abraunegg 0efe298b81 Update client use of libcurl docs
* Update client use of libcurl docs
2024-03-14 05:43:57 +11:00

42 lines
1 KiB

participant "OneDrive Client\nfor Linux" as od
participant "libcurl" as lc
participant "Client Web Browser" as browser
participant "Microsoft Authentication Service\n(OAuth 2.0 Endpoint)" as oauth
participant "GitHub API" as github
participant "Microsoft Graph API" as graph
activate od
activate lc
od->od: Generate Authentication\nService URL
activate browser
od->browser: Navigate to Authentication\nService URL via Client Web Browser
browser->oauth: Request access token
activate oauth
oauth-->browser: Access token
browser-->od: Access token
deactivate oauth
deactivate browser
od->lc: Check application version\nvia api.github.com
activate github
lc->github: Query release status
activate github
github-->lc: Release information
deactivate github
lc-->od: Process release information
deactivate lc
loop API Communication
od->lc: Construct HTTPS request (with token)
activate lc
lc->graph: API Request
activate graph
graph-->lc: API Response
deactivate graph
lc-->od: Process response
deactivate lc