//Lib import React from 'react'; import classes from '../WizardStep1/WizardStep1.module.css'; import { IconChecks, IconPlayerPlay } from '@tabler/icons-react'; import CopyButton from '../../UI/CopyButton/CopyButton'; import lanCommandOption from '../../../helpers/functions/lanCommandOption'; function WizardStep3(props) { ////Vars const wizardEnv = props.wizardEnv; const UNIX_USER = wizardEnv.UNIX_USER; //Needed to generate command for borg over LAN instead of WAN if env vars are set and option enabled. const { HOSTNAME, SSH_SERVER_PORT } = lanCommandOption( wizardEnv, props.selectedOption.lanCommand ); return (

Launch a backup

To launch a backup with borgbackup :
borg create ssh:// {UNIX_USER}@{HOSTNAME}:{SSH_SERVER_PORT}/./ {props.selectedOption.repositoryName} ::archive1 /your/pathToBackup

Check your backup{' '}  (always)

BorgWarehouse only stores your backups. They are encrypted and there is no way for BorgWarehouse to know if the backup is intact.
You should regularly test your backups and check that the data is recoverable.{' '} BorgWarehouse cannot do this for you and does not guarantee anything.
Based on the Borg documentation, you have multiple ways to check that your backups are correct with your tools (tar, rsync, diff or other tools).
  • Check the integrity of a repository with :
  • borg check -v --progress ssh:// {UNIX_USER}@{HOSTNAME}:{SSH_SERVER_PORT}/./ {props.selectedOption.repositoryName}
  • List the remote archives with :
  • borg list ssh:// {UNIX_USER}@{HOSTNAME}:{SSH_SERVER_PORT}/./ {props.selectedOption.repositoryName}
  • Download a remote archive with the following command :
  • borg export-tar --tar-filter="gzip -9" ssh:// {UNIX_USER}@{HOSTNAME}:{SSH_SERVER_PORT}/./ {props.selectedOption.repositoryName} ::archive1 archive1.tar.gz
  • Mount an archive to compare or backup some files without download all the archive :
  • borg mount ssh:// {UNIX_USER}@{HOSTNAME}:{SSH_SERVER_PORT}/./ {props.selectedOption.repositoryName} ::archive1 /tmp/yourMountPoint

    To verify the consistency of a repository and the corresponding archives, please refer to{' '} this documentation


    If you are using Borgmatic, please refer to{' '} this documentation {' '} for a consistency check.


    If you are using the Vorta graphical client, please refer to{' '} this documentation .
    ); } export default WizardStep3;