module onedrive; import std.datetime, std.json,, std.path, std.string, std.uni, std.uri; extern(C) void signal(int sig, void function(int)); private immutable { string authUrl = ""; string redirectUrl = ""; string tokenUrl = ""; string itemByIdUrl = ""; string itemByPathUrl = ""; } class OneDriveException: Exception { @nogc @safe pure nothrow this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null) { super(msg, file, line, next); } @nogc @safe pure nothrow this(string msg, Throwable next, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) { super(msg, file, line, next); } } final class OneDriveApi { private string clientId, clientSecret; private string refreshToken, accessToken; private SysTime accessTokenExpiration; private HTTP http; void function(string) onRefreshToken; // called when a new refresh_token is received this(string clientId, string clientSecret) { this.clientId = clientId; this.clientSecret = clientSecret; http = HTTP(); //debug http.verbose = true; // HACK: prevent SIGPIPE //import etc.c.curl; //http.handle.set(CurlOption.nosignal, 0); //signal(/*SIGPIPE*/ 13, /*SIG_IGN*/ cast(void function(int)) 1); } ~this() { http.shutdown(); } void authorize() { import std.stdio, std.regex; string url = authUrl ~ "?client_id=" ~ clientId ~ "&scope=wl.offline_access onedrive.readwrite&response_type=code&redirect_url=" ~ redirectUrl; writeln("Authorize this app visiting:"); writeln(url); while (true) { char[] response; write("Enter the response url: "); readln(response); auto c = matchFirst(response, r"(?:code=)(([\w\d]+-){4}[\w\d]+)"); if (!c.empty) { c.popFront(); // skip whole match redeemToken(c.front); break; } } } void setRefreshToken(string refreshToken) { this.refreshToken = refreshToken; newToken(); } string getItemPath(const(char)[] id) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); JSONValue response = get(itemByIdUrl ~ id ~ "/?select=name,parentReference"); string path; try { path = response["parentReference"].object["path"].str; } catch (JSONException e) { // root does not have parentReference return ""; } path = decodeComponent(path[path.indexOf(':') + 1 .. $]); return buildNormalizedPath("." ~ path ~ "/" ~ response["name"].str); } string getItemId(const(char)[] path) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); JSONValue response = get(itemByPathUrl ~ encodeComponent(path) ~ ":/?select=id"); return response["id"].str; } // JSONValue viewChangesById(const(char)[] id, const(char)[] statusToken) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); char[] url = itemByIdUrl ~ id ~ "/view.changes"; if (statusToken) url ~= "?token=" ~ statusToken; return get(url); } // JSONValue viewChangesByPath(const(char)[] path, const(char)[] statusToken) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); char[] url = itemByPathUrl ~ encodeComponent(path).dup ~ ":/view.changes"; url ~= "?select=id,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,fileSystemInfo,parentReference"; if (statusToken) url ~= "&token=" ~ statusToken; return get(url); } // void downloadById(const(char)[] id, string saveToPath) { /*string downloadUrl; // obtain the download url http.url = itemByIdUrl ~ id ~ "/content"; http.method = HTTP.Method.get; http.maxRedirects = 0; http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data.length; }; http.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] key, in char[] value) { if (sicmp(key, "location") == 0) { http.onReceiveHeader = null; downloadUrl = value.dup; } }; writeln("Obtaining the url ..."); http.perform(); checkHttpCode(); http.maxRedirects = 10; if (downloadUrl) { // try to download the file try { download(downloadUrl, saveToPath); } catch (CurlException e) { import std.file; if (exists(saveToPath)) remove(saveToPath); throw new OneDriveException("Download error", e); } } else { throw new OneDriveException("Can't obtain the download url"); }*/ checkAccessTokenExpired(); char[] url = itemByIdUrl ~ id ~ "/content"; try { download(url, saveToPath, http); } catch (CurlException e) { import std.file; if (exists(saveToPath)) remove(saveToPath); throw new OneDriveException("Download error", e); } } // JSONValue simpleUpload(string localPath, const(char)[] remotePath, const(char)[] eTag = null) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); char[] url = itemByPathUrl ~ remotePath ~ ":/content"; ubyte[] content; http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { content ~= data; return data.length; }; if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag); upload(localPath, url, http); // remove the if-match header if (eTag) setAccessToken(accessToken); checkHttpCode(); return parseJSON(content); } // JSONValue updateById(const(char)[] id, JSONValue data, const(char)[] eTag = null) { checkAccessTokenExpired(); char[] url = itemByIdUrl ~ id; if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag); http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); auto result = patch(url, data.toString()); http.clearRequestHeaders(); // remove the headers setAccessToken(accessToken); return result; } private void redeemToken(const(char)[] authCode) { string postData = "client_id=" ~ clientId ~ "&redirect_url=" ~ redirectUrl ~ "&client_secret=" ~ clientSecret; postData ~= "&code=" ~ authCode ~ "&grant_type=authorization_code"; acquireToken(postData); } private void newToken() { string postData = "client_id=" ~ clientId ~ "&redirect_url=" ~ redirectUrl ~ "&client_secret=" ~ clientSecret; postData ~= "&refresh_token=" ~ refreshToken ~ "&grant_type=refresh_token"; acquireToken(postData); } private void acquireToken(const(char)[] postData) { JSONValue response = post(tokenUrl, postData); setAccessToken(response["access_token"].str()); refreshToken = response["refresh_token"].str(); accessTokenExpiration = Clock.currTime() + dur!"seconds"(response["expires_in"].integer()); if (onRefreshToken) onRefreshToken(refreshToken); } private void setAccessToken(string accessToken) { http.clearRequestHeaders(); this.accessToken = accessToken; http.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "bearer " ~ accessToken); } private void checkAccessTokenExpired() { if (Clock.currTime() >= accessTokenExpiration) { writeln("Access token expired, requesting a new token..."); newToken(); } } private auto get(const(char)[] url) { return parseJSON(.get(url, http)); } private auto patch(T)(const(char)[] url, const(T)[] patchData) { return parseJSON(.patch(url, patchData, http)); } private auto post(T)(const(char)[] url, const(T)[] postData) { return parseJSON(.post(url, postData, http)); } private void checkHttpCode() { if (http.statusLine.code / 100 != 2) { throw new OneDriveException(format("HTTP request returned status code %d (%s)", http.statusLine.code, http.statusLine.reason)); } } }