abraunegg 51f0ffcb1f Uplift to v2.5.0-alpha-2
* Uplift to v2.5.0-alpha-2
2023-10-05 17:24:30 +11:00

324 lines
8.7 KiB

module dnotify;
private {
import std.string : toStringz;
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : isPointer, isArray;
import std.variant : Variant;
import std.array : appender;
import deimos.notify.notify;
public import deimos.notify.notify : NOTIFY_EXPIRES_DEFAULT, NOTIFY_EXPIRES_NEVER,
version(NoPragma) {
} else {
pragma(lib, "notify");
pragma(lib, "gmodule");
pragma(lib, "glib-2.0");
extern (C) {
private void g_free(void* mem);
private void g_list_free(GList* glist);
version(NoGdk) {
} else {
version(NoPragma) {
} else {
pragma(lib, "gdk_pixbuf");
extern (C) {
GdkPixbuf* gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(const(char)* filename, GError **error);
class NotificationError : Exception {
string message;
GError* gerror;
this(GError* gerror) {
this.message = to!(string)(gerror.message);
this.gerror = gerror;
this(string message) {
this.message = message;
bool check_availability() {
// notify_init might return without dbus server actually started
// try to check for running dbus server
char **ret_name;
char **ret_vendor;
char **ret_version;
char **ret_spec_version;
bool ret;
try {
return notify_get_server_info(ret_name, ret_vendor, ret_version, ret_spec_version);
} catch (NotificationError e) {
throw new NotificationError("Cannot find dbus server!");
void init(in char[] name) {
alias notify_is_initted is_initted;
alias notify_uninit uninit;
static this() {
static ~this() {
string get_app_name() {
return to!(string)(notify_get_app_name());
void set_app_name(in char[] app_name) {
string[] get_server_caps() {
auto result = appender!(string[])();
GList* list = notify_get_server_caps();
if(list !is null) {
for(GList* c = list; c !is null; c = c.next) {
return result.data;
struct ServerInfo {
string name;
string vendor;
string version_;
string spec_version;
ServerInfo get_server_info() {
char* name;
char* vendor;
char* version_;
char* spec_version;
notify_get_server_info(&name, &vendor, &version_, &spec_version);
scope(exit) {
return ServerInfo(to!string(name), to!string(vendor), to!string(version_), to!string(spec_version));
struct Action {
const(char[]) id;
const(char[]) label;
NotifyActionCallback callback;
void* user_ptr;
class Notification {
NotifyNotification* notify_notification;
const(char)[] summary;
const(char)[] body_;
const(char)[] icon;
bool closed = true;
private int _timeout = NOTIFY_EXPIRES_DEFAULT;
const(char)[] _category;
NotifyUrgency _urgency;
GdkPixbuf* _image;
Variant[const(char)[]] _hints;
const(char)[] _app_name;
Action[] _actions;
this(in char[] summary, in char[] body_, in char[] icon="")
in { assert(is_initted(), "call dnotify.init() before using Notification"); }
do {
this.summary = summary;
this.body_ = body_;
this.icon = icon;
notify_notification = notify_notification_new(summary.toStringz(), body_.toStringz(), icon.toStringz());
bool update(in char[] summary, in char[] body_, in char[] icon="") {
this.summary = summary;
this.body_ = body_;
this.icon = icon;
return notify_notification_update(notify_notification, summary.toStringz(), body_.toStringz(), icon.toStringz());
void show() {
GError* ge;
if(!notify_notification_show(notify_notification, &ge)) {
throw new NotificationError(ge);
@property int timeout() { return _timeout; }
@property void timeout(int timeout) {
this._timeout = timeout;
notify_notification_set_timeout(notify_notification, timeout);
@property const(char[]) category() { return _category; }
@property void category(in char[] category) {
this._category = category;
notify_notification_set_category(notify_notification, category.toStringz());
@property NotifyUrgency urgency() { return _urgency; }
@property void urgency(NotifyUrgency urgency) {
this._urgency = urgency;
notify_notification_set_urgency(notify_notification, urgency);
void set_image(GdkPixbuf* pixbuf) {
notify_notification_set_image_from_pixbuf(notify_notification, pixbuf);
//_image = pixbuf;
version(NoGdk) {
} else {
void set_image(in char[] filename) {
GError* ge;
// TODO: free pixbuf
GdkPixbuf* pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename.toStringz(), &ge);
if(pixbuf is null) {
if(ge is null) {
throw new NotificationError("Unable to load file: " ~ filename.idup);
} else {
throw new NotificationError(ge);
assert(notify_notification !is null);
notify_notification_set_image_from_pixbuf(notify_notification, pixbuf); // TODO: fix segfault
//_image = pixbuf;
@property GdkPixbuf* image() { return _image; }
// using deprecated set_hint_* functions (GVariant is an opaque structure, which needs the glib)
void set_hint(T)(in char[] key, T value) {
static if(is(T == int)) {
notify_notification_set_hint_int32(notify_notification, key, value);
} else static if(is(T == uint)) {
notify_notification_set_hint_uint32(notify_notification, key, value);
} else static if(is(T == double)) {
notify_notification_set_hint_double(notify_notification, key, value);
} else static if(is(T : const(char)[])) {
notify_notification_set_hint_string(notify_notification, key, value.toStringz());
} else static if(is(T == ubyte)) {
notify_notification_set_hint_byte(notify_notification, key, value);
} else static if(is(T == ubyte[])) {
notify_notification_set_hint_byte_array(notify_notification, key, value.ptr, value.length);
} else {
static assert(false, "unsupported value for Notification.set_hint");
_hints[key] = Variant(value);
// unset hint?
Variant get_hint(in char[] key) {
return _hints[key];
@property const(char)[] app_name() { return _app_name; }
@property void app_name(in char[] name) {
this._app_name = app_name;
notify_notification_set_app_name(notify_notification, app_name.toStringz());
void add_action(T)(in char[] action, in char[] label, NotifyActionCallback callback, T user_data) {
static if(isPointer!T) {
void* user_ptr = cast(void*)user_data;
} else static if(isArray!T) {
void* user_ptr = cast(void*)user_data.ptr;
} else {
void* user_ptr = cast(void*)&user_data;
notify_notification_add_action(notify_notification, action.toStringz(), label.toStringz(),
callback, user_ptr, null);
_actions ~= Action(action, label, callback, user_ptr);
void add_action()(Action action) {
notify_notification_add_action(notify_notification, action.id.toStringz(), action.label.toStringz(),
action.callback, action.user_ptr, null);
_actions ~= action;
@property Action[] actions() { return _actions; }
void clear_actions() {
void close() {
GError* ge;
if(!notify_notification_close(notify_notification, &ge)) {
throw new NotificationError(ge);
@property int closed_reason() {
return notify_notification_get_closed_reason(notify_notification);
version(TestMain) {
import std.stdio;
void main() {
auto n = new Notification("foo", "bar", "notification-message-im");
n.timeout = 3;