module cache; import std.datetime, std.path; import sqlite; enum ItemType { file, dir } struct Item { string id; string path; string name; ItemType type; string eTag; string cTag; SysTime mtime; string parentId; string crc32; } struct ItemCache { Database db; Statement insertItemStmt; Statement selectItemByIdStmt; Statement selectItemByParentIdStmt; void init() { db = Database("cache.db"); db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS item ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, eTag TEXT NOT NULL, cTag TEXT NOT NULL, mtime TEXT NOT NULL, parentId TEXT NOT NULL, crc32 TEXT )"); db.exec("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS name_idx ON item (name)"); insertItemStmt = db.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO item (id, name, type, eTag, cTag, mtime, parentId, crc32) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); selectItemByIdStmt = db.prepare("SELECT id, name, type, eTag, cTag, mtime, parentId, crc32 FROM item WHERE id = ?"); selectItemByParentIdStmt = db.prepare("SELECT id FROM item WHERE parentId = ?"); } void insert(const(char)[] id, const(char)[] name, ItemType type, const(char)[] eTag, const(char)[] cTag, const(char)[] mtime, const(char)[] parentId, const(char)[] crc32) { with (insertItemStmt) { bind(1, id); bind(2, name); string typeStr = void; final switch (type) { case ItemType.file: typeStr = "file"; break; case ItemType.dir: typeStr = "dir"; break; } bind(3, typeStr); bind(4, eTag); bind(5, cTag); bind(6, mtime); bind(7, parentId); bind(8, crc32); exec(); } } // returns a range that go trough all items, depth first auto selectAll() { static struct ItemRange { ItemCache* itemCache; string[] stack1, stack2; private this(ItemCache* itemCache, string rootId) { this.itemCache = itemCache; stack1.reserve(8); stack2.reserve(8); stack1 ~= rootId; getChildren(); } @property bool empty() { return stack2.length == 0; } @property Item front() { Item item; bool res = itemCache.selectById(stack2[$ - 1], item); assert(res); return item; } void popFront() { stack2 = stack2[0 .. $ - 1]; assumeSafeAppend(stack2); if (stack1.length > 0) getChildren(); } private void getChildren() { while (true) { itemCache.selectItemByParentIdStmt.bind(1, stack1[$ - 1]); stack2 ~= stack1[$ - 1]; stack1 = stack1[0 .. $ - 1]; assumeSafeAppend(stack1); auto res = itemCache.selectItemByParentIdStmt.exec(); if (res.empty) break; else foreach (row; res) stack1 ~= row[0].dup; } } } auto s = db.prepare("SELECT FROM item AS a LEFT JOIN item AS b ON a.parentId = WHERE IS NULL"); auto r = s.exec(); assert(!r.empty()); return ItemRange(&this, r.front[0].dup); } bool selectById(const(char)[] id, out Item item) { selectItemByIdStmt.bind(1, id); auto r = selectItemByIdStmt.exec(); if (!r.empty) { item = buildItem(r); return true; } return false; } bool selectByPath(const(char)[] path, out Item item) { string[2][] candidates; // [id, parentId] auto s = db.prepare("SELECT id, parentId FROM item WHERE name = ?"); s.bind(1, baseName(path)); auto r = s.exec(); foreach (row; r) candidates ~= [row[0].dup, row[1].dup]; if (candidates.length > 1) { s = db.prepare("SELECT parentId FROM item WHERE id = ? AND name = ?"); do { string[2][] newCandidates; newCandidates.reserve(candidates.length); path = dirName(path); foreach (candidate; candidates) { s.bind(1, candidate[1]); s.bind(2, baseName(path)); r = s.exec(); if (!r.empty) { string[2] c = [candidate[0], r.front[0].idup]; newCandidates ~= c; } } candidates = newCandidates; } while (candidates.length > 1); } if (candidates.length == 1) return selectById(candidates[0][0], item); return false; } void deleteById(const(char)[] id) { auto s = db.prepare("DELETE FROM item WHERE id = ?"); s.bind(1, id); s.exec(); } // returns true if the item has the specified parent bool hasParent(T)(const(char)[] itemId, T parentId) if (is(T : const(char)[]) || is(T : const(char[])[])) { auto s = db.prepare("SELECT parentId FROM item WHERE id = ?"); while (true) { s.bind(1, itemId); auto r = s.exec(); if (r.empty) break; auto currParentId = r.front[0]; static if (is(T : const(char)[])) { if (currParentId == parentId) return true; } else { foreach (id; parentId) if (currParentId == id) return true; } itemId = currParentId.dup; } return false; } private Item buildItem(Statement.Result result) { assert(!result.empty && result.front.length == 8); Item item = { id: result.front[0].dup, path: computePath(result.front[0]), name: result.front[1].dup, eTag: result.front[3].dup, cTag: result.front[4].dup, mtime: SysTime.fromISOExtString(result.front[5]), parentId: result.front[6].dup, crc32: result.front[7].dup }; switch (result.front[2]) { case "file": item.type = ItemType.file; break; case "dir": item.type = ItemType.dir; break; default: assert(0); } return item; } private string computePath(const(char)[] id) { auto s = db.prepare("SELECT name, parentId FROM item WHERE id = ?"); string path; while (true) { s.bind(1, id); auto r = s.exec(); if (r.empty) break; if (path) path = r.front[0].idup ~ "/" ~ path; else path = r.front[0].dup; id = r.front[1].dup; } return path; } private string computePath(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] parentId) { auto s = db.prepare("SELECT name, parentId FROM item WHERE id = ?"); string path = name.dup; while (true) { s.bind(1, parentId); auto r = s.exec(); if (r.empty) break; path = r.front[0].idup ~ "/" ~ path; parentId = r.front[1].dup; } return path; } }