abraunegg 9933d459ed
Check if configuration file exists before trying to load it (#909)
* Check if configuration file exists before trying to load it
2020-05-20 11:31:30 +10:00

507 lines
18 KiB

import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit;
import std.file, std.string, std.regex, std.stdio, std.process, std.algorithm.searching, std.getopt, std.conv;
import std.algorithm.sorting: sort;
import selective;
static import log;
final class Config
public string refreshTokenFilePath;
public string deltaLinkFilePath;
public string databaseFilePath;
public string databaseFilePathDryRun;
public string uploadStateFilePath;
public string syncListFilePath;
public string homePath;
public string configDirName;
public string defaultSyncDir = "~/OneDrive";
public string defaultSkipFile = "~*|.~*|*.tmp";
public string defaultSkipDir = "";
public string configFileSyncDir;
public string configFileSkipFile;
public string configFileSkipDir;
// was the application just authorised - paste of response uri
public bool applicationAuthorizeResponseUri = false;
private string userConfigFilePath;
// hashmap for the values found in the user config file
// ARGGGG D is stupid and cannot make hashmap initializations!!!
// private string[string] foobar = [ "aa": "bb" ] does NOT work!!!
private string[string] stringValues;
private bool[string] boolValues;
private long[string] longValues;
this(string confdirOption)
// default configuration - entries in config file ~/.config/onedrive/config
// an entry here means it can be set via the config file if there is a coresponding read and set in update_from_args()
stringValues["sync_dir"] = defaultSyncDir;
stringValues["skip_file"] = defaultSkipFile;
stringValues["skip_dir"] = defaultSkipDir;
stringValues["log_dir"] = "/var/log/onedrive/";
stringValues["drive_id"] = "";
stringValues["user_agent"] = "";
boolValues["upload_only"] = false;
boolValues["check_nomount"] = false;
boolValues["check_nosync"] = false;
boolValues["download_only"] = false;
boolValues["disable_notifications"] = false;
boolValues["disable_upload_validation"] = false;
boolValues["enable_logging"] = false;
boolValues["force_http_11"] = false;
boolValues["force_http_2"] = false;
boolValues["local_first"] = false;
boolValues["no_remote_delete"] = false;
boolValues["skip_symlinks"] = false;
boolValues["debug_https"] = false;
boolValues["skip_dotfiles"] = false;
boolValues["dry_run"] = false;
boolValues["sync_root_files"] = false;
longValues["verbose"] = log.verbose; // might be initialized by the first getopt call!
longValues["monitor_interval"] = 45,
longValues["skip_size"] = 0,
longValues["min_notify_changes"] = 5;
longValues["monitor_log_frequency"] = 5;
// Number of n sync runs before performing a full local scan of sync_dir
// By default 10 which means every ~7.5 minutes a full disk scan of sync_dir will occur
longValues["monitor_fullscan_frequency"] = 10;
// Number of children in a path that is locally removed which will be classified as a 'big data delete'
longValues["classify_as_big_delete"] = 1000;
// Delete source after successful transfer
boolValues["remove_source_files"] = false;
// Strict matching for skip_dir
boolValues["skip_dir_strict_match"] = false;
// Allow for a custom Client ID / Application ID to be used to replace the inbuilt default
// This is a config file option ONLY
stringValues["application_id"] = "";
// allow for resync to be set via config file
boolValues["resync"] = false;
// Determine the users home directory.
// Need to avoid using ~ here as expandTilde() below does not interpret correctly when running under init.d or systemd scripts
// Check for HOME environment variable
if (environment.get("HOME") != ""){
// Use HOME environment variable
log.vdebug("homePath: HOME environment variable set");
homePath = environment.get("HOME");
} else {
if ((environment.get("SHELL") == "") && (environment.get("USER") == "")){
// No shell is set or username - observed case when running as systemd service under CentOS 7.x
log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no HOME environment variable set");
log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no SHELL environment variable set");
log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no USER environment variable set");
homePath = "/root";
} else {
// A shell & valid user is set, but no HOME is set, use ~ which can be expanded
log.vdebug("homePath: WARNING - no HOME environment variable set");
homePath = "~";
// Output homePath calculation
log.vdebug("homePath: ", homePath);
// Determine the correct configuration directory to use
string configDirBase;
if (confdirOption != "") {
// A CLI 'confdir' was passed in
log.vdebug("configDirName: CLI override to set configDirName to: ", confdirOption);
if (canFind(confdirOption,"~")) {
// A ~ was found
log.vdebug("configDirName: A '~' was found in configDirName, using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~'");
configDirName = homePath ~ strip(confdirOption,"~","~");
} else {
configDirName = confdirOption;
} else {
// Determine the base directory relative to which user specific configuration files should be stored.
if (environment.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") != ""){
log.vdebug("configDirBase: XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable set");
configDirBase = environment.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
} else {
// XDG_CONFIG_HOME does not exist on systems where X11 is not present - ie - headless systems / servers
log.vdebug("configDirBase: WARNING - no XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable set");
configDirBase = homePath ~ "/.config";
// Output configDirBase calculation
log.vdebug("configDirBase: ", configDirBase);
// Set the default application configuration directory
log.vdebug("configDirName: Configuring application to use default config path");
// configDirBase contains the correct path so we do not need to check for presence of '~'
configDirName = configDirBase ~ "/onedrive";
log.vlog("Using Config Dir: ", configDirName);
if (!exists(configDirName)) mkdirRecurse(configDirName);
refreshTokenFilePath = configDirName ~ "/refresh_token";
deltaLinkFilePath = configDirName ~ "/delta_link";
databaseFilePath = configDirName ~ "/items.sqlite3";
databaseFilePathDryRun = configDirName ~ "/items-dryrun.sqlite3";
uploadStateFilePath = configDirName ~ "/resume_upload";
userConfigFilePath = configDirName ~ "/config";
syncListFilePath = configDirName ~ "/sync_list";
bool initialize()
// Initialise the application
if (!exists(userConfigFilePath)) {
// configuration file does not exist
log.vlog("No config file found, using application defaults");
return true;
} else {
// configuration file exists
// can we load the configuration file without error?
if (load(userConfigFilePath)) {
// configuration file loaded without error
log.log("Configuration file successfully loaded");
return true;
} else {
// there was a problem loading the configuration file
log.log("Configuration file has errors - please check your configuration");
return false;
void update_from_args(string[] args)
// Add additional options that are NOT configurable via config file
stringValues["create_directory"] = "";
stringValues["destination_directory"] = "";
stringValues["get_file_link"] = "";
stringValues["get_o365_drive_id"] = "";
stringValues["remove_directory"] = "";
stringValues["single_directory"] = "";
stringValues["source_directory"] = "";
stringValues["auth_files"] = "";
boolValues["display_config"] = false;
boolValues["display_sync_status"] = false;
boolValues["print_token"] = false;
boolValues["logout"] = false;
boolValues["monitor"] = false;
boolValues["synchronize"] = false;
boolValues["force"] = false;
boolValues["remove_source_files"] = false;
boolValues["skip_dir_strict_match"] = false;
// Application Startup option validation
try {
string tmpStr;
bool tmpBol;
long tmpVerb;
auto opt = getopt(
"Perform authentication not via interactive dialog but via files read/writes to these files.",
"Check for the presence of .nosync in the syncdir root. If found, do not perform sync.",
"Check for the presence of .nosync in each directory. If found, skip directory from sync.",
"Number of children in a path that is locally removed which will be classified as a 'big data delete'",
"Create a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"Debug OneDrive HTTPS communication.",
"Destination directory for renamed or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"Do not use desktop notifications in monitor mode.",
"Disable upload validation when uploading to OneDrive",
"Display what options the client will use as currently configured - no sync will be performed.",
"Display the sync status of the client - no sync will be performed.",
"Only download remote changes",
"Perform a trial sync with no changes made",
"Enable client activity to a separate log file",
"Force the use of HTTP/1.1 for all operations (DEPRECIATED)",
"Force the use of HTTP/2 for all operations where applicable",
"Force the deletion of data when a 'big delete' is detected",
"Display the file link of a synced file",
"Query and return the Office 365 Drive ID for a given Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library",
"Synchronize from the local directory source first, before downloading changes from OneDrive.",
"Directory where logging output is saved to, needs to end with a slash.",
"Logout the current user",
"Minimum number of pending incoming changes necessary to trigger a desktop notification",
"Keep monitoring for local and remote changes",
"Number of seconds by which each sync operation is undertaken when idle under monitor mode.",
"Number of sync runs before performing a full local scan of the synced directory",
"Frequency of logging in monitor mode",
"Do not delete local file 'deletes' from OneDrive when using --upload-only",
"Print the access token, useful for debugging",
"Forget the last saved state, perform a full sync",
"Remove a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"Remove source file after successful transfer to OneDrive when using --upload-only",
"Specify a single local directory within the OneDrive root to sync.",
"Skip dot files and folders from syncing",
"Skip any files that match this pattern from syncing",
"Skip any directories that match this pattern from syncing",
"Skip new files larger than this size (in MB)",
"When matching skip_dir directories, only match explicit matches",
"Skip syncing of symlinks",
"Source directory to rename or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"Specify the local directory used for synchronization to OneDrive",
"Perform a synchronization",
"Sync all files in sync_dir root when using sync_list.",
"Only upload to OneDrive, do not sync changes from OneDrive locally",
"Specify a User Agent string to the http client",
// duplicated from main.d to get full help output!
"Set the directory used to store the configuration files",
"Print more details, useful for debugging (repeat for extra debugging)",
"Print the version and exit",
if (opt.helpWanted) {
} catch (GetOptException e) {
log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
} catch (Exception e) {
// error
log.error("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
string getValueString(string key)
auto p = key in stringValues;
if (p) {
return *p;
} else {
throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key);
long getValueLong(string key)
auto p = key in longValues;
if (p) {
return *p;
} else {
throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key);
bool getValueBool(string key)
auto p = key in boolValues;
if (p) {
return *p;
} else {
throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key);
void setValueBool(string key, bool value)
boolValues[key] = value;
void setValueString(string key, string value)
stringValues[key] = value;
void setValueLong(string key, long value)
longValues[key] = value;
private bool load(string filename)
scope(failure) return false;
auto file = File(filename, "r");
auto r = regex(`^(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$`);
foreach (line; file.byLine()) {
line = stripLeft(line);
if (line.length == 0 || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '#') continue;
auto c = line.matchFirst(r);
if (!c.empty) {
c.popFront(); // skip the whole match
string key = c.front.dup;
auto p = key in boolValues;
if (p) {
// only accept "true" as true value. TODO Should we support other formats?
setValueBool(key, c.front.dup == "true" ? true : false);
} else {
auto pp = key in stringValues;
if (pp) {
setValueString(key, c.front.dup);
// detect need for --resync for these:
// --syncdir ARG
// --skip-file ARG
// --skip-dir ARG
if (key == "sync_dir") configFileSyncDir = c.front.dup;
if (key == "skip_file") configFileSkipFile = c.front.dup;
if (key == "skip_dir") configFileSkipDir = c.front.dup;
} else {
auto ppp = key in longValues;
if (ppp) {
setValueLong(key, to!long(c.front.dup));
} else {
log.log("Unknown key in config file: ", key);
return false;
} else {
log.log("Malformed config line: ", line);
return false;
return true;
void outputLongHelp(Option[] opt)
auto argsNeedingOptions = [
"--user-agent" ];
writeln(`OneDrive - a client for OneDrive Cloud Services
onedrive [options] --synchronize
Do a one time synchronization
onedrive [options] --monitor
Monitor filesystem and sync regularly
onedrive [options] --display-config
Display the currently used configuration
onedrive [options] --display-sync-status
Query OneDrive service and report on pending changes
onedrive -h | --help
Show this help screen
onedrive --version
Show version
foreach (it; opt.sort!("a.optLong < b.optLong")) {
writefln(" %s%s%s%s\n %s",
it.optShort == "" ? "" : " " ~ it.optShort,
argsNeedingOptions.canFind(it.optLong) ? " ARG" : "",
it.required ? " (required)" : "", it.help);
auto cfg = new Config("");
assert(cfg.getValueString("sync_dir") == "~/OneDrive");