import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit; import core.memory, core.time, core.thread; import std.getopt, std.file, std.path, std.process, std.stdio, std.conv, std.algorithm.searching, std.string, std.regex; import config, itemdb, monitor, onedrive, selective, sync, util; import CurlException; import core.stdc.signal; import std.traits, std.format; import std.concurrency: receiveTimeout; static import log; OneDriveApi oneDrive; ItemDatabase itemDb; bool onedriveInitialised = false; const int EXIT_UNAUTHORIZED = 3; enum MONITOR_LOG_SILENT = 2; enum MONITOR_LOG_QUIET = 1; enum LOG_NORMAL = 0; int main(string[] args) { // Disable buffering on stdout stdout.setvbuf(0, _IONBF); // main function variables string confdirOption; string configFilePath; string syncListFilePath; string databaseFilePath; string businessSharedFolderFilePath; string currentConfigHash; string currentSyncListHash; string previousConfigHash; string previousSyncListHash; string configHashFile; string syncListHashFile; string configBackupFile; string syncDir; string logOutputMessage; string currentBusinessSharedFoldersHash; string previousBusinessSharedFoldersHash; string businessSharedFoldersHashFile; bool configOptionsDifferent = false; bool businessSharedFoldersDifferent = false; bool syncListConfigured = false; bool syncListDifferent = false; bool syncDirDifferent = false; bool skipFileDifferent = false; bool skipDirDifferent = false; bool online = false; bool performSyncOK = false; bool displayMemoryUsage = false; bool displaySyncOptions = false; // hash file permission values string hashPermissionValue = "600"; auto convertedPermissionValue = parse!long(hashPermissionValue, 8); // Define scopes scope(exit) { // Display memory details if (displayMemoryUsage) { log.displayMemoryUsagePreGC(); } // if initialised, shut down the HTTP instance if (onedriveInitialised) { oneDrive.shutdown(); } // was itemDb initialised? if (itemDb !is null) { // Make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db before we exit itemDb.performVacuum(); destroy(itemDb); } // free API instance if (oneDrive !is null) { destroy(oneDrive); } // Perform Garbage Cleanup GC.collect(); // Display memory details if (displayMemoryUsage) { log.displayMemoryUsagePostGC(); } } scope(failure) { // Display memory details if (displayMemoryUsage) { log.displayMemoryUsagePreGC(); } // if initialised, shut down the HTTP instance if (onedriveInitialised) { oneDrive.shutdown(); } // was itemDb initialised? if (itemDb !is null) { // Make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db before we exit itemDb.performVacuum(); destroy(itemDb); } // free API instance if (oneDrive !is null) { destroy(oneDrive); } // Perform Garbage Cleanup GC.collect(); // Display memory details if (displayMemoryUsage) { log.displayMemoryUsagePostGC(); } } // read in application options as passed in try { bool printVersion = false; auto opt = getopt( args, std.getopt.config.passThrough, std.getopt.config.bundling, std.getopt.config.caseSensitive, "confdir", "Set the directory used to store the configuration files", &confdirOption, "verbose|v+", "Print more details, useful for debugging (repeat for extra debugging)", &log.verbose, "version", "Print the version and exit", &printVersion ); // print help and exit if (opt.helpWanted) { args ~= "--help"; } // print the version and exit if (printVersion) { writeln("onedrive ", strip(import("version"))); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } catch (GetOptException e) { // option errors log.error(e.msg); log.error("Try 'onedrive --help' for more information"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (Exception e) { // generic error log.error(e.msg); log.error("Try 'onedrive --help' for more information"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // confdirOption must be a directory, not a file // - By default ~/.config/onedrive will be used // - If the user is using --confdir , the confdirOption needs to be evaluated when trying to load any file // load configuration file if available auto cfg = new config.Config(confdirOption); if (!cfg.initialize()) { // There was an error loading the configuration // Error message already printed return EXIT_FAILURE; } // How was this application started - what options were passed in log.vdebug("passed in options: ", args); log.vdebug("note --confdir and --verbose not listed in args"); // set memory display displayMemoryUsage = cfg.getValueBool("display_memory"); // set display sync options displaySyncOptions = cfg.getValueBool("display_sync_options"); // update configuration from command line args cfg.update_from_args(args); // --resync should be a 'last resort item' .. the user needs to 'accept' to proceed if ((cfg.getValueBool("resync")) && (!cfg.getValueBool("display_config"))) { // what is the risk acceptance? bool resyncRiskAcceptance = false; if (!cfg.getValueBool("resync_auth")) { // need to prompt user char response; // warning message writeln("\nThe use of --resync will remove your local 'onedrive' client state, thus no record will exist regarding your current 'sync status'"); writeln("This has the potential to overwrite local versions of files with potentially older versions downloaded from OneDrive which can lead to data loss"); writeln("If in-doubt, backup your local data first before proceeding with --resync"); write("\nAre you sure you wish to proceed with --resync? [Y/N] "); try { // Attempt to read user response readf(" %c\n", &response); } catch (std.format.FormatException e) { // Caught an error return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Evaluate user repsonse if ((to!string(response) == "y") || (to!string(response) == "Y")) { // User has accepted --resync risk to proceed resyncRiskAcceptance = true; // Are you sure you wish .. does not use writeln(); write("\n"); } } else { // resync_auth is true resyncRiskAcceptance = true; } // Action based on response if (!resyncRiskAcceptance){ // --resync risk not accepted return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Initialise normalised file paths configFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/config"); syncListFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/sync_list"); databaseFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/items.db"); businessSharedFolderFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/business_shared_folders"); // Has any of our configuration that would require a --resync been changed? // 1. sync_list file modification // 2. config file modification - but only if sync_dir, skip_dir, skip_file or drive_id was modified // 3. CLI input overriding configured config file option configHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/.config.hash"); syncListHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/.sync_list.hash"); configBackupFile = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/.config.backup"); businessSharedFoldersHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(cfg.configDirName ~ "/.business_shared_folders.hash"); // Does a config file exist with a valid hash file if ((exists(configFilePath)) && (!exists(configHashFile))) { // Hash of config file needs to be created std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(configFilePath)); // Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed configHashFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } // Does a sync_list file exist with a valid hash file if ((exists(syncListFilePath)) && (!exists(syncListHashFile))) { // Hash of sync_list file needs to be created std.file.write(syncListHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(syncListFilePath)); // Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed syncListHashFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } // check if business_shared_folders & business_shared_folders hash exists if ((exists(businessSharedFolderFilePath)) && (!exists(businessSharedFoldersHashFile))) { // Hash of business_shared_folders file needs to be created std.file.write(businessSharedFoldersHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(businessSharedFolderFilePath)); // Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed businessSharedFoldersHashFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } // If hash files exist, but config files do not ... remove the hash, but only if --resync was issued as now the application will use 'defaults' which 'may' be different if ((!exists(configFilePath)) && (exists(configHashFile))) { // if --resync safe remove config.hash and config.backup if (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) { safeRemove(configHashFile); safeRemove(configBackupFile); } } // If sync_list hash file exists, but sync_list file does not ... remove the hash, but only if --resync was issued as now the application will use 'defaults' which 'may' be different if ((!exists(syncListFilePath)) && (exists(syncListHashFile))) { // if --resync safe remove sync_list.hash if (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) safeRemove(syncListHashFile); } if ((!exists(businessSharedFolderFilePath)) && (exists(businessSharedFoldersHashFile))) { // if --resync safe remove business_shared_folders.hash if (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) safeRemove(businessSharedFoldersHashFile); } // Read config hashes if they exist if (exists(configFilePath)) currentConfigHash = computeQuickXorHash(configFilePath); if (exists(syncListFilePath)) currentSyncListHash = computeQuickXorHash(syncListFilePath); if (exists(businessSharedFolderFilePath)) currentBusinessSharedFoldersHash = computeQuickXorHash(businessSharedFolderFilePath); if (exists(configHashFile)) { try { previousConfigHash = readText(configHashFile); } catch (std.file.FileException e) { // Unable to access required file log.error("ERROR: Unable to access ", e.msg); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (exists(syncListHashFile)) { try { previousSyncListHash = readText(syncListHashFile); } catch (std.file.FileException e) { // Unable to access required file log.error("ERROR: Unable to access ", e.msg); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (exists(businessSharedFoldersHashFile)) { try { previousBusinessSharedFoldersHash = readText(businessSharedFoldersHashFile); } catch (std.file.FileException e) { // Unable to access required file log.error("ERROR: Unable to access ", e.msg); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Was sync_list file updated? if (currentSyncListHash != previousSyncListHash) { // Debugging output to assist what changed log.vdebug("sync_list file has been updated, --resync needed"); syncListDifferent = true; } // Was business_shared_folders updated? if (currentBusinessSharedFoldersHash != previousBusinessSharedFoldersHash) { // Debugging output to assist what changed log.vdebug("business_shared_folders file has been updated, --resync needed"); businessSharedFoldersDifferent = true; } // Was config file updated between last execution ang this execution? if (currentConfigHash != previousConfigHash) { // config file was updated, however we only want to trigger a --resync requirement if sync_dir, skip_dir, skip_file or drive_id was modified if (!cfg.getValueBool("display_config")){ // only print this message if we are not using --display-config log.log("config file has been updated, checking if --resync needed"); } if (exists(configBackupFile)) { // check backup config what has changed for these configuration options if anything // # sync_dir = "~/OneDrive" // # skip_file = "~*|.~*|*.tmp" // # skip_dir = "" // # drive_id = "" string[string] stringValues; stringValues["sync_dir"] = ""; stringValues["skip_file"] = ""; stringValues["skip_dir"] = ""; stringValues["drive_id"] = ""; auto configBackupFileHandle = File(configBackupFile, "r"); string lineBuffer; auto range = configBackupFileHandle.byLine(); // read configBackupFile line by line foreach (line; range) { lineBuffer = stripLeft(line).to!string; if (lineBuffer.length == 0 || lineBuffer[0] == ';' || lineBuffer[0] == '#') continue; auto c = lineBuffer.matchFirst(cfg.configRegex); if (!c.empty) { c.popFront(); // skip the whole match string key = c.front.dup; auto p = key in stringValues; if (p) { c.popFront(); // compare this key if ((key == "sync_dir") && (c.front.dup != cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"))) { log.vdebug(key, " was modified since the last time the application was successfully run, --resync needed"); configOptionsDifferent = true; } if ((key == "skip_file") && (c.front.dup != cfg.getValueString("skip_file"))){ log.vdebug(key, " was modified since the last time the application was successfully run, --resync needed"); configOptionsDifferent = true; } if ((key == "skip_dir") && (c.front.dup != cfg.getValueString("skip_dir"))){ log.vdebug(key, " was modified since the last time the application was successfully run, --resync needed"); configOptionsDifferent = true; } if ((key == "drive_id") && (c.front.dup != cfg.getValueString("drive_id"))){ log.vdebug(key, " was modified since the last time the application was successfully run, --resync needed"); configOptionsDifferent = true; } } } } // close file if open if (configBackupFileHandle.isOpen()){ // close open file configBackupFileHandle.close(); } } else { // no backup to check log.vdebug("WARNING: no backup config file was found, unable to validate if any changes made"); } // If there was a backup, any modified values we need to worry about would been detected if (!cfg.getValueBool("display_config")) { // we are not testing the configuration if (!configOptionsDifferent) { // no options are different if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { // we are not in a dry-run scenario // update config hash log.vdebug("updating config hash as it is out of date"); std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(configFilePath)); // Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed configHashFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); // create backup copy of current config file log.vdebug("making backup of config file as it is out of date"); std.file.copy(configFilePath, configBackupFile); // File Copy should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed configBackupFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } } } } // Is there a backup of the config file if the config file exists? if ((exists(configFilePath)) && (!exists(configBackupFile))) { // create backup copy of current config file std.file.copy(configFilePath, configBackupFile); // File Copy should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed configBackupFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } // config file set options can be changed via CLI input, specifically these will impact sync and --resync will be needed: // --syncdir ARG // --skip-file ARG // --skip-dir ARG if (exists(configFilePath)) { // config file exists // was the sync_dir updated by CLI? if (cfg.configFileSyncDir != "") { // sync_dir was set in config file if (cfg.configFileSyncDir != cfg.getValueString("sync_dir")) { // config file was set and CLI input changed this log.vdebug("sync_dir: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed"); syncDirDifferent = true; } } // was the skip_file updated by CLI? if (cfg.configFileSkipFile != "") { // skip_file was set in config file if (cfg.configFileSkipFile != cfg.getValueString("skip_file")) { // config file was set and CLI input changed this log.vdebug("skip_file: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed"); skipFileDifferent = true; } } // was the skip_dir updated by CLI? if (cfg.configFileSkipDir != "") { // skip_dir was set in config file if (cfg.configFileSkipDir != cfg.getValueString("skip_dir")) { // config file was set and CLI input changed this log.vdebug("skip_dir: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed"); skipDirDifferent = true; } } } // Has anything triggered a --resync requirement? if (configOptionsDifferent || syncListDifferent || syncDirDifferent || skipFileDifferent || skipDirDifferent || businessSharedFoldersDifferent) { // --resync needed, is the user just testing configuration changes? if (!cfg.getValueBool("display_config")){ // not testing configuration changes if (!cfg.getValueBool("resync")) { // --resync not issued, fail fast log.error("An application configuration change has been detected where a --resync is required"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { // --resync issued, update hashes of config files if they exist if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { // not doing a dry run, update hash files if config & sync_list exist if (exists(configFilePath)) { // update hash log.vdebug("updating config hash as --resync issued"); std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(configFilePath)); // Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed configHashFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); // create backup copy of current config file log.vdebug("making backup of config file as --resync issued"); std.file.copy(configFilePath, configBackupFile); // File copy should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed configBackupFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } if (exists(syncListFilePath)) { // update sync_list hash log.vdebug("updating sync_list hash as --resync issued"); std.file.write(syncListHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(syncListFilePath)); // Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed syncListHashFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } if (exists(businessSharedFolderFilePath)) { // update business_shared_folders hash log.vdebug("updating business_shared_folders hash as --resync issued"); std.file.write(businessSharedFoldersHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(businessSharedFolderFilePath)); // Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed businessSharedFoldersHashFile.setAttributes(to!int(convertedPermissionValue)); } } } } } // dry-run notification and database setup if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { log.log("DRY-RUN Configured. Output below shows what 'would' have occurred."); string dryRunShmFile = cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun ~ "-shm"; string dryRunWalFile = cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun ~ "-wal"; // If the dry run database exists, clean this up if (exists(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun)) { // remove the existing file log.vdebug("Removing items-dryrun.sqlite3 as it still exists for some reason"); safeRemove(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun); } // silent cleanup of shm and wal files if they exist if (exists(dryRunShmFile)) { // remove items-dryrun.sqlite3-shm safeRemove(dryRunShmFile); } if (exists(dryRunWalFile)) { // remove items-dryrun.sqlite3-wal safeRemove(dryRunWalFile); } // Make a copy of the original items.sqlite3 for use as the dry run copy if it exists if (exists(cfg.databaseFilePath)) { // in a --dry-run --resync scenario, we should not copy the existing database file if (!cfg.getValueBool("resync")) { // copy the existing DB file to the dry-run copy log.vdebug("Copying items.sqlite3 to items-dryrun.sqlite3 to use for dry run operations"); copy(cfg.databaseFilePath,cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun); } else { // no database copy due to --resync log.vdebug("No database copy created for --dry-run due to --resync also being used"); } } } // sync_dir environment handling to handle ~ expansion properly bool shellEnvSet = false; if ((environment.get("SHELL") == "") && (environment.get("USER") == "")){ log.vdebug("sync_dir: No SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected"); // No shell or user set, so expandTilde() will fail - usually headless system running under init.d / systemd or potentially Docker // Does the 'currently configured' sync_dir include a ~ if (canFind(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"), "~")) { // A ~ was found in sync_dir log.vdebug("sync_dir: A '~' was found in sync_dir, using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~' as no SHELL or USER environment variable set"); syncDir = cfg.homePath ~ strip(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"), "~"); } else { // No ~ found in sync_dir, use as is log.vdebug("sync_dir: Getting syncDir from config value sync_dir"); syncDir = cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"); } } else { // A shell and user is set, expand any ~ as this will be expanded correctly if present shellEnvSet = true; log.vdebug("sync_dir: Getting syncDir from config value sync_dir"); if (canFind(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"), "~")) { log.vdebug("sync_dir: A '~' was found in configured sync_dir, automatically expanding as SHELL and USER environment variable is set"); syncDir = expandTilde(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir")); } else { syncDir = cfg.getValueString("sync_dir"); } } // vdebug syncDir as set and calculated log.vdebug("syncDir: ", syncDir); // Configure the logging directory if different from application default // log_dir environment handling to handle ~ expansion properly string logDir = cfg.getValueString("log_dir"); if (logDir != cfg.defaultLogFileDir) { // user modified log_dir entry // if 'log_dir' contains a '~' this needs to be expanded correctly if (canFind(cfg.getValueString("log_dir"), "~")) { // ~ needs to be expanded correctly if (!shellEnvSet) { // No shell or user set, so expandTilde() will fail - usually headless system running under init.d / systemd or potentially Docker log.vdebug("log_dir: A '~' was found in log_dir, using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~' as no SHELL or USER environment variable set"); logDir = cfg.homePath ~ strip(cfg.getValueString("log_dir"), "~"); } else { // A shell and user is set, expand any ~ as this will be expanded correctly if present log.vdebug("log_dir: A '~' was found in log_dir, using SHELL or USER environment variable to expand '~'"); logDir = expandTilde(cfg.getValueString("log_dir")); } } else { // '~' not found in log_dir entry, use as is logDir = cfg.getValueString("log_dir"); } // update log_dir with normalised path, with '~' expanded correctly cfg.setValueString("log_dir", logDir); } // Configure logging only if enabled if (cfg.getValueBool("enable_logging")){ // Initialise using the configured logging directory log.vlog("Using logfile dir: ", logDir); log.init(logDir); } // Configure whether notifications are used log.setNotifications(cfg.getValueBool("monitor") && !cfg.getValueBool("disable_notifications")); // Application upgrades - skilion version etc if (exists(databaseFilePath)) { if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { safeRemove(databaseFilePath); } log.logAndNotify("Database schema changed, resync needed"); cfg.setValueBool("resync", true); } // Handle --logout as separate item, do not 'resync' on a --logout if (cfg.getValueBool("logout")) { log.vdebug("--logout requested"); log.log("Deleting the saved authentication status ..."); if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { safeRemove(cfg.refreshTokenFilePath); } // Exit return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Handle --reauth to re-authenticate the client if (cfg.getValueBool("reauth")) { log.vdebug("--reauth requested"); log.log("Deleting the saved authentication status ... re-authentication requested"); if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { safeRemove(cfg.refreshTokenFilePath); } } // Display current application configuration, no application initialisation if (cfg.getValueBool("display_config")){ // Display application version writeln("onedrive version = ", strip(import("version"))); // Display all of the pertinent configuration options writeln("Config path = ", cfg.configDirName); // Does a config file exist or are we using application defaults writeln("Config file found in config path = ", exists(configFilePath)); // Is config option drive_id configured? if (cfg.getValueString("drive_id") != ""){ writeln("Config option 'drive_id' = ", cfg.getValueString("drive_id")); } // Config Options as per 'config' file writeln("Config option 'sync_dir' = ", syncDir); // logging and notifications writeln("Config option 'enable_logging' = ", cfg.getValueBool("enable_logging")); writeln("Config option 'log_dir' = ", cfg.getValueString("log_dir")); writeln("Config option 'disable_notifications' = ", cfg.getValueBool("disable_notifications")); writeln("Config option 'min_notify_changes' = ", cfg.getValueLong("min_notify_changes")); // skip files and directory and 'matching' policy writeln("Config option 'skip_dir' = ", cfg.getValueString("skip_dir")); writeln("Config option 'skip_dir_strict_match' = ", cfg.getValueBool("skip_dir_strict_match")); writeln("Config option 'skip_file' = ", cfg.getValueString("skip_file")); writeln("Config option 'skip_dotfiles' = ", cfg.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")); writeln("Config option 'skip_symlinks' = ", cfg.getValueBool("skip_symlinks")); // --monitor sync process options writeln("Config option 'monitor_interval' = ", cfg.getValueLong("monitor_interval")); writeln("Config option 'monitor_log_frequency' = ", cfg.getValueLong("monitor_log_frequency")); writeln("Config option 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' = ", cfg.getValueLong("monitor_fullscan_frequency")); // sync process and method writeln("Config option 'dry_run' = ", cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")); writeln("Config option 'upload_only' = ", cfg.getValueBool("upload_only")); writeln("Config option 'download_only' = ", cfg.getValueBool("download_only")); writeln("Config option 'local_first' = ", cfg.getValueBool("local_first")); writeln("Config option 'check_nosync' = ", cfg.getValueBool("check_nosync")); writeln("Config option 'check_nomount' = ", cfg.getValueBool("check_nomount")); writeln("Config option 'resync' = ", cfg.getValueBool("resync")); writeln("Config option 'resync_auth' = ", cfg.getValueBool("resync_auth")); // data integrity writeln("Config option 'classify_as_big_delete' = ", cfg.getValueLong("classify_as_big_delete")); writeln("Config option 'disable_upload_validation' = ", cfg.getValueBool("disable_upload_validation")); writeln("Config option 'bypass_data_preservation' = ", cfg.getValueBool("bypass_data_preservation")); writeln("Config option 'no_remote_delete' = ", cfg.getValueBool("no_remote_delete")); writeln("Config option 'remove_source_files' = ", cfg.getValueBool("remove_source_files")); writeln("Config option 'sync_dir_permissions' = ", cfg.getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions")); writeln("Config option 'sync_file_permissions' = ", cfg.getValueLong("sync_file_permissions")); writeln("Config option 'space_reservation' = ", cfg.getValueLong("space_reservation")); // curl operations writeln("Config option 'application_id' = ", cfg.getValueString("application_id")); writeln("Config option 'azure_ad_endpoint' = ", cfg.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint")); writeln("Config option 'azure_tenant_id' = ", cfg.getValueString("azure_tenant_id")); writeln("Config option 'user_agent' = ", cfg.getValueString("user_agent")); writeln("Config option 'force_http_11' = ", cfg.getValueBool("force_http_11")); writeln("Config option 'debug_https' = ", cfg.getValueBool("debug_https")); writeln("Config option 'rate_limit' = ", cfg.getValueLong("rate_limit")); writeln("Config option 'operation_timeout' = ", cfg.getValueLong("operation_timeout")); // Is sync_list configured ? writeln("Config option 'sync_root_files' = ", cfg.getValueBool("sync_root_files")); if (exists(syncListFilePath)){ writeln("Selective sync 'sync_list' configured = true"); writeln("sync_list contents:"); // Output the sync_list contents auto syncListFile = File(syncListFilePath, "r"); auto range = syncListFile.byLine(); foreach (line; range) { writeln(line); } } else { writeln("Selective sync 'sync_list' configured = false"); } // Is business_shared_folders enabled and configured ? writeln("Config option 'sync_business_shared_folders' = ", cfg.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_folders")); if (exists(businessSharedFolderFilePath)){ writeln("Business Shared Folders configured = true"); writeln("business_shared_folders contents:"); // Output the business_shared_folders contents auto businessSharedFolderFileList = File(businessSharedFolderFilePath, "r"); auto range = businessSharedFolderFileList.byLine(); foreach (line; range) { writeln(line); } } else { writeln("Business Shared Folders configured = false"); } // Are webhooks enabled? writeln("Config option 'webhook_enabled' = ", cfg.getValueBool("webhook_enabled")); if (cfg.getValueBool("webhook_enabled")) { writeln("Config option 'webhook_public_url' = ", cfg.getValueString("webhook_public_url")); writeln("Config option 'webhook_listening_host' = ", cfg.getValueString("webhook_listening_host")); writeln("Config option 'webhook_listening_port' = ", cfg.getValueLong("webhook_listening_port")); writeln("Config option 'webhook_expiration_interval' = ", cfg.getValueLong("webhook_expiration_interval")); writeln("Config option 'webhook_renewal_interval' = ", cfg.getValueLong("webhook_renewal_interval")); } // Exit return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // --upload-only and --download-only are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together if ((cfg.getValueBool("upload_only")) && (cfg.getValueBool("download_only"))) { // both cannot be true at the same time writeln("ERROR: --upload-only and --download-only are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Handle --resync to remove local files if (cfg.getValueBool("resync")) { log.vdebug("--resync requested"); log.log("Deleting the saved application sync status ..."); if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { safeRemove(cfg.databaseFilePath); safeRemove(cfg.deltaLinkFilePath); safeRemove(cfg.uploadStateFilePath); } } // Test if OneDrive service can be reached, exit if it cant be reached log.vdebug("Testing network to ensure network connectivity to Microsoft OneDrive Service"); online = testNetwork(); if (!online) { // Cant initialise the API as we are not online if (!cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) { // Running as --synchronize log.error("Unable to reach Microsoft OneDrive API service, unable to initialize application\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { // Running as --monitor log.error("Unable to reach Microsoft OneDrive API service at this point in time, re-trying network tests\n"); // re-try network connection to OneDrive // // Back off & retry with incremental delay int retryCount = 10000; int retryAttempts = 1; int backoffInterval = 1; int maxBackoffInterval = 3600; bool retrySuccess = false; while (!retrySuccess){ // retry to access OneDrive API backoffInterval++; int thisBackOffInterval = retryAttempts*backoffInterval; log.vdebug(" Retry Attempt: ", retryAttempts); if (thisBackOffInterval <= maxBackoffInterval) { log.vdebug(" Retry In (seconds): ", thisBackOffInterval); Thread.sleep(dur!"seconds"(thisBackOffInterval)); } else { log.vdebug(" Retry In (seconds): ", maxBackoffInterval); Thread.sleep(dur!"seconds"(maxBackoffInterval)); } // perform the re-rty online = testNetwork(); if (online) { // We are now online log.log("Internet connectivity to Microsoft OneDrive service has been restored"); retrySuccess = true; } else { // We are still offline if (retryAttempts == retryCount) { // we have attempted to re-connect X number of times // false set this to true to break out of while loop retrySuccess = true; } } // Increment & loop around retryAttempts++; } if (!online) { // Not online after 1.2 years of trying log.error("ERROR: Was unable to reconnect to the Microsoft OneDrive service after 10000 attempts lasting over 1.2 years!"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } // Check application version and Initialize OneDrive API, check for authorization if (online) { // Check Application Version log.vlog("Checking Application Version ..."); checkApplicationVersion(); // we can only initialise if we are online log.vlog("Initializing the OneDrive API ..."); oneDrive = new OneDriveApi(cfg); onedriveInitialised = oneDrive.init(); oneDrive.printAccessToken = cfg.getValueBool("print_token"); } if (!onedriveInitialised) { log.error("Could not initialize the OneDrive API"); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_UNAUTHORIZED; } // if --synchronize or --monitor not passed in, configure the flag to display help & exit if (cfg.getValueBool("synchronize") || cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) { performSyncOK = true; } // create-directory, remove-directory, source-directory, destination-directory // these are activities that dont perform a sync, so to not generate an error message for these items either if (((cfg.getValueString("create_directory") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("remove_directory") != "")) || ((cfg.getValueString("source_directory") != "") && (cfg.getValueString("destination_directory") != "")) || (cfg.getValueString("get_file_link") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("modified_by") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("create_share_link") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("get_o365_drive_id") != "") || cfg.getValueBool("display_sync_status") || cfg.getValueBool("list_business_shared_folders")) { performSyncOK = true; } // Were acceptable sync operations provided? Was --synchronize or --monitor passed in if (!performSyncOK) { // was the application just authorised? if (cfg.applicationAuthorizeResponseUri) { // Application was just authorised if (exists(cfg.refreshTokenFilePath)) { // OneDrive refresh token exists log.log("\nApplication has been successfully authorised, however no additional command switches were provided.\n"); log.log("Please use 'onedrive --help' for further assistance in regards to running this application.\n"); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { // we just authorised, but refresh_token does not exist .. probably an auth error log.log("\nApplication has not been successfully authorised. Please check your URI response entry and try again.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { // Application was not just authorised log.log("\n--synchronize or --monitor switches missing from your command line input. Please add one (not both) of these switches to your command line or use 'onedrive --help' for further assistance.\n"); log.log("No OneDrive sync will be performed without one of these two arguments being present.\n"); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // if --synchronize && --monitor passed in, exit & display help as these conflict with each other if (cfg.getValueBool("synchronize") && cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) { writeln("\nERROR: --synchronize and --monitor cannot be used together\n"); writeln("Please use 'onedrive --help' for further assistance in regards to running this application.\n"); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Initialize the item database log.vlog("Opening the item database ..."); if (!cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { // Load the items.sqlite3 file as the database log.vdebug("Using database file: ", asNormalizedPath(cfg.databaseFilePath)); itemDb = new ItemDatabase(cfg.databaseFilePath); } else { // Load the items-dryrun.sqlite3 file as the database log.vdebug("Using database file: ", asNormalizedPath(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun)); itemDb = new ItemDatabase(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun); } // What are the permission that have been set for the application? // These are relevant for: // - The ~/OneDrive parent folder or 'sync_dir' configured item // - Any new folder created under ~/OneDrive or 'sync_dir' // - Any new file created under ~/OneDrive or 'sync_dir' // valid permissions are 000 -> 777 - anything else is invalid if ((cfg.getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions") < 0) || (cfg.getValueLong("sync_file_permissions") < 0) || (cfg.getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions") > 777) || (cfg.getValueLong("sync_file_permissions") > 777)) { log.error("ERROR: Invalid 'User|Group|Other' permissions set within config file. Please check."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { // debug log output what permissions are being set to log.vdebug("Configuring default new folder permissions as: ", cfg.getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions")); cfg.configureRequiredDirectoryPermisions(); log.vdebug("Configuring default new file permissions as: ", cfg.getValueLong("sync_file_permissions")); cfg.configureRequiredFilePermisions(); } // configure the sync direcory based on syncDir config option log.vlog("All operations will be performed in: ", syncDir); if (!exists(syncDir)) { log.vdebug("syncDir: Configured syncDir is missing. Creating: ", syncDir); try { // Attempt to create the sync dir we have been configured with mkdirRecurse(syncDir); // Configure the applicable permissions for the folder log.vdebug("Setting directory permissions for: ", syncDir); syncDir.setAttributes(cfg.returnRequiredDirectoryPermisions()); } catch (std.file.FileException e) { // Creating the sync directory failed log.error("ERROR: Unable to create local OneDrive syncDir - ", e.msg); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Change the working directory to the 'sync_dir' configured item chdir(syncDir); // Configure selective sync by parsing and getting a regex for skip_file config component auto selectiveSync = new SelectiveSync(); // load sync_list if it exists if (exists(syncListFilePath)){ log.vdebug("Loading user configured sync_list file ..."); syncListConfigured = true; // list what will be synced auto syncListFile = File(syncListFilePath, "r"); auto range = syncListFile.byLine(); foreach (line; range) { log.vdebug("sync_list: ", line); } // close syncListFile if open if (syncListFile.isOpen()){ // close open file syncListFile.close(); } } selectiveSync.load(syncListFilePath); // load business_shared_folders if it exists if (exists(businessSharedFolderFilePath)){ log.vdebug("Loading user configured business_shared_folders file ..."); // list what will be synced auto businessSharedFolderFileList = File(businessSharedFolderFilePath, "r"); auto range = businessSharedFolderFileList.byLine(); foreach (line; range) { log.vdebug("business_shared_folders: ", line); } } selectiveSync.loadSharedFolders(businessSharedFolderFilePath); // Configure skip_dir, skip_file, skip-dir-strict-match & skip_dotfiles from config entries // Handle skip_dir configuration in config file log.vdebug("Configuring skip_dir ..."); log.vdebug("skip_dir: ", cfg.getValueString("skip_dir")); selectiveSync.setDirMask(cfg.getValueString("skip_dir")); // Was --skip-dir-strict-match configured? log.vdebug("Configuring skip_dir_strict_match ..."); log.vdebug("skip_dir_strict_match: ", cfg.getValueBool("skip_dir_strict_match")); if (cfg.getValueBool("skip_dir_strict_match")) { selectiveSync.setSkipDirStrictMatch(); } // Was --skip-dot-files configured? log.vdebug("Configuring skip_dotfiles ..."); log.vdebug("skip_dotfiles: ", cfg.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")); if (cfg.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")) { selectiveSync.setSkipDotfiles(); } // Handle skip_file configuration in config file log.vdebug("Configuring skip_file ..."); // Validate skip_file to ensure that this does not contain an invalid configuration // Do not use a skip_file entry of .* as this will prevent correct searching of local changes to process. foreach(entry; cfg.getValueString("skip_file").split("|")){ if (entry == ".*") { // invalid entry element detected log.logAndNotify("ERROR: Invalid skip_file entry '.*' detected"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // All skip_file entries are valid log.vdebug("skip_file: ", cfg.getValueString("skip_file")); selectiveSync.setFileMask(cfg.getValueString("skip_file")); // Implement // Force a synchronization of a specific folder, only when using --synchronize --single-directory and ignoring all non-default skip_dir and skip_file rules if ((cfg.getValueBool("synchronize")) && (cfg.getValueString("single_directory") != "") && (cfg.getValueBool("force_sync"))) { log.log("\nWARNING: Overriding application configuration to use application defaults for skip_dir and skip_file due to --synchronize --single-directory --force-sync being used"); // performing this action could have undesirable effects .. the user must accept this risk // what is the risk acceptance? bool resyncRiskAcceptance = false; // need to prompt user char response; // warning message writeln("\nThe use of --force-sync will reconfigure the application to use defaults. This may have untold and unknown future impacts."); writeln("By proceeding in using this option you accept any impacts including any data loss that may occur as a result of using --force-sync."); write("\nAre you sure you wish to proceed with --force-sync [Y/N] "); try { // Attempt to read user response readf(" %c\n", &response); } catch (std.format.FormatException e) { // Caught an error return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Evaluate user repsonse if ((to!string(response) == "y") || (to!string(response) == "Y")) { // User has accepted --force-sync risk to proceed resyncRiskAcceptance = true; // Are you sure you wish .. does not use writeln(); write("\n"); } // Action based on response if (!resyncRiskAcceptance){ // --force-sync not accepted return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { // --force-sync risk accepted // reset set config using function to use application defaults cfg.resetSkipToDefaults(); // update sync engine regex with reset defaults selectiveSync.setDirMask(cfg.getValueString("skip_dir")); selectiveSync.setFileMask(cfg.getValueString("skip_file")); } } // Initialize the sync engine auto sync = new SyncEngine(cfg, oneDrive, itemDb, selectiveSync); try { if (!initSyncEngine(sync)) { // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { if ((cfg.getValueString("get_file_link") == "") && (cfg.getValueString("create_share_link") == "")) { // Print out that we are initializing the engine only if we are not grabbing the file link or creating a shareable link log.logAndNotify("Initializing the Synchronization Engine ..."); } } } catch (CurlException e) { if (!cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) { log.log("\nNo Internet connection."); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // if sync list is configured, set to true now that the sync engine is initialised if (syncListConfigured) { sync.setSyncListConfigured(); } // Do we need to configure specific --upload-only options? if (cfg.getValueBool("upload_only")) { // --upload-only was passed in or configured log.vdebug("Configuring uploadOnly flag to TRUE as --upload-only passed in or configured"); sync.setUploadOnly(); // was --no-remote-delete passed in or configured if (cfg.getValueBool("no_remote_delete")) { // Configure the noRemoteDelete flag log.vdebug("Configuring noRemoteDelete flag to TRUE as --no-remote-delete passed in or configured"); sync.setNoRemoteDelete(); } // was --remove-source-files passed in or configured if (cfg.getValueBool("remove_source_files")) { // Configure the localDeleteAfterUpload flag log.vdebug("Configuring localDeleteAfterUpload flag to TRUE as --remove-source-files passed in or configured"); sync.setLocalDeleteAfterUpload(); } } // Do we configure to disable the upload validation routine if (cfg.getValueBool("disable_upload_validation")) sync.setDisableUploadValidation(); // Do we configure to disable the download validation routine if (cfg.getValueBool("disable_download_validation")) sync.setDisableDownloadValidation(); // Has the user enabled to bypass data preservation of renaming local files when there is a conflict? if (cfg.getValueBool("bypass_data_preservation")) { log.log("WARNING: Application has been configured to bypass local data preservation in the event of file conflict."); log.log("WARNING: Local data loss MAY occur in this scenario."); sync.setBypassDataPreservation(); } // Are we configured to use a National Cloud Deployment if (cfg.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") != "") { // value is configured, is it a valid value? if ((cfg.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "USL4") || (cfg.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "USL5") || (cfg.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "DE") || (cfg.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint") == "CN")) { // valid entries to flag we are using a National Cloud Deployment // National Cloud Deployments do not support /delta as a query // // Flag that we have a valid National Cloud Deployment that cannot use /delta queries sync.setNationalCloudDeployment(); } } // Are we forcing to use /children scan instead of /delta to simulate National Cloud Deployment use of /children? if (cfg.getValueBool("force_children_scan")) { log.vdebug("Forcing client to use /children scan rather than /delta to simulate National Cloud Deployment use of /children"); sync.setNationalCloudDeployment(); } // Do we need to validate the syncDir to check for the presence of a '.nosync' file if (cfg.getValueBool("check_nomount")) { // we were asked to check the mounts if (exists(syncDir ~ "/.nosync")) { log.logAndNotify("ERROR: .nosync file found. Aborting synchronization process to safeguard data."); // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } } // Do we need to create or remove a directory? if ((cfg.getValueString("create_directory") != "") || (cfg.getValueString("remove_directory") != "")) { if (cfg.getValueString("create_directory") != "") { // create a directory on OneDrive sync.createDirectoryNoSync(cfg.getValueString("create_directory")); } if (cfg.getValueString("remove_directory") != "") { // remove a directory on OneDrive sync.deleteDirectoryNoSync(cfg.getValueString("remove_directory")); } } // Are we renaming or moving a directory? if ((cfg.getValueString("source_directory") != "") && (cfg.getValueString("destination_directory") != "")) { // We are renaming or moving a directory sync.renameDirectoryNoSync(cfg.getValueString("source_directory"), cfg.getValueString("destination_directory")); } // Are we obtaining the Office 365 Drive ID for a given Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library? if (cfg.getValueString("get_o365_drive_id") != "") { sync.querySiteCollectionForDriveID(cfg.getValueString("get_o365_drive_id")); // Exit application // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Are we createing an anonymous read-only shareable link for an existing file on OneDrive? if (cfg.getValueString("create_share_link") != "") { // Query OneDrive for the file, and if valid, create a shareable link for the file sync.createShareableLinkForFile(cfg.getValueString("create_share_link")); // Exit application // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // --get-file-link - Are we obtaining the URL path for a synced file? if (cfg.getValueString("get_file_link") != "") { // Query OneDrive for the file link sync.queryOneDriveForFileDetails(cfg.getValueString("get_file_link"), syncDir, "URL"); // Exit application // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // --modified-by - Are we listing the modified-by details of a provided path? if (cfg.getValueString("modified_by") != "") { // Query OneDrive for the file link sync.queryOneDriveForFileDetails(cfg.getValueString("modified_by"), syncDir, "ModifiedBy"); // Exit application // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Are we listing OneDrive Business Shared Folders if (cfg.getValueBool("list_business_shared_folders")) { // Is this a business account type? if (sync.getAccountType() == "business"){ // List OneDrive Business Shared Folders sync.listOneDriveBusinessSharedFolders(); } else { log.error("ERROR: Unsupported account type for listing OneDrive Business Shared Folders"); } // Exit application // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Are we going to sync OneDrive Business Shared Folders if (cfg.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_folders")) { // Is this a business account type? if (sync.getAccountType() == "business"){ // Configure flag to sync business folders sync.setSyncBusinessFolders(); } else { log.error("ERROR: Unsupported account type for syncing OneDrive Business Shared Folders"); } } // Are we displaying the sync status of the client? if (cfg.getValueBool("display_sync_status")) { string remotePath = "/"; // Are we doing a single directory check? if (cfg.getValueString("single_directory") != ""){ // Need two different path strings here remotePath = cfg.getValueString("single_directory"); } sync.queryDriveForChanges(remotePath); } // Are we performing a sync, or monitor operation? if ((cfg.getValueBool("synchronize")) || (cfg.getValueBool("monitor"))) { // Initialise the monitor class, so that we can do more granular inotify handling when performing the actual sync // needed for --synchronize and --monitor handling Monitor m = new Monitor(selectiveSync); if (cfg.getValueBool("synchronize")) { if (online) { // Check user entry for local path - the above chdir means we are already in ~/OneDrive/ thus singleDirectory is local to this path if (cfg.getValueString("single_directory") != "") { // Does the directory we want to sync actually exist? if (!exists(cfg.getValueString("single_directory"))) { // The requested path to use with --single-directory does not exist locally within the configured 'sync_dir' log.logAndNotify("WARNING: The requested path for --single-directory does not exist locally. Creating requested path within ", syncDir); // Make the required --single-directory path locally string singleDirectoryPath = cfg.getValueString("single_directory"); mkdirRecurse(singleDirectoryPath); // Configure the applicable permissions for the folder log.vdebug("Setting directory permissions for: ", singleDirectoryPath); singleDirectoryPath.setAttributes(cfg.returnRequiredDirectoryPermisions()); } } // perform a --synchronize sync // fullScanRequired = false, for final true-up // but if we have sync_list configured, use syncListConfigured which = true performSync(sync, cfg.getValueString("single_directory"), cfg.getValueBool("download_only"), cfg.getValueBool("local_first"), cfg.getValueBool("upload_only"), LOG_NORMAL, false, syncListConfigured, displaySyncOptions, cfg.getValueBool("monitor"), m); // Write WAL and SHM data to file for this sync log.vdebug("Merge contents of WAL and SHM files into main database file"); itemDb.performVacuum(); } } if (cfg.getValueBool("monitor")) { log.logAndNotify("Initializing monitor ..."); log.log("OneDrive monitor interval (seconds): ", cfg.getValueLong("monitor_interval")); m.onDirCreated = delegate(string path) { // Handle .folder creation if skip_dotfiles is enabled if ((cfg.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")) && (selectiveSync.isDotFile(path))) { log.vlog("[M] Skipping watching local path - .folder found & --skip-dot-files enabled: ", path); } else { log.vlog("[M] Local directory created: ", path); try { sync.scanForDifferences(path); } catch (CurlException e) { log.vlog("Offline, cannot create remote dir!"); } catch(Exception e) { log.logAndNotify("Cannot create remote directory: ", e.msg); } } }; m.onFileChanged = delegate(string path) { log.vlog("[M] Local file changed: ", path); try { sync.scanForDifferences(path); } catch (CurlException e) { log.vlog("Offline, cannot upload changed item!"); } catch(Exception e) { log.logAndNotify("Cannot upload file changes/creation: ", e.msg); } }; m.onDelete = delegate(string path) { log.log("Received inotify delete event from operating system .. attempting item deletion as requested"); log.vlog("[M] Local item deleted: ", path); try { sync.deleteByPath(path); } catch (CurlException e) { log.vlog("Offline, cannot delete item!"); } catch(SyncException e) { if (e.msg == "The item to delete is not in the local database") { log.vlog("Item cannot be deleted from OneDrive because it was not found in the local database"); } else { log.logAndNotify("Cannot delete remote item: ", e.msg); } } catch(Exception e) { log.logAndNotify("Cannot delete remote item: ", e.msg); } }; m.onMove = delegate(string from, string to) { log.vlog("[M] Local item moved: ", from, " -> ", to); try { // Handle .folder -> folder if skip_dotfiles is enabled if ((cfg.getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")) && (selectiveSync.isDotFile(from))) { // .folder -> folder handling - has to be handled as a new folder sync.scanForDifferences(to); } else { sync.uploadMoveItem(from, to); } } catch (CurlException e) { log.vlog("Offline, cannot move item!"); } catch(Exception e) { log.logAndNotify("Cannot move item: ", e.msg); } }; signal(SIGINT, &exitHandler); signal(SIGTERM, &exitHandler); // attempt to initialise monitor class if (!cfg.getValueBool("download_only")) { try { m.init(cfg, cfg.getValueLong("verbose") > 0, cfg.getValueBool("skip_symlinks"), cfg.getValueBool("check_nosync")); } catch (MonitorException e) { // monitor initialisation failed log.error("ERROR: ", e.msg); oneDrive.shutdown(); exit(-1); } } // monitor loop bool performMonitor = true; ulong monitorLoopFullCount = 0; immutable auto checkInterval = dur!"seconds"(cfg.getValueLong("monitor_interval")); immutable auto githubCheckInterval = dur!"seconds"(86400); immutable long logInterval = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_log_frequency"); immutable long fullScanFrequency = cfg.getValueLong("monitor_fullscan_frequency"); MonoTime lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime(); MonoTime lastGitHubCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime(); long logMonitorCounter = 0; long fullScanCounter = 0; // set fullScanRequired to true so that at application startup we perform a full walk bool fullScanRequired = true; bool syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false; // if sync list is configured, set to true if (syncListConfigured) { // sync list is configured syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = true; } immutable bool webhookEnabled = cfg.getValueBool("webhook_enabled"); while (performMonitor) { if (!cfg.getValueBool("download_only")) { try { m.update(online); } catch (MonitorException e) { // Catch any exceptions thrown by inotify / monitor engine log.error("ERROR: The following inotify error was generated: ", e.msg); } } // Check for notifications pushed from Microsoft to the webhook bool notificationReceived = false; if (webhookEnabled) { // Create a subscription on the first run, or renew the subscription // on subsequent runs when it is about to expire. oneDrive.createOrRenewSubscription(); // Process incoming notifications if any. // Empirical evidence shows that Microsoft often sends multiple // notifications for one single change, so we need a loop to exhaust // all signals that were queued up by the webhook. The notifications // do not contain any actual changes, and we will always rely do the // delta endpoint to sync to latest. Therefore, only one sync run is // good enough to catch up for multiple notifications. for (int signalCount = 0;; signalCount++) { const auto signalExists = receiveTimeout(dur!"seconds"(-1), (ulong _) {}); if (signalExists) { notificationReceived = true; } else { if (notificationReceived) { log.log("Received ", signalCount," refresh signals from the webhook"); } break; } } } auto currTime = MonoTime.currTime(); // has monitor_interval elapsed or are we at application startup / monitor startup? // in a --resync scenario, if we have not 're-populated' the database, valid changes will get skipped: // Monitor directory: ./target // Monitor directory: target/2eVPInOMTFNXzRXeNMEoJch5OR9XpGby // [M] Item moved: random_files/2eVPInOMTFNXzRXeNMEoJch5OR9XpGby -> target/2eVPInOMTFNXzRXeNMEoJch5OR9XpGby // Moving random_files/2eVPInOMTFNXzRXeNMEoJch5OR9XpGby to target/2eVPInOMTFNXzRXeNMEoJch5OR9XpGby // Skipping uploading this new file as parent path is not in the database: target/2eVPInOMTFNXzRXeNMEoJch5OR9XpGby // 'target' should be in the DB, it should also exist online, but because of --resync, it does not exist in the database thus parent check fails if (notificationReceived || (currTime - lastCheckTime > checkInterval) || (monitorLoopFullCount == 0)) { // Check Application Version against GitHub once per day if (currTime - lastGitHubCheckTime > githubCheckInterval) { // --monitor GitHub Application Version Check time expired checkApplicationVersion(); // update when we have performed this check lastGitHubCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime(); } // monitor sync loop logOutputMessage = "################################################## NEW LOOP ##################################################"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); } // Increment monitorLoopFullCount monitorLoopFullCount++; // Display memory details at start of loop if (displayMemoryUsage) { log.displayMemoryUsagePreGC(); } // log monitor output suppression logMonitorCounter += 1; if (logMonitorCounter > logInterval) { logMonitorCounter = 1; } // do we perform a full scan of sync_dir and database integrity check? fullScanCounter += 1; // fullScanFrequency = 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' from config if (fullScanCounter > fullScanFrequency){ // 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' counter has exceeded fullScanCounter = 1; // set fullScanRequired = true due to 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' counter has been exceeded fullScanRequired = true; // are we using sync_list? if (syncListConfigured) { // sync list is configured syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = true; } } if (displaySyncOptions) { // sync option handling per sync loop log.log("fullScanCounter = ", fullScanCounter); log.log("syncListConfigured = ", syncListConfigured); log.log("fullScanRequired = ", fullScanRequired); log.log("syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = ", syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride); } else { // sync option handling per sync loop via debug log.vdebug("fullScanCounter = ", fullScanCounter); log.vdebug("syncListConfigured = ", syncListConfigured); log.vdebug("fullScanRequired = ", fullScanRequired); log.vdebug("syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = ", syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride); } try { if (!initSyncEngine(sync)) { // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { string startMessage = "Starting a sync with OneDrive"; string finishMessage = "Sync with OneDrive is complete"; // perform a --monitor sync if ((cfg.getValueLong("verbose") > 0) || (logMonitorCounter == logInterval)) { // log to console and log file if enabled log.log(startMessage); } else { // log file only if enabled so we know when a sync started when not using --verbose log.fileOnly(startMessage); } performSync(sync, cfg.getValueString("single_directory"), cfg.getValueBool("download_only"), cfg.getValueBool("local_first"), cfg.getValueBool("upload_only"), (logMonitorCounter == logInterval ? MONITOR_LOG_QUIET : MONITOR_LOG_SILENT), fullScanRequired, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride, displaySyncOptions, cfg.getValueBool("monitor"), m); if (!cfg.getValueBool("download_only")) { // discard all events that may have been generated by the sync that have not already been handled try { m.update(false); } catch (MonitorException e) { // Catch any exceptions thrown by inotify / monitor engine log.error("ERROR: The following inotify error was generated: ", e.msg); } } if ((cfg.getValueLong("verbose") > 0) || (logMonitorCounter == logInterval)) { // log to console and log file if enabled log.log(finishMessage); } else { // log file only if enabled so we know when a sync completed when not using --verbose log.fileOnly(finishMessage); } } catch (CurlException e) { // we already tried three times in the performSync routine // if we still have problems, then the sync handle might have // gone stale and we need to re-initialize the sync engine log.log("Persistent connection errors, reinitializing connection"); sync.reset(); } } catch (CurlException e) { log.log("Cannot initialize connection to OneDrive"); } // performSync complete, set lastCheckTime to current time lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime(); // Display memory details before cleanup if (displayMemoryUsage) log.displayMemoryUsagePreGC(); // Perform Garbage Cleanup GC.collect(); // Display memory details after cleanup if (displayMemoryUsage) log.displayMemoryUsagePostGC(); // If we did a full scan, make sure we merge the conents of the WAL and SHM to disk if (fullScanRequired) { // Write WAL and SHM data to file for this loop log.vdebug("Merge contents of WAL and SHM files into main database file"); itemDb.performVacuum(); } // reset fullScanRequired and syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride fullScanRequired = false; if (syncListConfigured) syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false; // monitor loop complete logOutputMessage = "################################################ LOOP COMPLETE ###############################################"; // Handle display options if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); } // Developer break via config option if (cfg.getValueLong("monitor_max_loop") > 0) { // developer set option to limit --monitor loops if (monitorLoopFullCount == (cfg.getValueLong("monitor_max_loop"))) { performMonitor = false; log.log("Exiting after ", monitorLoopFullCount, " loops due to developer set option"); } } } // Sleep the monitor thread for 1 second, loop around and pick up any inotify changes Thread.sleep(dur!"seconds"(1)); } } } // --dry-run temp database cleanup if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { string dryRunShmFile = cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun ~ "-shm"; string dryRunWalFile = cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun ~ "-wal"; if (exists(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun)) { // remove the file log.vdebug("Removing items-dryrun.sqlite3 as dry run operations complete"); // remove items-dryrun.sqlite3 safeRemove(cfg.databaseFilePathDryRun); } // silent cleanup of shm and wal files if they exist if (exists(dryRunShmFile)) { // remove items-dryrun.sqlite3-shm safeRemove(dryRunShmFile); } if (exists(dryRunWalFile)) { // remove items-dryrun.sqlite3-wal safeRemove(dryRunWalFile); } } // Exit application // Use exit scopes to shutdown API return EXIT_SUCCESS; } bool initSyncEngine(SyncEngine sync) { try { sync.init(); } catch (OneDriveException e) { if (e.httpStatusCode == 400 || e.httpStatusCode == 401) { // Authorization is invalid log.log("\nAuthorization token invalid, use --reauth to authorize the client again\n"); return false; } if (e.httpStatusCode >= 500) { // There was a HTTP 5xx Server Side Error, message already printed return false; } } return true; } // try to synchronize the folder three times void performSync(SyncEngine sync, string singleDirectory, bool downloadOnly, bool localFirst, bool uploadOnly, long logLevel, bool fullScanRequired, bool syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride, bool displaySyncOptions, bool monitorEnabled, Monitor m) { int count; string remotePath = "/"; string localPath = "."; string logOutputMessage; // performSync API scan triggers log.vdebug("performSync API scan triggers"); log.vdebug("-----------------------------"); log.vdebug("fullScanRequired = ", fullScanRequired); log.vdebug("syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = ", syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride); log.vdebug("-----------------------------"); // Are we doing a single directory sync? if (singleDirectory != ""){ // Need two different path strings here remotePath = singleDirectory; localPath = singleDirectory; // Set flag for singleDirectoryScope for change handling sync.setSingleDirectoryScope(); } // Due to Microsoft Sharepoint 'enrichment' of files, we try to download the Microsoft modified file automatically // Set flag if we are in upload only state to handle this differently // See: for further details if (uploadOnly) sync.setUploadOnly(); do { try { // starting a sync logOutputMessage = "################################################## NEW SYNC ##################################################"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); } if (singleDirectory != ""){ // we were requested to sync a single directory log.vlog("Syncing changes from this selected path: ", singleDirectory); if (uploadOnly){ // Upload Only of selected single directory if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from selected local path only - NOT syncing data changes from OneDrive ..."); sync.scanForDifferences(localPath); } else { // No upload only if (localFirst) { // Local First if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from selected local path first before downloading changes from OneDrive ..."); sync.scanForDifferences(localPath); sync.applyDifferencesSingleDirectory(remotePath); } else { // OneDrive First if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from selected OneDrive path ..."); sync.applyDifferencesSingleDirectory(remotePath); // is this a download only request? if (!downloadOnly) { // process local changes sync.scanForDifferences(localPath); // ensure that the current remote state is updated locally sync.applyDifferencesSingleDirectory(remotePath); } } } } else { // no single directory sync if (uploadOnly){ // Upload Only of entire sync_dir if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from local path only - NOT syncing data changes from OneDrive ..."); sync.scanForDifferences(localPath); } else { // No upload only string syncCallLogOutput; if (localFirst) { // sync local files first before downloading from OneDrive if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_QUIET) log.log("Syncing changes from local path first before downloading changes from OneDrive ..."); sync.scanForDifferences(localPath); // if syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = true if (syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride) { // perform a full walk of OneDrive objects sync.applyDifferences(syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride); } else { // perform a walk based on if a full scan is required sync.applyDifferences(fullScanRequired); } } else { // sync from OneDrive first before uploading files to OneDrive if (logLevel < MONITOR_LOG_SILENT) log.log("Syncing changes from OneDrive ..."); // For the initial sync, always use the delta link so that we capture all the right delta changes including adds, moves & deletes logOutputMessage = "Initial Scan: Call OneDrive Delta API for delta changes as compared to last successful sync."; syncCallLogOutput = "Calling sync.applyDifferences(false);"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); log.log(syncCallLogOutput); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); log.vdebug(syncCallLogOutput); } sync.applyDifferences(false); // is this a download only request? if (!downloadOnly) { // process local changes walking the entire path checking for changes // in monitor mode all local changes are captured via inotify // thus scanning every 'monitor_interval' (default 300 seconds) for local changes is excessive and not required logOutputMessage = "Process local filesystem (sync_dir) for file changes as compared to database entries"; syncCallLogOutput = "Calling sync.scanForDifferences(localPath);"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); log.log(syncCallLogOutput); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); log.vdebug(syncCallLogOutput); } // What sort of local scan do we want to do? // In --monitor mode, when performing the DB scan, a race condition occurs where by if a file or folder is moved during this process // the inotify event is discarded once performSync() is finished (see m.update(false) above), so these events need to be handled // This can be remediated by breaking the DB and file system scan into separate processes, and handing any applicable inotify events in between if (!monitorEnabled) { // --synchronize in use // standard process flow sync.scanForDifferences(localPath); } else { // --monitor in use // Use individual calls with inotify checks between to avoid a race condition between these 2 functions // Database scan integrity check to compare DB data vs actual content on disk to ensure what we think is local, is local // and that the data 'hash' as recorded in the DB equals the hash of the actual content // This process can be extremely expensive time and CPU processing wise // // fullScanRequired is set to TRUE when the application starts up, or the config option 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' count is reached // By default, 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' = 12, and 'monitor_interval' = 300, meaning that by default, a full database consistency check // is done once an hour. // // To change this behaviour adjust 'monitor_interval' and 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' to desired values in the application config file if (fullScanRequired) { log.vlog("Performing Database Consistency Integrity Check .. "); sync.scanForDifferencesDatabaseScan(localPath); // handle any inotify events that occured 'whilst' we were scanning the database m.update(true); } else { log.vdebug("NOT performing Database Integrity Check .. fullScanRequired = FALSE"); m.update(true); } // Filesystem walk to find new files not uploaded log.vdebug("Searching local filesystem for new data"); sync.scanForDifferencesFilesystemScan(localPath); // handle any inotify events that occured 'whilst' we were scanning the local filesystem m.update(true); } // At this point, all OneDrive changes / local changes should be uploaded and in sync // This MAY not be the case when using sync_list, thus a full walk of OneDrive ojects is required // --synchronize & no sync_list : fullScanRequired = false, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false // --synchronize & sync_list in use : fullScanRequired = false, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = true // --monitor loops around 12 iterations. On the 1st loop, sets fullScanRequired = true, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = true if requried // --monitor & no sync_list (loop #1) : fullScanRequired = true, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false // --monitor & no sync_list (loop #2 - #12) : fullScanRequired = false, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false // --monitor & sync_list in use (loop #1) : fullScanRequired = true, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = true // --monitor & sync_list in use (loop #2 - #12) : fullScanRequired = false, syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride = false // Do not perform a full walk of the OneDrive objects if ((!fullScanRequired) && (!syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride)){ logOutputMessage = "Final True-Up: Do not perform a full walk of the OneDrive objects - not required"; syncCallLogOutput = "Calling sync.applyDifferences(false);"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); log.log(syncCallLogOutput); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); log.vdebug(syncCallLogOutput); } sync.applyDifferences(false); } // Perform a full walk of OneDrive objects because sync_list is in use / or trigger was set in --monitor loop if ((!fullScanRequired) && (syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride)){ logOutputMessage = "Final True-Up: Perform a full walk of OneDrive objects because sync_list is in use / or trigger was set in --monitor loop"; syncCallLogOutput = "Calling sync.applyDifferences(true);"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); log.log(syncCallLogOutput); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); log.vdebug(syncCallLogOutput); } sync.applyDifferences(true); } // Perform a full walk of OneDrive objects because a full scan was required if ((fullScanRequired) && (!syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride)){ logOutputMessage = "Final True-Up: Perform a full walk of OneDrive objects because a full scan was required"; syncCallLogOutput = "Calling sync.applyDifferences(true);"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); log.log(syncCallLogOutput); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); log.vdebug(syncCallLogOutput); } sync.applyDifferences(true); } // Perform a full walk of OneDrive objects because a full scan was required and sync_list is in use and trigger was set in --monitor loop if ((fullScanRequired) && (syncListConfiguredFullScanOverride)){ logOutputMessage = "Final True-Up: Perform a full walk of OneDrive objects because a full scan was required and sync_list is in use and trigger was set in --monitor loop"; syncCallLogOutput = "Calling sync.applyDifferences(true);"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); log.log(syncCallLogOutput); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); log.vdebug(syncCallLogOutput); } sync.applyDifferences(true); } } } } } // sync is complete logOutputMessage = "################################################ SYNC COMPLETE ###############################################"; if (displaySyncOptions) { log.log(logOutputMessage); } else { log.vdebug(logOutputMessage); } count = -1; } catch (Exception e) { if (++count == 3) { log.log("Giving up on sync after three attempts: ", e.msg); throw e; } else log.log("Retry sync count: ", count, ": ", e.msg); } } while (count != -1); } // getting around the @nogc problem // auto assumeNoGC(T) (T t) if (isFunctionPointer!T || isDelegate!T) { enum attrs = functionAttributes!T | FunctionAttribute.nogc; return cast(SetFunctionAttributes!(T, functionLinkage!T, attrs)) t; } extern(C) nothrow @nogc @system void exitHandler(int value) { try { assumeNoGC ( () { log.log("Got termination signal, performing clean up"); // if initialised, shut down the HTTP instance if (onedriveInitialised) { log.log("Shutting down the HTTP instance"); oneDrive.shutdown(); } // was itemDb initialised? if (itemDb !is null) { // Make sure the .wal file is incorporated into the main db before we exit log.log("Shutting down db connection and merging temporary data"); itemDb.performVacuum(); destroy(itemDb); } })(); } catch(Exception e) {} exit(0); }