import std.datetime, std.path, std.exception, std.string; import sqlite; enum ItemType { file, dir } struct Item { string id; string name; ItemType type; string eTag; string cTag; SysTime mtime; string parentId; string crc32; } final class ItemDatabase { // increment this for every change in the db schema immutable int itemDatabaseVersion = 2; Database db; Statement insertItemStmt; Statement updateItemStmt; Statement selectItemByIdStmt; Statement selectItemByParentIdStmt; this(const(char)[] filename) { db = Database(filename); if (db.getVersion() == 0) { db.exec("CREATE TABLE item ( id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, eTag TEXT NOT NULL, cTag TEXT, mtime TEXT NOT NULL, parentId TEXT, crc32 TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (parentId) REFERENCES item (id) ON DELETE CASCADE )"); db.exec("CREATE INDEX name_idx ON item (name)"); db.setVersion(itemDatabaseVersion); } else if (db.getVersion() != itemDatabaseVersion) { throw new Exception("The item database is incompatible, please resync manually"); } db.exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON"); db.exec("PRAGMA recursive_triggers = ON"); insertItemStmt = db.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO item (id, name, type, eTag, cTag, mtime, parentId, crc32) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); updateItemStmt = db.prepare(" UPDATE item SET name = ?2, type = ?3, eTag = ?4, cTag = ?5, mtime = ?6, parentId = ?7, crc32 = ?8 WHERE id = ?1 "); selectItemByIdStmt = db.prepare("SELECT id, name, type, eTag, cTag, mtime, parentId, crc32 FROM item WHERE id = ?"); selectItemByParentIdStmt = db.prepare("SELECT id FROM item WHERE parentId = ?"); } void insert(const ref Item item) { bindItem(item, insertItemStmt); insertItemStmt.exec(); } void update(const ref Item item) { bindItem(item, updateItemStmt); updateItemStmt.exec(); } void upsert(const ref Item item) { auto s = db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item WHERE id = ?"); s.bind(1,; auto r = s.exec(); Statement* stmt; if (r.front[0] == "0") stmt = &insertItemStmt; else stmt = &updateItemStmt; bindItem(item, *stmt); stmt.exec(); } Item[] selectChildren(const(char)[] id) { selectItemByParentIdStmt.bind(1, id); auto res = selectItemByParentIdStmt.exec(); Item[] items; foreach (row; res) { Item item; bool found = selectById(row[0], item); assert(found); items ~= item; } return items; } bool selectById(const(char)[] id, out Item item) { selectItemByIdStmt.bind(1, id); auto r = selectItemByIdStmt.exec(); if (!r.empty) { item = buildItem(r); return true; } return false; } bool selectByPath(const(char)[] path, out Item item) { // prefix with the root dir path = "root/" ~ path.chompPrefix("."); // initialize the search string[2][] candidates; // [id, parentId] auto s = db.prepare("SELECT id, parentId FROM item WHERE name = ?"); s.bind(1, baseName(path)); auto r = s.exec(); foreach (row; r) candidates ~= [row[0].dup, row[1].dup]; path = dirName(path); if (path != ".") { s = db.prepare("SELECT parentId FROM item WHERE id = ? AND name = ?"); // discard the candidates that do not have the correct parent do { s.bind(2, baseName(path)); string[2][] newCandidates; newCandidates.reserve(candidates.length); foreach (candidate; candidates) { s.bind(1, candidate[1]); r = s.exec(); if (!r.empty) { string[2] c = [candidate[0], r.front[0].idup]; newCandidates ~= c; } } candidates = newCandidates; path = dirName(path); } while (path != "."); } // reached the root string[2][] newCandidates; foreach (candidate; candidates) { if (!candidate[1]) { newCandidates ~= candidate; } } candidates = newCandidates; assert(candidates.length <= 1); if (candidates.length == 1) return selectById(candidates[0][0], item); return false; } void deleteById(const(char)[] id) { auto s = db.prepare("DELETE FROM item WHERE id = ?"); s.bind(1, id); s.exec(); } // returns true if the item has the specified parent bool hasParent(T)(const(char)[] itemId, T parentId) if (is(T : const(char)[]) || is(T : const(char[])[])) { auto s = db.prepare("SELECT parentId FROM item WHERE id = ?"); while (true) { s.bind(1, itemId); auto r = s.exec(); if (r.empty) break; auto currParentId = r.front[0]; static if (is(T : const(char)[])) { if (currParentId == parentId) return true; } else { foreach (id; parentId) if (currParentId == id) return true; } itemId = currParentId.dup; } return false; } private void bindItem(const ref Item item, ref Statement stmt) { with (stmt) with (item) { bind(1, id); bind(2, name); string typeStr = null; final switch (type) with (ItemType) { case file: typeStr = "file"; break; case dir: typeStr = "dir"; break; } bind(3, typeStr); bind(4, eTag); bind(5, cTag); bind(6, mtime.toISOExtString()); bind(7, parentId); bind(8, crc32); } } private Item buildItem(Statement.Result result) { assert(!result.empty && result.front.length == 8); Item item = { id: result.front[0].dup, name: result.front[1].dup, eTag: result.front[3].dup, cTag: result.front[4].dup, mtime: SysTime.fromISOExtString(result.front[5]), parentId: result.front[6].dup, crc32: result.front[7].dup }; switch (result.front[2]) { case "file": item.type = ItemType.file; break; case "dir": item.type = ItemType.dir; break; default: assert(0); } return item; } // computes the path of the given item id // the path is relative to the sync directory ex: "./Music/Turbo Killer.mp3" // a trailing slash is never added string computePath(const(char)[] id) { string path; auto s = db.prepare("SELECT name, parentId FROM item WHERE id = ?"); while (true) { s.bind(1, id); auto r = s.exec(); enforce(!r.empty, "Unknow item id"); if (r.front[1]) { if (path) path = r.front[0].idup ~ "/" ~ path; else path = r.front[0].idup; } else { // root if (!path) path = "."; break; } id = r.front[1].dup; } return path; } }