JC-comp 1d29ca0489
Fix curl reusing socket (#2526)
* Fix curl reusing socket
2023-10-25 07:20:16 +11:00

1893 lines
71 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

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// What is this module called?
module onedrive;
// What does this module require to function?
import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit;
import core.memory;
import core.thread;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.utf;
import std.file;
import std.exception;
import std.regex;
import std.json;
import std.algorithm.searching;
import std.net.curl;
import std.datetime;
import std.path;
import std.conv;
import std.math;
import std.uri;
// Required for webhooks
import arsd.cgi;
import std.concurrency;
import core.atomic : atomicOp;
import std.uuid;
// What other modules that we have created do we need to import?
import config;
import log;
import util;
import curlEngine;
import progress;
// Shared variables between classes
shared bool debugHTTPResponseOutput = false;
class OneDriveException: Exception {
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/concepts/errors
int httpStatusCode;
JSONValue error;
@safe pure this(int httpStatusCode, string reason, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
this.httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode;
this.error = error;
string msg = format("HTTP request returned status code %d (%s)", httpStatusCode, reason);
super(msg, file, line);
this(int httpStatusCode, string reason, ref const JSONValue error, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__) {
this.httpStatusCode = httpStatusCode;
this.error = error;
string msg = format("HTTP request returned status code %d (%s)\n%s", httpStatusCode, reason, toJSON(error, true));
super(msg, file, line);
class OneDriveWebhook {
// We need OneDriveWebhook.serve to be a static function, otherwise we would hit the member function
// "requires a dual-context, which is deprecated" warning. The root cause is described here:
// - https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5710
// - https://forum.dlang.org/post/fkyppfxzegenniyzztos@forum.dlang.org
// The problem is deemed a bug and should be fixed in the compilers eventually. The singleton stuff
// could be undone when it is fixed.
// Following the singleton pattern described here: https://wiki.dlang.org/Low-Lock_Singleton_Pattern
// Cache instantiation flag in thread-local bool
// Thread local
private static bool instantiated_;
// Thread global
private __gshared OneDriveWebhook instance_;
private string host;
private ushort port;
private Tid parentTid;
private shared uint count;
static OneDriveWebhook getOrCreate(string host, ushort port, Tid parentTid) {
if (!instantiated_) {
synchronized(OneDriveWebhook.classinfo) {
if (!instance_) {
instance_ = new OneDriveWebhook(host, port, parentTid);
instantiated_ = true;
return instance_;
private this(string host, ushort port, Tid parentTid) {
this.host = host;
this.port = port;
this.parentTid = parentTid;
this.count = 0;
// The static serve() is necessary because spawn() does not like instance methods
static serve() {
// we won't create the singleton instance if it hasn't been created already
// such case is a bug which should crash the program and gets fixed
// The static handle() is necessary to work around the dual-context warning mentioned above
private static void handle(Cgi cgi) {
// we won't create the singleton instance if it hasn't been created already
// such case is a bug which should crash the program and gets fixed
private void serveImpl() {
auto server = new RequestServer(host, port);
private void handleImpl(Cgi cgi) {
if (debugHTTPResponseOutput) {
log.log("Webhook request: ", cgi.requestMethod, " ", cgi.requestUri);
if (!cgi.postBody.empty) {
log.log("Webhook post body: ", cgi.postBody);
if ("validationToken" in cgi.get) {
// For validation requests, respond with the validation token passed in the query string
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/concepts/webhook-receiver-validation-request
log.log("Webhook: handled validation request");
} else {
// Notifications don't include any information about the changes that triggered them.
// Put a refresh signal in the queue and let the main monitor loop process it.
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/concepts/using-webhooks
send(parentTid, to!ulong(count));
log.log("Webhook: sent refresh signal #", count);
class OneDriveApi {
// Class variables
ApplicationConfig appConfig;
CurlEngine curlEngine;
OneDriveWebhook webhook;
string clientId = "";
string companyName = "";
string authUrl = "";
string redirectUrl = "";
string tokenUrl = "";
string driveUrl = "";
string driveByIdUrl = "";
string sharedWithMeUrl = "";
string itemByIdUrl = "";
string itemByPathUrl = "";
string siteSearchUrl = "";
string siteDriveUrl = "";
string tenantId = "";
string authScope = "";
string refreshToken = "";
bool dryRun = false;
bool debugResponse = false;
ulong retryAfterValue = 0;
// Webhook Subscriptions
string subscriptionUrl = "";
string subscriptionId = "";
SysTime subscriptionExpiration, subscriptionLastErrorAt;
Duration subscriptionExpirationInterval, subscriptionRenewalInterval, subscriptionRetryInterval;
string notificationUrl = "";
this(ApplicationConfig appConfig) {
// Configure the class varaible to consume the application configuration
this.appConfig = appConfig;
// Configure the major API Query URL's, based on using application configuration
// These however can be updated by config option 'azure_ad_endpoint', thus handled differently
// Drive Queries
driveUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive";
driveByIdUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/drives/";
// What is 'shared with me' Query
sharedWithMeUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe";
// Item Queries
itemByIdUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/items/";
itemByPathUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/root:/";
// Office 365 / SharePoint Queries
siteSearchUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites?search";
siteDriveUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites/";
// Subscriptions
subscriptionUrl = appConfig.globalGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/subscriptions";
subscriptionExpiration = Clock.currTime(UTC());
subscriptionLastErrorAt = SysTime.fromUnixTime(0);
subscriptionExpirationInterval = dur!"seconds"(appConfig.getValueLong("webhook_expiration_interval"));
subscriptionRenewalInterval = dur!"seconds"(appConfig.getValueLong("webhook_renewal_interval"));
subscriptionRetryInterval = dur!"seconds"(appConfig.getValueLong("webhook_retry_interval"));
notificationUrl = appConfig.getValueString("webhook_public_url");
// Initialise the OneDrive API class
bool initialise(bool keepAlive=false) {
// Initialise the curl engine
curlEngine = new CurlEngine();
curlEngine.initialise(appConfig.getValueLong("dns_timeout"), appConfig.getValueLong("connect_timeout"), appConfig.getValueLong("data_timeout"), appConfig.getValueLong("operation_timeout"), appConfig.defaultMaxRedirects, appConfig.getValueBool("debug_https"), appConfig.getValueString("user_agent"), appConfig.getValueBool("force_http_11"), appConfig.getValueLong("rate_limit"), appConfig.getValueLong("ip_protocol_version"), keepAlive);
// Authorised value to return
bool authorised = false;
// Did the user specify --dry-run
dryRun = appConfig.getValueBool("dry_run");
// Did the user specify --debug-https
debugResponse = appConfig.getValueBool("debug_https");
// Flag this so if webhooks are being used, it can also be consumed
debugHTTPResponseOutput = appConfig.getValueBool("debug_https");
// Set clientId to use the configured 'application_id'
clientId = appConfig.getValueString("application_id");
if (clientId != appConfig.defaultApplicationId) {
// a custom 'application_id' was set
companyName = "custom_application";
// Do we have a custom Azure Tenant ID?
if (!appConfig.getValueString("azure_tenant_id").empty) {
// Use the value entered by the user
tenantId = appConfig.getValueString("azure_tenant_id");
} else {
// set to common
tenantId = "common";
// Did the user specify a 'drive_id' ?
if (!appConfig.getValueString("drive_id").empty) {
// Update base URL's
driveUrl = driveByIdUrl ~ appConfig.getValueString("drive_id");
itemByIdUrl = driveUrl ~ "/items";
itemByPathUrl = driveUrl ~ "/root:/";
// Configure the authentication scope
if (appConfig.getValueBool("read_only_auth_scope")) {
// read-only authentication scopes has been requested
authScope = "&scope=Files.Read%20Files.Read.All%20Sites.Read.All%20offline_access&response_type=code&prompt=login&redirect_uri=";
} else {
// read-write authentication scopes will be used (default)
authScope = "&scope=Files.ReadWrite%20Files.ReadWrite.All%20Sites.ReadWrite.All%20offline_access&response_type=code&prompt=login&redirect_uri=";
// Configure Azure AD endpoints if 'azure_ad_endpoint' is configured
string azureConfigValue = appConfig.getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint");
switch(azureConfigValue) {
case "":
if (tenantId == "common") {
if (!appConfig.apiWasInitialised) log.log("Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints");
} else {
if (!appConfig.apiWasInitialised) log.log("Configuring Global Azure AD Endpoints - Single Tenant Application");
// Authentication
authUrl = appConfig.globalAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
redirectUrl = appConfig.globalAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
tokenUrl = appConfig.globalAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
case "USL4":
if (!appConfig.apiWasInitialised) log.log("Configuring Azure AD for US Government Endpoints");
// Authentication
authUrl = appConfig.usl4AuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
tokenUrl = appConfig.usl4AuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
if (clientId == appConfig.defaultApplicationId) {
// application_id == default
log.vdebug("USL4 AD Endpoint but default application_id, redirectUrl needs to be aligned to globalAuthEndpoint");
redirectUrl = appConfig.globalAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
} else {
// custom application_id
redirectUrl = appConfig.usl4AuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
// Drive Queries
driveUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive";
driveByIdUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/drives/";
// Item Queries
itemByIdUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/items/";
itemByPathUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/root:/";
// Office 365 / SharePoint Queries
siteSearchUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites?search";
siteDriveUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites/";
// Shared With Me
sharedWithMeUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe";
// Subscriptions
subscriptionUrl = appConfig.usl4GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/subscriptions";
case "USL5":
if (!appConfig.apiWasInitialised) log.log("Configuring Azure AD for US Government Endpoints (DOD)");
// Authentication
authUrl = appConfig.usl5AuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
tokenUrl = appConfig.usl5AuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
if (clientId == appConfig.defaultApplicationId) {
// application_id == default
log.vdebug("USL5 AD Endpoint but default application_id, redirectUrl needs to be aligned to globalAuthEndpoint");
redirectUrl = appConfig.globalAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
} else {
// custom application_id
redirectUrl = appConfig.usl5AuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
// Drive Queries
driveUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive";
driveByIdUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/drives/";
// Item Queries
itemByIdUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/items/";
itemByPathUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/root:/";
// Office 365 / SharePoint Queries
siteSearchUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites?search";
siteDriveUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites/";
// Shared With Me
sharedWithMeUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe";
// Subscriptions
subscriptionUrl = appConfig.usl5GraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/subscriptions";
case "DE":
if (!appConfig.apiWasInitialised) log.log("Configuring Azure AD Germany");
// Authentication
authUrl = appConfig.deAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
tokenUrl = appConfig.deAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
if (clientId == appConfig.defaultApplicationId) {
// application_id == default
log.vdebug("DE AD Endpoint but default application_id, redirectUrl needs to be aligned to globalAuthEndpoint");
redirectUrl = appConfig.globalAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
} else {
// custom application_id
redirectUrl = appConfig.deAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
// Drive Queries
driveUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive";
driveByIdUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/drives/";
// Item Queries
itemByIdUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/items/";
itemByPathUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/root:/";
// Office 365 / SharePoint Queries
siteSearchUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites?search";
siteDriveUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites/";
// Shared With Me
sharedWithMeUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe";
// Subscriptions
subscriptionUrl = appConfig.deGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/subscriptions";
case "CN":
if (!appConfig.apiWasInitialised) log.log("Configuring AD China operated by 21Vianet");
// Authentication
authUrl = appConfig.cnAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
tokenUrl = appConfig.cnAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/v2.0/token";
if (clientId == appConfig.defaultApplicationId) {
// application_id == default
log.vdebug("CN AD Endpoint but default application_id, redirectUrl needs to be aligned to globalAuthEndpoint");
redirectUrl = appConfig.globalAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
} else {
// custom application_id
redirectUrl = appConfig.cnAuthEndpoint ~ "/" ~ tenantId ~ "/oauth2/nativeclient";
// Drive Queries
driveUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive";
driveByIdUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/drives/";
// Item Queries
itemByIdUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/items/";
itemByPathUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/root:/";
// Office 365 / SharePoint Queries
siteSearchUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites?search";
siteDriveUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/sites/";
// Shared With Me
sharedWithMeUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/me/drive/sharedWithMe";
// Subscriptions
subscriptionUrl = appConfig.cnGraphEndpoint ~ "/v1.0/subscriptions";
// Default - all other entries
if (!appConfig.apiWasInitialised) log.log("Unknown Azure AD Endpoint request - using Global Azure AD Endpoints");
// Has the application been authenticated?
if (!exists(appConfig.refreshTokenFilePath)) {
log.vdebug("Application has no 'refresh_token' thus needs to be authenticated");
authorised = authorise();
} else {
// Try and read the value from the appConfig if it is set, rather than trying to read the value from disk
if (!appConfig.refreshToken.empty) {
log.vdebug("Read token from appConfig");
refreshToken = strip(appConfig.refreshToken);
authorised = true;
} else {
// Try and read the file from disk
try {
refreshToken = strip(readText(appConfig.refreshTokenFilePath));
// is the refresh_token empty?
if (refreshToken.empty) {
log.error("refreshToken exists but is empty: ", appConfig.refreshTokenFilePath);
authorised = authorise();
} else {
// existing token not empty
authorised = true;
// update appConfig.refreshToken
appConfig.refreshToken = refreshToken;
} catch (FileException e) {
authorised = authorise();
} catch (std.utf.UTFException e) {
// path contains characters which generate a UTF exception
log.error("Cannot read refreshToken from: ", appConfig.refreshTokenFilePath);
log.error(" Error Reason:", e.msg);
authorised = false;
if (refreshToken.empty) {
writeln("refreshToken is empty !!!!!!!!!! will cause 4xx errors");
// Return if we are authorised
log.vdebug("Authorised State: ", authorised);
return authorised;
// If the API has been configured correctly, print the items that been configured
void debugOutputConfiguredAPIItems() {
// Debug output of configured URL's
// Application Identification
log.vdebug("Configured clientId ", clientId);
log.vdebug("Configured userAgent ", appConfig.getValueString("user_agent"));
// Authentication
log.vdebug("Configured authScope: ", authScope);
log.vdebug("Configured authUrl: ", authUrl);
log.vdebug("Configured redirectUrl: ", redirectUrl);
log.vdebug("Configured tokenUrl: ", tokenUrl);
// Drive Queries
log.vdebug("Configured driveUrl: ", driveUrl);
log.vdebug("Configured driveByIdUrl: ", driveByIdUrl);
// Shared With Me
log.vdebug("Configured sharedWithMeUrl: ", sharedWithMeUrl);
// Item Queries
log.vdebug("Configured itemByIdUrl: ", itemByIdUrl);
log.vdebug("Configured itemByPathUrl: ", itemByPathUrl);
// SharePoint Queries
log.vdebug("Configured siteSearchUrl: ", siteSearchUrl);
log.vdebug("Configured siteDriveUrl: ", siteDriveUrl);
// Shutdown OneDrive API Curl Engine
void shutdown() {
// Delete subscription if there exists any
// Reset any values to defaults, freeing any set objects
curlEngine.http.onSend = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceive = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveHeader = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
curlEngine.http.contentLength = 0;
// Shut down the curl instance & close any open sockets
// Free object and memory
// Authenticate this client against Microsoft OneDrive API
bool authorise() {
char[] response;
// What URL should be presented to the user to access
string url = authUrl ~ "?client_id=" ~ clientId ~ authScope ~ redirectUrl;
// Configure automated authentication if --auth-files authUrl:responseUrl is being used
string authFilesString = appConfig.getValueString("auth_files");
string authResponseString = appConfig.getValueString("auth_response");
if (!authResponseString.empty) {
// read the response from authResponseString
response = cast(char[]) authResponseString;
} else if (authFilesString != "") {
string[] authFiles = authFilesString.split(":");
string authUrl = authFiles[0];
string responseUrl = authFiles[1];
try {
auto authUrlFile = File(authUrl, "w");
} catch (FileException e) {
// There was a file system error
// display the error message
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
// There was a file system error
// display the error message
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
log.log("Client requires authentication before proceeding. Waiting for --auth-files elements to be available.");
while (!exists(responseUrl)) {
// read response from provided from OneDrive
try {
response = cast(char[]) read(responseUrl);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
// exception generated
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
return false;
// try to remove old files
try {
} catch (FileException e) {
log.error("Cannot remove files ", authUrl, " ", responseUrl);
return false;
} else {
log.log("Authorise this application by visiting:\n");
write(url, "\n\n", "Enter the response uri from your browser: ");
appConfig.applicationAuthorizeResponseUri = true;
// match the authorization code
auto c = matchFirst(response, r"(?:[\?&]code=)([\w\d-.]+)");
if (c.empty) {
log.log("An empty or invalid response uri was entered");
return false;
c.popFront(); // skip the whole match
return true;
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/drive_get
JSONValue getDefaultDriveDetails() {
string url;
url = driveUrl;
return get(driveUrl);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_get
JSONValue getDefaultRootDetails() {
string url;
url = driveUrl ~ "/root";
return get(url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_get
JSONValue getDriveIdRoot(string driveId) {
string url;
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/root";
return get(url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/drive_get
JSONValue getDriveQuota(string driveId) {
string url;
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/";
url ~= "?select=quota";
return get(url);
// Return the details of the specified path, by giving the path we wish to query
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_get
JSONValue getPathDetails(string path) {
string url;
if ((path == ".")||(path == "/")) {
url = driveUrl ~ "/root/";
} else {
url = itemByPathUrl ~ encodeComponent(path) ~ ":/";
return get(url);
// Return the details of the specified item based on its driveID and itemID
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_get
JSONValue getPathDetailsById(string driveId, string id) {
string url;
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id;
//url ~= "?select=id,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,root,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference,size";
return get(url);
// Create a shareable link for an existing file on OneDrive based on the accessScope JSON permissions
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_createlink
JSONValue createShareableLink(string driveId, string id, JSONValue accessScope) {
string url;
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/createLink";
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
return post(url, accessScope.toString());
// Return the requested details of the specified path on the specified drive id and path
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_get
JSONValue getPathDetailsByDriveId(string driveId, string path) {
string url;
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/concepts/addressing-driveitems?view=odsp-graph-online
// Required format: /drives/{drive-id}/root:/{item-path}:
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/root:/" ~ encodeComponent(path) ~ ":";
return get(url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_delta
JSONValue viewChangesByItemId(string driveId, string id, string deltaLink) {
// If Business Account add addIncludeFeatureRequestHeader() which should add Prefer: Include-Feature=AddToOneDrive
if ((appConfig.accountType != "personal") && ( appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items"))) {
string url;
// configure deltaLink to query
if (deltaLink.empty) {
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/delta";
} else {
url = deltaLink;
return get(url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_list_children
JSONValue listChildren(string driveId, string id, string nextLink) {
// If Business Account add addIncludeFeatureRequestHeader() which should add Prefer: Include-Feature=AddToOneDrive
if ((appConfig.accountType != "personal") && ( appConfig.getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items"))) {
string url;
// configure URL to query
if (nextLink.empty) {
url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/children";
//url ~= "?select=id,name,eTag,cTag,deleted,file,folder,root,fileSystemInfo,remoteItem,parentReference,size";
} else {
url = nextLink;
return get(url);
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_search
JSONValue searchDriveForPath(string driveId, string path) {
string url;
url = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives/" ~ driveId ~ "/root/search(q='" ~ encodeComponent(path) ~ "')";
return get(url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_update
JSONValue updateById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, JSONValue data, const(char)[] eTag = null) {
const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id;
if (eTag) curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag);
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
return patch(url, data.toString());
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_delete
void deleteById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, const(char)[] eTag = null) {
const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id;
//TODO: investigate why this always fail with 412 (Precondition Failed)
//if (eTag) http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_post_children
JSONValue createById(string parentDriveId, string parentId, JSONValue item) {
string url = driveByIdUrl ~ parentDriveId ~ "/items/" ~ parentId ~ "/children";
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
return post(url, item.toString());
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_put_content
JSONValue simpleUpload(string localPath, string parentDriveId, string parentId, string filename) {
string url = driveByIdUrl ~ parentDriveId ~ "/items/" ~ parentId ~ ":/" ~ encodeComponent(filename) ~ ":/content";
return upload(localPath, url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_put_content
JSONValue simpleUploadReplace(string localPath, string driveId, string id) {
string url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/content";
return upload(localPath, url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_createuploadsession
//JSONValue createUploadSession(string parentDriveId, string parentId, string filename, string eTag = null, JSONValue item = null) {
JSONValue createUploadSession(string parentDriveId, string parentId, string filename, const(char)[] eTag = null, JSONValue item = null) {
string url = driveByIdUrl ~ parentDriveId ~ "/items/" ~ parentId ~ ":/" ~ encodeComponent(filename) ~ ":/createUploadSession";
// eTag If-Match header addition commented out for the moment
// At some point, post the creation of this upload session the eTag is being 'updated' by OneDrive, thus when uploadFragment() is used
// this generates a 412 Precondition Failed and then a 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
// This needs to be investigated further as to why this occurs
//if (eTag) curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("If-Match", eTag);
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
return post(url, item.toString());
// https://dev.onedrive.com/items/upload_large_files.htm
JSONValue uploadFragment(string uploadUrl, string filepath, long offset, long offsetSize, long fileSize) {
// open file as read-only in binary mode
// If we upload a modified file, with the current known online eTag, this gets changed when the session is started - thus, the tail end of uploading
// a fragment fails with a 412 Precondition Failed and then a 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
// For the moment, comment out adding the If-Match header in createUploadSession, which then avoids this issue
auto file = File(filepath, "rb");
string contentRange = "bytes " ~ to!string(offset) ~ "-" ~ to!string(offset + offsetSize - 1) ~ "/" ~ to!string(fileSize);
log.vdebugNewLine("contentRange: ", contentRange);
// function scopes
scope(exit) {
curlEngine.http.onSend = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceive = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveHeader = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
curlEngine.http.contentLength = 0;
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
curlEngine.connect(HTTP.Method.put, uploadUrl);
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Range", contentRange);
curlEngine.http.onSend = data => file.rawRead(data).length;
// convert offsetSize to ulong
curlEngine.http.contentLength = to!ulong(offsetSize);
auto response = performHTTPOperation();
return response;
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/site_search?view=odsp-graph-online
JSONValue o365SiteSearch(string nextLink) {
string url;
// configure URL to query
if (nextLink.empty) {
url = siteSearchUrl ~ "=*";
} else {
url = nextLink;
return get(url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/drive_list?view=odsp-graph-online
JSONValue o365SiteDrives(string site_id){
string url;
url = siteDriveUrl ~ site_id ~ "/drives";
return get(url);
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_get_content
void downloadById(const(char)[] driveId, const(char)[] id, string saveToPath, long fileSize) {
scope(failure) {
if (exists(saveToPath)) {
// try and remove the file, catch error
try {
} catch (FileException e) {
// display the error message
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
// Create the required local directory
string newPath = dirName(saveToPath);
// Does the path exist locally?
if (!exists(newPath)) {
try {
log.vdebug("Requested path does not exist, creating directory structure: ", newPath);
// Configure the applicable permissions for the folder
log.vdebug("Setting directory permissions for: ", newPath);
} catch (FileException e) {
// display the error message
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
const(char)[] url = driveByIdUrl ~ driveId ~ "/items/" ~ id ~ "/content?AVOverride=1";
// Download file
downloadFile(url, saveToPath, fileSize);
// Does path exist?
if (exists(saveToPath)) {
// File was downloaded successfully - configure the applicable permissions for the file
log.vdebug("Setting file permissions for: ", saveToPath);
// Return the actual siteSearchUrl being used and/or requested when performing 'siteQuery = onedrive.o365SiteSearch(nextLink);' call
string getSiteSearchUrl() {
return siteSearchUrl;
// Return the current value of retryAfterValue
ulong getRetryAfterValue() {
return retryAfterValue;
// Reset the current value of retryAfterValue to 0 after it has been used
void resetRetryAfterValue() {
retryAfterValue = 0;
// Create a new subscription or renew the existing subscription
void createOrRenewSubscription() {
// Kick off the webhook server first
if (webhook is null) {
webhook = OneDriveWebhook.getOrCreate(
auto elapsed = Clock.currTime(UTC()) - subscriptionLastErrorAt;
if (elapsed < subscriptionRetryInterval) {
try {
if (!hasValidSubscription()) {
} else if (isSubscriptionUpForRenewal()) {
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
subscriptionLastErrorAt = Clock.currTime(UTC());
log.log("Will retry creating or renewing subscription in ", subscriptionRetryInterval);
} catch (JSONException e) {
log.error("ERROR: Unexpected JSON error: ", e.msg);
subscriptionLastErrorAt = Clock.currTime(UTC());
log.log("Will retry creating or renewing subscription in ", subscriptionRetryInterval);
// Private functions
private bool hasValidSubscription() {
return !subscriptionId.empty && subscriptionExpiration > Clock.currTime(UTC());
private bool isSubscriptionUpForRenewal() {
return subscriptionExpiration < Clock.currTime(UTC()) + subscriptionRenewalInterval;
private void createSubscription() {
log.log("Initializing subscription for updates ...");
auto expirationDateTime = Clock.currTime(UTC()) + subscriptionExpirationInterval;
string driveId = appConfig.getValueString("drive_id");
string url = subscriptionUrl;
// Create a resource item based on if we have a driveId
string resourceItem;
if (driveId.length) {
resourceItem = "/drives/" ~ driveId ~ "/root";
} else {
resourceItem = "/me/drive/root";
// create JSON request to create webhook subscription
const JSONValue request = [
"changeType": "updated",
"notificationUrl": notificationUrl,
"resource": resourceItem,
"expirationDateTime": expirationDateTime.toISOExtString(),
"clientState": randomUUID().toString()
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
try {
JSONValue response = post(url, request.toString());
// Save important subscription metadata including id and expiration
subscriptionId = response["id"].str;
subscriptionExpiration = SysTime.fromISOExtString(response["expirationDateTime"].str);
log.log("Created new subscription ", subscriptionId, " with expiration: ", subscriptionExpiration.toISOExtString());
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 409) {
// Take over an existing subscription on HTTP 409.
// Sample 409 error:
// {
// "error": {
// "code": "ObjectIdentifierInUse",
// "innerError": {
// "client-request-id": "615af209-467a-4ab7-8eff-27c1d1efbc2d",
// "date": "2023-09-26T09:27:45",
// "request-id": "615af209-467a-4ab7-8eff-27c1d1efbc2d"
// },
// "message": "Subscription Id c0bba80e-57a3-43a7-bac2-e6f525a76e7c already exists for the requested combination"
// }
// }
// Make sure the error code is "ObjectIdentifierInUse"
try {
if (e.error["error"]["code"].str != "ObjectIdentifierInUse") {
throw e;
} catch (JSONException jsonEx) {
throw e;
// Extract the existing subscription id from the error message
import std.regex;
auto idReg = ctRegex!(r"[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}", "i");
auto m = matchFirst(e.error["error"]["message"].str, idReg);
if (!m) {
throw e;
// Save the subscription id and renew it immediately since we don't know the expiration timestamp
subscriptionId = m[0];
log.log("Found existing subscription ", subscriptionId);
} else {
throw e;
private void renewSubscription() {
log.log("Renewing subscription for updates ...");
auto expirationDateTime = Clock.currTime(UTC()) + subscriptionExpirationInterval;
string url;
url = subscriptionUrl ~ "/" ~ subscriptionId;
const JSONValue request = [
"expirationDateTime": expirationDateTime.toISOExtString()
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
try {
JSONValue response = patch(url, request.toString());
// Update subscription expiration from the response
subscriptionExpiration = SysTime.fromISOExtString(response["expirationDateTime"].str);
log.log("Renewed subscription ", subscriptionId, " with expiration: ", subscriptionExpiration.toISOExtString());
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 404) {
log.log("The subscription is not found on the server. Recreating subscription ...");
subscriptionId = null;
subscriptionExpiration = Clock.currTime(UTC());
} else {
throw e;
private void deleteSubscription() {
if (!hasValidSubscription()) {
string url;
url = subscriptionUrl ~ "/" ~ subscriptionId;
log.log("Deleted subscription");
private void logSubscriptionError(OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 400) {
// Log known 400 error where Microsoft cannot get a 200 OK from the webhook endpoint
// Sample 400 error:
// {
// "error": {
// "code": "InvalidRequest",
// "innerError": {
// "client-request-id": "<uuid>",
// "date": "<timestamp>",
// "request-id": "<uuid>"
// },
// "message": "Subscription validation request failed. Notification endpoint must respond with 200 OK to validation request."
// }
// }
try {
if (e.error["error"]["code"].str == "InvalidRequest") {
import std.regex;
auto msgReg = ctRegex!(r"Subscription validation request failed", "i");
auto m = matchFirst(e.error["error"]["message"].str, msgReg);
if (m) {
log.error("ERROR: Cannot create or renew subscription: Microsoft did not get 200 OK from the webhook endpoint.");
} catch (JSONException) {
// fallthrough
} else if (e.httpStatusCode == 401) {
// Log known 401 error where authentication failed
// Sample 401 error:
// {
// "error": {
// "code": "ExtensionError",
// "innerError": {
// "client-request-id": "<uuid>",
// "date": "<timestamp>",
// "request-id": "<uuid>"
// },
// "message": "Operation: Create; Exception: [Status Code: Unauthorized; Reason: Authentication failed]"
// }
// }
try {
if (e.error["error"]["code"].str == "ExtensionError") {
import std.regex;
auto msgReg = ctRegex!(r"Authentication failed", "i");
auto m = matchFirst(e.error["error"]["message"].str, msgReg);
if (m) {
log.error("ERROR: Cannot create or renew subscription: Authentication failed.");
} catch (JSONException) {
// fallthrough
} else if (e.httpStatusCode == 403) {
// Log known 403 error where the number of subscriptions on item has exceeded limit
// Sample 403 error:
// {
// "error": {
// "code": "ExtensionError",
// "innerError": {
// "client-request-id": "<uuid>",
// "date": "<timestamp>",
// "request-id": "<uuid>"
// },
// "message": "Operation: Create; Exception: [Status Code: Forbidden; Reason: Number of subscriptions on item has exceeded limit]"
// }
// }
try {
if (e.error["error"]["code"].str == "ExtensionError") {
import std.regex;
auto msgReg = ctRegex!(r"Number of subscriptions on item has exceeded limit", "i");
auto m = matchFirst(e.error["error"]["message"].str, msgReg);
if (m) {
log.error("ERROR: Cannot create or renew subscription: Number of subscriptions has exceeded limit.");
} catch (JSONException) {
// fallthrough
// Log detailed message for unknown errors
log.error("ERROR: Cannot create or renew subscription.");
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
private void addAccessTokenHeader() {
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Authorization", appConfig.accessToken);
private void addIncludeFeatureRequestHeader() {
log.vdebug("Adding 'Include-Feature=AddToOneDrive' API request header as 'sync_business_shared_items' config option is enabled");
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Prefer", "Include-Feature=AddToOneDrive");
private void acquireToken(char[] postData) {
JSONValue response;
try {
response = post(tokenUrl, postData);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
// an error was generated
if ((e.httpStatusCode == 400) || (e.httpStatusCode == 401)) {
// Handle an unauthorised client
handleClientUnauthorised(e.httpStatusCode, e.msg);
} else {
if (e.httpStatusCode >= 500) {
// There was a HTTP 5xx Server Side Error - retry
} else {
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
if (response.type() == JSONType.object) {
// Has the client been configured to use read_only_auth_scope
if (appConfig.getValueBool("read_only_auth_scope")) {
// read_only_auth_scope has been configured
if ("scope" in response){
string effectiveScopes = response["scope"].str();
// Display the effective authentication scopes
writeln("Effective API Authentication Scopes: ", effectiveScopes);
// if we have any write scopes, we need to tell the user to update an remove online prior authentication and exit application
if (canFind(effectiveScopes, "Write")) {
// effective scopes contain write scopes .. so not a read-only configuration
writeln("ERROR: You have authentication scopes that allow write operations. You need to remove your existing application access consent");
writeln("Please login to https://account.live.com/consent/Manage and remove your existing application access consent");
// force exit
if ("access_token" in response){
appConfig.accessToken = "bearer " ~ strip(response["access_token"].str);
// Do we print the current access token
if (log.verbose > 1) {
if (appConfig.getValueBool("debug_https")) {
if (appConfig.getValueBool("print_token")) {
// This needs to be highly restricted in output ....
log.vdebug("CAUTION - KEEP THIS SAFE: Current access token: ", appConfig.accessToken);
refreshToken = strip(response["refresh_token"].str);
appConfig.accessTokenExpiration = Clock.currTime() + dur!"seconds"(response["expires_in"].integer());
if (!dryRun) {
// Update the refreshToken in appConfig so that we can reuse it
if (appConfig.refreshToken.empty) {
// The access token is empty
log.vdebug("Updating appConfig.refreshToken with new refreshToken as appConfig.refreshToken is empty");
appConfig.refreshToken = refreshToken;
} else {
// Is the access token different?
if (appConfig.refreshToken != refreshToken) {
// Update the memory version
log.vdebug("Updating appConfig.refreshToken with updated refreshToken");
appConfig.refreshToken = refreshToken;
// try and update the refresh_token file on disk
try {
log.vdebug("Updating refreshToken on disk");
std.file.write(appConfig.refreshTokenFilePath, refreshToken);
log.vdebug("Setting file permissions for: ", appConfig.refreshTokenFilePath);
} catch (FileException e) {
// display the error message
displayFileSystemErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
} else {
log.error("\nInvalid authentication response from OneDrive. Please check the response uri\n");
// re-authorize
} else {
log.log("Invalid response from the OneDrive API. Unable to initialise OneDrive API instance.");
private void checkAccessTokenExpired() {
try {
if (Clock.currTime() >= appConfig.accessTokenExpiration) {
log.vdebug("Microsoft OneDrive Access Token has EXPIRED. Must generate a new Microsoft OneDrive Access Token");
} else {
log.vdebug("Existing Microsoft OneDrive Access Token Expires: ", appConfig.accessTokenExpiration);
} catch (OneDriveException e) {
if (e.httpStatusCode == 400 || e.httpStatusCode == 401) {
// flag error and notify
log.errorAndNotify("ERROR: Refresh token invalid, use --reauth to authorize the client again.");
// set error message
e.msg ~= "\nRefresh token invalid, use --reauth to authorize the client again";
private void performDelete(const(char)[] url) {
scope(exit) curlEngine.http.clearRequestHeaders();
curlEngine.connect(HTTP.Method.del, url);
auto response = performHTTPOperation();
private void downloadFile(const(char)[] url, string filename, long fileSize) {
// Threshold for displaying download bar
long thresholdFileSize = 4 * 2^^20; // 4 MiB
// To support marking of partially-downloaded files,
string originalFilename = filename;
string downloadFilename = filename ~ ".partial";
// open downloadFilename as write in binary mode
auto file = File(downloadFilename, "wb");
// function scopes
scope(exit) {
curlEngine.http.onSend = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceive = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveHeader = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
curlEngine.http.contentLength = 0;
// Reset onProgress to not display anything for next download
curlEngine.http.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow)
return 0;
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
curlEngine.connect(HTTP.Method.get, url);
curlEngine.http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) {
return data.length;
if (fileSize >= thresholdFileSize){
// Download Progress Bar
size_t iteration = 20;
Progress p = new Progress(iteration);
p.title = "Downloading";
bool barInit = false;
real previousProgressPercent = -1.0;
real percentCheck = 5.0;
long segmentCount = 1;
// Setup progress bar to display
curlEngine.http.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow)
// For each onProgress, what is the % of dlnow to dltotal
// floor - rounds down to nearest whole number
real currentDLPercent = floor(double(dlnow)/dltotal*100);
// Have we started downloading?
if (currentDLPercent > 0){
// We have started downloading
log.vdebugNewLine("Data Received = ", dlnow);
log.vdebug("Expected Total = ", dltotal);
log.vdebug("Percent Complete = ", currentDLPercent);
// Every 5% download we need to increment the download bar
// Has the user set a data rate limit?
// when using rate_limit, we will get odd download rates, for example:
// Percent Complete = 24
// Data Received = 13080163
// Expected Total = 52428800
// Percent Complete = 24
// Data Received = 13685777
// Expected Total = 52428800
// Percent Complete = 26 <---- jumps to 26% missing 25%, thus fmod misses incrementing progress bar
// Data Received = 13685777
// Expected Total = 52428800
// Percent Complete = 26
if (appConfig.getValueLong("rate_limit") > 0) {
// User configured rate limit
// How much data should be in each segment to qualify for 5%
ulong dataPerSegment = to!ulong(floor(double(dltotal)/iteration));
// How much data received do we need to validate against
ulong thisSegmentData = dataPerSegment * segmentCount;
ulong nextSegmentData = dataPerSegment * (segmentCount + 1);
// Has the data that has been received in a 5% window that we need to increment the progress bar at
if ((dlnow > thisSegmentData) && (dlnow < nextSegmentData) && (previousProgressPercent != currentDLPercent) || (dlnow == dltotal)) {
// Downloaded data equals approx 5%
log.vdebug("Incrementing Progress Bar using calculated 5% of data received");
// Downloading 50% |oooooooooooooooooooo | ETA 00:01:40
// increment progress bar
// update values
log.vdebug("Setting previousProgressPercent to ", currentDLPercent);
previousProgressPercent = currentDLPercent;
log.vdebug("Incrementing segmentCount");
} else {
// Is currentDLPercent divisible by 5 leaving remainder 0 and does previousProgressPercent not equal currentDLPercent
if ((isIdentical(fmod(currentDLPercent, percentCheck), 0.0)) && (previousProgressPercent != currentDLPercent)) {
// currentDLPercent matches a new increment
log.vdebug("Incrementing Progress Bar using fmod match");
// Downloading 50% |oooooooooooooooooooo | ETA 00:01:40
// increment progress bar
// update values
previousProgressPercent = currentDLPercent;
} else {
if ((currentDLPercent == 0) && (!barInit)) {
// Initialise the download bar at 0%
// Downloading 0% | | ETA --:--:--:
barInit = true;
return 0;
// Perform download & display progress bar
try {
// try and catch any curl error
// Check the HTTP Response headers - needed for correct 429 handling
// check will be performed in checkHttpCode()
// Reset onProgress to not display anything for next download done using exit scope
} catch (CurlException e) {
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
// free progress bar memory
p = null;
} else {
// No progress bar
try {
// try and catch any curl error
// Check the HTTP Response headers - needed for correct 429 handling
// check will be performed in checkHttpCode()
} catch (CurlException e) {
displayOneDriveErrorMessage(e.msg, getFunctionName!({}));
// Rename downloaded file
rename(downloadFilename, originalFilename);
// Check the HTTP response code, which, if a 429, will also check response headers
private JSONValue get(string url, bool skipToken = false) {
scope(exit) curlEngine.http.clearRequestHeaders();
log.vdebug("Request URL = ", url);
curlEngine.connect(HTTP.Method.get, url);
if (!skipToken) addAccessTokenHeader(); // HACK: requestUploadStatus
JSONValue response;
response = performHTTPOperation();
// OneDrive API Response Debugging if --https-debug is being used
if (debugResponse){
log.vdebug("OneDrive API Response: ", response);
return response;
private void newToken() {
log.vdebug("Need to generate a new access token for Microsoft OneDrive");
string postData =
"client_id=" ~ clientId ~
"&redirect_uri=" ~ redirectUrl ~
"&refresh_token=" ~ refreshToken ~
char[] strArr = postData.dup;
private auto patch(T)(const(char)[] url, const(T)[] patchData) {
scope(exit) curlEngine.http.clearRequestHeaders();
curlEngine.connect(HTTP.Method.patch, url);
auto response = perform(patchData);
return response;
private auto post(T)(string url, const(T)[] postData) {
scope(exit) curlEngine.http.clearRequestHeaders();
curlEngine.connect(HTTP.Method.post, url);
auto response = perform(postData);
return response;
private JSONValue perform(const(void)[] sendData) {
scope(exit) {
curlEngine.http.onSend = null;
curlEngine.http.contentLength = 0;
if (sendData) {
curlEngine.http.contentLength = sendData.length;
curlEngine.http.onSend = (void[] buf) {
import std.algorithm: min;
size_t minLen = min(buf.length, sendData.length);
if (minLen == 0) return 0;
buf[0 .. minLen] = sendData[0 .. minLen];
sendData = sendData[minLen .. $];
return minLen;
} else {
curlEngine.http.onSend = buf => 0;
auto response = performHTTPOperation();
return response;
private JSONValue performHTTPOperation() {
scope(exit) curlEngine.http.onReceive = null;
char[] content;
JSONValue json;
curlEngine.http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) {
content ~= data;
// HTTP Server Response Code Debugging if --https-debug is being used
if (debugResponse){
log.vdebug("onedrive.performHTTPOperation() => OneDrive HTTP Server Response: ", curlEngine.http.statusLine.code);
return data.length;
try {
// Check the HTTP Response headers - needed for correct 429 handling
} catch (CurlException e) {
// Parse and display error message received from OneDrive
log.vdebug("onedrive.performHTTPOperation() Generated a OneDrive CurlException");
auto errorArray = splitLines(e.msg);
string errorMessage = errorArray[0];
// what is contained in the curl error message?
if (canFind(errorMessage, "Couldn't connect to server on handle") || canFind(errorMessage, "Couldn't resolve host name on handle") || canFind(errorMessage, "Timeout was reached on handle")) {
// This is a curl timeout
// or is this a 408 request timeout
// https://github.com/abraunegg/onedrive/issues/694
// Back off & retry with incremental delay
int retryCount = 10000;
int retryAttempts = 0;
int backoffInterval = 0;
int maxBackoffInterval = 3600;
int timestampAlign = 0;
bool retrySuccess = false;
SysTime currentTime;
// what caused the initial curl exception?
if (canFind(errorMessage, "Couldn't connect to server on handle")) log.vdebug("Unable to connect to server - HTTPS access blocked?");
if (canFind(errorMessage, "Couldn't resolve host name on handle")) log.vdebug("Unable to resolve server - DNS access blocked?");
if (canFind(errorMessage, "Timeout was reached on handle")) log.vdebug("A timeout was triggered - data too slow, no response ... use --debug-https to diagnose further");
while (!retrySuccess){
try {
// configure libcurl to perform a fresh connection
log.vdebug("Configuring libcurl to use a fresh connection for re-try");
// try the access
// Check the HTTP Response headers - needed for correct 429 handling
// no error from http.perform() on re-try
log.log("Internet connectivity to Microsoft OneDrive service has been restored");
// unset the fresh connect option as this then creates performance issues if left enabled
log.vdebug("Unsetting libcurl to use a fresh connection as this causes a performance impact if left enabled");
// connectivity restored
retrySuccess = true;
} catch (CurlException e) {
// when was the exception generated
currentTime = Clock.currTime();
// Increment retry attempts
if (canFind(e.msg, "Couldn't connect to server on handle") || canFind(e.msg, "Couldn't resolve host name on handle") || canFind(errorMessage, "Timeout was reached on handle")) {
// no access to Internet
log.error("ERROR: There was a timeout in accessing the Microsoft OneDrive service - Internet connectivity issue?");
// what is the error reason to assis the user as what to check
if (canFind(e.msg, "Couldn't connect to server on handle")) {
log.log(" - Check HTTPS access or Firewall Rules");
timestampAlign = 9;
if (canFind(e.msg, "Couldn't resolve host name on handle")) {
log.log(" - Check DNS resolution or Firewall Rules");
timestampAlign = 0;
// increment backoff interval
int thisBackOffInterval = retryAttempts*backoffInterval;
// display retry information
currentTime.fracSecs = Duration.zero;
auto timeString = currentTime.toString();
log.vlog(" Retry attempt: ", retryAttempts);
log.vlog(" This attempt timestamp: ", timeString);
if (thisBackOffInterval > maxBackoffInterval) {
thisBackOffInterval = maxBackoffInterval;
// detail when the next attempt will be tried
// factor in the delay for curl to generate the exception - otherwise the next timestamp appears to be 'out' even though technically correct
auto nextRetry = currentTime + dur!"seconds"(thisBackOffInterval) + dur!"seconds"(timestampAlign);
log.vlog(" Next retry in approx: ", (thisBackOffInterval + timestampAlign), " seconds");
log.vlog(" Next retry approx: ", nextRetry);
// thread sleep
if (retryAttempts == retryCount) {
// we have attempted to re-connect X number of times
// false set this to true to break out of while loop
retrySuccess = true;
if (retryAttempts >= retryCount) {
log.error(" ERROR: Unable to reconnect to the Microsoft OneDrive service after ", retryCount, " attempts lasting over 1.2 years!");
throw new OneDriveException(408, "Request Timeout - HTTP 408 or Internet down?");
} else {
// what error was returned?
if (canFind(errorMessage, "Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) on handle")) {
// error setting certificate verify locations:
// CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
// CApath: none
// Tell the Curl Engine to bypass SSL check - essentially SSL is passing back a bad value due to 'stdio' compile time option
// Further reading:
// https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/6090
// https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/7536
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45829588/brew-install-fails-curl77-error-setting-certificate-verify
// https://forum.dlang.org/post/vwvkbubufexgeuaxhqfl@forum.dlang.org
log.vdebug("Problem with reading the SSL CA cert via libcurl - attempting work around");
// retry origional call
} else {
// Log that an error was returned
log.error("ERROR: OneDrive returned an error with the following message:");
// Some other error was returned
log.error(" Error Message: ", errorMessage);
log.error(" Calling Function: ", getFunctionName!({}));
// Was this a curl initialization error?
if (canFind(errorMessage, "Failed initialization on handle")) {
// initialization error ... prevent a run-away process if we have zero disk space
ulong localActualFreeSpace = getAvailableDiskSpace(".");
if (localActualFreeSpace == 0) {
// force exit
// return an empty JSON for handling
return json;
try {
json = content.parseJSON();
} catch (JSONException e) {
// Log that a JSON Exception was caught, dont output the HTML response from OneDrive
log.vdebug("JSON Exception caught when performing HTTP operations - use --debug-https to diagnose further");
return json;
private void redeemToken(char[] authCode){
char[] postData =
"client_id=" ~ clientId ~
"&redirect_uri=" ~ redirectUrl ~
"&code=" ~ authCode ~
private JSONValue upload(string filepath, string url) {
// open file as read-only in binary mode
auto file = File(filepath, "rb");
// function scopes
scope(exit) {
curlEngine.http.onSend = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceive = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveHeader = null;
curlEngine.http.onReceiveStatusLine = null;
curlEngine.http.contentLength = 0;
// close file if open
if (file.isOpen()){
// close open file
curlEngine.connect(HTTP.Method.put, url);
curlEngine.http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
curlEngine.http.onSend = data => file.rawRead(data).length;
curlEngine.http.contentLength = file.size;
auto response = performHTTPOperation();
return response;
private void checkHTTPResponseHeaders() {
// Get the HTTP Response headers - needed for correct 429 handling
auto responseHeaders = curlEngine.http.responseHeaders();
if (debugResponse){
log.vdebug("curlEngine.http.perform() => HTTP Response Headers: ", responseHeaders);
// is retry-after in the response headers
if ("retry-after" in curlEngine.http.responseHeaders) {
// Set the retry-after value
log.vdebug("curlEngine.http.perform() => Received a 'Retry-After' Header Response with the following value: ", curlEngine.http.responseHeaders["retry-after"]);
log.vdebug("curlEngine.http.perform() => Setting retryAfterValue to: ", curlEngine.http.responseHeaders["retry-after"]);
retryAfterValue = to!ulong(curlEngine.http.responseHeaders["retry-after"]);
private void checkHttpResponseCode(JSONValue response) {
switch(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code) {
// 0 - OK ... HTTP2 version of 200 OK
case 0:
// 100 - Continue
case 100:
// 200 - OK
case 200:
// No Log ..
// 201 - Created OK
// 202 - Accepted
// 204 - Deleted OK
case 201,202,204:
// No actions, but log if verbose logging
//log.vlog("OneDrive Response: '", curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, " - ", curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, "'");
// 302 - resource found and available at another location, redirect
case 302:
// 400 - Bad Request
case 400:
// Bad Request .. how should we act?
// make sure this is thrown so that it is caught
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
// 403 - Forbidden
case 403:
// OneDrive responded that the user is forbidden
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 403 - Forbidden' - gracefully handling error");
// Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught when performing 'siteQuery = onedrive.o365SiteSearch(nextLink);' call
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
// 412 - Precondition Failed
case 412:
// Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught when performing sync.uploadLastModifiedTime
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
// Server side (OneDrive) Errors
// 500 - Internal Server Error
// 502 - Bad Gateway
// 503 - Service Unavailable
// 504 - Gateway Timeout (Issue #320)
case 500:
// Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
case 502:
// Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
case 503:
// Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
case 504:
// Throw this as a specific exception so this is caught
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
// Default - all other errors that are not a 2xx or a 302
if (curlEngine.http.statusLine.code / 100 != 2 && curlEngine.http.statusLine.code != 302) {
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason, response);
private void checkHttpCode() {
// https://dev.onedrive.com/misc/errors.htm
// https://developer.overdrive.com/docs/reference-guide
HTTP/1.1 Response handling
Errors in the OneDrive API are returned using standard HTTP status codes, as well as a JSON error response object. The following HTTP status codes should be expected.
Status code Status message Description
100 Continue Continue
200 OK Request was handled OK
201 Created This means you've made a successful POST to checkout, lock in a format, or place a hold
204 No Content This means you've made a successful DELETE to remove a hold or return a title
400 Bad Request Cannot process the request because it is malformed or incorrect.
401 Unauthorized Required authentication information is either missing or not valid for the resource.
403 Forbidden Access is denied to the requested resource. The user might not have enough permission.
404 Not Found The requested resource doesnt exist.
405 Method Not Allowed The HTTP method in the request is not allowed on the resource.
406 Not Acceptable This service doesnt support the format requested in the Accept header.
408 Request Time out Not expected from OneDrive, but can be used to handle Internet connection failures the same (fallback and try again)
409 Conflict The current state conflicts with what the request expects. For example, the specified parent folder might not exist.
410 Gone The requested resource is no longer available at the server.
411 Length Required A Content-Length header is required on the request.
412 Precondition Failed A precondition provided in the request (such as an if-match header) does not match the resource's current state.
413 Request Entity Too Large The request size exceeds the maximum limit.
415 Unsupported Media Type The content type of the request is a format that is not supported by the service.
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable The specified byte range is invalid or unavailable.
422 Unprocessable Entity Cannot process the request because it is semantically incorrect.
429 Too Many Requests Client application has been throttled and should not attempt to repeat the request until an amount of time has elapsed.
500 Internal Server Error There was an internal server error while processing the request.
501 Not Implemented The requested feature isnt implemented.
502 Bad Gateway The service was unreachable
503 Service Unavailable The service is temporarily unavailable. You may repeat the request after a delay. There may be a Retry-After header.
507 Insufficient Storage The maximum storage quota has been reached.
509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Your app has been throttled for exceeding the maximum bandwidth cap. Your app can retry the request again after more time has elapsed.
HTTP/2 Response handling
0 OK
// 0 - OK ... HTTP2 version of 200 OK
case 0:
// 100 - Continue
case 100:
// 200 - OK
case 200:
// No Log ..
// 201 - Created OK
// 202 - Accepted
// 204 - Deleted OK
case 201,202,204:
// No actions, but log if verbose logging
//log.vlog("OneDrive Response: '", http.statusLine.code, " - ", http.statusLine.reason, "'");
// 302 - resource found and available at another location, redirect
case 302:
// 400 - Bad Request
case 400:
// Bad Request .. how should we act?
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 400 - Bad Request' - gracefully handling error");
// 403 - Forbidden
case 403:
// OneDrive responded that the user is forbidden
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 403 - Forbidden' - gracefully handling error");
// 404 - Item not found
case 404:
// Item was not found - do not throw an exception
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 404 - Item not found' - gracefully handling error");
// 408 - Request Timeout
case 408:
// Request to connect to OneDrive service timed out
log.vlog("Request Timeout - gracefully handling error");
throw new OneDriveException(408, "Request Timeout - HTTP 408 or Internet down?");
// 409 - Conflict
case 409:
// Conflict handling .. how should we act? This only really gets triggered if we are using --local-first & we remove items.db as the DB thinks the file is not uploaded but it is
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 409 - Conflict' - gracefully handling error");
// 412 - Precondition Failed
case 412:
// A precondition provided in the request (such as an if-match header) does not match the resource's current state.
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 412 - Precondition Failed' - gracefully handling error");
// 415 - Unsupported Media Type
case 415:
// Unsupported Media Type ... sometimes triggered on image files, especially PNG
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 415 - Unsupported Media Type' - gracefully handling error");
// 429 - Too Many Requests
case 429:
// Too many requests in a certain time window
// Check the HTTP Response headers - needed for correct 429 handling
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/general-development/how-to-avoid-getting-throttled-or-blocked-in-sharepoint-online
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 429 - Too Many Requests' - gracefully handling error");
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason);
// Server side (OneDrive) Errors
// 500 - Internal Server Error
// 502 - Bad Gateway
// 503 - Service Unavailable
// 504 - Gateway Timeout (Issue #320)
case 500:
// No actions
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 500 Internal Server Error' - gracefully handling error");
case 502:
// No actions
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 502 Bad Gateway Error' - gracefully handling error");
case 503:
// No actions
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 503 Service Unavailable Error' - gracefully handling error");
case 504:
// No actions
log.vlog("OneDrive returned a 'HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout Error' - gracefully handling error");
// "else"
throw new OneDriveException(curlEngine.http.statusLine.code, curlEngine.http.statusLine.reason);