// What is this module called? module log; // What does this module require to function? import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.datetime; import std.process; import std.conv; import core.memory; import core.sys.posix.pwd; import core.sys.posix.unistd; import core.stdc.string : strlen; import std.algorithm : splitter; version(Notifications) { import dnotify; } // module variables // verbose logging count long verbose; // do we write a log file? ... this should be a config falue bool writeLogFile = false; // did the log file write fail? bool logFileWriteFailFlag = false; private bool doNotifications; // shared string variable for username string username; string logFilePath; void init(string logDir) { writeLogFile = true; username = getUserName(); logFilePath = logDir; if (!exists(logFilePath)){ // logfile path does not exist try { mkdirRecurse(logFilePath); } catch (std.file.FileException e) { // we got an error .. writeln("\nUnable to access ", logFilePath); writeln("Please manually create '",logFilePath, "' and set appropriate permissions to allow write access"); writeln("The requested client activity log will instead be located in your users home directory"); } } } void setNotifications(bool value) { version(Notifications) { // if we try to enable notifications, check for server availability // and disable in case dbus server is not reachable if (value) { auto serverAvailable = dnotify.check_availability(); if (!serverAvailable) { log("Notification (dbus) server not available, disabling"); value = false; } } } doNotifications = value; } void log(T...)(T args) { writeln(args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } void logAndNotify(T...)(T args) { notify(args); log(args); } void fileOnly(T...)(T args) { if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } void vlog(T...)(T args) { if (verbose >= 1) { writeln(args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } } void vdebug(T...)(T args) { if (verbose >= 2) { writeln("[DEBUG] ", args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine("[DEBUG] ", args); } } } void vdebugNewLine(T...)(T args) { if (verbose >= 2) { writeln("\n[DEBUG] ", args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine("\n[DEBUG] ", args); } } } void error(T...)(T args) { stderr.writeln(args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } void errorAndNotify(T...)(T args) { notify(args); error(args); } void notify(T...)(T args) { version(Notifications) { if (doNotifications) { string result; foreach (index, arg; args) { result ~= to!string(arg); if (index != args.length - 1) result ~= " "; } auto n = new Notification("OneDrive", result, "IGNORED"); try { n.show(); // Sent message to notification daemon if (verbose >= 2) { writeln("[DEBUG] Sent notification to notification service. If notification is not displayed, check dbus or notification-daemon for errors"); } } catch (Throwable e) { vlog("Got exception from showing notification: ", e); } } } } private void logfileWriteLine(T...)(T args) { static import std.exception; // Write to log file string logFileName = .logFilePath ~ .username ~ ".onedrive.log"; auto currentTime = Clock.currTime(); auto timeString = currentTime.toString(); File logFile; // Resolve: std.exception.ErrnoException@std/stdio.d(423): Cannot open file `/var/log/onedrive/xxxxx.onedrive.log' in mode `a' (Permission denied) try { logFile = File(logFileName, "a"); } catch (std.exception.ErrnoException e) { // We cannot open the log file in logFilePath location for writing // The user is not part of the standard 'users' group (GID 100) // Change logfile to ~/onedrive.log putting the log file in the users home directory if (!logFileWriteFailFlag) { // write out error message that we cant log to the requested file writeln("\nUnable to write activity log to ", logFileName); writeln("Please set appropriate permissions to allow write access to the logging directory for your user account"); writeln("The requested client activity log will instead be located in your users home directory\n"); // set the flag so we dont keep printing this error message logFileWriteFailFlag = true; } string homePath = environment.get("HOME"); string logFileNameAlternate = homePath ~ "/onedrive.log"; logFile = File(logFileNameAlternate, "a"); } // Write to the log file logFile.writeln(timeString, "\t", args); logFile.close(); } private string getUserName() { auto pw = getpwuid(getuid); // get required details auto runtime_pw_name = pw.pw_name[0 .. strlen(pw.pw_name)].splitter(','); auto runtime_pw_uid = pw.pw_uid; auto runtime_pw_gid = pw.pw_gid; // user identifiers from process vdebug("Process ID: ", pw); vdebug("User UID: ", runtime_pw_uid); vdebug("User GID: ", runtime_pw_gid); // What should be returned as username? if (!runtime_pw_name.empty && runtime_pw_name.front.length){ // user resolved vdebug("User Name: ", runtime_pw_name.front.idup); return runtime_pw_name.front.idup; } else { // Unknown user? vdebug("User Name: unknown"); return "unknown"; } } void displayMemoryUsagePreGC() { // Display memory usage writeln("\nMemory Usage pre GC (bytes)"); writeln("--------------------"); writeln("memory usedSize = ", GC.stats.usedSize); writeln("memory freeSize = ", GC.stats.freeSize); writeln("memory allocatedInCurrentThread = ", GC.stats.allocatedInCurrentThread, "\n"); } void displayMemoryUsagePostGC() { // Display memory usage writeln("\nMemory Usage post GC (bytes)"); writeln("--------------------"); writeln("memory usedSize = ", GC.stats.usedSize); writeln("memory freeSize = ", GC.stats.freeSize); writeln("memory allocatedInCurrentThread = ", GC.stats.allocatedInCurrentThread, "\n"); }