abraunegg eb17c779e8 Release files for 2.5.0-rc1
* Release files for 2.5.0-rc1
2024-03-10 11:34:38 +11:00

2152 lines
98 KiB

// What is this module called?
module config;
// What does this module require to function?
import core.stdc.stdlib: EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, exit;
import std.stdio;
import std.process;
import std.regex;
import std.string;
import std.algorithm.searching;
import std.algorithm.sorting: sort;
import std.file;
import std.conv;
import std.path;
import std.getopt;
import std.format;
import std.ascii;
import std.datetime;
// What other modules that we have created do we need to import?
import log;
import util;
class ApplicationConfig {
// Application default values - these do not change
// - Compile time regex
immutable auto configRegex = ctRegex!(`^(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$`);
// - Default directory to store data
immutable string defaultSyncDir = "~/OneDrive";
// - Default Directory Permissions
immutable long defaultDirectoryPermissionMode = 700;
// - Default File Permissions
immutable long defaultFilePermissionMode = 600;
// - Default types of files to skip
// v2.0.x - 2.4.x: ~*|.~*|*.tmp
// v2.5.x : ~*|.~*|*.tmp|*.swp|*.partial
immutable string defaultSkipFile = "~*|.~*|*.tmp|*.swp|*.partial";
// - Default directories to skip (default is skip none)
immutable string defaultSkipDir = "";
// - Default application logging directory
immutable string defaultLogFileDir = "/var/log/onedrive";
// - Default configuration directory
immutable string defaultConfigDirName = "~/.config/onedrive";
// - Default 'OneDrive Business Shared Files' Folder Name
immutable string defaultBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName = "Files Shared With Me";
// Microsoft Requirements
// - Default Application ID (abraunegg)
immutable string defaultApplicationId = "d50ca740-c83f-4d1b-b616-12c519384f0c";
// - Microsoft User Agent ISV Tag
immutable string isvTag = "ISV";
// - Microsoft User Agent Company name
immutable string companyName = "abraunegg";
// - Microsoft Application name as per Microsoft Azure application registration
immutable string appTitle = "OneDrive Client for Linux";
// Comply with OneDrive traffic decoration requirements
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/general-development/how-to-avoid-getting-throttled-or-blocked-in-sharepoint-online
// - Identify as ISV and include Company Name, App Name separated by a pipe character and then adding Version number separated with a slash character
immutable string defaultUserAgent = isvTag ~ "|" ~ companyName ~ "|" ~ appTitle ~ "/" ~ strip(import("version"));
// HTTP Struct items, used for configuring HTTP()
// Curl Timeout Handling
// libcurl dns_cache_timeout timeout
immutable int defaultDnsTimeout = 60;
// Connect timeout for HTTP|HTTPS connections
immutable int defaultConnectTimeout = 10;
// Default data timeout for HTTP
// curl.d has a default of: _defaultDataTimeout = dur!"minutes"(2);
immutable int defaultDataTimeout = 240;
// Maximum time any operation is allowed to take
// This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc.
immutable int defaultOperationTimeout = 3600;
// Specify what IP protocol version should be used when communicating with OneDrive
immutable int defaultIpProtocol = 0; // 0 = IPv4 + IPv6, 1 = IPv4 Only, 2 = IPv6 Only
// Specify how many redirects should be allowed
immutable int defaultMaxRedirects = 5;
// Azure Active Directory & Graph Explorer Endpoints
// - Global & Default
immutable string globalAuthEndpoint = "https://login.microsoftonline.com";
immutable string globalGraphEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.com";
// - US Government L4
immutable string usl4AuthEndpoint = "https://login.microsoftonline.us";
immutable string usl4GraphEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.us";
// - US Government L5
immutable string usl5AuthEndpoint = "https://login.microsoftonline.us";
immutable string usl5GraphEndpoint = "https://dod-graph.microsoft.us";
// - Germany
immutable string deAuthEndpoint = "https://login.microsoftonline.de";
immutable string deGraphEndpoint = "https://graph.microsoft.de";
// - China
immutable string cnAuthEndpoint = "https://login.chinacloudapi.cn";
immutable string cnGraphEndpoint = "https://microsoftgraph.chinacloudapi.cn";
// Application Version
immutable string applicationVersion = "onedrive " ~ strip(import("version"));
// Application items that depend on application run-time environment, thus cannot be immutable
// Public variables
// Logging output
bool verboseLogging = false;
bool debugLogging = false;
long verbosityCount = 0;
// Was the application just authorised - paste of response uri
bool applicationAuthorizeResponseUri = false;
// Store the refreshToken for use within the application
const(char)[] refreshToken;
// Store the current accessToken for use within the application
const(char)[] accessToken;
// Store the 'refresh_token' file path
string refreshTokenFilePath = "";
// Store the accessTokenExpiration for use within the application
SysTime accessTokenExpiration;
// Store the 'session_upload.CRC32-HASH' file path
string uploadSessionFilePath = "";
// API initialisation flags
bool apiWasInitialised = false;
bool syncEngineWasInitialised = false;
// Important Account Details
string accountType;
string defaultDriveId;
string defaultRootId;
// Sync Operations
bool fullScanTrueUpRequired = false;
bool surpressLoggingOutput = false;
// Number of concurrent threads when downloading and uploading data
ulong defaultConcurrentThreads = 8;
// All application run-time paths are formulated from this as a set of defaults
// - What is the home path of the actual 'user' that is running the application
string defaultHomePath = "";
// - What is the config path for the application. By default, this is ~/.config/onedrive but can be overridden by using --confdir
string configDirName = defaultConfigDirName;
// - In case we have to use a system config directory such as '/etc/onedrive' or similar, store that path in this variable
private string systemConfigDirName = "";
// - Store the configured converted octal value for directory permissions
private int configuredDirectoryPermissionMode;
// - Store the configured converted octal value for file permissions
private int configuredFilePermissionMode;
// - Store the 'delta_link' file path
private string deltaLinkFilePath = "";
// - Store the 'items.sqlite3' file path
string databaseFilePath = "";
// - Store the 'items-dryrun.sqlite3' file path
string databaseFilePathDryRun = "";
// - Store the user 'config' file path
private string userConfigFilePath = "";
// - Store the system 'config' file path
private string systemConfigFilePath = "";
// - What is the 'config' file path that will be used?
private string applicableConfigFilePath = "";
// - Store the 'sync_list' file path
string syncListFilePath = "";
// OneDrive Business Shared File handling - what directory will be used?
string configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName = "";
// Hash files so that we can detect when the configuration has changed, in items that will require a --resync
private string configHashFile = "";
private string configBackupFile = "";
private string syncListHashFile = "";
// Store the actual 'runtime' hash
private string currentConfigHash = "";
private string currentSyncListHash = "";
// Store the previous config files hash values (file contents)
private string previousConfigHash = "";
private string previousSyncListHash = "";
// Store items that come in from the 'config' file, otherwise these need to be set the the defaults
private string configFileSyncDir = defaultSyncDir;
private string configFileSkipFile = defaultSkipFile;
private string configFileSkipDir = ""; // Default here is no directories are skipped
private string configFileDriveId = ""; // Default here is that no drive id is specified
private bool configFileSkipDotfiles = false;
private bool configFileSkipSymbolicLinks = false;
private bool configFileSyncBusinessSharedItems = false;
// File permission values (set via initialise function)
private int convertedPermissionValue;
// Array of values that are the actual application runtime configuration
// The values stored in these array's are the actual application configuration which can then be accessed by getValue & setValue
string[string] stringValues;
long[string] longValues;
bool[string] boolValues;
bool shellEnvironmentSet = false;
// Initialise the application configuration
bool initialise(string confdirOption, bool helpRequested) {
// Default runtime configuration - entries in config file ~/.config/onedrive/config or derived from variables above
// An entry here means it can be set via the config file if there is a coresponding entry, read from config and set via update_from_args()
// The below becomes the 'default' application configuration before config file and/or cli options are overlayed on top
// - Set the required default values
stringValues["application_id"] = defaultApplicationId;
stringValues["log_dir"] = defaultLogFileDir;
stringValues["skip_dir"] = defaultSkipDir;
stringValues["skip_file"] = defaultSkipFile;
stringValues["sync_dir"] = defaultSyncDir;
stringValues["user_agent"] = defaultUserAgent;
// - The 'drive_id' is used when we specify a specific OneDrive ID when attempting to sync Shared Folders and SharePoint items
stringValues["drive_id"] = "";
// Support National Azure AD endpoints as per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/deployments
// By default, if empty, use standard Azure AD URL's
// Will support the following options:
// - USL4
// AD Endpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.us
// Graph Endpoint: https://graph.microsoft.us
// - USL5
// AD Endpoint: https://login.microsoftonline.us
// Graph Endpoint: https://dod-graph.microsoft.us
// - DE
// AD Endpoint: https://portal.microsoftazure.de
// Graph Endpoint: https://graph.microsoft.de
// - CN
// AD Endpoint: https://login.chinacloudapi.cn
// Graph Endpoint: https://microsoftgraph.chinacloudapi.cn
stringValues["azure_ad_endpoint"] = "";
// Support single-tenant applications that are not able to use the "common" multiplexer
stringValues["azure_tenant_id"] = "";
// - Store how many times was --verbose added
longValues["verbose"] = verbosityCount;
// - The amount of time (seconds) between monitor sync loops
longValues["monitor_interval"] = 300;
// - What size of file should be skipped?
longValues["skip_size"] = 0;
// - How many 'loops' when using --monitor, before we print out high frequency recurring items?
longValues["monitor_log_frequency"] = 12;
// - Number of N sync runs before performing a full local scan of sync_dir
// By default 12 which means every ~60 minutes a full disk scan of sync_dir will occur
// 'monitor_interval' * 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' = 3600 = 1 hour
longValues["monitor_fullscan_frequency"] = 12;
// - Number of children in a path that is locally removed which will be classified as a 'big data delete'
longValues["classify_as_big_delete"] = 1000;
// - Configure the default folder permission attributes for newly created folders
longValues["sync_dir_permissions"] = defaultDirectoryPermissionMode;
// - Configure the default file permission attributes for newly created file
longValues["sync_file_permissions"] = defaultFilePermissionMode;
// - Configure download / upload rate limits
longValues["rate_limit"] = 0;
// - To ensure we do not fill up the load disk, how much disk space should be reserved by default
longValues["space_reservation"] = 50 * 2^^20; // 50 MB as Bytes
// HTTPS & CURL Operation Settings
// - Maximum time an operation is allowed to take
// This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc - controls CURLOPT_TIMEOUT
// CURLOPT_TIMEOUT: This option sets the maximum time in seconds that you allow the libcurl transfer operation to take.
// This is useful for controlling how long a specific transfer should take before it is considered too slow and aborted. However, it does not directly control the keep-alive time of a socket.
longValues["operation_timeout"] = defaultOperationTimeout;
// libcurl dns_cache_timeout timeout
longValues["dns_timeout"] = defaultDnsTimeout;
// Timeout for HTTPS connections - controls CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT
// CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT: This option sets the timeout, in seconds, for the connection phase. It is the maximum time allowed for the connection to be established.
longValues["connect_timeout"] = defaultConnectTimeout;
// Timeout for activity on a HTTPS connection
longValues["data_timeout"] = defaultDataTimeout;
// What IP protocol version should be used when communicating with OneDrive
longValues["ip_protocol_version"] = defaultIpProtocol; // 0 = IPv4 + IPv6, 1 = IPv4 Only, 2 = IPv6 Only
// Number of concurrent threads
longValues["threads"] = defaultConcurrentThreads; // Default is 8, user can increase to max of 16 or decrease
// - Do we wish to upload only?
boolValues["upload_only"] = false;
// - Do we need to check for the .nomount file on the mount point?
boolValues["check_nomount"] = false;
// - Do we need to check for the .nosync file anywhere?
boolValues["check_nosync"] = false;
// - Do we wish to download only?
boolValues["download_only"] = false;
// - Do we disable notifications?
boolValues["disable_notifications"] = false;
// - Do we bypass all the download validation?
// This is critically important not to disable, but because of SharePoint 'feature' can be highly desirable to enable
boolValues["disable_download_validation"] = false;
// - Do we bypass all the upload validation?
// This is critically important not to disable, but because of SharePoint 'feature' can be highly desirable to enable
boolValues["disable_upload_validation"] = false;
// - Do we enable logging?
boolValues["enable_logging"] = false;
// - Do we force HTTP 1.1 for connections to the OneDrive API
// By default we use the curl library default, which should be HTTP2 for most operations governed by the OneDrive API
boolValues["force_http_11"] = false;
// - Do we treat the local file system as the source of truth for our data?
boolValues["local_first"] = false;
// - Do we ignore local file deletes, so that all files are retained online?
boolValues["no_remote_delete"] = false;
// - Do we skip symbolic links?
boolValues["skip_symlinks"] = false;
// - Do we enable debugging for all HTTPS flows. Critically important for debugging API issues.
boolValues["debug_https"] = false;
// - Do we skip .files and .folders?
boolValues["skip_dotfiles"] = false;
// - Do we perform a 'dry-run' with no local or remote changes actually being performed?
boolValues["dry_run"] = false;
// - Do we sync all the files in the 'sync_dir' root?
boolValues["sync_root_files"] = false;
// - Do we delete source after successful transfer?
boolValues["remove_source_files"] = false;
// - Do we perform strict matching for skip_dir?
boolValues["skip_dir_strict_match"] = false;
// - Do we perform a --resync?
boolValues["resync"] = false;
// - resync now needs to be acknowledged based on the 'risk' of using it
boolValues["resync_auth"] = false;
// - Ignore data safety checks and overwrite local data rather than preserve & rename
// This is a config file option ONLY
boolValues["bypass_data_preservation"] = false;
// - Allow enable / disable of the syncing of OneDrive Business Shared items (files & folders) via configuration file
boolValues["sync_business_shared_items"] = false;
// - Log to application output running configuration values
boolValues["display_running_config"] = false;
// - Configure read-only authentication scope
boolValues["read_only_auth_scope"] = false;
// - Flag to cleanup local files when using --download-only
boolValues["cleanup_local_files"] = false;
// Webhook Feature Options
boolValues["webhook_enabled"] = false;
stringValues["webhook_public_url"] = "";
stringValues["webhook_listening_host"] = "";
longValues["webhook_listening_port"] = 8888;
longValues["webhook_expiration_interval"] = 600;
longValues["webhook_renewal_interval"] = 300;
longValues["webhook_retry_interval"] = 60;
// Determine the users home directory.
// Need to avoid using ~ here as expandTilde() below does not interpret correctly when running under init.d or systemd scripts
// Check for HOME environment variable
if (environment.get("HOME") != ""){
// Use HOME environment variable
addLogEntry("runtime_environment: HOME environment variable detected, expansion of '~' should be possible", ["debug"]);
defaultHomePath = environment.get("HOME");
shellEnvironmentSet = true;
} else {
if ((environment.get("SHELL") == "") && (environment.get("USER") == "")){
// No shell is set or username - observed case when running as systemd service under CentOS 7.x
addLogEntry("runtime_environment: No HOME, SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected. Expansion of '~' not possible", ["debug"]);
defaultHomePath = "/root";
shellEnvironmentSet = false;
} else {
// A shell & valid user is set, but no HOME is set, use ~ which can be expanded
addLogEntry("runtime_environment: SHELL and USER environment variable detected, expansion of '~' should be possible", ["debug"]);
defaultHomePath = "~";
shellEnvironmentSet = true;
// outcome of setting defaultHomePath
addLogEntry("runtime_environment: Calculated defaultHomePath: " ~ defaultHomePath, ["debug"]);
// display_memory = true | false
// - It may be desirable to display the memory usage of the application to assist with diagnosing memory issues with the application
// - This is especially beneficial when debugging or performing memory tests with Valgrind
boolValues["display_memory"] = false;
// monitor_max_loop = long value
// - It may be desirable to, when running in monitor mode, force monitor mode to 'quit' after X number of loops
// - This is especially beneficial when debugging or performing memory tests with Valgrind
longValues["monitor_max_loop"] = 0;
// display_sync_options = true | false
// - It may be desirable to see what options are being passed in to performSync() without enabling the full verbose debug logging
boolValues["display_sync_options"] = false;
// force_children_scan = true | false
// - Force client to use /children rather than /delta to query changes on OneDrive
// - This option flags nationalCloudDeployment as true, forcing the client to act like it is using a National Cloud Deployment model
boolValues["force_children_scan"] = false;
// display_processing_time = true | false
// - Enabling this option will add function processing times to the console output
// - This then enables tracking of where the application is spending most amount of time when processing data when users have questions re performance
boolValues["display_processing_time"] = false;
// Function variables
string configDirBase;
string systemConfigDirBase;
bool configurationInitialised = false;
// Initialise the application configuration, using the provided --confdir option was passed in
if (!confdirOption.empty) {
// A CLI 'confdir' was passed in
// Clean up any stray " .. these should not be there for correct process handling of the configuration option
confdirOption = strip(confdirOption,"\"");
addLogEntry("configDirName: CLI override to set configDirName to: " ~ confdirOption, ["debug"]);
if (canFind(confdirOption,"~")) {
// A ~ was found
addLogEntry("configDirName: A '~' was found in configDirName, using the calculated 'defaultHomePath' to replace '~'", ["debug"]);
configDirName = defaultHomePath ~ strip(confdirOption,"~","~");
} else {
configDirName = confdirOption;
} else {
// Determine the base directory relative to which user specific configuration files should be stored
if (environment.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") != ""){
addLogEntry("configDirBase: XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable set", ["debug"]);
configDirBase = environment.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
} else {
// XDG_CONFIG_HOME does not exist on systems where X11 is not present - ie - headless systems / servers
addLogEntry("configDirBase: WARNING - no XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable set", ["debug"]);
configDirBase = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(defaultHomePath, ".config"));
// Also set up a path to pre-shipped shared configs (which can be overridden by supplying a config file in userspace)
systemConfigDirBase = "/etc";
// Output configDirBase calculation
addLogEntry("configDirBase: " ~ configDirBase, ["debug"]);
// Set the calculated application configuration directory
addLogEntry("configDirName: Configuring application to use calculated config path", ["debug"]);
// configDirBase contains the correct path so we do not need to check for presence of '~'
configDirName = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirBase, "onedrive"));
// systemConfigDirBase contains the correct path so we do not need to check for presence of '~'
systemConfigDirName = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(systemConfigDirBase, "onedrive"));
// Configuration directory should now have been correctly identified
if (!exists(configDirName)) {
// create the directory
// Configure the applicable permissions for the folder
} else {
// The config path exists
// The path that exists must be a directory, not a file
if (!isDir(configDirName)) {
if (!confdirOption.empty) {
// the configuration path was passed in by the user .. user error
addLogEntry("ERROR: --confdir entered value is an existing file instead of an existing directory");
} else {
// other error
addLogEntry("ERROR: " ~ confdirOption ~ " is a file rather than a directory");
// Must exit
// Update application set variables based on configDirName
// - What is the full path for the 'refresh_token'
refreshTokenFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, "refresh_token"));
// - What is the full path for the 'delta_link'
deltaLinkFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, "delta_link"));
// - What is the full path for the 'items.sqlite3' - the database cache file
databaseFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, "items.sqlite3"));
// - What is the full path for the 'items-dryrun.sqlite3' - the dry-run database cache file
databaseFilePathDryRun = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, "items-dryrun.sqlite3"));
// - What is the full path for the 'resume_upload'
uploadSessionFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, "session_upload"));
// - What is the full path for the 'sync_list' file
syncListFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, "sync_list"));
// - What is the full path for the 'config' - the user file to configure the application
userConfigFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, "config"));
// - What is the full path for the system 'config' file if it is required
systemConfigFilePath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(systemConfigDirName, "config"));
// To determine if any configuration items has changed, where a --resync would be required, we need to have a hash file for the following items
// - 'config.backup' file
// - applicable 'config' file
// - 'sync_list' file
// - 'business_shared_items' file
configBackupFile = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, ".config.backup"));
configHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, ".config.hash"));
syncListHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(configDirName, ".sync_list.hash"));
// Debug Output for application set variables based on configDirName
addLogEntry("refreshTokenFilePath = " ~ refreshTokenFilePath, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("deltaLinkFilePath = " ~ deltaLinkFilePath, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("databaseFilePath = " ~ databaseFilePath, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("databaseFilePathDryRun = " ~ databaseFilePathDryRun, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("uploadSessionFilePath = " ~ uploadSessionFilePath, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("userConfigFilePath = " ~ userConfigFilePath, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("syncListFilePath = " ~ syncListFilePath, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("systemConfigFilePath = " ~ systemConfigFilePath, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("configBackupFile = " ~ configBackupFile, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("configHashFile = " ~ configHashFile, ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("syncListHashFile = " ~ syncListHashFile, ["debug"]);
// Configure the Hash and Backup File Permission Value
string valueToConvert = to!string(defaultFilePermissionMode);
auto convertedValue = parse!long(valueToConvert, 8);
convertedPermissionValue = to!int(convertedValue);
// Do not try and load any user configuration file if --help was used
if (helpRequested) {
return true;
} else {
// Initialise the application using the configuration file if it exists
if (!exists(userConfigFilePath)) {
// 'user' configuration file does not exist
// Is there a system configuration file?
if (!exists(systemConfigFilePath)) {
// 'system' configuration file does not exist
addLogEntry("No user or system config file found, using application defaults", ["verbose"]);
applicableConfigFilePath = userConfigFilePath;
configurationInitialised = true;
} else {
// 'system' configuration file exists
// can we load the configuration file without error?
if (loadConfigFile(systemConfigFilePath)) {
// configuration file loaded without error
addLogEntry("System configuration file successfully loaded");
// Set 'applicableConfigFilePath' to equal the 'config' we loaded
applicableConfigFilePath = systemConfigFilePath;
// Update the configHashFile path value to ensure we are using the system 'config' file for the hash
configHashFile = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(systemConfigDirName, ".config.hash"));
configurationInitialised = true;
} else {
// there was a problem loading the configuration file
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("System configuration file has errors - please check your configuration");
} else {
// 'user' configuration file exists
// can we load the configuration file without error?
if (loadConfigFile(userConfigFilePath)) {
// configuration file loaded without error
addLogEntry("Configuration file successfully loaded");
// Set 'applicableConfigFilePath' to equal the 'config' we loaded
applicableConfigFilePath = userConfigFilePath;
configurationInitialised = true;
} else {
// there was a problem loading the configuration file
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("Configuration file has errors - please check your configuration");
// Advise the user path that we will use for the application state data
if (canFind(applicableConfigFilePath, configDirName)) {
addLogEntry("Using 'user' configuration path for application state data: " ~ configDirName, ["verbose"]);
} else {
if (canFind(applicableConfigFilePath, systemConfigDirName)) {
addLogEntry("Using 'system' configuration path for application state data: " ~ systemConfigDirName, ["verbose"]);
// return if the configuration was initialised
return configurationInitialised;
// Create a backup of the 'config' file if it does not exist
void createBackupConfigFile() {
if (!getValueBool("dry_run")) {
// Is there a backup of the config file if the config file exists?
if (exists(applicableConfigFilePath)) {
addLogEntry("Creating a backup of the applicable config file", ["debug"]);
// create backup copy of current config file
std.file.copy(applicableConfigFilePath, configBackupFile);
// File Copy should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed
} else {
// --dry-run scenario ... technically we should not be making any local file changes .......
addLogEntry("DRY RUN: Not creating backup config file as --dry-run has been used");
// Return a given string value based on the provided key
string getValueString(string key) {
auto p = key in stringValues;
if (p) {
return *p;
} else {
throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key);
// Return a given long value based on the provided key
long getValueLong(string key) {
auto p = key in longValues;
if (p) {
return *p;
} else {
throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key);
// Return a given bool value based on the provided key
bool getValueBool(string key) {
auto p = key in boolValues;
if (p) {
return *p;
} else {
throw new Exception("Missing config value: " ~ key);
// Set a given string value based on the provided key
void setValueString(string key, string value) {
stringValues[key] = value;
// Set a given long value based on the provided key
void setValueLong(string key, long value) {
longValues[key] = value;
// Set a given long value based on the provided key
void setValueBool(string key, bool value) {
boolValues[key] = value;
// Configure the directory octal permission value
void configureRequiredDirectoryPermisions() {
// return the directory permission mode required
// - return octal!defaultDirectoryPermissionMode; ... cant be used .. which is odd
// Error: variable defaultDirectoryPermissionMode cannot be read at compile time
if (getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions") != defaultDirectoryPermissionMode) {
// return user configured permissions as octal integer
string valueToConvert = to!string(getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions"));
auto convertedValue = parse!long(valueToConvert, 8);
configuredDirectoryPermissionMode = to!int(convertedValue);
} else {
// return default as octal integer
string valueToConvert = to!string(defaultDirectoryPermissionMode);
auto convertedValue = parse!long(valueToConvert, 8);
configuredDirectoryPermissionMode = to!int(convertedValue);
// Configure the file octal permission value
void configureRequiredFilePermisions() {
// return the file permission mode required
// - return octal!defaultFilePermissionMode; ... cant be used .. which is odd
// Error: variable defaultFilePermissionMode cannot be read at compile time
if (getValueLong("sync_file_permissions") != defaultFilePermissionMode) {
// return user configured permissions as octal integer
string valueToConvert = to!string(getValueLong("sync_file_permissions"));
auto convertedValue = parse!long(valueToConvert, 8);
configuredFilePermissionMode = to!int(convertedValue);
} else {
// return default as octal integer
string valueToConvert = to!string(defaultFilePermissionMode);
auto convertedValue = parse!long(valueToConvert, 8);
configuredFilePermissionMode = to!int(convertedValue);
// Read the configuredDirectoryPermissionMode and return
int returnRequiredDirectoryPermisions() {
if (configuredDirectoryPermissionMode == 0) {
// the configured value is zero, this means that directories would get
// values of d---------
return configuredDirectoryPermissionMode;
// Read the configuredFilePermissionMode and return
int returnRequiredFilePermisions() {
if (configuredFilePermissionMode == 0) {
// the configured value is zero
return configuredFilePermissionMode;
// Load a configuration file from the provided filename
private bool loadConfigFile(string filename) {
try {
addLogEntry("Reading configuration file: " ~ filename);
} catch (std.file.FileException e) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: Unable to access " ~ e.msg);
return false;
auto file = File(filename, "r");
scope(exit) file.close();
scope(failure) file.close();
foreach (line; file.byLine()) {
string lineBuffer = stripLeft(line).to!string;
if (lineBuffer.empty || lineBuffer[0] == ';' || lineBuffer[0] == '#') continue;
auto c = lineBuffer.matchFirst(configRegex);
if (c.empty) {
addLogEntry("Malformed config line: " ~ lineBuffer);
addLogEntry("Please review the documentation on how to correctly configure this application.");
c.popFront(); // skip the whole match
string key = c.front.dup;
// Handle deprecated keys
switch (key) {
case "min_notify_changes":
case "force_http_2":
addLogEntry("The option '" ~ key ~ "' has been depreciated and will be ignored. Please read the updated documentation and update your client configuration to remove this option.");
case "sync_business_shared_folders":
addLogEntry("The option 'sync_business_shared_folders' has been depreciated and the process for synchronising Microsoft OneDrive Business Shared Folders has changed.");
addLogEntry("Please review the revised documentation on how to correctly configure this application feature.");
addLogEntry("You must update your client configuration and make changes to your local filesystem and online data to use this capability.");
return false;
// Process other keys
if (key in boolValues) {
// Only accept "true" as true value.
setValueBool(key, c.front.dup == "true" ? true : false);
if (key == "skip_dotfiles") configFileSkipDotfiles = true;
if (key == "skip_symlinks") configFileSkipSymbolicLinks = true;
if (key == "sync_business_shared_items") configFileSyncBusinessSharedItems = true;
} else if (key in stringValues) {
string value = c.front.dup;
setValueString(key, value);
if (key == "sync_dir") {
if (!strip(value).empty) {
configFileSyncDir = value;
} else {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file: " ~ key);
addLogEntry("ERROR: sync_dir in config file cannot be empty - this is a fatal error and must be corrected");
} else if (key == "skip_file") {
// Handle multiple 'config' file entries of skip_file
if (configFileSkipFile.empty) {
// currently no entry exists
configFileSkipFile = c.front.dup;
} else {
// add to existing entry
configFileSkipFile = configFileSkipFile ~ "|" ~ to!string(c.front.dup);
setValueString("skip_file", configFileSkipFile);
} else if (key == "skip_dir") {
// Handle multiple entries of skip_dir
if (configFileSkipDir.empty) {
// currently no entry exists
configFileSkipDir = c.front.dup;
} else {
// add to existing entry
configFileSkipDir = configFileSkipDir ~ "|" ~ to!string(c.front.dup);
setValueString("skip_dir", configFileSkipDir);
} else if (key == "single_directory") {
string configFileSingleDirectory = strip(value, "\"");
setValueString("single_directory", configFileSingleDirectory);
} else if (key == "azure_ad_endpoint") {
switch (value) {
case "":
addLogEntry("Using default config option for Global Azure AD Endpoints");
case "USL4":
addLogEntry("Using config option for Azure AD for US Government Endpoints");
case "USL5":
addLogEntry("Using config option for Azure AD for US Government Endpoints (DOD)");
case "DE":
addLogEntry("Using config option for Azure AD Germany");
case "CN":
addLogEntry("Using config option for Azure AD China operated by 21Vianet");
addLogEntry("Unknown Azure AD Endpoint - using Global Azure AD Endpoints");
} else if (key == "application_id") {
string tempApplicationId = strip(value);
if (tempApplicationId.empty) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file - using default value: " ~ key);
addLogEntry("application_id in config file cannot be empty - using default application_id", ["debug"]);
setValueString("application_id", defaultApplicationId);
} else if (key == "drive_id") {
string tempDriveId = strip(value);
if (tempDriveId.empty) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file: " ~ key);
addLogEntry("drive_id in config file cannot be empty - this is a fatal error and must be corrected by removing this entry from your config file.", ["debug"]);
} else {
configFileDriveId = tempDriveId;
} else if (key == "log_dir") {
string tempLogDir = strip(value);
if (tempLogDir.empty) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file - using default value: " ~ key);
addLogEntry("log_dir in config file cannot be empty - using default log_dir", ["debug"]);
setValueString("log_dir", defaultLogFileDir);
} else if (key in longValues) {
ulong thisConfigValue;
try {
thisConfigValue = to!ulong(c.front.dup);
} catch (std.conv.ConvException) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file: " ~ key);
return false;
setValueLong(key, thisConfigValue);
if (key == "monitor_interval") { // if key is 'monitor_interval' the value must be 300 or greater
ulong tempValue = thisConfigValue;
// the temp value needs to be 300 or greater
if (tempValue < 300) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file - using default value: " ~ key);
tempValue = 300;
setValueLong("monitor_interval", tempValue);
} else if (key == "monitor_fullscan_frequency") { // if key is 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' the value must be 12 or greater
ulong tempValue = thisConfigValue;
// the temp value needs to be 12 or greater
if (tempValue < 12) {
// If this is not set to zero (0) then we are not disabling 'monitor_fullscan_frequency'
if (tempValue != 0) {
// invalid value
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file - using default value: " ~ key);
tempValue = 12;
setValueLong("monitor_fullscan_frequency", tempValue);
} else if (key == "space_reservation") { // if key is 'space_reservation' we have to calculate MB -> bytes
ulong tempValue = thisConfigValue;
// a value of 0 needs to be made at least 1MB ..
if (tempValue == 0) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file - using 1MB: " ~ key);
tempValue = 1;
setValueLong("space_reservation", tempValue * 2^^20);
} else if (key == "ip_protocol_version") {
ulong tempValue = thisConfigValue;
if (tempValue > 2) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file - using default value: " ~ key);
tempValue = defaultIpProtocol;
setValueLong("ip_protocol_version", tempValue);
} else if (key == "threads") {
ulong tempValue = thisConfigValue;
if (tempValue > 16) {
addLogEntry("Invalid value for key in config file - using default value: " ~ key);
tempValue = defaultConcurrentThreads;
setValueLong("threads", tempValue);
} else {
addLogEntry("Unknown key in config file: " ~ key);
return false;
// Return that we were able to read in the config file and parse the options without issue
return true;
// Update the application configuration based on CLI passed in parameters
void updateFromArgs(string[] cliArgs) {
// Add additional CLI options that are NOT configurable via config file
stringValues["create_directory"] = "";
stringValues["create_share_link"] = "";
stringValues["destination_directory"] = "";
stringValues["get_file_link"] = "";
stringValues["modified_by"] = "";
stringValues["sharepoint_library_name"] = "";
stringValues["remove_directory"] = "";
stringValues["single_directory"] = "";
stringValues["source_directory"] = "";
stringValues["auth_files"] = "";
stringValues["auth_response"] = "";
boolValues["display_config"] = false;
boolValues["display_sync_status"] = false;
boolValues["display_quota"] = false;
boolValues["print_token"] = false;
boolValues["logout"] = false;
boolValues["reauth"] = false;
boolValues["monitor"] = false;
boolValues["synchronize"] = false;
boolValues["force"] = false;
boolValues["list_business_shared_items"] = false;
boolValues["sync_business_shared_files"] = false;
boolValues["force_sync"] = false;
boolValues["with_editing_perms"] = false;
// Specific options for CLI input handling
stringValues["sync_dir_cli"] = "";
// Application Startup option validation
try {
string tmpStr;
bool tmpBol;
long tmpVerb;
// duplicated from main.d to get full help output!
auto opt = getopt(
"Perform authentication not via interactive dialog but via files read/writes to these files.",
"Perform authentication not via interactive dialog but via providing the response url directly.",
"Check for the presence of .nosync in the syncdir root. If found, do not perform sync.",
"Check for the presence of .nosync in each directory. If found, skip directory from sync.",
"Number of children in a path that is locally removed which will be classified as a 'big data delete'",
"Cleanup additional local files when using --download-only. This will remove local data.",
"Create a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"Create a shareable link for an existing file on OneDrive",
"Debug OneDrive HTTPS communication.",
"Destination directory for renamed or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"Do not use desktop notifications in monitor mode.",
"Disable download validation when downloading from OneDrive",
"Disable upload validation when uploading to OneDrive",
"Display what options the client will use as currently configured - no sync will be performed.",
"Display what options the client has been configured to use on application startup.",
"Display the sync status of the client - no sync will be performed.",
"Display the quota status of the client - no sync will be performed.",
"Replicate the OneDrive online state locally, by only downloading changes from OneDrive. Do not upload local changes to OneDrive.",
"Perform a trial sync with no changes made",
"Enable client activity to a separate log file",
"Force the use of HTTP 1.1 for all operations",
"Force the deletion of data when a 'big delete' is detected",
"Force a synchronization of a specific folder, only when using --sync --single-directory and ignore all non-default skip_dir and skip_file rules",
"Display the file link of a synced file",
"Query and return the Office 365 Drive ID for a given Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library",
"Query and return the Office 365 Drive ID for a given Office 365 SharePoint Shared Library (DEPRECIATED)",
"List OneDrive Business Shared Items",
"Sync OneDrive Business Shared Files to the local filesystem",
"Synchronize from the local directory source first, before downloading changes from OneDrive.",
"Directory where logging output is saved to, needs to end with a slash.",
"Logout the current user",
"Display the last modified by details of a given path",
"Keep monitoring for local and remote changes",
"Number of seconds by which each sync operation is undertaken when idle under monitor mode.",
"Number of sync runs before performing a full local scan of the synced directory",
"Frequency of logging in monitor mode",
"Do not delete local file 'deletes' from OneDrive when using --upload-only",
"Print the access token, useful for debugging",
"Reauthenticate the client with OneDrive",
"Forget the last saved state, perform a full sync",
"Approve the use of performing a --resync action",
"Remove a directory on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"Remove source file after successful transfer to OneDrive when using --upload-only",
"Specify a single local directory within the OneDrive root to sync.",
"Skip dot files and folders from syncing",
"Skip any files that match this pattern from syncing",
"Skip any directories that match this pattern from syncing",
"Skip new files larger than this size (in MB)",
"When matching skip_dir directories, only match explicit matches",
"Skip syncing of symlinks",
"Source directory to rename or move on OneDrive - no sync will be performed.",
"The amount of disk space to reserve (in MB) to avoid 100% disk space utilisation",
"Specify the local directory used for synchronisation to OneDrive",
"Perform a synchronisation with Microsoft OneDrive",
"Perform a synchronisation with Microsoft OneDrive (DEPRECIATED)",
"Sync all files in sync_dir root when using sync_list.",
"Replicate the locally configured sync_dir state to OneDrive, by only uploading local changes to OneDrive. Do not download changes from OneDrive.",
"Set the directory used to store the configuration files",
"Print more details, useful for debugging (repeat for extra debugging)",
"Print the version and exit",
"Create a read-write shareable link for an existing file on OneDrive when used with --create-share-link <file>",
// Was --syncdir used?
if (!getValueString("sync_dir_cli").empty) {
// Build the line we need to update and/or write out
string newConfigOptionSyncDirLine = "sync_dir = \"" ~ getValueString("sync_dir_cli") ~ "\"";
// Does a 'config' file exist?
if (!exists(applicableConfigFilePath)) {
// No existing 'config' file exists, create it, and write the 'sync_dir' configuration to it
if (!getValueBool("dry_run")) {
std.file.write(applicableConfigFilePath, newConfigOptionSyncDirLine);
// Config file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed
} else {
// an existing config file exists .. so this now becomes tricky
// string replace 'sync_dir' if it exists, in the existing 'config' file, but only if 'sync_dir' (already read in) is different from 'sync_dir_cli'
if ( (getValueString("sync_dir")) != (getValueString("sync_dir_cli")) ) {
// values are different
File applicableConfigFilePathFileHandle = File(applicableConfigFilePath, "r");
string lineBuffer;
string[] newConfigFileEntries;
// read applicableConfigFilePath line by line
auto range = applicableConfigFilePathFileHandle.byLine();
// for each 'config' file line
foreach (line; range) {
lineBuffer = stripLeft(line).to!string;
if (lineBuffer.length == 0 || lineBuffer[0] == ';' || lineBuffer[0] == '#') {
newConfigFileEntries ~= [lineBuffer];
} else {
auto c = lineBuffer.matchFirst(configRegex);
if (!c.empty) {
c.popFront(); // skip the whole match
string key = c.front.dup;
if (key == "sync_dir") {
// lineBuffer is the line we want to keep
newConfigFileEntries ~= [newConfigOptionSyncDirLine];
} else {
newConfigFileEntries ~= [lineBuffer];
// close original 'config' file if still open
if (applicableConfigFilePathFileHandle.isOpen()) {
// close open file
// free memory from file open
// Update the existing item in the file line array
if (!getValueBool("dry_run")) {
// Open the file with write access using 'w' mode to overwrite existing content
File applicableConfigFilePathFileHandleWrite = File(applicableConfigFilePath, "w");
// Write each line from the 'newConfigFileEntries' array to the file
foreach (line; newConfigFileEntries) {
// Flush and close the file handle to ensure all data is written
if (applicableConfigFilePathFileHandleWrite.isOpen()) {
// free memory from file open
// Final - configure sync_dir with the value of sync_dir_cli so that it can be used as part of the application configuration and detect change
setValueString("sync_dir", getValueString("sync_dir_cli"));
// Was --auth-files used?
if (!getValueString("auth_files").empty) {
// --auth-files used, need to validate that '~' was not used as a path identifier, and if yes, perform the correct expansion
string[] tempAuthFiles = getValueString("auth_files").split(":");
string tempAuthUrl = tempAuthFiles[0];
string tempResponseUrl = tempAuthFiles[1];
string newAuthFilesString;
// shell expansion if required
if (!shellEnvironmentSet){
// No shell environment is set, no automatic expansion of '~' if present is possible
// Does the 'currently configured' tempAuthUrl include a ~
if (canFind(tempAuthUrl, "~")) {
// A ~ was found in auth_files(authURL)
addLogEntry("auth_files: A '~' was found in 'auth_files(authURL)', using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~' as no SHELL or USER environment variable set", ["debug"]);
tempAuthUrl = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(defaultHomePath, strip(tempAuthUrl, "~")));
// Does the 'currently configured' tempAuthUrl include a ~
if (canFind(tempResponseUrl, "~")) {
// A ~ was found in auth_files(authURL)
addLogEntry("auth_files: A '~' was found in 'auth_files(tempResponseUrl)', using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~' as no SHELL or USER environment variable set", ["debug"]);
tempResponseUrl = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(defaultHomePath, strip(tempResponseUrl, "~")));
} else {
// Shell environment is set, automatic expansion of '~' if present is possible
// Does the 'currently configured' tempAuthUrl include a ~
if (canFind(tempAuthUrl, "~")) {
// A ~ was found in auth_files(authURL)
addLogEntry("auth_files: A '~' was found in the configured 'auth_files(authURL)', automatically expanding as SHELL and USER environment variable is set", ["debug"]);
tempAuthUrl = expandTilde(tempAuthUrl);
// Does the 'currently configured' tempAuthUrl include a ~
if (canFind(tempResponseUrl, "~")) {
// A ~ was found in auth_files(authURL)
addLogEntry("auth_files: A '~' was found in the configured 'auth_files(tempResponseUrl)', automatically expanding as SHELL and USER environment variable is set", ["debug"]);
tempResponseUrl = expandTilde(tempResponseUrl);
// Build new string
newAuthFilesString = tempAuthUrl ~ ":" ~ tempResponseUrl;
addLogEntry("auth_files - updated value: " ~ newAuthFilesString, ["debug"]);
setValueString("auth_files", newAuthFilesString);
if (opt.helpWanted) {
} catch (GetOptException e) {
// getOpt error - must use writeln() here
writeln("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
} catch (Exception e) {
// general error - must use writeln() here
writeln("Try 'onedrive -h' for more information");
// Check the arguments passed in for any that will be depreciated
void checkDepreciatedOptions(string[] cliArgs) {
bool depreciatedCommandsFound = false;
foreach (cliArg; cliArgs) {
// Check each CLI arg for items that have been depreciated
// --synchronize depreciated in v2.5.0, will be removed in future version
if (cliArg == "--synchronize") {
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("DEPRECIATION WARNING: --synchronize has been depreciated in favour of --sync or -s");
depreciatedCommandsFound = true;
// --get-O365-drive-id depreciated in v2.5.0, will be removed in future version
if (cliArg == "--get-O365-drive-id") {
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("DEPRECIATION WARNING: --get-O365-drive-id has been depreciated in favour of --get-sharepoint-drive-id");
depreciatedCommandsFound = true;
if (depreciatedCommandsFound) {
addLogEntry("DEPRECIATION WARNING: Depreciated commands will be removed in a future release.");
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
// Display the applicable application configuration
void displayApplicationConfiguration() {
if (getValueBool("display_running_config")) {
addLogEntry("--------------- Application Runtime Configuration ---------------");
// Display application version
addLogEntry("onedrive version = " ~ applicationVersion);
// Display all of the pertinent configuration options
addLogEntry("Config path = " ~ configDirName);
// Does a config file exist or are we using application defaults
addLogEntry("Config file found in config path = " ~ to!string(exists(applicableConfigFilePath)));
// Is config option drive_id configured?
addLogEntry("Config option 'drive_id' = " ~ getValueString("drive_id"));
// Config Options as per 'config' file
addLogEntry("Config option 'sync_dir' = " ~ getValueString("sync_dir"));
// logging and notifications
addLogEntry("Config option 'enable_logging' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("enable_logging")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'log_dir' = " ~ getValueString("log_dir"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'disable_notifications' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("disable_notifications")));
// skip files and directory and 'matching' policy
addLogEntry("Config option 'skip_dir' = " ~ getValueString("skip_dir"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'skip_dir_strict_match' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("skip_dir_strict_match")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'skip_file' = " ~ getValueString("skip_file"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'skip_dotfiles' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'skip_symlinks' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("skip_symlinks")));
// --monitor sync process options
addLogEntry("Config option 'monitor_interval' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("monitor_interval")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'monitor_log_frequency' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("monitor_log_frequency")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'monitor_fullscan_frequency' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("monitor_fullscan_frequency")));
// sync process and method
addLogEntry("Config option 'read_only_auth_scope' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("read_only_auth_scope")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'dry_run' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("dry_run")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'upload_only' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("upload_only")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'download_only' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("download_only")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'local_first' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("local_first")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'check_nosync' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("check_nosync")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'check_nomount' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("check_nomount")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'resync' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("resync")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'resync_auth' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("resync_auth")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'cleanup_local_files' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("cleanup_local_files")));
// data integrity
addLogEntry("Config option 'classify_as_big_delete' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("classify_as_big_delete")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'disable_upload_validation' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("disable_upload_validation")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'disable_download_validation' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("disable_download_validation")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'bypass_data_preservation' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("bypass_data_preservation")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'no_remote_delete' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("no_remote_delete")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'remove_source_files' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("remove_source_files")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'sync_dir_permissions' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'sync_file_permissions' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("sync_file_permissions")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'space_reservation' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("space_reservation")));
// curl operations
addLogEntry("Config option 'application_id' = " ~ getValueString("application_id"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'azure_ad_endpoint' = " ~ getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'azure_tenant_id' = " ~ getValueString("azure_tenant_id"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'user_agent' = " ~ getValueString("user_agent"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'force_http_11' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("force_http_11")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'debug_https' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("debug_https")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'rate_limit' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("rate_limit")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'operation_timeout' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("operation_timeout")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'dns_timeout' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("dns_timeout")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'connect_timeout' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("connect_timeout")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'data_timeout' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("data_timeout")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'ip_protocol_version' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("ip_protocol_version")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'threads' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("threads")));
// Is sync_list configured ?
if (exists(syncListFilePath)){
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("Selective sync 'sync_list' configured = true");
addLogEntry("sync_list config option 'sync_root_files' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("sync_root_files")));
addLogEntry("sync_list contents:");
// Output the sync_list contents
auto syncListFile = File(syncListFilePath, "r");
auto range = syncListFile.byLine();
foreach (line; range)
} else {
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("Selective sync 'sync_list' configured = false");
// Is sync_business_shared_items enabled and configured ?
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("Config option 'sync_business_shared_items' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'Shared Files Directory' = " ~ configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName);
// Are webhooks enabled?
addLogEntry(); // used instead of an empty 'writeln();' to ensure the line break is correct in the buffered console output ordering
addLogEntry("Config option 'webhook_enabled' = " ~ to!string(getValueBool("webhook_enabled")));
if (getValueBool("webhook_enabled")) {
addLogEntry("Config option 'webhook_public_url' = " ~ getValueString("webhook_public_url"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'webhook_listening_host' = " ~ getValueString("webhook_listening_host"));
addLogEntry("Config option 'webhook_listening_port' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("webhook_listening_port")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'webhook_expiration_interval' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("webhook_expiration_interval")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'webhook_renewal_interval' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("webhook_renewal_interval")));
addLogEntry("Config option 'webhook_retry_interval' = " ~ to!string(getValueLong("webhook_retry_interval")));
if (getValueBool("display_running_config")) {
// Prompt the user to accept the risk of using --resync
bool displayResyncRiskForAcceptance() {
// what is the user risk acceptance?
bool userRiskAcceptance = false;
// Did the user use --resync-auth or 'resync_auth' in the config file to negate presenting this message?
if (!getValueBool("resync_auth")) {
// need to prompt user
char response;
// --resync warning message
addLogEntry("", ["consoleOnly"]); // new line, console only
addLogEntry("The usage of --resync will delete your local 'onedrive' client state, thus no record of your current 'sync status' will exist.", ["consoleOnly"]);
addLogEntry("This has the potential to overwrite local versions of files with perhaps older versions of documents downloaded from OneDrive, resulting in local data loss.", ["consoleOnly"]);
addLogEntry("If in doubt, backup your local data before using --resync", ["consoleOnly"]);
addLogEntry("", ["consoleOnly"]); // new line, console only
addLogEntry("Are you sure you wish to proceed with --resync? [Y/N] ", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]);
try {
// Attempt to read user response
string input = readln().strip;
if (input.length > 0) {
response = std.ascii.toUpper(input[0]);
} catch (std.format.FormatException e) {
userRiskAcceptance = false;
// Caught an error
// What did the user enter?
addLogEntry("--resync warning User Response Entered: " ~ to!string(response), ["debug"]);
// Evaluate user repsonse
if ((to!string(response) == "y") || (to!string(response) == "Y")) {
// User has accepted --resync risk to proceed
userRiskAcceptance = true;
// Are you sure you wish .. does not use writeln();
} else {
// resync_auth is true
userRiskAcceptance = true;
// Return the --resync acceptance or not
return userRiskAcceptance;
// Prompt the user to accept the risk of using --force-sync
bool displayForceSyncRiskForAcceptance() {
// what is the user risk acceptance?
bool userRiskAcceptance = false;
// need to prompt user
char response;
// --force-sync warning message
addLogEntry("", ["consoleOnly"]); // new line, console only
addLogEntry("The use of --force-sync will reconfigure the application to use defaults. This may have untold and unknown future impacts.", ["consoleOnly"]);
addLogEntry("By proceeding in using this option you accept any impacts including any data loss that may occur as a result of using --force-sync.", ["consoleOnly"]);
addLogEntry("", ["consoleOnly"]); // new line, console only
addLogEntry("Are you sure you wish to proceed with --force-sync [Y/N] ", ["consoleOnlyNoNewLine"]);
try {
// Attempt to read user response
string input = readln().strip;
if (input.length > 0) {
response = std.ascii.toUpper(input[0]);
} catch (std.format.FormatException e) {
userRiskAcceptance = false;
// Caught an error
// What did the user enter?
addLogEntry("--force-sync warning User Response Entered: " ~ to!string(response), ["debug"]);
// Evaluate user repsonse
if ((to!string(response) == "y") || (to!string(response) == "Y")) {
// User has accepted --force-sync risk to proceed
userRiskAcceptance = true;
// Are you sure you wish .. does not use writeln();
// Return the --resync acceptance or not
return userRiskAcceptance;
// Check the application configuration for any changes that need to trigger a --resync
// This function is only called if --resync is not present
bool applicationChangeWhereResyncRequired() {
// Default is that no resync is required
bool resyncRequired = false;
// Consolidate the flags for different configuration changes
bool[9] configOptionsDifferent;
// Handle multiple entries of skip_file
string backupConfigFileSkipFile;
// Handle multiple entries of skip_dir
string backupConfigFileSkipDir;
// Create and read the required initial hash files
// Read in the existing hash file values
// Helper lambda for logging and setting the difference flag
auto logAndSetDifference = (string message, size_t index) {
addLogEntry(message, ["debug"]);
configOptionsDifferent[index] = true;
// Check for changes in the sync_list and business_shared_items files
if (currentSyncListHash != previousSyncListHash)
logAndSetDifference("sync_list file has been updated, --resync needed", 0);
// Check for updates in the config file
if (currentConfigHash != previousConfigHash) {
addLogEntry("Application configuration file has been updated, checking if --resync needed");
addLogEntry("Using this configBackupFile: " ~ configBackupFile, ["debug"]);
if (exists(configBackupFile)) {
string[string] backupConfigStringValues;
backupConfigStringValues["drive_id"] = "";
backupConfigStringValues["sync_dir"] = "";
backupConfigStringValues["skip_file"] = "";
backupConfigStringValues["skip_dir"] = "";
backupConfigStringValues["skip_dotfiles"] = "";
backupConfigStringValues["skip_symlinks"] = "";
backupConfigStringValues["sync_business_shared_items"] = "";
bool drive_id_present = false;
bool sync_dir_present = false;
bool skip_file_present = false;
bool skip_dir_present = false;
bool skip_dotfiles_present = false;
bool skip_symlinks_present = false;
bool sync_business_shared_items_present = false;
string configOptionModifiedMessage = " was modified since the last time the application was successfully run, --resync required";
auto configBackupFileHandle = File(configBackupFile, "r");
scope(exit) {
if (configBackupFileHandle.isOpen()) {
string lineBuffer;
auto range = configBackupFileHandle.byLine();
foreach (line; range) {
lineBuffer = stripLeft(line).to!string;
if (lineBuffer.length == 0 || lineBuffer[0] == ';' || lineBuffer[0] == '#') continue;
auto c = lineBuffer.matchFirst(configRegex);
if (!c.empty) {
c.popFront(); // skip the whole match
string key = c.front.dup;
addLogEntry("Backup Config Key: " ~ key, ["debug"]);
auto p = key in backupConfigStringValues;
if (p) {
string value = c.front.dup;
// Compare each key value with current config
if (key == "drive_id") {
drive_id_present = true;
if (value != getValueString("drive_id")) {
logAndSetDifference(key ~ configOptionModifiedMessage, 2);
if (key == "sync_dir") {
sync_dir_present = true;
if (value != getValueString("sync_dir")) {
logAndSetDifference(key ~ configOptionModifiedMessage, 3);
// skip_file handling
if (key == "skip_file") {
skip_file_present = true;
// Handle multiple entries of skip_file
if (backupConfigFileSkipFile.empty) {
// currently no entry exists, include 'defaultSkipFile' entries
backupConfigFileSkipFile = defaultSkipFile ~ "|" ~ to!string(c.front.dup);
} else {
// add to existing backupConfigFileSkipFile entry
backupConfigFileSkipFile = backupConfigFileSkipFile ~ "|" ~ to!string(c.front.dup);
// skip_dir handling
if (key == "skip_dir") {
skip_dir_present = true;
// Handle multiple entries of skip_dir
if (backupConfigFileSkipDir.empty) {
// currently no entry exists
backupConfigFileSkipDir = c.front.dup;
} else {
// add to existing backupConfigFileSkipDir entry
backupConfigFileSkipDir = backupConfigFileSkipDir ~ "|" ~ to!string(c.front.dup);
if (key == "skip_dotfiles") {
skip_dotfiles_present = true;
if (value != to!string(getValueBool("skip_dotfiles"))) {
logAndSetDifference(key ~ configOptionModifiedMessage, 6);
if (key == "skip_symlinks") {
skip_symlinks_present = true;
if (value != to!string(getValueBool("skip_symlinks"))) {
logAndSetDifference(key ~ configOptionModifiedMessage, 7);
if (key == "sync_business_shared_items") {
sync_business_shared_items_present = true;
if (value != to!string(getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items"))) {
logAndSetDifference(key ~ configOptionModifiedMessage, 8);
// skip_file can be specified multiple times
if (skip_file_present && backupConfigFileSkipFile != configFileSkipFile) logAndSetDifference("skip_file" ~ configOptionModifiedMessage, 4);
// skip_dir can be specified multiple times
if (skip_dir_present && backupConfigFileSkipDir != configFileSkipDir) logAndSetDifference("skip_dir" ~ configOptionModifiedMessage, 5);
// Check for newly added configuration options
if (!drive_id_present && configFileDriveId != "") logAndSetDifference("drive_id newly added ... --resync needed", 2);
if (!sync_dir_present && configFileSyncDir != defaultSyncDir) logAndSetDifference("sync_dir newly added ... --resync needed", 3);
if (!skip_file_present && configFileSkipFile != defaultSkipFile) logAndSetDifference("skip_file newly added ... --resync needed", 4);
if (!skip_dir_present && configFileSkipDir != "") logAndSetDifference("skip_dir newly added ... --resync needed", 5);
if (!skip_dotfiles_present && configFileSkipDotfiles) logAndSetDifference("skip_dotfiles newly added ... --resync needed", 6);
if (!skip_symlinks_present && configFileSkipSymbolicLinks) logAndSetDifference("skip_symlinks newly added ... --resync needed", 7);
if (!sync_business_shared_items_present && configFileSyncBusinessSharedItems) logAndSetDifference("sync_business_shared_items newly added ... --resync needed", 8);
} else {
addLogEntry("WARNING: no backup config file was found, unable to validate if any changes made");
// Check CLI options
if (exists(applicableConfigFilePath)) {
if (configFileSyncDir != "" && configFileSyncDir != getValueString("sync_dir")) logAndSetDifference("sync_dir: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed", 3);
if (configFileSkipFile != "" && configFileSkipFile != getValueString("skip_file")) logAndSetDifference("skip_file: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed", 4);
if (configFileSkipDir != "" && configFileSkipDir != getValueString("skip_dir")) logAndSetDifference("skip_dir: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed", 5);
if (!configFileSkipDotfiles && getValueBool("skip_dotfiles")) logAndSetDifference("skip_dotfiles: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed", 6);
if (!configFileSkipSymbolicLinks && getValueBool("skip_symlinks")) logAndSetDifference("skip_symlinks: CLI override of config file option, --resync needed", 7);
// Aggregate the result to determine if a resync is required
foreach (optionDifferent; configOptionsDifferent) {
if (optionDifferent) {
resyncRequired = true;
// Final override
// In certain situations, regardless of config 'resync' needed status, ignore this so that the application can display 'non-syncable' information
// Options that should now be looked at are:
// --list-shared-items
if (getValueBool("list_business_shared_items")) resyncRequired = false;
// Return the calculated boolean
return resyncRequired;
// Cleanup hash files that require to be cleaned up when a --resync is issued
void cleanupHashFilesDueToResync() {
if (!getValueBool("dry_run")) {
// cleanup hash files
addLogEntry("Cleaning up configuration hash files", ["debug"]);
} else {
// --dry-run scenario ... technically we should not be making any local file changes .......
addLogEntry("DRY RUN: Not removing hash files as --dry-run has been used");
// For each of the config files, update the hash data in the hash files
void updateHashContentsForConfigFiles() {
// Are we in a --dry-run scenario?
if (!getValueBool("dry_run")) {
// Not a dry-run scenario, update the applicable files
// Update applicable 'config' files
if (exists(applicableConfigFilePath)) {
// Update the hash of the applicable config file
addLogEntry("Updating applicable config file hash", ["debug"]);
std.file.write(configHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(applicableConfigFilePath));
// Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed
// Update 'sync_list' files
if (exists(syncListFilePath)) {
// update sync_list hash
addLogEntry("Updating sync_list hash", ["debug"]);
std.file.write(syncListHashFile, computeQuickXorHash(syncListFilePath));
// Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed
} else {
// --dry-run scenario ... technically we should not be making any local file changes .......
addLogEntry("DRY RUN: Not updating hash files as --dry-run has been used");
// Create any required hash files for files that help us determine if the configuration has changed since last run
void createRequiredInitialConfigurationHashFiles() {
// Does a 'config' file exist with a valid hash file
if (exists(applicableConfigFilePath)) {
if (!exists(configHashFile)) {
// no existing hash file exists
std.file.write(configHashFile, "initial-hash");
// Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed
// Generate the runtime hash for the 'config' file
currentConfigHash = computeQuickXorHash(applicableConfigFilePath);
// Does a 'sync_list' file exist with a valid hash file
if (exists(syncListFilePath)) {
if (!exists(syncListHashFile)) {
// no existing hash file exists
std.file.write(syncListHashFile, "initial-hash");
// Hash file should only be readable by the user who created it - 0600 permissions needed
// Generate the runtime hash for the 'sync_list' file
currentSyncListHash = computeQuickXorHash(syncListFilePath);
// Read in the text values of the previous configurations
int readExistingConfigurationHashFiles() {
if (exists(configHashFile)) {
try {
previousConfigHash = readText(configHashFile);
} catch (std.file.FileException e) {
// Unable to access required hash file
addLogEntry("ERROR: Unable to access " ~ e.msg);
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
if (exists(syncListHashFile)) {
try {
previousSyncListHash = readText(syncListHashFile);
} catch (std.file.FileException e) {
// Unable to access required hash file
addLogEntry("ERROR: Unable to access " ~ e.msg);
// Use exit scopes to shutdown API
return 0;
// Check for basic option conflicts - flags that should not be used together and/or flag combinations that conflict with each other
bool checkForBasicOptionConflicts() {
bool operationalConflictDetected = false;
// What are the permission that have been set for the application?
// These are relevant for:
// - The ~/OneDrive parent folder or 'sync_dir' configured item
// - Any new folder created under ~/OneDrive or 'sync_dir'
// - Any new file created under ~/OneDrive or 'sync_dir'
// valid permissions are 000 -> 777 - anything else is invalid
if ((getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions") < 0) || (getValueLong("sync_file_permissions") < 0) || (getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions") > 777) || (getValueLong("sync_file_permissions") > 777)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: Invalid 'User|Group|Other' permissions set within config file. Please check your configuration");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
} else {
// Debug log output what permissions are being set to
addLogEntry("Configuring default new folder permissions as: " ~ to!string(getValueLong("sync_dir_permissions")), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("Configuring default new file permissions as: " ~ to!string(getValueLong("sync_file_permissions")), ["debug"]);
// --upload-only and --download-only cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("upload_only")) && (getValueBool("download_only"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --upload-only and --download-only cannot be used together. Use one, not both at the same time");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync and --monitor cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("synchronize")) && (getValueBool("monitor"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --sync and --monitor cannot be used together. Only use one of these options, not both at the same time");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --no-remote-delete can ONLY be enabled when --upload-only is used
if ((getValueBool("no_remote_delete")) && (!getValueBool("upload_only"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --no-remote-delete can only be used with --upload-only");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --remove-source-files can ONLY be enabled when --upload-only is used
if ((getValueBool("remove_source_files")) && (!getValueBool("upload_only"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --remove-source-files can only be used with --upload-only");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --cleanup-local-files can ONLY be enabled when --download-only is used
if ((getValueBool("cleanup_local_files")) && (!getValueBool("download_only"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --cleanup-local-files can only be used with --download-only");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --list-shared-folders cannot be used with --resync and/or --resync-auth
if ((getValueBool("list_business_shared_items")) && ((getValueBool("resync")) || (getValueBool("resync_auth")))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --list-shared-items cannot be used with --resync or --resync-auth");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --list-shared-folders cannot be used with --sync or --monitor
if ((getValueBool("list_business_shared_items")) && ((getValueBool("synchronize")) || (getValueBool("monitor")))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --list-shared-items cannot be used with --sync or --monitor");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync-shared-files can ONLY be used with sync_business_shared_items
if ((getValueBool("sync_business_shared_files")) && (!getValueBool("sync_business_shared_items"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: The --sync-shared-files option can only be utilised if the 'sync_business_shared_items' configuration setting is enabled.");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --display-sync-status cannot be used with --resync and/or --resync-auth
if ((getValueBool("display_sync_status")) && ((getValueBool("resync")) || (getValueBool("resync_auth")))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --display-sync-status cannot be used with --resync or --resync-auth");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --modified-by cannot be used with --resync and/or --resync-auth
if ((!getValueString("modified_by").empty) && ((getValueBool("resync")) || (getValueBool("resync_auth")))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --modified-by cannot be used with --resync or --resync-auth");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --get-file-link cannot be used with --resync and/or --resync-auth
if ((!getValueString("get_file_link").empty) && ((getValueBool("resync")) || (getValueBool("resync_auth")))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --get-file-link cannot be used with --resync or --resync-auth");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --create-share-link cannot be used with --resync and/or --resync-auth
if ((!getValueString("create_share_link").empty) && ((getValueBool("resync")) || (getValueBool("resync_auth")))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --create-share-link cannot be used with --resync or --resync-auth");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --get-sharepoint-drive-id cannot be used with --resync and/or --resync-auth
if ((!getValueString("sharepoint_library_name").empty) && ((getValueBool("resync")) || (getValueBool("resync_auth")))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --get-sharepoint-drive-id cannot be used with --resync or --resync-auth");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --monitor and --display-sync-status cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("monitor")) && (getValueBool("display_sync_status"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --monitor and --display-sync-status cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync and and --display-sync-status cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("synchronize")) && (getValueBool("display_sync_status"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --sync and and --display-sync-status cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --monitor and --display-quota cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("monitor")) && (getValueBool("display_quota"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --monitor and --display-quota cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync and and --display-quota cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("synchronize")) && (getValueBool("display_quota"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --sync and and --display-quota cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --force-sync can only be used when using --sync --single-directory
if (getValueBool("force_sync")) {
bool conflict = false;
// Should not be used with --monitor
if (getValueBool("monitor")) conflict = true;
// single_directory must not be empty
if (getValueString("single_directory").empty) conflict = true;
if (conflict) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --force-sync can only be used with --sync --single-directory");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// When using 'azure_ad_endpoint', 'azure_tenant_id' cannot be empty
if ((!getValueString("azure_ad_endpoint").empty) && (getValueString("azure_tenant_id").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: config option 'azure_tenant_id' cannot be empty when 'azure_ad_endpoint' is configured");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// When using --enable-logging the 'log_dir' cannot be empty
if ((getValueBool("enable_logging")) && (getValueString("log_dir").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: config option 'log_dir' cannot be empty when 'enable_logging' is configured");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// When using --syncdir, the value cannot be empty.
if (strip(getValueString("sync_dir")).empty) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --syncdir value cannot be empty");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --monitor and --create-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("monitor")) && (!getValueString("create_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --monitor and --create-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync and --create-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("synchronize")) && (!getValueString("create_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --sync and --create-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --monitor and --remove-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("monitor")) && (!getValueString("remove_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --monitor and --remove-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync and --remove-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("synchronize")) && (!getValueString("remove_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --sync and --remove-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --monitor and --source-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("monitor")) && (!getValueString("source_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --monitor and --source-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync and --source-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("synchronize")) && (!getValueString("source_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --sync and --source-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --monitor and --destination-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("monitor")) && (!getValueString("destination_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --monitor and --destination-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --sync and --destination-directory cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("synchronize")) && (!getValueString("destination_directory").empty)) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --sync and --destination-directory cannot be used together");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// --download-only and --local-first cannot be used together
if ((getValueBool("download_only")) && (getValueBool("local_first"))) {
addLogEntry("ERROR: --download-only cannot be used with --local-first");
operationalConflictDetected = true;
// Return bool value indicating if we have an operational conflict
return operationalConflictDetected;
// Reset skip_file and skip_dir to application defaults when --force-sync is used
void resetSkipToDefaults() {
// skip_file
addLogEntry("original skip_file: " ~ getValueString("skip_file"), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("resetting skip_file to application defaults", ["debug"]);
setValueString("skip_file", defaultSkipFile);
addLogEntry("reset skip_file: " ~ getValueString("skip_file"), ["debug"]);
// skip_dir
addLogEntry("original skip_dir: " ~ getValueString("skip_dir"), ["debug"]);
addLogEntry("resetting skip_dir to application defaults", ["debug"]);
setValueString("skip_dir", defaultSkipDir);
addLogEntry("reset skip_dir: " ~ getValueString("skip_dir"), ["debug"]);
// Initialise the correct 'sync_dir' expanding any '~' if present
string initialiseRuntimeSyncDirectory() {
string runtimeSyncDirectory;
addLogEntry("sync_dir: Setting runtimeSyncDirectory from config value 'sync_dir'", ["debug"]);
if (!shellEnvironmentSet){
addLogEntry("sync_dir: No SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected", ["debug"]);
// No shell or user set, so expandTilde() will fail - usually headless system running under init.d / systemd or potentially Docker
// Does the 'currently configured' sync_dir include a ~
if (canFind(getValueString("sync_dir"), "~")) {
// A ~ was found in sync_dir
addLogEntry("sync_dir: A '~' was found in 'sync_dir', using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~' as no SHELL or USER environment variable set", ["debug"]);
runtimeSyncDirectory = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(defaultHomePath, strip(getValueString("sync_dir"), "~")));
} else {
// No ~ found in sync_dir, use as is
addLogEntry("sync_dir: Using configured 'sync_dir' path as-is as no SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected", ["debug"]);
runtimeSyncDirectory = getValueString("sync_dir");
} else {
// A shell and user environment variable is set, expand any ~ as this will be expanded correctly if present
if (canFind(getValueString("sync_dir"), "~")) {
addLogEntry("sync_dir: A '~' was found in the configured 'sync_dir', automatically expanding as SHELL and USER environment variable is set", ["debug"]);
runtimeSyncDirectory = expandTilde(getValueString("sync_dir"));
} else {
// No ~ found in sync_dir, does the path begin with a '/' ?
addLogEntry("sync_dir: Using configured 'sync_dir' path as-is as however SHELL or USER environment variable configuration detected - should be placed in USER home directory", ["debug"]);
if (!startsWith(getValueString("sync_dir"), "/")) {
addLogEntry("Configured 'sync_dir' does not start with a '/' or '~/' - adjusting configured 'sync_dir' to use User Home Directory as base for 'sync_dir' path", ["debug"]);
string updatedPathWithHome = "~/" ~ getValueString("sync_dir");
runtimeSyncDirectory = expandTilde(updatedPathWithHome);
} else {
addLogEntry("use 'sync_dir' as is - no touch", ["debug"]);
runtimeSyncDirectory = getValueString("sync_dir");
// What will runtimeSyncDirectory be actually set to?
addLogEntry("sync_dir: runtimeSyncDirectory set to: " ~ runtimeSyncDirectory, ["debug"]);
// Configure configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName
configuredBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(runtimeSyncDirectory, defaultBusinessSharedFilesDirectoryName));
return runtimeSyncDirectory;
// Initialise the correct 'log_dir' when application logging to a separate file is enabled with 'enable_logging' and expanding any '~' if present
string calculateLogDirectory() {
string configuredLogDirPath;
addLogEntry("log_dir: Setting runtime application log from config value 'log_dir'", ["debug"]);
if (getValueString("log_dir") != defaultLogFileDir) {
// User modified 'log_dir' to be used with 'enable_logging'
// if 'log_dir' contains a '~' this needs to be expanded correctly
if (canFind(getValueString("log_dir"), "~")) {
// ~ needs to be expanded correctly
if (!shellEnvironmentSet) {
// No shell or user environment variable set, so expandTilde() will fail - usually headless system running under init.d / systemd or potentially Docker
addLogEntry("log_dir: A '~' was found in log_dir, using the calculated 'homePath' to replace '~' as no SHELL or USER environment variable set", ["debug"]);
configuredLogDirPath = buildNormalizedPath(buildPath(defaultHomePath, strip(getValueString("log_dir"), "~")));
} else {
// A shell and user environment variable is set, expand any ~ as this will be expanded correctly if present
addLogEntry("log_dir: A '~' was found in the configured 'log_dir', automatically expanding as SHELL and USER environment variable is set", ["debug"]);
configuredLogDirPath = expandTilde(getValueString("log_dir"));
} else {
// '~' not found in log_dir entry, use as is
configuredLogDirPath = getValueString("log_dir");
} else {
// Default 'log_dir' to be used with 'enable_logging'
configuredLogDirPath = defaultLogFileDir;
// Attempt to create 'configuredLogDirPath' otherwise we need to fall back to the users home directory
if (!exists(configuredLogDirPath)) {
// 'configuredLogDirPath' path does not exist - try and create it
try {
} catch (std.file.FileException e) {
// We got an error when attempting to create the directory ..
addLogEntry("ERROR: Unable to create " ~ configuredLogDirPath);
addLogEntry("ERROR: Please manually create '" ~ configuredLogDirPath ~ "' and set appropriate permissions to allow write access for your user to this location.");
addLogEntry("ERROR: The requested client activity log will instead be located in your users home directory");
// Reconfigure 'configuredLogDirPath' to use environment.get("HOME") value, which we have already calculated
configuredLogDirPath = defaultHomePath;
// Return the initialised application log path
return configuredLogDirPath;
void setConfigLoggingLevels(bool verboseLoggingInput, bool debugLoggingInput, long verbosityCountInput) {
// set the appConfig logging values
verboseLogging = verboseLoggingInput;
debugLogging = debugLoggingInput;
verbosityCount = verbosityCountInput;
// What IP protocol is going to be used to access Microsoft OneDrive
void displayIPProtocol() {
if (getValueLong("ip_protocol_version") == 0) addLogEntry("Using IPv4 and IPv6 (if configured) for all network operations");
if (getValueLong("ip_protocol_version") == 1) addLogEntry("Forcing client to use IPv4 connections only");
if (getValueLong("ip_protocol_version") == 2) addLogEntry("Forcing client to use IPv6 connections only");
// Output the full application help when --help is passed in
void outputLongHelp(Option[] opt) {
auto argsNeedingOptions = [
"--user-agent" ];
writeln(`onedrive - A client for the Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Service
onedrive [options] --sync
Do a one time synchronization
onedrive [options] --monitor
Monitor filesystem and sync regularly
onedrive [options] --display-config
Display the currently used configuration
onedrive [options] --display-sync-status
Query OneDrive service and report on pending changes
onedrive -h | --help
Show this help screen
onedrive --version
Show version
foreach (it; opt.sort!("a.optLong < b.optLong")) {
writefln(" %s%s%s%s\n %s",
it.optShort == "" ? "" : " " ~ it.optShort,
argsNeedingOptions.canFind(it.optLong) ? " ARG" : "",
it.required ? " (required)" : "", it.help);