#!/bin/bash # Shell created by Raven for BorgWarehouse. # This shell takes 1 arg : [user] with 8 char. length only. # This shell **delete the user** in arg and **all his data**. # Exit when any command fails set -e # Check arg if [ "$1" == "" ];then echo "You must provide a username in argument." exit 1 fi # Check if username length is 8 char. With createRepo.sh our randoms have a length of 8 characters. # If we receive another length there is necessarily a problem. username=$1 if [ ${#username} != 8 ] then echo "Error with the length of the username." exit 2 fi # Delete the user if it exists if sudo grep -q $1 /etc/passwd then sudo userdel -rf $1 echo "The user $1 and all his data have been deleted" else echo "The user $1 does not exist" exit 3 fi