import std.datetime; import std.exception; import std.path; import std.string; import std.stdio; import std.algorithm.searching; import core.stdc.stdlib; import sqlite; static import log; enum ItemType { file, dir, remote } struct Item { string driveId; string id; string name; ItemType type; string eTag; string cTag; SysTime mtime; string parentId; string crc32Hash; string sha1Hash; string quickXorHash; string remoteDriveId; string remoteId; string syncStatus; } final class ItemDatabase { // increment this for every change in the db schema immutable int itemDatabaseVersion = 10; Database db; string insertItemStmt; string updateItemStmt; string selectItemByIdStmt; string selectItemByParentIdStmt; string deleteItemByIdStmt; this(const(char)[] filename) { db = Database(filename); int dbVersion; try { dbVersion = db.getVersion(); } catch (SqliteException e) { // An error was generated - what was the error? log.error("\nAn internal database error occurred: " ~ e.msg ~ "\n"); exit(-1); } if (dbVersion == 0) { createTable(); } else if (db.getVersion() != itemDatabaseVersion) { log.log("The item database is incompatible, re-creating database table structures"); db.exec("DROP TABLE item"); createTable(); } // Set the enforcement of foreign key constraints. // // PRAGMA foreign_keys = boolean; db.exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE"); // Set the recursive trigger capability // // PRAGMA recursive_triggers = boolean; db.exec("PRAGMA recursive_triggers = TRUE"); // Set the journal mode for databases associated with the current connection // db.exec("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL"); // Automatic indexing is enabled by default as of version 3.7.17 // // PRAGMA automatic_index = boolean; db.exec("PRAGMA automatic_index = FALSE"); // Tell SQLite to store temporary tables in memory. This will speed up many read operations that rely on temporary tables, indices, and views. // db.exec("PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY"); // Tell SQlite to cleanup database table size // // PRAGMA schema.auto_vacuum = 0 | NONE | 1 | FULL | 2 | INCREMENTAL; db.exec("PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL"); insertItemStmt = " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO item (driveId, id, name, type, eTag, cTag, mtime, parentId, crc32Hash, sha1Hash, quickXorHash, remoteDriveId, remoteId, syncStatus) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, ?9, ?10, ?11, ?12, ?13, ?14) "; updateItemStmt = " UPDATE item SET name = ?3, type = ?4, eTag = ?5, cTag = ?6, mtime = ?7, parentId = ?8, crc32Hash = ?9, sha1Hash = ?10, quickXorHash = ?11, remoteDriveId = ?12, remoteId = ?13, syncStatus = ?14 WHERE driveId = ?1 AND id = ?2 "; selectItemByIdStmt = " SELECT * FROM item WHERE driveId = ?1 AND id = ?2 "; selectItemByParentIdStmt = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE driveId = ? AND parentId = ?"; deleteItemByIdStmt = "DELETE FROM item WHERE driveId = ? AND id = ?"; } void createTable() { db.exec("CREATE TABLE item ( driveId TEXT NOT NULL, id TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, eTag TEXT, cTag TEXT, mtime TEXT NOT NULL, parentId TEXT, crc32Hash TEXT, sha1Hash TEXT, quickXorHash TEXT, remoteDriveId TEXT, remoteId TEXT, deltaLink TEXT, syncStatus TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (driveId, id), FOREIGN KEY (driveId, parentId) REFERENCES item (driveId, id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE RESTRICT )"); db.exec("CREATE INDEX name_idx ON item (name)"); db.exec("CREATE INDEX remote_idx ON item (remoteDriveId, remoteId)"); db.exec("CREATE INDEX item_children_idx ON item (driveId, parentId)"); db.exec("CREATE INDEX selectByPath_idx ON item (name, driveId, parentId)"); db.setVersion(itemDatabaseVersion); } void insert(const ref Item item) { auto p = db.prepare(insertItemStmt); bindItem(item, p); p.exec(); } void update(const ref Item item) { auto p = db.prepare(updateItemStmt); bindItem(item, p); p.exec(); } void dump_open_statements() { db.dump_open_statements(); } int db_checkpoint() { return db.db_checkpoint(); } void upsert(const ref Item item) { auto s = db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item WHERE driveId = ? AND id = ?"); s.bind(1, item.driveId); s.bind(2,; auto r = s.exec(); Statement stmt; if (r.front[0] == "0") stmt = db.prepare(insertItemStmt); else stmt = db.prepare(updateItemStmt); bindItem(item, stmt); stmt.exec(); } Item[] selectChildren(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id) { auto p = db.prepare(selectItemByParentIdStmt); p.bind(1, driveId); p.bind(2, id); auto res = p.exec(); Item[] items; while (!res.empty) { items ~= buildItem(res); res.step(); } return items; } bool selectById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, out Item item) { auto p = db.prepare(selectItemByIdStmt); p.bind(1, driveId); p.bind(2, id); auto r = p.exec(); if (!r.empty) { item = buildItem(r); return true; } return false; } // returns true if an item id is in the database bool idInLocalDatabase(const(string) driveId, const(string)id) { auto p = db.prepare(selectItemByIdStmt); p.bind(1, driveId); p.bind(2, id); auto r = p.exec(); if (!r.empty) { return true; } return false; } // returns the item with the given path // the path is relative to the sync directory ex: "./Music/Turbo Killer.mp3" bool selectByPath(const(char)[] path, string rootDriveId, out Item item) { Item currItem = { driveId: rootDriveId }; // Issue if (startsWith(path, "./") || path == ".") { // Need to remove the . from the path prefix path = "root/" ~ path.chompPrefix("."); } else { // Leave path as it is path = "root/" ~ path; } auto s = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM item WHERE name = ?1 AND driveId IS ?2 AND parentId IS ?3"); foreach (name; pathSplitter(path)) { s.bind(1, name); s.bind(2, currItem.driveId); s.bind(3,; auto r = s.exec(); if (r.empty) return false; currItem = buildItem(r); // if the item is of type remote substitute it with the child if (currItem.type == ItemType.remote) { Item child; if (selectById(currItem.remoteDriveId, currItem.remoteId, child)) { assert(child.type != ItemType.remote, "The type of the child cannot be remote"); currItem = child; } } } item = currItem; return true; } // same as selectByPath() but it does not traverse remote folders bool selectByPathWithoutRemote(const(char)[] path, string rootDriveId, out Item item) { Item currItem = { driveId: rootDriveId }; // Issue if (startsWith(path, "./") || path == ".") { // Need to remove the . from the path prefix path = "root/" ~ path.chompPrefix("."); } else { // Leave path as it is path = "root/" ~ path; } auto s = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM item WHERE name IS ?1 AND driveId IS ?2 AND parentId IS ?3"); foreach (name; pathSplitter(path)) { s.bind(1, name); s.bind(2, currItem.driveId); s.bind(3,; auto r = s.exec(); if (r.empty) return false; currItem = buildItem(r); } item = currItem; return true; } void deleteById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id) { auto p = db.prepare(deleteItemByIdStmt); p.bind(1, driveId); p.bind(2, id); p.exec(); } private void bindItem(const ref Item item, ref Statement stmt) { with (stmt) with (item) { bind(1, driveId); bind(2, id); bind(3, name); string typeStr = null; final switch (type) with (ItemType) { case file: typeStr = "file"; break; case dir: typeStr = "dir"; break; case remote: typeStr = "remote"; break; } bind(4, typeStr); bind(5, eTag); bind(6, cTag); bind(7, mtime.toISOExtString()); bind(8, parentId); bind(9, crc32Hash); bind(10, sha1Hash); bind(11, quickXorHash); bind(12, remoteDriveId); bind(13, remoteId); bind(14, syncStatus); } } private Item buildItem(Statement.Result result) { assert(!result.empty, "The result must not be empty"); assert(result.front.length == 15, "The result must have 15 columns"); Item item = { driveId: result.front[0].dup, id: result.front[1].dup, name: result.front[2].dup, eTag: result.front[4].dup, cTag: result.front[5].dup, mtime: SysTime.fromISOExtString(result.front[6]), parentId: result.front[7].dup, crc32Hash: result.front[8].dup, sha1Hash: result.front[9].dup, quickXorHash: result.front[10].dup, remoteDriveId: result.front[11].dup, remoteId: result.front[12].dup, syncStatus: result.front[14].dup }; switch (result.front[3]) { case "file": item.type = ItemType.file; break; case "dir": item.type = ItemType.dir; break; case "remote": item.type = ItemType.remote; break; default: assert(0, "Invalid item type"); } return item; } // computes the path of the given item id // the path is relative to the sync directory ex: "Music/Turbo Killer.mp3" // the trailing slash is not added even if the item is a directory string computePath(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id) { assert(driveId && id); string path; Item item; auto s = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM item WHERE driveId = ?1 AND id = ?2"); auto s2 = db.prepare("SELECT driveId, id FROM item WHERE remoteDriveId = ?1 AND remoteId = ?2"); while (true) { s.bind(1, driveId); s.bind(2, id); auto r = s.exec(); if (!r.empty) { item = buildItem(r); if (item.type == ItemType.remote) { // substitute the last name with the current ptrdiff_t idx = indexOf(path, '/'); path = idx >= 0 ? ~ path[idx .. $] :; } else { if (path) path = ~ "/" ~ path; else path =; } id = item.parentId; } else { if (id == null) { // check for remoteItem s2.bind(1, item.driveId); s2.bind(2,; auto r2 = s2.exec(); if (r2.empty) { // root reached assert(path.length >= 4); // remove "root/" from path string if it exists if (path.length >= 5) { if (canFind(path, "root/")){ path = path[5 .. $]; } } else { path = path[4 .. $]; } // special case of computing the path of the root itself if (path.length == 0) path = "."; break; } else { // remote folder driveId = r2.front[0].dup; id = r2.front[1].dup; } } else { // broken tree assert(0); } } } return path; } Item[] selectRemoteItems() { Item[] items; auto stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM item WHERE remoteDriveId IS NOT NULL"); auto res = stmt.exec(); while (!res.empty) { items ~= buildItem(res); res.step(); } return items; } string getDeltaLink(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id) { assert(driveId && id); auto stmt = db.prepare("SELECT deltaLink FROM item WHERE driveId = ?1 AND id = ?2"); stmt.bind(1, driveId); stmt.bind(2, id); auto res = stmt.exec(); if (res.empty) return null; return res.front[0].dup; } void setDeltaLink(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, const(char)[] deltaLink) { assert(driveId && id); assert(deltaLink); auto stmt = db.prepare("UPDATE item SET deltaLink = ?3 WHERE driveId = ?1 AND id = ?2"); stmt.bind(1, driveId); stmt.bind(2, id); stmt.bind(3, deltaLink); stmt.exec(); } // National Cloud Deployments (US and DE) do not support /delta as a query // We need to track in the database that this item is in sync // As we query /children to get all children from OneDrive, update anything in the database // to be flagged as not-in-sync, thus, we can use that flag to determing what was previously // in-sync, but now deleted on OneDrive void downgradeSyncStatusFlag(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id) { assert(driveId); auto stmt = db.prepare("UPDATE item SET syncStatus = 'N' WHERE driveId = ?1 AND id = ?2"); stmt.bind(1, driveId); stmt.bind(2, id); stmt.exec(); } // National Cloud Deployments (US and DE) do not support /delta as a query // Select items that have a out-of-sync flag set Item[] selectOutOfSyncItems(const(char)[] driveId) { assert(driveId); Item[] items; auto stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM item WHERE syncStatus = 'N' AND driveId = ?1"); stmt.bind(1, driveId); auto res = stmt.exec(); while (!res.empty) { items ~= buildItem(res); res.step(); } return items; } // OneDrive Business Folders are stored in the database potentially without a root | parentRoot link // Select items associated with the provided driveId Item[] selectByDriveId(const(char)[] driveId) { assert(driveId); Item[] items; auto stmt = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM item WHERE driveId = ?1 AND parentId IS NULL"); stmt.bind(1, driveId); auto res = stmt.exec(); while (!res.empty) { items ~= buildItem(res); res.step(); } return items; } }