import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.datetime, std.file, std.json; import std.stdio, core.thread; import progress, onedrive, util; static import log; private long fragmentSize = 10 * 2^^20; // 10 MiB struct UploadSession { private OneDriveApi onedrive; private bool verbose; // private JSONValue session; // path where to save the session private string sessionFilePath; this(OneDriveApi onedrive, string sessionFilePath) { assert(onedrive); this.onedrive = onedrive; this.sessionFilePath = sessionFilePath; this.verbose = verbose; } JSONValue upload(string localPath, const(char)[] parentDriveId, const(char)[] parentId, const(char)[] filename, const(char)[] eTag = null) { // Fix // More Details SysTime localFileLastModifiedTime = timeLastModified(localPath).toUTC(); localFileLastModifiedTime.fracSecs =; JSONValue fileSystemInfo = [ "item": JSONValue([ "@name.conflictBehavior": JSONValue("replace"), "fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([ "lastModifiedDateTime": localFileLastModifiedTime.toISOExtString() ]) ]) ]; session = onedrive.createUploadSession(parentDriveId, parentId, filename, eTag, fileSystemInfo); session["localPath"] = localPath; save(); return upload(); } /* Restore the previous upload session. * Returns true if the session is valid. Call upload() to resume it. * Returns false if there is no session or the session is expired. */ bool restore() { if (exists(sessionFilePath)) { log.vlog("Trying to restore the upload session ..."); session = readText(sessionFilePath).parseJSON(); // Check the session resume file for expirationDateTime if ("expirationDateTime" in session){ // expirationDateTime in the file auto expiration = SysTime.fromISOExtString(session["expirationDateTime"].str); if (expiration < Clock.currTime()) { log.vlog("The upload session is expired"); return false; } if (!exists(session["localPath"].str)) { log.vlog("The file does not exist anymore"); return false; } // Can we read the file - as a permissions issue or file corruption will cause a failure on resume // if (readLocalFile(session["localPath"].str)){ // able to read the file // request the session status JSONValue response; try { response = onedrive.requestUploadStatus(session["uploadUrl"].str); } catch (OneDriveException e) { if (e.httpStatusCode == 400) { log.vlog("Upload session not found"); return false; } else { throw e; } } session["expirationDateTime"] = response["expirationDateTime"]; session["nextExpectedRanges"] = response["nextExpectedRanges"]; if (session["nextExpectedRanges"].array.length == 0) { log.vlog("The upload session is completed"); return false; } return true; } else { // unable to read the local file log.vlog("Restore file upload session failed - unable to read the local file"); if (exists(sessionFilePath)) { remove(sessionFilePath); } return false; } } else { // session file contains an error - cant resume log.vlog("Restore file upload session failed - cleaning up session resume"); if (exists(sessionFilePath)) { remove(sessionFilePath); } return false; } } return false; } JSONValue upload() { long offset = session["nextExpectedRanges"][0].str.splitter('-')!long; long fileSize = getSize(session["localPath"].str); // Upload Progress Bar size_t iteration = (roundTo!int(double(fileSize)/double(fragmentSize)))+1; Progress p = new Progress(iteration); p.title = "Uploading"; JSONValue response; while (true) {; long fragSize = fragmentSize < fileSize - offset ? fragmentSize : fileSize - offset; // If the resume upload fails, we need to check for a return code here try { response = onedrive.uploadFragment( session["uploadUrl"].str, session["localPath"].str, offset, fragSize, fileSize ); offset += fragmentSize; if (offset >= fileSize) break; // update the session details session["expirationDateTime"] = response["expirationDateTime"]; session["nextExpectedRanges"] = response["nextExpectedRanges"]; save(); } catch (OneDriveException e) { // there was an error remove session file if (exists(sessionFilePath)) { remove(sessionFilePath); } return response; } } // upload complete; writeln(); if (exists(sessionFilePath)) { remove(sessionFilePath); } return response; } private void save() { std.file.write(sessionFilePath, session.toString()); } }