Jack Thomasson 460596dd36 Add smaller footprint Docker container builds using Alpine and Debian Stretch (#369)
* Add additional Docker container builds utilising a smaller OS footprint
* Resolve compiling with LDC on Alpine as musl lacks some standard interfaces
2019-02-17 06:13:19 +11:00

156 lines
3.3 KiB

module progress;
import std.stdio;
import std.range;
import std.format;
import std.datetime;
import core.sys.posix.unistd;
import core.sys.posix.sys.ioctl;
class Progress
immutable static size_t default_width = 80;
size_t max_width = 40;
size_t width = default_width;
ulong start_time;
string caption = "Progress";
size_t iterations;
size_t counter;
size_t getTerminalWidth() {
size_t column = default_width;
version (CRuntime_Musl) {
} else {
winsize ws;
if(ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) != -1 && ws.ws_col > 0) {
column = ws.ws_col;
return column;
void clear() {
for(auto i = 0; i < width; i++) write(" ");
int calc_eta() {
immutable auto ratio = cast(double)counter / iterations;
auto current_time = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime();
auto duration = cast(int)(current_time - start_time);
int hours, minutes, seconds;
double elapsed = (current_time - start_time);
int eta_sec = cast(int)((elapsed / ratio) - elapsed);
// Return an ETA or Duration?
if (eta_sec != 0){
return eta_sec;
} else {
return duration;
string progressbarText(string header_text, string footer_text) {
immutable auto ratio = cast(double)counter / iterations;
string result = "";
double bar_length = width - header_text.length - footer_text.length;
if(bar_length > max_width && max_width > 0) {
bar_length = max_width;
size_t i = 0;
for(; i < ratio * bar_length; i++) result ~= "o";
for(; i < bar_length; i++) result ~= " ";
return header_text ~ result ~ footer_text;
void print() {
immutable auto ratio = cast(double)counter / iterations;
auto header = appender!string();
auto footer = appender!string();
header.formattedWrite("%s %3d%% |", caption, cast(int)(ratio * 100));
if(counter <= 1 || ratio == 0.0) {
footer.formattedWrite("| ETA --:--:--:");
} else {
int h, m, s;
.split!("hours", "minutes", "seconds")(h, m, s);
if (counter != iterations){
footer.formattedWrite("| ETA %02d:%02d:%02d ", h, m, s);
} else {
footer.formattedWrite("| DONE IN %02d:%02d:%02d ", h, m, s);
write(progressbarText(header.data, footer.data));
void update() {
width = getTerminalWidth();
this(size_t iterations) {
if(iterations <= 0) iterations = 1;
counter = 0;
this.iterations = iterations;
start_time = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime;
@property {
string title() { return caption; }
string title(string text) { return caption = text; }
@property {
size_t count() { return counter; }
size_t count(size_t val) {
if(val > iterations) val = iterations;
return counter = val;
@property {
size_t maxWidth() { return max_width; }
size_t maxWidth(size_t w) {
return max_width = w;
void reset() {
counter = 0;
start_time = Clock.currTime.toUnixTime;
void next() {
if(counter > iterations) counter = iterations;