import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.datetime; import std.process; import core.sys.posix.pwd, core.sys.posix.unistd, core.stdc.string : strlen; import std.algorithm : splitter; // enable verbose logging bool verbose; bool writeLogFile = false; // shared string variable for username string username; string logFilePath; void init(string logDir) { writeLogFile = true; username = getUserName(); logFilePath = logDir; if (!exists(logFilePath)){ // logfile path does not exist try { mkdirRecurse(logFilePath); } catch (std.file.FileException e) { // we got an error .. writeln("\nUnable to access ", logFilePath); writeln("Please manually create '",logFilePath, "' and set appropriate permissions to allow write access"); writeln("The requested client activity log will instead be located in the users home directory\n"); } } } void log(T...)(T args) { writeln(args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } void fileOnly(T...)(T args) { if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } void vlog(T...)(T args) { if (verbose) { writeln(args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } } void error(T...)(T args) { stderr.writeln(args); if(writeLogFile){ // Write to log file logfileWriteLine(args); } } private void logfileWriteLine(T...)(T args) { // Write to log file string logFileName = .logFilePath ~ .username ~ ".onedrive.log"; auto currentTime = Clock.currTime(); auto timeString = currentTime.toString(); File logFile; // Resolve: std.exception.ErrnoException@std/stdio.d(423): Cannot open file `/var/log/onedrive/xxxxx.onedrive.log' in mode `a' (Permission denied) try { logFile = File(logFileName, "a"); } catch (std.exception.ErrnoException e) { // We cannot open the log file in logFilePath location for writing // The user is not part of the standard 'users' group (GID 100) // Change logfile to ~/onedrive.log putting the log file in the users home directory string homePath = environment.get("HOME"); string logFileNameAlternate = homePath ~ "/onedrive.log"; logFile = File(logFileNameAlternate, "a"); } // Write to the log file logFile.writeln(timeString, " ", args); logFile.close(); } private string getUserName() { auto pw = getpwuid(getuid); auto uinfo = pw.pw_gecos[0 .. strlen(pw.pw_gecos)].splitter(','); if (!uinfo.empty && uinfo.front.length){ return uinfo.front.idup; } else { // Unknown user? return "unknown"; } }