# Changelog The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## 2.2.5 - 2019-01-16 ### Fixed * Update handling of HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed errors * Update --display-config to display sync_list if configured * Add a check for 'id' key on metadata update to prevent 'std.json.JSONException@std/json.d(494): Key not found: id' * Update handling of 'remote' folder designation as 'root' items * Ensure that remote deletes are handled correctly * Handle 'Item not found' exception when unable to query OneDrive 'root' for changes * Add handling for JSON response error when OneDrive API returns a 404 due to OneDrive API regression * Fix items highlighted by codacy review ### Added * Add --force-http-1.1 flag to downgrade any HTTP/2 curl operations to HTTP 1.1 protocol * Support building with ldc2 and usage of pkg-config for lib finding ## 2.2.4 - 2018-12-28 ### Fixed * Resolve JSONException when supplying --get-O365-drive-id option with a string containing spaces * Resolve 'sync_dir' not read from 'config' file when run in Docker container * Resolve logic where potentially a 'default' ~/OneDrive sync_dir could be set despite 'config' file configured for an alternate * Make sure sqlite checkpointing works by properly finalizing statements * Update logic handling of --single-directory to prevent inadvertent local data loss * Resolve signal handling and database shutdown on SIGINT and SIGTERM * Update man page * Implement better help output formatting ### Added * Add debug handling for sync_dir operations * Add debug handling for homePath calculation * Add debug handling for configDirBase calculation * Add debug handling if syncDir is created * Implement Feature Request: Add status command or switch ## 2.2.3 - 2018-12-20 ### Fixed * Fix syncdir option is ignored ## 2.2.2 - 2018-12-20 ### Fixed * Handle short lived files in monitor mode * Provide better log messages, less noise on temporary timeouts * Deal with items that disappear during upload * Deal with deleted move targets * Reinitialize sync engine after three failed attempts * Fix activation of dmd for docker builds * Fix to check displayName rather than description for --get-O365-drive-id * Fix checking of config file keys for validity * Fix exception handling when missing parameter from usage option ### Added * Notification support via libnotify * Add very verbose (debug) mode by double -v -v * Implement option --display-config ## 2.2.1 - 2018-12-04 ### Fixed * Gracefully handle connection errors in monitor mode * Fix renaming of files when syncing * Installation of doc files, addition of man page * Adjust timeout values for libcurl * Continue in monitor mode when sync timed out * Fix unreachable statements * Update Makefile to better support packaging * Allow starting offline in monitor mode ### Added * Implement --get-O365-drive-id to get correct SharePoint Shared Library (#248) * Docker buildfiles for onedrive service (#262) ## 2.2.0 - 2018-11-24 ### Fixed * Updated client to output additional logging when debugging * Resolve database assertion failure due to authentication * Resolve unable to create folders on shared OneDrive Personal accounts ### Added * Implement feature request to Sync from Microsoft SharePoint * Implement feature request to specify a logging directory if logging is enabled ### Changed * Change '--download' to '--download-only' to align with '--upload-only' * Change logging so that logging to a separate file is no longer the default ## 2.1.6 - 2018-11-15 ### Fixed * Updated HTTP/2 transport handling when using curl 7.62.0 for session uploads ### Added * Added PKGBUILD for makepkg for building packages under Arch Linux ## 2.1.5 - 2018-11-11 ### Fixed * Resolve 'Key not found: path' when syncing from some shared folders due to OneDrive API change * Resolve to only upload changes on remote folder if the item is in the database - dont assert if false * Resolve files will not download or upload when using curl 7.62.0 due to HTTP/2 being set as default for all curl operations * Resolve to handle HTTP request returned status code 412 (Precondition Failed) for session uploads to OneDrive Personal Accounts * Resolve unable to remove '~/.config/onedrive/resume_upload: No such file or directory' if there is a session upload error and the resume file does not get created * Resolve handling of response codes when using 2 different systems when using '--upload-only' but the same OneDrive account and uploading the same filename to the same location ### Updated * Updated Travis CI building on LDC v1.11.0 for ARMHF builds * Updated Makefile to use 'install -D -m 644' rather than 'cp -raf' * Updated default config to be aligned to code defaults ## 2.1.4 - 2018-10-10 ### Fixed * Resolve syncing of OneDrive Personal Shared Folders due to OneDrive API change * Resolve incorrect systemd installation location(s) in Makefile ## 2.1.3 - 2018-10-04 ### Fixed * Resolve File download fails if the file is marked as malware in OneDrive * Resolve high CPU usage when running in monitor mode * Resolve how default path is set when running under systemd on headless systems * Resolve incorrectly nested configDir in X11 systems * Resolve Key not found: driveType * Resolve to validate filename length before download to conform with Linux FS limits * Resolve file handling to look for HTML ASCII codes which will cause uploads to fail * Resolve Key not found: expirationDateTime on session resume ### Added * Update Travis CI building to test build on ARM64 ## 2.1.2 - 2018-08-27 ### Fixed * Resolve skipping of symlinks in monitor mode * Resolve Gateway Timeout - JSONValue is not an object * Resolve systemd/user is not supported on CentOS / RHEL * Resolve HTTP request returned status code 429 (Too Many Requests) * Resolve handling of maximum path length calculation * Resolve 'The parent item is not in the local database' * Resolve Correctly handle file case sensitivity issues in same folder * Update unit files documentation link ## 2.1.1 - 2018-08-14 ### Fixed * Fix handling no remote delete of remote directories when using --no-remote-delete * Fix handling of no permission to access a local file / corrupt local file * Fix application crash when unable to access login.microsoft.com upon application startup ### Added * Build instructions for openSUSE Leap 15.0 ## 2.1.0 - 2018-08-10 ### Fixed * Fix handling of database exit scenarios when there is zero disk space left on drive where the items database resides * Fix handling of incorrect database permissions * Fix handling of different database versions to automatically re-create tables if version mis-match * Fix handling timeout when accessing the Microsoft OneDrive Service * Fix localFileModifiedTime to not use fraction seconds ### Added * Implement Feature: Add a progress bar for large uploads & downloads * Implement Feature: Make checkinterval for monitor configurable * Implement Feature: Upload Only Option that does not perform remote delete * Implement Feature: Add ability to skip symlinks * Add dependency, ebuild and build instructions for Gentoo distributions ### Changed * Build instructions for x86, x86_64 and ARM32 platforms * Travis CI files to automate building on x32, x64 and ARM32 architectures * Travis CI files to test built application against valid, invalid and problem files from previous issues ## 2.0.2 - 2018-07-18 ### Fixed * Fix systemd service install for builds with DESTDIR defined * Fix 'HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed' error handling * Gracefully handle OneDrive account password change * Update logic handling of --upload-only and --local-first ## 2.0.1 - 2018-07-11 ### Fixed * Resolve computeQuickXorHash generates a different hash when files are > 64Kb ## 2.0.0 - 2018-07-10 ### Fixed * Resolve conflict resolution issue during syncing - the client does not handle conflicts very well & keeps on adding the hostname to files * Resolve skilion #356 by adding additional check for 409 response from OneDrive * Resolve multiple versions of file shown on website after single upload * Resolve to gracefully fail when 'onedrive' process cannot get exclusive database lock * Resolve 'Key not found: fileSystemInfo' when then item is a remote item (OneDrive Personal) * Resolve skip_file config entry needs to be checked for any characters to escape * Resolve Microsoft Naming Convention not being followed correctly * Resolve Error when trying to upload a file with weird non printable characters present * Resolve Crash if file is locked by online editing (status code 423) * Resolve Resolve compilation issue with dmd-2.081.0 * Resolve skip_file configuration doesn't handle spaces or specified directory paths ### Added * Implement Feature: Add a flag to detect when the sync-folder is missing * Implement Travis CI for code testing ### Changed * Update Makefile to use DESTDIR variables * Update OneDrive Business maximum path length from 256 to 400 * Update OneDrive Business allowed characters for files and folders * Update sync_dir handling to use the absolute path for setting parameter to something other than ~/OneDrive via config file or command line * Update Fedora build instructions ## 1.1.2 - 2018-05-17 ### Fixed * Fix 4xx errors including (412 pre-condition, 409 conflict) * Fix Key not found: lastModifiedDateTime (OneDrive API change) * Fix configuration directory not found when run via init.d * Fix skilion Issues #73, #121, #132, #224, #257, #294, #295, #297, #298, #300, #306, #315, #320, #329, #334, #337, #341 ### Added * Add logging - log client activities to a file (/var/log/onedrive/%username%.onedrive.log or ~/onedrive.log) * Add https debugging as a flag * Add `--synchronize` to prevent from syncing when just blindly running the application * Add individual folder sync * Add sync from local directory first rather than download first then upload * Add upload long path check * Add upload only * Add check for max upload file size before attempting upload * Add systemd unit files for single & multi user configuration * Add init.d file for older init.d based services * Add Microsoft naming conventions and namespace validation for items that will be uploaded * Add remaining free space counter at client initialisation to avoid out of space upload issue * Add large file upload size check to align to OneDrive file size limitations * Add upload file size validation & retry if does not match * Add graceful handling of some fatal errors (OneDrive 5xx error handling) ## Unreleased - 2018-02-19 ### Fixed * Crash when the delta link is expired ### Changed * Disabled buffering on stdout ## 1.1.1 - 2018-01-20 ### Fixed * Wrong regex for parsing authentication uri ## 1.1.0 - 2018-01-19 ### Added * Support for shared folders (OneDrive Personal only) * `--download` option to only download changes * `DC` variable in Makefile to chose the compiler ### Changed * Print logs on stdout instead of stderr * Improve log messages ## 1.0.1 - 2017-08-01 ### Added * `--syncdir` option ### Changed * `--version` output simplified * Updated README ### Fixed * Fix crash caused by remotely deleted and recreated directories ## 1.0.0 - 2017-07-14 ### Added * `--version` option