import std.file, std.regex, std.stdio; static import log; final class Config { public string refreshTokenFilePath; public string statusTokenFilePath; public string databaseFilePath; public string uploadStateFilePath; private string userConfigFilePath; // hashmap for the values found in the user config file private string[string] values; this(string configDirName) { refreshTokenFilePath = configDirName ~ "/refresh_token"; statusTokenFilePath = configDirName ~ "/status_token"; databaseFilePath = configDirName ~ "/items.db"; uploadStateFilePath = configDirName ~ "/resume_upload"; userConfigFilePath = configDirName ~ "/config"; } void init() { bool found = false; found |= load("/etc/onedrive.conf"); found |= load("/usr/local/etc/onedrive.conf"); found |= load(userConfigFilePath); if (!found) throw new Exception("No config file found"); } string getValue(string key) { auto p = key in values; if (p) { return *p; } else { throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key); } } string getValue(string key, string value) { auto p = key in values; if (p) { return *p; } else { return value; } } private bool load(string filename) { scope(failure) return false; auto file = File(filename, "r"); auto r = regex(`^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$`); foreach (line; file.byLine()) { auto c = line.matchFirst(r); if (!c.empty) { c.popFront(); // skip the whole match string key = c.front.dup; c.popFront(); values[key] = c.front.dup; } else { log.log("Malformed config line: ", line); } } return true; } } unittest { auto cfg = new Config(""); cfg.load("onedrive.conf"); assert(cfg.getValue("sync_dir") == "~/OneDrive"); assert(cfg.getValue("empty", "default") == "default"); }