEntry("SESSION-RESUME: Invalid response when using uploadUrl in: " ~ sessionFilePath, ["debug"]); return false; } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required validateUploadSessionFileDataApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(validateUploadSessionFileDataApiInstance); // Do we have a valid response from OneDrive? if (response.type() == JSONType.object) { // Valid JSON object was returned if (("expirationDateTime" in response) && ("nextExpectedRanges" in response)) { // The 'uploadUrl' is valid, and the response contains elements we need sessionFileData["expirationDateTime"] = response["expirationDateTime"]; sessionFileData["nextExpectedRanges"] = response["nextExpectedRanges"]; if (sessionFileData["nextExpectedRanges"].array.length == 0) { addLogEntry("The upload session was already completed", ["verbose"]); return false; } } else { addLogEntry("SESSION-RESUME: No expirationDateTime & nextExpectedRanges data in Microsoft OneDrive API response: " ~ to!string(response), ["debug"]); return false; } } else { // not a JSON object addLogEntry("Restore file upload session failed - invalid response from Microsoft OneDrive", ["verbose"]); return false; } } else { addLogEntry("SESSION-RESUME: No uploadUrl data in: " ~ sessionFilePath, ["debug"]); return false; } // Add 'sessionFilePath' to 'sessionFileData' so that it can be used when we re-use the JSON data to resume the upload sessionFileData["sessionFilePath"] = sessionFilePath; // Add sessionFileData to jsonItemsToResumeUpload as it is now valid jsonItemsToResumeUpload ~= sessionFileData; return true; } void resumeSessionUploadsInParallel(JSONValue[] array) { // This function recieved an array of 16 JSON items to resume upload foreach (i, jsonItemToResume; processPool.parallel(array)) { // Take each JSON item and resume upload using the JSON data JSONValue uploadResponse; OneDriveApi uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance; uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); // Pull out data from this JSON element string threadUploadSessionFilePath = jsonItemToResume["sessionFilePath"].str; ulong thisFileSizeLocal = getSize(jsonItemToResume["localPath"].str); // Try to resume the session upload using the provided data try { uploadResponse = performSessionFileUpload(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance, thisFileSizeLocal, jsonItemToResume, threadUploadSessionFilePath); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { writeln("CODING TO DO: Handle an exception when performing a resume session upload"); } // Was the response from the OneDrive API a valid JSON item? if (uploadResponse.type() == JSONType.object) { // A valid JSON object was returned - session resumption upload sucessful // Are we in an --upload-only & --remove-source-files scenario? // Use actual config values as we are doing an upload session recovery if (localDeleteAfterUpload) { // Log that we are deleting a local item addLogEntry("Removing local file as --upload-only & --remove-source-files configured"); // are we in a --dry-run scenario? if (!dryRun) { // No --dry-run ... process local file delete // Only perform the delete if we have a valid file path if (exists(jsonItemToResume["localPath"].str)) { // file exists addLogEntry("Removing local file: " ~ jsonItemToResume["localPath"].str, ["debug"]); safeRemove(jsonItemToResume["localPath"].str); } } // as file is removed, we have nothing to add to the local database addLogEntry("Skipping adding to database as --upload-only & --remove-source-files configured", ["debug"]); } else { // Save JSON item in database saveItem(uploadResponse); } } else { // No valid response was returned addLogEntry("CODING TO DO: what to do when session upload resumption JSON data is not valid ... nothing ? error message ?"); } // Shutdown this API instance, as we will create API instances as required, when required uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(uploadFileOneDriveApiInstance); } } // Function to process the path by removing prefix up to ':' - remove '/drive/root:' from a path string string processPathToRemoveRootReference(ref string pathToCheck) { size_t colonIndex = pathToCheck.indexOf(":"); if (colonIndex != -1) { addLogEntry("Updating " ~ pathToCheck ~ " to remove prefix up to ':'", ["debug"]); pathToCheck = pathToCheck[colonIndex + 1 .. $]; addLogEntry("Updated path for 'skip_dir' check: " ~ pathToCheck, ["debug"]); } return pathToCheck; } // Function to find a given DriveId in the onlineDriveDetails associative array that maps driveId to driveDetailsCache // If 'true' will return 'driveDetails' containing the struct data 'driveDetailsCache' bool canFindDriveId(string driveId, out driveDetailsCache driveDetails) { auto ptr = driveId in onlineDriveDetails; if (ptr !is null) { driveDetails = *ptr; // Dereference the pointer to get the value return true; } else { return false; } } // Add this driveId plus relevant details for future reference and use void addOrUpdateOneDriveOnlineDetails(string driveId) { bool quotaRestricted; bool quotaAvailable; ulong quotaRemaining; // Get the data from online auto onlineDriveData = getRemainingFreeSpaceOnline(driveId); quotaRestricted = to!bool(onlineDriveData[0][0]); quotaAvailable = to!bool(onlineDriveData[0][1]); quotaRemaining = to!long(onlineDriveData[0][2]); onlineDriveDetails[driveId] = driveDetailsCache(driveId, quotaRestricted, quotaAvailable, quotaRemaining); // Debug log what the cached array now contains addLogEntry("onlineDriveDetails: " ~ to!string(onlineDriveDetails), ["debug"]); } // Return a specific 'driveId' details from 'onlineDriveDetails' driveDetailsCache getDriveDetails(string driveId) { auto ptr = driveId in onlineDriveDetails; if (ptr !is null) { return *ptr; // Dereference the pointer to get the value } else { // Return a default driveDetailsCache or handle the case where the driveId is not found return driveDetailsCache.init; // Return default-initialized struct } } // Search a given Drive ID, Item ID and filename to see if this exists in the location specified JSONValue searchDriveItemForFile(string parentItemDriveId, string parentItemId, string fileToUpload) { JSONValue onedriveJSONItem; string searchName = baseName(fileToUpload); JSONValue thisLevelChildren; string nextLink; // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi checkFileOneDriveApiInstance; checkFileOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); for (;;) { // query top level children try { thisLevelChildren = checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(parentItemDriveId, parentItemId, nextLink); } catch (OneDriveException exception) { // OneDrive threw an error addLogEntry("------------------------------------------------------------------", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Query Error: thisLevelChildren = checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.listChildren(parentItemDriveId, parentItemId, nextLink)", ["debug"]); addLogEntry("driveId: " ~ parentItemDriveId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("idToQuery: " ~ parentItemId, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("nextLink: " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); string thisFunctionName = getFunctionName!({}); // Default operation if not 408,429,503,504 errors // - 408,429,503,504 errors are handled as a retry within oneDriveApiInstance // Display what the error is displayOneDriveErrorMessage(exception.msg, thisFunctionName); } // process thisLevelChildren response foreach (child; thisLevelChildren["value"].array) { // Only looking at files if ((child["name"].str == searchName) && (("file" in child) != null)) { // Found the matching file, return its JSON representation // Operations in this thread are done / complete checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(checkFileOneDriveApiInstance); // Return child return child; } } // If a collection exceeds the default page size (200 items), the @odata.nextLink property is returned in the response // to indicate more items are available and provide the request URL for the next page of items. if ("@odata.nextLink" in thisLevelChildren) { // Update nextLink to next changeSet bundle addLogEntry("Setting nextLink to (@odata.nextLink): " ~ nextLink, ["debug"]); nextLink = thisLevelChildren["@odata.nextLink"].str; } else break; } // Operations in this thread are done / complete checkFileOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(checkFileOneDriveApiInstance); // return an empty JSON item return onedriveJSONItem; } // Update 'onlineDriveDetails' with the latest data about this drive void updateDriveDetailsCache(string driveId, bool quotaRestricted, bool quotaAvailable, ulong localFileSize) { // As each thread is running differently, what is the current 'quotaRemaining' for 'driveId' ? ulong quotaRemaining; driveDetailsCache cachedOnlineDriveData; cachedOnlineDriveData = getDriveDetails(driveId); quotaRemaining = cachedOnlineDriveData.quotaRemaining; // Update 'quotaRemaining' quotaRemaining = quotaRemaining - localFileSize; // Do the flags get updated? if (quotaRemaining <= 0) { if (appConfig.accountType == "personal"){ // zero space available addLogEntry("ERROR: OneDrive account currently has zero space available. Please free up some space online or purchase additional space."); quotaRemaining = 0; quotaAvailable = false; } else { // zero space available is being reported, maybe being restricted? addLogEntry("WARNING: OneDrive quota information is being restricted or providing a zero value. Please fix by speaking to your OneDrive / Office 365 Administrator.", ["verbose"]); quotaRemaining = 0; quotaRestricted = true; } } // Updated the details onlineDriveDetails[driveId] = driveDetailsCache(driveId, quotaRestricted, quotaAvailable, quotaRemaining); } // Update all of the known cached driveId quota details void freshenCachedDriveQuotaDetails() { foreach (driveId; onlineDriveDetails.keys) { // Update this driveid quota details addLogEntry("Freshen Quota Details: " ~ driveId, ["debug"]); addOrUpdateOneDriveOnlineDetails(driveId); } } // Create a 'root' DB Tie Record for a Shared Folder from the JSON data void createDatabaseRootTieRecordForOnlineSharedFolder(JSONValue onedriveJSONItem) { // Creating|Updating a DB Tie addLogEntry("Creating|Updating a 'root' DB Tie Record for this Shared Folder: " ~ onedriveJSONItem["name"].str, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Raw JSON for 'root' DB Tie Record: " ~ to!string(onedriveJSONItem), ["debug"]); // New DB Tie Item to detail the 'root' of the Shared Folder Item tieDBItem; tieDBItem.name = "root"; // Get the right parentReference details if (isItemRemote(onedriveJSONItem)) { tieDBItem.driveId = onedriveJSONItem["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; tieDBItem.id = onedriveJSONItem["remoteItem"]["id"].str; } else { if (onedriveJSONItem["name"].str != "root") { tieDBItem.driveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; tieDBItem.id = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["id"].str; } else { tieDBItem.driveId = onedriveJSONItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; tieDBItem.id = onedriveJSONItem["id"].str; } } tieDBItem.type = ItemType.dir; tieDBItem.mtime = SysTime.fromISOExtString(onedriveJSONItem["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str); tieDBItem.parentId = null; // Add this DB Tie parent record to the local database addLogEntry("Creating|Updating into local database a 'root' DB Tie record: " ~ to!string(tieDBItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(tieDBItem); } // Create a DB Tie Record for a Shared Folder void createDatabaseTieRecordForOnlineSharedFolder(Item parentItem) { // Creating|Updating a DB Tie addLogEntry("Creating|Updating a DB Tie Record for this Shared Folder: " ~ parentItem.name, ["debug"]); addLogEntry("Parent Item Record: " ~ to!string(parentItem), ["debug"]); // New DB Tie Item to bind the 'remote' path to our parent path Item tieDBItem; tieDBItem.name = parentItem.name; tieDBItem.driveId = parentItem.remoteDriveId; tieDBItem.id = parentItem.remoteId; tieDBItem.type = ItemType.dir; tieDBItem.mtime = parentItem.mtime; // What account type is this as this determines what 'tieDBItem.parentId' should be set to // There is a difference in the JSON responses between 'personal' and 'business' account types for Shared Folders // Essentially an API inconsistency if (appConfig.accountType == "personal") { // Set tieDBItem.parentId to null tieDBItem.parentId = null; } else { // The tieDBItem.parentId needs to be the correct driveId id reference // Query the DB Item[] rootDriveItems; Item dbRecord; rootDriveItems = itemDB.selectByDriveId(parentItem.remoteDriveId); dbRecord = rootDriveItems[0]; tieDBItem.parentId = dbRecord.id; } // Add tie DB record to the local database addLogEntry("Creating|Updating into local database a DB Tie record: " ~ to!string(tieDBItem), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(tieDBItem); } // List all the OneDrive Business Shared Items for the user to see void listBusinessSharedObjects() { JSONValue sharedWithMeItems; // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance; sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); try { sharedWithMeItems = sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance.getSharedWithMe(); } catch (OneDriveException e) { // Display error message displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({})); // Must exit here sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance); } if (sharedWithMeItems.type() == JSONType.object) { if (count(sharedWithMeItems["value"].array) > 0) { // No shared items addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("Listing available OneDrive Business Shared Items:"); addLogEntry(); // Iterate through the array foreach (searchResult; sharedWithMeItems["value"].array) { // loop variables for each item string sharedByName; string sharedByEmail; // Debug response output addLogEntry("shared folder entry: " ~ to!string(searchResult), ["debug"]); // Configure 'who' this was shared by if ("sharedBy" in searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]) { // we have shared by details we can use if ("displayName" in searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]) { sharedByName = searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]["displayName"].str; } if ("email" in searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]) { sharedByEmail = searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]["email"].str; } } // Output query result addLogEntry("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (isItemFile(searchResult)) { addLogEntry("Shared File: " ~ to!string(searchResult["name"].str)); } else { addLogEntry("Shared Folder: " ~ to!string(searchResult["name"].str)); } // Detail 'who' shared this if ((sharedByName != "") && (sharedByEmail != "")) { addLogEntry("Shared By: " ~ sharedByName ~ " (" ~ sharedByEmail ~ ")"); } else { if (sharedByName != "") { addLogEntry("Shared By: " ~ sharedByName); } } // More detail if --verbose is being used addLogEntry("Item Id: " ~ searchResult["remoteItem"]["id"].str, ["verbose"]); addLogEntry("Parent Drive Id: " ~ searchResult["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str, ["verbose"]); if ("id" in searchResult["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]) { addLogEntry("Parent Item Id: " ~ searchResult["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["id"].str, ["verbose"]); } } // Close out the loop addLogEntry("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); addLogEntry(); } else { // No shared items addLogEntry(); addLogEntry("No OneDrive Business Shared Folders were returned"); addLogEntry(); } } // Shutdown API access sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance.shutdown(); // Free object and memory object.destroy(sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance); } // Query all the OneDrive Business Shared Objects to sync only Shared Files void queryBusinessSharedObjects() { JSONValue sharedWithMeItems; Item sharedFilesRootDirectoryDatabaseRecord; // Create a new API Instance for this thread and initialise it OneDriveApi sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance; sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance = new OneDriveApi(appConfig); sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance.initialise(); try { sharedWithMeItems = sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance.getSharedWithMe(); } catch (OneDriveException e) { // Add eventual API error handling here } // Valid JSON response if (sharedWithMeItems.type() == JSONType.object) { // Get the configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName DB item // We need this as we need to 'fake' create all the folders for the shared files // Then fake create the file entries for the database with the correct parent folder that is the local folder itemDB.selectByPath(baseName(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName), appConfig.defaultDriveId, sharedFilesRootDirectoryDatabaseRecord); // For each item returned, if a file, process it foreach (searchResult; sharedWithMeItems["value"].array) { // Shared Business Folders are added to the account using 'Add shortcut to My files' // We only care here about any remaining 'files' that are shared with the user if (isItemFile(searchResult)) { // Debug response output addLogEntry("getSharedWithMe Response Shared File JSON: " ~ to!string(searchResult), ["debug"]); // Make a DB item from this JSON Item sharedFileOriginalData = makeItem(searchResult); // Variables for each item string sharedByName; string sharedByEmail; string sharedByFolderName; string newLocalSharedFilePath; string newItemPath; Item sharedFilesPath; JSONValue fileToDownload; JSONValue detailsToUpdate; JSONValue latestOnlineDetails; // Configure 'who' this was shared by if ("sharedBy" in searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]) { // we have shared by details we can use if ("displayName" in searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]) { sharedByName = searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]["displayName"].str; } if ("email" in searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]) { sharedByEmail = searchResult["remoteItem"]["shared"]["sharedBy"]["user"]["email"].str; } } // Configure 'who' shared this, so that we can create the directory for that users shared files with us if ((sharedByName != "") && (sharedByEmail != "")) { sharedByFolderName = sharedByName ~ " (" ~ sharedByEmail ~ ")"; } else { if (sharedByName != "") { sharedByFolderName = sharedByName; } } // Create the local path to store this users shared files with us newLocalSharedFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(appConfig.configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName, sharedByFolderName)); // Does the Shared File Users Local Directory to store the shared file(s) exist? if (!exists(newLocalSharedFilePath)) { // Folder does not exist locally and needs to be created addLogEntry("Creating the OneDrive Business Shared File Users Local Directory: " ~ newLocalSharedFilePath); // Local folder does not exist, thus needs to be created mkdirRecurse(newLocalSharedFilePath); // As this will not be created online, generate a response so it can be saved to the database sharedFilesPath = makeItem(createFakeResponse(baseName(newLocalSharedFilePath))); // Update sharedFilesPath parent items to that of sharedFilesRootDirectoryDatabaseRecord sharedFilesPath.parentId = sharedFilesRootDirectoryDatabaseRecord.id; // Add DB record to the local database addLogEntry("Creating|Updating into local database a DB record for storing OneDrive Business Shared Files: " ~ to!string(sharedFilesPath), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(sharedFilesPath); } else { // Folder exists locally, is the folder in the database? // Query DB for this path Item dbRecord; if (!itemDB.selectByPath(baseName(newLocalSharedFilePath), appConfig.defaultDriveId, dbRecord)) { // As this will not be created online, generate a response so it can be saved to the database sharedFilesPath = makeItem(createFakeResponse(baseName(newLocalSharedFilePath))); // Update sharedFilesPath parent items to that of sharedFilesRootDirectoryDatabaseRecord sharedFilesPath.parentId = sharedFilesRootDirectoryDatabaseRecord.id; // Add DB record to the local database addLogEntry("Creating|Updating into local database a DB record for storing OneDrive Business Shared Files: " ~ to!string(sharedFilesPath), ["debug"]); itemDB.upsert(sharedFilesPath); } } // The file to download JSON details fileToDownload = searchResult; // Get the latest online details latestOnlineDetails = sharedWithMeOneDriveApiInstance.getPathDetailsById(sharedFileOriginalData.remoteDriveId, sharedFileOriginalData.remoteId); Item tempOnlineRecord = makeItem(latestOnlineDetails); // With the local folders created, now update 'fileToDownload' to download the file to our location: // "parentReference": { // "driveId": "", // "driveType": "business", // "id": "", // }, // The getSharedWithMe() JSON response also contains an API bug where the 'hash' of the file is not provided // Use the 'latestOnlineDetails' response to obtain the hash // "file": { // "hashes": { // "quickXorHash": "" // } // }, // // The getSharedWithMe() JSON response also contains an API bug where the 'size' of the file is not the actual size of the file // The getSharedWithMe() JSON response also contains an API bug where the 'eTag' of the file is not present // The getSharedWithMe() JSON response also contains an API bug where the 'lastModifiedDateTime' of the file is date when the file was shared, not the actual date last modified detailsToUpdate = [ "parentReference": JSONValue([ "driveId": JSONValue(appConfig.defaultDriveId), "driveType": JSONValue("business"), "id": JSONValue(sharedFilesPath.id) ]), "file": JSONValue([ "hashes":JSONValue([ "quickXorHash": JSONValue(tempOnlineRecord.quickXorHash) ]) ]), "eTag": JSONValue(tempOnlineRecord.eTag) ]; foreach (string key, JSONValue value; detailsToUpdate.object) { fileToDownload[key] = value; } // Update specific items // Update 'size' fileToDownload["size"] = to!int(tempOnlineRecord.size); fileToDownload["remoteItem"]["size"] = to!int(tempOnlineRecord.size); // Update 'lastModifiedDateTime' fileToDownload["lastModifiedDateTime"] = latestOnlineDetails["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str; fileToDownload["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"] = latestOnlineDetails["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str; fileToDownload["remoteItem"]["lastModifiedDateTime"] = latestOnlineDetails["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str; fileToDownload["remoteItem"]["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"] = latestOnlineDetails["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str; // Final JSON that will be used to download the file addLogEntry("Final fileToDownload: " ~ to!string(fileToDownload), ["debug"]); // Make the new DB item from the consolidated JSON item Item downloadSharedFileDbItem = makeItem(fileToDownload); // Calculate the full local path for this shared file newItemPath = computeItemPath(downloadSharedFileDbItem.driveId, downloadSharedFileDbItem.parentId) ~ "/" ~ downloadSharedFileDbItem.name; // Does this potential file exists on disk? if (!exists(newItemPath)) { // The shared file does not exists locally // Is this something we actually want? Check the JSON against Client Side Filtering Rules bool unwanted = checkJSONAgainstClientSideFiltering(fileToDownload); if (!unwanted) { // File has not been excluded via Client Side Filtering // Submit this shared file to be processed further for downloading applyPotentiallyNewLocalItem(downloadSharedFileDbItem, fileToDownload, newItemPath); } } else { // A file, in the desired local location already exists with the same name // Is this local file in sync? string itemSource = "remote"; if (!isItemSynced(downloadSharedFileDbItem, newItemPath, itemSource)) { // Not in sync .... Item existingDatabaseItem; bool existingDBEntry = itemDB.selectById(downloadSharedFileDbItem.driveId, downloadSharedFileDbItem.id, existingDatabaseItem); // Is there a DB entry? if (existingDBEntry) { // Existing DB entry // Need to be consistent here with how 'newItemPath' was calculated string existingItemPath = computeItemPath(existingDatabaseItem.driveId, existingDatabaseItem.parentId) ~ "/" ~ existingDatabaseItem.name; // Attempt to apply this changed item applyPotentiallyChangedItem(existingDatabaseItem, existingItemPath, downloadSharedFileDbItem, newItemPath, fileToDownload); } else { // File exists locally, it is not in sync, there is no record in the DB of this file // In case the renamed path is needed string renamedPath; // Rename the local file safeBackup(newItemPath, dryRun, renamedPath); // Submit this shared file to be processed further for downloading applyPotentiallyNewLocalItem(downloadSharedFileDbItem, fileToDownload, newItemPath); } } else { // Item is in sync, ensure the DB record is the same itemDB.upsert(downloadSharedFileDbItem); } } } } } } }