abraunegg 0404ee2e37
Add architecture documentation to 'alpha-5' (#2639)
* Add Client Architecture Documentation
2024-02-21 06:41:22 +11:00

81 lines
2.8 KiB

:Validate access and existing access token\nRefresh if needed;
:Query /delta API;
note right: Query Microsoft OneDrive /delta API
:Receive JSON responses;
:Process JSON Responses;
partition "Process /delta JSON Responses" {
while (for each JSON response) is (yes)
:Determine if JSON is 'root'\nor 'deleted' item;
if ('root' or 'deleted') then (yes)
:Process 'root' or 'deleted' items;
if ('root' object) then (yes)
:Process 'root' JSON;
else (no)
if (Is 'deleted' object in sync) then (yes)
:Process delection of local item;
else (no)
:Rename local file as it is not in sync;
note right: Deletion event conflict handling\nLocal data loss prevention
else (no)
:Evaluate against 'Client Side Filtering' rules;
if (unwanted) then (yes)
:Discard JSON;
else (no)
:Process JSON (create dir/download file);
if (Is the 'JSON' item in the local cache) then (yes)
:Process JSON as a potentially changed local item;
note left: Run 'applyPotentiallyChangedItem' function
else (no)
:Process JSON as potentially new local item;
note right: Run 'applyPotentiallyNewLocalItem' function
:Process objects in download queue;
:Download File;
note left: Download file from Microsoft OneDrive (Multi Threaded Download)
:Save in local database cache;
partition "Perform data integrity check based on local cache database" {
:Process local cache database\nto check local data integrity and for differences;
if (difference found) then (yes)
:Upload file/folder change including deletion;
note right: Upload local change to Microsoft OneDrive
:Receive response with item metadata;
:Save response to local cache database;
else (no)
partition "Local Filesystem Scanning" {
:Scan local filesystem\nfor new files/folders;
while (for each new item) is (yes)
:Check item against 'Client Side Filtering' rules;
if (item passes filtering) then (yes)
:Upload new file/folder change including deletion;
note right: Upload to Microsoft OneDrive
:Receive response with item metadata;
:Save response in local\ncache database;
else (no)
:Discard item\n(Does not meet filtering criteria);
partition "Final True-Up" {
:Query /delta link for true-up;
note right: Final Data True-Up
:Process further online JSON changes if required;