import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.file; import std.path; import std.regex; import std.stdio; import util; final class SelectiveSync { private string[] paths; private Regex!char mask; void load(string filepath) { if (exists(filepath)) { paths = File(filepath) .byLine() .map!(a => buildNormalizedPath(a)) .filter!(a => a.length > 0) .array; } } void setMask(const(char)[] mask) { this.mask = wild2regex(mask); } bool isNameExcluded(string name) { return !name.matchFirst(mask).empty; } bool isPathExcluded(string path) { return .isPathExcluded(path, paths); } } // test if the given path is not included in the allowed paths // if there are no allowed paths always return false private bool isPathExcluded(string path, string[] allowedPaths) { // always allow the root if (path == ".") return false; // if there are no allowed paths always return false if (allowedPaths.empty) return false; path = buildNormalizedPath(path); foreach (allowed; allowedPaths) { auto comm = commonPrefix(path, allowed); if (comm.length == path.length) { // the given path is contained in an allowed path return false; } if (comm.length == allowed.length && path[comm.length] == '/') { // the given path is a subitem of an allowed path return false; } } return true; } unittest { assert(isPathExcluded("Documents2", ["Documents"])); assert(!isPathExcluded("Documents", ["Documents"])); assert(!isPathExcluded("Documents/a.txt", ["Documents"])); assert(isPathExcluded("Hello/World", ["Hello/John"])); assert(!isPathExcluded(".", ["Documents"])); }