//Lib import React from 'react'; import classes from '../WizardStep1/WizardStep1.module.css'; import { IconDeviceDesktopAnalytics, IconTerminal2 } from '@tabler/icons'; function WizardStep1() { return (

Command Line Interface

We recommend using the official BorgBackup client which is supported by most Linux distributions.
More information about installation can be{' '} found here .
To automate your backup, you can also use{' '} Borgmatic {' '} which is a{' '} Debian package . On the step 4, you will find a pattern of default config.

Graphical User Interface

Vorta is an opensource (GPLv3) backup client for Borg Backup.
It runs on Linux, MacOS and Windows (via Windows’ Linux Subsystem (WSL)). Find the right way to install it{' '} just here .
Vorta GIF
); } export default WizardStep1;