import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit; import std.file, std.string, std.regex, std.stdio, std.process, std.algorithm.searching, std.getopt, std.conv; import selective; static import log; final class Config { public string refreshTokenFilePath; public string deltaLinkFilePath; public string databaseFilePath; public string uploadStateFilePath; public string syncListFilePath; public string homePath; private string userConfigFilePath; // hashmap for the values found in the user config file // ARGGGG D is stupid and cannot make hashmap initializations!!! // private string[string] foobar = [ "aa": "bb" ] does NOT work!!! private string[string] stringValues; private bool[string] boolValues; private long[string] longValues; this(string configDirName) { // default configuration stringValues["single_directory"] = ""; stringValues["sync_dir"] = "~/OneDrive"; stringValues["skip_file"] = "~*"; stringValues["log_dir"] = "/var/log/onedrive/"; stringValues["drive_id"] = ""; boolValues["upload_only"] = false; boolValues["check_for_nomount"] = false; boolValues["download_only"] = false; boolValues["disable_notifications"] = false; boolValues["disable_upload_validation"] = false; boolValues["enable_logging"] = false; boolValues["force_http_11"] = false; boolValues["local_first"] = false; boolValues["no_remote_delete"] = false; boolValues["skip_symlinks"] = false; boolValues["debug_https"] = false; longValues["verbose"] = 0; longValues["monitor_interval"] = 45, longValues["min_notif_changes"] = 5; // Determine the users home directory. // Need to avoid using ~ here as expandTilde() below does not interpret correctly when running under init.d or systemd scripts // Check for HOME environment variable if (environment.get("HOME") != ""){ // Use HOME environment variable log.vdebug("homePath: HOME environment variable set"); homePath = environment.get("HOME"); } else { if ((environment.get("SHELL") == "") && (environment.get("USER") == "")){ // No shell is set or username - observed case when running as systemd service under CentOS 7.x log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no HOME environment variable set"); log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no SHELL environment variable set"); log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no USER environment variable set"); homePath = "/root"; } else { // A shell & valid user is set, but no HOME is set, use ~ which can be expanded log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no HOME environment variable set"); homePath = "~"; } } // Output homePath calculation log.vdebug("homePath: ", homePath); // Determine the correct configuration directory to use string configDirBase; if (configDirName != "") { // A CLI 'confdir' was passed in log.vdebug("configDirName: CLI override to set configDirName to: ", configDirName); if (canFind(configDirName,"~")) { // A ~ was found log.vdebug("configDirName: A '~' was found in configDirName, using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~'"); configDirName = homePath ~ strip(configDirName,"~","~"); } } else { // Determine the base directory relative to which user specific configuration files should be stored. if (environment.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") != ""){ log.vdebug("configDirBase: XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable set"); configDirBase = environment.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); } else { // XDG_CONFIG_HOME does not exist on systems where X11 is not present - ie - headless systems / servers log.vdebug("configDirBase: WARNING - no XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable set"); configDirBase = homePath ~ "/.config"; } // Output configDirBase calculation log.vdebug("configDirBase: ", configDirBase); // Set the default application configuration directory log.vdebug("configDirName: Configuring application to use default config path"); // configDirBase contains the correct path so we do not need to check for presence of '~' configDirName = configDirBase ~ "/onedrive"; } log.vlog("Using Config Dir: ", configDirName); if (!exists(configDirName)) mkdirRecurse(configDirName); refreshTokenFilePath = configDirName ~ "/refresh_token"; deltaLinkFilePath = configDirName ~ "/delta_link"; databaseFilePath = configDirName ~ "/items.sqlite3"; uploadStateFilePath = configDirName ~ "/resume_upload"; userConfigFilePath = configDirName ~ "/config"; syncListFilePath = configDirName ~ "/sync_list"; } bool initialize() { if (!load(userConfigFilePath)) { // What was the reason for failure? if (!exists(userConfigFilePath)) { log.vlog("No config file found, using application defaults"); return true; } else { log.log("Configuration file has errors - please check your configuration"); return false; } } return true; } Option[] update_from_args(string[] args) { // Add additional options that are NOT configurable via config file stringValues["create-directory"] = ""; stringValues["destination-directory"] = ""; stringValues["get-o365-drive-id"] = ""; stringValues["remove-directory"] = ""; stringValues["single-directory"] = ""; stringValues["source-directory"] = ""; boolValues["display-config"] = false; boolValues["display-sync-status"] = false; boolValues["resync"] = false; boolValues["print-token"] = false; boolValues["logout"] = false; boolValues["monitor"] = false; boolValues["synchronize"] = false; // Application Startup option validation try { auto opt = getopt( args, std.getopt.config.bundling, std.getopt.config.caseSensitive, std.getopt.config.passThrough, "check-for-nomount", "Check for the presence of .nosync in the syncdir root. If found, do not perform sync.", &boolValues["check_for_nomount"], "debug-https", "Debug OneDrive HTTPS communication.", &boolValues["debug_https"], "disable-notifications", "Do not use desktop notifications in monitor mode.", &boolValues["disable_notifications"], "download-only|d", "Only download remote changes", &boolValues["download_only"], "disable-upload-validation", "Disable upload validation when uploading to OneDrive", &boolValues["disable_upload_validation"], "enable-logging", "Enable client activity to a separate log file", &boolValues["enable_logging"], "force-http-1.1", "Force the use of HTTP 1.1 for all operations", &boolValues["force_http_11"], "local-first", "Synchronize from the local directory source first, before downloading changes from OneDrive.", &boolValues["local_first"], "no-remote-delete", "Do not delete local file 'deletes' from OneDrive when using --upload-only", &boolValues["no_remote_delete"], "skip-symlinks", "Skip syncing of symlinks", &boolValues["skip_symlinks"], "syncdir", "Specify the local directory used for synchronization to OneDrive", &stringValues["sync_dir"], "upload-only", "Only upload to OneDrive, do not sync changes from OneDrive locally", &boolValues["upload_only"], "verbose|v+", "Print more details, useful for debugging (repeat for extra debugging)", &longValues["verbose"], "create-directory", "Create a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.", &stringValues["create_directory"], "destination-directory", "Destination directory for renamed or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.", &stringValues["destination_directory"], "display-config", "Display what options the client will use as currently configured - no sync will be performed.", &boolValues["display_config"], "display-sync-status", "Display the sync status of the client - no sync will be performed.", &boolValues["display_sync_status"], "get-O365-drive-id", "Query and return the Office 365 Drive ID for a given Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library", &boolValues["get_o365_drive_id"], "logout", "Logout the current user", &boolValues["logout"], "monitor|m", "Keep monitoring for local and remote changes", &boolValues["monitor"], "print-token", "Print the access token, useful for debugging", &boolValues["print_token"], "resync", "Forget the last saved state, perform a full sync", &boolValues["resync"], "remove-directory", "Remove a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.", &stringValues["remove_directory"], "single-directory", "Specify a single local directory within the OneDrive root to sync.", &stringValues["single_directory"], "source-directory", "Source directory to rename or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.", &stringValues["source_directory"], "synchronize", "Perform a synchronization", &boolValues["synchronize"] ); return opt.options; } catch (GetOptException e) { log.error(e.msg); log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } catch (Exception e) { // error log.error(e.msg); log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return null; } string getValueString(string key) { auto p = key in stringValues; if (p) { return *p; } else { throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key); } } long getValueLong(string key) { auto p = key in longValues; if (p) { return *p; } else { throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key); } } bool getValueBool(string key) { auto p = key in boolValues; if (p) { return *p; } else { throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key); } } void setValueBool(string key, bool value) { boolValues[key] = value; } void setValueString(string key, string value) { stringValues[key] = value; } void setValueLong(string key, long value) { longValues[key] = value; } private bool load(string filename) { scope(failure) return false; auto file = File(filename, "r"); auto r = regex(`^(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$`); foreach (line; file.byLine()) { line = stripLeft(line); if (line.length == 0 || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '#') continue; auto c = line.matchFirst(r); if (!c.empty) { c.popFront(); // skip the whole match string key = c.front.dup; auto p = key in boolValues; if (p) { c.popFront(); // only accept "true" as true value. TODO Should we support other formats? setValueBool(key, c.front.dup == "true" ? true : false); } else { auto pp = key in stringValues; if (pp) { c.popFront(); setValueString(key, c.front.dup); } else { auto ppp = key in longValues; if (ppp) { c.popFront(); setValueLong(key, to!long(c.front.dup)); } else { log.log("Unknown key in config file: ", key); return false; } } } } else { log.log("Malformed config line: ", line); return false; } } return true; } } unittest { auto cfg = new Config(""); cfg.load("config"); assert(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir") == "~/OneDrive"); }