abraunegg 5e0e763317 Change logging of upload, download and deletion activities
Prior to this change logging of upload, download and deletion activities
were only written to the log file when using the --verbose flag, however
they would be written to console / syslog. This corrects that behaviour.
2018-04-10 20:03:28 +10:00

1049 lines
34 KiB

import std.algorithm: find;
import std.array: array;
import std.datetime;
import std.exception: enforce;
import std.file, std.json, std.path;
import std.regex;
import std.stdio, std.string, std.uni, std.uri;
import config, itemdb, onedrive, selective, upload, util;
static import log;
// threshold after which files will be uploaded using an upload session
private long thresholdFileSize = 4 * 2^^20; // 4 MiB
private bool isItemFolder(const ref JSONValue item)
return ("folder" in item) != null;
private bool isItemFile(const ref JSONValue item)
return ("file" in item) != null;
private bool isItemDeleted(const ref JSONValue item)
return ("deleted" in item) != null;
private bool isItemRoot(const ref JSONValue item)
return ("root" in item) != null;
private bool isItemRemote(const ref JSONValue item)
return ("remoteItem" in item) != null;
// construct an Item struct from a JSON driveItem
private Item makeItem(const ref JSONValue driveItem)
Item item = {
id: driveItem["id"].str,
name: "name" in driveItem ? driveItem["name"].str : null, // name may be missing for deleted files in OneDrive Biz
eTag: "eTag" in driveItem ? driveItem["eTag"].str : null, // eTag is not returned for the root in OneDrive Biz
cTag: "cTag" in driveItem ? driveItem["cTag"].str : null, // cTag is missing in old files (and all folders in OneDrive Biz)
mtime: "fileSystemInfo" in driveItem ? SysTime.fromISOExtString(driveItem["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str) : SysTime(0),
if (isItemFile(driveItem)) {
item.type = ItemType.file;
} else if (isItemFolder(driveItem)) {
item.type = ItemType.dir;
} else if (isItemRemote(driveItem)) {
item.type = ItemType.remote;
} else {
// do not throw exception, item will be removed in applyDifferences()
// root and remote items do not have parentReference
if (!isItemRoot(driveItem) && ("parentReference" in driveItem) != null) {
item.driveId = driveItem["parentReference"]["driveId"].str,
item.parentId = driveItem["parentReference"]["id"].str;
// extract the file hash
if (isItemFile(driveItem) && ("hashes" in driveItem["file"])) {
if ("crc32Hash" in driveItem["file"]["hashes"]) {
item.crc32Hash = driveItem["file"]["hashes"]["crc32Hash"].str;
} else if ("sha1Hash" in driveItem["file"]["hashes"]) {
item.sha1Hash = driveItem["file"]["hashes"]["sha1Hash"].str;
} else if ("quickXorHash" in driveItem["file"]["hashes"]) {
item.quickXorHash = driveItem["file"]["hashes"]["quickXorHash"].str;
} else {
log.vlog("The file does not have any hash");
if (isItemRemote(driveItem)) {
item.remoteDriveId = driveItem["remoteItem"]["parentReference"]["driveId"].str;
item.remoteId = driveItem["remoteItem"]["id"].str;
return item;
private bool testFileHash(string path, const ref Item item)
if (item.crc32Hash) {
if (item.crc32Hash == computeCrc32(path)) return true;
} else if (item.sha1Hash) {
if (item.sha1Hash == computeSha1Hash(path)) return true;
} else if (item.quickXorHash) {
if (item.quickXorHash == computeQuickXorHash(path)) return true;
return false;
class SyncException: Exception
@nogc @safe pure nothrow this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
super(msg, file, line);
final class SyncEngine
private Config cfg;
private OneDriveApi onedrive;
private ItemDatabase itemdb;
private UploadSession session;
private SelectiveSync selectiveSync;
// list of items to skip while applying the changes
private string[] skippedItems;
// list of items to delete after the changes has been downloaded
private string[2][] idsToDelete;
// default drive id
private string defaultDriveId;
this(Config cfg, OneDriveApi onedrive, ItemDatabase itemdb, SelectiveSync selectiveSync)
assert(onedrive && itemdb && selectiveSync);
this.cfg = cfg;
this.onedrive = onedrive;
this.itemdb = itemdb;
this.selectiveSync = selectiveSync;
session = UploadSession(onedrive, cfg.uploadStateFilePath);
void init()
// check if there is an interrupted upload session
if (session.restore()) {
log.log("Continuing the upload session ...");
auto item = session.upload();
// download all new changes from OneDrive
void applyDifferences()
// Set defaults for the root folder
string driveId = defaultDriveId = onedrive.getDefaultDrive()["id"].str;
string rootId = onedrive.getDefaultRoot["id"].str;
applyDifferences(driveId, rootId);
// check all remote folders
// https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/764
Item[] items = itemdb.selectRemoteItems();
foreach (item; items) applyDifferences(item.remoteDriveId, item.remoteId);
// download all new changes from a specified folder on OneDrive
void applyDifferencesSingleDirectory(string path)
// test if the path we are going to sync from actually exists on OneDrive
try {
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) {
// The directory was not found
log.vlog("ERROR: The requested single directory to sync was not found on OneDrive");
// OK - it should exist, get the driveId and rootId for this folder
log.vlog("Checking for differences from OneDrive ...");
JSONValue onedrivePathDetails = onedrive.getPathDetails(path); // Returns a JSON String for the OneDrive Path
// If the OneDrive Root is not in the local database, creating a remote folder will fail
// Configure the defaults
defaultDriveId = onedrive.getDefaultDrive()["id"].str;
string driveId = onedrivePathDetails["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; // Should give something like 12345abcde1234a1
string folderId = onedrivePathDetails["id"].str; // Should give something like 12345ABCDE1234A1!101
// Apply any differences found on OneDrive for this path (download data)
applyDifferences(driveId, folderId);
// make sure the OneDrive root is in our database
auto checkDatabaseForOneDriveRoot()
log.vlog("Fetching details for OneDrive Root");
JSONValue rootPathDetails = onedrive.getDefaultRoot(); // Returns a JSON Value
Item rootPathItem = makeItem(rootPathDetails);
// configure driveId and rootId for the OneDrive Root
// Set defaults for the root folder
string driveId = rootPathDetails["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; // Should give something like 12345abcde1234a1
string rootId = rootPathDetails["id"].str; // Should give something like 12345ABCDE1234A1!101
// Query the database
if (!itemdb.selectById(driveId, rootId, rootPathItem)) {
log.vlog("OneDrive Root does not exist in the database. We need to add it.");
applyDifference(rootPathDetails, driveId, true);
} else {
log.vlog("OneDrive Root exists in the database");
// create a directory on OneDrive without syncing
auto createDirectoryNoSync(string path)
// Attempt to create the requested path within OneDrive without performing a sync
log.vlog("Attempting to create the requested path within OneDrive");
// If the OneDrive Root is not in the local database, creating a remote folder will fail
// Handle the remote folder creation and updating of the local database without performing a sync
// delete a directory on OneDrive without syncing
auto deleteDirectoryNoSync(string path)
// Set defaults for the root folder
defaultDriveId = onedrive.getDefaultDrive()["id"].str;
string rootId = onedrive.getDefaultRoot["id"].str;
// Attempt to delete the requested path within OneDrive without performing a sync
log.vlog("Attempting to delete the requested path within OneDrive");
// test if the path we are going to exists on OneDrive
try {
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) {
// The directory was not found on OneDrive - no need to delete it
log.vlog("The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - skipping removing the remote directory as it doesnt exist");
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
// this is odd .. this directory is not in the local database - just go delete it
log.vlog("The requested directory to delete was not found in the local database - pushing delete request direct to OneDrive");
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
} else {
// the folder was in the local database
// Handle the deletion and saving any update to the local database
log.vlog("The requested directory to delete was found in the local database. Processing the delection normally");
// rename a directory on OneDrive without syncing
auto renameDirectoryNoSync(string source, string destination)
try {
// test if the local path exists on OneDrive
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) {
// The directory was not found
log.vlog("The requested directory to rename was not found on OneDrive");
// The OneDrive API returned a 200 OK status, so the folder exists
// Rename the requested directory on OneDrive without performing a sync
moveByPath(source, destination);
// download the new changes of a specific item
// id is the root of the drive or a shared folder
private void applyDifferences(string driveId, const(char)[] id)
JSONValue changes;
string deltaLink = itemdb.getDeltaLink(driveId, id);
log.vlog("Applying changes of Path ID: " ~ id);
// Get the OneDrive Root ID
string oneDriveRootId = onedrive.getDefaultRoot["id"].str;
for (;;) {
try {
changes = onedrive.viewChangesById(driveId, id, deltaLink);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 410) {
log.vlog("Delta link expired, resyncing...");
deltaLink = null;
} else {
throw e;
foreach (item; changes["value"].array) {
// Test is this is the OneDrive Root - not say a single folder root sync
bool isRoot = false;
if ((id == oneDriveRootId) && (item["name"].str == "root")) { // fix for https://github.com/skilion/onedrive/issues/269
// This IS the OneDrive Root
isRoot = true;
// Apply the change
applyDifference(item, driveId, isRoot);
// the response may contain either @odata.deltaLink or @odata.nextLink
if ("@odata.deltaLink" in changes) deltaLink = changes["@odata.deltaLink"].str;
if (deltaLink) itemdb.setDeltaLink(driveId, id, deltaLink);
if ("@odata.nextLink" in changes) deltaLink = changes["@odata.nextLink"].str;
else break;
// delete items in idsToDelete
if (idsToDelete.length > 0) deleteItems();
// empty the skipped items
skippedItems.length = 0;
// process the change of a single DriveItem
private void applyDifference(JSONValue driveItem, string driveId, bool isRoot)
Item item = makeItem(driveItem);
//log.vlog("Processing item to apply differences");
if (isItemRoot(driveItem) || !item.parentId || isRoot) {
log.vlog("Adding OneDrive Root to the local database");
item.parentId = null; // ensures that it has no parent
item.driveId = driveId; // HACK: makeItem() cannot set the driveId propery of the root
// What parent.driveId and parent.id are we using?
//log.vlog("Parent Drive ID: ", item.driveId);
//log.vlog("Parent ID: ", item.parentId);
bool unwanted;
unwanted |= skippedItems.find(item.parentId).length != 0;
unwanted |= selectiveSync.isNameExcluded(item.name);
// check the item type
if (!unwanted) {
if (isItemFile(driveItem)) {
//log.vlog("The item we are syncing is a file");
} else if (isItemFolder(driveItem)) {
//log.vlog("The item we are syncing is a folder");
} else if (isItemRemote(driveItem)) {
//log.vlog("The item we are syncing is a remote item");
assert(isItemFolder(driveItem["remoteItem"]), "The remote item is not a folder");
} else {
log.vlog("This item type (", item.name, ") is not supported");
unwanted = true;
// check for selective sync
string path;
if (!unwanted) {
path = itemdb.computePath(item.driveId, item.parentId) ~ "/" ~ item.name;
path = buildNormalizedPath(path);
unwanted = selectiveSync.isPathExcluded(path);
// skip unwanted items early
if (unwanted) {
log.vlog("Filtered out");
skippedItems ~= item.id;
// check if the item has been seen before
Item oldItem;
bool cached = itemdb.selectById(item.driveId, item.id, oldItem);
// check if the item is going to be deleted
if (isItemDeleted(driveItem)) {
log.vlog("The item is marked for deletion");
if (cached) {
// flag to delete
idsToDelete ~= [item.driveId, item.id];
} else {
// flag to ignore
skippedItems ~= item.id;
// rename the local item if it is unsynced and there is a new version of it
string oldPath;
if (cached && item.eTag != oldItem.eTag) {
oldPath = itemdb.computePath(item.driveId, item.id);
if (!isItemSynced(oldItem, oldPath)) {
log.vlog("The local item is unsynced, renaming");
if (exists(oldPath)) safeRename(oldPath);
cached = false;
// update the item
if (cached) {
applyChangedItem(oldItem, oldPath, item, path);
} else {
applyNewItem(item, path);
// save the item in the db
if (cached) {
} else {
// sync remote folder
// https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/764
/*if (isItemRemote(driveItem)) {
log.log("Syncing remote folder: ", path);
applyDifferences(item.remoteDriveId, item.remoteId);
// download an item that was not synced before
private void applyNewItem(Item item, string path)
if (exists(path)) {
if (isItemSynced(item, path)) {
log.vlog("The item is already present");
} else {
// TODO: force remote sync by deleting local item
log.vlog("The local item is out of sync, renaming...");
final switch (item.type) {
case ItemType.file:
downloadFileItem(item, path);
case ItemType.dir:
case ItemType.remote:
log.log("Creating directory ", path);
// update a local item
// the local item is assumed to be in sync with the local db
private void applyChangedItem(Item oldItem, string oldPath, Item newItem, string newPath)
assert(oldItem.driveId == newItem.driveId);
assert(oldItem.id == newItem.id);
assert(oldItem.type == newItem.type);
assert(oldItem.remoteDriveId == newItem.remoteDriveId);
assert(oldItem.remoteId == newItem.remoteId);
if (oldItem.eTag != newItem.eTag) {
// handle changed name/path
if (oldPath != newPath) {
log.log("Moving ", oldPath, " to ", newPath);
if (exists(newPath)) {
// TODO: force remote sync by deleting local item
log.vlog("The destination is occupied, renaming the conflicting file...");
rename(oldPath, newPath);
// handle changed content and mtime
// HACK: use mtime+hash instead of cTag because of https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/765
if (newItem.type == ItemType.file && oldItem.mtime != newItem.mtime && !testFileHash(newPath, newItem)) {
downloadFileItem(newItem, newPath);
} else {
//log.vlog("The item content has not changed");
// handle changed time
if (newItem.type == ItemType.file && oldItem.mtime != newItem.mtime) {
setTimes(newPath, newItem.mtime, newItem.mtime);
} else {
//log.vlog("", oldItem.name, " has not changed");
// downloads a File resource
private void downloadFileItem(Item item, string path)
assert(item.type == ItemType.file);
write("Downloading ", path, "...");
onedrive.downloadById(item.driveId, item.id, path);
setTimes(path, item.mtime, item.mtime);
writeln(" done.");
log.log("Downloading ", path, "... done.");
// returns true if the given item corresponds to the local one
private bool isItemSynced(Item item, string path)
if (!exists(path)) return false;
final switch (item.type) {
case ItemType.file:
if (isFile(path)) {
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
// HACK: reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing
item.mtime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
if (localModifiedTime == item.mtime) {
return true;
} else {
log.vlog("The local item has a different modified time ", localModifiedTime, " remote is ", item.mtime);
if (testFileHash(path, item)) {
return true;
} else {
log.vlog("The local item has a different hash");
} else {
log.vlog("The local item is a directory but should be a file");
case ItemType.dir:
case ItemType.remote:
if (isDir(path)) {
return true;
} else {
log.vlog("The local item is a file but should be a directory");
return false;
private void deleteItems()
foreach_reverse (i; idsToDelete) {
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectById(i[0], i[1], item)) continue; // check if the item is in the db
string path = itemdb.computePath(i[0], i[1]);
log.log("Deleting item ", path);
itemdb.deleteById(item.driveId, item.id);
if (item.remoteDriveId != null) {
// delete the linked remote folder
itemdb.deleteById(item.remoteDriveId, item.remoteId);
if (exists(path)) {
if (isFile(path)) {
} else {
try {
if (item.remoteDriveId == null) {
} else {
// children of remote items are not enumerated
} catch (FileException e) {
idsToDelete.length = 0;
// scan the given directory for differences and new items
void scanForDifferences(string path)
// Make sure the OneDrive Root is in the database
// make sure defaultDriveId is set
if (defaultDriveId == ""){
// defaultDriveId is not set ... odd ..
defaultDriveId = onedrive.getDefaultDrive()["id"].str;
// scan for changes
log.vlog("Uploading differences of ", path);
Item item;
if (itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
log.vlog("Uploading new items of ", path);
private void uploadDifferences(Item item)
log.vlog("Processing ", item.name);
string path;
bool unwanted = selectiveSync.isNameExcluded(item.name);
if (!unwanted) {
path = itemdb.computePath(item.driveId, item.id);
unwanted = selectiveSync.isPathExcluded(path);
// skip unwanted items
if (unwanted) {
log.vlog("Filtered out");
final switch (item.type) {
case ItemType.dir:
uploadDirDifferences(item, path);
case ItemType.file:
uploadFileDifferences(item, path);
case ItemType.remote:
uploadRemoteDirDifferences(item, path);
private void uploadDirDifferences(Item item, string path)
assert(item.type == ItemType.dir);
if (exists(path)) {
if (!isDir(path)) {
log.vlog("The item was a directory but now it is a file");
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
} else {
log.vlog("The directory has not changed");
// loop trough the children
foreach (Item child; itemdb.selectChildren(item.driveId, item.id)) {
} else {
log.vlog("The directory has been deleted");
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
private void uploadRemoteDirDifferences(Item item, string path)
assert(item.type == ItemType.remote);
if (exists(path)) {
if (!isDir(path)) {
log.vlog("The item was a directory but now it is a file");
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
} else {
log.vlog("The directory has not changed");
// continue trough the linked folder
assert(item.remoteDriveId && item.remoteId);
Item remoteItem;
bool found = itemdb.selectById(item.remoteDriveId, item.remoteId, remoteItem);
} else {
log.vlog("The directory has been deleted");
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
private void uploadFileDifferences(Item item, string path)
assert(item.type == ItemType.file);
if (exists(path)) {
if (isFile(path)) {
SysTime localModifiedTime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
// HACK: reduce time resolution to seconds before comparing
item.mtime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
localModifiedTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
if (localModifiedTime != item.mtime) {
log.vlog("The file last modified time has changed");
string eTag = item.eTag;
if (!testFileHash(path, item)) {
log.vlog("The file content has changed");
write("Uploading file ", path, "...");
JSONValue response;
if (getSize(path) <= thresholdFileSize) {
response = onedrive.simpleUploadReplace(path, item.driveId, item.id, item.eTag);
writeln(" done.");
} else {
response = session.upload(path, item.driveId, item.parentId, baseName(path), eTag);
log.log("Uploading file ", path, "... done.");
// saveItem(response); redundant
// use the cTag instead of the eTag because Onedrive may update the metadata of files AFTER they have been uploaded
eTag = response["cTag"].str;
uploadLastModifiedTime(item.driveId, item.id, eTag, localModifiedTime.toUTC());
} else {
log.vlog("The file has not changed");
} else {
log.vlog("The item was a file but now is a directory");
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
} else {
log.vlog("The file has been deleted");
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
private void uploadNewItems(string path)
// https://github.com/OneDrive/onedrive-api-docs/issues/443
// If the path is greater than 430 characters, then one drive will return a '400 - Bad Request'
// Need to ensure that the URI is encoded before the check is made
if(encodeComponent(path).length < 430){
// path is less than 430 characters
if (defaultDriveId == ""){
// defaultDriveId is not set ... odd ..
defaultDriveId = onedrive.getDefaultDrive()["id"].str;
// skip unexisting symbolic links
if (isSymlink(path) && !exists(readLink(path))) {
// skip filtered items
if (path != ".") {
if (selectiveSync.isNameExcluded(baseName(path))) {
if (selectiveSync.isPathExcluded(path)) {
if (isDir(path)) {
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
// recursively traverse children
auto entries = dirEntries(path, SpanMode.shallow, false);
foreach (DirEntry entry; entries) {
} else {
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
} else {
// This path was skipped - why?
log.log("Skipping item '", path, "' due to the full path exceeding 430 characters (Microsoft OneDrive limitation)");
private void uploadCreateDir(const(string) path)
log.vlog("OneDrive Client requested to create remote path: ", path);
Item parent;
// Was the path entered the root path?
if (path == "."){
// We cant create this directory, as this would essentially equal the users OneDrive root:/
} else {
// If this is null or empty - we cant query the database properly
if ((parent.driveId == "") && (parent.id == "")){
// These are both empty .. not good
//log.vlog("WHOOPS: Well this is odd - parent.driveId & parent.id are empty - we have to query OneDrive for some values for the parent");
// What path to use?
string parentPath = dirName(path); // will be either . or something else
//log.vlog("WHOOPS FIX: Query OneDrive path details for parent: ", parentPath);
if (parentPath == "."){
// We cant create this directory, as this would essentially equal the users OneDrive root:/
try {
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) {
// Parent does not exist ... need to create parent
// Get the Parent Path Details
JSONValue onedrivePathDetails = onedrive.getPathDetails(parentPath); // Returns a JSON String for the OneDrive Path
// JSON Response
//log.vlog("WHOOPS JSON Response: ", onedrivePathDetails);
// configure the data
parent.driveId = onedrivePathDetails["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; // Should give something like 12345abcde1234a1
parent.id = onedrivePathDetails["id"].str; // This item's ID. Should give something like 12345ABCDE1234A1!101
// What parent.driveId and parent.id did we find?
//log.vlog("Using Parent DriveID: ", parent.driveId);
//log.vlog("Using Parent ID: ", parent.id);
// test if the path we are going to create already exists on OneDrive
try {
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) {
// The directory was not found
log.vlog("The requested directory to create was not found on OneDrive - creating remote directory: ", path);
// Perform the database lookup
enforce(itemdb.selectById(parent.driveId, parent.id, parent), "The parent item id is not in the database");
JSONValue driveItem = [
"name": JSONValue(baseName(path)),
"folder": parseJSON("{}")
// Submit the creation request
auto res = onedrive.createById(parent.driveId, parent.id, driveItem);
// What is returned?
//log.vlog("Create Folder Response JSON: ", res);
log.vlog("Sucessfully created the remote directory ", path, " on OneDrive");
log.vlog("The requested directory to create was found on OneDrive - skipping creating the directory: ", path );
// Check that this path is in the database
if (!itemdb.selectById(parent.driveId, parent.id, parent)){
// parent for 'path' is NOT in the database
log.vlog("The parent for this path is not in the local database - need to add parent to local database");
string parentPath = dirName(path);
} else {
// parent is in database
log.vlog("The parent for this path is in the local database - adding requested path (", path ,") to database");
auto res = onedrive.getPathDetails(path);
private void uploadNewFile(string path)
Item parent;
if (defaultDriveId == ""){
// defaultDriveId is not set ... odd ..
defaultDriveId = onedrive.getDefaultDrive()["id"].str;
// Check the database for the parent
enforce(itemdb.selectByPath(dirName(path), defaultDriveId, parent), "The parent item is not in the local database");
// To avoid a 409 Conflict error - does the file actually exist on OneDrive already?
JSONValue fileDetailsFromOneDrive;
// Does this 'file' already exist on OneDrive?
try {
// test if the local path exists on OneDrive
fileDetailsFromOneDrive = onedrive.getPathDetails(path);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) {
// The file was not found on OneDrive, need to upload it
write("Uploading file ", path, "...");
JSONValue response;
if (getSize(path) <= thresholdFileSize) {
response = onedrive.simpleUpload(path, parent.driveId, parent.id, baseName(path));
writeln(" done.");
} else {
response = session.upload(path, parent.driveId, parent.id, baseName(path));
log.log("Uploading file ", path, "... done.");
string id = response["id"].str;
string cTag = response["cTag"].str;
SysTime mtime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
// use the cTag instead of the eTag because Onedrive may update the metadata of files AFTER they have been uploaded
uploadLastModifiedTime(parent.driveId, id, cTag, mtime);
log.vlog("Requested file to upload exists on OneDrive - local database is out of sync for this file: ", path);
// Is the local file newer than the uploaded file?
SysTime localFileModifiedTime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
SysTime remoteFileModifiedTime = SysTime.fromISOExtString(fileDetailsFromOneDrive["fileSystemInfo"]["lastModifiedDateTime"].str);
if (localFileModifiedTime > remoteFileModifiedTime){
// local file is newer
log.vlog("Requested file to upload is newer than existing file on OneDrive");
write("Uploading file ", path, "...");
JSONValue response;
if (getSize(path) <= thresholdFileSize) {
response = onedrive.simpleUpload(path, parent.driveId, parent.id, baseName(path));
writeln(" done.");
} else {
response = session.upload(path, parent.driveId, parent.id, baseName(path));
log.log("Uploading file ", path, "... done.");
string id = response["id"].str;
string cTag = response["cTag"].str;
SysTime mtime = timeLastModified(path).toUTC();
// use the cTag instead of the eTag because Onedrive may update the metadata of files AFTER they have been uploaded
uploadLastModifiedTime(parent.driveId, id, cTag, mtime);
} else {
// Save the details of the file that we got from OneDrive
log.vlog("Updating the local database with details for this file: ", path);
private void uploadDeleteItem(Item item, string path)
log.log("Deleting item from OneDrive: ", path);
if ((item.driveId == "") && (item.id == "") && (item.eTag == "")){
// These are empty ... we cannot delete if this is empty ....
JSONValue onedrivePathDetails = onedrive.getPathDetails(path); // Returns a JSON String for the OneDrive Path
//log.vlog("WHOOPS JSON Response: ", onedrivePathDetails);
item.driveId = onedrivePathDetails["parentReference"]["driveId"].str; // Should give something like 12345abcde1234a1
item.id = onedrivePathDetails["id"].str; // This item's ID. Should give something like 12345ABCDE1234A1!101
item.eTag = onedrivePathDetails["eTag"].str; // Should be something like aNjM2NjJFRUVGQjY2NjJFMSE5MzUuMA
//log.vlog("item.driveId = ", item.driveId);
//log.vlog("item.id = ", item.id);
//log.vlog("item.eTag = ", item.eTag);
try {
onedrive.deleteById(item.driveId, item.id, item.eTag);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) log.log(e.msg);
else throw e;
itemdb.deleteById(item.driveId, item.id);
if (item.remoteId != null) {
itemdb.deleteById(item.remoteDriveId, item.remoteId);
private void uploadLastModifiedTime(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, const(char)[] eTag, SysTime mtime)
JSONValue data = [
"fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([
"lastModifiedDateTime": mtime.toISOExtString()
auto response = onedrive.updateById(driveId, id, data, eTag);
private void saveItem(JSONValue jsonItem)
// Takes a JSON input and formats to an item which can be used by the database
Item item = makeItem(jsonItem);
// Add to the local database
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_move
void uploadMoveItem(string from, string to)
log.log("Moving ", from, " to ", to);
Item fromItem, toItem, parentItem;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(from, defaultDriveId, fromItem)) {
throw new SyncException("Can't move an unsynced item");
if (fromItem.parentId == null) {
// the item is a remote folder, need to do the operation on the parent
enforce(itemdb.selectByPathNoRemote(from, defaultDriveId, fromItem));
if (itemdb.selectByPath(to, defaultDriveId, toItem)) {
// the destination has been overwritten
uploadDeleteItem(toItem, to);
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(dirName(to), defaultDriveId, parentItem)) {
throw new SyncException("Can't move an item to an unsynced directory");
if (fromItem.driveId != parentItem.driveId) {
// items cannot be moved between drives
uploadDeleteItem(fromItem, from);
} else {
SysTime mtime = timeLastModified(to).toUTC();
JSONValue diff = [
"name": JSONValue(baseName(to)),
"parentReference": JSONValue([
"id": parentItem.id
"fileSystemInfo": JSONValue([
"lastModifiedDateTime": mtime.toISOExtString()
auto res = onedrive.updateById(fromItem.driveId, fromItem.id, diff, fromItem.eTag);
// update itemdb
void deleteByPath(string path)
Item item;
if (!itemdb.selectByPath(path, defaultDriveId, item)) {
throw new SyncException("The item to delete is not in the local database");
if (item.parentId == null) {
// the item is a remote folder, need to do the operation on the parent
enforce(itemdb.selectByPathNoRemote(path, defaultDriveId, item));
try {
uploadDeleteItem(item, path);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) log.log(e.msg);
else throw e;
// move a OneDrive folder from one name to another
void moveByPath(const(string) source, const(string) destination)
log.vlog("Moving remote folder: ", source, " -> ", destination);
// Source and Destination are relative to ~/OneDrive
string sourcePath = source;
string destinationBasePath = dirName(destination).idup;
// if destinationBasePath == '.' then destinationBasePath needs to be ""
if (destinationBasePath == ".") {
destinationBasePath = "";
string newFolderName = baseName(destination).idup;
string destinationPathString = "/drive/root:/" ~ destinationBasePath;
// Build up the JSON changes
JSONValue moveData = ["name": newFolderName];
JSONValue destinationPath = ["path": destinationPathString];
moveData["parentReference"] = destinationPath;
// Make the change on OneDrive
auto res = onedrive.moveByPath(sourcePath, moveData);