#!/bin/bash -eu set +H -xeuo pipefail : ${ONEDRIVE_UID:=$(stat /onedrive/data -c '%u')} : ${ONEDRIVE_GID:=$(stat /onedrive/data -c '%g')} # Create new group using target GID if ! odgroup="$(getent group "$ONEDRIVE_GID")"; then odgroup='onedrive' groupadd "${odgroup}" -g "$ONEDRIVE_GID" else odgroup=${odgroup%%:*} fi # Create new user using target UID if ! oduser="$(getent passwd "$ONEDRIVE_UID")"; then oduser='onedrive' useradd -m "${oduser}" -u "$ONEDRIVE_UID" -g "$ONEDRIVE_GID" else oduser="${oduser%%:*}" usermod -g "${odgroup}" "${oduser}" grep -qv root <( groups "${oduser}" ) || { echo 'ROOT level privileges prohibited!'; exit 1; } fi chown "${oduser}:${odgroup}" /onedrive/ /onedrive/conf # Default parameters ARGS=(--monitor --confdir /onedrive/conf --syncdir /onedrive/data) # Make Verbose output optional, based on an environment variable if [ "${ONEDRIVE_VERBOSE:=0}" == "1" ]; then echo "# We are being verbose" ARGS=(--verbose ${ARGS[@]}) fi # Tell client to perform debug output, based on an environment variable if [ "${ONEDRIVE_DEBUG:=0}" == "1" ]; then echo "# We are performing debug output" ARGS=(--verbose --verbose ${ARGS[@]}) fi # Tell client to perform HTTPS debug output, based on an environment variable if [ "${ONEDRIVE_DEBUG_HTTPS:=0}" == "1" ]; then echo "# We are performing HTTPS debug output" ARGS=(--debug-https ${ARGS[@]}) fi # Tell client to perform a resync based on environment variable if [ "${ONEDRIVE_RESYNC:=0}" == "1" ]; then echo "# We are performing a --resync" ARGS=(--resync ${ARGS[@]}) fi # Tell client to sync in download-only mode based on environment variable if [ "${ONEDRIVE_DOWNLOADONLY:=0}" == "1" ]; then echo "# We are synchronizing in download-only mode" ARGS=(--download-only ${ARGS[@]}) fi # Tell client to logout based on environment variable if [ "${ONEDRIVE_LOGOUT:=0}" == "1" ]; then echo "# We are logging out to perform a reauthentication" ARGS=(--logout ${ARGS[@]}) fi if [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; then ARGS=("${@}") fi exec gosu "${oduser}" /usr/local/bin/onedrive "${ARGS[@]}"