import; import etc.c.curl: CurlOption; import std.datetime, std.exception, std.file, std.json, std.path; import std.stdio, std.string, std.uni, std.uri, std.file; import std.array: split; import core.stdc.stdlib; import core.thread, std.conv, std.math; import progress; import config; static import log; shared bool debugResponse = false; private bool dryRun = false; private bool simulateNoRefreshTokenFile = false; private immutable { // Client Identifier string clientId = "22c49a0d-d21c-4792-aed1-8f163c982546"; // Personal & Business Queries string authUrl = ""; string redirectUrl = ""; string tokenUrl = ""; string driveByIdUrl = ""; // Office 365 / SharePoint Queries string siteSearchUrl = ""; string siteDriveUrl = ""; } private { string driveUrl = ""; string itemByIdUrl = ""; string itemByPathUrl = ""; string driveId = ""; } class OneDriveException: Exception { // int httpStatusCode; JSONValue error; @safe pure this(int httpStatusCode, string reason, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { this.httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode; this.error = error; string msg = format("HTTP request returned status code %d (%s)", httpStatusCode, reason); super(msg, file, line); } this(int httpStatusCode, string reason, ref const JSONValue error, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { this.httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode; this.error = error; string msg = format("HTTP request returned status code %d (%s)\n%s", httpStatusCode, reason, toJSON(error, true)); super(msg, file, line); } } final class OneDriveApi { private Config cfg; private string refreshToken, accessToken; private SysTime accessTokenExpiration; /* private */ HTTP http; // if true, every new access token is printed bool printAccessToken; this(Config cfg) { this.cfg = cfg; http = HTTP(); // DNS lookup timeout http.dnsTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(5)); // timeout for connecting http.connectTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(10)); // Timeouts // with the following settings we force // - if there is no data flow for 5min, abort // - if the download time for one item exceeds 1h, abort // // timeout for activity on connection // this translates into Curl's CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME // which says // It contains the time in number seconds that the // transfer speed should be below the CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT // for the library to consider it too slow and abort. http.dataTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(300)); // maximum time an operation is allowed to take // This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc. http.operationTimeout = (dur!"seconds"(3600)); // Specify how many redirects should be allowed http.maxRedirects(5); // Do we enable curl debugging? if (cfg.getValueBool("debug_https")) { http.verbose = true; .debugResponse = true; } // What version of HTTP protocol do we use? // Curl >= 7.62.0 defaults to http2 for a significant number of operations if (cfg.getValueBool("force_http_2")) { // Use curl defaults log.vdebug("Upgrading all HTTP operations to HTTP/2 where applicable"); } else { // Downgrade curl by default due to silent exist issues when using http/2 // See issue #501 for details and discussion log.vdebug("Downgrading all HTTP operations to HTTP/1.1 by default"); // Downgrade to HTTP 1.1 - yes version = 2 is HTTP 1.1 http.handle.set(CurlOption.http_version,2); } // Do we set the dryRun handlers? if (cfg.getValueBool("dry_run")) { .dryRun = true; if (cfg.getValueBool("logout")) { .simulateNoRefreshTokenFile = true; } } } bool init() { try { driveId = cfg.getValueString("drive_id"); if (driveId.length) { driveUrl = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId; itemByIdUrl = driveUrl ~ "/items"; itemByPathUrl = driveUrl ~ "/root:/"; } } catch (Exception e) {} if (!.dryRun) { // original code try { refreshToken = readText(cfg.refreshTokenFilePath); } catch (FileException e) { try { return authorize(); } catch (CurlException e) { log.error("Cannot authorize with Microsoft OneDrive Service"); return false; } } return true; } else { // --dry-run if (!.simulateNoRefreshTokenFile) { try { refreshToken = readText(cfg.refreshTokenFilePath); } catch (FileException e) { return authorize(); } return true; } else { // --dry-run & --logout return authorize(); } } } bool authorize() { import std.stdio, std.regex; char[] response; string url = authUrl ~ "?client_id=" ~ clientId ~ "&scope=Files.ReadWrite%20Files.ReadWrite.all%20Sites.ReadWrite.All%20offline_access&response_type=code&redirect_uri=" ~ redirectUrl; string authFilesString = cfg.getValueString("auth_files"); if (authFilesString == "") { log.log("Authorize this app visiting:\n"); write(url, "\n\n", "Enter the response uri: "); readln(response); } else { string[] authFiles = authFilesString.split(":"); string authUrl = authFiles[0]; string responseUrl = authFiles[1]; auto authUrlFile = File(authUrl, "w"); authUrlFile.write(url); authUrlFile.close(); while (!exists(responseUrl)) { Thread.sleep(dur!("msecs")(100)); } response = cast(char[]) read(responseUrl); try { std.file.remove(authUrl); std.file.remove(responseUrl); } catch (FileException e) { log.error("Cannot remove files ", authUrl, " ", responseUrl); } } // match the authorization code auto c = matchFirst(response, r"(?:[\?&]code=)([\w\d-]+)"); if (c.empty) { log.log("Invalid uri"); return false; } c.popFront(); // skip the whole match redeemToken(c.front); return true; } // JSONValue getDefaultDrive() { checkAccessTokenExpired(); return get(driveUrl); } // JSONValue getDefaultRoot() { checkAccessTokenExpired(); return get(driveUrl ~ "/root"); } // JSONValue viewChangesById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, const(char)[] deltaLink) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url = deltaLink; if (url == null) { url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/delta"; url ~= "?select=id,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,root,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference,size"; } return get(url); } // void downloadById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, string saveToPath, long fileSize) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); scope(failure) { if (exists(saveToPath)) remove(saveToPath); } mkdirRecurse(dirName(saveToPath)); const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/content?AVOverride=1"; download(url, saveToPath, fileSize); } // JSONValue simpleUpload(string localPath, string parentDriveId, string parentId, string filename, const(char)[] eTag = null) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); string url = driveByIdUrl ~ parentDriveId ~ "/items/" ~ parentId ~ ":/" ~ encodeComponent(filename) ~ ":/content"; // TODO: investigate why this fails for remote folders //if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag); /*else http.addRequestHeader("If-None-Match", "*");*/ return upload(localPath, url); } // JSONValue simpleUploadReplace(string localPath, string driveId, string id, const(char)[] eTag = null) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); string url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/content"; if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag); return upload(localPath, url); } // JSONValue updateById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, JSONValue data, const(char)[] eTag = null) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id; if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag); http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); return patch(url, data.toString()); } // void deleteById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, const(char)[] eTag = null) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id; //TODO: investigate why this always fail with 412 (Precondition Failed) //if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag); del(url); } // JSONValue createById(const(char)[] parentDriveId, const(char)[] parentId, JSONValue item) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ parentDriveId ~ "/items/" ~ parentId ~ "/children"; http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); return post(url, item.toString()); } // Return the details of the specified path JSONValue getPathDetails(const(string) path) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url; // string itemByPathUrl = ""; if ((path == ".")||(path == "/")) url = driveUrl ~ "/root/"; else url = itemByPathUrl ~ encodeComponent(path) ~ ":/"; url ~= "?select=id,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,root,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference,size"; return get(url); } // Return the details of the specified id // JSONValue getPathDetailsById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url; // string driveByIdUrl = ""; url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id; url ~= "?select=id,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,root,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference,size"; return get(url); } // Return the requested details of the specified id // JSONValue getFileDetails(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url; // string driveByIdUrl = ""; url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id; url ~= "?select=size,malware,file,webUrl"; return get(url); } // JSONValue moveByPath(const(char)[] sourcePath, JSONValue moveData) { // Need to use itemByPathUrl checkAccessTokenExpired(); string url = itemByPathUrl ~ encodeComponent(sourcePath); http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); return move(url, moveData.toString()); } // JSONValue createUploadSession(const(char)[] parentDriveId, const(char)[] parentId, const(char)[] filename, const(char)[] eTag = null, JSONValue item = null) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ parentDriveId ~ "/items/" ~ parentId ~ ":/" ~ encodeComponent(filename) ~ ":/createUploadSession"; if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag); http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); return post(url, item.toString()); } // JSONValue uploadFragment(const(char)[] uploadUrl, string filepath, long offset, long offsetSize, long fileSize) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); scope(exit) { http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.onSend = null; } http.method = HTTP.Method.put; http.url = uploadUrl; import std.conv; string contentRange = "bytes " ~ to!string(offset) ~ "-" ~ to!string(offset + offsetSize - 1) ~ "/" ~ to!string(fileSize); http.addRequestHeader("Content-Range", contentRange); auto file = File(filepath, "rb");; http.onSend = data => file.rawRead(data).length; http.contentLength = offsetSize; auto response = perform(); // TODO: retry on 5xx errors checkHttpCode(); return response; } // JSONValue requestUploadStatus(const(char)[] uploadUrl) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); // when using microsoft graph the auth code is different return get(uploadUrl, true); } // JSONValue o365SiteSearch(string o365SharedLibraryName){ checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url; url = siteSearchUrl ~ "=" ~ o365SharedLibraryName; return get(url); } // JSONValue o365SiteDrives(string site_id){ checkAccessTokenExpired(); const(char)[] url; url = siteDriveUrl ~ site_id ~ "/drives"; return get(url); } private void redeemToken(const(char)[] authCode) { const(char)[] postData = "client_id=" ~ clientId ~ "&redirect_uri=" ~ redirectUrl ~ "&code=" ~ authCode ~ "&grant_type=authorization_code"; acquireToken(postData); } private void newToken() { string postData = "client_id=" ~ clientId ~ "&redirect_uri=" ~ redirectUrl ~ "&refresh_token=" ~ refreshToken ~ "&grant_type=refresh_token"; acquireToken(postData); } private void acquireToken(const(char)[] postData) { JSONValue response = post(tokenUrl, postData); if ("access_token" in response){ accessToken = "bearer " ~ response["access_token"].str(); refreshToken = response["refresh_token"].str(); accessTokenExpiration = Clock.currTime() + dur!"seconds"(response["expires_in"].integer()); if (!.dryRun) { std.file.write(cfg.refreshTokenFilePath, refreshToken); } if (printAccessToken) writeln("New access token: ", accessToken); } else { log.error("\nInvalid authentication response from OneDrive. Please check the response uri\n"); // re-authorize authorize(); } } private void checkAccessTokenExpired() { try { if (Clock.currTime() >= accessTokenExpiration) { newToken(); } } catch (OneDriveException e) { if (e.httpStatusCode == 400 || e.httpStatusCode == 401) { e.msg ~= "\nRefresh token invalid, use --logout to authorize the client again"; } } } private void addAccessTokenHeader() { http.addRequestHeader("Authorization", accessToken); } private JSONValue get(const(char)[] url, bool skipToken = false) { scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.method = HTTP.Method.get; http.url = url; if (!skipToken) addAccessTokenHeader(); // HACK: requestUploadStatus auto response = perform(); checkHttpCode(response); // OneDrive API Response Debugging if (.debugResponse){ writeln("OneDrive API Response: ", response); } return response; } private void del(const(char)[] url) { scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.method = HTTP.Method.del; http.url = url; addAccessTokenHeader(); auto response = perform(); checkHttpCode(response); } private void download(const(char)[] url, string filename, long fileSize) { // Threshold for displaying download bar long thresholdFileSize = 4 * 2^^20; // 4 MiB scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.method = HTTP.Method.get; http.url = url; addAccessTokenHeader(); auto f = File(filename, "wb"); http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { f.rawWrite(data); return data.length; }; if (fileSize >= thresholdFileSize){ // Download Progress Bar size_t iteration = 20; Progress p = new Progress(iteration); p.title = "Downloading"; writeln(); real previousDLPercent = -1.0; real percentCheck = 5.0; // Setup progress bar to display http.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow) { // For each onProgress, what is the % of dlnow to dltotal real currentDLPercent = round(double(dlnow)/dltotal*100); // If matching 5% of download, increment progress bar if ((isIdentical(fmod(currentDLPercent, percentCheck), 0.0)) && (previousDLPercent != currentDLPercent)) {; previousDLPercent = currentDLPercent; } return 0; }; // Perform download & display progress bar http.perform(); writeln(); // Reset onProgress to not display anything for next download http.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow) { return 0; }; } else { // No progress bar http.perform(); } // Check the HTTP response code checkHttpCode(); } private auto patch(T)(const(char)[] url, const(T)[] patchData) { scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.method = HTTP.Method.patch; http.url = url; addAccessTokenHeader(); auto response = perform(patchData); checkHttpCode(response); return response; } private auto post(T)(const(char)[] url, const(T)[] postData) { scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.method =; http.url = url; addAccessTokenHeader(); auto response = perform(postData); checkHttpCode(response); return response; } private auto move(T)(const(char)[] url, const(T)[] postData) { scope(exit) http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.method = HTTP.Method.patch; http.url = url; addAccessTokenHeader(); auto response = perform(postData); checkHttpCode(); return response; } private JSONValue upload(string filepath, string url) { scope(exit) { http.clearRequestHeaders(); http.onSend = null; http.contentLength = 0; } http.method = HTTP.Method.put; http.url = url; addAccessTokenHeader(); http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); auto file = File(filepath, "rb"); http.onSend = data => file.rawRead(data).length; http.contentLength = file.size; auto response = perform(); checkHttpCode(response); return response; } private JSONValue perform(const(void)[] sendData) { scope(exit) { http.onSend = null; http.contentLength = 0; } if (sendData) { http.contentLength = sendData.length; http.onSend = (void[] buf) { import std.algorithm: min; size_t minLen = min(buf.length, sendData.length); if (minLen == 0) return 0; buf[0 .. minLen] = sendData[0 .. minLen]; sendData = sendData[minLen .. $]; return minLen; }; } else { http.onSend = buf => 0; } return perform(); } private JSONValue perform() { scope(exit) http.onReceive = null; char[] content; http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { content ~= data; // HTTP Server Response Code Debugging if (.debugResponse){ writeln("OneDrive HTTP Server Response: ", http.statusLine.code); } return data.length; }; try { http.perform(); } catch (CurlException e) { // Potentially Timeout was reached on handle error log.error("\nThere was a problem in accessing the Microsoft OneDrive service - Internet connectivity issue?\n"); throw e; } JSONValue json; try { json = content.parseJSON(); } catch (JSONException e) { // Log that a JSON Exception was caught, dont output the HTML response from OneDrive log.vdebug("JSON Exception caught when performing HTTP operations - use --debug-https to diagnose further"); } return json; } private void checkHttpCode() { // // /* HTTP/1.1 Response handling Errors in the OneDrive API are returned using standard HTTP status codes, as well as a JSON error response object. The following HTTP status codes should be expected. Status code Status message Description 200 OK Request was handled OK 201 Created This means you've made a successful POST to checkout, lock in a format, or place a hold 204 No Content This means you've made a successful DELETE to remove a hold or return a title 400 Bad Request Cannot process the request because it is malformed or incorrect. 401 Unauthorized Required authentication information is either missing or not valid for the resource. 403 Forbidden Access is denied to the requested resource. The user might not have enough permission. 404 Not Found The requested resource doesn’t exist. 405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method in the request is not allowed on the resource. 406 Not Acceptable This service doesn’t support the format requested in the Accept header. 409 Conflict The current state conflicts with what the request expects. For example, the specified parent folder might not exist. 410 Gone The requested resource is no longer available at the server. 411 Length Required A Content-Length header is required on the request. 412 Precondition Failed A precondition provided in the request (such as an if-match header) does not match the resource's current state. 413 Request Entity Too Large The request size exceeds the maximum limit. 415 Unsupported Media Type The content type of the request is a format that is not supported by the service. 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable The specified byte range is invalid or unavailable. 422 Unprocessable Entity Cannot process the request because it is semantically incorrect. 429 Too Many Requests Client application has been throttled and should not attempt to repeat the request until an amount of time has elapsed. 500 Internal Server Error There was an internal server error while processing the request. 501 Not Implemented The requested feature isn’t implemented. 502 Bad Gateway The service was unreachable 503 Service Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable. You may repeat the request after a delay. There may be a Retry-After header. 507 Insufficient Storage The maximum storage quota has been reached. 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Your app has been throttled for exceeding the maximum bandwidth cap. Your app can retry the request again after more time has elapsed. HTTP/2 Response handling 0 OK */ switch(http.statusLine.code) { case 0: break; // 200 - OK case 200: // No Log .. break; // 201 - Created OK // 202 - Accepted // 204 - Deleted OK case 201,202,204: // No actions, but log if verbose logging //log.vlog("OneDrive Response: '", http.statusLine.code, " - ", http.statusLine.reason, "'"); break; // 302 - resource found and available at another location, redirect case 302: break; // 400 - Bad Request case 400: // Bad Request .. how should we act? log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 400 - Bad Request' - gracefully handling error"); break; // 403 - Forbidden case 403: // OneDrive responded that the user is forbidden log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 403 - Forbidden' - gracefully handling error"); break; // 404 - Item not found case 404: // Item was not found - do not throw an exception log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 404 - Item not found' - gracefully handling error"); break; // 409 - Conflict case 409: // Conflict handling .. how should we act? This only really gets triggered if we are using --local-first & we remove items.db as the DB thinks the file is not uploaded but it is log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 409 - Conflict' - gracefully handling error"); break; // 412 - Precondition Failed case 412: // A precondition provided in the request (such as an if-match header) does not match the resource's current state. log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed' - gracefully handling error"); break; // 415 - Unsupported Media Type case 415: // Unsupported Media Type ... sometimes triggered on image files, especially PNG log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 415 - Unsupported Media Type' - gracefully handling error"); break; // 429 - Too Many Requests case 429: // Too many requests in a certain time window // log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 429 - Too Many Requests' - gracefully handling error"); break; // Server side (OneDrive) Errors // 500 - Internal Server Error // 502 - Bad Gateway // 503 - Service Unavailable // 504 - Gateway Timeout (Issue #320) case 500: // No actions log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 500 Internal Server Error' - gracefully handling error"); break; case 502: // No actions log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 502 Bad Gateway Error' - gracefully handling error"); break; case 503: // No actions log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 503 Service Unavailable Error' - gracefully handling error"); break; case 504: // No actions log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout Error' - gracefully handling error"); break; // "else" default: throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason); } } private void checkHttpCode(ref const JSONValue response) { switch(http.statusLine.code) { // 400 - Bad Request case 400: // Bad Request .. how should we act? log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 400 - Bad Request' - gracefully handling error"); break; // 403 - Forbidden case 403: // OneDrive responded that the user is forbidden log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 403 - Forbidden' - gracefully handling error"); // Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught when performing sync.o365SiteSearch throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason, response); // 412 - Precondition Failed case 412: // Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught when performing sync.uploadLastModifiedTime throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason, response); // Server side (OneDrive) Errors // 500 - Internal Server Error // 502 - Bad Gateway // 503 - Service Unavailable // 504 - Gateway Timeout (Issue #320) case 500: // Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason, response); case 502: // Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason, response); case 503: // Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason, response); case 504: // Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason, response); // Default - all other errors that are not a 2xx or a 302 default: if (http.statusLine.code / 100 != 2 && http.statusLine.code != 302) { throw new OneDriveException(http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason, response); } } } } unittest { string configDirName = expandTilde("~/.config/onedrive"); auto cfg = new config.Config(configDirName); cfg.init(); OneDriveApi onedrive = new OneDriveApi(cfg); onedrive.init(); std.file.write("/tmp/test", "test"); // simpleUpload auto item = onedrive.simpleUpload("/tmp/test", "/test"); try { item = onedrive.simpleUpload("/tmp/test", "/test"); } catch (OneDriveException e) { assert(e.httpStatusCode == 409); } try { item = onedrive.simpleUpload("/tmp/test", "/test", "123"); } catch (OneDriveException e) { assert(e.httpStatusCode == 412); } item = onedrive.simpleUpload("/tmp/test", "/test", item["eTag"].str); // deleteById try { onedrive.deleteById(item["id"].str, "123"); } catch (OneDriveException e) { assert(e.httpStatusCode == 412); } onedrive.deleteById(item["id"].str, item["eTag"].str); onedrive.http.shutdown(); }