nrandon 1c6dd424d7
Fix alpine build so it uses the same alpine version (#1226)
The current docker file uses golang:alpine which can fall out of
step with alpine:latest. If there build does fall out of step the
ldc compiler will have different version the runtime will have
different lib dependences and hence will not work stating missing/
mismatched runtime libraries. This can be address by directly
pulling the alpine docker and installing go using the alpine
version, and hence the mismatch will not accrue.
2021-01-18 14:33:12 +11:00

22 lines
600 B

# -*-Dockerfile-*-
FROM alpine
RUN apk add \
alpine-sdk gnupg xz curl-dev sqlite-dev binutils-gold \
autoconf automake ldc go
RUN go get github.com/tianon/gosu
COPY . /usr/src/onedrive
RUN cd /usr/src/onedrive/ && \
autoreconf -fiv && \
./configure && \
make clean && \
make && \
make install
FROM alpine
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
RUN apk add --no-cache \
bash libcurl libgcc shadow sqlite-libs ldc-runtime && \
mkdir -p /onedrive/conf /onedrive/data
COPY contrib/docker/entrypoint.sh /
COPY --from=0 /root/go/bin/gosu /usr/local/bin/onedrive /usr/local/bin/