skilion 9dd944286f new feature selective sync
removed system wide config file
hardcoded sane default config
updated README
2017-03-12 16:11:51 +01:00

131 lines
2.8 KiB

import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.digest.crc;
import std.file;
import std.net.curl;
import std.path;
import std.regex;
import std.socket;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
private string deviceName;
static this()
deviceName = Socket.hostName;
// give a new name to the specified file or directory
void safeRename(const(char)[] path)
auto ext = extension(path);
auto newPath = path.chomp(ext) ~ "-" ~ deviceName;
if (exists(newPath ~ ext)) {
int n = 2;
char[] newPath2;
do {
newPath2 = newPath ~ "-" ~ n.to!string;
} while (exists(newPath2 ~ ext));
newPath = newPath2;
newPath ~= ext;
rename(path, newPath);
// delete the specified file without throwing an exception if it does not exists
void safeRemove(const(char)[] path)
if (exists(path)) remove(path);
// return the crc32 hex string of a file
string computeCrc32(string path)
CRC32 crc;
auto file = File(path, "rb");
foreach (ubyte[] data; chunks(file, 4096)) {
return crc.finish().toHexString().dup;
// convert wildcards (*, ?) to regex
Regex!char wild2regex(const(char)[] pattern)
string str;
str.reserve(pattern.length + 2);
str ~= "^";
foreach (c; pattern) {
switch (c) {
case '*':
str ~= "[^/]*";
case '.':
str ~= "\\.";
case '?':
str ~= "[^/]";
case '|':
str ~= "$|^";
str ~= c;
str ~= "$";
return regex(str, "i");
// return true if the network connection is available
bool testNetwork()
HTTP http = HTTP("https://login.live.com");
http.method = HTTP.Method.head;
return http.perform(ThrowOnError.no) == 0;
// call globMatch for each string in pattern separated by '|'
bool multiGlobMatch(const(char)[] path, const(char)[] pattern)
foreach (glob; pattern.split('|')) {
if (globMatch!(std.path.CaseSensitive.yes)(path, glob)) {
return true;
return false;
// test if the given path is not included in the allowed paths
// if there are no allowed paths always return false
bool isPathExcluded(string path, string[] allowedPaths)
// always allow the root
if (path == ".") return false;
// if there are no allowed paths always return false
if (allowedPaths.empty) return false;
path = buildNormalizedPath(path);
foreach (allowed; allowedPaths) {
auto comm = commonPrefix(path, allowed);
if (comm.length == path.length || comm.length == allowed.length) {
return false;
return true;
assert(multiGlobMatch(".hidden", ".*"));
assert(multiGlobMatch(".hidden", "file|.*"));
assert(!multiGlobMatch("foo.bar", "foo|bar"));
assert(isPathExcluded("Documents2", ["Documents"]));
assert(isPathExcluded("Hello/World", ["Hello/John"]));
assert(!isPathExcluded("Documents", ["Documents"]));
assert(!isPathExcluded("Documents/a.txt", ["Documents"]));