abraunegg 46dfb051fe Update log.d
* Potentially resolve 'Aborting from core/sync/mutex.d(149) Error: pthread_mutex_destroy failed.[1]    44576 IOT instruction (core dumped)' errors
2024-03-22 08:23:01 +11:00

195 lines
6.2 KiB

// What is this module called?
module log;
// What does this module require to function?
import std.stdio;
import std.file;
import std.datetime;
import std.concurrency;
import std.typecons;
import core.sync.condition;
import core.sync.mutex;
import core.thread;
import std.format;
import std.string;
version(Notifications) {
import dnotify;
// Shared module object
shared LogBuffer logBuffer;
// Timer for logging
shared MonoTime lastInsertedTime;
class LogBuffer {
string[3][] buffer;
Mutex bufferLock;
Condition condReady;
string logFilePath;
bool writeToFile;
bool verboseLogging;
bool debugLogging;
Thread flushThread;
bool isRunning;
bool sendGUINotification;
this(bool verboseLogging, bool debugLogging) {
// Initialise the mutex
bufferLock = new Mutex();
condReady = new Condition(bufferLock);
// Initialise other items
this.logFilePath = logFilePath;
this.writeToFile = writeToFile;
this.verboseLogging = verboseLogging;
this.debugLogging = debugLogging;
this.isRunning = true;
this.sendGUINotification = true;
this.flushThread = new Thread(&flushBuffer);
void shutdown() {
synchronized(bufferLock) {
if (!isRunning) return; // Prevent multiple shutdowns
isRunning = false;
condReady.notifyAll(); // Wake up all waiting threads
flushThread.join(); // Wait for the flush thread to finish
flush(); // Perform a final flush to ensure all data is processed
shared void logThisMessage(string message, string[] levels = ["info"]) {
// Generate the timestamp for this log entry
auto timeStamp = leftJustify(Clock.currTime().toString(), 28, '0');
synchronized(bufferLock) {
foreach (level; levels) {
// Normal application output
if (!debugLogging) {
if ((level == "info") || ((verboseLogging) && (level == "verbose")) || (level == "logFileOnly") || (level == "consoleOnly") || (level == "consoleOnlyNoNewLine")) {
// Add this message to the buffer, with this format
buffer ~= [timeStamp, level, format("%s", message)];
} else {
// Debug Logging (--verbose --verbose | -v -v | -vv) output
// Add this message, regardless of 'level' to the buffer, with this format
buffer ~= [timeStamp, level, format("DEBUG: %s", message)];
// If there are multiple 'levels' configured, ignore this and break as we are doing debug logging
// Submit the message to the dbus / notification daemon for display within the GUI being used
// Will not send GUI notifications when running in debug mode
if ((!debugLogging) && (level == "notify")) {
version(Notifications) {
if (sendGUINotification) {
shared void notify(string message) {
// Use dnotify's functionality for GUI notifications, if GUI notifications is enabled
version(Notifications) {
try {
auto n = new Notification("Log Notification", message, "IGNORED");
} catch (NotificationError e) {
sendGUINotification = false;
addLogEntry("Unable to send notification; disabled in the following: " ~ e.message);
private void flushBuffer() {
while (isRunning) {
private void flush() {
string[3][] messages;
synchronized(bufferLock) {
while (buffer.empty && isRunning) {
messages = buffer;
buffer.length = 0;
foreach (msg; messages) {
// timestamp, logLevel, message
// Always write the log line to the console, if level != logFileOnly
if (msg[1] != "logFileOnly") {
// Console output .. what sort of output
if (msg[1] == "consoleOnlyNoNewLine") {
// This is used write out a message to the console only, without a new line
// This is used in non-verbose mode to indicate something is happening when downloading JSON data from OneDrive or when we need user input from --resync
} else {
// write this to the console with a new line
// Was this just console only output?
if ((msg[1] != "consoleOnlyNoNewLine") && (msg[1] != "consoleOnly")) {
// Write to the logfile only if configured to do so - console only items should not be written out
if (writeToFile) {
string logFileLine = format("[%s] %s", msg[0], msg[2]);
std.file.append(logFilePath, logFileLine ~ "\n");
// Function to initialize the logging system
void initialiseLogging(bool verboseLogging = false, bool debugLogging = false) {
logBuffer = cast(shared) new LogBuffer(verboseLogging, debugLogging);
lastInsertedTime = MonoTime.currTime();
// Function to add a log entry with multiple levels
void addLogEntry(string message = "", string[] levels = ["info"]) {
logBuffer.logThisMessage(message, levels);
void addProcessingLogHeaderEntry(string message, long verbosityCount) {
if (verbosityCount == 0) {
addLogEntry(message, ["logFileOnly"]);
// Use the dots to show the application is 'doing something' if verbosityCount == 0
addLogEntry(message ~ " .", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]);
} else {
// Fallback to normal logging if in verbose or above level
void addProcessingDotEntry() {
if (MonoTime.currTime() - lastInsertedTime < dur!"seconds"(1)) {
// Don't flood the log buffer
lastInsertedTime = MonoTime.currTime();
addLogEntry(".", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]);
// Function to set logFilePath and enable logging to a file
void enableLogFileOutput(string configuredLogFilePath) {
logBuffer.logFilePath = configuredLogFilePath;
logBuffer.writeToFile = true;
void disableGUINotifications(bool userConfigDisableNotifications) {
logBuffer.sendGUINotification = userConfigDisableNotifications;