import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE; import core.memory, core.time, core.thread; import std.getopt, std.file, std.path, std.process; import config, itemdb, monitor, onedrive, sync, util; static import log; int main(string[] args) { // configuration directory string configDirName = expandTilde(environment.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "~/.config")) ~ "/onedrive"; // enable monitor mode bool monitor; // force a full resync bool resync; // remove the current user and sync state bool logout; // enable verbose logging bool verbose; try { auto opt = getopt( args, std.getopt.config.bundling, "monitor|m", "Keep monitoring for local and remote changes.", &monitor, "resync", "Forget the last saved state, perform a full sync.", &resync, "logout", "Logout the current user.", &logout, "confdir", "Set the directory to use to store the configuration files.", &configDirName, "verbose|v", "Print more details, useful for debugging.", &log.verbose ); if (opt.helpWanted) { defaultGetoptPrinter( "Usage: onedrive [OPTION]...\n\n" ~ "no option Sync and exit.", opt.options ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } } catch (GetOptException e) { log.log(e.msg); log.log("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information."); return EXIT_FAILURE; } log.vlog("Loading config ..."); configDirName = expandTilde(configDirName); if (!exists(configDirName)) mkdir(configDirName); auto cfg = new config.Config(configDirName); cfg.init(); // upgrades if (exists(configDirName ~ "/items.db")) { remove(configDirName ~ "/items.db"); log.log("Database schema changed, resync needed"); resync = true; } if (resync || logout) { log.log("Deleting the saved status ..."); safeRemove(cfg.databaseFilePath); safeRemove(cfg.statusTokenFilePath); safeRemove(cfg.uploadStateFilePath); if (logout) { safeRemove(cfg.refreshTokenFilePath); } } log.vlog("Initializing the OneDrive API ..."); bool online = testNetwork(); if (!online && !monitor) { log.log("No network connection"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } auto onedrive = new OneDriveApi(cfg); if (!onedrive.init()) { log.log("Could not initialize the OneDrive API"); // workaround for segfault in on exit onedrive.http.shutdown(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } log.vlog("Opening the item database ..."); auto itemdb = new ItemDatabase(cfg.databaseFilePath); string syncDir = expandTilde(cfg.getValue("sync_dir")); log.vlog("All operations will be performed in: ", syncDir); if (!exists(syncDir)) mkdir(syncDir); chdir(syncDir); log.vlog("Initializing the Synchronization Engine ..."); auto sync = new SyncEngine(cfg, onedrive, itemdb); sync.init(); if (online) performSync(sync); if (monitor) { log.vlog("Initializing monitor ..."); Monitor m; m.onDirCreated = delegate(string path) { log.vlog("[M] Directory created: ", path); try { sync.scanForDifferences(path); } catch(SyncException e) { log.log(e.msg); } }; m.onFileChanged = delegate(string path) { log.vlog("[M] File changed: ", path); try { sync.scanForDifferences(path); } catch(SyncException e) { log.log(e.msg); } }; m.onDelete = delegate(string path) { log.vlog("[M] Item deleted: ", path); try { sync.deleteByPath(path); } catch(SyncException e) { log.log(e.msg); } }; m.onMove = delegate(string from, string to) { log.vlog("[M] Item moved: ", from, " -> ", to); try { sync.uploadMoveItem(from, to); } catch(SyncException e) { log.log(e.msg); } }; m.init(cfg, verbose); // monitor loop immutable auto checkInterval = dur!"seconds"(45); auto lastCheckTime = MonoTime.currTime(); while (true) { m.update(online); auto currTime = MonoTime.currTime(); if (currTime - lastCheckTime > checkInterval) { lastCheckTime = currTime; online = testNetwork(); if (online) { performSync(sync); // discard all events that may have been generated by the sync m.update(false); } GC.collect(); } else { Thread.sleep(dur!"msecs"(100)); } } } // workaround for segfault in on exit onedrive.http.shutdown(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // try to synchronize the folder three times void performSync(SyncEngine sync) { int count; do { try { sync.applyDifferences(); sync.scanForDifferences("."); count = -1; } catch (SyncException e) { if (++count == 3) throw e; else log.log(e.msg); } } while (count != -1); }